Weekly Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1861-1873, December 15, 1863, Image 2

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Telegraphic. iuport* of tho Pr«## Awodalfcm* L'nUrrJ nrr.,r,ti*0 >o Art o/ ConffTM, in r . 1W.1. byH. THfUHHKK. in tk* Ol*rk tOffulrttf the p-itrirt (Sturt of ini PmftdtraU SiaUt fur the JVortAem l)i*lrict of 4Jcor</in. OtfAHur. C. II., Vvc. 7.—i*rcviou» re port* ot tho cnomy retiring bejroml th»* Rappahannock, have boon continued by latof report*. It if nl»o reported that the mutiny uro tearing tip tho rajlrond be* twuon tho Kappj*hannock aud JUpidan river. A largn train was ween inovirg dt^wti -th® two rlvei* yesterday, Tito oiutrny hare some camps round fitovensbirrg, in Oulpepor county. Thu enemy's cavalry picket) extend to Mitchell'* Section, In Culpeper bounty, ■1 miles beyond IUpidao river. Kjciimo.vi*, Doc. 7.—At" n.»on to-day a <1 u«»rurn in both House* woro present.— A messenger from tho President an nounced that tho message would not bo aont in until to-morrow. 1 it the Senate two bill* were introduced, one repealing nil laws authorizing ex emption* ami prevent the onrollincnt of substitutes for military service; tho other reducing tlm list of persons exempt from military duty. In the House a resolution was pr<-B#nt« ed for a Joint Committee of both II" to consider the currency and report •peodily nifinnuroH for action. Mr. Foote presented it nurnbor of i lutions, which were coldly received by tho Houso, which *. < tn» ill disposed to wnslo their time in useless discussi- The dcepoit interest concentrates ro tho currency question. The fooling of tho members soenis vory clioorful in reference to thu oondjlh tho country and are confident of our final triumph. Moilll.lC. Dec. “■ -A special to the Ad- vi rliser'tfe Register from Waterford on the 7th says, (ionernl Leonas just con cluded a splendid raid ori tho Memphis and Charleston railroad. Ho drove tho ononiy into l’ocahonlns on tho 2d and crossed Urn forest Sufely to hio district. On tho 4th CluluinrV command drove the enemy in a huddle on the bridge over Wolf river slaughtering 300<>f them; the Yunkees wore driven into the river until it was filled with dead horses and Yankees; -10prisoners wirecapfurad. The road was torn up at .Saiilsbury and Oroiham's crock, ami tho bridge over •dJypress crook, near (’howaila, was d«s- troyed. Our loss 26 killed and 70 woun ded, including (‘apt. (Jains, of McUul- leuch’a stafi', and Lt. Harris, of tliu 1st Mis«issippi l’ertizrins. Dalton, Doc. H. —Tho enemy's caval ry npponrod yesterday* ut Ringgold, but on lining attacked by a force under Col. Criggnby wore repulsed and driven throe miles beyond. No casualties. Weather cloudy and raining. Da i,To*, line. 7.—Two Yankee prison ers, captured by Wheeler’s cavalry near Charleston and Cleveland, ranched bore to-day. Six of them comprised pickets of the rear guard of 125 men stationed at the fortnor place. Our forces pas-ed through Cleveland 12 hours after the enemy’s supply train did, which was 12 mile# in the rear of us. Army ofiieor* report that there aro no enemy at either Cleveland or Charles* SYNOPSIS OP THE PH I :*IIIKKT’M MI I G IS. KroHMOSD, Dec. 8th.—The Prcndwit rapidly reviews the events of the past year, remarking that whilst our successes have not equalled our expectations, wo imvc chocked tho enfifny everywhere in hi* advance. Our rotations with foreign nations arc discussed at considerable length. The Pi evident regrets that thore has been no improvement since his messngo of Janu War, dial thore is no ground lor the ob jection -that a new provision, to include V/lio furnished substitutes under frotnor units, would ho u breach of con tract. Tho action of.the several Executive Departments is reviewed, and the grati fying announcement made that the ro- ipts of the Post OfBce Deparln ent aro #•>75,000 in excess of its expenditures. Communication with the trans-Missis sippi in so obstructed ns to render dilll- firy lint, nt;.l th»l tba comlacl <./ Kuro- lull „ compliant.! -with Executive now!,, pean nations is less itnpartial, and ..... hn n-iuiiMHt po.Uiv.ly •>»«cl<-* of temporary- mlhoray Two of tho enemy’s corps had passed through Clovohmd aud gunu llirough Georgetown on roulo to Knoxvillo, their advance hud reached Loudon. Reports from Knoxville conflicting the onomy aro laying waste tlio country on their lino ot inarch. Iti<'itmo.nii, boo. a—Tho Haitimore , Gu/.otto of tho .‘Id reports Morgan’s ea- capo to Canada is contradicted, and says it is suppoaod Jto wont t.» tho Ohiu river nnd orossod into Virginia. Lincoln had not recovered from his illnois. Official dispatches from Banks, dated Brownsville, Nov. 9th, says, tlio most sanguine expectations Aro more limn re alized. Tho wifo of ox-I’rcsidont Pterco diod at Andover on tho 2d. The (lag of truce boat arrived at City Point this afternoon. New York papers of .the 7lh contain .to important army nows. * The expedition to relievo Burnside is undor command of Sherman. Tlio htoamer Isaac Newton wa* burned near Yonkers on Saturday ovuning; num ber of livos lost unknown. (ibid on tlm Cth 1L2. The Columbia from Liverpool on tho 21th has arrived at St. Johns. The London Post contradicts tho report of tho resignation of Bussell. Tho argument on the Alexandria cast .has been concluded, Cotton Arm with an advance of a ijuar tor of a penny. Richmond, 8th. Two bills wnro iu trod need in the Senate, onO of which provides .that next Cnnyross meet llh Munday in February next; tho othor for issuing ration* to army nfllonri in tho House, that part of tho ‘Afetango relating to finances and report o| the .Secretary ofTrOMury, worn referred t Joint special committee of both housos, to consist of nine members on pArl of tho House, y.r.TJTrd., The siegn >.f Knoxville was raised on Friday nigiii, CUT forces falling back slowly to Morristown, where a stand will probably bo mad*. Tho work of putting the East Toon, & Va. Road iu running order to that point will ho rapidly pushed forward by Col* Owen of tho Va. A Ter n. Road, who is entrusted with it. Our optiro loss round Knoxville will not ox coed 000, (principally of Hood's Division,) among whom iiro Col. Uuif of tlio IHth (■*., hided; Col. Tifer of the ISlk Miss., seriously wounded; Captain Dunn of Lonu*lr#nl't stall', iu log. The ntsaull on tlio 29th ult., fnilod, it is said, in consequence of forged orders recalling Anderson’s Brigade, Bii'liu 'Ni', Deo. 9. —At auction to-day bonds of (lie fifteen million loan (coupon) brought ono huudrsd eighty-two and a half to one hundred and ninety-one. inte rest added. Registered bonds out hun dred and fifty, and tutored eight por cent, duo;* seventy-six hundred (eloveu) and interest. The members of tho Tobacco trade held a meeting yesterday and appointed n com mil tee to investigate tho subject uf the removal ff the French tobacco, and report the result. Tim authority for this action is said to to based on devalopuiont not propor to bo made public until tin investigation is cloned. Richmond, Dec. 9—»( 1*ia OrangeC.il. 911).)—Nothing new from tho. front to day. Everything quiet along our line*. Bkistol, Pec. 9th.--Nothing definite from Longs (reel, to-day. OiUner’s brt- gad.) on co unto tod the advance of Wil cox's corps, about two thousand strong, near MnynardsviUe, Tonn., Inst Thurs day, routing them completely, and cap luring a number of prisoners, who state Wilcox- oomuiaud lg be composed of Telegraplur communication is opened to Rugertvillo Junction. unfriendly. Commissioner* wore sent abroad for the purpose of entering into gotintions proper to fix the r«dative riglits nnd Obligations »>1 the Confederate uud United States uivlcr treaties entered with foreign nations prior to the sep aration which has taken plnco. But this tender on our part Wn* declined. Hence, have been refused the benefit of those treaties, they certainly have ceased to bo binding, nnd in tho opinion of the »dciit, our relation* with European nation* aro now controlled cxvlusivoly hy tho general law of tlio Law* of Nation*. Legislation upon the Subject of finance is earnestly roc o mm end'id. Although tho tnagnitmiu and duration of thd war was not at first anticipated, still tho re-"tfrtos •f the country uro to ainpio H and the piriluf tlio people sodovoled to it* enioe, Hint reliof ik within our roach. The I’tmti- Oifti policy of tho government j»inr.* iu formation is discussed, and the I*resident contend* that whilst too provisions of the I'urmutionl Cormtilution in referem e i<» direct taxation* can not ho untried into ■fleet ill tlm mode pointed out, it i* the •lain duty of Congress to execute tlm general intent of the Constitution by in a king tlm tax uniform throughout tho ('on- fodcrulu Nlatc*. r J'hu*« consul oration* are greatly enforced by tlm rofioclion that tho attempt to apportion tlm tax ex among the ■States, soino of which are wholly or pur- ,'iy in the occupation of liotlilo fyn/ci would subvert the whole intention of the or* of the Constitution and bo pro ductive of most revolting injustice, in stead of-that just co-relation between taxation and reprc/tonlation which it wa* their purpose to secure. With largo por- of some Mfntes occupied by the an li my, What Justice would thorn bo in im- pu-ing on tlm rnnmindor the whole of tlm amount of taxation of the entire .States, Dudi In proportion lo it* ropfOAontaliun? What else would thi* bo, in cil'i.ct, than to increase the burthen of tlr.-uo who arc tho iioavicNt sufivrer* by the war, nnd make our own innbllity to protect llioin from inva ion, as wo aro requirod to do by tho Constitution, ground for adding to timir losses by attomptui) adhuroncu to tho loiter in violation of the spirit of that Instrument? No such purpose could have been enlortulnod, and no sucii ro*u!t torn plated l*y the framer* of the Con stitution. H may add to the weight of mifiiderations, if wo reflect that al though the Constitution provide ! that it should go into operation with a represen tation temporarily distribuiod among the Hiatus, it ox primly ordains, uftur pro viding for a census within Ihrea years, that thU temporary distribution » f rep- tativo power is to onduro until such onumorutUm shall ha made. Would any ur Z'ff! that because the cenaiis cannot be made within tho fixed period, the gov ernment must at tho oxporation of that t*mtod parish for want of a representative body ? In uny aspect in which the sub ject can be viqwod, l am led to the con- already announced, and which is understood to bn in accordance with tho to tnk.0Q in nno or both House* a' tho sion^ J. #.i|gll^l^«^|efuM, until wc ) aide to pursue lh« proolse nioda ro quired by the ConstituCum, deem it my duly to approvo any luw levying taxu- tiun which you nro bound to impose for tlm uefonco o( tho country, or any other practicable mode which sliall distribute the burthen uniformly and impnrlilly on the whole property of tho pooplo. In your former legislation you have tight to avoid an Ineruaso of tlio volurnn note*, iu circulation, offering induco- ent* for voluntary funding. Tlio tnefts- •cb udoptod for that purposo waru but partially successful and event* hav« now roaeliod such magnitude ah permits no other remedy than compulsory reduction of tlio currency to the amount required by the business of the country. This re duction should bo accompanied by a pledge that under no struts of circum- Htuucos will that amount bo oxcucdud. No possible mode oi u»ing tho credit of the Government can bo so disastrous a* one which disturbs tho basis of all exchange*, and rentier* impossible all calculation* of Tulare value*, augment* in constantly increasing proportion tliu prices of nil commodities, and bo depre ciate* nil fixed wages, salaries and in come* as to render them inadequate to bare subsistence. If to these bo aud. d tho still more tnlul influence on tho morals and character of (he people, to which I have already advened, I am persuaded you will concvir in the uon- clu.-ioii that an inflexible adherence to a limitation of thoourroney, nt n fixed sum i* an indispensable element ..f any systom of finance now tube adopted. Holder, of tlm currency now pustanding can only be protected nt the recioving of Ju-t claim* hy subatitutory for Note* »on,e other security. If the currency is not £rcn* ; yTcdueod. the present state of in- ‘wdvul price* will not only Continue to •xiHt, but by tho very fa, i of large aiMtRfU made tsqtihiii Ip the condaot of the war, those prices will reach rates still more *xir*v*gant, and the whole system fall undor its own weight ren dering tlio redemption ol‘ the debt im possible ami destroying its whole value 'm the lutiuL of holders. If, on the con trary, funded debt* with interest, secured by adequate taxation, be substituted for tho outstanding currency, im entire amount will be available to the holder*, and the Government will be in a condi tion enabling it beyond the reach of any probable contingency to prosecute the war to a succaasiul usue, U U therefore demanded as well by tho interest of the creditor at of tlio country at large, that tlm evidences of public debt now out standing in tho shapu of Treasury Notes be converted into bond* bearing nilequatn intorett, with provision for taxation sufli- cient to unsure tho punctual paymout of interest and final roUumptionof tho whole debt. The President recommends to the con sideration of Congress the repoit of tho Secretary of tho Treasury, aud hopes it will eftgro** tie consideration of that body until disposed of in the manner bo*t adopted to attain the important rosull* which tho country anticipate* from its m-liou. The President believe* tho army to be, in all respects, in.bett r condition than at any previous period of tho war. Ho recommends the restoration to tho army of all who aro improperly absont, putting an end to substitution, modify ing the exemption law, restricting details, and placing in tho rank* ablo bodied men employed as wagoners, nnrtes. td legislation is required providing for pecially in tho Postal Department and Treasury, for which sub-See rotaries are recommended, while for military affairs it would s*em to bo sutfreieni to authorize the President and Secretary.of War to delegate to tho commanding General so much of the discretionary power* vested iu them by luw a» tho exigencies of the service shaif require. la conclusion tlm President adrorts to thosavagu ferocity of tho enemy in con ducting war, and holds up to public ex ecration tho refusal of thu Lincoln Gov ernment to oxeouto tho cartel for the *x- chango tt prisoners. But tlm patriotism of till) people had proved equal to every .latsrlfloo demanded by their country's need, and God had biassed u* with suc re** J ^proportionate to our moan*, and Under His Divinn favor our labor must at lust bo crowned with success. RfiqiMONP, Dee. 9.—The H#nnte evinc ed to-day ».spirit to make diligent inquiry intf* tlm H< IS of tho Administration on tlm subj« <ii of arbUm ry.,jmucgJ.r»lptuUi)C visioiM under orders of the Commissary (JaMural, nnd tlm course of thn Secretary of tho Treasury in the payment of’in te nsion Cotton Bonds, were made subjects of resolution «*f inquiry by Mr. Orr, and favorably considered by theHonatc. Mr. Orr explained hi* resolution by an array of strung furl* on each point. The organ ization of the irtms-Mississippi Depart ment wu# brought up by Mr. Johnson,of Arkansas, wlio presented resolutions to .•rganixo a separate VV'ar and Treasury I>epart)imnt beyond tiie Mississippi river. Tho Committee on Finance nnd Military A flairs, were respectively autborixed P> report. The House went into committee of tliu priioin on the President’s Message, nnd the portions pertaining to thu finan ces and tlm report of thn Hocmtary of the heUer condith Treasury were rwferro<j to a special com- tlm rebelli miticc of one from each Rtnto. Qesolu- negro *h fioiifl introduced with (he avowed inion- natioi. lion of lusting thu *«n»» i>f tlm Umisa on instructing tho committee to report a Dill levying a tax "on tho value of all pnrsonnl property, adopted — Yea* 12, Nays II A# thi* i» contrary to the letter of the Con- ■dilution, douliti aro oi pressed in private e.mvflfSrttion, if the eourti will sustain tiiv collection. Mr. Foote discharged his blunderbuss *t tlm A iministmtion in three propound aninndmonts to the reso lution : lm proposed t« refer a portion of the President's Mn*Sugc to a commit tee l i be instructed to report a bill to iu- crensn the pay of thu troops ; 2d, to in quire into the President's charges of waut of valor on the part of a portion of the troops before Chattanooga; thirdly, to inquire into tho truth of tho ailrgution that tho Yankee pritonuri werw not sup plied with propor food. Ho supported each resolution In a strung «p«yuU against the policy of tho Administration and act* of the President. Tlm report of the ('oinniissionor of War Thy ntllmgt-ts the receipts atone hundred millions. He complaint of tlio defective wot king of tluh lax act, which materially cm bun tiles collection*. Richmond, Doc. 10. Congress had a perfect shower rtf project*, bills, ro*olu- tlous and nil kinds of subject*. No bu*i- nes- wan tiaiiia«?:ed in either Hoidu px- <><q>t the pH*.sngt) hy tha.Hetiatu of h bill to repeal tlio Sulihtiluto law. Until the nmmbors get off tlm nostrum* which aostn to huve brought tiii«ni about, no rugulai work ilI bu aocomplisUed. in thv Hcioite, Johnson, of Ark., intro duced a bill to limit the term of ofUce of mein burs of >ha Cabinet to two year*, when Uivy might hc.r«-cligible,bqt should not be roa 'p.vtrttud and confirmed by the Senate. Unsupported hi* proposition at * inn length, Btaling Dial what the country now needs is a good govurumoiit -ml good "Hi", i- li.. believed the muasuru would command the respect of all, and tho Imar- ty support of soma of the 8eo rotaries. Ho had doubt* about tho constitutionality of the measure, hut had contultud abler head*. Who is discharging the duties of Ipiartermustor General, and ha* his np- poinment been confirmed by tho Senate7 The 11 oiiae rained with hi’]* and rose- lution* ujM>n Suhatiiute*, the Currency, Tax"*. Inipreosme.nf*and Arbitrary Seix- urea ami Impressments by the military autboi ities, Fraud* by <Juartermn«fcrs and Coinniiasarie*, and to prohibit th* is in of Treasury Nv>te* after I ft January Most oT thaso we r o appropriately referred without discussion, the Hmiso evincing disposition to wado through the mass an gel to regular uork. Rihiuono, Doc. la—Th® Hal ii more Gnr.i tt** of the Hib sm.v*, ih« Yankee Con gress ill't at \Yashington Oil Monday. In thwthiiifile, Davis made an earnest op- po»itioii to the admission of SoiiAlor*from Western Virginia, contending that tlm constitutionality of no such .Staton* West ern Virginia o|i*tod, and tliorefore tliurn By a vote of fl*» to 5. the .Senators w*r* ndmifjud to scat*. Tho lIou*e orgenixed by thn uloctioh of xSchuyler Colfax ns Speaker. On the first ballot ho r»:‘oivcJ till votes; Cox 42; Dawson 12; Mallory 10, nnd nil other* 17. Necessary to a choice, 02. Tlio Speaker, on assuming the chair, declared himself in lavor’of crushing out tho rehailion by ail th# moan* with iff tlio power of the govern ment. Lincoln'* mossago lia* not b««n laid bufore oithur House; and is said to be shorter than.usual. It* most promi nent feature refers to tho re-union ques tion, which, huwover, is only briefly al luded to —Lincoln intimating that lhe time has not yet comn tor its full discus- mom. Ho ii said, in this matter, to take, very con»orvativu ground Telegrams from East Tonn#»*e# are only confirmatory of Tjongsireot’s rotroat. A dispatch, dat#d Fostor, Doc. 7th, a. m., ray* Wilcox has been sont to attack tlio onotny'* flank at Bonn's Station. Lincoln lias issued a proclamation commending the people to ronder * pec ini homage and gratitudo to God for the di* lodgment of tho insurgent forco in East Tennessee. Latest quotation of Gold, 161. Uuistoi., lQUi.—Our la»t advice* from the front aro that Longstreet's forces ar# in line of batti# at RutUdge. hi* rear guard skirmishing with th# oneiny. whose pursuit has not been a vigorous on# sine# our troop* left Morristown. Our cavalry weru skirmishing ail day Monday with tho advance of Willcox's force on Clinch Capt. Everett's raiding party re uruod to Abingdon yesterday, lie attacked the enemy at Mt. Stirling, Ky., and routed them after a stubborn resistance, during r* treated rapidly through Found Gap, closely pursued by 1200 cavalry, who are reported *t Gladeville, Va. Cu \ rdkaton, aoth**—The enemy »h'■li ed the city between 10 and 11 last night and 3 nnd 4 this morning. Sons# 20 shells werethrown. Na serious damage no on a injured. Our batteries opened heavy upon the enemy’* batUry shelling tho city. Firing between tho batteritf* continue*. Dalton, 8tb.—Lnter.—A gentleman just arrived from Knoxville say* lh# *iege has certainly be^ii^tgised. Th# enemy, 22,000 strong, appeared in front of that c, when Longafeet withdrew and raaruhiug hit troops to North Caro lina. f'iiaklkston, Jftlh.—A con*tai)t fire ha* been kept up to-day, interrupting and driving tho enemy's working parlies Gregg and SVagner. The enemy replied occasionally. No firing of con* scqiionou on Hum ter. No sheiliug of the -day. hm"Np, lOtli.—Gun. Ilood appoared again iu our street# yesterday, warmly greeted by numerous friend*. Hi* wound is entirwly healed, and giv»* him no trouble. IIo uie* crutch##. N(eps have been taken to procure artificial leg*, imth for walkir.g and riding, for liiin. His general health is unusually good. Ht* expect* to take tho field nvxt spring.— Gen. Ilowejl Cobb i* hero to confer with tho Governruer.t in relation to rnalter# in Northern Georgia. Ud iiuo.nd, Dec. II.— 1 Tho Herald of the Utli any* the distinguishing feature of Lincoln's moss*go will be bis plan of liiHXc.'luitiali.’ik 4jf. thu rcbidliou* Stale*. 11# also reported he will start from a • unprehi.'iislvu idea that under his em»n- ipntion proclaintion slavery is abolished n the designated .Status. A Washington correspondence *ays’it • understood Unit tlio Cox Faction in Congress u.-ge# a vigorous prnsocution of -holding the Republicans rc- *|H>n#ib)e Cor thu maiinor in which it u irrod on. The Wood f utioo will hold it iigainsL tho war mnasuros. Seymour is*uod a circular iu sevornl of the towns of New York urging the {option of measures for raising the noth by volunteer enlistment*, to avoid tlm Impending draft. Message* from Uramlctte to tho Ken- LegLlaluro do* n«w tlio State in a ry i at any time since * it is conceded that essential to State or army of the lb,town? preparing camps for lisusc.L, Due. 12.—The- newt from the. front is rb.'cidedly encouraging. Our cavalry H *till at MorrUtowo. and the enemy i« retiring sine# Longstreot has placed Cumberland Gap in hi* front in stead of hi* rear. Longstreot'*, Ransom'* and Vance’* command* have been con- olidntcd. and perfect confidence i» felt that ho will bold the country. Vaugbn'# command has succoeded in joining the main body. Richmond, D#c.12.—The President ha* informed the Committee of Tobacco Trade of this city, that tho Confederate Government noither could nor would ob ject to the shipment of Tobacco actually belonging to the French Government, »f cleared from a Confederate port and not touch at any point in the United State*. The trail# adopted a resolution declaring tliut seid Tobacco whs not bought prior to the 4th of March, 1881, as represented in the r rder of the Fodern! Government coDsonting to iu removal. Judge Quid has informed the Yunkoe authorities that no inure fund or clothing will be ullowed to be delivered u'. City Point fur tho prisoner* jn Richmond, and and that thereafter they will receive the * line ration# a< uur*oldior« in the field. Atlanta, lUU.—Special to the Intel- iigencur, Dalton* 11th.—The enemy ba* fallen l»n< U from Chic uunuga to Cbattu- n*»uga, leaving a picket guard at Mission ary Two oerp* have crossed the nvor ut Ifridgopoa i track at Wliltesidc'i Hl.uli Mound Lorn up; thru® small bont .•>n* running un to Chattanooga. The in dtcUioii - are that it U tlie intention of the oneiny to go into winter quarters, and tn *'*t»d ;H),OOd rciuforcomonts to Mvftdo. Grant.has superseded Monde. D r<'vt information from Icings'reel ♦tales that ha i* ut Btfan's Stall.hi. fifty mBob' above KuoxviiUs. PRKSKNDIUNTH, . the (Inn d Fury. *w.»rri and enptnnoIH ■: iiU'iiilteis cxaiiiiii' * r and f .>rk- 1 .. >'i.urt# a: .1 flu I I lieu, bu tiding* Invest Your Surplus Funds. 1,400 Acres of Well Im proved Land, AKl) 28 Likely Negroes, A.t ■.'C3:ooutor'« Onlo. B i YIItTb'I . i . • . er from t’.c HrasiaRa t'oui ■>'. *)r»l i.i .ry . : ii ir*t* county, tla . anil umler the * II f Jobn M ‘tc-. dveeasaJ, late of nurd eoiu.ly, *»i J in-- i>( hHore tho Court Uou e •loor.inihc l*»«u ->l ilauiUou. in said county. EisX RlPDi.it. t .. H.*h of lot mti . .. ..di, in lh® Third I)i*' ii i |<ds o.d Nos. lyt. JSt, nnd 2K. j ui Jut So. 2J7. N. hit N>. ii'i. and 2T» oyre* ui*.r^ .io the -.el liulrut- A*1 n.• and t.cmjr in Harris c.mnfy, ovir i.too uoras. About uu« - ar-.' u.cared. sou.® Ireah ami nd all tvtj |ir.»daetire. 'Ih« ludiil vvihxi laud. There aro G komia.«t*itartwus Iv* as. < harJo* Hams, and \i r . kara iiled their aytilie»ti, iu f or . l»i|. ■naletration on the #*lat#of Jare.j V,: •f said eounty. dvomo-d, , These ar« therefore to cite a;.d coas®raed to »Sow cause, if B ., v ‘ .' v .”"»h ». nur( - t ZL.WJllDsgi.Y_ I' B9SQIA. ilAKKt.s I'urv i „ oi'a* w. iqinutraUon on thec-rale of .! - linf. deviated. Me of suit (>,.11.-, . - iheae ar» ther«l<>ro t.j cit ■ .*\ ' id -it.. , ... why said lciic.-« be rranted. u, -.i ! Utvunder tuy UaiJl. inoTOr-. N , v y _JS*oy21. 1W3. ' W ' !,i Ur • aUMlSlSTUATOU S S\i - ' : - A GKKUABbY.t- • ‘Id; iy»U*n Tu>) of Three S»«;<llcniosat» with f’oiaforlable IIuu»cn sitantod on different p «rts of raid land*. Said land* fire wu'l «• i crod, and lie five or six Ulilo north of liatuUton. ALSU. The follotvirif minted uoaroc#, t"-wit; Bill, a man abunt 00 year# "F age; a uuui gc; Haul, a man about 24 y r* jii ii hout .toyeari old ; LuwUi, Ajf ci\,\ • tiforx®. a uian about a b*»y about Ut year* old: ut 15 year* old; Tom. a b-y • Frank, a bo» ahtmt l.t year* »ut S year* old : Toby, a boy Darnel, a boy about 10 year* aboutS year* old; a boy !.»•( >1.1; Hannah, u wotnnii •It Milly. a woman ab*<ut .;t •■ to. about ;<0 jeura <»!d; 1 > <-.>r» wld; .Mary, do. about j. ■ . i,,ii. •. • k -.rJ a .out l.t ywir.x old: Neily, do. -.boat i" moirtus old ; 0«ur*l aboul Ii 3 • ii- d I. I -n. nlo. ala.at 1U old. Y ' • .... a. • yrani old; Lin. . \ ; i.o. .io. hi. ,ut lit yea*s old obild 1 i.u •■ i. '•••I 1 as tn® property of i duccitSud for distribution, b >. rirm*oa->h JAMRS T. Mc(JHF, mu- lf> td.i ivtcnut" further particular* Apply to me at J.T.McHKK. ii >r uu about 1 old; 1 Huiuiiton, AttiulMlaiarnr’a Kale. JY YlH i l Uof.tn order from tko_ Toart •( uuar. f It itr<* cuUMy, (4a.. wiU k« sold i"l 15b •J no 1» i HR Vi. SI I) Mr A J O.h th Harfiott, lex*i L lieu ,7ir, ■ ii hipp iam Hall . h milom.. ... tar r* Henry L. IS. Jo. Uccfitd* v2t-Uh» ouokt and other empuiy«r®« in branches of) which the ccurt homo and jail wer# the »*rvice for which negroes may bo burned, llu captuied a largo number of found com potent He concurs in tho , ! fine boraos, iyid $100(000 in greenback*, lupioioo expressed by tbo Sec rotary of I The onerny being heavily reinforced, ho reprount tin winter quiirtors, Tho London corre.pondent of tho Her ald ullogos that the Coiifudurato General* having iil)-tflduiioi| all hopo of inducing in Uriti«h Government to roiuatu the tint, sold them tn the Admiralty. Tho Pro** ot Washington propose* t«> tender a complimentary dinner to Colfax. thiMi-nnd prisoner* from UliutU- noogft p#«*c<| through Indianapli* on the 7tb on ronto to Rock Island; 12fX> more aroexpeotedi ISO ofQeor#, muilly bolung- ing to Rruckinridgo’* command, alio pii«*od through to Jolulioti's Island. Tho Secretary of War has issued nn order for the removal of all contraband* from Washington to tho smith hank of thu I’otuir.AC. BhikTol, 11th. Longstreot is slowly filli ng back from Morristown, present ing a bold front,to tho enemy, who, sinco a sharp -Llrm'sh at Morristown, have never prcsuM him. Our last ad- vicos ropft.oent him at Watauga riv«r, near Kingsport. A* Cumberland Gap is no longer in In’* rear, no apprehended tlnngttr 5* liflt f'-r^im. All tho hospital* along the railroad have been employed for ids wounded, who number about fiOO. Uiiari.khi'o.m, 1 llh.- -The enemy again ahuRod tlio city at diflVront intervals du ring tlm day. Honioaix building* wer® struck, but no parson injured. About U tiii* inoriilng Fort Numter took fir*, cause unknown yet, and communicAtcd to outer limber work on the soulhorn arch, which was burned and tome am munition destroyed. Several casualties occurred. Particulars not yet received. The meiny's hattorlu* opened a heavy flro on the f.»rt during the progress, which *■** replied to from our Lattcria*. DxLTon, llth.--L*UW account* re ceived her# reports (jongstmut at Bran’* Station, 20 mil?* beyond Knoxville, on the Cumberland Gap r«»aif. The Statu guard* ar« reported driven in yesterday No particular*. Rioiiiiwau, llth. In Congress a large mimhcrof resolution* were Introduced, »*n® inquiring into thn conduct of several department* of tlm gi-vernmont, anxi call ing upon the President for information of various subjocU adapted. A bill pa#*cd tho Senate yeaterday, rcpoaliug ttie sub stitute law. Before the l|ou*e it ovidunt- ly received a large mujorily ; the House rules wero suspended fur tho purp>i»»» of putting ii on passage, but a defect in it wa# tugg ’Btod and referred. A resolu tion was adopted, calling on th® Pru.«i dent to furnish a copy of General Jo* K. Johr.Bton’* report of th# Mi>*i**ippi uNinpaign ; another calling for all cor responds ec between him and the gov ernment, nnd the order* issued by kim during that period; another calling «n tho President for th« nnnw# of all do- taultingoirid disbursing ofilc^r^ with their default : another inquiring into the conduct of putting ell aid® bodied men, in tn®•lupiuj vl'v H'm * t’ommisiario*, into the field, supplying their placet Witt liaabled holdiurs ; a J other tn know how many ablo bodi«J «un in t.h« employ of Quartermaster and Commissary depart ments had bc*n sent to lb# field iu compliance with th# law of last sooiion, and order* be issued to that ef- f«ct by the Adjutant General. In the ■Senate, Mr, Wigfalt introduced a bill to create a reserve corps, ail botwcun 1G and 18, and 4«'» and 00, for local aud gar rison dofenc#, not to be sent beyond the ] *hUdren. tl tines of the State more than thirty day*, j i,. i , ' 0 "£* n ' and exempting from this service oflicr* j F'wir* ' ■»- ol State and Confederate Governments. | a . Adjourned ti’i Monday. « MiixXDoxviLt.x. Dec. 12—Both Hous es i;avo paasol tho genurai Tax bill. It exempts two thousand dollars worth of soldiers’ property, and levies a tax of not exceeding one per cent, on all other pro perty. It is estimated to raise twoive millions of dollars; and, with the in- cr*‘.a*ed tax and t>tato Road, will pay all the expens#* of the State Government, Without incurring further mdeblodne**; thu* Georgia resolve* to pay as she goes. Mouilx, D«c. 12.—A special to the Adv. A Keg., from Oxford of llth, says, Memphis papers are ominoutly tilent about tho recent raid hy G#n. Lee. Los* at Moscow *ev«rc, aud underrated by u*. Col. Hatch, the bouse burner, was badly w >unded, ^ Late Northern dotes uninteresting. Richmond, Doc. li—The Enquirer learn* that Gun. Morgan crossed the Ohio river near Ashland and made bis way to th# Conf"dwr*ie Hr***. It is not known when li# will visit Rich mond. Cuaklksyon, Dee.. 12 — Nothing uew to-day. Very little firing beiw«cn the batteries. No firing of importance on Sumter. Full particular* of accidents at Sumter not yet roceived, but are ox poet® d to-night. w«uch a a<M>d bridifu 'VynuV 11 ill want# ■»:r<ie« doins bnsine#* T )hs el ak ut sniue •l werye muneud Viir • in»r. Judgu Wot rill, 'Wt^these presentmeula wiAS?* W It L«y®, J C Burk. t II m««i door, in ib® town it tiuunty.iui th« firsi Tne#dar t. within the letrsl hours of sale. •m land, |o-wi. * U0 #or®# north p#rt o' lot of laud )-ing in the 4th Butrioi «t i w Ji*rrij ovuntjr. (JoW ai \v*. n. cuAWit^in., I’OICH SAI.K. r at th® |lonor*hle. Stewart count.*, will h® • u d auuary next. b«- r. in tho tiiwttwrl.Miup- mnd lier fuar i l*uy Ft > ear.: «*tu j lid. : Stephen, a b . i old ; ' tflorl rty of It. b. Ssaltcr, m • old: Htcphcn. a b-»y 7 rr Ordinary <*i M i at the Court usiiiii hour* of beloncinc «»»th* • • >t *aiu r-.untv. si i Adelf " Also, 1 tbl- hr., 1 Uc. lftv ! if,? etUvd : WUr • '■ .. I '*. i lJ Muri.j. children,.!•' i f„ ®n« ft -. u# n; ,k. 1 ui'.Nrr . vv >VrsZ: For ICttru/f novl3«6t ^.KoHUIA, (jli ATT A ii-jT Me it. C. Putt# has Upfhei t.- lor luMriH sdinii.Utrnti' n «»»i tho > #: >. 0 f 8!u :.-,. ; , *¥lii“7r.‘t!i“'r. l .kr! t. „ ln ■ «!• t. .. I IO (i hand t j,.. P AM 158 <: \bi; NOTICE. I ETTER8 of A'dn.i lJ of 8tuan Moo... • . d Knuttrd t<i tu® undcTsi^vkkt • •, I'odiatu of Kumi-'I Conntv, notice N h-rrhv .•!*»»• to ■ , cllliai* XJHUirt riil't I - t it- within the tiuicpri r •-•Dv U« no bsrrrd JUll.V It. p; Nov. Jo. wow i \ E0RHI4. KAUUIb -LX. V J .M . II. >,i*iii e *p| !■ • i i , inti ship of K. A W*n -1, •baiter, Jr»»o Winohcstc aad France# Wnr o > i • |. Win«hrs**r. doi’*.i\s*-d, >j ; • •Tbe^efore. all persona i.v why rautnd to »«id m under uiy nnud j. ti. i d®#2- wSlM ( ' tORfllA. GH A t’l VI To * i i, unou -• c!‘w s-l/n inistmi ion ■ '1 h##<* rc llitret i tiu.i nrc*or<>,td 1 be (ranted to »»id > Witucss my bai' l. JA. dec .‘I. 1 Jitvt - St BOKHI b*(. IK.'J. MIT Columut), odin If jT-. A';; nd place. Jekn i # the property ®f It t S countv. deUi*iu*d. .'AKTER. Adisi'r Bale. lb® t.. will be »«ld : fi th* tew® of <v, on tii* li ret 1 «#*d#) u ■ ' ■ ii»iol.(inr (• sk« ■ l>oyiJ^d®*ea«*d, tw wii : o 'I tor itutrihnti## JvbKi'U V. ULA#». GJ Richard Ouleut. petition fur F Administrator's Sale. ILL b' old on the (list Tuccday iu Dec Postponed 8h.criif Sale. w I bb h- .• ■: i • •. Court Hon.® door I) town r lit,.I PiilliOl ,w.ai.lv I ID, H. Kli John It. Uomikii ■ • * o.,inn# N.<ii)D®n »j tip! M.4isLu.il II. .\(*bon* V dtos.xi ri R.ttpr Hf.1 • • . o-c. a Tl Raxt.r and ““ i Hrotlnr v« Raxtsr snd moc'c.'i :•* f' I*# ia fa*®r of * Homy J,. H. Janes. Henan li. U- Four . Jarrmiah F. R*x- U. h Duputy ShsriC. FUkittnUtrator'i Hal®. T TNllRB uu order yf tho Court of Ordinary of 8t#wart •outi jr, tin., will b® sold l»rf.r« tho Court Homo do r m L-i opkiu, said ®ounty. in January n#xt. lot «t tho 9th District of ori*iu*i th® lirst Turolay land number 35W. in ... ly Irwin oty, orb>n<m t to tho • »uio "oi "0. H. 1*. Stanford, deceased. CARTER, adm’r. .J'l* Aiituinistrator’ yy T H-hhcs-ld betara tlm • la., on the ti rat Tu*-— l.vjr in January next, witn iti the legal h'-ui. ■! >.u®, .uovaablt to au order Hal#. nut Ut.us® door lalhot • mi lily, i Io fs*id count/. h#lt lUiniiiK four room*, i Lbe«ume time his int Sold n .or half I said «» l’HD BN •-Slate to do uary next, with- mg land#. Li tvuinher 1" " the first Tuo*at: ’"iiuary ••! i atom county, to irvw J. Prather. tv»efntf<. nuwthsr 71, fitly err®# of r y>, and half of |o u'Xro woman by the asm LLIAS KIN >4, ad in'r. Cxrciiliir's Snie. O N the first Tuesday in January n i 1 • ' ■>’ ’■ IllIK Sli loU. »i/ ii**’ >i®iV»ta 1M< noi* Kwnstey. docoa # novl7-w6t«14t IwS U ? T ILL be *o. (Is., on thu (lr*t Tuesday \ within th® leva! h® ir« of said rouuiy. ii > bn county, nil th" lands of thee state J. M.'riie!l, lato <’i mid eouutv, d®- ' : *i i:. '(.•• c.’uaty sfore»ain. and ■.. .■ iuio *iitca*'i. settlement, wher®- I •" • Jr.i ..t the tiuyi of his -nti t.x -n imii tred acre*, tnms or ■•'.■' w it litil-rovifi. .'uiu under ■f tl..- Coiii t • ’ T Urdi*'sr> of said ci.uuty Terms on tlio day ot «nl®. A. 11. RILEY, od'ior. ford. oetaitds Administratrix rn« J ■, it Ih’-'jidD- up tho hnllot u??f£ beftirc Uiv C«> id c Sale. ' >nrt of Ordinary of ill br #old bsf#' r the • i Liii, on th® first th- land hclongiug h licit, dr eusod, in inly, to wit; thirty- Jll'lod - t down to the branch .8(0*1 line of • ui.-tljt" tlio corner of.mid lot, . t. corner near the hronoh. i >’■ 1 • *t unto Its source, thence i" nn«dti*r I irner at the road, mu '.ol loth# corner tint ■MARY (4 AT KM. adm'x. t funds/ i l 12 v helonalng to th« ectato of i ■ vir* old: l’rincr, a boy •-Mt. a now F'» years old) Little tmt .,11, Betty, a wcuian • '» mian 2* year*old; Esther. ,td M.irvaret. a girl V years oid; • c.ir- ulq; Alien, ahoy i year* a .ill Jn.'l.soti 1 year old. old, nnd ijton Administrator’s Sale. I) Y virtue . . !< r tr .ui the Court of Ordi- 1) nnry ul M i •. :•*• •■• nntv. IlM.rgia, will b* •>"d to tjje I. ... hidd- r. on the iilst Ttin#duy tu J'lninry t.rt* t thnt'ourt honsc. in thecity ' M.inabu* Mbiu tho 1 •-g.il hour® of sal®, fire ! k< i' • • r - ■ , >nr.-.. ' the estate of Tho*. L. M • • 1 "i: , i counts, decvaiad, to wn Ma.il w .obi •» >o r® oid: Pruwilla. D year i - -ai’ i cirsoid; Hi in eon 4 year* old. an I .'!•••» I > »*®r >dd. Also, one hod. bed* mead ami c.U tm...ue-tud «uu ami afcwntbkr ininvs. • - , .»e ,'it'u to said c#tale Duld for a Ju- n#r!9 40d Fxccutors’ Sale. ;\ BRKFM HI Y f . n order of tho Probate • x. J it. lire ut Rusk ii county. Ala., will basuid. in the t..i'ii • '<• tl. on l'ue#da .tho X21 o 1»®.-Me’.. r t.e rt. f r i-h the following pruper- ty Ttie wr#l iHl nt f t# uuiuber H7 and S4, uokf o«>. .it .. t by ' II W hi:‘-burst; the east t»»l of Yds nun.I . t-,o ! ■ M-d by J, K. i»l#- dci.s; #!••>. tot* number *2 ur,d <1. fronting LmG' .-treet. in the town «.f (J ranj; ' lollowingmutrot • P - *try. v woman uS f (I rani: also, tho man hS years of old; Martha. *fS v • -Ids WILLIAM C0PKLAND. Jr.. <urt orormnory of .111>* soli bafafi® the i.umpkin. on Ibc first ••yt. two thirds % y.**u; ut • years old. mkL b«r Ann, belonging to Jonu Id .—old tl• tn • property ' il.rr i it M'hit®bur®t, decMaed W. F WlilTKUlJtMT. ffx’r. by J.M. WORSUAM. agent. MtR "U POSTPONED SALE. • ’ ;. In i.utter. iusaid «ounty. ontu« br- •. y-Jayin January uext, a negro 7* • I Hi N . b • rr.guvi tu the rotat# of J. | ' Kt'RWI A. VHATTAllv.' Ijr W here..# Daniel Math u ol adtiiint#traUun “it the i •• t It’ U D : ter* •»! admin■•((*;mt ..i- .a- ^rJunkfy't • l.Vh’rel Vi . . th«- ; ' t M oidi» ‘i.l- Ibis »rd"r l>® pubL.-'u j i. : ru *;;;-; r j “u y ismh • x‘ i'"*'/"'"'''. 1 ( tA\iL th.#d..y i». i;. .. \J thee t..tc . I Pi.-har.l .- . tile.t hi- :•■ •'OOlil ul.d v luontof his i:’i.ird't.iii i i t thn Second .Mott l.»y iir !»• been M|>|>olnU«l by t>i“ l i . term oi lb® Court -il..t wins if they think nrop-r. tlivtn under mv linnd, at of November, A. D. lv*'.. TUrState at . t/aiim** Jn Ptobutr , /.* , f 1 AAI F this day Breen F. ! Vy the c-flste ot tlm u.h Lyrn. deceived, and hi i voucher* tor tho (louI settle iaitahip ot said csi.it<' . uiui ; In December next, havim; tli# Court for ex ktaiiuiiK. ... the lame, notice i» lu-ichy r mteroslod, tn appear ,»t t'f aforesaid, and contest th-- November, Given under my hnml, n to. ii. WADDn.r. D. lfi&l. nov 24- wSt |A T*s State •/ .#/■•* Juduv.dTr. 1 i- / tbeeslatc o| JuliaL. ILw' i aud th# Seu'Mid M" ing been appointed hj t term Of the Court same iftheg think Proper. tiiven ungcf my h ind, ut November, A. D lS«7't. _ m>vli4-w3s» QKUHBI A* M b .-COt, t-1 ■'ie estate of *e of said c ^ All pers*>'i adtnluijtrutio second Mon.it, . Git en nndar my hand, DM3. Nov. 21 ivn GEO. II. W VDPULF, • Ida* lfN I Y. I i.'» lOUN JOifN'rON. NO'J'ioi: l KT'rKU< of aduiitu-11 u IJ Laban K. M " •!•-■ - 1 tHiintd to tho uu ler*ig»" I i" l'r»bat« jot Ru.*.keli c ■ i t r. etaims against said c tbciu within th w di be barred jiKolUil.V TAYI.OR tootnt®, and n« person h within the t! JOHN U. HUUBAUD, a Uourge. Josephine i m-d pt*c«. { ,U Ktt'so. «hild. . o«t y-ua ,n AUu,v. A (I iii I ii 1st vat nr'# Sal*. \ liRLUARLX to xn order of th® C.»nrt of Y Drill:i,ir> fayh-t county, Ouorgia. will ■ •r :/t . t tt ' art Uuitao .l®<»r in tbs town '•t Bu l';'y. “t\ th® first Taea- j 11 J.witiarv n* • '•■. tWee-i lI'^.FfiftU hours F. ' i- t. ' • • ■ . -longiiyg to tlio e*i*tc ot H. D. Dwight, Jr . do.oared. O'Y. Terms made known on day of sale. J H DWIGHT, sen, _m'v "fd• J J n Adm*r, after date, application will of Ordinary of Stew to -«-lI the land Oelong- •••f dared 1. Ball, dec'll. De- ■ ■ "i Iron, f;.j. Rie«utor*i Sal®, I ,h # ff* 1 Tuesday ia January 1 next, at the Court Homo in Hamilton, on® a#-«ro man hy the nameuf Nelson, a good k®e«® •arpcnltr and colored workman. Terms made known on the day of ®al® M u. I IICDSDN, KxMator deciMds* of the estate of K. II. Beall, dM’d. ft in ROTA. <B ATTA HOOCH HE COIN'TY- V, ” W. Ht;i..p spplias <e me for Utters of «F 06 i rit# and admonish all u#c if any they Wav# hed hy statute, why su ot he framed. JAMES CASTLEBERRY. Ordiaary. Administrators' 8ai®. A GRERABI.Y t" au .-rder of the Court of Or- n dinar) ..t 1 ay lor county, wii. b® sold b®for® U)* Court ll-;u..- i .. r . iu Butler, on tu® first Tuesday hi February next, between lh® legal hour* ol sale a negro girl j^ed 12 year#, belon- aing to the estat® of Benjamin Cafdw®li. d®«'d. B*Jd lor ta#benefit of tb® he rs. .be terms made kno* . , JOHN U.CACD WELL. jl«el. tvlt Administrator. : : " » God lu<#aap|di®d t >r letter# of uimiaMir*. boa on the « said county, All p«r*ont t<> show cams T o() GilA> HARRIS, Adm’r. / ;LDl;.|] Y-rTRWARTCOUNTY.-Wt 1 •*, !! ! ! ' M Jenkins applies J«»r IctU.. ... •uardi.-viiahip f.-r the per»on and property of the '<rph <t.* \udretv J, Pruther dec'd, and n.inur- under li yean of age, rfi#iding in t»id ■ noLfiy all concerned -hey have, within th® ‘ * "> law, why said letters should tul in office December 7th J. L. WVMiiUllLY, Ordinary. W inlh®_... _ on the ti- ; Xu- iiv in d.i. u .ry. ^.Tpafeat Itvrr watch. I i , a'er ptsl-l. 1 «F.nWl® barrel shot rim 1-.-.i t ,- Lertrd >n as the property of Joint li < if • -e. U aati.-ly the oo#t ®n suadfr fc fas rn.uv.-u liotv I si. .'cus* »>r Loart. v ^ J STALLINGS, Sh’ff. nsr. Mth. Itti d®#2-aad Null®* tu Drlito's anU ( rc4lioi#. A 0^ '•■ ^ ' !, iodebiod to the c*tnt® ofSuiah ' sJhoun. late of T db' c cyunty, d«c< hereby reqanted to ingk* intnediatv i'V 4«n»n4* against sflor the public.»ttoti ot valid objection Isinudc tu b Given under my hand an- this vl day of N uvomher. 1' nut &, U'X[. GEORGIA TAYId'R « '>• ■’ Court ov Orpiii «nr, N-'V. i T J. UUI V. < trdinary.i 1 othcisl si«;i#i*r J "j. J. TU FF. tl tition of Klixnhcth (Jarroit BB'**-•»»• f; -tu tli. ®f Jam*# tiarrot 1 the luiumiistruti'M’ "• —iNioufctid, «'■• only. • lt is ordered that all person* « ’ ' miss, if any, by tho next Jm l ,: ' J C*art, t why said letters *koiiid not extrart from the minutJ* J. J. Ill I V granted.^ Coart, this ,*i N oveinBur - - ,t. j . now 5,1S«S. Ordiasrr- i yj to „ti it, . .t < - ■ •• Nancy Underwood ia* appli* It , of Aduiinlstralion .thee» ■*' Uuderwod, Fite -.f >j-.d eour.ry. dr- ^ ■•allies interested, whether kt.i - *r tors, to show ciui«o. if any tho ' ^ tli® tim® prescribed by law, wb).l* ttu* * ■* nut b® granted to s aid applicant Witness tuy hand Doc. 7th. 1 *s a . , JAM lid CASTLKIiLKft). d®®I0-St jiweinat* Th® Hlate of A la t»< in a. Rise well County 1* Prhnatk Cut kT. Jauuarv T«rin. !.'••< ftA.MK thU day Clark .'Uni \J tor tU ban it ana of th® -•uti J usto e. dtc J, .i.i J ulol tiL appointed P/tbr'*:r I<« i Yuri atorc*uid, a i under iny hand. twins proper. tiivOn und«r of Nuvtmber, A. V- decl(V-»3t t office, tho 27 th •« G’WO MONTHS an- L h®r«A'*.o Vw |L« ordinary ■ Ga„ lur leave to sell a near #*tat*<,i W..u. Mitchell. -I,, wunty, deceased, , .pjur. IM m m**» Inmcdlatc ia®ot and p> t » hari, ,- denied* ags said deceased, will reader tbm in agre®®b| 3 |j-!« . DrtSO.I^ffl Adm’r#. G A° Biiln 1 1" ’’ ,! *b C01 ! N TV .— Sam uel "T-.f #J«‘L« l *tra»or#rilhth# wilt. A* . •atitlmiV r C *1r-'^•having filed kis icr teax® to i lfiid d^, a^,l- 81 ° flh ° re41 * iUt * ! ••I>*l0#«™g.tothc7 of .a.d B«aj. V. Nen.u-lio Admin ( - A# ef J . estat® of John A. N’uunt-lle, deei-.**e<L *PP they hara! wh; - ngto i , , i Therefor® all persons concerned i hereby notified t® naufirdtOfhow c»u»--if any they I xa*iitO(UuW causc.u auy th«y h*' ihoul ' n " '.I- *1 J ♦*'**»r’ war #n oraer a» erd.r granting said Admini*tra* -r wtration -t miG tan- ,-i-ut«| not h® xranted - Term * , 7m V t l h * 1**E *#id n®gro®, should to wjid applicant at the court of Ordinary^t# U t,df - ,t-■ fA n * r r. to Wa h®ld id Coart of Ordin held iu and for said county. r ,i , -"-loouut), auiuortxtng the sal® of said ««aaty on the 1 hold iu aud for said county dec!2-5t JN0.’ JO UN SON. Ordinary. . to be held in at. GKO. W. MC LLlNi