Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, July 22, 1886, Image 2

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DAILY ENQUIKER - RUN : WIT MIPS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING JULY 2‘>, lHHfi. Disturbance in the Social Atmosphere at the White House. Capt. .Utile* It. KmI* the Sim pee of a liri ill lli.ii Emlurni—in.iil - Mr*. (IrieUml'H Pet* I Photographs Iter Hnirhiir nit it IN lilnri Vieii -I'reHlilent (»:irfleiil\I'liiiniliep. "Washington Litter There is an apparent disturbance in the social atmosphere of the white hoiNe, which only goes toshow that a little cloud, no bigger at first than it man's hand, cv; make a great deal of trouble. A few even ings ago, the president and Mr atteiKled a perform ance of “The Black Hussar," at the National theater. They occupied a box at the left of the stage, ami would have enjoyed the entertainment im mensely, had it not been for an incident which has made the president extremely uncomfortable ever since. The president ami his wife had no more seated themselves when in popped Copt. James B. Kads of ship-railway fame. The Captain is a little man, with a white beard and a livid, bloodless complexion. A fringe of white hair fences in a bald head. When Air. Kads opened the door, the president’s face had no unmistakable look of mingled surprise and disgust. This did not affect the captain in the slightest. He was as effhsive as a school girl oil graduation day and ns polite as a French dancing master. Air. Cleveland didn’t even rise to greet the intruding and self-appointed guest. He sat lazily back in his chair, and with the slighlest turn of the head extended his right hand in a very listless fashion, which Ends grabbed am! shook heartily. Mr. Ends remained for some time, but the pres ident took but little notice of him. This was the entering wedge of All-. Eads’ prom- j inence at the white house. The next day Mrs. Cleveland went up to j the capitol for the first timeto see congress make laws. Mr. Eads was on hand again. ! He took the party—consisting of the presi- j dent’s wife, Mrs. Vi is and Mrs. Lninunt— under his guidance, and escorted them The b iy- sianding around grew interested and e mimoneed to pr as around. The ither man, whose face by this time was .hid with rage, r< a red: ‘I'll let you fHfC. “Tins rather staggered me, but as I ban the money i wasn l to be bluffed. I put it — t ). The article s of agreement were quickly ■ irawn up and signed. “Well, to cut a long story short, i got I .‘mid of one of those long, lank, hungry scrub porkers and put him at once into j training. My method was to feed him a bushel of corn once a day. The pig would be stationed at om end of ft straight 300- [ yard lane, and over the line at the other end the corn uoidd be dumped upon a I given signal. The moment the corn was dumped the pig was freed, and away Ik would scoot for the other end. This kind ! of practice was kcj up for a month, and at the end of this time the hungry hog could make the distance in a way that Clcvelioiii I "'o dd put Maud S. to shame. “The day of the race came, and every man, woman and child for miles around was on hand to witness it. The race was run on the hog's own ground, according to agreement. 'ihe porcine racer was more than unusually hungry that day. lie had become so accustomed to finding his half bushel of corn at th- other end of the lane I " ’ I hut wlien ho was released nnnn the word noon BLOOD AND MONEY. The blood of. i.wi has much to do in shaping his actions during his pilgrimage through this troublesome world, regardless of the amount of present or expectant money in pocket or stored away in bank. It h a conceded fact that we ap pear as our blood makes u*. and the purer the blood, the h.ippk", healthier, prettier and win- we are; hence the oft-repeated interrogatory, "how is your blo-»d?" With pure streams oflifi- giving fluid coursing through our veins, bounding U'a.ity, and ploughing through our throng physical frames, our morals become netter, nu I constitution stronger, our facultiis j more act ut. ami grander, and r.u ii. 5\onion an.i children happier, hoaithp.-ram: more lovely. The unprecedented demand, the unparalleled curative powers,ami theunmi.-iakableproof i’t"in those of unimpeachable character and integrity, point with an unerring finger to B. B. B. -Botanic Blood Balm - as far the best, the cheapest, the quickest. and the grandest and most powerful ver bo for pnBijjws that when he was released upon the word ! remedy ever before known to mortal man, “go!" he .shot off like a flash. He darted I in the relief and nositice vine of Scrofula, Hh.u- under the horse’s legs, and before that alii- I lllttt i>iii. Skin Diseases, all taints of blood poison. Kidney complaints, old ulcers ami sores, ca catarrh, etc, mal and his rider could recover themselves i was at the other end. He dind’t get his corn, but 1 did get the |1000. I left town the next day.” \ Iteniiirkiihli’ Criminal Trial. A special dispatch from Topeka, Kansas, says: "The trial of Willie Bells, aged lb, for the murder of his father, mother, brother and sister, will begin at Erie, this state, Monday. The youth of the criminal, the number and relation of the victims, the entire lack of provocation, the Manner of the killing and all the cireumKnnccs of the ease make it almost unprecedented in the annuls of crime. The morning of March 8 Willie made his appearance at the farm house of a neighbor, Air. Alendall, and in an excited tone stated that a strange man had been at his home during the night, and lie thought had hurt his father, as lie was lying on the floor with blood on his face. As this visit of young Sells was at 1 o’clock in the morning, Air. Alendall down in the basement, where the model j questioned him closely. Willie said he of his marine railway is on exhibition. : awakened and saw a man standing in the Then he explained its workings at great door between the room Willie and his detail, while his emi-uries were rushing, brother slept in and the one occupied by through the capitol telling everybody how , the parents and sister. Airs. Cleveland was being entertained “‘1 got my clothe off the foot of the bed Afterward he escorted the party to thu and was putting them on When the man president’s gallery in the house, and sat by j tin ned, looked at me and then ran out into Mrs. Cleveland’s side chatting with her for j the yard. 1 did not try to arouse my a full half an hour. The same perform- brother, but pul on my pants ami went ance was repeated in toe senate; after j into the room where my parents were which the party, with Air. Eads left out, sleeping to get my bouts and overcoat. 1 drove back to tilt white house. Whether 1 saw my father on the floor with blood B. H. B. is only about three years old a U;rjy in age* a giant ill power- but no remedy in America can make or ever Inis made such a’ wonderful showing in its magical powers in curing and en tirely eradicating the above complaints, and gigantic sales in the face of frenzied opposition and would-be money monopolists. Letters from ail points where introduced are pouring in upon us, speaking in the loudest praise. Some say they receive more benefit from one bot tle of 11. B, B. than they have from twenty, thirty and fifty, and even one hundred bottles of a hoasttd decoction of inert and non-meditimd roots, and branches of common forest trees. We hold the proof in olnck and white, and we also hold tile fort. I’olireimtli Mrs. M Atlanta. with a ( nostril- living at :is West Kairslrcct, eatarih, attends- 1 -charge from both Mrs. Cleveland gave Alv. Eads to under stand that he would always lie welcomed at the white house or not is, ofcomse, not known; but he is evidently under t lie im pression that the social side of the white house is not able to get along without him, for he sticks to it like a leech. To-day’s •setback in congress lias somewhat ruffled the worthy captain, and he is wondering if there is any justice in the land. At each of Mrs. I’lev. land’s receptions ■Captain Eads haw been present in as promi nent a place as ho could get. It is known that his forwardness is the cause of a great deal of embarrassment at the cxeeulivc mansion, but neither the president nor the versatile Col. Lament has as yet found a way out of the dilemma, lie is not invited there; but whenever any affair is on hand to which the public is'admitted K.uls is sure to be there, and a memberoftbe cabi net couldn’t be more oltieioiis and import ant than lie assumes to be. The president cannot give him to understand that he is not welcome at the white house when everybody else is admitted ; but it is probable that he will be given a hint fore long that lie is making himself alto gether too prominent, and that a dash of bashfulness would make bis presence more acceptable. Mrs. Cleveland can lie depended on to do this, aw she is a woman of infinite tact in such matters. The president’s wife is in love with life at the white house, and this incident is the first t hat she has encountei ed of a disagree able nature. Lately she has been busy sit ting for a local photographer. The pic tures were all taken in tiie white house ■conservatory, and most of them are unsat isfactory to noth her and the president. The reason is that the shadows on the face are altogether too dark. This is dm to the tact that it was impossible to produce aiiv reflected light in the conservatory. Mrs. Cleveland is very fond of pets, She has several canines, and a dog to which she gives her personal attention. The latest addition to the white house menagerie is a mocking bird, of which she is very fond. Her sitting room is next to the library on the south front of the mansion, and over looks the beautiful lawn which fades away to the broad Potomac, with the majestic Washington monument in full view! On the other side of tilt Potomac is Arlington, the famous bom. of Koiiert E. I,, e. u In re thousands of union dead are peaei fully sleeping, i low ii the river m the mists is the old city of Alexandria, where i Ulswi irt h *ded. _ 1 be view is not excelled by any in Washington. The young wife’s room is the scene of continual gayety during the hours when the president is attending to affairs of state. How different llu- apart ment which adjoins it on the west. Visi tors have often noticed that this room is never opened. The curtains are tightly drawn, and no one ever thinks of crossing Its threshold. It was in this room tluit Mr. Garfield laid for months tortured by assassin Guiteau’s bullet, while a nation hoped and prayed for the recovery tin never came. The room is almost pn wisely as it was the day that Air. Garfield was taken from it and carried to F.lhcrton, where he breathed his lust. President Ar thur had a horror of the place. He gave orders that it should remain untouched as long as he remained in the White House, and these orders were strictly obeyed. President Cleveland has said nothing upon the topic as yet, but it is und( rstoud that he, too, is loth to hr< uk the silence of that room which witnessed so much suffering during the long and wearisome summer months of 1881. The contrast bet wee two rooms is a most notable one life death could furnish no stranger. A HOG OUTRUNS A HORSE. I > 11 .V - i, She IVrigth rabidly, : • a quick and via AI lit lit u his face, but I thought his nose was bleed ing, as he was frequently troubled that w ay. 1 put on my boots and overcoat and went to si e if 1 could find the stranger. Wlien 1 passed out of the door he was standing in the yard, but ran. I pursued him for Imli'ii mile, w lien he mounted a horse held by another man, and both rode i away as fast as the<r could go.’ ; a decided impr " Cpoll hearing this story, Air. Alendall j nettles had brer accompanied Willie home. When they ' arrived the boy remained outside. Air. u " symptoms nt MOndall entered, procured a light | tt ane htr and was confronted with the most horrible spectacle that can be j imagined. The door was covered with blood, the ceiling was spattered and the ! walls stained. The oid man was lying on the floor, with the whole back part of his head cur-lied in and bis throat cut so deep | that his in ad was almost severed from his | body. Near him, also on the floor, wax the body ol Airs. Bells, with her skull crushed and throat cut in the same manner. A few | feet away, in a bed in a corner, lay the I ry I body of Miss Imi Bells, with her skull be- ! crushed and her throat cut from ear to ear, and the in adjoining room,in the same bed in which Willie hmi been sleeping,was the body of Watie Sells, with a large gash in his lore hi ad, one of his eyes chopped out and bis throat cut in the same manner as the others. Air. Alcpdall found a large hatchet covered with blood and hair lying on a chair, and about a foot from tlie body of the father was a butcher knife, which was also covered with blood. “After a hurried examination Alendall returned to the yard and told Willie of the crime. The boy said nothing, and mani fested no particular feeling. He accom panied Air. Alendall to Air. Rice’s house near by, where he went to sleep, until morning. Tne oflieers in the morning made an examination, but found no trace nf the stranger or lmrse tracks, although Willie’s tracks were plainly indented in the mud. Returning to the Sells house, a wash basin of bloody water was found on the stove, in which' the perpetrator had washed his hands. It was discovered that /n'iiM-'i.'V...'/i-', Willie had washed his hands and wrists, j natures atl.ichcil, : uml u.TCfi a dozei lUcd Mood rein uttcmiou of i bottle* of ail •dy. all wit ho •iicvtl tlic use of G. B. R . w • lent at once, and when ; _• ii, slu w is entirely cured < appetite, and increased iu in I cheerfully recommend tonic and Blood Purifier. J. W. (.rl.OKR, ■try in, is.-'.;. Poiicem u 1 Koolt of Wonder*, Vrw, \I1 who desire full information about the cause andeure of Blood Poisons,Scrofula and Scrofulous Swellings, lDeers, Sores, Rheumatism, Kidney Complaints, CaUinh, etc., can secure by mail, five, a copy of our :;2-]>age Illustrated Book of Wonders, filled with the most wonderful and startling proof ever before known. Address BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Cia. se&w top col arm d2ta\ if rF Al'ITAIi flMtIKi: *?r>.ooo. <Y* Kef * only *L>. Sliares in |>ro|im fioii CHILDREN TEETHING f0B BVALLDR'J GGIST S WTALL U» sotPERBOTTLE ORELAND-^PARK military academy*? ■ J i'lfe b»«llfc»USSSnR* W M fvi j eod uLm 111 li >■ Li Near ATLANTA, OA, Twenty-six Liiwns, Terru.cs, T<*r ptn Alloy, Lnkw,<ui it full corps of oxerII nt teachers. Compf Doys*. The next yen, . behind Sept, Uk Fo jvl3 eodlm | i»* nvuiMnarauh u nui.MKm'.inunr “•res <»f land, beautifully luhl off with shaded V'.ngli*h, Clansieal nml Business ('nurses, under • Military Orjraniy.fition. A thorough school for Circulars address CliAS. M. NEEL, Supt. Louisiana State Lottery Comp'y SPRQTC GOODS ! ALL > TT" O L A o.; /HI Hi/. due* dips the 'orehepmfsepiiferSi but above the wrists blood was found mi liis arms. There was blood under his linger nails also, and his underclothing was considerably stained. There was a purse containing -kPO under Mr. Hells’ pillow, and two watches hanging in plain sight were undisturbed, so that there "is no probability that the crime was committed fur the purpose of robbery. ' Prei ions to this horrible oecurn nee I he l bov had borne a good reputation, and to tins day stoutly denies tin iierpctr.o.tion of the deed, and affirms that if he commi’icd it, it nns in his sleep or while his reason was dethroned. It is said Hint he was a constant reader of dime novels, and had several times expressed a desire to become a hero." //D5 1 oiiMti is*io; HV the huricisix'll! ‘d I'm jut)/ oil P> ' .i -, h'urult) Thi terws irhi>:}i mu,/ be picsi ni .1. Ifl. OU.LSin, l*ic .1. IV. U I Mtui: E II. |*B< A. JViU) lVi.\. fns. *. I.a. \ a I * i •*. Nfatc \k A. O. Ala I * 5 Banli. I »*k Kill II l« CLOTHING! CLOTHING-! T<i PAKE.VTS. M-iiiy linkiirr powih ii Taxes! Taxes! Taxes! L*llt S«;lle (.'■ \ N.-i\YKR. Will vou i?i( a dark day if ‘ July 1st will be art. KEEDY. R. T. Tt. M. C. Ini orpoiatv:! in lSG8l'.»r26 t'liL f ir Educational and (. with a capita! otdrl.OOO.UOO fund of owr ,> : >50.0o(i lia.> si:u By an ovcnvhclmim*; popj was made a part of ti e pn. tion. tuloptea December 2d, The only Lottery ever voted .,n u thi people of am/ State. IT NEVER SCALES OR PO II* (•iini.i Single Niiniln take place >loni!i!>. uri ilie Extra Druwimr** lvyularl.. <• ;*ry tine*.- in*»mh< i lOME and id re u> vom \ you are pressed In tlv a suit made 1.1 a hurry. > ever, to j?et up stiiib nt vei want a .suit quick, tfive want a suit in tDirty days, vou > L.t in sixty da vs •t ier. l)o not wait til season, and then want ^e are prepared, how- V short notice. Ff you us your order. If you tfive us your order. >your order 'MDTHtR'S FRIEND' lillil V Mb ),, , betf': FPONi-.S. \s in«* : Unary instead March, the ! and li'lt V I I p; v him r.\mu uppouTiMi r v i’4v WiN A EOUTi'M:. Ltd It fll (iUAN D 1-RAW- ! N < ■. U.AsS RIJN TUI. ACADEMY OK MfSfC, NI.'W ; iR 1 KAN*. 'i'Cl.^DAY. \iiu ii*| !**<> IRAil» Abmthiy Drawing. 4 \ 1M I A 1, i»2UZI. S7AJHMI. 100.000 Ticket* at l ive Hollacs Each. I'rudioiii* in I’iKlts in |>ro|M>a*lion. !»••• Item a r k h I* 1« If, by Uli h i It K10II0, >»|Mirtiu-' Man j ly diinii life «*f both mother and leave's the im hitfldy “Talking about queer wagers,” .said a sporting nian the other night, "I shall I), ver lorget the time I won #1000 on a last ^ ever told you the story ?’’ His auditors shook their heads and asked lor the tale, which he told as follows • “It was in the summer of 187s. if I recollect rightly. I had been playing a pretty steep game in Chicago that winter and spring, and when June came my not overstrong ‘Yam 1 ' vas l jrttt v nearly broken down Aitn g on the advice of a medical friend I took a jaunt to a little country town in lovia, hoping that a month’s sojourn there might brace me up for the fall and winter campaigns. But to tell you about the race svmGnf H ha ;‘ “ l\ ntty good course and ®o»e of the boys there owned some really proud. fly ’ ° f Whlch they ' vere very ‘‘°'} e of them, whose name I needn’t mention, possessed a marc upon whose fleetness he particularly prided himself. Talking with him in a bantering way one <U Monered to produce a hog which could beat his animal in a 300 yard running race. He became angry when I insisted upon the matter. ‘I’ll tell you what I’ll do, I said to him jocosely; ‘I’ll bet youanv Die emT J ’ 0U n T my name “'at lily Pig can win the race. Do you take me?’ vuUi. synipt .Iv in hie . ami otlu-i ns incitk-i nnuuc labor. Itswoniler- ful clftcacy in ibis icsiivcl entilk" ii to he called The MothfkN Krif.xh and t- be ranked an one of the life- having remedies of the niuv- teenth century, From the nature of the- case, it will of course he un derstood that we cannot pub lish certificates concerning this remedy without wound ing tlie delicacy of the wri ters. Yet we have hundreds of such testimonials on tile. Send for our Treatise on -Health and Happi- j ness of Women,” mailed free. The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta. Ga. jy*21 eod Aw nr ill •J PRIZE* OF : 500 do 50 1U0U do 25 .’ A PPROX IM AT1 ()N 1’RIZKS. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750 9 Approximation Prizes of 500 9 Approximation Prizes of 250 1907 Prizes $75,000 . 25,000 .. 10,000 .. 12.000 .. 10,000 . 10.000 10.000 .. 20,000 30*000 .. 25.000 G. J. PEACOCK, i Hulling .Wiiiinl'iiftnr, ,', a ) Slreel. etultf - Wm.L.TILLMAN | Gt-orgiu. Muscogee (Jcumiy— a ii Mortnagf itc. In Museusee it. ii. iiUKIWX. MiiHi'iorfoiin. .vLty term, lssii. J1 aiipeariiiB tu lhe fiiiirl i» l!n- K-tiliou of " L- 1 i.liiuin. aeeoinpameil by the notes and mt.i’taagt'dvt-d. that on the fourth nay of May v-b.'.iti-v-n Humlivd and LiglUy-'.lirtt-, the defeild- an. in.nit- and delivered to the plaintiff her two promi-sory notes, hcaiimr dale the day and year •it ’repaid, whereby the defeiuiunl promiseJ by one < i *.i:d promissory notes to p;,y to the plaintitt' ’ v.r Dearer.^twenty-four months after the (lute tmivfi. Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-eight Dollars and 1 wenty-two Cents, with interest Ircu. duii ut eight per cent per annum, and if bhi-i note was not paid at matu'tty. ten per cent attorneys tees for the collection thereof, for Mher of said promi- promised to pay to the are very pernieirms ry one regards his nave a care for the tender SEA FOA1TI eimtnfiisuntil- of flu- had qualities of halting ! , "";<!*-i's sotla or sali-i'atus. It eontaiiis no hurttui ingredient—no alum or aininouia. sc:iK.wiri€. All riieiMistsjtwho have analyzed Sea Fonin commend .t. Housekeepers win have used r uil! have no other. Cooks, \vho,s<? Lest ellort - havi» failed with other powders, an* jubilant > ver .Sea Foam. Saves tinu\ saves labor, saves money. It is positively mtequaled. Absolutely pure. Lsed by the leading hotels and iv-tmirunt.s in New York (utvand throughout the country, for saJe by all first-class grocers, GANTZ, JONGS ,C CO., 17H On one St., N. Y. HOOD’S EUREKA LIVER MEDICINE Acts to-rluy, and always successfully and tri- iiiuidiaul over any remedy on the market, and will stand to the afflicted with inactive or torpid liver, constipation or bad feelings generally, bv a large and overwhelming majority. It takes the lead and keeps it, and cannot he defeated as the people s remedy. Try it and be convinced. JUVANTIA! A new medicine and a Specific for Sick Head ache. Only one dose will prevent the worst Sick Headache. Jordan’s Joyous Julep The Infallible Remedy for Neuralgia. M. D. HOOD A CO., Manufacturing Druggists, 93 Broad Streel, Columbus, Ga. l M at M Sp H ouv wEs&m I B!iiousnr:i.?: Sick HcJidacho In Four hours. \2) One dose rslfcvco Nouralgin. They cure a ui proropt Chills .. Fever. Sour Stomach Bnj Srea'h. Clear the Skin, Tone the Nervos, and obe ..ifc Vigor to the system. Dose: ONE Vry them ones aun you will never bewitho’u* th im, Price, ^5 cents per bottle. Sold by Drugo Us p.iv. ivlodicine Dealers generally. Sent on receipt c* price in stamps, postpaid, !o any address, ,j. F. .SMITH 6: CO., Manufactu’-ers and Solo ProD3.» ST. LOUIS, M0. (Copy.) Chicago, April21st, 18SG. 0 Ins to certify, tliat the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank has this day received from the Union Cigar Company of Chicago, to be held as a Special Deposit, U. s. 4°io Coupon Bonds, as follows: No. 22028 D. $500. x Market Value of which Is . .411.8 U- ful/Ui \ *• 41201 100. I 41205 100. C 52810 lOQ. f 9800. J ( $1012. (S.) yas. S. Gibbs, Cash. We offer the above as a FORFEIT, if our FANCY fiKOCUH’* does not prove io be a genuine Havana-lillcr Cigar.-Union Cigar Co. v • ii ; OPIUM ANDERBILT UNIVERSITY Swell Distinct Departments: Academic, hnimieering, Biblical. Law, Pharmacy. Med- ical. Dental. I-ree tuitition tu students in Iheolocy and Manual Technology. Cata- vWfi'fS 11 !. ,n t ‘ <"» application to Wli.s WIL- ML1IAh, Secretary, Nashville, Tenn. jyl-5 eod.t-wlm ana Whiskey Hnb. amounting to Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the Office of the Company in New Orleans. For further information write clearly, giving full address. FO.Hl’ tL XOTIIS.' Express Money Orders*, or New Yoifc Exchange in ordi nary letter, ciim-ncy by Expre^- it our-ex pense addressed )I. A. DAI 8*181 V, , _ -Yt'w Orh-iui*. L>i. Or 31. A. 3>AMMMX. A\ a*liiiig lon. |>. ( , Mak<* I*. IE ilniicy Orders pavabl iiimI address Hog Kf i»ri»il l,ott< r* |‘<> MAY ohm: V\S N ATIONAL VK, ”'i. Xt»n Orleans, I,j». sory notes the de I*laintilf, or hearer, thirty-six ...... date thereof. Eighteen Hundred and Eighty- emht Dollars and’1 wenty-1 wo (Tuts, with interest i 000 D-nm tl.i e a-, esgnt per cent per annum, and if ’ said note was not paid at maturity, ten per cent n nttoriu \ > iee- ti>r the collection thereof, for value " i rnn received: and that afterwards, on the dav and " oie-n year aloresaid. tin lofendant. the better to cure 2.2.0 the payment of said notes, executed and deliver- ed to the piuintiri her deed of mortgage, wheieby t»265,500 , the said defendant mortgaged to the plaintifi’ all that tract or parcel of land situated on the west side ol Broad street in the city of C'olumbus, Postponed Administrator’s Sale, BY virtue of an ortiev from the Court ofOrdina- ry ol Miiscugcecuiinty, (tcorgia. will he sulil o n the first I ticsoay in Vugust next, on the corner of Broad amt lenth street. 1 -, in the city of Cohunhiis bciwt'ci) the legal hmiis iff -ale, to the highest nuia«*r, t he following described property, to-wit • ! One hundred ami sixtv-fiv acres of land, more ., r I l'- -> lying east of the city of Oolumbus and known and described as part of lots ua, 95 and 96, in the of said county. Sold as the prop- v lw Terms ca. ... H. H. THORNTON. Administrator. , jyll wed seAwlw SEASON lss«. out pain. Book of par ticulars sent FREE. AYliiteUaJl Street. THE OCONEE WHITE SILPIIL'R SFlILVfiS | \\ rl L 1 ' be open for the reception of guests M June‘1.5th urder competent management. I Resident physician and Western I’nion telegraph office m the hotel. Forterms address. OCONEE WHITE SULPHl'R SPRINGS CO Bowdre P. O.. Hall Countv, Georgia. | el, m, sun 2m in said c.umty and state, being about twenty-five feet in fr nil on Broad street and running back the full depth ot said lot, and known as part of lot niuubei sixty-five, with all the improvements thereon, upon which is*situated Store House numher one hundred and forty-three ; ami it fur ther appearing t,hat said notes remain unpaid: It is, therefore, ordered that the said defendant pay mto (.curt on or before the first day of the ! next term thereof, the principal, interest, attor ney s fees and costs due on said notes, or show cause to the contrary, if any she can : and t hat on the failure of the defendant so to do, the equity of redemption in and to said mortgage premises , be forever thereafter barred and foreclosed. And it is further ordered that this rule be pub- 1 lislied in the Columbus Enouirkk-Si’n, a public gazette printed and published in said city and county, once a month for four months previous to the next term ot this Court, or served on the de fendant or her special agent or attorney, at least three months previous to the next term of this Court. J. T. WILLIS C. J. THORNTON, Judge 0.0. C. Plaintiff’s Attorney. A true extract from the minutes of Muscogee Superior Court, May term. 1886. OEO. Y. POND, my20 oam4ui Clerk S. C. M. C. G ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papersx by addressing Geo. P. Rowell A Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, IO Spruce St., New York. Send lOcts. for lOO-page Pamphlek AGENTS ft mn r,' y e ,°tl«:tlni! Family Pictures to en. , . ■ 1 large;all style,. Picturesrruarantcetl. Special nduceinenti. Ehpiki Cupvimg Co., 381 Canal Street, N.Yt CIGAR FOMA 10c. Cigar is strictly Hand made. Elegant quality. Superior workmanhip. Sold by ai! Crocers, U.VIO.V CIGAR COMPANY, Jo N. Giaffu sit., - CHICAliO, Retail by IT. HUNT, Columbus, Gn jv2t illy N.W.AYER&SON ADVERTISING AGENTS b& PHILADELPHIA Cor. ChcMtnut and Eighth Sts. Receive AdvertiHemcntN for this Paper. ESTIMATES FREE .‘tau>V, , Vor n ftYER & SOW’S MANUAL DRUNKENNESS OR THE LlaVOR HABIT, POSITIVE 1 Y CURED BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. I’® given in u cu„ »f coffee or tc h.W it’.' 1 >'■ b’"’"’ edge Of n,c person tali j'b 11 ’ ,s alisolnlcly linrmlvng, and will ei r , ‘„Vi' rll . ,, - l ”e“ l a,l<l »I»«erIy eure, tvhetlie <• ohAViA is . a '■•mlernte ilrinker or an a! M.-imls of iL" s’* 1- aH Ik '''" fi'venln thou i ...V 1 I s ,! n,Ml in every instance a per !v» l'm'(i„,''.n lollo" ,*<L It fails. Tl. U , - . ">l";e«iuiterl with the Specific 1 nil's ail nller imoossihilitv for 111 liquor uppetite to exist. Fur Sale^ by FOE. SALE BY M. D. HOOD & CO,, DRUGGISTS. it.’I BROAD ST., C’OLU.VIIU'S, GA. Call or w rite for circular & full particulars •$1,850 Will Buy Nearly New 4-Roon ^n°hi Yrutl l ’ C Corn. rT! r ’r Water Woiks ' Kite! StrMt Y N.',w C ™75 1 V°L Flrst Avenue anti Sixt month. N euted t0 Go<xl Tenant at J17 pe jel8wed,tri.sun;*» HNS ' , ' WN * *®a*AS Manhoo SSf^Sc^g am