Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, August 17, 1886, Image 4

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DAILY ENQUIRER * SUN: COLUMBUS GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17, im. h m ’ i I P® i • ,* V 1 I i \ j i - Ci4wnte(Eru|uirrr-S«n. ESTABLISHED IN Z S3 TEARS O.O. : in kurt^ ii4» J W<»1* • «i*j Ii jl* r'-~" x-rjuif^ralkir. Dailv. Weekly tfi nery 4*y. : free. TW K-eqrikhh^j:* wfrt H'/nday. TW Thl.< inclndi** - ram*»» .-. IW city «f **»—/ Kitten fw '*•- ;*-• *»vt" ►-*'< r tirw ostu'.h- %\J*i '.■* to* tovat- ► 'jr t'/* * r«»' 7W --Jad*; i« dedivvrel by «u?5« bay* ja t - • ^ty « to atibwr, ays* fr* *•■ IlM t pm* Tb* tt'Mrkly it m**j**1 nm W'y ,' • -* -■■ t« imbacr v :. j/v*uure tnr- uf HAM » jet; Tr»iswsu‘. wiveruiiearexit, ■ . •» ur-t l "' ti * Osfiy at f) p*" >juff /rf :*. ' ■> first WMT.A MfiMot;'. f'rf *'* ' ‘re*-. <»*e/v,>n.and fiat** Weekly a* I- (w «** •otke. AJUgosBMiiinirsr.vo> T.v.-J-* : t' ; ■'* pnraatr «kd» 'j> v;***., ■/. cvrjr rt rr ■' *• or w_. *- • btflft . t* * rt M: ■ e ■ * yet. t- esfintb -otrit Trr wJven.t. tjy Irj toe jretr OMt Otoet <r -e - . rytrl fot s: •:. -Vjixxtj fri] '. tin/ m. W» }i»T<- <rrt»r little Laa'-Je- •f> Arid trverrtijit)*’ With tlii* ;*r»t - Jusrrt- Zi > ,4 ,u- verv little i.vr- • •;&>< •uryjjir iristito- T'.- Otpit/d tare- sti - -I'oitloa »ai tin- (/Aatatnti. Voo* but vj 1 sne'-a- Ax. vmi:a MifUow * B»yr.-:«ttra-r'-». •jstri- r fcdd/*r*%**5 to the T««! rje*er„ J.'-'i I HAkt the -j*Ga. i< Jit- ry a - tf - . *--r, I/ we are u> ha ve a *j*.n'iai /lt)jv- / rv it I'li'.uH 'a- < ‘.injrlet':. Till: dtotiJK«l eartmub V*. tia; marie tli<- reinarkable very of — 1 i«JI in rli'-^ra/e.' arj<3 the further la •* tliat “Atlanta jemi 'H v doar -■<«- jrleaxV iu r<-/ar'l U> U* 1/ail. If our rrrntemjn.'ary jr not a- mi . ', a- UxiA- nin/, it ir -ur<-. -tate« tlxa! '/rk j/r»- The Ht. lh'JrtlMi/»n the dwijoeratii <onirri'--:onal < ootB/fiittee i> now ar.tively at » j«riny a camjaiini text 1/ook a- a jr^'le jdtxil j/hilow/jrher for three wlio » iil take tl<e hurtiiiirr to i/attl*- for 'Jeiuoenxey. it will l>e elaliorate in 'let il*and 'over tlienjAtmi/wx-nt Land ^ra/.t forfeiture bill* («r«y! bj the denjo'.ratie hou* many of nl/i/’h. however, vv< y<- inte/'ejite<i by tie- n-jajblicari w/nate. The cainfjaiirn j/ns/iix- to (/<• way'-d on merit alone, a- tlje ry/mmittee i* without a dollar in it* treamry and har not, at tbi* time, the ineanr to <y>ver it* ordinary expen***. Tlxe rejmhli'an cotnmitUy: eiy/rn* to t/e IretleroW in thi- .-. /-rotary J'iiil Tliomjiw/n, of the deiie/eratie eomrnittee, nay* a Hy-ret bejgjfin;? <-ir<ular ha./ l*-en K.-nt fAjt by the republican*, lint it »a. very mildly worded, w» a* not to lie in conflict with the civil service law. “Atixeu Iu a e'/y- x’.'/a - * M.M s - • . ■ v r» .***•. Atixnta ' o r- Vo 4/V ixieatec :ji xxtybtttns mj. ■ ; x*>v. t xr.-yx- y.1.: fis*> S*j •• * / n* x'o'u. tnimaiA ».19IU- arr .»jw y-- /v utu.. t*/*.;.rs;. lx Coiwnbw* bad fhJRA 'Aixre«ol V’/y.; /I eV I RU; • »X*. IXK of r»* o.'Vf. tt« "o v.-xe of pmimct* pe; ixx aix. M o V.tnv. “yUlnu'icKni is ivtiue -f profiweu at tLx*. '1*'/ «a* fT:*../A’per kssus. Tbeeiuw'/ Gohnwbu x x'-.o-.x: bare oj i> aocoastod for .x to- dbatMUt ot xar ix-. - «XJ'-X x/e XXI.oxjr li./ T >rlxj-. i e* Ox. .tx*. .- er.-tt xer j ii III '* r or. in hilfHat ' Atlanta, taiyriy p. os--v* x. tb* vxoxt o* x-- .^LXX /fx/r x-e-o Jn vkiny of the l.»-j»:ne— men of it- /;.•! the I t, i- i *ay> “Eetimatiny our j* ouiation at-'* . »ii. width i- in exo—* of tlie a t . :. am'/unt. e jjave an aver- ve of ;,iy < )*> ja-r 'a; ta. Thl*am /ant .- entirely too small for our want-, tnr merants’ie and m»: t.'a -turiny iotemft. are heir y dwarfed with a money famine. Atlanta'* future yrowth in oommer/e and manuJacture* lej' uja/D an alain- ija.'./i; of cheap money. In ne^,-a-tiny t) - all ir/j/ortant matter we are com mitting oommercial -m/-iile.” A- we Lave remarked on a former />•- 'a-ton, tite < apito; hew - to the line, let ihe chin* fall when- the-,- niar." over, and to pa^- on each paeka^e be torn* out a label containing not only - number of tbt guos&ctory, incladinx lx- revenue distric t xoc state in which ai* e- v.-*-—u sit waled, but tneve word* J£-a«- Tne mtx vfx'.v-—-or f V to- vaoiurri- r xe i etB v xvs.xo. xx> e-.eap.-ofi ».’i a£ vxt re-i —.-exaeai* of air. tury Ptw* » <as,;/« not tt> u*t u - pattfcje agua or Uw stamp tcer-.- vn xxrx x uor to rraotne tie toxlesa of ;x > px- cxae »r xowl dMaejeafi the ixanp. xx-tt; txt penaitj pr.-r/Vei bv i»a .x xx-.-a ' xxe-x. An ahaoi jteiy prohibltorr tanS i* levied upon imported , ,e •marfariae. nazneir cent* per pound in aiditicg to the intern., revenue tax. The law v'/e* into tSe-t r.dayx if'.-; the -.v-..ny of tht whk-n will bring it about tn; 1st of *X : - The greater p witt, detahe of w nat to , ticar The penaltie* nny w-tfc impnionaieDt r.- :be at faker; u; ■* in cast of viola :r- m r-o. 1 to —V »i exceeding ivr Tiik fini-innati Timu-Har ha* come to the <v;nclu*ion tliat w hatever may have for worne year* -Wei in the way of an interchange lietween the north and couth nf public -(esiker- in political campaign- ahould have long ago di*ap}>ear<id. Cer tainly at thi* di-tance from the event* w hich cau-ed iwtrangement no rea—<n ex- i*t* for the apj*»rent <Ii>incli nation of j*e litical lea/ler- north and -outh to go out of their respective wg-tion* or to invite Mher* to tiieir aid who were “on the other -ide" during the war. We are rear the /lay, perhap-, when all thi* w ill l»e changed. Tljo*e who think the senti mental liarrier* -hould an<l will *j*gslily vanish will lit- plea-ed Vith theannouri« e- ment tliat ex O/ngre—man Wi*<;, of Vir ginia, i- to take the stump for Congre—- man McKinley in Ohio. Jt i- a cheerful sign. A* (I.E1B AS Mi ll. It i* getting —i in the-e latter dav- that an exi-ee<lingly mo/le-t man i* al- m/ad afraid to 1*- elected t/i oliice or t// /lie. The moment a man -huflle- off thi* mortal /-oil, or i- elw t/-<l t/, any office of prominence, some enterprising news paper artist, like the Atlanta Constitu tion, 1- ready to give him a send oil with a wn/sl-cut. This is ti-rrihle enough for all intents and purjs*^-. to la- -pared the horrors of the -pring poet. A cotcni|>o- rarv jiublisiies a few line* on the death of Mr, TUden, and very riglitly con cludes that just what Mr. Whittier mean* in his poetical tribute bi Mr. Tilden by; the apiieal to wountlH no more the living ear With wor«ln that death <l*nUm, is not very clear. What death denies/ is not the words spoken against the dead, Im! tin- dead man's opportunity of reply ing to them. Possibly the poet intended only ii free rendering of the old I,atin i motto to “speak nothing hut good of the ; dead,” a sentiment indeiensihle in moral* nnd pi-riiicioti* in practice. To*j,enk con- of one no longer able to speak lor himself, and to avoid wounding the feeling* of bereaved friends with unsym pathetic w ords about I In- dead, are natural and honorable sentiments, hut the man who plirpOH-ly exaggerate* the merits or conceals the faults of the dead simplv because they are dead, stultifies himself with those who know abuses the eonlidenee don’t. The living arc estimate of their deed the dead can claim no n Tilden there need he in the partiality of friends enemies will long pn man, • nv-Fifctii ot i.i'ti at bo'*. There .- a deep-seated and constantly g: wing impre— a among the people of •oMthom Texas that the iar fi-eling and the revolutionary fe«-;;ng in the northern *tat/ - of Mexieo, are the r<~alt of /-areful manijciiation hr a f/ vr prominent men w ho are engaged in a gigantic land *j/ec- ulation. Tin- the* r or behef /i<xes not take its origin ■■■ ith sensation m .xjger-. hut corn/*- from men of intelligence who are well versed in the a Pair- of Mexico and the border. A Port Worth. Texas, I dispatch to the't. Louis Kej/uhlican say* that among the men whom the national government of Mexico lia* m/*-t to fear are Gov. Trebinoand Gen. Naranjo They, i with a little group of wealthy follow ers, comprising not more than twenty men, have long wielded an almost irresistible influence iri the state* north of the Sierra Madre mountains, notably in Tamaulipa*, < -rahuila. Nneva la-on and Chihuahiia. This U-mUirv contains only a small portion of the bet ter people of Mexico, and from there comes all our trouble. Itoth the Gon zales and the Itiaz admiriistrations s/jught to hold thi- syndicate friendly, and to that end Trebino and Naranjo have in turn been given the position of m-crotary of war in the Mexican cabinet, one of the Urst )*-/sitioru/ in the govern ment. Ka/ h of these gentlemen w hile holding tins office managed to -/.-/,-ure title to vast tra/.-t- of government land* in the northern districts, and those who had their favor -hared in their good fortune*. The holdings of the syndicate represented by these gentlemen now amount to several million* of acre* and the land all lie* north of the mountain range*. .Soiouga* this land continues to Is; part of Mexico arid subject to all the un certainties of Mexican upheavals it is worth only from 10 to -Vi cents j<er acre, while adjoining Texas land that is riot nearly so good command *g to *4 per acre. If the southern boundary of the United 'tat/* were, as a result of a war, changed from the Kio Grande to the Sierra Madre mountains, the immediate appreciation in land would la; worth from $10,000,000 to $20,000,000 to the little group of dis tinguished lan/1 owners. It is ai so alleged that Americans are interested in bringing about a war with Mexico in order to have these lands an nexed to thi*. country. We publish a lengthy interview with Mr. 1’. C. Hunt ington this morning, in which lie repu diate-/ all that ha- been said about it. Ilis statement, if true, explodes the charge* made against the land syndicate of which he i- at the head. yen, tfat lgit->t punlty brim* for cn. who kv.wiagljr s*2» for '«««• wig reiljroleomargarine, ana tie h^i-ieat i r maanfartAiren who riotas® he -aw. Tz- mul forfriuins are pnitided, and iae . tie- for lae exercise of o&ciai soperris, kc*/ direction* a* to the o-atr-jelion of emptied boxes a- protection n-vln- tie reaae of stain pe. The only section deserving f jpet-ia] note is the fonrtoerjtt, in which the law aMemott to p-rotect the public again*? nnwholesome olts. margarine. This section, which ought to go far to reconcile the 3eritimxte trade to the bill as a wh/.l*. eads a* follows . bevtirjti IV. That there shali he in the ofioe erf the c—TiiiMAiorxe/ of inAerasi reren at at an*.'j - t/cxi /' e.e.:s: »ni a EajenaoDpA who sail, e-ex be appoitted br the -ee.-etarr erf the tttasa.-j. and tad ikil neart a -X_aev A flTOC' per a X. txix : and the ez«xiL-«i>ot*T of ixttmal rerexae »»J. wbenerer In to jaffwat the neoessitie- cf the su rice *o nque, oq/kij chezxistx e mic;o*cogi!Ov, o, be paid sacb ompautna .- he may cee:-. pre-pe;. syi ia the aggre- gite axr apprvpra.tit;; made fee taal purptse-. And nek '.t,mmi/*boter is anthofized to ikwri'K what - ubstance*. extract*, mixture/, or oxstpAaoi xr./rj may be -.-/stitmoc for h:- inspecr.k* in ooateated ease- are to be taxed t-tde; this act: and h.-v (iect-.on in caauers of taxation; this act shall be final. The com- mio*.-/ttr may aIvj de/.-yie whether any rub- stance /-ate in ixaitatlz.t or semhianee of butte;. and intended for human consumption, contain* ingredient* deleterious to the pobjc health: bat in case of doubt or contest hi* decision* in this cia« erf cave* may be appealed from to a board hereby oonsthuled fcr the purpose, and compoved of the sergeon general of the army, the surgeon genera] of the navy and the oommi*. siooer of agriculture: and the decision* of thi* board shall be final in the premises. A rv* with Mexico would perhap* be less of a holiday aifai; than many peop.e suppose. The tsanding arrr.y of that republic numbers about rfi/Xfj men. They are said to be “well discip lined, well commanded and well munitioned. ' Mexico, though heavily in debt, does not tick resource*, and. were the necessity presented, would probably find mean* to render her army serviceable in a long campaign, even against a fa; greater force. CLEVELAND’S SUPERIOR BAKU POWDER DOES NOT CONTAIN AMMONIA, ALUM, LIME, OR ANY ADULTERATION WHATEVER. IT IS A STRICTLY PURE CRAPE CREAM OF TARTAR BAKING POWDER. CLEVELAND BROTHERS, ALBANY. N. V. By Y0NGE & GRIMES. City Residence at Auct’n F. M. Knowle.- <i Co.. Au< :*i>. 'ILL be v/d in front of the aact-i n h>u t \\ : F. M K«o*-)e% A ,o.. n 7 '*»-. tember 7 b. tr.e weig-^noirn '.M iniUir en '- iatfexV «_>x np.e<I by < ^cur n. Jc*rcac. E q , ca ?''j*s'a -a-e-nut.**xftw«-n ku-i ; •« -r*-;-*.*•. Tbe h'tz-^r bs$ seven rx/ms. '£:* *.a •- -• ^nc .t 4 -- i* r-ireo* port uajty : :r i'. . - :e '»ftne m r. desirable . in ::*-•• c.T; - r.-^ar * teyth. -X;e:y a... . :■-vea e . • .f v-i-^er*. out fev feet fi-OL* . f -r - ' - -- - - -b -*1 Vrp- S 7 CENTRAL* PEOPLES )IEfciM> i I'LAM Ii) LINE o Ttrr r i * TO uu CHOSE OUT A n ib T E -A- HE EES! COLLT^JirS. Ga-. August 7. Is*. V sr.d after Ati^uvl 7. 1R66, the local rates of freight on the «. hattaboochee. Fiint and Apa- lachxx'ia rivers will oe as 161 ows : Fiour per r>arrel - 20 Cotton rr-eed Meal per \on — £.25 Cotton per bale 50 Guano per ton - Cnber freight in proportion. Passage from Columbus to Apalachicola. fC:00. Otner pc*mts :n proportion. HUEDILEK. Steamer NAIAD leaves Coiumbus Tuesdays at ? a m for Bainbridge anr Apalachicola. Stc.„.er AMOS HA Vs leaves Columbus Thu.-s- daj s a: ? a ra for Bainbridge and Apalachicola. Steamer MILTON H. SMITH, with barge T:de. leaves Coiumous Saturdavs at 8 a m for Bainbridge and Apalachicola. Above schedule wi;^ be run. river, etc., permit ting. Schedules subject to change without no tice. Shippers will please have their freight at boat by s a. m. on day of ]eaving. as none will be re ceived that hour. Beat reserves the right of not landing at any point when considered dangerous by the pilot. Boat will not stop at any point not named in list of landings furnished shippers-under date cf May 15. Iss6. Our responsibility for freight ceases after it hss bees discharged at a landing where no person is there to receive it. SAM*L J. WHITESIDE. Fres • Central Line. T H. MOORE Agent People's Line. T. D. HUFF, Agent Merchants A: Planters' Line. SUMMER GOODS! for”rent: As Usual, We Shall Move Things Lively Monday. We have left about 100 pairs of those Opera Slippers at 50c. reduced from 85c. 50 Pairs at 80c. reduced from $1.25. a _ ^ 1 About 50 pairs at $1.10, reduced from $1.50. wiii gire up cutting without * fight, when that In our last advertisement we cjuoted Figured 10c Lawns a. done a wui make no difference what law* chi-. a [ 7 C> They were eagerly taken ; but we are left with the remnants. 01c will be the price Monday. REMNANTS OF COTTON FLANNEL! REMNANTS OF COTTON FLANNEL! the universe, if it likes, zut doei his Imperial Un- spsakablenefle, the king of kings and lord of the ! world who reigns in Siam But while the United States is in favor of Mexico passing what laws it pleases, it will be distinctly understood that they are not laws for the United States or its citizens. Jekkeeso*, Monroe, Van Buren, Harrison, Ty ler. Folk. Johnson, Hayes and Cleveland have all been governors, and several other president* held conspicuous state offices approximating the governorship, such as Fillmore. Pierce, Madison and Andrew Jackson. The opposing candidates who have failed of the presidency have often been governors, like Tilden. Seymour, Bell and Cass. The Philadelphia Record says: ‘Twenty-five yeurs ago tb*re was probably not a woman in Philadelpn.^ *' rth $500,000 and even a man mill- ionair was a curiosity. Nowadays estates foot ing up $1,000,000 and more are being settled u p j almost every week or two, and the list of women who own millions is by no meai s insignificant.” Tliis simply measures the growth in pr> sperity of all American cities. There is a tree in Mexico called the oily cocoa. . Its seed is almost wholly composed of a fatty i substance which has some times been used in making soap. A quantity of this seed was re cently shipped to Europe, and a Stuttgart baker has successfully used the oil as a substitute for lard in making bread and cake. manufactured by M,D, HOOD & CO Columbus. Ga. U We measured about 1.000 yards of Cotton Flannel Rem nants in our stock-taking, and we shall put them on the counter at about half what they cost. Call early if you want them. # 350 Yards Nun's Veilings, in Tans. Browns and Drabs, at Oic tor Monday. 1.000 yards beautiful Summer Prints left at 3fc for Monday. * 45 Dozen Ladies’ Solid Colored Hose, oil-boiled and cleared seams, at 15c. 45 Dozen Ladies' fast color Striped Hose at 15c for Monday. All our Silk and Lisle Gloves reduced for Monday. 2.1X.)0 Yards more of those 5c Sea Islands left for Monday. LACE CURTAINS ! LACE CURTAINS ! We have a fair stock of Lace Curtains left, which we de sire to close out before we receive the new stock. Prices will be made to suit you Monday. We are advertising nothing to mislead you. A safe and sure business can’t be built up that way. We want your confidence. We will show you every thing in this card if you will call Monday. Prices will be cut on all Summer Goods Monday. 3,(XX) Yards Check Nainsooks at 5!c for Monday. About 30 dozen Towels left at 50c per dozen. 5,000 Yards Figured Lawns 3L The Gaboury Residence. Rose Hill. The Dessau Dwelling and Store. Rose Hill. New four-room Dwelling, Rose Hill. The Fontaine House. The Jordan Brick Dwelling, north Jackson St, Mr. Geo. Glenn's new two-ttory Dwelling, north Jackson street. Four-room Dwelling north Troup street. New two-story Dwelling on Troup street, half square north of Grier’s store. Barber Shop opposite post office, occupied by Sandy Alexander. Store on Broad street north of Epping House. L. H. CHAPPELL, Broker, Beal Estate and Insurance Ajenk dtf Wm.L.TILLMAN » Georgia, Muscogee County— vs. Mortgage. &c. In Muscogee R. H. GORDON.) Superior Court. May term. 138«. IT appearing to the Court by the petition of Wm. L. Tillman, accompanied by the notes and mortgage deed, that on the fourth day of May, Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-three, the defend ant made and delivered to the plaintiff her two promissory notes, bearing date the day and year ~*■ *— defendant promised 1 BLANCHARD. BOOTH A HUFF, of out ill vmg an, 1 10*1; who I to aju*t uii'l rhurarter; ire. A* for Mr. fear that cither >r the malice of •cut the worhl from forming a just cHtimate of tl ami history will make up the whether it “\v,mml* the living /•: censure or tickle* it with praise. Will 0)1.1 Dills ATl.t.XTA. When tlie Kvii iuiat-Si s maili-tlicas- HTtion w,me time ago that Cohimlms is the largest manufacturing city in the state, there were those who were <lispo*ed to question it. in fact, the Atlanta Con stitution went into un elaborate display of figures to show the contrary, it pre- eentc/i Atlanta as the leading mahufac- TIU OI.KOMAHOAItlVl; ACT. One of tin-most important acts of the recent session of congress was the one tax ing oleomargarine. The law is elaborate, and was evidently drawn up with more than ordinary care. The first section de fines butter, and the second oleomargarine. The former was easy and simple, the latter is involved and long, but specially worthy of note as indicating the ingredients of bogus butter, namely, “all substances here tofore known as oleomargarine, oleo, oleo margarine oil, butterine, lardine, suine and neutral; all mixtures and compounds of oleomargarine, oleo, oleomargarine oil, butterine lurdine, suine and neutral; all lard extracts and tallow extracts; and all mixtures and compounds of tallow, beef fat, suet, lard, lard oil, vegetable oil, an [lotto, coloring matter, intestinal fat fat made in imitation or semblance ter, or when so made calculated or intended to be sold as butter or for butter.” The manufacturers are obliged to pay a special tux of ffiOO. This is necessary to any surveillance of the business:” Wholesale dealers not manufacturers puy a special tax of f ISO, and retail dealers * IH. Besides these three special taxes con templated the tax proper on the goods is two cents a pound, paid on the stamp plan. The same general policy for pre venting fraud is udopted in this case as in tobacco, whisky, and the internal reve nue law generally. Every manufacturer Is obliged to give a penal bond of |G000 or HOODS EUREKA LIVER MEDICINE The- fiitiltbr'-s family remedy. For biliou-ness, torpid liver, indigestion, constipation, and ail the common ill.** of lire it i* himply perfect and can not be improved. Don’t be without a bottle. buet, lard, ill | : Jordan s Joyous Julep ice of but- ; J 1 The infallible remedy for Neuralgia, cure the worst case of Neuralgia, howevci and long standing the case. J UVANTIA A specific for Sick Headache. A dose taken when sj ni],loins appear will prevent the worst Sick Headache. It cures nothing else. Thoinns** Urrmsn 4'ologne, a Perfume most delightful and refreshing. Extract* of Ecnion nnd Vanilla, the finest flavoring extracts known—something su perior and elegant. dtf yt ucqu./ , vncuij-iuvu rnuutus attet tuc utMV thereof. Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-eiffht Dollars and Twenty-two Cents, with interest from date at eight per cent per annum, and if said note was not paid at maturity, ten per cent attorney’s fees for the collection thereof, for value received; and by the other of said promi- sory notes the defendant promised to pay to the plaintiff, or bearer, thirty-six months after the date thereof, Eighteen Hundred and Eighty- eight Dollars and Twenty-two Cents, with interest from date at eight per cent per annum, and if said note was not paid at maturity, ten per cent attorney’s fees for the collection thereof, for value received: and that afterwards, on the day and year aforesaid, the defendant, the better to secure the parment of said notes, executed and deliver ed to the plaintiff her deed of mortgage, whereby the said defendant mortgaged to the plaintiff all that tract or parcel of lana situated on the west side pf Broad street in the city of Columbus, and in said county and state, being about twenty-five feet in front on Broad street and running back the full depth pf said lot, and known as part of lot number sixty-five, with all the improvements thereon, upon which is situated Store House number one hundred and forty-three: and it ftir- ther appearing that said notes remain unpaid: It is, therefore, ordered that the said defendant pay into Court on or before the first day of the next term thereof, the principal, interest, attor ney’s fees and costs due on said notes, or show cause to the contrary, if any she can: and that on the failure pf the defendant so to do. the equity of redemption in and to said mortgage premise! be forever thereafter barred and foreclosed. And it is further ordered that this rule be pub lished in the Columbus Enovirer-Si’n. a public gazette printed and published in said city and county, once a month for four months previous to the next term of this Court, or served on the de fendant or her special agent or attorney, at least three mouths previous to the next term of thii Court. J. T. WILLIS. C. J. THORNTON. Judge C. C. O. Plaintiffs Attorney. A true extract from the minutes ofMuscogeo Superior Court, May term, 1S86. GEO. Y. POND. iuy20oam4m Clerk S.C.M. C. I n Two Weeks c ome ^ ne ' £ m am Chancellor’s Shelves and "'Counters will be clear of 'Summer Goods. If you wish ins In Straw Hats and Goods, call early. Plait Bosom Shirts, beautifuul Stud and Cuff Buttons, Satchels and Trunks specialties for this week. A.C.CHANCELLOR. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR Ross Turkish Rug Machine. V S J am closing out, will for this week sell the Nickel Plated Machine for $1.00: Wooden Machine 75 cents. Designs all si-.os and styles, yarn all colors and shades, at reduced price. Lesson free by Mrs. CAUFIELD, 1010 First avenue, next door to opera house. a agio se tu th&se f SHEW TOBACCO!! BUT DON'T CHEWPOISON T>UI»L>LPU FlN/.l’.li's Pat. *• Havana Cure " process for treating Tobacco r* moves nico tine, dirt and grit, enabling tin* leaf to absorb pure, ripe fruit, ami making the most delicious, the iiio-t lasting, and the onlv wholesome chew in the world-one that will not cause heartburn, nervousness, nor Indigestion. TURF. Fine Cavendish.Brandy- 'each everlast ing chew. SUNLIGHT NUGGET. STARLICHT. A frult-rtavorert pocket piece for the people. Guaranteed not to contalu a traceof chemical or noxious drug, chew it a week and you will chew it always. The pilot-wheel on every plug. RUDOLPH FINZKR TOBACCO CO., LoutiTille, Kr> LOUIS BUHLER&C0., Agents] Columbus, fia. SafeodSm