Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, June 30, 1886, Image 7

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DAILY ENQUIRER - SUN: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE JO, 1886. CIVIL SERVICE TALK. iloriiimi II. Kiiton Him it Few Words to S»j About tho Mutter. Washington, June 29.—The reports in rircuhition in regard to a quarrel in the civil service commission afford a deal ol unusement to the commissioners. "There ‘is no row,” said Commissioner Edgertou to-day in answer to a question. "As to c hanges in the rules,” said ue, "nothiug lias been agreed upon, and the president lias not been consulted, nor uas he made the slightest suggestion. All there is to t liis talk is that it has been suggested that, tv lien laid congress adjourned and there is I U ntv of time, there be some slight modi- {ivation in the rules.” Dorman B. Eaton, formerly chairman of the commis- jjoii, was here lately on private busi ness, and made a pleasant call on Messrs. Edgerton and Lyman. Air. Ober- ’v was not in at the time. Air. Eaton says is thoroughly convinced of the sincerity . .,1 earnestness of President Cleveland in • reform work, and he thinks he ought Jo have the support of the people. He imnks the prestnt civil service commis sioners are devoted to reform and are do ing their best, aided by the president, to ciilorce the law. Air. Cleveland, Air. Eaton s;ivs, has much to contend witu, but con sidering all the circumstances he has gone bevoud what we had any right to expect. He has had to battle ainrmatively lor the reform to an extent to which no former president has been called on to act. His constant and laborious support of what he regards as sound principles constitute a sort of era in our polities that is without precedent in the official conduct of any president in this generation. Air. Eaton Said : “I think the time has come when it is shown to be wise to ex tend the civil service rules. They ougut lo be extended to offices having thirty or even twenty clerks. They ought to be ex- teuiled in a limited way to the consular service, the railway mail service, the fed eral service in the District of Columbia, aud many miscellaneous places iu Wash ington. Such an extension would require a larger appropriation aud a larger force of clerks tnan tne commission now has. 1 think the republicans in the senate ought (o insist on a larger appropriation tnan that allowed by the house, as to allow' the president to ex tend the rules in accordance with his expressed wish. The commis sioners ought to have joOOO a year. 1 al ways regarded that as no more than rea sonable, but as long as I was a commis sioner 1 would not say anything about it. The age limit, about which so much has been said by Mr. Randall, does not apply to any class of pension examiners, to i he signal service, to the state department, to Ihe patent office, to the geological survey, to bookkeepers, or to any place where ex pert knowledge is required. It does not apply to appraisers, weighers and gaugers in the custom houses, i'iie age limit for carriers in the postal service is fixed by law, and 1 be lieve Air. Randall voted for the law. Tile limit of 45 years did not originate with the civil servive rules. It was in the treasury regulations in 1ST! and inis been there .since. It was iu the rules adopted by Presidents Grant and Hayes and those adopted by President Arthur, who had been for seven years collector in the larg est office in the country and knew more about the details of the public work than Mr. Randall and his whole committee. There is nothiug sentimental about it. It is a rule recommended by practical expe rience. A MIDGET. A Bab} Only Tell Indies I,nine and Weiu-liini: Less 'niiiii Four Pounds. Philadelphia Herald. The agricultural population iu the vicin ity of Bell bend, Cnester county, eight miles from Oxford, are excited over the birth of a midget baby. The infant is a most wondertul freak of nature. When ushered into existence two weeks ago it was barely ten inches in length aud it fail ed to get the better of a four-pound weight when placed in the other enu of an ordi nary pair of scales in the village grocery store. The father is a fine, hearty tarrner, rather above than below' medium ueight, named Nelson Bunting. He is To years old, and his wife Julia, wno is not over two or three years his junior, is quite a large woman. They are tne parents of ban a dozen girls and boys fully as large as children of tbeir respective ages usually are, aud they can otter no explanation oi tins apparent phenomenon. Since her birth tne midget, widen is of the female -sex, has not grown iu any perceptible de gree, but she is by no means weak or puny, despite her diminitive size, and her voice is as powerful as that of the iaigest infant ever born. Sue is well proportion ed and pretty, and is generally considered a perfect specimen ol a miuget. Her fatner’s hat is plenty large enougn to hide her completely, and wlien put within a half-galiou measure her head does not come within several inches of the top. The Bunting farmhouse has been over run ever since tne birtn with throngs of visitors from the surrounding country anx ious to see the little one, aim a number of people from Rtuladelpnia have also had sufficient curiosity to make a pilgrimage to get a glimpse ot tne young woman. farmer Bunting is tnmking seriously of exhibiting the chad next winter in one ot Hie dime museums, aud it is said tnat he has already entered into correspondence with Manager Brandenburg, of tne Ninth and Arch streets museum. The baby has not yet been named, but the suggestion that it should be called frank f oisom Cleveland Bunting, in honor of the president's bride, on whose wedding day it was born, has met witn some favor, and it is probable that it will be so chris tened. LOST HER HUSBAND. A Hriile of a liny Tell- u Mun to tin- Policemen. -Macon Telegraph. Tliere appeared at the police barracks yesterday a rosy cheeked young lady in simple garb, who, witn tears in her eyes, told the following story; Sue said ner name was Lucinda Bayne, and tnat her home was in Atlanta. About six months ago she paid a visit to Air. James Howard, an uncle, who liven iu Gibson, in Glasscock county. While there she met a carpenter named William Brady, wno made love to her aud finally won ner hand. On .Sun day, June 7, she married nun. tin the next day, Monday, lie left her. say- big that he was coming lo Aiacou to obtain work, ana would send for her. . She waited for his letter, which finally reached her one day last week, and in if she was told to come to Macon on Saturday and Ue- Would meet her in the sitting room at tne muon depot. She came to Alucon as directed, and after remaining as long as she wus allowed in the sitting room, sought a boarding house aud slie lias starched the 'own over for ^ier husband. It is possible Inal she did not understand liis letter, and bi this way failed to meet him. She was anxious tnat the story be told iu the pa pers, ies she hoped that it might reach nis eye and tney would be united again. -'irs. Brady told her story between sobs ana seemed to have implicit confidence in the man she married, even thougn the courtship was a short one. She is in great distress and seems to be in every way worthy of sympathy. The police will lend nun- eiforts toward finding her husband if is still in the city. Mrs. Han l.umont. -Mrs. Lamont has created for herself a unique position, and fills it strongly, and in the interest of harmony. As a wife of the president s confidential secretary' she has. of course, no official status, vet is mor • closely allied to the white houst? than any cabinet lady. She is passionately fond oY tlowers, especially roses, aud enjoys this climate so favored by Flora wit hall the zest ol novelty. She has very black hair and eyes, with dark, clear complexion colorless but for the lips, which are well formed aud coral red. She is intelligent, and a quick and accurate reader of eha ■- acter.—Philadelphia Press. Don't Bp Detrainled. . ^ estmoreland’s Calisaya Tonic is being imitated. See that you get Westmorc- inud s Calisaya Tonic, manufactured bv M estmoreland Bros., Greenville, S. i Every bottle should hnve a red metal can over tlie cork, with the following Imprint': "Westmoreland's Calisaya Tonic, West moreland Bros., Sole Proprietors. Green ville. S. C." Every bottle of Westmore land s Calisaya Tonic should have the fol lowing : TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Office of Internal Revenbe, Washington. January 25, 1883. Messrs. Westmoreland Bros.,' Greenvilh . S. C.— Gentleman: Your formula for miih- mg your "Calisaya Tonic,” certified to un oct oath on the 22d instant, has been ex amined. Aly decision is that, for purposes of taxa- tion under the Internal Revenue Laws this Tonic, so made, may be classed ns a pro prietary medicinal tonic, subiect to stamp tax. and that sales thereof will lie subject to the provisions of section 3213 U. S.,'Re vised Statutes. Respectfully. Green B. R.u m, Commissioner. Brannon & Carson, Wholesale Agents, Columbus, Ga. je25 dlw “A young man” asks: "What is the proper time to call?” When you hold four aces, there is a big pot, and the other fel lows have bet all they dare to is the time, dear Y. M., but even then there is the dan ger of the flush. The beautiful crimson blush of nature, without paint, can be imparted to the pale cheeks of a sickly and feeble woman by the use of that great female tonic, Sim mons’ Iron Cordial. eod&w No Report This Session. Curtain’s labor committee will probably not report this session. Slmkp, Brer ll.-rnril ; Simmons' Iron Cordial strengthens the digestive organs, and builds up the frail and broken down. eod&w After all the talk about yachts, the most popular clipper is the chap who has a big lot of coupons to cut otf. Simmons’ Iron Cordial renovates and en riches the Blood, and accelerates its at- , tion. eod&w Martin Irons lectured to S3 in Kansas City. Irons will have to lie quoted ill the old junk market for the future. There is one saloon to every 28 voters in East Saginaw. Alichigan.—Record. Tnat would be a very small number of votes for a New York saloon lo control. Advice to AIotheks.—Mrs. Winslow’s Southing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It re lieves the little sufferer at ouce; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button.” It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regu lates the bowels and is the best known remedy for diarrluea, whether arising from teething or other causes. Twenty- five cents a bottle. jel7 d&wly Hu Didn't Min,I Kx:|*«*n | Country Editor—We give you a nickel watch and the Weekly Clarion for one year for f3, Mr. Smith. Air. Smith—How much for the watch without the Clarion? Country Editor—The retail price of the watch alone is #4. Mr. Smith—Well, I guess 1 11 take one of the watches. Country Editor—But it will cost you a dollar more than if you included the paper. Air. Smith—Yes, I know. But 1 don't miud the extra expense.—New York Times. A MOST LIBERAL OFFER. The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall. Mich., offer to send their celebrated Voltaic Belts aud Electric Appliances on thirty days’ trial to any man afflicted with Nerv ous Debility, Loss of Vitality, Manhood, Ac. Illustrated pamphlet in sealed en velope with full particulars, mailed free. Write them at ouce. i&wtf , IVhiit Butter tail You MurirtM ! What is ihe republican party going to do with the convicts if it should reach the helm of state ? They are all the time cry ing down the present system, but never, as yet, have said what they would do with them. We would like to know their poli cy, if they have one.—Cleveland Banner- News. Iti-iM-H-. ffi>r Youth. Mrs. Phcebe Chesley, Peterson, Clay Co., Iowa, tells tne following remarkable story, the truth of which is vouched for by the residents of the town : "I am 73 years old, have been troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years: could not dress myself without help. Now I am free from all pain and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for having re newed my youth, and removed completely all disease and pain." Try a bottle; only 50c. at Brannon & Car- son’s Drug Store. eod&w YVhut Lies I'liiler Mirth Vernon. Just at this time we are not .boasting any at North Vernon, but quietly awaiting the results. One tiling developed to a cer- tainty is that North Vernon rests oil a rock foundation which the storms will not wash awav. Rock 280 feet, slate fish feet, rock 1.50 leet to date.—Plaindealer. t 1 aptilill's Furtuilille Discover;. Cant. Coleman, schr. Weymouth, plying between Atlantic City and New York, had been troubled with a cough so that he was unable to sieep, and was induced to try Dr. King's New Di-cover;v for consumption. It not only gave him instant relief, but al layed the extreme soreness in his breast, ills children were similarly affected and a single dose had the same happy effect. Dr. King s New Discovery is now the standard remedy in tile Coleman household and on board the schooner. Free trial bottles of the Standard Reine- dv at Brannon & Carson's Drug Store. eod&w It used to be difficult for ph"tographer-s to keep their subjects sufficb ntly motion less to obtain a good picture, but judging from the statement of a New York artist that "our clubbing system is successtul, that is all changed now. Ill ( KLIN"' AliUi t Ml.VF. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum. Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblain-,. Corns and ail Skin Eruptions, and positivc- lv cures Piles, or no pay is required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Brannon & Carson. je24 oed&w The bathing season has commenced at the seaside. That is to say. the chaps who bathe their throats with a cocktail in the morning have put in an appearance. A new book is called "Alen of the Reign," but whether it relates to hack jnii-oxu r»r nmhrf»llfl makers is not stated. CLINCMAN’S T obacco REMEDIES THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO OINTMENT Till! JIOST EFFECTIVE Fit NA TION on the mnrket for Piles. AS! Iti: (IKK lor licliinu Pile**, Has never tail oil to give prompt relief. Will cure Anal Ulcere, Abscess. Fistula, Tetter. Salt Rheum Burlier'* Itch. Ring worm*. Pimple*. Sores and Bella. Priee ol) di. THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO CAKE N\TII(i;*S OWN It FA I HIM « (tirew 11 Wound*. Cuts. Bruises. Sprains. Erysipelas. Roils, Carbuncles, B in* Felons. Ulcere. Sores. Sore Eyes. Sore Throat Bunion* Com*. Neuralgia.Rheumatism. Orchitis, (.out. Rheumatic Gout. Colds. Coughs. Bronchitis. Nliik lye*. Snake and Dog Bite*, Stings of Insects. Ac. In fact allays all local Irritation and Intlamraution from whatever cause. Price els. THE CLINQMAN TOBACCO PLASTER Prepared according to the moat Mclentlllc principle*, of the PUREST SEDATIVE 1NGKKDIKNTS* compounded with the purest Tobacco Flour, and is specially recommended for Croup.Weed or Cake of the Breast, and foi that class of irritant or inflammatory maladies. Aches and Pains where, from tint delicate a state of the system. Ask your druggist for these remedies, or write to the CLINGMAN TOBACCO CURE CO. DURHAM, N. C., U. S. A. AURANTH Most of the disea*_trl•.■: rr.nnkT. in -e-ingin rllycau-edhyndis rdcredo -n Ini .non- e UV£R. For all complaints of * Mad .- 1 !i a* T »rpniit> of the Liver. Biiioii;*u«.**s. N-rruj. Dy>pep-;n. Indices- tion Irregularity ci the B • .}., C > Flatu lency. Eruct.'lions mhI F.,: of the Stom.irb (s •metim°9 o ll-.i II uv n ) Mi snu, Malari-i, Bio .dy Flux. Chills am Fev-r B.eikhone Fever Exhaustion bef ire or niter Fever . Chronic Diar rhoea. Los* of Anp?tite He'-.lech* F«.ul Breath, Irregularities iiui \"V *1 to F***n lc* Bear mg-d*»wn SM£.STAD1GER’S AURANT11 is Invaluable. It is not a panacea f.T n!ldisease*, but jOB IOC* a'l diseases of the LIVER, (TillVUnE STOMACH mi BOWELS. It changes the complexion fr**m a waxy, yellow tinge, to a ruddy, healthy color, li entirely removes low. gloomy spirits. It, is one of the BEST AL - TERATIVES and <~UMFIERS OF THE BLOOD, and Is A VALUAfeLF * r ONIC. STADICEP 3 AURANTII For sale by all Druggists Price $| ,00 per bottle C. F. STADICER, Proprietor, ! wo 80. FRONT ST., Philadelphia, Pa. (Copy. ) Chicago, April 21st, 18SG. This is to certify, that the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank has this day received from the Union Cigar Company of Chicago, to be held as a Special Deposit, U. S. 4°io Coupon Bonds, as follows : No. 2*2029 D. §500. Market Value of w hich Is “ 41204 100. ) I “ 41205 100. I $1012. •• 62970 lOO f 9800. J (S.) Jas. S. Gibbs, Cash. We offer the above as a FORFEIT, if our ‘ FANCY GROCER” does not prove to be i genuine Havana-filler Cigar.-Union Cigar Co. Our LA LOW A K>c. Cigar is strictly Hand made. Elegant quality. Superior wurkmanhip. Sold by ail Grocers. L’.V/c >.V CIGAR COMFA.VY,, T5 N. ClinUa s>L, - CHICAGO, Retail by C, IL I IF XT. <'.iilimilms. (Ta. DRUNKENNESS OR THE LIQUOR HABIT. POSITIVELY CURED BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC, lx- gi\ without the knowledge ot the |»er**on tak ing it: is absolutely harmless, and will ef fect a permanent ami *|.»*«*<l\ nire. u liether the patient i> a moderate drinker or an al coholic wreck. It ha** been given in thou- Hands of ease*., and in every instance a per fect cure has follow ed. H n* rt r fuils. The system once impregnated u it li the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. l or ‘sale by IFOiK, SALE 33Y" M. D. HOOD & CO., COLUMBUS A tl/i n A yj\J COLTJiyEBTJS, GEORGIA. PROFESSION 41, ( ARDS. n R. GEO. McELHANEY, Resident Dentist. Room No. 2. 62' Broad street, up stairs, ovoi Wittich & Kin sol**. jalB-ly n R. C. T. OSBURN. Dentist. .Successor to I»r. J. M. Mason.) oiliec next door to Rankin House. Same en trance as Riddle's gallery. oc4-ly F. TIG NER. Dentist. Twelfth street formerly Randolph street.) v T Mo MAR. JR. O. E. CHANDLER. • MAS & ( HANDLER. Attorneys-at-Eaw. a 11s Broad street. < oiunihu.s. Ga. tf \\ FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, TRUSTEE'S SALE. MAM'l’.MTrm.lU Mon's Improved Absorption Ice Machines. Saw Mills. Puuijis. I lei low Wait?. Cain* Mills and Sy I’ti j * KG tics. WE ARE OFFERING AT PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH You Iron Screw Cotton Presses STEAM ENGINES. —DEALERS IN— LIME, Dressed and Matched Ceiling and Flooring AND OTHER Property of the Columbus Maiu- facturing Company. ( onijiletc anti I' it 11 > ld|til’»|»cMl < ottoa l acioi x. I ojelher uifli Nearly a M i h* ul flic lincHt Wafer Ponfr on flie ( lintlalinnchcc Hhcr. .1 imf Above (lie rily ol ( ol u minis. TATE ()Kf. I i J R< 11 A. Ml'x '(K >EK U( >TNTY.— B\ virtue of llv p > >•.«^r\»—icd in us under th# term** and condition*, of a ce.tain deed of trust executed lo the undersigned. J. Rhodes Brown® and A. lllges. trustee*. b\ the Columbus Manu facturing Company. of Ml. cogee county, state of fRorgia. dated March 1. Hs-j. whereby Ihe said corporation conveyed to iis al! of the property, real ami personal, hereinafter described, in trust, to secuie the payment of its certain issue of bonds and the inteiest coupons thereof as iu said trust deed specified and enumerated all of which appears duly of record in Mortgage Deed Book "A." fmio- i»>7 to :r.L March 5. Issj. in tlie Clerk’® (•dice of superior Court. Muscogee county, Geor gia. and in Record Deeds, volume O O, page® 81 to sx inclusive. March 22. 1HSI. ofHce of tlie Pro bate Court in the county of Lee, state of Ala bama. and in conformity with the directions and terms prescribed in the resolutions passed by th® holders of said bonds on April 24. 1H86. under th® authority conferred by said deed of trust.* We will sell in the city of Columbus, Muscoge® county. Georgia, oil the 3d day of August, 1886, between the legal hours of sale, in front of the auction house of F. M. Knowles &. Co., ou the northwest comer of Broad street and Tenth formerly Crawford street . being the usual plao® for sheriff’s sales in said city of Columbus.) at public outcry, t.* the highest bidder, for cash, the following described property of the i olumbu® Manufacturing ( ompany. toAvit.: Ali those lot® and parcels (*f land situated, lying and being as follows: Fractional section number twenty-six 26 and the n »rth half of fractional section num- hei thirty-live :F> . both in fractional township number eighteen is . range number thirty (30^ in formerly Russell, now Lee county, state of Alabama. Also the following lots of lands lying and being in the eighth st!i di countv. state of (leorgia. know ' Muscoge® s number® id the west <1 tractions y-two y2>, Specialty made ol lircssiup- laimlier Tor oIIht j»arlit A i HINTS roll BROWN COTTON GIN, Royal Pumps, Judson Governors, Eberman Feeders, &.c. ' je20 wetl.**e\w6m Reduction in Gas Piping and Fixtures. 11 ^ E HAVE decided to push the Gas business in Columbus, and in order to do so have reduced ▼ ▼ the price of Gas Pipe and Fixtures. Now is ihe time to put pipes in your dwelling or store cheaper than ever before. Call and see our styles of Fixtures. GEORGIA STEAM AND GAS PIPE COMPANY, Telephone 01). 13 TwelfthjStreet. | Mrs. Lou M. Barnard's FAMILY HOTEL, No. !2.'SD Flint I till Sf.. 1ST IE3 "W Y O B K. M RS. LOU M. BARNARD'S FAMILY HOTEL comprises three large and elegant resi dence.*. all connected and newly furnished in first-cla>s style. She can furnish comfortable first-class accommodations for familie'*. tourists and business men. Convenient to the business i centers TERMS: Transient, per day £2.00 Special rates given by the week. REFERENCES: Mr. P. Dodd. Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. L. M. McBride. Atlanta, Georgia. Sam’l Barnett. Vicksburg, Mis*. H. L. Hull, Eli fa ul a, Ala. For further information address Mrc*. L. M. BARNARD. jel6eod7t No. 239 E. iltli St.. Ni w York. THE FAMOUS BRAND O , Wm.L.TILLMAN i Georgia. Muscogee County— vs. Mortgage, Arc. In Museogee 1 R. H. G< )RD( )N. 1 Superior Court. May term, 193b IT appearing to the Court By the petition of Win. L. Tillman, accompanied by the non-* and mortgage di ed, that on the fourth day of May. Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-’lin e, the defend ant made and delivered to the plaintiff her two promissory notes, bearing date the day .nd year aforesaid, whereby the defendant proini*e(l by one of said j»n»mis*ory note* to pay to the plaintiff or hearer, twent>-four month* after the date thereof. Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-eight Dollars and Twenty-two Cents, with interest from date at eight per cent per annum, and if said non not paid at maturity, ten per cent attorney'* fees for the collection thereof, for value received: and hv the otlx r of said nronii- sory note* the deft noant promised to pay to the plaintiff, or hearer, thirty-six mouths aft. r the date thereof, Eighteen Hutidied and Eighty- eight Dollars and Tv\ eiity-two i 'em*, wit!, interest from date at eight per cent pci annum, and if said note wa* not paid at maturity, ten per cent attorney '* fee* for the collection thereof', for value received: and that afterward*, on the day and year a f*. ■ * lid. the defendant, the better to secure the payment of *aid note*, executed and deliver- ed to tm- pi.niitiil her deed of mortgage, wlnrebj the said defendant mortgaged to the plain*:!!' ail that tract or parcel of land situated on the we-t side of Broad street in the city of * olunPm*. and in said eoiintj and state, Being about tut nty-fhv feet in front on Broad street and running buen the full depth of *aid lot, and known a.* part of lot number sixty-five, with all the improvements thereon, upon which i* situated store House number one hundred and forty-three : and t fur ther appearing that *uid note.* r -in a in unpaid : It i-. therefore, nrdt red that tie *aid ri» fe” hint pay into Court on or before the !ir*t day of the xt term thereof, the principal, inte: iaif of iot number *cventy-foai and island number three 3 in (. huttahooche® river and a small enclosure situated ea.*t ol the lest'lence forme: h tccupied by J. R. Clapp, Used a* a residetice and .^ra/ing lot. containing seven 7 acre* in*-ie or ie*s. All of said lands last de scribed lying and Being in the county of Musco gee and *tate of (teoigia. and. together with said lands in Lee county. Alabama, containing eight hundred and thirty 830 acres more or a-ss. Also, all of the said Columbus Manufacturing Company'* building* on said land in Muscoge® county. Georgia, operated as a Cotton Factory, and with all of the improvements in any mannei appendant and appurtenant thereto, inclusive, of the cards, spindle*, looms, machinery and fix tures of every kind whatsoever contained in said building*: also, all and singular the other im provements on ali of the lands aforementioned and described: also, the entire water power owned and controlled by said Columbus Manufacturing Company on and in said Chattahoochee river, together with all and singular the right® ana franchises by the said Columbus Manufacturing Company held and possessed therein under th® laws of (ieurgta. The plant of said cotton fUctory consists at present of 1311 spindles 149 looms and other suit able machinery, all in good condition and pro dueing good work. Present capacity 7500 yards ® day of heavy sheetings and shirtings, three yardg tojjthe pound. The operatives' house* and improvements gen* orally in excellent condition, labor abundant, lands elevated and location of property unsur passed for health, convenience and economical production free from the burden of municipal taxes puid by all the other Columbus mill®, yet within three ni'le* of the city of Columbus and three-quarter* of a mile of Columbus aud Rom® railroad The water power is the flne*t in th® south, controlling ami embracing the whole bed of the Chattahoochee river for the distance ol about one mile along the laud* of said company, said lands extending along it* banks upon th® Georgia and Alabama sides of the river. Only ® small portion of the water power is required and mili/et! in running tin* present mill, and the nat ural falls in the river render but a simple inex pensive dam of log* and plank nece*.*arv. Thi® magnificent water power is easily controlled, and ha.* a fall of 12 _ forty-two and a half feet within : 4 three-quarters ot a mile. With a compara tively small expenditure upon a new dam 125,000 one hundred and t wenty-nve thousand spindle®, with looms in proportion, can be driven by thi® water power. < apital for the erection of addL tional mills and utilization of the immena® power no A’wa*ted is all that is needed to mak® this property the site of a prosperous and popu lous inani'fufturintf village. The personal inspec tion of capitalists i* invited. Full and .satisfac tory details will be furnished upon application. J. RHODES BROWNE, A. ILLGES. ap27-dlm Trustees. NOTICE to DEPOSITORS WITH The Sdvinu.- 1 ><-jGirtniont of -t* due t is further ordered i n the < 'olumbu* Enoi printed and publish (. . .J THORN'D >N. Plaint ill' * Atior A tnir • \trad fro per cent per f-a* r.-imi’ii undrawn on io single deposit in excess 1 except on special terms. Juh l*t. 1886. continue to ■nt m-r annum until Jan- tart »* n :i.a:!i* undrawn I. Y< fl'.N'i ( t*iiier. • f tin-• ■ and Phenix my 16 dtjyl OLD WILL. PURE OLD RYI NOTICE ! T. 31. f Ol.l. DEAFNESS: ice then \J.irX 93 BROAD ST.. COLUMBUS, (JA, Call or write for circular \ full particular®. N.W.AYER ft SON ADVERTISING AGENTS blVl m d%o PHILADELPHIA Cor. Cbcutnut and Eighth .Stu. Receive AdvertiMemenf® fer this Paper. CCTIUATCQ For \F.VSSPAPKR AldhKTLSHf. rnrr Lu IIM AI LO at Lowest Cash Rate® r nLC ataiiip« for AYER & SON’S MANUAL WANTED - es ana young men to decorato Birthday and Ea*ter Novelties. Easily learned ; good pro*p'-c*.* of steady employment and fair wages. Materia! furnished and all work mailed post-paid. For full information address Deco- .ative Art Works. 7 Exchange Place. Boston P. 0. Box jlIs. j. aplO tu th bat I2t t. > e < ■' *n ■ ) be held in said ture this June BKU« )KS, Ordinary. S 5IW U’!T, ! DC \ I S I S. J * ;• .i *i’.b*tantial ■! 1 ‘ • Lawn t'ne • ■ j.::. M at* :* that are ex- : Li’i-t-. The finest :. \ ..j We take pleasure - ... :«• •: • • p )-.v«.-rs to Mr. i . Mi. W. 1. • ,.uk and Mr. Jos. i *: i■ J. A. 1 iiA/ER. Prop r, li I DOE PI I 1 l.V/EK TOM \( < O ( O., Loui*vi!!e, ivy. LOUIS BUHLER&C0.. Agents, 4 o I n ill bus. Oil. Mouse xtrrnrorTTARRrD building PArERa«d®» YY the wefttherboartling ftyJ th;orfl. fter, e«x)l In aummer. AoSOLUTE PREVEMTIV® • galDHt vermin of every kind. Coats nearly nothin®^ ooly abvUt ninety cent® a room. Ask dealer® for U®9 vrU® CHARLES kL CONNER. Menuficturtr,JT j