Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, June 01, 1886, Image 4

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\ jit knui.'huji • bun *. 11 Lnnii's. Georgia, f>PAY MORNING. .JUNE !. W> Ci)lmjiin©(Eui)uim^4u. ESTABLISHED IN 1828. 58 YEARS OLD. Daily. Weeklv and Sunday. w el tlffl 1 111* • 11 \ • iirllfV *«\ i."*i •II 'JV The KNWi;im:K-bl'.\ is isMuu! «\ opt Monday. The Weekly Iff inHiicrl The Dftilv 'including Sunday) i* .kiriers in the city <:r m:im*<l, posttar. oribers for 7-V. per month, St-'.'t months, $4.00 for six months, or d<. The Sunday is delivered by curri< i city or mailed to Hiihsrribers, po t >»1.00 a year. The Weekly is issued on .Monday, i o subscribers, postage free, at $1.10 Transient advertisements will be tt Pnily at $1 per wjuim* of 10 Dues or first insertion, and 'a) ffiit.a for each nsertion, and for the Weekly at .?! prew Itself I tv tin* ilni\ it .lb I 1'H'dtinll, d* tn "XMt" ll.licilll il.'li ‘at. t mu p<-rn ii< •' * ll' irt - Ilf mo y i'llni.v-t nil'll mi 1 \vi'.n Iiiivc rut i! I' I i l:i'lii"! 1 . e.* by ! in *\ hi.— mi 1 a,'Vit.ioii to lii il.•nr" iij 111"i” f 'ilo\v-ln*in. M , tli,ill i• \'i■ r 11 .1ii■ to i/it.N I'V "••.'.ii in 'l 1 I ll" I'U'Hl 11111 ll • I O’ ill jiri'.-M'il by ' <1 UlVliD i/ainM -i.a-ion, .••n oh-, ir c •*,« ill fi r'll n rtio Ml c nnnninicai private ends or In or individuals will trpucial contracts year. Obituaries rates. None but solid metal cuts use. All (Munmunicationsj.s liould lx proprietor of the E\qui iu:i:-Su: ms intended to promote the •rests of corporations, societies l>c charged as advertisements, made for advertising by the ill be charged forftt customary Ion:.' «• t. Ill" | in r j' 1 liti -il j.;n I inli'lliiri'ii j "Olltillll"' I tillll ill 111 dlw.tys In ! will ii" m |«'ivi"i“ in St i Ill'll"" Will'll, In ! voii'l till' • .till ijit l" 'inik" il"-iu'nin ' ii VIO. . ji'i.o. :•;•:■ . •i.’.,a.Mil .1 w -I- loill -t"l'. . Tli" ?i^ni(i"iiiu'L' of tlie iUiiiuiijiin-intjit ment niaili) i-ill the fact that .tin* jiru- Ji'iM'd inciililifatiiiii rc' "iV".J the ajij.i")al ofMr. I’arni'll. mi l that it alio moot- ti.o n|i|iroval of many of tho ah boron: * ■ f I. ini Ifai'tiim't'm mnl Mr. Chunibonain. In "ll""t Mr. tli roam, hi.* fin fisc mi : 'lijiimnai'y has ii'unite<l the liberal j'lirly oil hi* Irish jioliry, ami it i- ii"\v n*.*"i'.fi witli a .air d'yiV" uf ji..-i- tiven— Unit tli" will [id-* it.- no ..•I will li" reiorred to a puiiiiiiit- II >11 ilm iloj till'll 1 It>111 ill *1 "1 11 Hr. Milt, tali Hmruiit M;t, trial OF CERTIFIES TO THE ill- PURITY & HEALTHFULNESS D t 1 I in rn in ont i' Ton Washini'loii liiml »'ulK'<-t"• 1 for tli 1011|a>si' of lniyinir Mr-, llanrook a In u* niiw rearlios iii-iirlv *10.(11)0. II \vim. '_'"t well throiitrii strikin', all Inuids ,j"in to In mm! bniini'is, j'l'ove that rr'i'i'l "ell*" liar nut lict'l 1 ii'clv lost rn III" iiiinlill". 'I'm: r«-vi-mics of tliri'o'."miii"iit so far I hi* month nipe nearly *10.000.1 KJU in ex- i a 'is "I the "xpenililurt'H during the sani" jiiaiod, ami Irca.iiivy officials are enennr- mreij to believe that t!i"i" will be tt Cmn- I'.iratively largi'fb'irease in I tie public debt— probably about $1J,000,00(5. Tub latent scheme in Vermont is to have the republican stale convention en dorse Edmunds for HPiintor upon the dis tinct imderstandiny that he will not per mit. Ills name to go before the next preai- ■ ti'iitial convention. Mr. Blaine is work ing for a solid New England delegation in ISS8. • M wwici.i,, (lie mmnlever of I'relli'r in M. Eon ia, teal ilioH that l’ri'ller \va* ncci- • li'iitally killed by chlni'ofnmi, which lie administered prujumitiiry to a anrgiral operation. Maxwell'.* "Lory in that after tic found Unit, his vjetim was dead, tie took what looney lie found in Preller’s jMigket’s, li\i‘ or six hundred dollars; then lie picked tho body in a large trunk, ami went to Australia, This story • Iocs not sound irfce a tnitliftil one, nor like .the story ov the conduct of a man who was tnnocent. Tt was the mnnov that Maxwell was after, Ids own re sources, he says, having heen reduced tii jidO. TuicitJi seems to be the Usual variety of opinions in Washington concerning the propriety of amending the larilf. Mr. Morrison's hill adds a few article.* to the freelist- too few we think—and reduces the higher rales mi a eoii'idenible num ber of uiamifaeliired articles. of course every in 1 •• n•-! lliat is touched 1 iv tlie re ductions will iibjeet and bring Inllueiiee to bearaguinst the ttitl. The inaimlae- tupBiSjiiml mi'i lnuues are jiaying dutie* on raw malei ial* med !>v them- -many of - not coin mg i uti i ci >m pet i- >f our mmuifticluiei's. II b'• wise fin cougi ess I" add cii"! ini*. \\ hich v, it" taxed :•' til" five I>1. fill'll' "bji'i'lii.u I" *M"ll a nihl'S". on imfai'i ii ring njicral ive* ■ a have 1'1'lili 'll for llii*. and t hey i In m n a.~l< lor any ; mreasi inn hie m l ion. I hose malm'": I I il'll M ill: 111' \N .mill Si "111 I ’all such r iw : f"i wm j ni |." ihiglu ’"I c ii" Ten I lion -ii in 1 in ri'.ilaiUijihi Th. A 10 *1111 I! A I II sl'UT. re two d'l'iiiiu iali" mngres*iom al emidiilatcs in die lieid from 111" In diana jiolis, Indiana, district. As a ic sail ol the light against (lie renouiination of t’oiigressinmi liymmi the democratic nominating convention "plit Saturday, and tin re arc two candidates for the suf frages of the '1'Uiiocratic voters. The convention when it met was a howling iiinl'. and an horn was spent ill the ellbrt to secure order so that huMness might proceed. file result is-that which is likelv to oc cur in any convention where an effort i- made to subserve personal ends at the expense nf tho party. In this ease the bolt of young English and In- friends from the conven tion, if not fixed up, will lose that dis trict to the democrats. There is no doubt that Mr. Bynum was fairly nominated, and the conduct of the bolters smack* much nf the rule or ruin policy which is so characteristic of Indianapolis j>« > 1 i- lirtnns. The district is close politiciillv, though Mr. Bynum carried it over Mr. Veellc two years ago by about Il’iHV lie lias only been a resident of Indianapolis a lew years, going there from Daviess unity, Indiana. lie is a self-made young man, and made bis fight in 18SI ui l ho tariff ijitestion, taking the position for a tarilf for revenue only, lie is too good a democrat to be struck down in the house of his friends by scheming and selfish politicians. “AM !•" VISION 11 KIM 1ILK WMI," A movement in any work of moral re form, to succeed, must have in it the force of moral conviction—in other words it must jiossess a strong element of con science, to give it a permanent and sat isfying hold among the masses of men. if it is anything else than a sincere ap peal to the reasoning sense and moral nature of men—if it is started from I’ji ni tli" i|Ui'*tieii of modern- u-e nf stimulants there may a debatable ground : but there • Iisni-'*iiin Iiel ween l li"iigi>: til! to tlie applHiSi'in of • ta! ab- iii * in many individual ca*es. vever, the ease I* stivtche 1 b"- loniain of jiersonal argument 'sioii, and is narrowed to an i*- ameu'iineiit. Wltlcmt senl in. j.'lint Mr. < liud-l long.siri'ic toward aeeo lie set out to iii'co.'iiplisli Pi ion ldlllg m _• 1m* ta ii.-ln ug Stl" ll"t\\ ""ii 1 t*#al Jll'ullillitil •Il an d lut'd 1 ojition, " r nil \ • we !l-ri"_niliit( *rl ‘•y* -'"111 Ilf lejilll mil l ml," tlli.Ti ■ will nlw: IV' • dll'l 111 - riiycfl :er niiet uau li olln-r in vat mult i- tu<!".* nf ni"ii. Tli "rn arc i i u ■sti< ni* i 11 - volvi'd u ■11 ii'li iri vc Ial il inU* t :o an hon"*t 'lill'ei'ciir " of. ij <i n ion. The ua ked 1 “t(-m- Illl'lt ion” i- :i very iiin id r> oil" ; it.* ]H>1 it i< ■ni rn mro i.* very wide an ■ I idkc.* in many ilillii •nit > dtuatioiis. lint tin 1 • win lie < jii"*tiim, it h all it* multifarious complications and limita tions, is about to Ini tested a* a matter nf “practical polities” bv ail “anti-saloon re- jiiiblican conference,” soon to assemble in New Jersey. Till' New York Tribune jirint* a letter from one of the promoters of t he movement to Judge Noah Davis, which outlines the programme, and it is a very interesting scheme indeed. The main idea is to have the “restriction” and "prohibition” republicans agree to abide by the majority action of the political as sembly, no matter which wing carries (he day, and stand by such legislation as the majority may favor, restrictionists voting for prohibition and prohibitionists for license as the ease may be. This is more easily said than done; yet both sides are to be encouraged, to start with, by | “common ground” attitude which shall be “opposition to the saloon.” The Tribune gives its approval to this matter but the following dispatch from Sheridan Shook, to the tribune, may ex plain the true inwardness: “The excise bill will probably pass the assem bly to-morrow morning. Three commissioners will pe appointed under it, one a republican, and not ;i (trace republican. The biU will materially help the republican piuTy, giving republican sa loon keepers in the city t'he protection to which they are entitled, aud will prevent the us$ of 'the department against us puliticnljy.?* There i< evidently Tory little ritrlitnn?- iio.-'s in this whole proceed TV", and if any (■limits iWQrltj go up over it tin* substitu tion nf mammon for morality will be vor^" aj»i»mj»ri;ito. T>ut was there ever any-' 1 liinn 1 limn-GOn-picuougly dipgtacefiil in politics thnn is here fxpobcctf Such a movement as is outlined, is an of fense miainsl all political decency. !t i< n direct insult to.<the men and women wl.o nre ooiiscieiiti"iislj’ nplioldih" the j• rolii 1 •;11«»i1 inoveinent, fus Well aH'an Af front to all honest, supporters of t lie leui- pr,;iine esin.-e. It Inot tin* sligutest element of ^••inline rei'oi-ni a bunt it. And ii will prove ns oon'-piciions u failure in it - results ;i- it i.- nudfteious in its incep- t.u. OR W. o. ftfMNi-fi, -»t Vale, ha- bce’i appointed by Pre-idem Cleveland a memoir of the board of visitors to West Point. Miss Mjzpah Bkkckuoudois, the dan‘ Cou»<ressm«iJi VV.L. P. nieckiuridgc, oI Ke-ii’... a/. is studying law, and will eventually with her father. Tin: wife of .Senator Lclanrl Standford, of ( u’.i- lornin, gave tlie kin.iergtirtens of San Pninci-co $5000 on her recent birthday, the of that size from her. The autocrat of the breakfast table, Dr. Ho mes, knows how to take of aim sell", out. mere h dan ger that he will oe killed with kindness by his Engiisu admirers. An old man of 77 ca.niui .-nii:.l late hours and feasting twice a (lay us a steady business. Miss Alice Jordan, tau yoim 6 ' laly student in the Vale law school, will not be able to obtain 1 the degree 4>f bachelor of law from the univcr-ity upon her graduation next month. Proii.M>or Dexter being asked said the matter had not even been considered by the corporation, and added: “The corporation lias never granted a degree to a woman and I don’t think it ever will.” The oleomargarine bill before congress is still | under discussion. On Wednesday an amend ment, similar to the Connecticut law requiring hotel, restaurant and boarding house keepers to * display placards conspicuously if the article is 1 used, was adopted, to apply to the District of Co lumbia and all the territories. General Neal Dow is writing a history of!' 1 prohibition. The first two-thirds of the book will likely recount its failures. The future of | prohibition ought to be better history than the ! past. The president has been indulging recently in | vetoes. Now, if .Miss Folsom should pattern by j the example and issue one veto Mr. Cleveland would begin to know how such things iefil. Gatiirhino them in :'-> what Mr. ‘Gladstone is ; d )iug •• >w with the recently dissenting liberals. ! They are coining o.*ck under his umbrella. 1'lie re scorns to hr* im end to his resources as a party leader, and no limit to his parliamentary infill- | en v. A succe.v-fn! vote on second rendnijer of the \ hQ)nc rule Dili is fairiy well assured; though the i me.tsure'itself, 1 '. nodi fled as tolrish representation if tlie imperial parliament, • may g<> over until j autumn. Thro things apnea* to be prniulre this mom lug.. Thereinto bend immediate dis- I solution of paT’iament; the Hajrtington alliauee ! is not to aiiccec-Hi Mr.'Gladstoneibr a considera- i blc while yet; and an Irisli parliament not far in the future. There is a great deal of butter, .is w'eii a- terine, which ©otdd not be made stronger F-y any law oven if-made by tlie present congress. SUPERIOR Baking Powder. New Yoik, January 16, 1885. I have, on ssve.aJ occasions during the past few years and without the knowledge of the manufacturers, analytically examined cans of CLEVELAND’S SUPERIOR BAKING POWDER purchased by myself in the markets, and I take pleasure in recommending it to public favor as a baiting powder that can be relied upon for purity, wholesomeness and strength, as I have never found it to be adulterated with lime or to be impure in any sense whatever. DR. H. A. MOTT, Professor of Chemistry New York Medical College, &c. THE PRESS S!HSO\ (S8<>. MiiiTsrLPuri sihimis BOSS is Without a Rival. THE LIDDELL VARIABLE FEED SAW MILL, Is tlie very best Saw Mill m the mai-kef. It took the only medal of tilt- first da-s al the New Orleans Exposition. For tlie a hove, and for all other machinery, address, FORBES LIDDELL&CO., Montgomery, Ala. N. B.—Our stock of Wrought tmn. Pipe, Fillings and Machinery i~ the lmgest in (his pari pfthe country. W! nit. i.i.uiSToxi: as i sntAi'Kiasr. I 11" ('liica^o ! 111">"":in "xjiresHcrl tli" ! "I'm "ii liifit wi'ck that Mi 1 , lihiilstonc in | I•'■"!•.niulli" lU'hati' in tho house "f i "ii "ion* on th" h"iiio-ni!" 1'ill was plav- in .' ii" part ul'a strategist, nr rather that I lie " .is jilaying the jiart uf a man wim | I'eiii'veil that alter inen w Im hail vinleut j I'l'ejialiees nil any ijuestiim had aired them they were inure inelined to be rea- i sniulile and just than if they did not have tlie iij)i>nrtunity in talk. Now, says | our i iinteiii)iniary, Mr. (ilndstone’s lien- tenants have seeniided him in his mu- . in'iiver. and withmit lieiny aware nf it tiie liberal ojijionents of the home-rule hi 1 ! have been led Input forward what they regarded as the strong objections to the measure. Mr. Ctluimherlain has heen at some pains not to betray any of the sorrels nf tlie proposed combination be tween the disaffected liberals and the tories, and he has not heen as free to ox- jin s* his jiersonal objections to the home- nil" bill. Blit in the course of the debate what may be called the platform of the dissenting 'liberals and radicals has come before the public and lia* been discussed not only in parliament but by the press. 1 n calling out this free exjiressiou of opinion Mr. Gladstone has been enabled to divine about what would take tlie wind out of the sails of those who are leading the rebellion against him. It may be that lie has not cared to satisfy either Mr. Chamberlain or those prom ising idm support in certain contingen cies, but he has eared to take the life out of a movement which ha* threatened to destroy liberal prestige nnd power. ITis move yvstordav, preceded as it was by the consultation Wednesday, shows that lie has been quick to take advantage of tlie misgivings of thoso who have opposed him with regret, lie has conceded a point about which he cared very little, and has gained a point about which lie cared a great deal. The modification of clause 2-1 of the home rule hill is not de fined, but enough has been said to cover ! the points urged against it by the dis- affected liberals. This was tho clause containing the provision that Irish mem bers should not sit in the imperial parlia- I incut. It will be modified so as to pro- OU ' otiic in tiie*b"tel. Ion term- addiu.-.s,’ OCOXEi-: WHITE si;U»HV: J . SPViTT" I B'lwdn- O..-TI: ICo'eiiy < jell 'l.fH.smi Am Muscogee Manufacturing Com pany Stock for Sale, \gr •cnHy lo an onlcr of the c't'm t "i‘ Ovdiiuu-: ol Chutlaliouclice county, (IfOiMiii. hy vi’-.n*. >f section 2Ai.n of (.’oric, we will eli • in : m. front of tin auction house of F. M. Ki> >v.l Fo.. in (Jol.iml'us, Musco.uct Mounty. 1 : wi lhe* hichest ’oitkit# for cash. <>ii the ni> I u in June, I88f>, twelve shares pfthe cajniai -u« the MuscoffCe Manuractin'ing Company. So the property of W. W. Shfyp, Sr., late ol < *h lioocnee county, deceased. M. F. SHIPP. J. Ii. D. SHIPI Rxecutors of \V. V 7 Shipp, deceased. ap2t>-wlt-doawlm Hotice to Tax Payers. (PHE Tax Digest for State and County Taxes is I now open at my office on Twelfth street. ap4 eodAw3m J. C. IiKEDY, R. T. R. M. C. The Best Medicines Biliousness; Sick Headache In Four hours, v?) One dose relievos Neuralgia. They cure and oreven* Chills & Fever. Sour Stcrnaoh w Bad t3renth. Clear the Skin. Tone the Nerves, and Qlvo Life a Vigor to the system. Dose s ON K JiYSAN. Try them once ana you will never be without then. 25 cents per bottle. Sold by Drjegis*s id lers generally. Son: cn .ecelpt i Pri:o, j Medicine Dealers ! price In stamps, postpaid, to any address, «!• F. SMITH & CO., . j Wnnufacturers and Sole Props., ST. LOUIS, W0. TO BE FOTTnsrr) JAS’sluYOliS FOR \F-rUALiiIA. Take Jordan’s Joyous Julep for Nervous Head ache, Take Jordan’s Joyous Julep for Painful Menstru ation, Take Jordan's Joyous Julep for Colic, Take. Jordan's Joyous Julep to brace up the nerves. Take Jordan's Joyous Julep for all Pain, Take Jordan’s Joyous Julep. It is the remedy • for Neuralgia. ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers hy addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, lO Spruce St., New York. Send lOets for lOO-oau© Pamphlet TO PARENTS. Many baking powders are very pernicious to health, and while every one regards his own, he should also have a care for tlie tender ones—tlie little children. SEA FOAM contains none of the bad qualities of baking jMiwders—soda or snlnrat-us. It, contains no hurtful ingredient—no alum or ammonia. SCIENTIFIC. All Chernistquvho have analyzed Sea Foam commend it. Housekeepers w!k> have used it will have no other. Cooks, whose best efforts have failed with other powders, are jubilant •ver Sea Foam. Saves time, saves tabor, saves money. It is positively unequaled. Absolutely pure. Csed by the leading hotels and restaurants in New York city and throughout the country. For sale by all first-class grocers. GANl'Z, JONES & CO., 170 T)n(tne St., N. Y. N 1 EW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY 0F MUSIC Boston, Mass. THE LARCESTand BEST EQUIPPED inthe WORLD —100 Instructors, foul Students last year. Thor ough Instruction in Vocal and Instrumental Music. Piano and Organ Tuning, Fine Arts, Oratory, Literature, French, Ger man and Italian LanpuaRes, English Brunches, Gymnastics, fto. Tuition. ft.*5 to $l ! o ; hoard and room with Steam float and Electric Llcht,'8«t«iS7*> per term. Fall Term begins Sep tember y, l$sd. t or Illustrated Calendar, with full information •ddretjs, E. TOU1UEE, Dir , Fraukliu Sip, BOSTON, Mils Central Line of Boats, THE OLD RELIABLE. Take HoodV Eureka for Torpid Liver. Take Hood’s Eureka for Sick Headache, Take Hood’s Eureka for Constipation, Take Hood's Eureka for Indigestion and Dys- , pepsla. Take Hood’s Eureka for Chills and Fevers. Take Hood’s Eureka for languor and tlie blues, Take Hood’s Kureka if you feel debilitated. Take Hood’s Eureka if you fed depressed. Take Hood's Eureka il' you suiter with Sick stomach. Take Hood's Eureka for Cholera Morbus, Take Hood’s Eureka home and keep it con venient. No remedy acts so delightful and effectual as a household remedy as Hood’s Eureka. TAKE G0SSYPEDIA Try Thomas’s German C ologne. It is delightful and most refreshing. M. D. HOOD &i 00., Manufacturing Druggists. Columbus, Georgia. GROCERS SELL IT. So ml 10c. in stamps for a complete set of Levering'* New Cauls ((>0 original designs), hi. LEVERING Cc CO.. BALTIMORE. MDl .iculars sent B. M. WOOLLEY, M.D. .Vilaiitu, (la. Omce 6o. L , Whitehall street. Columbus, Ga.. May 12, 1886. O N and after May 12, 1886, the local rates o freight on the Chattahoochee, Flint and Ap a laohicola rivers will be as follows: tg&| Flour per barrel 5 cents Cotton 8eeii Meal per ton 10 cents Cotton per bale 25 cents Other freight in proportion. Passage from Columbus to Apalachicola, $6:00. Other points in proportion. STEAMER NAIAD Will leave Columbus for Apalachicola via Bain bridge every TCESDAY morning at 8 o’clock, re turning via Bainbridge. Above schedule will be run, river, etc., permit ting. Shippers will please have their freight at boat by 8 a. m. on day of leaving,*as none will be re ceived after that hour. Boat reserves the right of not landing at any point when cpnsidered dangerous by the com mander. Boat will not stop at any point not named in list of landings furnished shippers under date of April 1. 1886. Our responsibility for freight ceases after it has been discharged at a landing where no person is there to receive it. BAM’L J. WHITESIDE. Pres't. GEO. B. WHITESIDE. Sec'v and Treas. febH-tf GO. H Separate hk FROM Each Juror, I I iiinl that il i.s ci slini'i lime before Gray will m ei .j| I be same trade he enjoys in Savannah and Augusta in e.*- laliiishing (lie Cotumbus braneii. 2— 1 find Gray has decided advantage in being so lou.* acquainted with the Georgia. I rade. 3— I find Gray must con sume a great quantity of Dry Goods for all his stores; hence the reason for his low prices. 4— 1 find from boyhood Gray’s name has always been a household word for bargains in Dry Goods. 5— 1 find all Goods so neat ly kept and arranged that a person can select any article with ease and comfort. 6— I find one price their strict rule, and politeness their standard. 7— 1 find il i.s a pleasure for Gray's clerks to show goods. 8— I find an agreeable sur prise at Die large assortment of Dress Goods and the mod est j,rices asked.- 9— I find Gray has tin*, widest and finest Table Linens in Columbus. 10— I find Gray is head quarters for Mourning Goods and Rlack Silks: also Unit he can show an elegant assort ment of Parasols, and that In* While Goods department has choice bargains. 1 1—I find I Hat Gray man ages business as if by magic, with grace and ease, that is far beyond I he reach of imita- liou. 12—1 find that Gray, by his long experience, vim and pluck, and low prices, lias altered the people’s course when wanting bargains, and they all go to C. P. Gray A Co.'s Trade Palace, opposite Rankin House. Opinion of the Judge: Upon ibis verdict I find Gray guilty of causing hie whole city of Columbus being thrown into a state of excite ment by his large, new Spring Stock and bankrupt prices, producing a thunderbolt among so-called competitors, and smiles to purchasers. Being recommended to the mercy of I he court by the jury, I will reconsider and re serve sentence until m‘ xl - week. In tlie meantime the Trade Palace will offer special inducements in all depart ments. All are invited to see their last arrival of Neiv Goods. C, P, GRAY 4 CO" Opposite Rankin House, COLUMBUS, - - GEORGIA. Savannah, Ga, Augusta, Ga.