Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, November 02, 1886, Image 3

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DAILY ENQUIRED - SUN, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER *2, 1886. News from the Three Statos Told in Brief Paragraphs. A Hon that Has Kiwtod Korty Days—MArrluups Around In Goornln—A Mvllmilist Church Destroyed hy Klro—A Kllllnii al Thomnston. A Non {Street ltallrond and Klcetrlr I,Uhl', for * Thriving Alabama Town. Georgia. Nightly in the woods around Amerieus the hunter is out after the ’possum. About 3000 bales of cotton have been shipped from Crawford this season. Mr. J. W. Smith, of Burke county, and Miss Ida Dawsing, of Milledgeville, were married last week. The Miledgeville Chronicle will here after be all home print. The auxiliary plan has been discarded. All the evidence in the election contest in Glynn county has been taken and pre pared for laying before the legislature. Mr. R. L. Holloway and Miss Julia E. Hall were married the past week at the old Hall homestead seven miles below Mil ledgeville. In Salem district the cotton crop is not only all open, but nearly all picked out, ana without any rain on it. There will be about two-thirds of a crop made. To-day James Carlton, of Athens, l'athsr of Hon. H. H. Carlton, will be 01 years of ( age, and will also cast his ballot for his youngest son for congress. Mr. W. W. Fleming, of the Early County News, and Miss Pearl Dews, daughter of Capt. W. W. Dews, of Baker county, wore married at Leesburg last Thursday. The Washington Are company, of Au gusta. one of the oldest in the state, has withdrawn from the department, and the effects of the company divided among its members. The death of Hollis B. Kendrick, who was nominated for tax receiver of Pulaski county, will probably result in lively com- S etition for that office iu the election in anuary next. At a meeting last Thursday night of the Atlanta Artillery, Captain Whack Bailey, of Augusta, presented the members a handsome buglo which was used by the old Atlanta artillery. Dougherty county will vote December 1 oil the question of issuing bonds for building a free draw bridge of iron across Flint river about a mile below Albany. Bids for the work are Invited now. B. Holmes died last week at Thomnston from the effect of a knife wound received at the hands of Oscar Williams on last Wednesday night. Holmes also went by the name of Jones and was a notoriously bad character. The difilcuhy was the re sult of an old grudge. The handsome now Pearce Chapel, a Methodist church in charge of the Rev. S. W. Stubbs, located live miles from Cairo, was destroyed by lire last week. It was clearly the work of some cowardly incen diary, as the can in which kerosene is kept in the church was found on the outside. Mr. A. J. Williams, of Glascock county, has a hog that lias fasted forty days and nights and is still living. This hog'fel! in an old well about six weeks ago, where he remained without food or water until a few days ago. He weighed about 150 pounds when he fell in, and when taken out weighed sixty pounds. * Alabama. John M. MeKleroy is spoken of as the probable successor of Benator John T. Mor gan. The Good Templars’ lodge of Headland numbers nearly ufty members, and is grow ing in interest. Professor Leon, the rope walker, will spend fair week in Montgomery and give daily performances. Greenville has a colored amateur rope- walker. His performance is said to be quite creditable. Two citizens of Greenville went Ashing > Friday and returned with Afty pounds of Ane trout and white perch. Rev. G. 8. Stanton has organized a flour ishing lodge of Good Templars at '/Aon church, about four miles from Headland. R. A, Dunlap has boon appointed to iill the register’s office in Gadsden, caused by the election of James T. Brooks to .the clerk’s office. The Anniston and Atlantic railroad is completed to Syilaeuuga, where it will cross the Georgia Western and Birming ham extension. It will be.extended about six miles below into the timber lands of the company. The completion of the railroad from Sheffield to Birmingham means a great deal for the latter city, us that will give the products of her furnaces and mines a com petitive route to the great iron manufne- turingcenters, Pittsburg, Cincinnati,‘Louis ville and St. Louis. Gadsden is to have a short line of street railroad and electric lights. The prob abilities of |a new railroad has quickened the energies of the place to a wonderful extent. The correspondent of he Birming ham Age says enthusiastically: “The dark days of Gadsden are gone, and hence forth her steps will be onward and up ward, and her strides will be tremendous.’’ A chuuk of iron thrown by Mr. William Strobridgo, at a negro in Selma, on last Saturday, missed him and struck Miss Anna Orosslnnd, who was standing near by, on one of her limbs near the thigh, impaling her to a shill where she was making some purchases. Strobridg'e hastily ran to the lady and drew the missile from her quivering tiesh, and had her escorted homo. The wound is very pain ful but not serious. Florida. Ocala has a Chinese laundry. Quincy boasts of her Ane schools. Geronimo wears a Catholic cross on his breast. Key West has no hotel accommodations at present. Ocala will soon have a new machine shop and foundry. The S. S., O. and G. trains are now run ning at LeRoy. Tile cotton crop is about half gathered in Marion county. Many strangers and prospectors are seen in St. Augustine now. Work on the Presbyterian church at Ocala bus commenced. A large bear was killed one day last week hy parties living at Whitesville. The iron for the Sanford and Lake Eus- tis railroad will he laid to Tavares by No vember 11. Orlando wants a railroad completed be tween Orlando and Oakland, via Gotha and Oconee. A new addition to Jacksonville called Drysdale is announced. The preparatory surveys are being made. Great improvements are to be made on the north side of Lake Weir at an early day. Besides the building of a hotel, the contract of which has already been let, the citizens contemplate organizing a company to erect a sanitarium and tabernacle. Valuable and Cenwnlent. Brown’s Bronchial Troche3 are a safe and sure remedy for Bronchitis, Coughs, and other troubles of the Throat and Lungs. Sold only in boxes. Price 25 cents. oc28 d&wlw *$ffi£wwCordia& c u n r, a DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVERS, MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. JT is Invigorat ing ur:d De lightful to take, and of ritat value cs a Medicine for weak and Ailing Women and dren. ft ]T gives MEW LIFE to the who! o SYSTEM ’ Strengthening the Muscles, Ton ing the NERVES, and completely Di gesting the food. O W T A no hurtful Minerals, is com posed of carefully selected Vegeta ble Medicines, combined skill fully, making a Safe and Pleasant Remedy. For Bale by *11 Drttggtftta And Gromra. you nut keep \ 01,1 N V COKIMAL, iciul buttlo will L j atut, elm re** paid. . Volina,’ by 1 e a d i n g dcians, telling how to treat din* eases at HOME, mailed, together with a set of hand some cards by new Hcliotype process, on receipt of 10 c. Should tho dealer near $1.00, and % lull .i w Volina Drug and Chemical Company, llALTl'iOKlt, MD., t:. 8. A. RADFI ELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR Most happily meets the demand of the age for woman’s peculiar uftlictions. It isn remedy for WOMAN ON LY, and for one special class of her diseases. It is a specific for certain diseased con ditions of the womb, and so controls the Menstrual organs as to regulate ail derangements and irregularities-of her Monthly Sickness. The proprietors claim for this remedy no ot her medi cal property. It is stricily a Vegetable Com pound, the studied prescription of a learned phy sician whoso specialty was Female Diseases, and whose fame became enviable beer.use of his success in the treatment and cure of ft male com plaints. Suirenngwornan,it will relieve yon of nearly all complaints peculiar to your sex. For sale by druggists. Write for book, “Mes sage to Woman,” mailed free. Bkadfiisld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. eod&w nnn <:d Catarrh __ ino Honorable Supcior Court of Count : The petition of the Fugle utid Hhetiix Manufacturing l\ inp..n> lopectlully shows. That n is a co'jff r uum m said slito, .ocated and doing busim^S*.f said c iumy, and it.- principal office ami place of doing bimhiuss is in Columbus, in ‘•aid county. Tlmt the original charter and act of incorpora tion was iranttd by the ( Am embfy of said State by an Act entit ud * An Act to incorpo rate the Fagic and U!u niv Manufacturing Coin* pany of Columbus < leor. ia,” which act was ap proved loth of March, lstill. That said Act of Incorporation did tot provide for tlu-election o- more than five Directors, nor has there been any chan,;e in the law» respecting said corporation. That the corporators named in raid Act did or ganize said company, and that the capital stock o said company has bee if incrcasi d to one mill ion two hundred and fifty thousand dollar's, all which has been paid in. That the object of said corporation was the manufacture and sale 01 cotton and woolen goods, and said company still carry on such busi ness in said county. That at the last annua 1 meeting of the stock holders of said company it wns resolved by said stockholders that application should be made to alter and amend the charter of said company, so us to provide that the stockholders should, at the annual elections, choose nine directors among said stockholders instead of five, as provided by said charter. Wherefore, your petitioner prays that an order may bo passed at the next November term of mid Court declaring said petition granted, aud that the Fourth Section of said Act shall be so altered and ameneed as that the same slut 1 read as fol lows: . ... 8cc IV. That there shall be an annual meeting of the stockholders of said corporation at such time and place as the corporation may provide by its by-laws for the purpose of electing nine direct ors, and that the time of holding the first meeting of the directors under the said tirst election shall he fixed by said director's, ora majority of them, and the said direct' rs chosen at said elect ion, or at the annual election to be afterwardslield.sliall, as soon as may be after subsequent elections, chose out ^ftheir nnmbena president,and in case of the death, resignation or removal of the presi dent or any directors, such vacancy or vacancies may be filled for the remainder of the year where in they may happen by the said remaining < 1 rect ors, or a majority of them may appoint a presi dent pro tern., who shall exercise such powers and functions os the by-luws of said corporation may provide. PEABODY. BRANNON * BATTLE, Petitioners’ Attorneys. Filed and recorded in the Clerk’s olllco of the Superior Court of said ■county thi.sl8tli.liy of Sep tember, 1880. UFO Y. POND, ep.'l < Clerk S. C M. C.. Ga. CATA III It II. FEVER. .'otu Liquid, Snuff or 'a wrier. Free from ■ ■ mfjnm% JfflP— tlluiTOUS drugs 1111(1 **!* EVER ’Tensive odors. A particle is applied into each nostril and ia agreeable. Price 50 cents at Druggists; by mail, registered 50 c.t.s. Circulars free. ELY BROS.. Druggists Owego. N. Y aug3 eod&wtf nrm o ec iel! "w RUDOLPH FINZER’S STARLIGHT fiPITAL PRIZE Al WDiolesalt 1 by J ii 1 WDioli LSUiS BUHLER 4 Co, COLT JMBUS, C3-.A.. je5 eodGm 1PRECEDEHTED STOOL 030 Piece Goods NOW BEADY For Fail, 1886. Clothing Made to Order. ,g; a .-KiMC •’.j CtC Dully’s Pure Walt Whiskey Duffy’s Formula. G11I11 of: 284 DiVisio 5 Pounds, r M\, New York City, { Gentteniei inking you plctciy run poor up| i’ll fA, Mi 0 tm •iter u Hi my mu. Guin of :t» i •fMW* Y-u 1' Dim.l been \wigii ihti pounds *luep ood Mppeir ' CalII of 2b rv l.OUIb WARD. BAUUiaON- Ii. IWI. a o w e ll in M 1 I MINUS, n of 20 I’ouiKl v I VLK J*T.« .lor I V ClIV, N. J. : 1..1 •. «l Miking \011r nuil , .v*» i.* . ..1 Dune*Fonnnln, 1 ’ I Ii: .In. (I 20 .li’l) u V.tulli it tour nioiuliB .'go I com- Duli'v’fl 1‘uro Alult Wilis- ■ rmnlii. 1 had prevlom I> >.iut l lu.rt a very had cough. I am ■oil. 1 i.uvu gained Utlcen poumh 11I can highly 1 " W .McKKUlllNE. (lulu of 12 Pounds. I.ak Kwoon, N. .1. Gentlemen—The benefit* derived Horn your I'uit"v'-1*0mi 11 In have been Mich Unit-too much I <• m.i.i In Ha pnil-c. The iillmi-ni th,.i I furinei ly had in ihu side has about entire!) dlnuppeuiTd. ui (1 il’.e l ad taste that I l-ud In I,, v ii.oinh even morning, and which was ver> dlsurvueablu, Inm since taking a email porifon of vour whiskey every night before retiring, rndrelv left me. Anpedro wim never better,and have no feelwg ol being pufl'od Up alter meals nnd 1 he dizziness which 1 was greatly bom crnl with has 10 a great extent entirely loti me. My weight has Increased nearly 12 * GEOKGIC It. SNYDER. 1IJI {CATARRH CU~RE PILE OINTMENT. Ml hi ](if Druugi-tsor by Mail. 25 Ots 1 mii*aul. CO .BAI.T1MORE, Kl> oad, tin T w THE LiE^LIDIlNra- Dress Goods House O 3T 1 THIS SECTION. Carrying More Dress Goods and More Dress Trimmings Than Any House in Columbus. * Novelties Every Week! BOOTH & HOFF'S IS THE PLACE FOR STYLISH WRAPS. COMMISSIONERS’ SALE -FOR PARTITION— Two Valuable Plantations. j 1 KOJUilA, MUBCOOEK COUNTY—Under aud ' * by virtue of an order from tho .Superior Court of Muscogee County, parsed ui the May term, 1886 thereof, theundt rsigned ('iMnmlsxfoticrR appoint ed by said court will null in iront of the court house of said count y, iti the city of Columbus, on the first Tuesday in Nov* mbernesl, between tho legal hours o* sal", at public outcry to the highest bidder. ty, nil I: Clconriii f ._ - _ —_ the "James H, Jones” or "Ridgewood Plantation/ corsisting of lot No. in the ninth district, also lots Nos. 288 11 nd 291, two hundred two and a half (2021 acres each, more or less: also 100 acres of tho north part of lot No. 2x7 at Jones’ Crossing, also fractional lots Nos. 2H9 and 200. eml»ty-one (01; acres each, all in the tenth district, also the south halt of lot No. 287 one hundred one and a quarter (101*4) acr< s more or less; also fractional lots Nos. 257 and 288, ninety '90) acres each, in seventeenth district; also fractional lot No. 1 in eighteenth district,sixty-seven and a half Wu) acres more or less. Said plantation containing in all twelve hundred and eighteen and or e-fourth (1218*4) acres more or less; (excepting therefrom the small plat or enclosure known as the "Jones family cemetery,” containing ^ acre, and the right of access thereto', bounded on north by lands of Boyd, Stripling and McFarland* west by McFarland. south by Mo- Farland and Cox. cast by the "Carnes place.” Improvements—an 8 room two- story dwelling house, tenant houses, gin and screw, stables, well fine water and good fences. Also, the body of land known us the 'Carnes place,” consisting oflot No. 257, two hundred two and one-half (202*v) acres; part of lot No. 254 west of Kendall creek, one hundred five and threo- fourths(105*0 acres, more or l«ss; fractional lot No. 250, eighty-one 181'acres, and all that part of fractional lot No. 255,‘Wes' of Kendall creek and south of a line running due west from said creek 8 chains and 20 links south of tho district line, con taining eighteen and tbree-fourtns < 18 ‘1) acres more or less, said plantation containing in all four hundred and eight acres, more or less; all in tho tenth district of said eoirnty; bounded north by Boyd's place, south by Cox, east by Kendall creek and Jenkins, west by "Jones place” Im provements -a commodious one-story dwelling house, outhouses, good fences and well of fine Terms of sale: One-third cash on day of sale, balance one and two years ; equal amounts, with interest 7 per cent, secured by mortgage. Posses sion of both places given on January 1,1887. De scription of lands from recent survey by Jno. E. Lamar, county surveyor. Hale tor partition. 1). A. ANDRKWS, ) J. G. MOON, , Comm’rs. TOL Y. CRAWFORD.) Constructed Witli Our Own “Patent Eyelet Batteries,” 8uipass in power and permanency all and every other device to apply magnetism to the human system. Our record stands at 85 percent of all curable cases cured. Throat, Lung, Stomach, Kidney, Liver and almost every other trouble yields to the mild yet persistent currents of mag- neti. in, as applied by our methods. The Belt and Invigorator impart great strength, warmth and comfort, aud tin* Dyspeptic, Nervous, weak and desponding, become hopeful and genial, and enjoy life again. Their Cloak Room is full of now and slylisli Coverings of every description. Don’t fail to inspect their line when you are in search of a Newmarket, a Circular, a Visite, Dolman, Jacket, or any other style Wrap being worn. Their stock is superb, and the [trices are right. You are invited to look them over. BLANCHARD, BOOTH & LI XI F F John II. Henderson vs. Green McArthur. Run Nisi to foreclose Mortgage. May Term, 188f. Superior Court of Muscogee County, (icorg-a. It appearing to the Court by tire Petition n? John li. Henderson that on the day ■ f Hep t ember, in the year of Our Lord eighth him died and eighty-two. Green McArthur, of s.'id county, made and delivered to suid John II Hen derson a certain instrument in writing e-.unnionl: called a promissory note, whereby he promised L pay to said plaintiff the sum of one hundred uric thirty-nine dollars twelve months alter date wit) interest from date at eight, per cent, pi r anmm for value received, and that afterwards on t he ' day of September, 1682, the better t.o ticcur*' tin payment of said instrument executed ana dcliv cred .to said plaintiff his deed ami mr.rtgag' whereby he conveyed to said plainlilf. all tha - tractor parcel of land situated, lying and binu in the County of Muscogee, known ami bounder as follows: On the north by the lands of Jnme Variety Unparalleled. Prieet* Ileanonable. Nathfaeflon iluarnuteert GOODS selected now will be made ready for delivery at any date desired. Call and favor nt with an order. ' G. j. PEACOCK, t'latliliiff Manufacturer, 1200 A 1202 Ur oh * Street. Columbus Oa. by tire h. bv the lands of Philip Owens, containing four and onc-hulf acres, more or less, whre mortgage was conditioned that if thesaid deiund ant should pay off and discharge said promissorj note according to its tenor and effect, that ther said deed.of mortgage and said note should b* void. And it further appearing that said promis sory note remains unpaid, it is therefore order**! that said defendant do pay into this court by, tin first day of the next term t hereof, the principal interest and cost due on said mortgage and prom issory note, or show cause to the eonti ary,it Inert be any, and that on failure of said defendant s* to do, the equity of redemption in ami to saic mortgaged premises be forever therein ter burro* and foreclosed. Audit is further ordered thapt this Rule be published in the Columbus Kn quireh-.Sun once a mouth for four mouths, or f copy thereof served cn the said defendant, special agent or attorney, nt least tin before the next term of this court. Bv the Court: TUI, Y. CRAWFORD, month- Jersey Jackets The Largest Stock in This Citf 15 Wilson in, Mr ft no liu Powe- Ludfcft* Alulimilma 1 Niipportcr cut CAN RE FOUND AT iippert, and comfort end in- :ased strength t<> tin* walls of the id eomen in -'e.-; of abdomiiml eulergeiiHrit without any rtieular disease. To mb: u so to decrease and jvont excesaivu ncc-umulr.tion of fat. the .Un^SRe# ic Iiiiujj rVceliliu'e rthes and quiets the Tee’hing Baby and pro ms convulsions. I lie full power r,ye!i t Ktxtiory insole» t 011I5 waiintln f t, !■ ; p . cifimps in so P»*“.a « •’ i »: d . »n i;v- - nu's N«. I valid ould despair In **;o • cin * .»• rt.r inferi.-r gm.ds vo failed, until t *u v bun- ,. :ed our methods. ni|)hlot .letters I* ii truct i imonials iil.-d 1-. u.i.\ ..-idiuH.-i. Advi eaud counsel free all patients. (!\!’!,!.* LI. 1: Lilt, f’dit mbs. (ia.. Agint 0«'» <1< I.-10 I 111 Petitioner's Attorney. J. T. WILLIS, Judge S. C. C. C. A true extract from the minutes of Muscoge* Sup -rio- * u.: at iUi May Term. 1880. on tin lutt Muy of May. 1880. GEO. Y. POND, iy.t < mi Clerk Notice to Debtors and Creditors A NY person having claims uga inf t the estate of J\ Catharine Sullivan, deceased, will imsent them within the tune jir scribed by law, and all persons indebted to her are required to make Pr oc21oavNw lent t0 mU ' M. SULLIVAN. Sr. 5700 to $2500;*, S/Si; li 1 11.o working for us. Ageuto preiorrud w)>.• < : n : their own lioiMes »m*l give their ’ nloit* of peSoto, Lt^allo,Mandi*}), Boon* Cn.rk«-tt, Ilov . Houston, C.. r*ou,Cu«iPr, Bill, Gen. Creek, amio'.liers IHuMrut«-*l v THE PATENT MICE & DUST PROOF JYLERDESK BookcaseB,Tables, OJtia Chairs, Letter Prosses, Fine Cabinets, &c. TVLER DESK CO. ■V» N. FourthLncia bead Cor 4U vjy. CuttuogiS All Grades, From 50c, to $7. Our Larue New Cloak Room is full of lAPS OF EVFRY DESCRIPT Call and See the Styles. J. A. KIRVEN & CO. Ciiiiiliiiid witli (jreal IMractiiijf Power, They are »«** TraiiN{mr(>ut :uu! i olor- iosh un aj^iu atMcsr. And for softness of endurance to I he eye cannot b< excel It d, eiiubJing t)u* wearer to read for hours without fatigue. In fact, they a»e Perfect Shjht Preservers. ending physii Kuvcrti' e. renators. Jegis- 1. i*i* 11 of noti ir. all r*olessions t.*r ... *!o s 01' trade, bankers, me- el’;ini< . • *<■.. eau be ffiven, who have bad their sight improved by their use. ' in di:f ZE3IOSEI HOSE! IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR STOCK OF RUBBER HOSE, 1 WILL mi BARGAINS FOR THE NEXT 'We have the best and cheapest Ilose in the market. A full line of Hose Reels and Nozzles. GEORGIA STEAM ANO GAS PIPE COMPANY, Telephone 99. 13 Twelfth Street. FITTKD ANT) Til KIT ( ANTEED BY BRANNON & CARSON, Druggists, Columbus, Georgia. lot supplied to peddlers at ocl5 llm_^ -- -1 . . :.C lead YB — S '-I q».»t Class a| rc-ieaieT. .in « has give* a*m>st umvcaaJ •'uisJao f.iLT.FIIV np.os,, i'aas.Te* O has won di uvor • the pubii*. .»pd tow ran aiuonx the lc *>ung Me cine.-Tthe o<ldom. A. L. SMITH. Branford, IA Sold by Druggist*. Pju.c (iU.t/0. EDUSATSs BUSINESS i hi.- School ts the beat m America. The most practical course of In struction and the moat eminent faculty. .En dorsed by bn sines* hou.-es. For circular* and specimens of Pen manship, address KOSSJtf J. GOLDSMITH- PrlncipaJ ! )l)T <7 T? Send six cents for postage and IVl/a lj. reooeive free a costly boat: of goods which will help al), of either sex, to uiak* more money right, away tho a anything else in this world. Fortunes await the workers abso lutely sure. Terms mailed free. Tbuk & Co*, Augusta. Maine d*wtf