Weekly Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1861-1873, July 21, 1863, Image 1

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TZ. . THOMAS RAGLAND, Proprietor. 'VOLUMEXXXVI. A STKICT CONSTRUCTION OP THE CONSTITUTION AN HONEST AMI ECO.NOHtCAT. ADMINISTRATION OP THE GOVERNMENT. OFFICE- COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 21. ks«3. -RAN DOLPH^STREET ^UMBElT29 THE WEEKLY ENQUIRER „ | a ul>lisltr<l f»«rj- Tuesday Morning Kims 14 OU l*ei innum. payae!* niearui- Fn the New York Hor.ihi. Probable Ullnncc between the* Mexi can Government amt Hie s.iutiieni Confederacy. The policy oftho Mexican Government in moving the sent of Government ana rthward, ami quietly lonv- ] •h ill occupation ol thecapi- , Special Correa (mndi'ni'ii of tho Constitutional tut From Charleston. Tho Rati Opened—BrilUunt Action of C ADVKRTESEMBNTS \.n*fdoumi*ly inserted at Own Dollak per f JJJJ • iiiaro, for tho first insertion, and Fifty Cents 1 j ni , "thefrrei t.-r every subsequent insertion. Asqunro in the ' t H ] indicat Enquirer is eleven linos in small type, or one consummation of what h hundred words. I suspected— an alliance be (iGinmry notice* over eijjht lines charged u jeans nnd tho Confederal-.*. With lh« mherlitcinents. I aid °f from twenty to thirty thousand I troops of tho Confederacy, Juarez could chell amt hi* unit—Assaults on r n t A Montgomery Raid, From tho Macon Telegraph. Casualties. Auousta, July 11.—A dispatch Communications ot a persona! character, r intended to promote the private ends of j i-rporatiou.-,.-' u* !■•-. schools or ludi vidu&lr. | e • -The Augusta Constitu lie 12th publishes a list of J out shut, tin-Hli Georgia Regiment at j m j}y\j apture tho whole Fret clear tho country of evi In return, the Mexican - • assistance to tho Confedo ing them with numerous lispe The fourth attack on opened at daylight tlii cipnting an attack the had "cleared th-d'H^^I non-c Miibatants, and aligning tho fi t" their proper positions, i ho enemy • , made th attack' from their oonroaled hat- ,• lories on Folly Island, in a furious horn- i ; bardinent ol Gupt. Mitchell s Imttorv on the row. i mil of Morris' Island. Tlii-i iv.i, an earth work ..f nil,- gun*. Wliilo i ol nr with tludr horse*, they reached *h ■ Will Napoleon Intone 1 *; in American other bank Mnid a *h -.ver of bullets. A....nr J.plAIn I 8uh»,a..nlly Wh< dlrUoil eB- Tin- I don Tii,.« conclud.-san Artii-lo ”w£l !h,wl™E rTyH-w'wnrV": , w , v ,, J' 1 . /V"" 1 '"'' »">"•”">• I I'™ '•**• ‘h*t Ool. . WtUdon, .of orolv punished. Some of the Account- S,i«*h j-uj.> lit wlimi the l Mich nnd the . duly 10 state when the Vanke ic voted city ^ Elk, our boys literally umdo the water j'.', Anti- j black with tins... inmund- ♦ • *- moving Mason and Conway Currenpomlenrc. stifle, ‘publication, i ,-ubinit tbo 22d Georgia, was killed, nnd May . f nflairs »; 1111•. mo- I Hoss vour.ded and taken prisoner. - ’’f Fueola by tbo Another dispotch r.ceived states that • idur i>f ;t- . nrrison J Col. Gioson i.* dangerously w-undod nnd Former -xpcrionco la prisoner. This dispnloh ftl-o -ays that t hat the falli of Ad't .Julian t '.mi ling, son of "ol. Henry Gumming, ot this city, i r.iso wounded and a pnsonor: Another dispatch Late? thnt Gon. A. K. NY'right had a very nn. ”«#w escape, several balls passing through his lint. Another di-patch states that .Major r JOHN I havo just escaped from "ruthless i vadors of our sacred soil." "ft matte olieri t h# . Tho K d* himself^at • the military lake up th *f commissioned officers tded ■ Colonel Towers, l; Major Dawson, Re- Killed—Captains Bnl- ii',1 and Yarborough; Lieut*, Echols :,d Gilliam. Wounded—Captains But- i«r in thigh, Malone in leg, Young se- •••olv, Bolling severely; Lieutenants thigh. by I he blockade, or istifficiunt quantities, ry threat of such an nt moment, the Con a recognition o'' its from Napoleon; and it i Mil of remark that brought by tho China, - ('•••■mil: .t announcement that "Mr. Slide" the F vov of the Con federate Stale*, has had very long coni'- , c with the Knipon Dwinell (oft Bo Ot llli-H and Branch mortally, T. G. Ilod- kin-severely. G. II. Fiolds slightly, A. II. Freeman in leg, Huntington severely, A. W. Farrow sevoroly, Williamson l ightly, Duke severely, Hand. Peed and Me W< paper that in nt, Col. Little he thigh ; nnd !V killed , and uled tlm . Col. id -Maj. Jones and ia, Col. Harris I Pii.il 4. Scrnn of F and had a privuti ’ U a t, hi oak fast, and did iv t purl v the Comic 1 of Ministers hr- This interview has given *1 rumor that a renewed offer in Americ'ii afl'iilrs by the Iv Napoleon is likely t-> bo the fall of Puobln.’’ If such is likely t*» be the fall of l'uebla, whul i- lil re-ult of the tali of i he ( it itself. By a previous arri assured by tie L>»ndi»n Tin the intention of Napoleon in such tones to the Anieri that they wouid listen to hi Palmer-ton has recently stat that F iSsemblTd. ; the Mouth | seeing the fruitlei taneo, fell hack to I The enemy tin j Fort Wagner, •• stout but iuefleetl | whelming nuiube try were .-upportc | and attempted t. i storm. They we vith great- bw«. Ti." flanking > he, eminent have oh trado rd how lade , Captain M., ' mess of further resis- Fort YVag ier. i moved boldly up to 1 r infantry ot'oring a • Federal i \l HRKT lloUSK, Nottillg Hill. 1 I • •lid-in W., June 10, ltki-1. '•r l have authority to make the fol ding proposition on behalf of th !irk-°bv repul*' d tt slavery men of Amorico, who l *' ut this country : removed ailing themselves “iho ' !!- v *'! ' 11.* i,r A nuirii..," .v-111 ... .i- i It a er< 11 ( jure th. ■ a liberal ry and gyntu Our loss dur id will reach W. Ford, Wild. Then Bee, t apt- .1 Tarrh, and Li. pt. Mitchell was i both legs. America" will the negro slaves in mancipation to be J rated at once, ami nu*di time t.• be idI. u\-d !• • r ii- c 'liiplotlon us thocomiiiissiMii i;.il iidju.'igi* t.i be n ecus-ary and just, and-.u, i mancipation once made to be irrevoka- j Me ilu n tlieiiboli'ionists and anti-slave- • iv leaders the Northern Stales shall [ ppose the pi o.-i cation of •an imbroglio, wo Friipor r of tho powerful voico neful II -ad. i of the U •dited. Largo numbr being ,1s. Cat •ebctli, and K. W. It- J. N. Woodward, A. V cord the Fort Sumter participated in tli ,,;,T i XAT’di..:., .1. If. the turretted i immediately l lie war on the { (iiiv. rnmont, amt -nice they Hold tho balance ot power, wl, I certainly cause tho war io cease by the inline,l.uto withdrawal of every kind ol support from it. I know that tho ultimate decision upon so grave a proposition may re iulro sonic time; 1ml meanwhile, I begin ed vt vour earliest coiivenmnc you will personally lend yout f^KiRtoration of pet in form- whet her nil uence I the 0 fact that our city has loi inking officer in tho death of | But, that calls forth such gen- j ‘ cere expressions of sorrow, j y, , ti t*d ujion him as otto of the will efficient nnd reliable officer* ‘‘re* •o, and believed that he had j 1 -o high a position a* his j The i- entitled him to, and as ho have acquired. But those ns are overlooked here—in is home and among his friends Election of his sterling worth ie community in m qualities that .‘true gentleman llu wi.h tho soul l speedily dislodge, >'» i »i‘; 1,0 ’' Sold. !; v . ‘ tllO youth, tl, will ho eagerly Imi'.«••!, l-t it . »me what qaricr u may. It may he thn pronpeet oi - ui Ii an evnt will opera the most • fl. -tm.l I peacemakers, ilidu-e the Noilli to au.ioipate at. haoiilleo of national pride h.v timely cushions, while it is in their pow, ike them spontaneous!.’ me presunipt es tho part of mu m iuetpntod il-i If IV. and humanity which it took that the folly which emmi m ity, which inis the I Hie del Girardey, of this city, i.s killed All dispatches received state that the 481 h regment was badly cut up. Tiik Macon Guauds. We publish to day a sad li*t of casualties from t* i* gal- lant corpse Captain Ballard, i»t Lieut. Hodgkin.*. 1st Sergeant Gamble, and private Alexander killed; Lieut. Fiolds • two privates sevoroly wounded, and Li"ut. Brantley and one private slightly w "inded—nine in all out of a very small company, and ovary commissioned offi cer killed or wounded. This is terrible. Most deeply do wo sympathize with tho In-nds ol the gallant slam. Wo arc indebted to Col. IT. IT. Cum ming, for the use of tho following private ul*patch : — (hnstitutfomUiaf. W isciikhtkr, July D, via Staunton, 10. One of t!ie severest ami bloodiests but tle- of tho war bus been fought nf Got- ty-hurg, I’enn. G-u. \Vright’s brigado suflored Itn- nien*ely. Two hundred will scarcely ■ iv i r the Mvs of tho 48lli Georgia in kill ed. wounded and missing. Col. Gibson ia dangerously wounded, and in tho Immh of the enemy. Adjutant Gumming is wounddd in tho arm and in tho hands of tho onotny. Captains Doughorty and Harlow are C.ipt. Wilson lost his loft n Gapt. Folhill is killed, Lt. I' M. Allen is missing Lt. Cnoatlium is wounded. I am sevoroly wounded ii •in inysolf. Total loss in officers 19. ’I he battle raged throe days, whon the Rent to Winchester. At aterial advanlngo had tho right No. 21, TJpp Forttnan Square Sir—I havo vour The proposition it 1 the i»h v- ieM' ; IrW.nn.l j by the publ id the pocuaiary loss into oilier, though nil mpty pretcri«m ii. ami bad the to honor and | .fuHEud to be. He ion and fortuitous been tho only forinont in tho have attained >ko fro . Ila the French army on Mexico on tho Tl ult.. took possession on tho Junrez bad relived t. and n French JM i- - HgaiHst thill place 1 with great entlm<fa*m IihIT and null ur lu uiicing tlmi Fori v -'v utl-od witli a lo niiided, and I--. of 9.'» ISIIed, many that fir been gained by either side. U. W. ('auswki.l, Lf. Col, 48th Ga. Beg. Rxfract from • .lust Itereiveil I roiu lilt rope. June, 1893. 1 meet, when In Liverpool, a great many of our Southern 1‘riciKlM. We an. all anxious to be home ngniu, I am glad to inform you that matters manufacturing districts havo for f.*w months visibly improvod, rineipallv to tho producti. tl." l" 1 matters little now, Lnronn." how 1 effectod tbo escape. Sutili e. it to say 1 > aa .ully on »ugb t- vi*i. tbi> "Celestial L - pire " froi.i ii •• cheap living Only so journed cm n g’i*am m. "vandal h.i'rde.s" before tln-y bad d-d-n everything I had, down to my shoe strings, and one fellow belonging to a M ichigan regiment, nh.so- ! night atiaok i hi .mid have endeavored shadow, if the sun nnd been shining wli I lo't. i brought up the t on'* ( I Brngg's army, having p -codoi* ! *.s ’ ite "front' to Chattanooga ev» ml h u.i -•* red that iluring my ahsonco roi.i M -i i I, . • >n • Hioody Kepulso t the i . m> h‘iin IIat»er> Wagner. From tl»c ritarl- - , '.(ercaiy of Monday. B f-ro |b< papers ol our last issue had j "• " efldmitiy did not, nl first, • -^eu r-in hi-i newly gained position, I' ;i...T'mr.i'lay night fncPurding to the AtatemenL* of pr -oier-) tin- Ynnkoo i . wore drawn up Inline of battle.— \t daybreak, Ittiding that the expected be made, it was expanse* of life had grown onornioi: When I was hero before, atbiini-b* full ol apple jack could havo boon bought for less than a hundred dollar* Now the same article is in demand at$fi.»9, (or nil •, hundred and nint-ty-nine human slug* per solitary drink.) Tho state of iny e.x- temrniinod amongst th" Yankee, leaders ftlv-* to nlti'iup:. un onset upon Wagi G'-m. Strong, with a f about 2900 pick ’ * — B-ue chequer forbade tlie extravagant money In a fashionable mode of living. I hud something 1-- than ;*i.3tK».(XKt tn ahinplastars when 1 liist camo Imre, and (o-duy 1 mu not worth abroad ticket.— Spont h all living. No man c*>n assert that l.have been profligate in iny expen diture -. I am sure 1 only paid $100 for an ot^Hnary hre’tkfin-l at a houl, when a supotbrf«.;V '»/./• might, have been procured (fried onions included) for $ibO endt down. One other ox travngance my van 1 v roust confoss to—in the purilinse of m gv-v . tV >,000 Fhi of apparel was, however, an absolute madoproimr.ifiun for the a^ault. ci-rnnianu con- I • : four enmpunios of the Oth Gorin., Lieut. Col. Bodr.ian, commanding, with the T- .u 1’nnnsylva- nin. Col. Fii:.v. bridge; Urn 9th Maine, Col. Emor.\ ; th- .'nh and 100th New York, with tl, "Lc-! Children," nn in dependent r -iinont. Forming hi -n n into two linos, soon nftcr da« u -e Saturday he advanced ot tin* d'uib! • ; towards our work. CoL Gi.u-v - m .• •mmiindof Buttery Wtigie r. .1 th-enemy togot within ub ’it. f i' * r-1, win n lie gave -tho word tv* ' Four and down went tho foremost rank of the assailants. Yet on they r in-' with spirit amt res* liltion, mUiic of i.hi'iu even gull ing the interior But they paid dearly for eosstty, nt hotel doors, the street, without a pas*. 1 enmo very nem being dotooted, too, n^ a "slieep in wolfs clothing," not having quit- tho requisite amount of brass in my litre, though plenty of it in tho buttons to .*na tal n the character of the assumed dignity. Fearful thnt I might bo running into excesses, I took down i memorandum of expenditures lor the day. in a little book which cost mo two thousand dollars at the .Stationers, and this was tho result of tho first day’s down-jotting: J. Happy, Cn. In ncemnt with m tit res : pieco snap f. lotions. Hire of clean Bribing on daily oxpondi- inrning ab S10 (r i pump to let » 00 10 00 first wash- B leak fast nt Bull Beef Betroat* Extra for Git-umber Peels 10 O. Doctor's bilhifter eating thnt Break- last 260 2' | Rcmarfifi "Break-fast" is a good (bo work. w _ t w ith i --In- .-nl d»to-min * on by i.ur men, .'l-< maintained their II - T-udilv: »nrl, nfier n ahavp c.>rtc*t of lifl-vn minucos. th-enriny’s firs- lii;i! r.w- way end lied P'ho jnotn.v i front of our w-ri ventured mmo thlt the 1 numerous furtin ho that it i with killed, wounded 000 light. Yn otflowr, who u.\d nice beyond, states dead weto quite aa otV from our works; i the bounds of modo- tho enemy’s loss in and missing nt quite was comparativoly annnh, Bryan, E Ported, Santmi, of liielHtli oth t-d that Gen. Itodmnn. of been bad »y w Onoofllc. One game of Pi who villi the All Interesting- < 'ereiiioiiy Itegiilarly luuugur On Monday la*t, it 11 «. • D. Conway, Esq. tr. (\miuny’» Anmwv. UKV Houbk, Netting Hill, India and olsowhero.— ■ I tin* mills havo recommenced g. and some arc working full time, ■ India cotton more or less. This m- t beneficial to tho working and unable litem togot out < f dobl, in which th-y were placed through work ing short time, -w being stopp-d alto- will be rith Gen. Semina** connection derate service, Ills life has boon livitynud devotion in thn di*- f his duties. Ho did not hold 1 could easily glv id ho id lo be port’ *1 tho prof-s and labor of the ed by «ubordin- s5f-.T tsAfes of which early training and line hud p—uliurly fitted him. illu'tratcd" tho manhood and Georgia, in the camp, on the on tlie field of battle, and vi 11 hereafter be treasured a* u? the most noble nnd sol fi ll or oo* who havo fallen in thU \ General Hlirolliueilt. It will bo aeon that our City Conn tin*, ordered the enrollment of all citi/.i -apnble of bearing arms. This is a mo ment adequate to tho occasion, and « that, if generally adopted, w<»uld b< r d the C’onfudoracy of the Invader.*, si ailments of seven or eight tin y in that SI take measure* On Saturday, ant ol the pn*«> v right pr—hid I shall "Msa. . ’ll; Ar •' ’ ing by lot of l • the three hundp ment, to f utfer t suance of tlii-* .it the monitot the room, und the prisoner for ( , fot def will not begin to itnswi emergency. The enemy i us liiii Northern hordes ii h nod red thousand men the pr lint ling up' armies of !nelt, and bus closely t present. The regular armies of the ( federal*v, o\ orwholmud by superior num ber*. ar- fulling ba-k boforo them, and the lid- of buttle can only be turned by tho prompt rallying of tbo homo reserves to tho reinforcement of the ranks of Bragg. Johnston and Beauregard. The proper and tbo only effectual • ill, w« Turner lliei dor, and in were at libi number--'* '.lioir » bapi, o not deemed * about to be av read tbo order lio was wounded and I Dalilg mands the fleet, ume well up to ,tid attempted tc No. 24. IT Portman Hqu Sir—I have rec tordny. I the day. I Passengers - i report that th king Our curres- 'tlii* roply. It was unen it is mine to it they i number ol dead upon nr- live ot’.i- atiiong tit he hoped that their ptul trials wiil have (plight them economy, and that they will not Hpend nil their eaniings, a tiiey previously did, but iny uicthitig, as this relief is most likely tom porary. We have li-en very much grieved to lioni ofllm death of Stonewall Jackie AH the papers here, even those devoted to the Northern cau*o, have articles la menting him. It will, it is feared, bo a great blow to the Southern cause Wo are *<>rry to read the latest accounts from Anieri. a. as showing rather in favor of the Northern arms—-tho capture and do- ^7ii i:!i■f’li*i!<tvoeale! U tih very uau in»ce h- In gun to laud tho North and fthueo the ,;i-i*.li, : 'tl nigh all at table lio knew WO-O In fa- ' • who "didn’t know a d—n thing about the game 2 .nooOrt One bottle Peach Bran ty I >0 (St Ono dinner at 17th table 1,000 00 Supper ticket * Nail in the i hang up on f Sum total Was.". 26 Thus it wn* c -tin/ me up vurds of $00,000a day t > live. 1 would imvoniod, personally, from economy- Gut ueir beat ing was i y admitted the* r losses, and *ta- with Lieut. CoL ( -nnecticut, bad It appears from i-ir regiments aro 11, many of tho vindled down to Gi r. Seymour i Oi.- tho Island. I tho Yank were takci I B. Hogeland, 76th Ps no T-urtellotto, wounded. \'. B. Glmmberlain. ut. \V. I,. Phi:]*; *, 7th Conn. Jcrda 9 h Maine. afraid ; conscious that i at least $10,000 for a decent burial < —to s.iy nothing <•(' tti • inc mvonienca ••!' | |j, procuring » military passport, to permit ( , ^ mo to go "out of tho l.o s ’ into trial un- 1 discovorod "bourrv* from which no trav- I oiler ever rotnrtis" via Chattanooga, it ii, ho can help it. W 1 : i"! brok-, 1 borrowed ‘ OOOofa bather *hop hlioe-black, who lias j | ; yprai millions in.rjiftL i ' ' '* the cubic, t " 3 at Urdu i Co ; kept Sunday tho ' iti gun > from tho ne communLy on well understood •ms WH- lin'd i» Wui' * ibrow- ’v v.-rl;.*, and the tiring was libelling tho p- 'itii/. held by ough the Ii. relu Englat it(1 rin the who they lor your^ i ? the . Aii a Reparation of the State* or with 'id the -unction of th »irgov nent. Bui uch inforu ion i ol t i value r- w. a* 1 li’j I j 1 you have brought to F.n ... of the South, und told him OKI (Miilunl with this, ho begun i.i |, ii •• Butler tlio Beast, saying he was li,o b t •• an that evor lived. Fortunate- ! v the /real body cf the poopl-of Kng- ji, n< l nr- m favor of the South ; 1 have ly throe men in favor ** * u “ North, i I the Bl ights are two of them ; ns many of tho fair sox who i mourning for Stonewall Jack- thnt ' of HU file: -ut t eling .dm p tho s IS 111 III' Par- at Headquarter, this od, th route entrution of their mpectivi mptly m long by eight in -qw<'<* . tho Field July doomed to suffer tin I liiniiont, who addrosH from you on me miiuun yi .> '»'■ misston, with tho promise of a like ad dress from him. This eorroap*>ndonco shall go to tlie , ut.lie,nnd will find its way to tl e coun try a eluas ol the citi/.onH of which you [ claim to repruanni It wiB. porlc ter-st the g'» "loyal men Middle Morn Ida id the The Savi | Wo bes pat eh from minis, that tin* ' in Amorioii' ■ with the uuth" •tding pre Boebuck’s motion to aeTmowlodgo the mlop-ndenei' of» e Southern (.'onfodora- Vi , in tno House of Goutmoms ,i,l!iu -t ith. hut 1 tii'U Ii !'«*«* r t will done p—d, a* long a Lor.' Bussell is our For- sign Secretary. - .1/oA. -fi/c. iNa The Got)federato fttoanmi Boberl Thayer, fcrtjvod ,**au, having r i a o tho 10th nave boon received. A Louisville di: pauill of the '.’til Hays tlmt M-raait or.*■ ed the Ohio river at Brandetil trg, with oh von regiments nnd three batt-ra . and captured Gory don, ab *ut twenty mib duo west of Louis- vilio. . . , Lei '* retroat is cut. oft, and a battle • • ‘Xpectod to he (ought to-day not' '* ’) j liam*p<‘ r ; t t ... ... ,„j j t-renooti, about 10 ted afterward* hj Tho firing we • v* two wooden gunboats, y heavy and kept up The eiiomy tired rap- t.ly * Me'iUohn b-rn heavily reinforced i Frederick. Maryland. On tlio’Widi (lie ehelfl attacked our nv- , airy west of B-onsboro. A elmrp light wounded. ( iter is said to I of the gnubuft! • being truck Kirkpatrick (1* The rebels at at Hagerstown wagon ♦ill : I little iff’ Charlobton harbor, ii valuable «-u"ral cargo. Sh . Minpany with th. steamer* I and iipposed lor Wilmington, port tho steamers Phae- and left... H , Ella and Annie, Beauregard, ana •h at Charleston Mie 8uv:iunah Ilepnblh ■ I • I i burg 11. -There v idling yesterday. himsclft" dare two of their nui forward and di tlie imlopend-n l-dgn that the id •ry lend'T* c f the tin mediately o •iilioti of the w Trilled State.* G« v lo.ld the haltin' After sholl- Martins- >n*idorablo skirtn- ... Thu enemy arc re- advancing by tho Boonsboro •I Sharpahurg pikes. Briy. G-n Paul J. Semmes died ol his .iiit-i.- ut Muriinahurg yosterd'" P. W. A. The bombardment in Charleston harbor i- we learn, distinctly heard ulong ha’I the line of the Central Railroad, as fur up us the ninety mile station and cv -r The watchman at the station rivor reports ilint he heard the gnus • sdav night ■—** “ tho rivor. r i reported cro. Williamsport. Tho whole number ol rebel^ | captured amount to 12,000. OI.BI I ... Morris • r. Our casualties e two k ii led nnd shot from Fort i taken affect on is site immediately d "ff, evidently if her machinery Tlio enemy rtruck tho Magnolia onco Sunday ig sr me lilt' fow of the rebels h 30,000. Tim Fodo; h! loss in tho three dav •’ fight, 16 0K». A Baltimore dispatch of the Oth savi that our cavalry has done incklculablo injury to I. damage to . u.nors wore afloat Unit ft Monitor v. ,i i. Jt.V damaged lo tho -ngagoui-n*. Sunday. The report of one being crippled on Saturday wn- correct. She was towed off by two transport!! Saturday evening, and has not since made her apppoarunoo. Early’s command i reported cut off Brig. Gens. Bohinson at'd Trimble are among the rebel enpto rod. A special dispatch from j< redericktown nnV! that, the Fed-rill troop* occupied Hagerstown to-duy. alter a s-vero light, transporting the river in llsM. «Utr force*, are elio! them. Another battle is tin mi (font, is b. Moved that tho Confodorato are f lying Antic •:. ii- poliey of tho certain classes, nod »**sentlal to Upon being take • -Iv announc'd do tri nity, from regular But whon tho one- •un a State, and to ry business and interest, all up arms, fi r common defence, mcrgency is past. It would be onu‘ for tho manufacturer or continue his work while the | i him is in flames, as for him t • j h exemption and prosceuto K ! >r the Government or tho cor hen the enemy of both w Higns Sawy- writo the Virgin oil. while d They were tl Winder, who son under n - ment until tin that the Northern Stnt- • • •' D-m I,, relation' to pul tho question to the houlh, i i,or will th- Southern Stntos ever lie in a «t: r *i“ irin * thM " !°.f iv :; rij"" dial on Ool. M all hi* houses and ••« "If -bout one hur-lrod negroe-. In- li"ir gun tuittr; y at Wiltown, commanded by Gnptum Clioultx. w«* *ifenced by the -neniy. It is also reported that the YankoOS""" within three mile * J ’ “ *' » ... ... I this would .»/ llicH, of n it lens hundred and fifty or sixty mile*, i, it not improbablo in a still 1 with ft fi»V" r nble wind the noise mini.-ters of Abolition wrath may il- iii this city.- Macon Tel. rV’ill M . ckt.hu’’jC - JurkHim, ion "f Vicksburg ci Hepnrted 4 and 6P.M. It aptiirc oTn Yankee Wagon Train. I »*•-•••• .jiilulnlo'l pv by lh „ 0r , ni ,„ l„M f W“ r « night bring reports tlial a Yankee train i . Grant 1 , bt Kilt -l‘T, ii the 4th, His us thus spoiled. ii Monday night large i the loricksburg, i..n of our t tho Yan- thn pr Florida her to man claim cx- ] l4f i* n with (1 >• except absolute Braxil # ,|prcvioj „,lor mi!U.ry «r- j Lly a* a eommunt- 2 j t R1 ,,i th s do tlieirs wo will I which arrived eflt and share the j on the 13th Ma>q J-t it they Ml, let the j tho'i'.tit'm 27th in search oftho he bus tho credit the onto Habit have Hanked imself between o dono so, John- been cut off and his that tho lut- li to Jackson, enabled hint to • t two d«ys l»o- tliree hundred wagons, with csort of Yankees, wtu attack Knppahannock, hoi on Saturday lust, b cavalry. After i 1 kccs, finding they could not save wagons, Rot them on fire and destr- thorn to prevent their (ailing Into ou liHiids. Thoy attempted to run ofi tti mules attaeliod to the wagons, hut sue ceoded in oscaping only with a few mon capturing th ‘ . tho railroad at I that they havo burn ed the small village of Wiltown. It is | Rtatnd Hint after their gunboat hadt leneed our battery, they camo to the pilings, and attempting t <• retro It. is also report F.dist t.» t heir gunboat Wogive the abi YVl I I I \ MSTON, N. G. Bukkeh by tiie Enemy.-- Gob S. \V. Watts, command- loth regiment of North Carolina tililia, in Martin county, reports to the ed tl lit the Yankee* - that Ini cited i tlio out reliable by parson- ,st, evening. Adj’t General that he assembled tbo oi his regiment for onrollniei.t nt W:l- lianiston on the 6th iiiHt., und-*r tho re quisition of the President. Early m the morning tho enemy from 1 lyinmtth i-l- vunecd upon the town ’noth by land and water, and after tiring ft number ol -hell* the town was burned. Haleiqh Progrca*. A New York Dispatch of tlie Oth an,'* that Gen. Dix has sent 26/'90 men u M eado. , . It is believed that a battle is progress the upper Potoume. A demon-11 at ion was made by tho ono- mv on Saturd.iv on James Island. They shell od tho woods very briskly for ab ut -nohour. A report was in oireulnt.on that a fight had taken plaoo’on Sunday rt Suc-S'iotiviUu. which proved untrue. The story probably sprung wet (I'.ii - • f prival- (Too. All An an ad Vii rising he was ti tired upon by c dutdng a very s t, of tho was giv-n tiiat the i ig, and \llon, who - • to leave the place i: i * • d —. •. v .v hllo i Yankee and e •hot pro- i m thu leg. 9th state (that A Cairo disputoh of th tlio rebels have retirod from uuiuim. Tho above reports are exaggerated for the Wed-o n market. Every confi Iciic i« felt in Leo’s maintaining himself nnd defeating the enemy. There is > movement in front. l'l-ovitdo' 1 VANI I b M POllS 1 It IJ UMO \ I ** THE I. A * I M..I.K UKVu The grout cr ngi.oi 1 *f Gi currondyrod to our tureen, ut Banks, at 7 o'cUkmc on th* the 10th. Gardner, th- .di*-' bippi I r General morning of tl ig r >nd(- Vicksburg foil for the want of the common prudence <>f filling tho town with provisions. For more i nn a year tho town has been threatened, and the country we* abundantly supplied with prisoner food to throw into if.. We hare no dis position to find fault or indulge in re crimination*. But tho simple fact t», we have lo-t an important strategic^ point, tional surrender, and he » Bowed twenty- four hours to consider. lie did not take so much time, and at 7 o’clock on the morning of the 9th un conditionally surrendered the stronghold with nil it oo ’ ’ Hi Thero wore o,t>-)6 the od I We are per milled by a fr'n lie following extruct Irom a jd by him ualed Charle.sto "The enemy i tho Southern P" i oni* troops sulb July II! |.vt«. Rep. their lodgnto Vicksburg bus Fallen. I p to olev-n o’clock yesterday wo were hold the position 7 Tho train wn T 1'eninsula with «u» 3 for Dix'» army, and was to hav II(1SWUII . A -.PP^P . . sod the Rappahannock on pontoon ,, rll t*nio of oi.-rri': bridge*, which thoy had with them, the |( .. h ; lunl0 ,i land, more tho charade roly yesterday, . . throo hundred onsunllie occurring. We. have t" regret t ho loss ol Captain (Tlicnves of tlm Iii -iiKi-r.*, and Captain trated Nev panions i which y join kot’ it t posed of Gen. .Me plcftJU The C ity Ciuard. stand that this company lacks eight men, enrolled in pursu- 3 calls oftho President anl o form a full and complete n io accordance with tho or- Brown. It is to bo hoped v names locking will bo sup- | that it y, and that tho company can j whip % tbat 1, a* a cofnpany, to tho Mayor, *• to tlio orders of tho City- Let men wail no longer t«» be called on, but let them coma •.ly and patriotically, in tbo nnded by tho occasion. Tho ms clever and competent offi- s composed ol mon with whom association will bo agreeable and envant. Let its number ho filled up -day. _ Arohbishop Kendrick ed in New York. Mr. Bvciianak. —That delectable cot respondent of the 'iribunn, who write* front Lancaster, telegraphed a nit "ruble yarn from that city on Wcdnc-dav, which I wa.H a fabrication manufactured trot f, l the whole cloth, ainut Ex-Pr-‘idont Buchanan. This gentleman was nt Lau- i caster on that day, doing all t fie journge tlio I point the enemy 1 ii on Morris’ Island, t he middle of that is- i • .i narrow that it in "fun isthmus. This idoavored t» carry at daybreak this morning, with a fi ii),out 2.900 men, und- r Brig. Gen. Strong, n..r r . . nil",v-.l them to approa'di very ,ur-d doBtructive voll-y; highly sue k y«Htoru„„ tho late of Vicksburg, whon Mr. N. N. G-ward, of Hoott county, a member «>f the 20ilt Mississippi ltegi* ment, rodo into town, showed uh lus pa- ro> and gave the particulars ot tho sur- ,-ndir, far n- ho know. Ho states that It 1 * 1 garrison was starved out, having lived on mule meat for sevoral days, and Umt they mrrondonnl^on Saturday morti' itig at 19p ‘ ’ * * tt .....lock. All mounted officers lowed to keep their sido arm.* and He says wo Imd plenty of . pleted. ! ' that d K , I atelv 1 ■ surrender wj sent out a lions rhould i and ti m had us found at Fort vision Vick d..; and ample fnc 1 He rotu*ed t" i>n neglected Ii- had nni| id he did ii" t>> pro- 1 Lid Little .. I "Id ship Hartford nnd thn hob) Hid-. onthu people at M" die, the rearon tiiat he wanted all for the Mi sissippi army. munition, and that none of our cannon were spiked. Tho Yankees had under- Bovoral ..f our forUBortlot., nnd Plow them up. ono oftho explosions kilt ing ne Uy every man belonging to three ■ "uni,- ot* the 3d Louisiana Regiment. Ti He thinks him if he had u- ffi it fi»r his . rmy he did P"’ ; and lit thi- moment the barn of North Mi- ..--ip;"- are loaded with corn. We allude to the subj- :. ro*t tf( hluiro;, hut as a warning '•> u-m unr own posi tion. We believe G« order forbiding l'* 4 *d t•» M. O. B. It. i* still t is in danger of n siege should he wero greeted with tor their glorious work. Tim I-nr,r-*00 I. th.. fl-.-T -hip..!' Ad niral Fan tg t down with uld have pardoned a boarer «»I dlspaUdie* Iron •* e— ITmiipv i.n<t m u! , a lull AVrt, 10(/i. Banks ... ^ . t mad i the trip fron Donaidionvillh in fi-n • • • Gon. Emery, i D J).. of Hos- clo; J' 1 H P* defence of tho State, up prom ) companj 1 Mr. V. desciibes th Eton tr. rn the Big Bli terrible, from tho heat water. He goo to I*, i ho believes that tually ended to enli- and beau MIHloaist tods and leaving the h thoroughly uev<> •chit r the 1 eking Tt« | .. load bod to loi'the ligtii -tr wild 'ho ground in the "icinity of t lie entrench mo*, t*. Ono bun- ired and thirty-five prisoner* and many w lunded wore hrougltt into the eity.- lien. itipluy estimates the loss of the tho army i my at five I nlre. . loss since the investment ..... jod 1000 in killed und woun- ] ded, and says the ions of the enemy is . . . vnry hc.v V . (i.m. limn, of «ur {.rmy, .1 Lot m oryb-dy bt v.H* killed -evernl days since. When and let the riv»!r«-nm | the Yankees enterod Vicasburg they I tt nd ' robbed the stores and private houses of -very tiling they —ntained. He says r* hu [iinlnis- trulion in its' miserable war policy. He was perfectly cool, und no; halt so badly at Fort Wagr . damage, Furt NN ugie ag to tli “ pegging i ' the! , Mississipi is to go where there work.—Mobile A»ie. Appeal in having tiino sho of Baltimore, f5* Th« cannonading at Charleston was distinctly heard in Aiken yesterday. So wo learn -Augu-ito ('Uromclc. Aiken isdutant ro*tos from Charles ton. dash on the pi plolely surrounded after and by onlv a su of bold and d.nperaW cj;.r(< through line after 1 shell)Vvilio is i scared as those who have h^en_ advising 'ndent of the I war to tho teeth, and tho hanging of all *t miruculou*. who breathe a single eyllab« ogainst tlie Federal abolition leadors.—Northern paper. com- j i has tho authority '• drafting i of the Yankee of spiritualists lor declaring that sinci making bin j his duntil "Stonewall Jack*on at least 'the home of the free." •M'lv- | , in bo- I > the inter iitlT’bou LATKIi orld for ,,v out. All tlio roads ' i • very strongly guard- • felled across them for -r \sas literally covered . Ralph Waldo E;. I’eniberton's I ton, has r- ■ • nily tl:••'» 11 • w • a utan oi ••.mi down Iho 1 great distinction in hi-line, doej... urt- t.iroi*. Mobile | bund wRh German K tdic ilisnx, and other mi l the order radical errors affecting religion, nnd hu- kod. and every i man Society. ^ available car should bo put into active] ”ptw» nt/sh tiivod fr.iin lit* "I ..I III., onomy II I from i ■■ .vie, . (* O '.lyt- ihe iiit-T. 't of planter-, to send it. to burj. <>n th ' "igl.t oi t ' • ' country, to receive port our inny tntnobb ex-ellen ■ men. mr igod to chip, t.on l he h-aviest tlgat w>. rd-r.to lake when \v- /Hacked the fcr.e.ttj •V i—.it -rnd corn. | thvi.i Tom their heights and I :.c i •'•■ ■ A'}' ■ NV- 1 oti i tiie fi "* of tnon-polizlug the : iOine .tour*, Gen. '* 111 11 II,. .. ....... it Will I..* I "rl,l:i,lp...,ll. , . 1 • rcpcalM. It.ii ,.ll tl.it ia Mr«f«l>.r 0,!it. 1 v«bui*._Djrl,y?_, • public or private account. . : id that wtieat can be bougnt th ■d.iy, for of Some of Results of Dkaftisu in thy. North. The Old Guard • f New York gives tiro f tho process ol Wo b urn thut Grant sent one . Fort HuiUon to assist Banks in j capturing thut place. 1 liranden {Mias.) Republican. Tho Now York Ii.dopendent-n r.li-■ following *-*••;•>•;' Kion, hnnticnl espor—IJ* 0 t h* t th »|'^ ‘of'u m.'n .Ir-.U.'.'l in Clinton oountv, hotly puiiucd, and plongod into the rlv • uougb. Road repo: for $2 n . _ bushel, and of the old crop th-ro is great abunJanet*. No tti hIiouUI be lost, fo Tlio Confederate cotton loan was rathor firmer in tho later hours on th- 19t.li.-- Thorn worn few «>poj ition . The price funded ltdl ; ■jiy and Nyero not "■ red.— there Aa* no goTicnu cht-getr.ont oil Saturday. m Ocn. Juckion « ' ■ !>•,.• '-..o Mialiil- eippian two huudrod and l •Gy-otio urom- r down tho Mobile nnd Ohio rts that twoniy transports with Them were lew operation-, i no priv< ) ll “‘' ;sTu'drsouy 1 hors of tho Hi: Mi :• i»l;l Cav.lry "having disgriH '-d themspives by basely nnd cowardly d-* 1 >r |)o-i* at a Among th- vghteeu i Mi- Lippi after tho fall of Vicksburg.- Mobile A<1\. *]■ Rey ! ortislc) Juneft). 1—J. Willi* and S. F Kendrick. - - r ! f f j;. . i