Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, May 31, 1886, Image 4

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WEEKLY ENQUIRER - SUN COLUMBUS GEORGIA. ' r ONDAY. MAY SI. 1SP« s I lis< Itl I'I ION I! VI i;s: Oiit> Y«*nr in Adviim'i*. Hi: .riii:i: 11- > \u think- that we ou^rht • ■i have a “uniftii-ii: t>al 1 ■ ■: Exactly. A ii.ili'it-h'X wn'ilil give :i uniform republican majority nmiM about (ill Brother lloav’- bill.' A roRTr.An "f Tta•nia- Jeffer-on was ■ 'i i in Pei)n>ylvniiia the other (lav for i'i conts. Tin's «a- c, rlaiuly a pretty i . I prii.M. 1 lor .teitc • nV j.ieture in a -tarn wbicb cav, "» majority for 1 r nc. ( (Milll.tll* AMI I'AU!v HOItbKv Our (••tvoiiii/'l cot vi 11)" irary of La< ini min tike- lather a Huria"stive view of aMUir.# in the fourth congre##ioiial district. In its la-t i##ue appears an editorial upon ' the subject, which rend between these lines, indicates that EaGrtuige has not less than fitir “dark lior-es'' to be trotted j out in case of an emergency. Of course the lb porter does not use this term, but I this is the inference to he drawn from | the editorial, of which the following are j its intro'luctory remarks: 1 ‘The gubernatorial que.-alon has rattier dwarf ed the cniacn.isiua.el canvass, but the “fussy rth" is ; .i.lvttvi id v to boil. The nlhljjl *j , . j.ijnt debate bet mi “ii Gordon and 'I,, j .id it ii- in tin gn!"",. o rial sit- itinii does not run quite so This t heir re*>pc • fifrlit. Judge I nin and ■ iiruv I r may not be a iliscuuragin - / fact, but ei, irts from ail ->■ ■: :■ ,n-s are that much iifficulty lias 1 •• -.11 experion. ed ill Fo uling good stand- of cotton. There is not tmieh bragei i. „ oath cn 'p pr> eels, hui the fanners are at m. i. with a de- tei mil.alii that c —nres -u eess. ads the '<• u I'l 1 "- sl nun W'r have i;;f 'i’:i:it’oi t !, that l»r. Felton 11 raced ealld' lllle ill h • Ii .mi this I me II he I -1 1, in 1’oi'i’ d' in tie n • tinti i r. ii M i! i i ie no lie in l: .all in i • i i.'.delitl v ex- ■ :.. f.t I’:i: i d d million I ,l!ars a y ea t - at lias 1 .cell I lie ivei'.ige for tin i.i-ttlrc years. The in- -ur.iiice generally an ■ nuts in the aggre- r.ii |., sixty per , .1 . of the hiss. I n the last -i\ years lie less has been $ V'3, lli.'i,- *■»'», and tin insuranee $:ilis,u,il,222—and Id il he rniirmb, red that although this mi di was “ei * 're I’d by insuranee," some- liodv had t" pav that s.'iiis.litll,222. in the- fieid Hob. vela, and lion. T. W. They are said to have at their back*!. If Mr. there will be a tri any ti ne, should the co riven- as between three strong reserve upon •vt the emergency.’ ■ n-tvT lio n ji«on to lnnao rliam, ('■ ■ i. la 'tigley, (j il. Fan- Col. Traylor, enimieratiiig tlie most evidlcnt ipialilicalions of these if<• ijtii■ i:i n and eiiiieiudes hy remarking that “the convention might do worse than select as its standard hearer one of these aide citizens of Troup.” it is presumed that the estimate hid 1 of these gentlemen will not he ijiiestion- j e-d. certainly lot by those wlo know j them. That either or all four lias a per- j feet rig! ! to heroine a candidate lbr con gress is arioti,er tiling that will not lie SAYAN.AAII. Ill ili.IN \ H t.'TKKN ii.UUtll.Ali. This enterprise, which has for It# ol - jed a sliort line from Savannah we-t- wiird. is about, as we understand, to take deiinite siuij e. The managers of the enterprise contemplate at a very early day having a lim- in imilling order fluin Savannah hv way of Iluldin to Macon and a force of hands are at work on both the Savannah and Macon ends of tlie r, ad. It i- tie- ol jeet, as we have been further informed, to extend the road lion, Itiihiin, via Amcricus, to Columbus, .shortening the distance fro:. Columbus to Savannah some fifty oi seventy-live miles. We iearn that letters have recently been receive I in thi- e;tv from tlie au- gra'tua >n- k. Tli crop in ties iconic t . I i .- IV, Impe that a i ' a' inaugural' i. Such a 1 la- I'i netit to our ijiiestion hut tli ami tu-' inotiv a •nti i nag what 'pa ssing t!i tion might t" mid be J ui’Iiovemi.nt mo.tcrat". | -istent, and general, is i reeiml of the | ui#t Im-ine- weather lias been favorald '■heei'ing, and the labor agitation.- ap pear to have pne t icnlly worn themselves .nit. The conservative element in ail | branches of industry is now looking t" ; tlie healthful conditions of our staple J crops and the-labor market as the neces sary precursors of permanent prosperity. I dsappointment is likely to meet both the ; "hair and the “bear” on the future of commerce, finance, and manufacturing industries unless tlie experience of the | past i- deceitful and fire omens of the present are utterly meaningless. F week paints tills lesson in brighter c< : and bolder relief. Operation’; are "not equal to expectations” in several sections of tlie country, while moveti.i nts in most 1 ranchos of trade are reported a- “exceed- j mg sanguine predictions:" in others. Will close their Store on and after June L-i At 6:30 P. M., 'ATI'K DA VS EXCEPTED. ]. ,j ' Werlo this to give our employes a rest. Ve 1 ought to i »e clone in fewer hoars this season of the- , ye:\i. .Success is nmv assured by the- consent of the Indies. 1 I JI D &z GO. n and real e.-tati ■ matter is put ipe. We woiild I ■ authorities oi i] can “ecure this ! f incalculable ■ople, and \ve have no (a t would he recognized • d "ii by our liusiiii-s ate owners, at any time nt to them in j n>jicr 1 he glad to liear !i'iin i ill what \v:i’’ mo '111' el* v. till SEVENTH HISTItlfT. mimittee oi the idle. ieeutIVi gi'essiiiiiai distiirt ha <pH'-f i(. Ill lint t ha m on the Sth icy \i ill inlhlem ill get- July ■ ,! UK. FKI TON A Ml Ills i ,l \V_ call the attention of the people to the political .sensation* in another column, which, ve take from the Columbus Enquireiwjun of esterdav. It is a blank .-hot. fired with very’ veak powder, and amounts to nothing more than .canard. We give it as an outcropping of this emarkable campaign. The inconsistency of the h'ng speaks for itself. Felton i e in the hands of he Bacon committee, and is booked for a speech bv-half of Bacon in Macon county next Tut-s- iay. Of course, having committed himself to a iticen diet, he would not enter the convention as . candidate, and the statement that he would be un by the Knights of Labor as an independent andidiite is equally absurd. The age of this •he«tnut ’ spoils it for practical use."—Atlanta When everything is fresh and pleasant. Wt* are the Servants of ilie FROM Mimic. And prop no inovation without their approv- Each Juror, approve early closing? I! so. then 1 I.-,. . p I Stater . n "I "! ; big the <•' r. v men, in i r lei arise in wliie! ho sprung up* tiling tl at wi lieve will ! thought.- -ng: .■ii’:'. ■ ■ re ( ■' multtei ■r r ,'unty has .1, Tin-: matter of niiintiy leads and their iinpiMvemeiit is t" ninny like the ronf uf (lie man's Imiise which cuiild nut be ma Ie water-tight when it rained, and mIicii it Mas dry weather it did not re- piiiv repair. It often liappi ns that poor roil-, e-pi'ciiillv wliut arc commonly called dirt road- 1 , arc found to lie tre mendous iiieoiivenienees m Iicii I hey are miry and impa—able, and then when it i.-dry and pleasant wheeling and riding if is unnecessary to rebuild them or ahol- «sh their defects. The industrial situation is very much improved. It is estimated 111tit less than 50,000 men are out on strikes against I Jo,000 ten days ago. Ilradstreet’e says at twenty-three industrial centers, norlii of the Ohio, east of and including St. bonis, tlie loss of wages through strikes since May 1 has aggregated 000,000; of receipts by employers, $2,500,- 000, and of future contracts due to labor troubles. $24.''00,000, of which $20,400,000 si,me refers to deferred or canceled Imi: ling contracts. The Chicago hoard of trade has the impudence t" a-k congress imt to legis late against that commercial fraud, oleo margarine. Tlie Chicago hoard of trade tn- never been considered especially Iio.-’de to commercial fraud-. Vevcrthe- !"ss. notwithstanding the fact that it ro pe,idly a--r.iv- congress that oieomar- gat ine i- ;■ wholesome allicle of food, it is safe to say that not a member of that board cat- the stall' knowingly. Tile Chi'ago board oftradoi-partialtonleo- m.irgariiii' i ,:,!v a- a nii'.timii l'or.-M imlling ilher jieopl.R Wiiii.i; the pi'i-ii'.eiit of tin- Cnitel Stale- :- c.ilimg (lie attention of miv eon- gie-s to the pi ri,:,'i"U- opium trallic, re- <.■ m debate- in tin r."it:-h parliament mid di-cu--ions in the liiitis!i press ex- hibit a great laxity of public opinion about it over there. Ktlbrts in parlia- ment to suo>,or cheek tlie trallic are ("■Ml'il m il h levity, tlie mi-ii who are en gaged in them are made tlie subject of derision, and the fact that if the (rathe is si ipped it wil'i deprive the briti-h ex- cli'";Ui•!' of $!''.0()o,il(l() of revenue is [mt forward a- an incontrovertible reason whv tiic tra.iiv should g«i on. that an (miergency may cithi r of their name- may ■ii the convi nti, m, is .-"ine- are l.ardjy prejiared t" 1 'i- I" ti.e ease. These are the I gge.-ted. houever, iiy the arti cle to wliich mo have referred. Mr. Grimes and Colonel Freeman rce- j ognize tlie fact that they have no right to monopolize tlie field, and that every 1 man who so desires can become a candi date, actively or in a ipiiet way. Not 1 only this, Imt being fair-minded gentle-j men of 1)mad views, they recognize the I right of the convention to even ignore 1 their candidacy entirely, unless delegates ! are instructed to vote for them liv the I i i- that tlr he too tm-y h mutter whiel ■ 1 tlie people it should no ■ ■I iiutorial coil A reason assigned by tin- I'.iriiM r- of 11M- district u ii give the attention to thi will insu'v a five v dee They furtln r believe that he hold until after the gu vention. This i- the situation a- it appears upon the surface, but it i- not improbable that there is an underlying reason that is of mueli more eon-equelice. Col. J. A. lilanee and Judge.]. C. Fain have both very recently announced themselves as candidates, and it i- intimated that they have combined to have the convention held at an early date. This is done to deprive Hon. .Tudson C. Clements, the unties which they represent. We have j pr»'st*nt vepre.-entutive, from meeting the jieople tiefore the convention is held unless he leaves his place in Washington, uf nun li« hit sink ini: f<*r porsonul prefer- I slmul.l do this they won M use it an in out, \n 1h*ii 1)\ tlioir <»w n acts ut u pc r- I arjzuiiu^nt against him. It will be remeuihereil tiuit Mr. Clem ents was elected after a fierce contest with Hr. Felton s:ix years ago, and has ■attar ts which is c Journal in. ‘ this paper it wil often thou btike t hat (lit it m i no ire than a just re- i ‘onventions should go outside sonal character they have wrought Utter disagreements that the convention found it difficult to harmonize. There can I hardly he anything of that kind in the I congressional election, and where the in trinsic worth of men and the importance of measures arc the leading considera tions, men who are pronouneed candi dates should invariable he selected. In speaking of “dark horses,” we have j no reference to the gentlemen named served three successive terms. He is an able representative, and it will take a strong race to defeat him. If congress makes any provision to amend tlie constitution in the matter of the presidency, it should be broad enough to take in the whole machinery from Troup, as we do not (dace them in of elections for the presidency—broad that category. Looking upon this as one | enough tn abolish tlie now useless and of the most corrupt and unwarrantable j risky intervention of electors and t" sub- features in politics, we could certainly stitute for it a direct vote of tiic people, have no reference to them. The “dark The second and twelfth articles of the horse” is tlie man wiiocannnt entile he- | constitutio in their present form, hri-tle fore the people and get an office, which j with difficulties and potential dangers in lie hopes to secure hy intrigue and ; tlie sections which provide for the choice i id getting u; -'■n-.iti"ii. .V r i- it : ilig -tat .-me:.!- that rail* d by inf •rnirtti"! ,HV' 1 i\ liable. If t! an attentive reader < bear i sit the truth of this u-sertion. i Xor is the statement which tile Journal , considers a canard an exception to this , rule. Our authority for it was given at -the time. We go further, however, to j say that if Dr. IV. II. Felton, of near Car- ' ter-ville, is not a candidate for governor ! , m the election to lie held next October, | no set of men were ever more badly de- j reived than the knights of labor in this 1 city. He may not be a candidate, hut i this organization certainly thinks that he ! | will, and so thinking, they have declared i their intention of supporting him. i If the Journal is deceived hy the idea j 11 uit Dr. Felton will decline to make j , speeches when invited by Bacon men to 1" so, and 11 uit he will consider it an in- i fringement upon his own rigid to run as 1 a candidate, it must not very well,under- j 1 stand his record as to political conven- j ! tion#. He is too .• rp and shrewd a I | politician to lose an opportunity to further j j liis own cause. We candidly believe that if Gordon defeats Bacon in a notni- | nation, or if Bacon defeats Gordon, the j successful candidate will have to defeat j | Felton at the polls in October to be the j next governor of Georgia. LACES Oriental at Sc, 10c. 15c. up; Valenciennes at 2c, .Sc. 5c. 7c, up: Maltese at 5c. 10c. loo, up ; Chantilly at 12 ! .jc, 15c, 25c, up; Guipure at" 15c. 50c, 60c, up. HOSIERY! Men’s Hosier}’ at 3c, 10c. up: Boys* Hosiery at 10c. 15c, up; Ladies’ Hosier}* at 10c, 15c. up ; Girls* Hosier}- at 10c, 15c, up. RIBBONS. Gros Grain Ribbons at -5c. 10c. 15c. up; Satin Ribbons at 10c, 15c. up; Sash and Fancy Ribbons at 50c, 75c up. SCAR F S! Gents’ Scarfs at 25 and 50 cents ; Boys’ Scarfs at 25 and 50 cents; SHOES HMD SUPPERS scheming. If the ciuivention desire nominate one wlm-e name has not peuivd us a candidate, let ihein do so, by all that is sacred, let them shun “dark horse” who is ever ready to lie from his covering. THE KtUST I,I N Edit 11)1 ES. Henry county has tired the first gun for tlie return of lion. W. (.'. Oates to congress from the third Alabama district. There is no opposition to this so far a- we have been aide to ascertain. There appears to he no anxiety mani fested ill the district to put fob i iates int" private life at the end of his present term. There i- no c.iiiiplr.ini against him ; site for r and he i- c.cknoM lodged to he popular j with hi- pi ople. Tiie ■ i ! idea iif rota- lion in that di-tricl has been exploded. serving his third ha! he has gathcr- ■ re iin)-ii'tunt tlm’ returned for the There may 1" are aspiring and enough distinction, and ut of the way and give for his seat, hut this ele- of electors and for the election for presi dent and vice-president. Tlie bill from Mr. Beach's committee, which goes to the trouble of a constitutional amend ment m order to provide for so unimpor tant a matter as second vice-president, should therefore give way to a resolution like that of Mr. Beach, of the same com mittee, recommending the state legisla tures to call fora fcdi-aa! convention, to go into a general revi-i e; of the machin ery lbr electing a president, the veto of particular items in a general appropria tion bill, and a few other points about m liieli time inis dcinon-ti'ab d the lnves- SCULL-HUD, Milk Cm*!, !>nii<lrutr. Fczomit am! I All Scalp Ii umor* i iircil !>.t Cut tonm. | Ladies’ Shoes and Slippers $1 25, fl 50, |2 00, up; Misses’ and Baby Shoes and Slippers 25c, 50c, 75c, up: Ladies' Shoes and Slippers fl 00, $1 25, $1 50. Stamped Splashers, Tidies and Side Board Scarfs. i—I find that it is a short , time before Gray will merit jibe same trade he enjoy.-# m ; Savannah and Auyusia in c-.- mbiishing the Cofuinbiis . Iiraneh, j ~—1 find Gray has decided i advantage in being so lmpr lequainted with tlie Georgia rude. 3— i find Gray must con sume a great quantity of Dry Goods for all his stores; hence i the reason for his low prices. 4— I li nd from boyhood Gray's name litis always been ft household word for bargains in Dry Goods. ■5—I find fill Goods so neat ly kept and arranged that a person can select any article with ease and comfort, j f>—I find one price their strict rule, and politeness their j standard. 7—I find it is a pleasure for Gray's clerks to show goods. | 8—I find an agreeable sur- j prise at the large assortment | of Dress Goods and the mod- i est prices asked. 9—l find Gray has the widest and finest Table Linens in Columbus. ]<)—I find Gray is head quarters for Mourning Goods and Black Silks; also that lie ! Last November my little- boy. aged three years, I fell against the stove while he was running, and I cut his head, and, right after that, he broke out : all over his head, face and left ear. T had a good I I doctor. Dr. , to attend iv. it. but lie got worse, j j and the doctor could not him. His whole t : head. face, and left ear were .':i a fearful state, j and he suffered terribly. I (Wight the disease I I from him, and it spread all over my face and i neck and even got into niyeycm Nobody thought ! i we would ever get better. I felt sure we were dis- j ! figured for life. I hoard of the Cutictra Remi;- i ; die.-, and procured a bottle of the C’uticcra Re- i ; solvent, a box of Gvtici’t: \. a cake of ( ‘eticvra ; bo\p. and used them constantly day and night. After using two bottle-* of Resolvent, four boxes j •:tkvs >AP. and while h«* is n term, tin* ov.hth : ed makes it all th he should he fourth time, those who think he has had should iu»w u r et them u eluinet other l-art: pub" A r tin 1 ri'n'ii'-t of qiiiti' a number of ui:iirii(fl gentlemen, wheni we suppose die in tin habit nl'lnsing-mall eliangefrom Uieir vest puvkets, we vApro live the fol low ing spivia! frmii Butler, Gu. : " Ye.— l- i'iay w liile Mrs. ('. West was feel ing in mu' of her hu-haii'i's vest pockets f >r a niateli, a rattlesnake measuring over (wo feet in length ilrnppo,| out. The lining wa- torn, mi.l it i- thought that the suaki was coile-l under it. Colonel We.-t think- it g.4 into hi- pocket while meat is confined almost exclusively to siH'h aspirants. Tlie democrats of the third Alabama district will have to wait a good while, and do a good deal of hunting, before they find another man who can confer as much honor upon his constituency and do as nun'll for the democratic party and , party was willing to unite and lai Mu. He-tis and Mr. Yam-e insist timt defeat is inevita services are not rewarded spoils. They forget that tin- party I ms 1'eel) deprived ..f spoils for twenty-live years, am! have won repeated victories within that time. The party can win again if it presents i.-sues to the country on which it deserves to win. In ti.e minds of the politicians too much im portance attaches to this question. It i- possible to fan popular dissatisfaction into discontent and revolt on this issue only in the absence of other and far more important questions. Mr. Tihleu’s .-ueccss a- a political leader has been attributed to the fact that lie gave issues to the party, on which the the -kin i- n, ,v,- II :u. LiLLIK EI'TIME ’71 Gritiid Street. Jersey City. N. J. )nt to before me this 'Vth day of March, Gilbert P. Robinson, J. P. Tin: wokst kohi*: iieai>. .*(• been in the drug nml medicine business y-.ive years. H;.vc been selling your Cuti- REMEEIEs sill •e i tiley ^Ht’Fe Wi St. TileV or,lil you nrint all Me have heard said in fa- M* the Ct'Ticl*ra Remedi-.:-. One . ear ago rTieruA nncl Soap cured .t little girl in our Resolvent and fetich-ra a ng gentlemen of a sore leg, is are trying to have it an ■ his leg. and perhaps his life Too much can- R EMERGES. MITH A BRO., Covington. Ky. Millinery!! 2,000 Cartoons French and American Flowers at 1.3c, 2:c. 50c, 75c, $1 00, fl 25 to f.3 00 per spray or bunch. 500 Fine Dark Milan Hats, untrimmed, at a big redaction, such as $3 00 Hats at £2 25; f2 50 Hats at .*2 00: *2 25 Hats at $1 65. Plumes and Tips—largest stock at rock-bottom prices. Tips at 25c you pay 50c for elsewhere. Tips at SV:-c that sell at 75c all around town. Tips at 75c, worth 00. Plumes cheaper than anvbody. No competition in Millinery. A.LI.EN leads the town. W’e sell mere Millinery and finer than j all the town beside. You have the satisfaction I of knowing that you get the best goods .mil al- ! ways correct styles, correct trimming, correct I everything if you buy a* ALLEN’S. I The Largest Stock of Millinery, The Handsomest Stock of Millinery, The Cheapest Stock of Millinery, is at ALLEN’S SMITH’S can # ■how an el egant assort- ment of Para sols. , and that his Whitt ■ Goods dep lartment lias choice bargains. 11- -1 find f ha! : Gray m<m- ages business : its if by magic, with grace and ease, that is far lie vond the re rich of imita- tion. 12- -I find that Gray, by his h mg experit mce. vim and plunk, , and low prices, has alter, 1 ' d the pc •pie's cour.-e W'lfli wantii ig b argains. and thev ill go f n G. , P. Gray A' Co.'s Trade Pah tee. opposite R a 11 x In Hon.- :e. and for hoim.-t government a- Col. W. C. Date#, it i- true he ha# been re-elected and iv-eieeted. imt that wa# beeau#e he de.-ervvd it. and lie de.-m c- it -till. ciu’iuy. dent to It i# not nei'e##ary abandon tlie prvi- iliev li-: •r t \ b wa rm: pr. -id.eii! ha- added I u ■ to the # ’lit I" the -'Hat, . In i" ti ea-r- hi# i M'imin. i- y ' i*i\c. and the tact# "light to liaie p'V\eiited tlm pn—ago of B e l-i'.l- Ti . r.-i "d lit-an #. l.ator# wil! "t pie-- : • - again-! the veto. Some of then, an lvportod t" be writing to ap plicant# tliere i- no u-e in present ing claim- t 1 coiigri— Ml . Cleve land wi',. ... ■ then, to lie lveog- u'Zed Till- i- P’vri-rly tile spirit ill Widen Me predicted mat the parti#an- would treat Mr. Cievtland's honest and uianlv course. M i . 111:1.1., Hon ■unty. l- a can iidat • for ie #oi < nd ( u’i ,rgia dihtrict #tni( li-t ' ie la w throe eaudidate# from tid# wi oie a few week# ago, it wa# Hon. M.G. Tuniei won! ! Iiave o', ol'. inlier of the ii ' e pi 'pillar i" tli of Thonia- ngre## from lie wa# a mate an ! i# , ill Ol"' !' ! > llivt ■ the ; artv ai il j ait it in ligliting t •im !’ ti.e fall eh ' 1 i 1 'll#. 1 le ' lllll-t #L‘0 •» it ti ,at the inter,' l of a few in li the ...’lie ail" li ami mg 11 Tiler, mi in the intero#t aiiiy in gra\or q'le#- II' tl:,’ electi> :i- , -impiy and pmv-ly Pimwles to Scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price: t'VTicvr:.,. Vic; Soap, me: Resolvent fl. Pre pared hy the Potter Dm o and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. Send for “How to Cure Skin Diseases.” • CVticuka Soap. FULL OF ACHES AMD PAINS, which mi human -kill seems able to ;tl- eviate. i. the , nni!iii"ii of thoii-ands vlio a- yet kma'. nooiing , I' that new and elegant antidote to pain and in flammation. the CfTio HA Anti-Pain nr. Till ,•!'■ I era -7" r Fan Term b.-giro-),.- rl—'l. F ’.-IgiiVn*. 1 Calnetor.»:ta■n'.vn.altca E. TOUBJEE, D:r . FeuAUtt S-p, BOSTON, Maa walk- The #heritf of Fulton county having closed down on tiie Atlanta Telegram il i# now numbered among tiie tiling# that "'•■•re. The Teli _-:m. wa.- a bright paper. .,”i; edited by Mr. dm#. T. gar. arid •; l# uniortuualv uiat it siiouin n.i\e p tvu printed in the- Georgia now-paper grave- Int’.l #!'"'...- tl..- "ay. several,1 ti,# in lYnu-ylvauia witi, #U"W storm Virginia witl. a wan r-pout. and Tonne .•e. v. hi. a series of fright nil explo*!.,!. Tiie weather i# iia.-'oeha’. ing all ar- to the distve— of the weath.. pioplm-ts, tliere ale no #p..l= uu tla- n. to bear the customary blame for such d: turbauees. Muscogee Manufacticng Com pany Stock tor Sale. . iivV.'umbi.-. -M'i'-. ^ vV."C‘Gmivi/ I aOucUsc NUOUiJ’, llu'cue BEANS fTf URE Biliousness; Sick Headache In Fourhours. V®) One dose relieves Nouralola. They cure and prevent Chills^- Fever, Sour Stomach *'• Bad Breath. Clear the Skin, Tone the Nerves, and glvo Lite .e Vigor to the system. Dose: ONE KEAN. Try them once ana you wilt never be without them. Price, 25 cents per bottle. Sold by Druggiets atr Medicine Dealers generally. Sent on receipt ,. price in stamps, postpaid, to any address, j. f. s>Tirn & co., Mari.tncturers and Sole Props.. ST, LOUIS. ADVERTISERS Cun learn the exact cost of any proposed line cf advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo. P, Rowell A Co., Opinion of the Judge. Upon thi.s verdict I find Gray guilty uf causing the whole city of Columbus being thi own into a state of excite ment by his large, new Spring Stock and bankrupt prices, producing a thunderbolt among so-called competitors, and smiles to purchasers. Being recommended to Hie mercy of the court hy the jury, I will reconsider and re serve sentence until next week. In the meantime the Trade Palace will offer special in all depart- re invited to see rt'ivitl of X'-'W inducement.' merit s. All their last (f, tods. C, P, GRAY 4 CO H ?.I. F. PII7PP. ! D SHIPP. Exec.itcr? of V’. \ v Shipp, deceased, i &p26-w it-doaw im Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce St., New York. Send lOots. for 1 GO page Pa mp rile* COLUMSL’S, Savannah, G losite Put’ikin House, - GEORGIA. Augusta, Ga,