Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, September 04, 1886, Image 5

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He Sets the Prisoners Free-Will the Comino Win and the C;:ar Clash? DAILY K.NQriRKK - S! : y: COM 1 MBPS GEORGIA, SaTDRDAV MOBNING, Si-IFTKMBKH 4, It Will Ik* Uful Tim os if They l>< xv.d Princo are Natural Km-micsTli C'diich, Will be Knife to the fi.untie. Sofia, September -Tlir (, Wav. Ir London market throughout the dav. urangorg were decidedly the l'cnture of the dn.v, while in the afternoon Union Pacitin was ■, .'iw strong, and Lulce Shore und Louis- vdleaiid Nashville reeei red eonsiderablo nf- tention.opening v ery tame,hut price,-: show ■ eel advances from ‘ to i! per cent, generally, lucre Were slight recursions in the earl, trade from tile opening llgures, but the-e A'ere afterward reeot ure.l, and a dull, 1ml ■.tenorally Arm market existed till noon, .here being no special feature except the movement, in consolidated gas. In the af ternoon, however, under tlie leadershin . !' St O' l 111 tlin mni-li I I • Futures opened steady, at the following qu< tat ion.-5 : ricotoinbor 5 6-ai < j September and October 5 2-uid October und November. I 02-'.i4'.» I « November und December l hi ,. Ul December and .January I 62-6 id •Inuuurv and February ' ifi-oid Fooruary and March » v#0-tJ4cl l enders of deliveries for to-duy s elcarim* bales of new docket and 00 bales of old do lit 1 y too Sales of the week American Speculators look Exports took Forwarded from stiip , > pm- graphed to the sultan assurances ofhoma . and devotion. THE PlflNCE’S RECEPTION. Sofia, September 3.—Prince Alexander arrived here this morning. He made a , upU per cent, each, l* triumphal entiy into the city, escorted I York Central 1;, Loui.-ivdi test figures reached. The business of the day foots up about #200,000 shares. Sr. ) Paul was the only really active stock, everything on the active list is higher to- j night, and St. Paul and Union Pacific are Shore lii, New ; and Nashville by the municipal authorities of Sofia, who | Northern Pacific preferred, Omaha and h ^ g t°o n await 0 hi 1 i 0, J ?rHv r fi of the | Oregon Transcontinental *1 each and Citv to await his arnval. Addresses ol others fractional amounts, welcome were presented to .Alexander DOTS FhOM DELTA. The Senatorial Convent ion—County Officials to be Nominated—Other Matters of Interest. and Doc. damn v, l 62-:; id t:0u 51,900 12.000 1,000 2,700 5,200 1,300 10,000 5,000 150,000 302,000 00,000 30,000 include 7100 bides of ember delivery, 5 0-0Id ) mber, 5 Id sellers; »2-*.fd buyers; November Fuuirus quiet.>sviu.R, September 3. —Provisions, market •ilea.!y. Bacon. -fiit-qlders £6 f.o, clear rib $7 15, oloar sides $v so. Hulk meats -clour rib sides ‘VO t>>. clear aid- s-7 U); mosv pork $10 75. Lard- choicc ;euf if8 oo. s :!»: hums. Migur-cured, 12<«» Me. Undo. l.'iiii'Aoo, September 3.— Wheat stronger, dol ing weak and 1 .,c lower titan y enter day Septem ber 70 { c, (tctuber 78‘ 78‘ ,c. November 70 15-I0m HO'^c, >o.2 mring 70 t , No. 2 red 77 T ye.7Sc. Com wenk and and .c lower cash 10' 10' ,w, Septcmb" • ;o 3-U!i» d : ,c, October 42 5-lOe, No vember M' ' -It’.,. O ils dull and c*asv *tvsVi 25 l M .!> „ i 25' ..e, Ociober 27^27 1 May 32’ Sr. September a and Novetnl Decembe 1 H2-01d ! buyers; •March ;v. •5 5-6-id se Nli\v Ye 8i\ les 101 Orleans a, ; ;,c Console I: Brin filer-*: . ehrvarv 1 April', r. 00-0 Id In ; April and I'.iict but si Idling uplu in the great square in front ojf the palace All then proceeded to the cnthedrul,where the grand Te Deum mass was cele brated. Artillery salutes were fired at the garrison and the troops were reviewed. The ceremonies concluded with . a reception to the foreign diplomatic rep- * resentatives. Prince Alexander has ordered ! Correspondence Enquirer-Sun. the release of all political prisoners. The lb F, it A, Macon County, Ga., September ministry has been reconstructed with Stain- j A—On Tuesday, the 31st lilt., tin: thirteenth berloff as premier. Rejoicing continues ! senatorial convention assembled at Montt- without abatement throughout Bulgaria, 1 zumu for the purpose of nominating a eau- AT.exander’s BLUNDER. didate for the district, composed of the London, September 3.—The Standard l '°untiosof Macon, Schley and Sumter. As says: “Prince Alexander has committed a the matter had been previously settled liy serious blander and the only unworthy Smnter uoiinfry naming' the candidate (her act with which he can be reproached. It I P riv ilege under tiie rotation system), the ; i is carrying the comedy of eourtlv dissimu- ! e convention was short. Hoa. | ass lation too far to pretend that the czar did ' . M.Hiiwkas, ol Americus, was iiomi- ■ ■ nated by acclamation. The purpose for which the delegation had assembled having been accomplished, the convention adjourned sine die. After the adjourn ment ot the convention Montezuma, ever ready to show the generous spirit of her citizens, tendered the delegates an excur- , sion down the Flint river as far as tire ENGLAND humiliated. limited timo would allow. The Invitation Iaris, September 3. The Republique was accepted, and at the appointed time . h raneaise, commenting on the published the “Ada” was steaming at her wharf. | correspondence between the czar and ' seemingly anxious to show the pleasure 1 miit uncertain market. In the Lee of liaht Prince Alexander, saysj Atter the czar t, i seekers soon to board her that her mission tradiu).;, however, a stubborn degree of flmuiess l.olu-.. September :(. -Wbent active but . 0(KMHil linn and tlnislicd ’• 4 o lower ye itoi’day -No. 2 red cash 77 Scptcmbei 71V, Ooi**ber 79 1 • 80 1 ,c, November Corn dull and'weak; the market iul'*d fr nn the very opening: ami closed \ < •Ue t'11111 yesterday No. 2 mixed, cash 37‘, o. .-Vpi'ember 37' 1 gj, October 38'"v' r 39 l gC. : .11 out ste ady No. 2. mixed cash 25 ’ 2lO ,c\ mber 2‘»' s c, October 2fl* ,c bid. uoV.smh, .September 3. Alien!, .stronger— red 78cVo. corn •*.».--er - No. 2 mixed He. 2a dev -fs'o. 2 mixed ; -viue, SeptemL'. r » ~firain steadv: Who t red 73c. Corn, No. 2 mixed 43c, \,'.iite45t\ m v No. 2 mixed 27' SitK'ar >uni 4 # • Ouleans, .September 3.—Coffee SHAOELANO’ liglit .Virgoes, demand, but holdc moil U> prime, 8‘ ^ t llc. Suga naot.ubly lower— .Louiaiatui, open kettle, prime ,.c, go .d foil- to fully fair .V ,'t»5 7-15c, fair » : .,e, common to (food common r ,«r l ’>v; eentritXiuis, v clarified 5 M e. prime yellow clari fied l” THE MOST EXTENSIVE PURE BRED LIVE STOCK .ESTABLISHMENT kin the WORLD. Nov Import«• | (ions fonstantl) ' arrhinv. Karr imlivIiIiihI excellence nml choice HrcMiliiiK. CTYIIESDATR !VOKm*;r, IMMM'II IMtON, VOlt .>1 AN or Fit lb NCI I DRAFT IlOItSES. EXihlSU DRAFT HOUSES T U OTTI N li- B11 ED ItOA »STK It S. CMIVKI.AMI HAYs ami HtEX II COACHEItS, I Ci: hi AND nml SHETLAND IM’MIS, 110ii^TKlX-FUIESIiS ami DEVON CaTTLK. Our customers have the advantage of our mum years cxuericiiee to breeding and importing ; Superior Duality; l.urue Vu« rietj uml Inimrnsu CollectIoiih; opportu nity ol eomimrinv dilferenl breeds t und low orireN, heean^o of our iiiieiiuiiletl In* cililies, extent of IniNiness and low rates of transportation. N-iother e«t nblirtlinient In the yvorlil OfTerf* 3ueb advantages in the poreliitNor* Pit IC1CH LOW! TER AIS lOASV I Vis* Itocs n elconie, (’orreH|M»iidcnce solie* Iteil. < 'ironlars Free, Mention this pa^g» STATE OF GEOIlhlA. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. PROCLAMATION. Governor ot’suul Slate. WitI3RKA8, The General Asiivnibiy, at its last I session, passed the lollowin# Acts, to-wit: “An Act to amend the < 'onsiitution of the State ' of CieorRiu by striking therefrom paragraph 15, i Section 7, Article .J." I See. I. He it enacted by the General Assembly i of the State of (icorgiu.uml if is hereby enacted by the authority of tlie-ame. that the Constitution of tills State be amended by striking therefrom j paragraph 15 of sei tion-even 7 , article three i), which reads as follow-, to-wit; l’..iagraph XV.— All special or local hills -hall originate in the House of Representatives. The Speaker of the 11 ouse «d lUprcsentutivei. shall, within five days . from the >rKani/<ition ol the (.icncrul Assembly, appoint .i committee.« misisiiag of one from each Congress'Gm.. District, whose duty it shull be to | consider and consolidate all special and local i x and repot t the same to local bill ''hall be se until the same inmittee, unless by a THE °owei.l BROS., Spriiisrtiotd. Crawford Co.. SWIVEL FLOW ,<> I the llou.-e; .md no special 1 read i.r considered h> tin- i , has been reported by the cl. __ ! two-tBirds vigo; and no bill shall he com.idered 1 or repwried to the House by said committee, un- li's,> ; 'n -mr shall have been laid before it witk- I in lift* .• ) da.' • after the organizalton ot the Gen- ! oral A'Si innly, except l»y a tw'o-tliir«lB vote. 1 See. 11. He it further enacted, That whenever the abov in •po.-s.d umcndnietii to the ( cnistitu- I tom shall ne a«i\ cd t«» by tu o-thiuls of the nu ni- i hers . 1. et* d t<. each of the two Houses of the ( U nernl As v mbij. the < Jovernor shall, und he is hereb*, authorized and 'ustructed to cause said ! nmendnu lit to he published in at least tv, n news- i n.iners in e.uh ' mgressiomd District in this State eriiid ol two months next preceding the for Hie time >1 hohiiiig the n< Sec. 111. He it fui Hit propost d . in ndn nt float ion or reject ‘XI i ml electioi • Ri. not approve ,oi bis deposition. England has done ner best to promote peace in the Balkans. If she fails A ustria and Germany will either suffer grave injury or make heavy sacrifices. They may yet rue the day they abandoned Alexander to curry favor with the czar.” Nkw York. Sep J856. Futures bales, as follows: .‘September October November December January February March Ap/il Green & Co. in their report i It, has been a very slow 9 8-100 9 9-100 9 11-100'*/ D 12-1.00 : fl 14-100‘*>.9 15 100 i 9 22-100 •' 9 2:1-100 9 30-100 9 31.100 ....9 38 100 h 9 39-100 ! 9 -47-100 /z 9 J8-J00 , ,.9 . hinoMfl ad-ioo reply the house of Battenberg may be considered to have ceased to reign in Bul garia. That reply also humiliates Eng land, whose lamentations nobody regards. Events in Egypt, have proved England’s incurable egotism. France must arrive at an entente cordial with Russia, bot h on the Mediterranean and in the far east against British invasion.” the powers consulting. , London, September 3.—Active commu nications are passing between the powers relative to the restoration of Prince Alex ander. (■rrmiiuj. THE RUSSIAN MINISTER IN BERLIN. Berlin, September 3.—M. de Giers. Rus- aian minister of foreign affairs, has arrived here and will remain two days. To-day he visited Bismarck and was afterward re ceived in the palace by Emperor William. Cholcrn’s Vlrtlnifi. Rome, September 3.—The cholera re turns for the whole of Italy for twenty- four hours ending yesterday are: San Ma rio, in Lamis, 24 new cases and 11 deaths; Ravenna, 18 new cases and 6 deaths: Rimi ni, 20 new cases and 7 deaths. In all other infected districts, numbering now nine towns, 48 new cases and 7 deaths. THE DOCTORS DISAGREE. seekers soon to board her that her mission was on all occasions, and especially that, to enhance the pleasure and interests of hospitable Montezuma. The executive committee has departed from the rule hitherto practiced, and or dered a primary election to nominate county olnoials. Messrs. Hall and English, prominent candidates for the oliiees of re ceiver and collector, from some cause, have withdrawn from the race, which leaves only one candidate in the field for each office. It is rumored, however, that others are pluming themselves for the contest. The shock of earthquake felt Tuesday night is the universal topic of conversa tion. It caused no little excitement and consternation, especially among the col ored population. No serious damage is reported in this section beyond a general scare. One old darkey stood at hisjdoorwith old musket in hand declaring he would kill anybody who entered the door. “I know you are all round here, ’cause I felt you prizen de house up; but I’m here ready for you all de same. Come in, if you dar . ’ Mrs. J. T. Gant, of Macon, visited the family of Mrs. W. M. Barrow last week. Prof. W. E. Steed opened his Bchool at Farmers Academy Monday morning with sixteen pupils. He has promise of conside rable increase. The public gins are now running on full time. ■:> li:l-ll;U'.' 0 l; 1-100 SI 71-101) : SI 7:1-100 i cotton ftiture-i, and to some SomeSbj it in Yellow Fever anti Sonic Sny it Isn’t. New Orleans, September 1.—Dr. Salo mon, secretary of the board of health, re turned to-night from Biloxi, on the gulf shore, and submitted his report. There have been nine cases of sickness, and the diagnosis in each case justified the experts iirly trac-ible to re north of a prohubh deal and squeeze of September in Liverpool, in- cl acini? light offerings. Even moderate bidding nut rates up some four to live points, at which the close was quite steady. New Orleans,September3. -2:40p. m.—Futures quiet and steady; sales 11,000 bales, as follows: {September 8 71-1000/ 8 72-100 October 8 65-100(« 8 60-100 November 8 65-100.<£8 66-100 December 8 68-100**/. 8 69-100 January 8 78-100D 8 79-1' 0 February 8 89-ll)0(<«8 90-100 March 8 99-100C 1 9 1-100 April V lO-lOOu'9 11-100 May 9 21-100^9 22-100 June 9 31-100fH 9 32-100 TOTAL NET RECEIPTS AT THE PORTS. New York. September 3.—The following are the total net receipts of cotton at all ports since September 1, 1886: Galveston 6,417 New Orleans 1,799 Mobile 56 Savannah 2,942 Charleston Wilmington 30 Norfolk 204 Baltimore New York Boston 3 Newport News Philadelphia 60 New York, September3. Coffee, spot, f: lrm--10'* s c; No. 7 Rid, September $9 05i«* 10 00. ' Jobi'r $9 05, November $8 9v < 9 2 ■. Siu-ar quiet, dull • *ir lo icood leliniuff 4 11-16 • l 13-16c v iiiu : rirm extra O 6 1-16 15 5-lOc, white extra c 5v"5L.c, yellow 4 : , 1 *<•'■! 11-16c off A 5 JJ-J .■)’,/•: cut and mould 6'-o; standard A V'hC, confeetouers A »*c, cut loaf and crushed li'.'.qC, povvdered 6%<" 6’ .jC. granulated 6 l „•** 6 3-1 Go, cubes id ,<-i 6 5-16c. Chicago, September 3. Sugar steady -stand ard A 5 ; ’ ./*> 6" s c. Cincinnati, September 3. -Sugarsteady—New Orleans l : t er5'.,c. Hosia ,i :k(i T(it'|M k iitino. New York, September 3.—Rosin steady strained 98eDi$j 05. Turpentine quiet 34'»(« 35c. Savannah, September 3.--Turpentine linn 33c; sales 00 barrels. Rosin firm—90e fl 12'.,; sales 00 barrels. .Wilmington, September3. -Turpentine firm - 32* |C. Rosin finn—strained 75c; good 80c;. 'l’ai firm 1120; crude turpentine’ firm hard 75c. yellow dip $1 80, virgin $l 80. Colton Ser/I Oil. New Orleans, September 3. — Cotton seed products scarce and firm— prime crude oil delivered 26<*626c; summer yellow 36<a 37o. Cake and meal, long ton, $19 00^20 (JO. New York, September 3.—Cotton seed oil 24 *i 26(Mfor crude, 10c for refined. Ne\ Wool and llitirs. York, September 3.—Hides firm West Point.. Brunswick Port Royal Pensacola Indianola Total Salad from Salem. Correspondence Enquirer-Sun. Salem, Ala., September 3.-We are hav- j ^"t^^ls'TirareSotw to'contr, 11,815 Orleans selected, 45 and 60 pounds, Texas selected, 50 and (It) pounds, lOf/rlO 1 .. New York, September3. Wool firm and t erately active -domestic fleece 30(*/38c, Texas <tt 25c. WhiNky. Chicago, September 3.—Whisky steady 15, St. Louis, September 3.—Whisky firm-$l 10. Cincinnati, O., September 3. Whisky active and firm, fl 10. 4- k'ritfitit*. New York, September.').—Freights,lo Liverpool steady—cotton per steamer 3-32d ; wheat per steamer 2'.,d. x? ,^v, THE Bt.S l CWIVEL FLOW IN USL Equally umut u » l.>v« I Ihm<1. No funnel Jhould he wnlimit niif. ^ihhI toi free IIIum- tran'i! ('iiinlouiie and Alniniiiic. SYRACUSE CHILLED PLOW CO. SYRACUSE. NEW rORK mv24 w8t PEEBSJFDAR1NIS f AGBNTBW ANTED, Sf.® n« nv’i’t thrillino[jn'ri*(>»'iil nilventurr.*. «'v* itsot ‘icoul'i und s |iif4, forlnri ImiH'R.nom- . ..rnverv, impn-'G'iimMitu nml hulr-brcuilth »-to-lin»i.t Htruir'rli**, |>*'filout jounu* s, tlnrii• c Id iIppiI* i n MOTH HII>KH dll ri till Mio li rout Civil . iik. :■ tolfi-USllYULU^TSATn).":"-" ' ■ & I'O , liui: t* „ o l i M. I.uuk or Philadolphiu J JL ;.rd I Mustmru i Ktaiogu* 1 «• '“GINWAT: i0.) CORPUGATiNG CO m6V deod&weowflm u IV AND • l.L EXPANSES PAID r*s,»; ptivi.o v mdi urefevred ii'iiNfU O .MiiituliH'fnrorBi/ From 115 Lbs to 161 Lbs Galveston, September 3.—Cotton steady: mid- lings 8-15-16e; net receipts 2419. gross 2149; sales , . • v . .. „ ,, „ i 812; stock 13,179; exports to continent 00, Great ing civil service reform in its fullest sense Britain oo. carried out In our litle village. Our acting | Weekly net receipts 13,192, gross 13,192; sales depot agent has been removed, Mr. Fred j 3852; exports to continent 00. Scott, who was the best man for the place , Norfolk. September 3.— Cotton quiet; mid- that has filled the position in years. The ■ filings 9c; net receipts 191, gross 191; sales —; postoffice has been removed to the depot j stock 2983; exports to Great Britain 00. nfflpe and the acting Dostmaster Mr Sam Weekly net receipts 384, gross 384: sales 89; Two of | ° mc ® * n “ J _ laa . 1 , L . .... J 1 exports to Great Britain 00, continent 00. Baltimore, September 3.—Cotton cl till: mifi- eight are convalescent. A new ease broke ] ^racefti^before ^h'e bat- i dl,n K s ncl .‘feo**!*** «>. K ro " s out to-day. The wife of Engineer Elder, and looks quite graeeltil oeloie the Dat . of the canning company, has taken the disease. All the sick were employed by the canning company. This morning as soon as the decision of the physicians was declared there was a regular exodus from the town. Hundreds boarded the west bound train for this city, some not even stopping to pack their trunks, but aban doning everything in their flight. Although Biloxi is one of the most popu lar gulf coast resorts, is famous for its salubrity, and was more than usually crowded this year with city visitors, not fifty persons are to be found there to-night. Ocean Springs, the adjoining town, con nected with it by a long trestle, established a quarantine of strict non-intercourse to night. It is to be enforced by a shotgun guard. This will have the effect of pre venting the trains running through. Mo bile people summering at Biloxi are much annoyed at being barred out of their homes. Of course there is no sense in such harsh measures, but timidity and fear become very influential factors in fever periods. The Louisville and Nashville railroad officials, catching their inspiration from the panic-smitten ofHcials, have given notice that their trains hereafter will not stop at Biloxi, going 1 spinners 00; stock 8147: ! am 00. to continent 00 exports to Great Brit- Weekly net reeeiptsOO; gross 563; sales ; to spinners 72; exports to Great Britain 1781, continent 00. Boston, .September 3.—Cotton quiet; middlings 9 l 4c: net receipts 2, gross 290; sales 00; stock -—: exports to Great Britain 0. Weekly net receipts 3, gross 595; sales 00: exports to Great Britain 1176. Wilmington. September 3.—Cotton nominal; middlings 9c: net receipts 27, gross 27; sales 00: stock 197: exports to Great Britain 00. Weekly net receipts 46, gross 46; sales 00; ex- at Biloxi, going or coming. It will be observed that the local doctors of [ Biloxi, and who stand as high in the pro fession as the New Orleans or Mobile officials, insist that the cases are not of yellow fever. To-night they are strength ened in their position by Dr. Felix For- mento,. an eminent yellow fever expert. Dr. Folmento telegraphs to-night from Biloxi that at the request of Drs. Lemon and Mabin, attending physicians, he visited several cases of fever near the Shrimp can ning factory, found nine persons—live adults and four children—presumed to auu w have yellow fever up and about; and one . j c , at h child of four years taken sick this moi n- \ n f nrfiinai'v malaria I'his is the first time in years that the railroad has been able to scoop up Uncle “Sam’s department” in our town,but scoop ing is getting to be very common. The Columbus and Western t hought it would commence on a small scale with tile post- office department. Men qualified to fill positions are getting scarce. Offices have to be combined in order that the business may not suffer. So we have a complete combination now in Salem, and you have only to go to one ! ports Great Britain 00. place to get vour mails, your tickets and Philadelphia, Septembers.— Cotton dull; mifi- freient, to receive and send off your dis- | filings OV: net receipts oo, gross 127; sales 00: patches, to seat your lady in waiting for ! “—’•”= m trains—all in one small room. . Both black and white mingle and commingle together, and that room being the post office, the waiting room, the depot office and tele graph office. The fleecy staple is now opening rapidly, and picking will commence generally, so that the farmer will soon be able to receive, handle and pay back again some of that f reat evil that rules and governs king- oras - . , The health of our community is good, and no one was seriously injured by the great shake-up. N. H. The Atmosphere of Lore Is a pure, sweet breath. This desideratum is one of the results of using SOZODONT, which not only invigorates and preserves | ^ ^ the teeth but renders the mouth as fra- j gtock 38 i 8 grant as a rose. sat se tu th&w | Weekly net receipts 174: shipments 713; sales stock 4884: exports to Great Britain 00. Weekly net receipts ICO, gross 187: exports to Great Britain 00. Savannah. September 3.—Cotton easy : mid dlings 8 : ‘„c: net receipts 1112, gross 1112; sales 1000; stock 6127. Weekly net receipts 5387, gross 5389; sales 3503; exports to Great Britain 00. France 00. conti nent 00. New Orleans, September 3.—Cotton dull; middlings8 7 ac; net receipts 1589/gross receipts* 1589: sales 100; stock 15,848; exports to Great Britain 00, to continent 00. Weekly net receipts 3753, gross 3805: sales 700: exports to Great Britain 488: continent 00, France 00. Mobile. September 3. — Cotton easy: mid* dlings 8 7 f,c; net receipts 33, gross 43: sales 100: st-ocK 2669. Weekly net receipts 76, gross 99: sales 400: exports to continent 00. Memphis,September3.--Cottonquiet: middlings receipts 54: shipments sales Sort'll People llnrne/1 to ^ Williamsport, Pa., September 3.—A shanty in which twenty Hungarian labor ers slept was burned near here last night and seven of the occupants were burned to ing with symptoms of ordinary malarial fever. None of the nine convalescents, be states, presented any marked symptoms ot yellow fever, black vomit or hemorrhage. The disease lasted from 18 to 48 hours, the patients recovering without relapse, money too lo- There were two deaths last Sunday, both NK " of delicate women. They refused to take New York. September . _Noon-st . . ... —v. Money quiet «u out, <. nxciu*. M.1RKKTN BY TK LUG KAI’ll. Financial. .ovnos. September 3.—4 p. m.—Con: account 101. NKNV YORK MONEY MARKET. 5005, to spinners 00. Augusta.September 3. -Cotton nominal: mid dlings 8 r * 4c: receipts24; shipments 00; sales 10; stock 6399. Weekly receipts 162: shipments 75; sales 85—spinners 00. Charleston, September 3.— Cotton ; middlings c; net receipts 00. gross 00: sales 00; sstock 4718: exports to Great Britain 00. Weekly net receipts 912, gross 912: sales 977; exports to Great Britain 00. Montgomery .September 3. - Cotton steady: middlings S’^c; weekly receipts 185; shipments; 123; stock this year 14:38. last year 1052: sales either purgatives or quinine in sufficient a™ .,n fMu fir Formento says. 84.H1 !?] SI id dull. steady. Mono doses. ‘From all this 'Dr. Formento says: “I concur in the opinion of the attending »<•». physician that the disease is malaual yoHK fever; and believe quarantine against M 0n ey5.,;i7 ;k Biloxi ridiculous and unjustifiable. (lull. New This dissenting opinion from such a per cents lot a sotfree will go a great way toward sob-treasuri gating the scare. Meantime the health Gold in the Bub-1 reasm authorities of Bav St. Louis announce their *27.111,000. Louisiana state board of health met to- Aluciws A_z too. night, but decided not to impose a qu.uan- do class B 5s.... tine on the gulf resorts. , »fS s’s mortgage- A dispatch from Surgeon-General Ham- 114 _aNtT„ iinnrtllllPim lllill UL ‘‘do >cks dull, jft* long State nt bonds Macon. September 3 C '• _c; reeei pis 371; sales Sept. 3.- Exchange $4.82e» f I.8.). rein Government bonds are ur per cents VJ0> 4 hid: three i7. State bonds not quoted. jalancek. $128,269,000; currency 11II; Nashville, 1 lings 9c; hij September 3, ceipts GEORGIA, .MUSCOGEE COUNTY. Whereas, Alexander Tolex, administrator ol R. W. William-, deceased, represents to the court in his pennon, duly filed, that he has fully administered R. W. Williams' estate. This, is therefore, to cite all persons con* cernea, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if anj they can. why said administrator should not bi discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in De cember, 1886. F. M. BROOKS. Ordinary. September 4th, 1886. oawJin » nereas, iiioinas l. w liiiams, uuiiiiiiiMnuoi of R. G. Williams, deceased, represents to the court in his petition duly filed, that he has fully administered R. G, Williams’ estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any the> can, why said administrator should not be dis charged from his administration and receive let* ters of dismission on the first Monday in De cember, 1886. K. M. BROOKS. Ordinary September 4th, 1886. oaw.iin GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY : Whereas,.Katherine E. Deignan, administratrix of William Deignan, deceased, represents to the court in her petition duly filed that she has fully administered William Deignan’s estate. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administratrix should not be dis charged from her administration and receive let ters of dismission on the first Monday in De cember. 1886. F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. September 4th, 1888. oawl2w GEORGIA. MUHCOGEE COUNTY. Whereas, David A. Anglin, administrator of the estate of Hugh Dever, deceased, makes ap plication for leave to sell all the real and per sonal property belonging said deceased. These are. therefore, to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, within the time prescribed t»j law, why leave to sell said property should not • be granted to said applicant. witness my official signature thi> September ; 4th, 1886. F. M. BROOKS, | 8ep4 oaw4w Ordinary j GEORGIA MUSCOGEE COUNTY. Whereas. Charles F. Dixon having in proper ' form applied to me for permanent letters of ad ministration on the estate* of William Hodge.late . of said county, deceased. | This is to cite all and singular the creditors and \ next of kin of said William Hodge, to be and a/»- j pear at my office, within the time prescribed by | law, and show cause, if any they can, why perm anent administration should not be granted to J said applicant. , . Witness my official signature this September 4. ' 1886. F. M. BROOKS, sepooawlw Ordinary. GEORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY. Alexander Toles, residing m the state of Geor gia, having applied to be unpointed guardian of the persons and property of the minor children of R. \v. Williams, deceased, minors under fourteen years of age and residents of said county, This is to cite all persons concerned to be and anpeur at the October term next of the Court of Ordinary, and .-how cause, if any they can, wlij -aid Alexander Toles should not be intrusted with the guardian-hip of the persons and property of said minor children. Witness itiv official signature this September ». lv,,i. F. M. BROOKS, •-e j »5 oa w J w o rd i n a r.v (i K<) KG IA, M C SCOG V. E f’Ol* NT Y. Whcrea-, Mr.i.*'. U. Downing, adinmi-tratriv of estate of L. T. Downing, de* « a^ed, represent - t<> the court in lier petition, duly died, that/he has fully administerer L. 'I'. Downing estate. This is, then fore, to cite all p: imms roucerned. lo ir--and creditors, to show cause, if any th.-j can, why said adminiKtr :: •-hould not be J charged from her administration and receive of dismission on tiie first .Monday in De- To the Cuticura Remedies I Owe My Health, My Happiness and My Life. A day never pawed that I do not think and speak kindly of the Cuticura Kkmhdikh. Seven years ago all of si dozen lumps formed on my neck, ranging in size from a cherrystone to an orange. The large ones were fYightful to look at, and painful to bear: people turned aside when they saw me, in disgust, and I was ashamed to be tm the street or in society. _ Physicians and their treatment and all medicines failed to do any good tried the f’UTl- idiciue In a moment of despair Hemkpif and Cuticura Sonu, an exquisite .Skin Beautifier, externally, and Cuticura Resolvent, the new Blood Puri fier, internally; the small lumps us I cull them/ gradually disappeared, and the large ones broke, in ah.,ut two week- discharging large quantities of matter, leaving two slight sears in my neck to day to tell the■ Ktorv of my sufferinjf. My weight I lien was one hundred and flftc en sickly pounds; my weight now j*- one hundred and sixty-one solid, healthy pounds, and'my height is only five feet five inches. In my favcis f praised the < u- TiuuitA Remedies, North, South, East and West. To Cuticura Remedies I owe my health, my happiness and my life. A prominent New York druggist asked me the other day, “Do you still use the Cuticura Remedies ; you look to be in perfect health.” My reply was, “I do. and shall always. I have never known what sickness is since I commenced using the Cuticura Reme dies.” Sometimes I am laughed nt by praising them to people not acquainted w ith their merits, but sooner or later they will come to their senses and believe the same as those that use them, as dozens have whom ! have told. May the time come when there shall Vie a large Cuticura Sup ply House in every city in the world, for the ben efit of humanity, where the Cuticura Remedies shall be sold only, so that there will be rarely a need of ever entering a drug store. M. HUSBANDS, > 210 Fulton St.. New York. (-utieura Remedies are a positive cure for every form of Skin and Blood Diseases. “ Scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price; Cuticura, 50 cts.; Soap. 25 * ts : Resolvent. 41. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Co.. Boston, mush. Me ml for "lluw lo Cure Skin IMnchncn.” neb (I. That the above I! be .submitted for rati- electors of this Stale afe t general election to be held after publi- Mtion, as provided fur in the second section of this Act, in ilie e\eral election districts in this State, at uhicli i lection every per.-on shall be en titled to vote who is entitled to vote for mem bers of the General A.-st mbly. All persons voting at said election in favor of adopting the proposed amendment to the constitution shall write, or have printed on their ballots the words, “For ratification of the amendment striking par agraph J."> of section 7, article is, from the constitu tion: and all persons opposed to the adoption of t he aforesaid proposed amendment shall write, or have printed on their ballots the words, "Against ratification of the amendment striking paragraph 15 of section 7, article 3, from the con- sfitutioii.” See. iY. Be it further enacted, That the Gov ernor be, and he is hereby authorized and direct ed t*> provided for the‘-Tibmission of the amend- meni proposed in the first section of this Act to a vote of the people, ns required by the Constitu tion of the Stale, in paragraph 1, section 1, of article 14, and by this Act, and if ratified, the Gov ernor shall, when he ascertains such ratification from the Secretary ol State, to whom the returns shall be referred in the same manner as in coses ol election for members of the General Assembly, to count and ascertain the result, issue his procla mation fortlie period of thirty days unnouncinjr such result and declaring the amendment rati fied. Sec. V. Beit further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved September 2f, “An Aci to amend die last sentence of Article 7, Section 1, PiimRUipli l of the Constitution of 1877." Section I. Be it enacted by the Genera! Assem bly oi the Stud; of Georgia, That the mat sentence of article 7, section, l. paragraph l of the Constitu tion cl 1*477 be, and the same is; hereby amended by adding thereto at the end of said sentence the following words. "And to make suitable provision for smeh confederate soldiers us may have been permanently injured in such service,” so t hat said sentence when so amended shall read as follows: "To supply 1 be soldiers who lost a limb or limbs in tin; mil'll.u.y .■-• rvice of the confederate States with suitable artilhial limbs during life, and to make suitable provisions for such eon federal e sol diers as may have been permanently injured iu such service.” , , . , See. II. And be it further enacted, Tlittt if this amendment shall be agreed to by two-thirds ot I the members elected to each of the two Houses, 1 the same ahull be entered on their journals with I the ayes and nays taken thereon; and the Gov- j ernor shall cause said amendment to be published i in one or more newspapers in each congressional | district for 2 months previous to the next general election; and the same shall be submitted to the people ut the next general election; and the legal voters at said next general election shall have in- I scribed or printed on their tickets the words, "ratification” or "non-ratification,” as they may i choose to vote; and if a majority of the voters qualified to vote for members of the General As sembly, voting thereon, shall vote in favor ofruti- I fieation, then this amendment shall become a part of said article 7, section 1, paragraph 1 of the constitution of the state, and the Governor shall make proclamation thereof. Sec. III. Be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws militating against the provis ions of this Act be, and the same are hereby re pealed. Approved October 19, 1885. Now, therefore, I, Henry I). McDaniel, Gov ernor of said State,do issue this my proclamation. erilUI n.llil nldlt ,(IU innuc min iiij tiw ubin hereby declaring that the foregoing proposed : Vvim-.i, w\,7n ! amendments are submitted to the qualified voters of the State, ut the general election to be held on Wednesday, October 6, 1886, for ratification or re jection of said amendments • or either of them) as provided in said Acts respectively. Gixen under my hand and the seal of the Ex ecutive Department, this .list day of^uly, 1886. HENRY I). Mc’DANIEL, Governor. By the Governor, J. W. Warren, See. Ex. Dep’t. aug:i oaw td vs. .-Mortgage, <vc. iu GGKDON. » Superior Court. May term, 1888. the Court by tl.e petitior companied by tfie notes t on the fourth day of S. and Eighty-three, the defe delivered to the plaintiff her two promissei;. notes, bearing date the day and year aforesaid, whereby the defendant promised by one of said w missury notes to pay tothe plaintiff or bearer, twenty-four months after the data thereof, Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-eight Dollars ana Twenty-two Cents, with interest from date at * ight per cent per annum, and if said note was not paid at maturity, ten per cent attorney’s fees for the collection thereof, for value rewired; and by the other of said promi- sory notes the defendant promised to pay to tna plaintiff, or bearer, thirty-six months utter tbs date thereof, Eighteen Hundred and Eighty* eight Dollars und Twenty-tw o Cents, with interest from date at eight per cent per annum, and if said note was not paid at maturity, ten per cent attorney s fees for the collection thereof, for vain* received; and that afterwards, on the day and year aforesaid, the defendant, the better to secure the payment of said notes, executed and deliver* i ed to the plaintiff her deed of mortgage, whereby the said defendant mortgaged to the plaintiff aU that tract or parcel of land sitnated on the weal side of Broau street in the city of Columbus, and in said county and state, being about twenty-flvg ' feet in fronton Broad street and running back the full depth of said lot, and known a* part of lot number sixty-five, with all the improvement* thereon, upon which is situated Store Hous* number one hundred and forty-three; and it far* i ther appearing that said notes remain unpaid: It is, therefore, ordered that the said defendant i pay into Court on or before the first day of th* next term thereof, the principal, interest, attor ney's fees and costs due on said notes, or show M uscoge* Baby Humors, use Cuticura Soap. KIDNEY FAINS. STRAINS, BACK ACHE. Weakness and Weariness earned by overwork,dissipation, stand ing. walking, or the sewing machine, cured b> the Cuticura Anti-Fain Fi utkl. New. elegant, original and infallible. 25c. se wed&w WESLEYAN female College, gage . b< forever thereafter barred and foreclosed. And it is further ordered that this rule be pub lished in the Columbus Enolirer-Sun, a public gazette printed and published in said city and county, once a month for four months previous to the next term of this Court, or served on the de fendant or iier special agent or attorney, at leaat three months previous to the next term of thUl Court. J. T. WILLIS. C. J. THORNTON, Judge C. C. C. Plaintiffs Attorney. A true extract from the minutes of Muscogee Superior Court, May term, 1886. y20 oam ini Presiclerit- John H. Hemiersi. Nisi to Supeno . “PPG r's. Green McArthur. Rule Mortgage. May Term, 1886, of Muscogc* County, Georgia. shipments l f i mber, is86. oRicia Ft *i Kn A FREE SAMPLE ALBEMARLE Female Institute, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. ilton at'Washiugton announces thatlu- ffiw N ' d ^.' ordered Surgeon John Godfrey to ■ sc Louisville by first train for New Orleans. U ranger ON ’CHANGE. . the Kenture of the Dn, — l.atr *lm Louisville and Nashville BlsitiR. New York, September 3.~The stoek ^ ^ market to-day, except for the first lew i Memphis & minutes, was decidedly strong, and the j Mobile & C volume of business, as compared with ^re- vious days of this week, was about doubled. Brown . •• Tenn. settlem’t 3s Virginia 6s Virginia consols... Che->ap’ke & Ohio Chicago & N. W do preferred Del. & Lack Erie East Tenn Lake Shore & N - It Char.. Ohio N. O. Foe. lsts N. V. Central (Norfolk AW’npre.. Northern Pacific... ' P_ re £ 104 Pacific Mail 78 l 4 Reading 47 Rich. A Alleghany fit Richmond & Dan.. S I Rich & W. P. Ter’l 115 1 JRock Island 142:4 St. Paul do preferred 32’ 4 Texas Pacific 6 Union Pacific 87> 4 N. J. Central ... 45 | M issouri Pacific. 36 Western Union 14>^| *Bid. ? Asked 55' 4 109- u 86 Is. viuub aays 01 w cca, » Ti r p- The extraordinarily favorable ioa ii v turns induced new buying, principally among grangers and trunk line shares. There was little doing for foreign ac . the market here being kept above the Colton. Tiverpool, September 3. — Noon. — Cotton steady* without quotable change m prices; nUrtdlihg uplands 5tsd, Orleans 5 3-16d; sales WVW bales--for speculation and export 500 bales. Receipts 00 bales—00 American. I'ro vinio iih. Chicaoo. September 3 -Flour steady—southern winter wheat $4 15 n 4 50. Mess pork wot trung early, but declined anil closed at vesteruayT fig ures—cash |I0 2.3, September —, October |10 12'., *.4.10 40, November $10 10« 10 20. Lard firm cash and September $7 50” 7 62' October?'- W) s 5. Short rib sides steady -cash $6 60. Boxed meats steady—dry salted shoulder;! $5 75^5 87'.j, short clear sides $6 65^6 70. .St. Louis, September 3.—-Flour very dull— i choice $3 25;y.3 40, fancy $2 50<*i»3 60. Provisions dull but generally steady: Mess pork easy, .f'O 75: lard, nothing doing; bulk niea’s about stead:■ boxed lots—long clear#6 65, shortrib sides $6 65. short clear sides |6 83; bacon strong—long ovar sides |7 37'o, short rib sides $7 37 50. -hort ! clear sides $7 62' J(u7 65: iiams $12 7fi*o*13 50. ' Cincinnati, September 3.—Flour, market ea«y: family $3 40^.3 65. Pork dull—§10 50. Lard quiet —$7 00. Bulk meats firm and higher—short nb sides $6 75. Bacon scarce and higher -shoulders ; $7 00, short rib sides |7 50, short clear sides $7 75. New Orleans. September 3. -Rice dull but un changed— Louisianna fair to prime 3%@4' «c. Molasses, open kettle grades dull—good prime j to strictly prime 32c, prime 20c, fair 15^*16, goo<l common 13^14c: centrifugals, prime to stnetiy I A(idr«'->s , K' fdiL.Ohn* r iu*ry liiMiutiful Electric Belt Free t> «i;ij s eivt aw y. fn sn tin - IT. S. a Imvt.-d I.IcM-fro (Jnbanil* BELT AGENCY, i slrwtlnr hcaltlifnl anil ac oiimliiiKH iiimkI a! .... ; «rd**r riitaloau*’ H'. i», IIH K080V, I'l ln/'lpal- T*m~i QUEEN °fc SULiil \ I* o IA r X‘ J\~ Xi X* h: FARWI mLV W For Stork Fcm d ■ * Mr:. for Famil) I ►r. 10,000 in u';.r Writ* for DeBcriptirr r >. a; Straub Machinery Co. iJiNCINN ATJ, O ZIMMERMAN FRUIT EVAPORATORS Aim rlcu. Great Rurjcuiitn f^or CO dnya •';.* « linker ny n-.-nw A'l'VrtVn /Iniuicrman Vtui hlne < o„ < iiidnuaii elli The t h nrje ■ RESTORED. Remedy I Fri’i-.-A v,vtiuiot youth- SHKKMV .. . rnUeufe causing I Premature Decay, Nor- \ oils Del »ility, Lost Man- . _ j all expense, eun be initce working for us. Agents preferred who can furnish their own horses and give their whole time (.the business. Spare moments maybe profitably • mployed also. A few vacancies in towns and cities. B. F. JOHNSON & CO., 1013 Main St., Richmond, Va. aug2 wlm Manhood hood.kc.h&vinsc tried in vain every known remedy has discovered a simple self-cure, which he will fend FREE to fellow-sufferers. Address 1. H. REEVES. 43 Chatham street JJew York Citv D R. WARD a aiiimnixL*. - Nashville, Tenn. Real Soutlu n u for Girls. 350Girls this year. A non m . ,,-hool. Patronized by men of liberal minds •hurches. Ifi . . Petition of that on the first day of Sep- tmibci in the\ear of Gur Lord eighteen hun- fircti uml eight' -t n " Gn-» u McArtlmr, of said nt \ mad* . lid d» l.'cred tf. -a.'.d John II. Hen- iji * -. ,e . * h; n i i j -1: ui”. r' u: writing commonly calrtdii j.roiiiis-"i v noli wi . reb; m promised to j,. v •(*..,: , •••'. "i on * hundred and t h>'r’. v-aii. . i .’v• . months artr r date with ini! ri *i c.* ■ at • :ght per cent, per annum fo. \, iue r. « cived, ami i hat afterwards oil the 1st d;:y "f:-'. p ii ' the bettei iu secure the p - n.i instrujaent executed and deliv* er*-«l to -aid claintiff his dt*-<! am! mortgage u ii* rc:*y inconveyt *i t" said plaintiff all that tract or parcel <»f land situated. 1> ing and being ••n.»*•"..• * . k; *un and boundea us fin!! i\\s ; Gn tru- u *rtli by tiie lands oi' James Unit, mi the w« -i n> tin St. Mary’s mail, on the . ist t>y the lands of James Huff and on tiie so by tin l.uids of Pliilip Owens, containing four and one-'n;iii acres, more or less, whio >• jig.', H.*s conditjf-n*-d that if the.said defend air should pay ol! am' discharge said promissory noie according to i> tenor and effect, that then said iliei'. "f LM-r lf ,; ge and said note should be void. Audit further appearing that said promis- >«.ry note remains unpaid, it i» therefore ordered 1 that said defendant do pay ii to tn ; s court by the first i:u\ of the m..\t term thereof, toe principal, : uteri - t and cost due on said mortgage and prom issory note, or -how causi to the there be any. and that on failure of said defendant so , to do, the equity of redemption in und to said 1 mortgaged'premises be forever thereafter barred and for* closed. And it is further ordered that this Rule be published in the Columbus En- quirer-Sun once a month for four months, or a copy thereof served on the said defendant, or hi® special agent or attorney, at least three month® before the next term of this court. By the Court : TOL. Y. CRAWFORD, Petitioner’s Attorney. J. T. WILLIS, Judge 8. C. C. C. A true extract from the minutes of Muscogeg Superior Court at its May Term, 1888. on the lOtk day of May, 1886. GEO. Y. POND, Bjy3oam4ra aClerlu