Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, July 25, 1886, Image 6

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DAILY ENQUIRER - SUN: COLUM’BUS, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, .IULY 1886. Till Kl >> V M W* HAIIV. The Hi liny man \vc nt t" his d*-k t<> write. He had waUlnd ah day.he would write all night. And finish hi** work, so he trimmed the light. II. In the room adjoining his hahy lay. They all said she was-'lowly fa-sing away. And would die ere the light of another da.\. Ho he wiv And thorn. To the sha ith lush* art w tin <>thr ,*, land hi von.! ti e toad Dill, and it was all the money she would lmvo for some time. She hadn’t told Fred yet of tlii- lm«q ridiculous piece of ill-luck. “I might go to the house and see if she's in,” thought Nellie; “and, if she's mit. 1 could say there was some mistake about the hat and ai k to see it. I could find out in a sicuiid whether my hill is there." So. slowly and with a heu\y heart, she walked to Miss \’an Antt.crp’s house. I-'hmUs old horn.*: hut there in r heart I.tiled litr, and she was about to rctrac*- her sti n- when smldcnly the door ojm inyl. and v. ho should t ome out hut *dd M-s- Mi.-au In-rs«dl, and wearing that very id«-n- t hat' \\liie \vat<*i,(M.' it a- if fascinated hy it. .M ; vs Van Antwi-rp did not >01 in-r. and walki d down Inc avr'inif, while Nellie ioJ- :d.i Vtlt'.-iu 'must not 1 h t go out of her BLOOD AND MONEY. Tin' blood of man has much to do in shaping his action* timing liis pilgrimage through this • rouble snim wnikl. lcgardlcs- of the amount of j>iv-t n> «'i < xpfctant money in pocket or -tored auay m hank. It i- «» conceded fact that we ap pear a-our Mood make- U-. and the. purer the wlooti. tin happier, healthier. pictticr and wiser , w ( ;ijv ; Inan e tin- (>ft-repea»ed inti rrogatory, gi\ ,ng fini.l . thro igh «mr \ •, ho. hounding AT OUH (il\ONYIN< i SUCCESS rht. di. if Hi- pen t!« w fast and tlu lmiii- we 1 ill his night of toil win almost u> Aral the last showed the first fa Then lie dropped hi- pen and raiseil “Now the column i- flushed.'’ tlu Ami the nur.-i dead." MISS ANTWERP'S HAT. How a Twenty Dollar Bill Came to Be Sewed Up in the Crown of It. Miss Susan Van Antwerp would never have bought that hat if it hadn’t been for lit r nose. All her life she had been accus tomed to buying, not only her hats, but the rest of her wardrobe, to suit that par ticular feature. It was not a bad nose; in fact it had started out in life as an amiable, inoffen sive one; but Miss Antwerp had early con ceived the idea that it was much too prominent. As a girl she had been morti fied and humiliated by it. As she grew older she accepted it defiantly, and at last, having thought so much about it. she was actually proud of it in a scornful way. All this had its idbct upon tin no-v: and now it habitually wore an agreeable “bum monarch-* d-afi-I-survcv” sort of an » x- pressimi. M’>«. Van Alitv.i r|i's I'.iri was r.n! a !<.v.-ly one. It was too much like her character for that: both were strong, resolute, hard. The only thing she had ever Lived was her nephew, Fred. She had brought him up from a baby. His little fat hands bad patted that defiant nose without a symp tom of fear, and the whole strength of this lonely old woman’s heart had gone ( out to him, as he grew from childhood to manhood. Of course she meant to leave him all he r money; whom should she leave it to but Fred? She bad looked forward to his marrying and bringing his wife home, and to an old age made bright hy Fred’s chil dren. Hut this was where the trouble came in. She wanted him to marry .Mar garet Steuben; slit* had picked her out es pecially. Margaret was a nice girl, of a good old family, with plenty of money. “And 1k- sides," sai l Miss Van Antwerp, na she summed her up to Fred one night, “her nose is a little like mine.” Fred had laughed at this, and Miss Van Antwerp hastened t" modify it. “Not lunch like min**,” -In* said, “only tiny won’t look badly together.” Blit, in spite of this and oilier excellent reasons. Fred obstinat-1 v refused to marry Margaret Sieiibcn. Aiis.- Van Antwerp was angry with him more angry than sin* had over been witli Fred: hut it va- as nothing to her anger win n she found that he was engaged to and actually going to marry Nellie Martin, “ t mis*. iit11*• Mir.b-nosicl nobody.” Aftir -lie had called In r that Fred aro-i. lit looked very mil and whit**. “Very well. Aunt Su-an.” he said. “\v»* will not discuss tlu mutter. I cannot have Miss Martin in-tilted e\e:i by you. You have U t n very kind to me. hut mi’* ss y »u can think differently ahou r . this we had better go our separate way* now.” “Fred!" cried the old woman in a fury. ‘*1 shall never think difi'i ivntiy, ami I will never forgive you if you marry that girl I” The dash would have been filled with adjectives, hut something in Fred's face restrained ln*r. She had never meant it. poor old woman. She would have forgiven F»-ed anything. Was he not her dead sister’s child, anil the onlv human being that she really loved? lbut Fred had taken her at her word and had gone uw«iv. It was over a year ago that all this hap pened. and Miss Van Antwerp’s nose had grown limre and more belligerent, and she was harder and harder to suit in the mat ter of bonnets and hats. She was trying to find one that pi eased when my story opened. She had tried on seventeen, and the obliging but much fatigued salesman heard her say with delight of the eigh teenth. “1 like that hat: it suits my nose.” She turned round and round in front of the long mirror, holding up a hand-glm-s and surveying herself. “Yes.” she said, decidedly. “I like that hat. You can semi it up.” Scarcely had it left the store when a young woman, plainly dressed, hurried in and walked rapidly to the millinery di part- inent. Going directly to the forewoman she said: “Oh. Miss Alien, can you let me see that brown bonnet that 1 trimmed lor you yes terday? I want it only fur a moment.” “We have just sent it home, I am sorrv to say. Old MUs Van Antwerp bought it.*’ “Old Miss Van Antwerp!” echoed, the younger woman. • oh. I'm so sorry!” she added, her lips trembling. •T>id you want it for anything especial?” inquired the forewoman, kindly. “I’m afraid—I know it sounds perfectly ridiculous—but I’m a laid there’s a twenty dollar bill in the crown. You see.” she added hurriedly, **my husband threw it down in my lap just as I was gathering the crown lining. 1 knew I must finish the hat, so I worked on, and when 1 was through I couldn’t find the money any where. It seems perfectly alwurd to think it may be inside that crown lining, and I don't believe it is; but I've hun?eel every where else, and 1 thought I would like to look, for I need the money very much.” ‘*1 would goto Mis- Van Antwwerp, if I were you, and tell her all about it, ’ said the forewoman. “You see we ran hardlv do anything, it not being our money.” Go to Miss Van Antwerp, to Fred's aunt, and tell her that they were so pom* that she, his wife, was trimming ha’.- for a living, and thought she had a<videufi!!y lost all her money in the corn u nt'Mid particular bonnet* It would he an inter esting tale, certainly. Nellie laugh.-d hys terically to hcr-e]f as she thorn:m i f it/ “Oh. whv. of all the people in the wmld need Fred’s aunt leave bough; bat, and why had she been so earth-— t-• !<;-• that money? She needed it so! Fr d Lad come home sick the day he gave her the i»h>- Icast Slu a dec ;id would only blow !t oil.” sin- Mglu d. “If she'd only run against a sign «•; -miirthing/ But imUiing *>f ilie kind happened. Miss Viu \nt\vi walk* *1 o*i ai a *!.gnifi«-d i nr a . i presently eiitereil a large dr\- go'id.t -;,,n . Nelli*- hreit!ili s-ly followed. Mis- Va.i Ai.twerp took tin- elevator to tin si- oi.d story, and Nellie elimhed up t ne stair- and looked around till she saw , her. Could it be -yes--she really was buying breakfast raps.*and the broivn bonnet lay quite unguarded on the counter. Nellie's heart beat so that sin- nearly smothered. She crept softly up to the bonnet. No one was looking. She put one hand in it and adroitly broke the gath ering string of the lining. She supped lu-r fingers inside and h it a soft somet hing. Yes, it was her ragged old bill. Fairly quivering with excitement, she drew it out. when, “Young woman, what are you doing with my bonnet?" sounded an awful voice in her ears. 1*001* Nellie! Sin- gave a little scream and dropped the hut, still clutching her bill. • I only wanted my moiu*y ? " she faltered. “It got in the crown by mistake when I was trimming the hat. I in very sorry. I did not mean ” Then she stood and trem bled like a culprit and wished Fred's awful aunt would turn her beaklike nose another way. i By this time Miss Van Antwerp had ImMiiu t.*n. had recognized “that little snub-nosed tiling.” She grew a little stiller, and her voiee was a .-hade harsher as she said: i “Non trimmed that hat -von -whv, where, is ” * Mi •• M. \h 1 “i'r* 1 is sick," sahl Nellie simply. Ati .;.* ,. Then ha-.iiig r-covered herself by this time, she added, holding up In r precious 1 ; 11 bill: will . “it was sue» a comical, stupid tiling to Iiov , rli> do: I ran i.iugii, now that 1 have found it; but I am so:\-y to have ann<»y<*d you,” and 11 ! ' v ‘“‘ ni w ft li a little hi iw she walked away. - I,, v.... ,n Miss Van An!w rp looked after h-.-r. l! . was li< r turn to follow now. She caught up witli N» llie just as -he left the storv. “Tell m- ■•ihi*ut Fred ' -he said, in an anxious voice, aiui Nellie noticed tnat her face was pal* and drawn, ami that even li* r mis*-, that invincible feature, hud a subdued look. “Fred has Inert wi 11.” said Nellie, v. ith dignity, “until yesterday. 1 am going Inline to him now The elder woman clasped her hands ner vously. “Can I would vou would he like to see me?" she exclaimed. “I know h»: would he very glad,” an swered Nellie, luartily. They walked along in si'em e. “Is tie —are you very poor?” asked Miss Van Antwerp, awkwardly, after a little pause. Nellie colored, and then answered steadily: “It .vas very hard at first; but after a littii | Fret! found a place u& reporter. I trimmed hats, because I could do it easily. ! and because they would let me do it lit home. I was trimming that hat of yours wlu-n Fred came home. He had just been paid and tossed this twenty dollar bill down on my lap; and I’m sure 1 don’t Umov how 1 ever din it, hut 1 gathered :: up in tlu* crown, i wouldn’t m»\e tried to find it. hut i wanted the mon y lor medicines and things for Fred. I had no Men nt thrusting myself ir. your wav." The little w mi m dr w .u rs -If up nr ml . . but »»ld Miss Van Antwerp seuiceiv heard her. v * “Foor Fred! My por. dear boy!” she murmured to herself, with .ill the pent-up b*\ e and longing of a year. Tiny nearly surprised Frul out of his st usi • when tiiey came walking in togeth er. and lit* laughed w hen he m an! about tin lost bill ami the found b min t. < >i course they went home i<> live with Aunt Susan: and. except for a slight change in tne dramatis person;,., her old ag-- was just wliat she exoeetc-l it would hr, and she gr«w st* t«uul of N. Hie and Neiiit •liildr* n that -lie quite forgot all about Margaret Steimcn. Nellie has always kept a e -rtain o:d brown bouiu-t. “It is the tab.-man,” she -ay-, “that brought u- ail together." and slu always trims Aunt mis.ui’s hat- for tier. “Because.” say** that lady, “no one has ever suited my nose so well.”--Cosmo politan. Advice to Motheks.—A!ks. Winslow’s Soothing .Svurp snould. always be Used when children are cutting teeth. It re lieves tlu* little sufferer at once: it produces natural, quiet sleep hy relieving tfie child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as “bright as a button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regu- , fates the bowels and is the best known remedy for diarrhcea, whether arising , from teething or other causes. Twenty- five cents a bottle. jelT dcvwly* Th* It linnet Gt. For an artistic liar \vt* can safely com mend our readers to the Danbury News man, who says without blushing: “A mouse fell into a howl of cream tin* other night, and. in its ettbrt-s to keep alloat, churned the cream into butter, on which it stood and eiiinln*d out.” r. h* :t 1 ili... r .uni n.. *•*• lovei.v. • •nieM \ii).oe!. tin* uup-ual! . mul tin lanni.-tu.'v.ihL* nro-'f : U»int wah ,in iMi.-rriiuf finy.T to If. H. B. llloe.l If.iin .:s far du lust, tin* ()uMjc.--t. tD • luuoil n inedy ever h< lore known to inortnl nj;*:'., iu tin '.•(• auil p'.-aave emv of Scrofula, Kivu- unit i-ni. Shin I );-*;iall mints of blood poison, Ki*in > coniplainl.s. "I I ulc* i- and -••ris, camc*r-, H. II. IL i- only about three year- old a baby i.. u*ce. a niaa*. in p«»w< r hut no rtiiiedy in Anieru a can in.da* or evei lias naule such a wonderful show mi; in it.- in-igical power- in curing and en tirely eradicating tile above complaints, and iduuiitic .-ale.- in tin lace of frenzied opposition and wouhl-he money lnonopolists. Letters from all points where introduced are pouring in upon u-. .-peakiuK in the loudest prals<*. Some -ay they r* ceive more benefit from one bot tle of h. B. B. than they have from twenty, thirty and fitly, and » veil one hundred bottle.- of a boasted decoction of inert and non-mcdicinal roots, and brancheseommoii f .re-t tree.-. W** hold the prmif in I.-: n*k and whiti. and w.* a!-» v !'"/ o,. i„... I'iij'lSlL •li-r.'l' I'...I- :i Hr-': in i*tu* *f toe too-.* le-i neufiiborho •' ai I m t f*i M'H.hfim lupini •*: cent* r Broad '■ T**i in- e:»-.' in*: "ii 1* ng t The « <•!!* pc <<t Lotu iv. M isieand Art. Si\tc-d pr *fes««irs and ti*:tcbeis; five in music, with tin Misse.- (.‘ox, diie |, tors, .Misses Keiehenan and Keenr<Is. both grtutua’es of Leimic, urn* I)ea*?orick. si thoroughly trained vocalist; fall apparatus with i.nuinteii tele-cope. I'or cula <Tiles addre-s I. F. COX. Bres t j\ 11 d A\v2m i:isT3- OUT SAL BItICKS TUMBLED a- they neve bled before. Our Business Ship nm-t be lighted. Brofits and costs thrown overboard. Forced Briees must and will clear the deck two -lorie-. with wale on r.orth Broad, l’iace ottgii ordc t. Five twu-rooin Dwellings Ninth street. or.e block of Ge giu Midland Hailroait. , fwo Hesidi'i.ees on north Nec- - '*’1 ond h venue lack-on street of 5 * * and 7 rooms, each desiiablv lo cated. This property is cotisid- ? ered cheap by those who know the value of good real estate. A new and elegant House close to court house. Dwelling in thorough order and lias all the late improvements. Is consider ed one of (he nicest homes. of Mail Train will’l’»e as"folic No. 1 - Going North Daily. ! Leave Columbus l Arrive at Chipley I Arrive at (JreenvilJe No. *j -Coming South Daily. Leave Greenville V rrive at C hipiev 3 00 p m >oi p iu 0 07 p n. 7 00 a iu K 0‘2 a w. 10 11 a iu MUST GO. LOSS NO OBJECT Brices «L*wn on Dress Goods fully b.o lot ofoS-iuch Bhuk Cashmere 23c. Bribes down <»n Black and Colored Silks nd < Tilored \\ lve‘-or Bla>*k and t’ol* A delightful home on Rose Hill, half acre lot and a new House This property is con.sid ed to be one of the nicest homes on the hill. Terms easy and will be sold cheap. A nice little farm seven miles from the city in Lee county, Ala. Good four-mom Hoik* on the place. Enough timber on place to pay for -ame. Arrive tit Columbus No. 3 Freight and Accommodation—North, 1 Leave Columbus 7 00 a iu 1 Arrive at Chipley ft 32 a m ! Arrive at Greenville H 10 am I No. i Freight and Accommodation -South. 1 Leave Greenville 3 55 pm i Arrive at Chipley i r>n p m I Arrive at Columbus 7 07 p iu AV. L. CLARK. Gen’l Manager. T. C.;S. HOWARD, Gcn’i Ticket Agent. feb24 dly irrh. a;ten L* 1 rge from botn u.d re.liicedth. hoii-e for - ’ii 1 r^\ A dcsirab’ie 7 room Dwelling Prices IJ o w n & ^ ^ desirable ineatu ns ;n the city, for -ale eheaj*. as ownei wishes Or. Hosiery. F.n h*-.»!derie-. L’.ees. Corse’.**. Table to le.we the city. Linens. Napkin-. Towclings. >(*m» of these g tods iv»ltice 1 more thin half their value.. n B ifi II L21II u IO TO S Oui Entire Ski of Fans Cou Min s. (»a., .July ith, ismt. O N and after this date trains will run us i'ol lows: Mail Train No 1 -Going West Daily. Leave Union Depot, Columbus 2 30 p n. Leave Btoad street Depot. Columbus 2 to p n Arrive at Union Springs 537 p u* L* ave Union Springs G IU p n Arrive at Troy Arrive at M<-ntgomcry A rrive at Kufaula Mail Train Xu, 2 Daily 3 a*« p m 7 23 |) iu 1(1 23 p ip ; tu. «l»r*» ' B. B. B . in.1 wiie, i t* n •I Of bolt',- had been u-eil. she was ••nth., all tiipioin- of cr,arrl;. It gave h r an appetite, am! increased hei -troigth rapidly, ami i <lu*erfully recommend it a- a *piick and clu-ap tonic and Blood Purifier. J. W. CrLOEIt, 1 .t H l( I Pa lives, lilac ail ■ per ho v, hern of Ladies’ id colors, at close, -oods ■ 11 i 11 *> all tlie Biace the management of yoin pmpertv hi n:; bauds and secure g«.od. prompt paying 11.1 a * *, s. as my long experience .n renting e ui?) .. bo place property iu my liarnh-to -*.."uv .;•, >i imI • lesirahh- tenant-. For Rent from October ist, 1886. No. 1521 Sixth avenue. 3 room Dwelling, *;ev. No. 1522 Sixth avenue, 3 No. 1520 .Sixth avenue. 3 No. i-MS Sixth avenue. 3 No. 1516 Sixth avenue. 3 No. 220 Thirteenth St.. 5 “ “ corner. No. 15*12 Second avenue, 5 ** No. 1532 Second avenue, 5 ** “ “ Atlama. .Lit.nary It*. Is Bolicci A Hook of Wonder*. IVoe. AI! wln> desire full information about the cause ami cure of Blo«»*i B* usons,Scrofula and Sc rofulous Swelling-. Ulcers, S<»re.-, Rlieumutisni, Kidney Uomptaints, (’atarrli. etc., can secure by mail, dec. a copy of our '.'-page Illustrated Book of Wonder., filled with tlu* most wonderful and >t titling proof ever before known. Au hv-s BLOVJD BALM CO.. Atlanta. Git. I2tuu sc-a.w top col n r ni Hr--l ll'II AL IMM/.i: NT.’DMMi. a l it kt'iioii{,> v.'i. SIi;ii*cs iii ]#i*o|Mit*f i«>L j I" , Summei Goods MustGo We have made such immense reductions in each and every department that will surprise everybody who knows what values are. Only 40 pieces left of our 20c Black Plaid Mull, which we close out this week at Pie. Sternberg&Loewenherz LEADERS OF . 1317 Second avenue, I3ll First avenue, RUG First avenue, RUfl Warren street, . 823 First avenue, , 932 Fifth avenue, 930 Fifth avenue, . 502 Eleventh street, , 113H Fror t street, . Front street. . TIG F ; fth avenue. 702 Ninth street. . 70S Ninth street. 102 id a* Low Prices. l<»2 Third avenue. . 401 'l bir*l avenue. . 430 Fifth av'nue. I2 W Fifth .»venue. , 1233 Fifth avenue, 5 roi , Rib! Brriud Street .-‘tore I2ls Broad Street -tor*. , 122 Fifth avenue, 5 to* is'ana State Lottery Comp'y. <[i l i " li’* ilu fi( rchfi a rlit); that we sn/tcrvisi- the m anacment /<>■ all the .'fonthif; amt (pimcA, ’»•■((»/•'/. > of ’pu J. I'lisianu >tate l.otter}/ Cane ■ aid .n ruan tnt n,i</c <r:<! malm! tht . hairintf* t tsr : res. and that the sate., an c,.,e < OllltlliSsioiM*!*^ ir* l.LMON ELI MIL I rum South Georgia. Mr-. N. A. Mclntirc writes from Spring Plac-c : * * I'or many years I have been a sufferer front indigestion, siok head aches and nervous prostration caused from Biliousness and constipation. I tried many remedies, hut got no permanent relief un til l used ]>r. Mo/lcy’s Lemon F.iixir. I am now in la tter healtli than for many years. My daughter has Been subject to chills and fever front Iter inltmcv. I could get nothing to relieve her: t)ie Lemon Elixir has restored lu*r to perfect health." XV. A. .Janus. Bell Station. Ala., writes: •'I haw-ufferetl greatly front indigestion or dysp< psiu. One bottle of Lemon Elixir done nu t'lore good than all the medicine ! ever look.” “>G cents and fl.00 per bot tle. Sold by druggists. Prepared by li. Mu/.* ley. M. £>.. Arlanta. (bt.__ iyl -elm This Will !»<• to K••*•,*. Here is a sentiment front the Springfield Union that will do t*» keep: “We have talke<l a good deal about educating girls to become wives and mothers. Has it ever occurred to the faculties of male colleges that it would be a good thing to train young men to become good husbands and fathers?” ‘letsigncil Ilan!:s and Hankers tril .at;/ all Prizes drami in Tin Louisiana State Lot teries irhivh mat/ he presented at out counters. .t. RI. OGM'.SKY. IMes. I.a. \iu*l lkmk. .I. \Y. i II. * State Natl li k W. IVVLIMYIX. I*res. \. O. Nat l Itanh lncorporatt «l in lSGs for 2.5 years by the Lcgisla ture foi Educational and ('fiaritabie purposes— with u capita! of $l,000.uou t*> which a reserve fund of over ^550,000 inis since been added. •rwhelming popular vote its franchist adopt The anil/ Latter}/ ever voted on and endorsed hj, the people of am/ State. IT NEVER SCALES OR POSTPONES. It** Grnml Sinifle NiiiiiImt II rawing*, take place tloulliEy, and the Extraordinary Drawings regularly every three months, instead , of semi-annually as heretofore, beginning March, j lSStf. A SI»MMMl> ONMHUT.MTY TO WIN A FORTUNE. EIGHTH GRAND DRAW* IN G. CI .AS.- ||.IN THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, August loth, lss<» -lboth Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL ritl/.i; *75.000. 100.000 rickets at Five Hollars Fach. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. LIST OF FRIZES l CAPITAL PRIZE *75.000 l do do 25,000 1 d<> do 10,000 2 PRIZES OF *0000 12,000 5 do 2U00 10,000 10 do 11 >00 10,000 20 do 500 10.000 K'O do 200 20,000 51 HI do ft»0 30.00(1 ‘"Ht do 5»t 25.000 1000 do 25 26.000 ABBROXIMAT10N PRIZES. 9 Approximation Brizes of *750 6,750 9 Approximation Prizes of .500 4,500 9 Approximation Prizes of A50 2,250 19*57 Prizes, amounting to *26-5,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only t,. the Office of the Company in New Orleans. For further information write clearlv, giving Ail 1 address. POST AI. NOTES.' Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange iu ordi- I ' n.irv letter. Currency bv Express at our e i peasei addressed ‘ M*. A. OAFIMIIN. New Orleans. Lit. Or >1. A. OAF 1*111X. Washington. II. i . link* 1 I*. O. >lonc a Y Ortlors payitli ami atltlress lt«»g istereil l.«*tt«»rs to NEW Oil EE A NS NATIONAL IIA Nit. jyU wed sc&\v4w New Orlriim. Lt the lead ns d’e do not claim to send <<wt in naif a • bin dies than all house- in the trade c unhimd. but u< claim that we send out more bundle- in ,i day that; any one house. W. S. GREEN. Rea! Estate Apt. Vitiiudiih' < ii.t ProiM'i ly fnr Sale. One-fourth awe vacant 1*h cor. Brc>ad A <;th Fts. * >n<-I'oat. I: .Kvi lot i.omer J3n-;.d Ri. -t- witli 5 room House, Store room and 'I room -c*;- vant house ; buililing- all m w. A very de.-irab e Onc-fotirth acr«* avenue Fifth * price for ci'.-li. One four loom Dwelling and Store Hou.-e, and four two room Hou-v.-. corner »»f'Fifth avumt and Seventh s*revts. Thi- property is j>:iying it per cent on the price asked. Building- aifnew. One six inom House and tv o room Hom-e. built on a , ae.v lot. on Fourth avenue, near street ear line. Improvements in good repair. A beautiful Building Lot Homing Hit. park. Two 3 room House-in Browm-vill..- for half cost. A very desirahL* Home on F<»unh a’.vmi-. . eodtf i Fifth a J Ninth SMITH'S T E N A N T S TOOMBS CRAWFORD J.C, REEDY, K'Mi kslalc Agfi'it, No. IO i n >*lftSt Sire* 1 !. 4 otiinihiis. La. FOIl SILL. BEANS /^URE Biliousness; Sick Headache In Four hours. V§) One dose relieves Nouralnia. They cure and prevent Chills < Fever, Sour Stomach ► Bed Breath. Clear the Skin, Tone the Nerves, and q ! ..ifo Vigor to the system. I>o«c:ONi: ltl.AV Trv them once and you will never be without pi** Price, 25 cents per bottle. Sold by 0rugr : i r 's a: Medicine Dealers generally. Sent on rscG;it . price in stamps, postpaid, to any addrees, «j ■ F. SMITH & CO., Manufacturers and Solo Props., ST. LOUIS, M0. CHEW TOBACCO* BUT DONTCHEW POISON T'*. 'i \\ ( nty ki mis * «i>y. [- - lain!, >• roniu H<-use. a • land, 5 room JIou.-c, ii * acre*, land in Wynnt , .iiit h«■ i Ih.u .and B'*aJl- I'M. Ha tin**, dirt and grit, euubUpig the It* if t«> aie pure, ripe fruit, ami milking t he tn< 't I* lie. the aio^t lusting, and the mi’y ulmh-. chew in the world-one that will jmt ci heartburn, nrrvoiisuess, nor indigt -iion. TURF. Eim* faven*li-li. Brru SUNLIGHT NUGGET. STARLICHT. A fruit flavored pocket piece (ortho p«< plo. Guaranteed not tocontnin a trace of chemieal or noxious drug. Chew it a week and you will chew it always. The pilot-wheel on *-v**ry plug. Kl DOLIMI FINZER TOBACCO CO., i-iOuliYillc. Ivy, Di I Vi:\I( \ MDE The l> Salve in tile world for Cuts, Hr iises, Snrt*r>. Ulcers. Salt Kitetun, FYv* l* ■Sores. Tetter. Chapnetl Hands, Chilblains, ’.'orn.- and tili Skin Erujitions. and positive ly cures Piles, or no pay is required, lt is guarani*«.u to giv.* perfect -ati-ftictii n, or n.mi,, y rvlamied. Pr.ce 25 cents ]*vi* box. For ?»a.e ijy Brannon A ( arson. je24 oedview LOUIS BUHLF.R & CO., Agents F<») II Itllill**. (iin c ,»f eoddin ~ Mii llli:!!\ lliilii: M'lllHl, lnl! i.IHLS, B»7 a B* * \. t land •• st.. Baltimore. Mrs. NY. M. U.o-.Y. G.vttY. Y.'it ahli-h .*«! in M2. Fi m.h ’he language of the N F'.G Ires. I. I <'*'l{Jl!l. J) . eo mv25d2m wenv _ Fall T«• m i- ki ll’ J.. BoS’ioN.Ma* Leayi Troy Arrive ;d Ui.i-.n Sprim** I -ca ve Unipi S,*.- { m;* .. .-■nt Fi relation Depot! 20 a ii. ift'-ip m . 12 20 u til ■ >inin*■ iation Daily Ex cept Sunday. Leave Montgomery 3 30 p m .'.•rive at Cnnui Springs ... a top n; Liayc f ai«ui Spring.' . 7 10pm Arrive at G*'ldmh*.is . ..luispm Way Freight and Accomniiidution No. 5-Daily L» uw ('oUimDu.- Union !>• ju-t •* .y> -.i jp i.euve ('•>iumhu- Brou*l St re >* 1 »,*;>ot 5 05 ji n Anive at Union Spring- s 57 u in Arrive at Fufaula 10 50 a m Way Freigiit and Accomniod it ion No. fi Daily. Leave Montgomery 7 40 a in Leave Union Surings 10 tut a »\ Anive a* Broad Sueet Depot. Columbus . 1 hi p m Arrive at Union Depot. Columbus 2 02 p in W. L. (.'LARK, Sup’t. 1). E. WILLIAMS, G. T. A. dtf < >0 i Opeuka. Ala.. May 8th, isst . after Sunday, May ftth. lssu, the trains '- road will he run as follows : No. |. •* ni* pm 5 0*5 p n: fi 31 p n 7 30 a nr y U a rn l 02 p m i.tii’.'u d for ' he pi 1 LEW Li 1.1* N Genera: M. n am iiPDCl •enth and Fifteenth -treets! eiiuc* ami ICiglirh street. Houses. Wagon Yard, •>ee--nd avenue. 2000. quarter acre lot. s room House, 2 room kitexien.well of good water and wutei works. First aveuue. -OOd quart*-: acre, a room House, kitchen and • at-iaaise. «.»nv and horse bou-e, high .;mi ury. with water works attache.:, on Fourth ..venue, bet we* n 13th and 1 Ith street*. .-Lx Houses and Lots in Girard, 150 yards ‘Torn lower bridge-, * heap. On*-Store House arid Lot in Uhipioy. 75*i ( ash. 1'hrce 2 room Houses and Lots in TOBACCOS is rapidly inen-nsinij, ami we take pleasure ii) tmmwiK tile laimvmg revised list of sncli dealer-, t'pym.r kind notice: It. A. Andrews, .J. K. r.iddeits, I >. A. AiiKlin ,J. li. \ H. F. (iarrott, Aven tt A Holler, C. E. Hoehstrusser. K. AUKliu, i.. II. Kauftaan A <\> . ■J. Adams, <\v I.ewis r. Hatastein, C. 11. Markham, K. Hindu. p. McArdle. Hen nett A t.'o., T. K. Middlebronks, P A. Ct.mre::. Martin A Chalmers, \. H ( antiell A r o.. Tube Newman II. S. Crane. \V. It.'Newsome, I. l.'onti. J. H. Rnmsc- M. h. Edwards, Rothschilds 'Bros., A. simens. 'I', j. stone. ! i S 1 11111!' I) v 111 Lit.' «I Kiel,in.tiul. ViruiniK. Manafacturers uf Fanny Edcl and L. Road T baccos. lil.KN *1 nr*- one Sole t’«»r tlkiN t«»rrltorv. my2 sef»rn sale or * x« hiinge. For It4*si 1 ti’om Ociolirr l*«|. > •'. -i\ loom li*ni-'« ni. lower Broad -tn et. 15 •*•*. 1*our room Houm* un*l kitchen "ii eomer of Fir-t averute ami .Seventh -te.-et. D ii'.. I niir room llou.-e on Seeotfd avenue, be- twe**n Si.\iii aud .“»eve»nli -tr* * t-. i a. Four loom House j r«iom kitchen, corner "f I Miirt h i venue and Eighth -nei t. i" ". I'« hi pM.m 11 * n-• mil kit* ft. n, Ecu n)i tv n it . Hi-twceii Seventh and l.iglitb st«. 12 *mi. F**iir ro**ru H*mi-c on upper S*** , ond Avc. I'J '*0. Four room House on upper >vtorid Ave. lo l.aiHlioi'ds. Any prop*, rty placed iu my 11111111- for -ale *r rent will have prompt attention Ido not trmi- ole u niiin :<< <l**«th, or try to get other agent-* I rop< n y «»uT of t lu ii hands, but «1*. a *-* 111 :t 1 • .11.*1 1< gitimate t»u-im*ss. vJ. C. REEDY, Real Estate Agent, 12th St pr, part'd to ,1,, all kinds of Hi Faint ing And in the very best manner, with the lies*. 1'auu-. as cheap as any one in the city. I am .iiways ready 1 >r <mall jobs os well ns large ones I have the best of workmen employed. ■I AMES _\[. OSBORNE. AT THE (Jiii Bniillunl Baiiit Shop. EW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY 0F MUSIC Boston, Mass. BEST EQUIPPED in fi- EOUIATSsEU* i ni School is the best 111 America. The most -A; radical course t.d tu- tt''Use?. 'For clrcu’.ars •• l.d -p{*( iiiiens of l'« u* mansliq . addresa L':E3iI7J. :*0LrS14ITE. rriueipal