Columbus enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1886-1893, November 20, 1886, Image 4

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DAILY EKQUIR0K • St’N:' COl-lOTl'S, .GEORGIA, BATYRDAY .MOKMAG, NOVEMBER 20. IKS*. ESTABLISHED IN 1828. 98 YEARS OLD Daily, Weekly and Sundry. The HNQUUU5R-8UN in issued every day, ox Holiday. The Weekly is issued on Monday. The Daily (including Sunday) is delivered by .'CarriersId the oity or mailed, postage free, to sub swcribws for 74e. per montli, $2,011 for threo v months, $4.00 for six months, or $7.00 a year. The Sunday is delivered by carrier boys in the 'vnlty or mailed to subscribers, postage fYee, at iMlLOOnyeer. Tbe Weekly is issued on Monday, and Is mailed subscribem, postage free, at $1.10 a year. Transient advertisement* will be taken for the ' Sally at $1 per square of 10 linos or less for the 'drat insertion, and 50 cents for each subsequent ' insertion, and fbr the Weekly at $1 for each in- ■ veailon. •All communications intended to promote the ■urlvate ends or interests of corporations, societies mw individuals will bo charged as advertisements. Iftpsctal contracts made for advertising by the ■■ year. -Obituaries will be charged for at customary v r-Atec None but solid metal cuts used. All communications should bo addressed to the 5 -iHqoittErt-SuN. SnATtsu rinks arc still popular in "5n«h ville. It is easy to mukti a groat rail load cen- -ro on the map. The professional beauty business is no onger profitable in London. .Tames Uisseix Low km. admits that the queen is a fat woman; but lie. must be Relieved when lie says ho did not say so. Wii.kie Cou,ins’ new Christmas story ?ias the title ‘‘The Guilty River.” The river probably went wrong, and had to tie damned itju It does not require much learning to become an LL.I). The title comes in the shape of tally from a college. Any col lege will do it. Di.’dks who cannot write their own aamoa ars now provided with rubber •stampswith which they print tho names ’ •. hey disgrace on hotel re isters. Gen. Ciiook was relieved because he was wedded to his own ideas, lie should have got divorced and been true to the ideas of ids commanding general. An Arkansas editor heads a notice of the death of Mrs. Stewart with the words, “Our richest widow dead.” That is much hotter than the expression “our wife,” used by the country editor when speaking of his own wife. The llayne Literary Circle of Augusta postponed its n guhir weekly meeting last Monday night to allow tho members opportunity to see the play of the “Gladiator” at the theatre. There is something about MuMoon, the wrestler, that pulls, Congressman Gkokge I). Wise has been prematurely arrested to prevent '' him from iigbtirg a duel. An effective way to treat this kind of truculent states man might lie to let him light and then apply Virginia’s constitutional provision to him, which lakes from all who engage in duels the right to vote or hold auv office (M'bituor, profit or trust under the constitution. 9 Miss K ate I 'ei.ii stood up at a public tiamiuvi •recently and gave a touch “The men, God bless them." And yet Kate would not marry one of tho men who toasts lo save their lives. She her- •aelf hath said il. When of a marriage able age she started out giving tho pub lic a-oioiuilnguo entertainment, and she declares sin will go through the world ulonc. Her disgust with Mormon women, ■who are satisfied with a share of a man, ta very great. Mr. IIbann, of this city, who has re cently written a drmua of considerable •merit, has east it with amateur talent and will present it at Harmony Hall on November U) for the benefit of the Ma- i grader Monumental Association, to assist them in their work of erecting a monu ment iu this city over the grave ami to the memory of General Magruder.—Gal- re ton News. A number of stars are looking for a Brann new play, and this . may be the one they want. Mouk recounts in Now Jersey legisla tive districts put the result of the elec tion there again in doubt, with the chances that the democrats will either have a small majority in the legislature, >r that a labor candidate elected by democratic votes will hold the balance of power. If the latter should lie the ease, the representative of labor will have a bard time of il, with a good chance of using his reputation, however fair lie may be. It is strange that men who protend ■i.o believe in popular government can allow partisan zeal to influence them so much as to lead them to “gerrymander” a state or to defend any such trick in tended to deprive the people of fair ex pression of their views by their repre sentatives. But both democrats and re publicans engage in this abominable business whenever they get the oppor tunity. Indiana has been gerryman dered by the democrats so that a repub lican majority of voters fails to get con trol of the legislature, which represents .a minority of the voters at.the lust elec tion. Ohio has been gerrymandered by f he republicans so that the latter have a < disproportionately large share of the members of congress representing the tate, and Pennsylvania is the same .way. HII.KXC1: OK Till? WUPiK.I SORT. Once upon ii time, iu a variety theatre, one of the subordinates mulled upon the “(age and interrupted the performance, exclaiming, "Simpkins has stolen my perquisites I” This appeal to the audience was greeted with shouts of laughter and with cries which could scarcely he mis taken for applause. The appellant for the sympathy and justice of the audience retired, amid the uproar, to his place be hind the scenes, and tho business of the stage was resumed, with as much order as could be expected under the circum stances. Simpkins met his accuser in the wilderness waste of “wings” and flapping canvas, and the crude ingre dients of mimic thunder and lightning, and he bought, or convinced, or seared his accuser, and the mollified complaint,t rushed hack upon the stage und shouted, “Simpkins did not steal my perquisites.” This manly retraction was greeted by the audience with a greater burst of noise than the accusation had provoked ; hut there was a hissing accompaniment which indicated that the audience re garded accuser and accused as a forlorn couple of idiots. The theatre claims to “hold the mirror up to nature.” However this may be in the general course and long run, the mirror was certainly displayed in this particular instance. The audience eared not two straws for the two actors in this supplementary farce, but did enjoy the amusement which grew out of it. “All the world’s a stage,” and as all the men and women are held to he merely players, some irate person, full of self, is every now and then bursting upon the world, the aforesaid stage, with private griefs, equivalent to the loss of personal per quisites. The reception which the com plaint receives has usually littlesympathy for the interrupter. The conclusion to which he comes in the end is that, so far us his own supposed relations to the gen eral public are concerned, “silence is golden.” lie ought to have kept his growl to himself—he should have con cealed his sore head, instead of parading it in public. Of course, in matters of general inter est publicity is inevitable. But it is hu man infirmity to regard one’s own self as the centre of the great community, or at least of the lessor circle in which most of ns live und move. The Three Tailors of Too ley street, who wrote themselves “the people of England,” cut out a suit which, like a stock of ready-made cloth ing, may fit anybody'. A book has just been published upon “Tho Self-conscious ness of Noted Persons.” It is not only the “noted” who are possessed of a brave idea of themselves. The unnoted are just as lull of self us tho prominent. The wise keep their own secret, and their memory is most pleasant whose secret, estimate of themselves dies with them. The oleomargarine tax law is likely to have, in some directions, quite a reverse effect from what was intended. While manufacturers expect a present falling oil' of sabs, due to cnioroeinont of the law, reports from all over the country’ show n general impression among producers that, in time, the use of oleomargarine will far exceed anything it has Syet known. Il is aid that constant im provements in tho original processes en able a suhJiinco In he manufactured which surpasses any but the very puri st butter, and that, when the public become educated to the u.-e of the substitute, genuine butter will take a secondary place for general u-e. The prohibition vote of Pennsylvania atthelast election was more than twice as large as that, east in 1SS-1 for the St. John electors. Tho total reached 82,44b. falling short of the lowest prohibitionist estimate (40,000), hut exceeding the gen eral estimate put upon if by active poli ticians. The “country” districts helped the vote largely, the great cities doing much less than their share, though the gain in both Philndelplr.aand Alleghenpy exceeded the average gain for the state. The vote is not large enough anywhere to he much of a menace to tiro other parties, and, unless it can be materially increased, might better be employed in helping one or the other of existing par ties to elect good men than in fruitleis third party schemes. A caulk dispatch from London reports that the powers have all agreed upon Russia’ .candidate for the Bulgarian throne, Prince Nicholas of Mingrolia. if true, this probably settles that branch of the subject for the present, though “the interesting fact remains" to believers in homerulethat the Bulgarians themselves have not chosen him, but another fellow. The choice of a ruler there is as big a sham as the occasional choice of United States senators in this country. Tin: telegraph editor of the Savannah News is resolved never to be ambiguous. In the News of November 17 he heads Adjutant-General Drum’s report on the militia, “Sons of Mars by Birth.” Il has rolled a burden as big as a cotton bale ( if our mind to read that flaming headline. We were afraid all along that they might be sons of Mars by death. It was evi dently one of Ma’s youngest sons that wrote that head line. If the man who thinks he can run a newspaper as it should be run, also thinks he can run a circus, he has an excellent chance to buy out W. W. Cole and try his luck. There are men in this world, unfortunately, who have just talent enough to attend to everybody’s business but their ow u. Ii- Mr. Powderly’s advice 1-; of such I weight and importance a« to put an end to the Chicago packers’ strike, alter great loss lias been incurred by both the work ing packers and their employers, would it not have been much better to have u.-ked and taken that advice before be ginning t'ie strike? This is a simple enough question, and yet it lies at tho root of the successful conduct of the real business of the Knights of Labor. They have been like an army of independent commands, only recognizing the authori ty of a chief when they are beaten in de tail and need.his help. Complete sub r dination of local assemblies and of indi vidual members is necessary to make the organization strong and effective. The Atlanta Capitol says: “The dinner of last Tuesday, given to the military, was probably the first military dinner ever given in Georgia without alcoholic beverages.” ft is not understood how the toast could go round and after dinner speeches stand alone; but the Georgia militia is a brave body and ought to he encouraged. There is economy in cutting the liquor Hill at a banquet. Puof. Foster, the Iowa weather prophet, savs there will be a big storm November IS. and winter will begin in earnest December 1. He is probably right about the beginning of winter. A winter generally shows up about the first of December. A max in Pennsylvania has been sent to a chain gang for swapping wives with another man. He doubtless deserves his punishment, and when Chicago is more civilized some of her citizens will be chained-gariged for swapping their wives. At a convention of United Presbyte rians held in Pittsburg it was resolved that the organ must be kept out of the church or it will cause a split. Belter let her split and reorganize on a more in telligent basis. Philadelphia is a peculiar and well laid-out city. The Inquirer says: “You can’t make an accurate map of the scene of any public event without including one or more saloons.” DID DAVIS WRITE IT ? A l.cltfr From Him tu UuTmior Vuncc in ISliil, Baltimore, November 19.—The Sun will publish to-morrow a letter written by Jefferson Davis, president of the confeder acy, to Gov. Vance, of North Carolina, iu January, 1863, which is believed to be the letter referred to by Gen. Sherman in the recent controversy, and upon which Sher man based his charge that Davis threat ened to use Lee’s army to coerce the south ern states. The letter was published in the Raleigh (N. C.) Standard in January, 1883, but lias been cut from the files of that paper and was given to the Sun by un ex- conlederate officer, who found it among the effects of a gentleman recently deceased, who was preparing a history of North Carolina. The document, which is quite lengthy, rehearses the futile efforts made by Davis to obtain a confer ence with the lenders looking to a peace ful settlement of the difficulties, and eon- cluds as follows “I fear much from the tenor of the news i received from North Carolina that an nt- f nipt will be made by some bad men to inaugurate movements \vhf Ii rmi.u he considered as equivalent to aid and corn- tort the enemy, and which all patriot* should combine to put down at any cost. You may count o:i my aid in every effort to spare your, state the boom -to of the v,il warfare which will devastate her homes i f t he designs of these traitors is suffered to make headway. I know you will place yourself iu your legitimate place in tho lei ! of those who will not tidier the name of the old north state to be blacken- ed by such a stslr.. Will yen pardon me for lAiggc'.iti::;; ll. it my only source of dis quietude on the subject has arisen from fear that .you will de lay loo long the notion which now appears inevitable, and that by ycur over earnest desire to reclaim by conciliation men believe to be sound at h.arf but whose loyalty la more than snziHv.ted elsewhere, you will permit them to gather such st.rungi.h as will require more violent measures than are now needed. With your influence and position the promoters of the unfounded discords now prevalent in your star- would be put down without the use of physical force if you would abandon the policy of conciliation and But them at de- iinnee. in this course, frankly upd (irmly pursued, you would rally around you ad that is I i'st and noblest in your s!a:e, and your triumph would be bloodless. If a contrary policy be adopted, i much fear you will he driven to use force to reprccs treason. In either event,howevi r.ho osMired that you will have my cordial concurrence and assistance in maintaining with yu tiie honor and dignity and fair name of your state, and iu your efforts to crush treason, whether incipient]}’, as I believe it now is, or matured; ns I believe, if not firmly met it will in our future inevitably become. 1 have the honor to be, “Very respectfully, “Jeeferson Davis.” CLEVELAND’S SUPERIOR BAKU POWDER VERY PURE XI> Arthur's Funeral. New York, November 19.—The funeral ceremonies over Gen. Arthur’s renurir- will be entirely without display. His re mains will not He in stale, but after the services on Monday will be taken direct to the rural cemetery at Albany. It was the intention of the authorities of Albany to have the remains lie in state in tne city hall there, but tho plan was abandoned at the'request of Arthur's family. MR WBBHMKMKMMxmmimnmissaaciat arst nj; O-ZILDFLID. To all who aro suffering from the errors an indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c., I will send a reel pi that will euro you.FREE OF CHARGE. Tliisgroai remedy was discovered by a missionary In Souii America. Benda so I f-ad dressed envelope to tin Hey. Joseph T. In .it ax, Station I), .Veto jwjt City ne 11 eod&xvlv Cfols r rn» D eafness : ass.w your own homo, by one who wa»- deaf twenty-eight years. * Treated by the most noted specialists without benefit. Cured himsel. in three months, and since then hundreds o< others Full particulars seut cn application. T.S. PAGE, No. 41 West 31st St.. New York Oity oo28 tu th sat&wGm F DURE FITS! i time and then elf to slop them for . _. le (Be disease of PITS, KPI- LEP3Y or PALLING SICKNESS a Ufa long study. | warrant my leraedy to cure tiie worst cases. Bovac«a others have failed Is no reason for not now receiving • cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible remedy. Give Express and PostOfllco. It cojU yott bollilug Tor a ti i»l, and I will cure you. Address He. U. O. BOOT. 1« Fear! St., NswTorfc. nov!9 eod&wGm Entirely Wkolesme This certifies that I have recently purchased cf several grocers in this ciiy, packages of CLEVELAND'S SUPERIOR BAKING POWDER, tm submitted their contents to chemical analysis, end have found them to consist only cf very pure and entirely wholesome materials, very suitably combined for their purpose. They contain no other ecid than that cf the Purest Grape Cream of Tartar, and ars completely free from Alum or arty other deleterious or doubtful substance, "they ore, os to their com position, in all respects what the manufacturers claim. S. W. JOHNSON, Ph. IX, Professor of Chemistry in the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale College. Director of the Conn. Agricultural Experiment Station. New Haven, Conn., December 7th, 1873. stock; of Piece Goods NOW READY For Fall, 1886. Clothing Made to Order. Varlc«y rnparaUelwt. Fp1«m Kca*oiiabl*. Na&IsfficUoii Oiini’iiMteed. GOODS selected now will be made ready for delivery at any date desired. Call and favor ns with an order. G. j. PEACOCK, I'lctilfliv.! Rlmnfactnrer, 1200 A 120(1 livtmv SiveeU 4o1*ikiL*u* (-a. eodfcf 1.887. If YORK WEEKLY HERALD. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. rillEATEST AN;! CHEAPEST FAMILY JOI'RNAL IN THE UNITED STATES. AEWAY& KRKHIT A Nil KEEH AKtf.E. Every Number an Epitome of the News of the World. \J JL' ljua-Ids i-Tsr LOW PRIG S W 1000 Yards Pin Check Wool Suiting 10 cents, worth 15c. 2000 Yards Assorted Ribbons 2c to 10c, worth loc to 20c. Long Double Busk Corsets only 50 cents. Good Gray Wool Blankets only 50 cents, worth $1.00. 10-4 White Blankets $1 25 Beautiful Sateens only 10c. Gents’ 4-ply Linen Cuffs 10b. Gents’ Linen Collars 5c and 10c, worth 15c and 20c. The Best UNDAUNDRIEI) SHIRT in tho city for 50 cents. A Big Drive in LADIES’ SHORT WRAPS from SI 53 to $G 00, worth double the money. Ladies’ WALKING JACKETS from SI 50 up. Ladies’ NEWMARKETS from $4 00 un. SPECIAL DRIVE IN SILKS, SATINS AND VELVETS. See them. REMNANTS IN DRESS GOODS cheap. Lot of BUTTERICK’S STAPLE PATTERNS at half price. Remember we are Headquarters for Bargains. 1 c °ARG!LL. Azent. The Foreign department Is unequaled. Latest and most accurate Cable Specials by the COMMERCIAL CABLES. idlest Telegraphic Reports of All Current Events. SI'ltOAL I’EATl 1 HRS. Practical Fannin#; articles on Science, Art, Lit- erature, t he Drama, Music, Religion, Fashion and Chess. INFORMATION ON ALL SUBJECTS Address JAMES GORDON BENNETT, New York Herald, n ovl7 d7t w3t New Ybrk Cit>. iwiicMii rmwissFrar & 14 b S3 b! Ii hwR &,,$ CD"" ' $ 5&* ! *t*K Constructed With Our Own ‘•patent Eyelet Batteries,” Surplus in power urd permanency all and every othii* i.vvicu to apply nu.giu-titfm to the human 1 byatem. Uuv rec.\] star.nn at Mb percent of all our.tLi. <■ ivu. Throat, Lung, SLoin«eh, Kidney. Liver . fid almoin every other trouble yields to tlh mil \ yet rer.Jvleijt ctmeuvf. of irmg- ! i;c ti-.m, .■; :ii>j»ii' f! oy our methods. The Belt ! and uvigGra-.w impart ({rent strength, warmth : mul comfort, and 11.e t peptic. Nervous, weak un i Och, •: v.j.r. become hop'Tul and genial, and es-jcy life, again. r S' Without a Rival. ■uc I il. innn 5 JliOtLL VARIABLE FEED un Is ihe very host Saw Mill in the market. It took the only awdid oi Lit: first elnss »! flic New Orleans Exposition. For Biv .»!•*-. and for .til oi her machinery, address, FORBES L1DDELL&CO. Montgomery, Ala. N. H.—Oak slack of Wrought Iron, Pipe. Fittings and ’’nrhiuery is tlm btvyesi in Ibis pari of the country. v ll!< by i V V u A j ri i FIE GUANO HUMID Hit Mill trial FOR SALE EVERYWHERE The Most Popular Fertilizers in use FOE COTTON, TOBACCO, G-^CA-Iisr,, FfliJITS AND VEGETABLES. Iu the Front Rank for Twenty-two Years. J. O. MATHEWSON & Co. Aii'/usta, Gu., und Mobile, Ala. General Agents for the States of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Missis sippi, Tennessee and Kentucky.novl warn FBI fill Flffiill Fire Insurance free for one year. By paying two annual premiums I give you a paid up three-year policy. $8 will pay for £1G00 a year. £10 will pay for £1600 three years on your Dwelling, Furniture, etc. LOIV B VI ES! FAIR ADJUSTMENTS! PROMPT PAYMENTS! 225 WilKOMisi Magnetic Power Ladles* Abdftmhml #nj| Gives great suppovt and comfort and in creased strength to the walls of the abdomen in ease.s of abtromuinl enlargement without any particular disease. Tends also to dcciease ana prevent excessive accumulation of fat. The Mc.gneflc Tccchinig Aerklnce soowhe? and quiets the Teething Baby and pre vents convulsions. H.e full power r.yclot Bait cry liiMoIcn iiot only warm the feet, but prevent cramps in Pegs so prevalent in advancing years. No Invalid should despair bee., use cheaper or inferior goods have fhilod, until they have tried our methods. PanjiMlet, ici teru of ins!ruction and testimonials mailed to :my address. Advice and counsel free to all patients. Or, OARLl'LB Ti',l!liy, Columbus, (in., Agent octo (ItjolG JOHN BLACKMAR Telephone No. 51. Columbus. Ga. Combined with !irat lldiadimr Power, They are an Trnnnpavent ami C'olor* lt‘HH as Lift lit Itself, And for softness of endurance to the eye cannot be excelled { enabling the wearer to read fer hours without fatigue. In fact, they are Perfect A if//it Preservers. Testimonials from the leading physicians in the United States, governors, senators, legis lators, stockmen, men of note in all professions and in different branches of trade, bankers, me chanics, etc., can be given, who have had tlieir sight improved by their use. ALL EYES FITTED AND TIIE FIT GUARANTEED BY BRANNON & CARSON, Druggists, Columbus, Georgia.