Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, October 10, 1886, Image 27

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CLU MBUSCENQUIRER-SUN, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 10. \m. 27 STICK A PIN 11EHK! To Remind Tou Where to (let Tour Imported and Domestic Groceries, Fruits and Confer* tlonoriea. One of the best selected stocks cf groceries •ever brought to the city cau be found at the store of Mr, J. T.‘Kavanagh, No. 1018 Broad street. While Mr. Kuvatmgh is a young man. he was raised up behind the counter, and having a natural talent for this branch of business he lias developed into one of the most active, enter prising and successful business young men in the city. His fair dealings, the honest and up right manner in which he conducts his business have won for him hosts of friends, who rejoice at his prosperity. The line of imported and do mestic groceries, fruits and confectioneries which he now has instock is a source of envy to less fortunate dealers and of delight to the tradiug public. It would be folly for ua to attempt to mention in detail the almost unlimited number of excellent articles he has in stock, but a few words concern ing his German and imported groceries will not be amiss. In these goods his stock cannot be surpassed. Here can be found ever} hing that is necessary to get up a first-class meal. Those who are skilled in the art of tempting the appe tites of the most fastidious epicures pronounce these goods to have no superior iu the market. Among them are the celebrated Swiss, Newf- chatel, Edom and Pineapple cheeses; French and Turkish prunes; German oil and French pickles; olives in glass and bulk; sardines in tomato sauce and in oil, and hundreds of other delight ful things, the bare mention of which fairly makes one’s mouth water. His stock of domestic groceries and canned goods is stupenduous. It embraces almost every article in this line that can be mentioned, among them New York breakfast bacon and hams, ice- cured meats, smoked meats, pickled and dried beef, salad dressings, jellies, preserves, pickles, etc. He has the nicest line of canned fruits and vegetables to be found in the market. He offers special inducements to the confectionery and fruit trade. Mr. Kavanagh offers great inducements to the wholesale and retail trade. His prices are as low as can be found anywhere in the city. Every article he sells is warranted to be as represented. All goods are delivered within the city limits free of charge. \\ Hi lams ,v Pou. Standing anywhere between the Rankin House and the Webster building and looking towards the latter, yon see an immense drop curtain em- blazened with the name and business of the above firm, successors to Mr. J. A. Walker iu the carriage and buggy line. They expect to keep up the reputation of that end of the town in keeping the most complete outfit on wheels ever seen in this city. A few minutes stroll in th's vehicle bazaar convinces us they are leaders in this business in Columbus. We were bewil dered at the vast number and style of their goods, and fell at once iu love with their beaulifril buggies made at Columbus, Ohio, bv the Columbus Buggy Co mpany. They make a specialty of this grade of work and claim it to be the best buggy in America. They then went from that beauty down to a “shyster” at $30. We could have spent the day looking at their carriages, carts, phaetons and beautiful harness, robes, etc., but being invited into the other room of their quarters we stumbled upon a coffin. Yes, a coffin, all ruffled and padded, ready to lie down in. We didn’t get in it, however, as Mr. Wil liams tells us he expects to occupy a part of that store as an undertaker. His excellent reputa tion as an undertaker and his handsome stock led us to believe lie was going to bury over half of those who may die in Columbus. See. their ad. The Oldest in the City. For twenty years past Shepherd Rogers has been proprietor of the neat barber shop under the Perry House, on First avenue. His is the oldest established business of the kind in the city. Shepherd is one of the finest tonsorial artists the country affords, and i9 spoken of in terms of the highest praise by all of his custom ers. Everything about the shop is in first-class style. Give him a call. Fall Weal her. And with it comes many changes, first warm, then cold, consequently so many throat and lung troubles in this changeable climate of ours. But all have a guardian angel against these troubles if they will only use that old time-tried household remedy Picine, the king of Cough cures. It never fails to quickly and permanently cure Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Asth ma, Cronp, Whooping Cough, etc. We have some of the strongest testimonials ever given a preparation as to its remarkable cures in Croup, the dread of fond parents. We positively guar antee Pieine in this trouble, as we have yet to learn of a single instance in which it failed to cure, and cure at once. Pieine has won and is still winning golden laurels as the best house hold cough remedy ever introduced. Praises peur in from every quarter of the globe. Sold by all druggists and dealers in medicine in this country at 50 cents per bottle. Ask for Picino and take no other lung remedy that may be offered you. and you will never re gret the day you bought it. Manufactured only by JOHN P. TURNER & J3RO., Columbus, Ga. Ask for TurnEr.’s Livbw Piles. They never gripe or make sick, contain no calomel or mine ral poison; quickly cure Biliousness, Constipa tion, Headache and all liver troubles. octlO—wtf. Office Columbus and Rome Railway Co., Columbus, Ga. .October 1, 1886. The annual meeting of stockholders will be held at the company’s offlee in the union freight depot, Columbus, on Tuesday, 19th instant, at 10:30 o’clock a. m., when the annual report will be presented and an election held for president and directors. Stockholders and families will be passed free to and from Columbus on that day, with the privi lege of returning the day after, and can secure tickets upon application to agents on the line of road under the rules printed on the back of each ticket. J. M. FRazer, oc4 10 17 ___ Secretary. I. O. R. M„ C rook Tribe No. II. Regular Council Tuesday’s sleep at our W ig- wam (I. O. O. F. Hall). Council tire will be kindled at the eighth run. All transient members are invited to attend. W. G. Posey, Sachem. J. L. Asbell, C. of R. au » 29 sel y For Sexton. X announce myself a candidate for City Sexton and solicit the support of my friends and lello citizens. Election in December next. aug*28 su-tf Jas. k. Treadaway. LEMON ELIXIR. Editorial. Office Sunday Telegram, Atlanta. Ga., October 9, lS85.-Mr. Mozley: Allow me to thank you most kindly for the uotl of Lemon Elixir. I am not much ot a be liever in medicine, but being overtaxed exceasive office work, I concluded to t . your Lemon Elixir. It proved all aim more than you claimed for it. It acts i a charm on the liver, stomach and bo'Uds, gives a check to nervousness and proa > what I craved most, namely: pleasant ai ^ refreshing rest at night. I cordially mend your remedy as a delight iul tonic all cases of indigestion, biliousness an i voub prostration. Chas. T. Logan, Editor and Proprietor Sunday Telegram. Sold by druggists. 50c and ?1 per > • Prepared by H. Mozley, M. D., Atlanta, CITY llltI G STORE. l>riig*. Fancy Article* am! Drag Ann* dried. We are now receiving a new supply of all Fancj Goods and Staples in our line. An endless variety of Bristle Goods, Tooth Brushes, Hair Brushes, Nail Brushes, Baby Brushes, Shaving Brushes, Blacking and Cloth Brushes. The best 25c Tooth Brush ever sold in this market. A beautifril Child’s Crush for 15c Combs of any kind and style. All makes of Face Powders. A beautiful assort ment of Puff Boxes, Puffs and Sachet Powders. A large line of Colognes and Extracts from every maker of prominence. Our White Rose Cologne cannot be surpassed in the United States. We carry the largest and most varied assort ment of soaps of any house in the city, from 5c to 75c a cake. A special bargain at 50c per dozen. Our drug department is kept supplied with the best and purest drugs. Our motto being the best only. We have secured the services of Mr. Wni. McLendon, jr..of Thomasville, a graduntein phar macy, and iu every way qualified to fill presorijv tions, to which work we give special and careful attention. We have a frill line of Teas and Spices, which we guarantee pure. Large lot of Slate Sponges. Give us a call. Polite attention given all. CITY DRUG STORE. dtf Geo. A. Bradford, Manager. I«. II ARRIS I* EE A 1>M GUILTY Ami l)4«nun<I« » Verdict from Eacli Juror. And here Is their sworn opinions: 1. I find that L. Harris’ dry goods and clothing store is the cheapest place in town. 2. I find that his goods are the best made. 3. 1 find that every customer is treated well. 4. I find that everyone gets his money’s worth there. 5. I find that he has the best stock in town. G. I tiud that he buys Iris goods from manufac turers and can sell cheaper than anyone in town. 7. I find that every one goes there for their goods. 8. I find that his prices are the lowest. 9. I find that the quality of his goods is the best. 10. I find that liis stove istho most popular in town. 11. I find that he allows no misrepresentation to sell his goods. 12. Raised in our midst, we know him to be honest. 13. I agree with the other jurymen that L. Harris’ is the place to buy goods. The judge’s charge and sentence: L. Harris, 114 Broad street: As this jury has found you guilty of this benevolent offense, I sentence you to a long lilb and prosperous busi ness in drygoods, clothing, notions, boots ; shoes, hats, ladies’ dress goods, shawls, jerseys, walking jackets, new markets, all things that you handle for they are cheaper than iu any house iu town oct3seltw3m Auction Sale Valuable City Lots! Directly Opposite the Eagle and Phenix Mills. iril.l, UK SOI.Il, Oil the First Tuesday in No- »* venib.r next, in front of the Auction Hous. of F. M. KNONVLES A Co., cornel* of Broad ami Tenth Streets, in the City of Columbus, at U o’clock a. m„ the Valuable Lots fronting the Eagle Factory Buildings, on From street, in tin City of Columbus, Georgia, and next adjoining the Alston Warehouse, and neat* offices of tin Georgia Midland Railroad, beginning on east s’de of Front street, nt the North Wall ot the “Alston Warehouse," running east ulong said wall 127 feet 6 inches, tlu nce north 150 feet, more or less, to the line of the lot occupied by the Southern Express Company, thence west ulong said line. 127 feet 6 inches, to Front street, thence south along Front street 150 feet, more or less, to the beginning point. This property, im mediately fronting the Eagle Factory, is admira bly adapted as building lots for Dwellings, Stores or Warehouse purposes; contains now a well* built, commodious, two story Brick Stable. Titles perfect. Can he examined, with plot ot the property, at the law office of McNeill & Levy. Terms ot sale—one-third cash on day of purchase, balance, one, twonml three years, equal amounts, with 7 percent, interest.secured by the property. MARY B. HANSERD. oct3 tiutse lw COMMISSIONERS’ SALE -for Partition- Two Valuable Plantations. Yew Good*. Itoffoni Price*. Fair and square dealing, coupled with courte ous and prompt attentiou, promised to every in habitant of Columbus and surrounding country that favor the Central Drug Store, Evans & Howard, proprietors, with their patronage. We are never too busy to give information or show our goods, whether you buy or not. In the last few days we have received a lot of the prettiest and best made Tooth Brushes to be obtained, specially imported for our trade. So much trouble is experienced from the bristles coming out of brushes. In the one we are offering this objection is obviated. We are now headquarters for the Oakley Soap and Perfumery Company, and have on display a magnificent line of their goods we are selliug at living prices. Our stock of Hair. Tooth, Nail aud Scrubbing Brushes, Ivory, Celluloid, Rubber and Horn Combs, Whisp Brooms, Clothes and Black ing Brushes and Polishers is very complete— every style, make and price always on hand. We stock every new preparation in the Drug, Chemi cal, Patent Medicine, Perfume, Soap or Toilet line as soon as brought to notice. Many articles can be found in our varied stock that cannot be obtained from other sources. To the smoking public let us say we have re cently received large additions to this depart ment, and we think there is no stock of Cigars in this section equal in quality to ours. Recent heavy additions to our Toilet Goods line now gives us the largest, most meritorious aud prettiest line in Columbus. We shall con tinue to dispense Soda water for sometime yet. Give us a call, let us price you our goods, and we feel confident we will share your patronage. Evans & Howard, aug8 3m 1309 and 1132 Broad street. ( 1EORGIA, MUSCOGEE COUNTY' -Under and * 1 by virtue of an order from the Superior Court of Muscogee County, passed ai the May term, 1886 thereof, the undersigned Commissioners appoint ed by said court will sell in (rout of the court house of said county, in the city of < Y.lumbus, on the first Tuesday in November next, between the legal hours of sale, at public outcry to the highest bidder, the following described plantation proper- tv, all hang iu the county of Muscogee, state of Georgia, to-wit: All that body of land known as the "James H .Jones" or "Ridgewood Plantation,’ consisting of lot No. 256 in the ninth district, also lots Nos. 288 and 291, two hundred two and a half 202 acreseuch. more or less: also 100acres of the north part .d'lot No. 287jU Jones' Crossing, also fractional lots Nos. 289 and 2:»). i ighty-one fl acres each, all in the tenth district, also ih«» south half of lot No. 2*7 one hundred one :tml a quarter 101' i ■ aert r more or less; also fractional lots Nos. 257 and 288. nint ty 'm acres each, in seventeenth district, also fractional lot No. 1 in eighteenth district.sixty-stveil and a half -67 „• - acres more or less. Said plantation containing in all twelve hundred and eighteen and. oi e-fourth • 12184) acres more or le-s: excepting therefrom the I small plat or enclosure known as the "Jones family cemetery,” containing acre, and the right of access thereto , bounded on north by lands of Boyd, Stripling and McFarland, west by McFarland. south by Mc Farland and Cox, east by the "Carnes place." Improvements—an 8 room two- story dwelling house, tenant houses, na and screw, stables, well fine water and good fences. Also, the body of land known as the ‘Carnes place,” consisting of lot No. 257, two hundred two and one-half <202' j) acres; part of lot No. 254 west of Kendall creek, one hundred five and three- fourths ' 105v acres, more or Uss; fractional lot No.256, eighty-one -81' acres , and all that part of fractional lot No. 255.'west of Kendall creek and south of a line running duo west from said creek H chains and 20 links south of the district line, con taining eighteen and three-fourtns U»\0 acres more or less, said plantation containing in all four hundred and eight acres, move or less; all in the tenth district of said county; bounded north by Boyd’s place, south by Cox, east by Kendall creek and Jenkins, west by "Jones place.’ Im provements—a commodious one-story dwelling house, out houses, good fenceB and well of fine Terms of sale: One-third cash on day of sale, balance one and two years ; equal amounts, with interest 7 per cent, secured by mortgage. Posses sion of both places given on January 1, 1887. De scription of lands from recent survey by Jno. E. Lamar, county surveyor. Hale for partition. D. A. ANDREWS, ) J. G. MOON, .-C’omm’rs. TOLY. CRAWFORD.) _ oct2d &\v td A Standard Medical Work FORMS ONLY 81.00 BY MAIL, POSTPAID. ILLUSTRATED SAMPLE FREE TO A LI Wan tell—Ajront*, To sell Christmas Books in every town and county in the south. Thousands of copies were sold last year, and the demand is greater than ever this season. We issue a new set every year. One lady last year sold 457 and several sold over 300 copies. For circurars, terms and territory apply to D. E. Luther, Southern Manager for Cassell <& Co., sepl3 weowlt 68 bj Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga Dr. SET11 N. JORDAN, Operating burgeon and Physician, Broad St.. Columbus. Ga >Iore Than Was C'«iHrn»To<l For. John A. Stewart, of the firm of Ledbetter & Stewart, well known contractors, at No. 5 La fayette avenue, was one of the three fortunate holders of a one-fifth interest in ticket 19,106, which drew 810.000 at the July drawing of The Louisiana State Lottery. A Tribune representa tive found Mr. Stewart at his elegant home at T36 Cass avenue, and learned it from his own lips. Said he: “Sometime before the July, 1880, draw ing of The Louisiana State Lottery, my friends \V. J. Sullivan and William Herbetus, of this citv, and myself parted with $5 each for fifteen different fifths interest in tickets. It was my first venture. We expected nothing, but we received notice that ticket No. 19,-106, in which we had a fifih interest, had drawn 810,000, and a check for 82000 was received, aud we divided equally. - Detroit (Mich.i Tribune, July 28. _ To I lie Voter, anil Tin Payers of Mu*, .•once County! I respectfully announce my name as a candi date for re-election to the office of Tax Receiver, promising in the future, as in the past, to do my duty as a sworn officer. Requesting my many friends to remember me on that day, January next J ' C ' Rkkdy - oct3 se2t&wed2t Select School Idrlllrl,. The exercises of this school will he resumed on Mondav October 1th. Tire services of competent and experienced teachers have been secured. Lo cation the same as that of last session, at my place of residence, corner of Fourth avenue and Fourteenth street. j, Thomas. sep 12 ti For Kceeiver. 1 announce myself a candidate for Tax Re ceiver of Muscogee county, aud respectfully ask the support of the voters. H Hahkiso;( . sep22 tt lMciiMint Kooiiih Cau he had with board at the Epping House. One room with hath. Meal, sent out-|^0 per week. KHOW THYSELF. A Great Medical IVorli oil Manhood, .. - ... or every man, young, mid dle-aged and old. It contains 125 prescriptions for all acute and chronic diseases, each one of which is invaluable. So found by the Author whose experience for ‘25 years is such as probablj never belore befel the lot of any physician. 300 pages, bound in beautiful French muslin, em bossed covers, full gilt, guaranteed to be a finer work in every sense—mechanical, literary and professional—than any other work sold in thu country for $2.50, or the money will be refunded in every Instance. Price only $1.00 by mail, post paid. Illustrated sample 6 cents. Send now Gold medal awarded the author by the Nationa Medical Association, to the President of whicn. the Hon. P. A. Bissell, and associate oificers of the Board tin reader is respect fully referred. The Science of Life should be read by the young for instruction, and by the afflicted for relief. It will benefit all.—London Lancet. There is no member of society to whom The Science of life will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian, instructor or clergyman.—Ar gonaut. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. \V. H. Parker, No. 4 Bulfinch street, Boston. Mass., who may be consulted on all diseases re quiring skill and experience. Chronic and obsti nate diseases that have baffled the skill of all other physicians a specialty. Such treated suc cessfully without an instance of failure. Men tion this paper. ap28 wly THE BEST SWIVEL PLOW IN USE. Equally gr Jhould be wit (rated C’a»., level land. No farmer rie. Send for free IlliiS' and Almanac. SYRACUSE CHILLED PLOW CO. SYRACUSE. NEW YORK $50 REWARD 111 b* paid for any Grain Fan -Mill ’rloe Li«t mull'"! free. NEWARK MACHINE CO. Columbia, Oblvfc WANTED, will t-ay Agents a salary of ell . ae»?"»“ , or t *49 ■ t,crises to distribute circulars in your vicinity. Bus linfess honorable,permanent, pleasant & easily operated advanced. SAMI I.K CASKS FKLH. .'v I stamps required. No humbug. We mean what wc say. 1 Address NATIONAL SUPPLY COMPANY. Bradford Block. jl t I 1,1 I lit, I Ail, CINCINNATI. Ollid P D T *71? Send six cents for postage and I III /ili. recceive free a costly box of goods which will help all, of either sex, to make more money right away than anything else in this world. Fortunes await the workers abso lutely sure. Terms mailed free. True A Co M Augusta, Maine. da wtf Cured by S. S. S. CAUTION. Otmeitmers Mould not confuse our Specijlc with the numerous imitations, substitutes, potash and mercury mixtures which are got ten up to sell, not on their own merit, but on the outfit of our remedy. An imitation is alt nays a fraud and a cheat, and they thrlw only as they can steal from the article imitat'd. Treatise on Blood und Skin Diseases madel free. For sale by all druggists. TIIE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. l>rau\r 3. Atlanta, Ga. S. S. S. vs. POTASH. I have had blood poison for ton years, I know I have taken one hundred bottles of iodide of potash in that time, but it did me no good. Last summer my face, neck, body and limbs were covered with sores, and I could scarcely use my arms on account of rheu matism in my shoulders. 1 took S. S. S.. and it has done me more good than all other medi cines 1 have taken. My face, body and neck are perfectly clear and clean, and my rheu matism is entirely gone. I weighed 1lfi pounds when I began the medicine, and I now weigh 152 pounds. My first bottle helped me greatly, and gave me an appetite like a strong man. i would not bo without b. S. S. lor several times in weight in gold. C. E. MITCHELL, W. 23d St. Ferry, New York. Better Than Ever --A.T- J in b. ITI AITTAI. 1*1117.K. (IJS.OOO.-M Tickets,ml, OS. Nlinees In proportion. Louisiana State Lottery Comp’y. u We do hereby certify that tee supervise the or* rangement for oil the Monthly and Quarter iff Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery Com- pang, and in person manage and control fA* Drawings themselves, and that the same are. com ducted with honesty, fairness, and in good fniih toward all parties, and we authorise the Company to use this cnrlifcuU, with facsimiles of our Big natures attached. t> its advertisements." was conslant all day done unpm-edenled. Lust week the stream of customers long, and the amount of business Allhough the inroads made on the slock were great, the daily additions have kepi pace with ihem, and in every department the assortment will lie found complete. There is no use discussing the mailer; GRAY has (lie largest and cheapest stock of Dry Goods in town. Heal live, bottom prices keep our store always crowded. Our close, clever cash leaders are surely annihilating lhal crodil bar barian. Money down, pay as you go, the great Golden Rule. We want lo set* the ladies turn out in full force Monday and Tuesday, as we will have special prices in every depart ment. We will sell on those days llio best Black 05c Gash- mere in Georgia at 25 cents; 40 inch wide Registered Twill, 1800 Bombazine fine: Eberon’s Silk-faced Velveteen for trimming, worth 90c a yard: price will be 40 cents a yard. 5 Gases of Mantel Brocades, worth 10c; price now 01 cents. 5 Cases of Illuminated Suitings, worth 20c; price now 10c. 5 Cases of Nothingsaid Suitings, worth 25c; price now 121c. 7 Cases of Prime Mixtures Suitings, worth 35c, price now lNc. 3 Cases of Lupin's Fine Sponge Cashmeres, worth 50c. all new shades, price now 25c, 40 inches wide. Just opened, 25 Imported Combination Suits, worth $12.50; we will sell for $8.00 choice. See them before Inly ing elsewhere, as they are priced by some at 815.00. All Trimmings, Linings and Buttons far below any one's cost. Wc have the largest stock of UNDERWEAR in town, and very cheap. “ “ “ “ “ BLANKETS “ “ “ “ “ “ “ TABLE “ “ “ “ 11 “ 1 NOTIONS » “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ FLANNELS “ “ “ “ “ “ “ * WOOLENS “ “ “ “ 120 Styles of Gents’ Silk Ties and Scarfs just opened. Look at the best *1 00 Shirt in town, and conic to us and get it for 00 cents. We claim our Gents’ 7oe Undershirt is fully worth £1 25. See it. “ “ “ Ladies’ 60u Vest “ “ “ 1 (HI. “ “ “ “ “ “ 60c Corset “ “ “ 1 00. “ “ Slightly soiled 300 pairs of Corsets, worth 50c, we will sell at 25 cents. In this limited space we name some figures t hat can he quoted by no house that sells on time [that house could not live long on the hard grindstone, of credit, if it paid cash and sold on credit)—prices that were shaped by the sad necessity of some shaking millionaire, Home mercantile shipwreck, some old craft loaded to the very water’s edge,ready to go to the bottom with rotten assets and living and pressing liabilities that demand his money or his goods. Next day they come from a big, proud shop, good credit, big stock, hut bending before the crushing weight of a hundred thousand pro tested paper of its customers. Friendship is one thing, business another. Within 21 hours the money must come. Many thousand lacking, after exhausting every effort and device, the alternative—honor or dishonor; and though misfortune may come, infamy never—and the goods belong to that man, like Gray, who has the cash to plank down on the spot. Cash before delivery transforms “hard times” into pros perity. On Top Live House, C. P. GRAY & CO Largest business connections south—Columbus, Augusta, Savannah, New York. lonmitHHioner*. • Wc the undersigned Banks and Bankers witl pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisiana State. Lot* tencs which may be presented at our counters. .V. II. OGIJNHY. Ln. Nul l Rank. J. W. I4II.imi;TJI,Pr«*H.SUMv Niit’l B’k. A. n.lIilHVI.W rr«»M. N. O. Nal l Hunk lure lor Educational and Charitable purposes— with a capital of $1,000,000—Io which a reserve fund of over $550,auo has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise was made a part of the present State Constitu tion, adopted December 2d, A. D. 1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the people of any State. IT NEVER SCALES OR POSTPONES. Us Gruiiii Single Niimhor Drawing* lake . und the Extraordinary Drawings regularly every three months, instead of semi-annually as heretofore, beginning March, 1880. A SIMJA OMR OIMMMITI NITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. TENTH (iRAN 14 DRAW ING. CLASS It.IN TIIE ACADEMY OF MUSK], NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, October I2tb, IHSB-IU7III Monthly Drawing. t’A A* IT A l< Pltl/tE 873*000. 100.000 Ti«’li«>ln nl rive OollnrH Knell* l iuvlions in I’iMIt* in 1 CAPITAL PRIZE.. 2 PRIZES OF $0000.. 5 do 2000.. 10 do 1000.. APPROX IMATION I’RIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of$750.. 9 Approximation Prizes of 500 . 9 Aj.pi filiation Prizes of 250.. ..$75,000 .. 25,000 .. 10,000 .. 12,000 .. 10.000 .. 10,000 .. 10.000 .. 20,000 .. 30,000 .. 25,000 .. 25,000 .. 0,750 .. 4,500 . 2,250 1907 Prizes, amounting to $265,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the Office of the Company in New Orleans. For thither information write clearly, giving frill address. POSTAL NOT BIN, Expres* Money Orders, or New York Exchange in ordi nary letter. Currency by Express (at our ex pense) ud dressed Jl. A. I>A1’I*IIIN, New Orh aiiN, Lift. Or .H. A. DAUPHIN. Washington. I>. €’. Make I*. O. Money Orders pnyablo and add Itrtf hlrml Let ter* lo Ni:w Oil LIRA vs NATIONAL H ANK, wedB6&W4.W New Orleans, I.a. INCREASING FAST7 Since we advertised a short time ago the nmn* >r of those who handle ‘FM F1L” ffil “L. ROAD” TOBACCOS is rapidly increasing, and we take pleasure In bringing the following revised list of such dealeif to your kind notice: J. K. Giddens, J. R. H. F. Garrett, C. E. Hochstrasser, D. A. Amir D. A. Anglin Averett & Porter, It. J. Anglin, J. Adams, C. Batastein, R. Broda. Ben net i »V Co., T. A. Cantrell, V. R. Cantrell A Co. R. 8. Crane, F. Conti. M. E. Edwards, A. Simons, L. II. Kaufman & Co., G. W. Lewis, C. H. Markham, P .McArdle, T. E. Middlebrooks, Martin & Chalmers, Tobe Newman, \V. It. Newsome, J. H. Runisey, Rothschilds Bros., T. J. Stone. EIIS i Cl A WEEK FOR BARGAINS A. C. CHANCELLOR of Kiclmiftiid, Virginia, :turers of Fanny Edel and L. I baccos. li i:KN «V I.OFIt are our Sole Agents for Hi In territory. my2 se6m DR. RICE,' For IS years at 37 Court I'lace, now at A i-'r.UrU educated and letcally qualified logician audUif Cures all forms of PRIVATE, CHRONIC and SEXUAL Disi EASES. , , T Spermatorrhea auu Impotency, -THB- IIA FUHXHSIIER And Merchant Tailor Enjoyed a Lar^c Trade in September, consequently many lots of Suits, Huts and Pants have been broken. Now is the time to buy Goods at Half Price. $20.00 SUITS Now - - - $10.00. 5.00 HATS Now - - - 2.50. Ilemcrnher, our Merelmnf Tuitoriny is boommy. Leave your measure mu! yet a per feet-jitliuy suit. Gin Houses Insured, Also Cotton anil Machinery Therein, by JOHN BLACKMAR, General Insurance Agent. Next to Telegraph Office, Telephone No. 51, Columbus, Ga. AGENTS augd ue&w4m loduceiuents. ILmtikx Copying Co., 301 Canal street, NdA This School is the best in America. The moat practical course of in struction and the most icmineut faculty. En dorsed by business houses. For circular* an«l specimens of Feu- manship, address MC23A17 J. GOLDSMITH. Principal and Whlskc Ilnb* il* cured in home with out pain Hook of par ticulars sent FREE. Street