Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, July 09, 1886, Image 8

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£5^ IK EL SUN 'IX MB& >1741*. n.'lfAY X JULY <■- *D •## “y*.^r. *' M *>*«-•« ^M» *’»***' +>+»* *+**■ ***** *»fa*W >- ■*->* * S %~m - fa k. iL«f Im»" Im******* t'jflr- ■>*»**#■* JHeyWju*' ^kv* «*t*r~ r* xrzmauit •trv- to; l*~T9'!'X i to* Ufcft * 22 IJBT* 2 iMP^ *. VT1»«. ; i- aEv*»-?sv '•’ an *8m»iet tofrv - -* loot inwaKir- * jwiw ittrnei * fautcitt tr«aj'_ __ oon»tf Aw iei7—«c n iu- ~mi*z*gr a. Uie m: aiut • *tv—» ^ yj/* TT>**rj • *./*?* 2T-#/lI n*rt >* toiifrtia&fesc tr ti» Stfn*tr *LS»% "igT-- v tuoiir vrti ti#* ir#ei/Or fl* li** la*’ > t** eusja&ec: itr Ui» wu’- a..ufc- rfv LM*a#«- *w-ay ■■■rtiir iftwai —t i»'jsv* U»' «tH*r or* xr*:_- tnufafae U#- I *r*-- futon turos 2iC to- faEtti *-**-*: i- v «. i jauK^ v. xui’ *c •fa*' in* iinr *-"• Stnr u in* «i»ff ->._•■ iv . .-* i. rrttixft. «s*=ut am ta«rr* r i - >jr ^ , -mi o' raBKtr-. u «»aU«rrL cam ycirjWjBS cn i»"M» tiifc-' <wt Irfaic rv«c Tix* u*»- swMtauw wt «&■ *< : : T.w- -p -Tit:** 1 u' noKiiBJf X*S- ' nii.->r ,»ax»i ii uc of *«uir~. mu: »- *JS!- vtbr- ’’n-o*e i- lae fan,..~ of It* mamma. *~ nurvtr Mill | ll'IBtol f W li#*r tSJB3BlR^ * ix 11**- «A#<T5?t TratoOACHL/I- J&*a*ri H— ^rt.f*3_ Mnlugra. atm 2*fa*r —W >-31»* fajc* *»!■ *•*•'** ^ ^ uui* var fat >Whri»w *s to- T*to*e**» *** vvue tw MW t»'* **ri# ''I **•* v**- **• r *: *r\jrr l *s.'.jjr ii* yo ***** v «snt bu ; a»M ti>fat»^ ,'vt ^ r ' «t wcL *, hr uo 'sMupmr: • *jo«i rt iflir^nn- y* XU' VlfcitI 1*^* MttHJ’ W ^ r*.y to* r—tir v* a. *ipr*^ Wi.ritt* trm&sBZ. *9.-o« la*- mo '/ «rr* -tfr" Mac VfTitir.* o' utw r * *" O-faV* UE^V-rH- ' : Mfi /xvf:p>*3i fx*i«r: *ta*' l*rvna|K»w v* lo*r ii JO?u< fa faUKIB fa* lo* ML >«ii WiUt afa +&*?- y <sar- irur r . JL fiv«rtfa«*t . fa. bn»( ;<m- *.;ii fai. iiav ifa ?»arruifa' sumctuu; f-fa iifats Uij jif»<*ni**«x £L^iI>F^ CWx 1 ZLUi>kJZ**LZ. •fa^MC^fa *• •*-•»* fa .L.faT Il^fa - ■ Afa «* it-afafaf lA’JOMWT JtL!” L—lx ix** suaetaR t/' Ix^ irrai/t ts<c rrac Jfirx : --^faUF.oi*t isicr ifa-c-ri. wtjnx * Ajfafc fex-*4: ^ a £?w*t tor v .-ILOII * : fal ^flllXiTIff-fafaLl* Jftl**' of V. A 3CrL ZJiatoOtRfMh*: V JA‘ •*yw*aiKr2r -fa-F" ii Hit ‘jatufat uf M* '-•xi i V*x:> «■ £-u'_ 2>ir r r ^ t .-x,r man » ^yuifawr.'-t after aL iir rsi^ r-^®: a **n vrf 0 ’ tr ju i**r ptar nuMticL r"XLiftn a' vu .-> ix»t «T>ntKfliWi yf lx*t V- «r «sr» fcr la** laai qiafawr v' trfa ? «fa a?* o fau-. ygirfaXM* *' la#* Ar , < to* *» In iir m «ifairr* a. riMwrtyrr o' fr** >?r •jrxr* aril faLf*o-t*' TJ:: fat --r* ia*t >1a l/ jar aox ^ utr ptojr tr ia*» aid la** *nu-r oxl ^ TO’ aC JT- ^-®- Kf»* :rtr itul Anntii®* b«r OT »t 1^1 cos *aarr aan A’- H’f*. ~'in^fziu ■ nr iutj<lj€A. t lA-t-J A >T .•* :^iJLi'r. irt- i r. -• yi l>i*A UfaCA ar' F t*# * &jj" .c?' lx»* foxJt*r-_uf iit» faofl: * *f mtsBUui. nut sux Tfattmassc lotn fa* w*w®ur al :i*t yf lnrt ufahtrr^ ant rvri «, n1 r"* wlrth^ifait u ii** «ni-4S*r -jm.rvs: * J*i~ — PiStfaio. ln*t £xu/trfar: *-»r _*srr. 'nr Fira ax: '.•yfaufa-T’. r ?nr* *sxa* a' Itho* * \scrru~r. 3if 3>*- - '■*> T *sa. :i#t a:ix*t n*r ''m**ffat *? mr tn _ ^i*c ymmt ix*ai a^t** a: *?3k- >*r ycmnc. cif t t OfaLfX '.rxt** fa-11 i#ti :ib%** ‘.ixc*-* XfarF: bufaf fa? »n--r : jt?k 5-:w7 i*tf^ r^. v .». r3t * far ■w#- . aar. ux: T r s** l i:rx 1 r IrraaoL t'tar- lio* *rv. nrf t jth—cm*i mt Zt #i/i i/ti4 v aiaWL /jV-1 *i*p*!f wnwiaoteufa »•* iaar* *ji*»faC to* ' r ^W‘ 14 aaojtitfatTUT* ^ 1irt t A , fatifaC fa* to* 1vr# liii#t ii lo* Txr.*^ !i v; r.'VVf.w Hatl « N**fa • : . yjU’U-X Tli» tt'-Ofa fa* >-..**•*> U > U*» 2L>c, i#«a#e*faVfa fafat *rvtr ofcrv# Ii** j*Lrvlr.' 'I*** liifaO* irvtx tipn aui ouiikxa ?ur> iioQi t? u* 7 it Vvi oil x#t . '.#tu • >- J#*^ V* tsa»v* lufat** •f-v-rr*' iaCrfilUtT la in/' S.i^x A^jniw Ai#t itu tfrutnii* it tin unutruj not tfav&t / lubu uito-r.trtur uu- *oj: 4*«t. '.vob«*. tnr *wtL »a*tr -aimar t#* *uru*^ L *w fail o# auatvi itr Unm fax* i Qbbi rt v *. uaj-v* fa* fa tv \#u* iir an: ^ mjv furxuflt tfa* Itiinuruif •‘■inn t** la** _- STL, >***; bvci Hilt: L/x LautfiRftr Jii Ufa rtai^iui lifatoe t'fai lot •nr'UiTf *>u- gri-vot i»' ?-ikjir Lru'iA ?^rr?xni#-r~ xl: 7-yiitr Jvet’UiKiit* a uryr tuL sto.r— it* fcots io/t tXi<j« Tip«rK a**' r*.n»*nr i/ »abi*r u ikt tu- mir A'ufaj ac »r_ >nr ataea. *?faa2a. b-utii-fa n t-udit** 1 'itne:>—lot i*^k 2&; 7 vena b~wsi *^tr ««>iX a fataonihi in** u* lit.:: *7 iw r n —■y rry* iixt liauutffi t3C2Iit AfasrHA no: tar»?*u fa-ntarutn j«ut •« al wrrrrpU'Jut ir •jartrhi xxt '.■imifari-en' ii7 i »i» x- i€>- Ou< Bftto J^'rJnzur tja fawa dasmsw: k. iri*^ liruuia cxli^rtu. toe :W < tn #«r^*. incur.'’'* yf i>ta»r. i : rt *n^5enur ux: nrira nrt-. rtof/tmf .W lurE:i,x alag* jtxnaciuz. xa l.tyr:nr,*s 'ue istafa=*stt. t?t?*uani*Sti5 H#* - ;-ITTf* Liqwiut fallf >OTCr fain ZUitAtt* lW< Al exc trotanr* «hh«i i;t-n 7t *jf *- xuc BsesmuL 4: lxr^‘3x ItrjiLTCi V'xiix—*fcfi JUIST1A SUJ?IL~ Hit HtoXH IT H itomirjr t jmsxi. 3»5 oA'v >jr. 'W'iiHm-t IrUit V iru3t**b '▼ •it Xl’JTitt. 1'^ni^oat ImoxrQi 1/ItoIXl -♦Xlife Ify'lf Vasaitst '.TQlt H XttH.*—A. *>a*c Vxitn#e* 1 >KCl IDOt w#- <*^.* V K. iv«u#■// toi ij>. A.1 V >fa* btoyufa -a,.* i v kij/Ot. r j*. '4*. , . *•-. -v -* •%£ :i-: 't y ’'■‘Ife- -tH X jt yj - rtan Ht* -HS tL401XiXi£. fair' t- Oi_-'4|farraUyH*L . .'Ufau. -X :_Ht F «#t H**» t %iuirt Stffatot Ik :*x fat-r; €*at of li—.itoc f tsr. f tmitrr 'jvrtzp&c ir- jtr t* 3L Cai^pil fat t -’’T- r..rt. ?r.*j>«*s*in _ir~tn _ F V. H 11 k I 5 a A «i»XH*ii —*** F ^itol* ^;v* k »to< ix* *x iuTsrvr.i jz. ar:* tri »annnKrmr* tstn- l^afa £acait a*, jnmin tr :•—»&* sx^t UfetT '-•’ tr ijvr^rr t. .Wvoa. * turar r — *rx>* — X' :a rsrjfal sir-*---. lanir*r juy .*< a: A».*.i l*wrv Kiaiii. tfa- fat I o.t AA I axtoi. fat-:’i xx't :: m:** * tr* fi t* r. :rja fai/C fa'i« -.ft rtrrvtt - b# n^m-x a# yjsshut ' fall fael far tot uer: *nrTT- hat-* »r 'tir x»rr t: vs-rirv Hta vfargiiix tot i*ee urns: vt mi tot rtitr tfeAi- Irnrv BiniOA r/Att xot Ira y.x3«m .'T.jrx brAm rlxrCT - rt eit. tr,t IlrJmix* t * ?-l—.-tt xt -_i4' Gtfer, -t xr» xnw: tr i«k irtrs yf xoarpt **x*t if rvectfaCit* hax i#t 7. :rxi 7j:r_c?. £ytyibtoygA y.un.rt* nu. tot Utoi-ai Frt It- 7 5:dtt tinrofar- Jiamt ni*: *:b* lx. v-? k .xt. i^ai; n-' Jsnmz rtrvt . ** k*i*-c LT.rt tlfX d'ETEIit*. An A Cx Nrt'trtr Btu: x: »t» xrt BfWf tol *£Xt i*X I*et» r li:" t:rxi*er-7 strtset Ltit nwi-OTBES> ni«trurrwei iiP» ' •-x w fa-__ xifirts k.FOEt.I 4 ^E# l aiTIEV. t*4 rr*-*i*-4 fctj Jfafcn Bih*kmur. Lfaica Mv. Ufa jlv: b. xi bb: eel 5.r>a: sirtf. p:'tl. :-:?r martarfapt "f -im oillS y..xn.riK lu: is i*. tjoctursoc •_ t*X"Tt. jv £*- - -.xfii Jfy ' > n . >fH*. us -ftf ".ft a: .r > K K*?.. 4*1 'tv «-» '.X'Jt Jl 1 . */ ' 1- -X*t yiifa. Hj- to* .t 2 i luMUAvfa *»*> fci»«i<htc ai»<! 1a>* *• a —*- i -* uit fa*/a. Xl Xt * O rt y rv>7i.M > -y; b*Aro.*t & I t — A-trJtfa A. B'-SElfe bfcs Ayt-it Vurt^tr fir Vr.r:^r-f:n* r#a.n fit. r^-11 SHtsorix. w. Air oer pxlifr. Iirt. rf: v.'.nt ^'nt Vjrtspj- « pin* strrxrri. Mr. :e: gx-H ait'Kaar* * 'xH i r tr lit 1 -tut nm *»' Afttf r v. Ct: A_i.- xt i: B: v % Hirf* top»/r*noBll,V ! Ill t . t.S XAt tfX'ft IT. tET Xfati' 1 i'.r tAJt t -- EJ-TH-Xclr rl t tX- ->vxy,n Jut ryjksy's r 'o /■••> -* 'tfA *_®*.Att .tjrtT:-. I-.' BrjAt r* luiptortaDt. l v t *" ; ft -f t tr iwr? Ntfa Yvri 7-37--rr* T--f: -trs-trA. -ty.t sATt t Ht' ti. t>r#f»-.:t 6t;r.r. i nu nn • hi ui ' m#u.h /.< /. ,.f 4 W .» it j '**"9*1 VifM>i/1 Uli'l jh'ltfii.t 1, f-.i ,j r!|* Mi/.li/..;l 0 v/litonk# A V/jj«i<, Ml/, ,f. -< ,/.,../ ' ‘ Ij to I«-) /I-,/,. j 7. V*r/li/:1 <6/y| j.,/1^/1,1 /.I//,, // Wlill# to#*#l f//i /-’//•! i 'I'hfc » />//»//itoi 'Jfi- k< I 'to»« »/.- ( . > Mk . .. roHn^iiiM <-««# •• MUjfatoto-#* ff / l.< it. # nht.ii I In VfaHlU.I f/ Uni K u;tl , 'Mill s««h Vk A/,/,|r i/I Jl/g 1-.11. Ii*ii»to 4 ) I14MMI.I Owl -i,«J !>.. ’ »< nin>n it .!>■/ !*?*». »»*'/ j#t.: n, f. . / K #: r-i./i fii/Vf (/' \ U.M l»fU <1 I 1K>I. I I'. I 11 i'll*-r r\ Ilro. Sol#! Out l#> EiHiito #1 II o v% n rrl. bruit*, -yyia Water ApparatJxa. etr to Evans A: Hw&rti. Ahf •*«]] coniiii-jt the ba?inea« at our o.'J ^ran'i. We vrspeatc for them a cont.nua- tiox of the patronage -vn.oh our friends have so fahodiy betrtofatd ujx^fj js, and feel assured in dofMK that tney vrill find our auece*V/rs count- #. tin tr m? neifaj ire n tie men. Jn y K. :w;, P. Tr R.N'EH A; Bro. Not alone on »hc fieJd of}ratti- m r.rjf; forum, or In th*- hAlln of Witnmwt; ar< we t>i f5#i#f for our honor and otei-rn. huf. • l»rv. n< re in other walka of J./#- are h*’ro*:n an nun and vvuinut v,hov live* are «*xarnphra f.#> in*., whose deed*, are v,or».fj> t/i live j/j our i/i#mor»< s ; and #i\» r wh'rw- rernojrm v/»- may h<; fier/niUcd t.// ahed th«* tear #-I r« x'r* !.. Theritfore, the Hfy eoonrdl <>f Au(ruaia. fionorin^ the jfjfu i:#l # II J/< IJ *A /IOM- ill/;' v/» he 1 <• no ;i! Joned, adopt the iollov. iny ; .:aol.;Uou*-.. Ki eoJvr-d, 'I hat in the death of |';mi |(. uu/ihii-. IU:ii (b or^ia !«„<■, on. #»f Water and th Huy lie, Un Hi .1.I.4- .,f f )»« hri|/ht#-sl irname/ilrt ; a true-m- •onth* r/ji r, v^ how- - hojde <>f /m-lody Aiw«yh f.iiiifad to wot/J#i nf fVull> to \‘/e have purchased of Jno. P. Turner A: Bro. their stock of Drugs. Patent Medicine*?. Soda Waiter Apparatus, etc., and wnlJ be^Iad to have their patrons and the public generally call to see ij* at their old stand. We shall keep constantly on hand a complete iine of the finest prepara tion* for prescription purpose*, a full and cr*m- plete an*on ment of Bristle (j<>#><!**. consisting of Hair iirushefc, Tooth Brushes. Blacking Brushes, at prices cheaper than ever before offered in Co- ber that we draw the best Soda Ide-t. an we have shaved ice. jy* it Evans A: How ard. Uo to Aria ms A: Bowers' Ice Cream Saloon and . r'* r "-di#d with some of their delicious Cream. a: rse cxr* r-tjre > or K-ut. Hc.renee. le places Dr. SETH >. JORDAN, Operating Scrgeos jlsd Pht?:cul> Hesid^nr;e, Stanford Hou*e. Tr:iet^fOi> No - Offc .*• Oart*-/ i>*7) t Store Com- C'OL"faErS AO£i»CV OF CC*LCXB"5 . Kail wav and socth western R paw of Georgia. Col'- mbc*. Ga.. June 6. Isn5. Hound Trip Etnirsion Ticket* To Boston. New York. Philadelphia and BaKI- more via Savannah and steamer, also to all Sum mer Kerris are now on sale at Union Passenger Depot a; greatly reduced rates. For price: further information apply to C\ W. Mey •nd ticket W. L. Clare. Agent. G. A. Whitehead. Gen'1 Pass. Agent. jy6dtf Blood Grange, the favorite beverage, at dtf Adams A: Bowers. TEXTUAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA Sleeping Car AccoiniiKxiation. Collmbcs, Ga.. Jan. 26. 1SS6. A Sleeper is attached to train No. is between Columbus and Macon, leaving Columbus every night at 11:3-5 o’clock. Berths can be secured upon application to C. W. Meyer, ticket seller. Union Depot, or to Con ductor of train. W. L. Clark. Agent. G. A. Whitehead. General Passenger Agent, jan 28tf ’-Trorgva ISA 112 on: . bank STOCKS \- ~±*}z~z<<Zcx National 10 per cent . 175* -•-vrinants A Mechanics’10 percent. 123 (.i 126 MISCELLANEOUS. Con:edera:e Ccupon Bonds 1 ^ 2 FOR SALE, i. shares Eagle and Fhemx. 10 shares Mu^vogee Factory S:<x'k. fn m. -reorgia new 4 . j^er e'en:. 30 year Bonds lo snares Meivnants and Mechanics’ hank r.cck. paying 10 per cent, for past ten years. fiO.'XO Mississippi State ne\' 6a **- Centra] Railroad *s. due 13A. : . wanted. Geo rgia T percent gold bonds, due 1590. Western railrc*ad second mort^ace net t>cnds. due l^£»p. City of Columbus Ss bonds. See me before you buv or sell. 1 ran «lwavs d as well, and often several points bet er. than a:o oaeelse JOIIA HI.At K M AK RUNNING OF TRAINS. Arrival and Departure of ill Trail at t oltimhii* C arrying l»a**eiifaerx In Effect July 4. 1**6 ARRIVALS. COLUMBVS AND ROME RAILWAY. Mail train from Greenville 10:11 a t Accommodation from Greenville 6:21 p 1 SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD. Mail train from Macon 2-25 p 1 Accommodation from Macon 'L'43 a. 1 COLUMBUS AND WESTERN RAILWAY. Mail train from Montgomery 11:55 a 1 W ' ’ ‘ ’ 6:31 p. 1 Mail train from Atlanta.. MOBILE AND GIRARD RAILROAD. Mail train from Troy and Eufaula .... $>-55 a , Accommodation from Ttov, Eufaula and Montgomery 2-02 p Accommodation from Union Springs' 10*IS d DEPARTURES. ^ ^ COLUMBUS AND ROME RAILWAY. Mail tram for Greenville 3-20 p Accommodation for Greenville 6:29 a. SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD. Did Newspapers Tor Sale. Tliose who want old newspapers for putting under carpets can get them at this office at 50 cents a hundred. sep29tf Montgomery Mail train for Macon Accommodation for Macon COLUMBUS AND WESTER Mail train for Atlanta Mail train for Montgomery .12:00 ..11:45 p. MOBILE AND GIRARD RAILROAD. Mail train for Ttov. > Accommodation ^or Troy and Lufaula 4 Accommodation for Union Springs and