The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, January 03, 1826, Image 1

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lS»*f*rtu :** ttT*M*W *• ~*M*-J**3 '»-«*V2U-W*T «v - .'A* *r*«**r*k /r -* A . *...• .•«*«-« 4. .• ■ -t— ri - rT -,-'-‘ r| .„.,. „ kßk . •i^»— ■— i • 1 *z. T zz* •*••',’• ■ “‘ " . ****\ ,/f . * r * v,IrT “ L ;-^ nt • • *•*- i ..■■•• ,\.~t •-» . i h ■irt 1 " w. r ■"■"ris: -1 i r of Uui political evils, every Couotiy, in tHt world Illumd-?. ,u-«* t to rtin rea)< . n f :V}' '.V 5ER1E5,...... To)' 111. AUGUSTA, TUESDAY MORMN.O, JANUARY 3, 183 G. - j^j f , . No . 55, ■O/ i>Waa>lßer;-Mm»»:L o ■ tff arw.TKnrr n f .a. .it , | £an.fif#tuttonal^c OULISHKD KVEIIV TUESUA Y AND FIUBAv! BY \Y. I. BU^CE, AUGUSTA, OfC. On Consignment. ' Virginia Tobacco, No 1 & 2, ' Colton Haggin(f, 4* loch, ■I u general assortment of /IIVIMCINE, Oil y HVihdotb Glass Putty j Sfc. £j* c, l . 1 in S iccifi ■, for (told*, Cotjgf i, (Jon •m &c —And Swaim* Celebrated i’anacea FJU 3.U.F. 11* lif i. Wm H, Turpiu. f i Deceit.ll'T '•» 3t T 51 l.Si-.IX’SCK ’ mm»\ The Subscriber HiV ju t ' 4l>«OINTX)) Alt KIT OF Till; iHIOTECTION (if iuii rr >iio,’ ccVn bcriciir, And wil ink • HSks, atTrv lowed •ate: of pro , miuTH. on 13UIf.’d.NtiS and GO )l)S, of every) descrptFjji i| uudy Insured. [’era ,nl '. a dista .co eau bo I • ■.r-cl, on fur iiVuing jMe.uvnts of tlifc riik.3 by or o'hjfi.-ise. \Yhi* 1 Gould, K’, $ o <fi. (iron I St, ret. Lecefiber 90 < ’ 3n 51 I a I:« , , AM) COMMISSION S VO UK, No. 325,‘HAtD ID-STRRET. 2 , .tF. Sub i-nln r con-buies I . tr:uv a citin' AUG 1 TION and COM’iMIbSUtN I'.U Si \fßti. .inn < will in be liberal udviqpc a on Co oieuK ;j ; , A. Hu Kg. I O 'tob r2l ';h )4 Thc'Sll))-:! libel’ |.ijt^tßßJSs‘'!i}f;-..*(livices tor, la an 1 ibo * " ivrbhc, ■ visell!i,, and sbip’ying cnrrojV. nis on nnnng Uootn is ai v■i. (o tbn WViroii-ytise ot Mi. \V. !?. Slndio:', t, art, Bi’w}- ■«>.' 'fW- uo. C.uitelou. IVfTvcmber '■ 4 ] , and a OJlMlQtfl O V li USLVESS. ; . , ,t; . ”|%HB undo' igned bogs leave to tender bis ror vices jai: |{ie pubi o generally, in tbo ahovv iine of busii>j,s» f-be pledges II to use *1! .1 j. i.;-3 -ce, glveibers nal tUention, and io exert dim ■■elf in tiic best of bis abilities to give get frl gut . action a’pd i ifpnii' l a the into rent of all those that miy thinl<y»i l 'ip. rto favor inn with their cus m. LibiMdjjUvar.coa will be mu! ■ c i ail pro •luce < Ids 'charge, ddt; for sale, ex portntion, oY o 1 ’■ •', aid facilities in all cases ('va/nn rcf tllreelj .v,il be aftorded; liiat but few •iiiiei s inline can t <]Ma), and none surpass, A'l orders s«ll|je ilunkfully received and promptly a‘tended t' 1 . Hi! In V;' 'h 'I U • ’>• Wu • "s. l at tfie fopVdf'lSe bi id,; *, (better known by the name of “ Geitdi’s Warehouse ,”) its situation be-l "ing immediate j •i;inn the ne-,u wharf it thereby affords peculiar advantages to shippers, stn, The whole having lately unde jfoine aftMnplc/fe and thorough repair, is now jn coioplcte'nf?/!' f.r die reception of all kinds’o! 3p;xia<», m Tchan l zc, fvC. Mis close stores ere .Sieknly, at core, and perfectly safe. Wm. 15. .Shelton. b . Vt,* dy Tob'Cco h ipec'.inn in (be ci'v i also IJepi at the above Warehouse : and frail Cobaccp of iwjhst quality, inspe rted here during i he ensuing : t rson, 1 will give • ix dollars per bun red, and in the tame ratio for the more inferior r|i»; lilies. W. it 3. Sepjeuibcr 50 25 liUAIUEII YAUTVUuAUE AND Co in m iss io n ll us i n ess . At his*obi stand in Sa< annuli, near the Part, and is preparfcd to n the, suitable advances upon ail prqduoc placed In his hards for sale. John Everingham, jr. Apr) 13 ng THE FOLLOWING c;f Tin: most approved forms Mat] be had at this Office, a —ro wit: MAUIU ACK l.ic. ■ u. a, do. Bonds, Ad r. I nit , trillion do. L. 1 ’ feitanientary, do. o ‘ (aiian.n.nship, do. if .■•• nuiusiraii >n. do, of Ap p. ai-c " ent, do. I-usim V, liecognifctnct's, Sub- 1 pun is, Bids of Sac, ■’• .■. .i sof vtorncy, H an). Deeds of Convoy an Sh. Tiff’s Titles, [Mad Li • cencea, I’atroon’s ceipu:, Mer! rages, A ; prcn' lice s’ lndeiifttres, See. U", j wlujk' attra], MANAGERS’ OFFICE | Hy Authority of the Slate nf New-York. SPLENDID If LOTTERY, !• To be Drawn in the City of AVw- York. \ on the 4th of January, 18:2G, AND FINISHED IN FIVE MINUTES. 4;5 NUMBERS -6 BALLOTS VO BE\ DRAWN. Ench Ticket haviay; 3 Nuinbcrs in L’oinbinaiion. I J. 'ft. N.ates & A. M.Tut'ji'ft, ‘ managers; SCHEME OF THE NTvf -\ovk iAUicatute class 3, for 1826. Hid UK ST PRIZE $ 100,000 i i TKI7.E OF 850,001) is 850,000 I do “ 20,000 is 20,000 1 do “ 10,500 is 10,500 |, « do 5,000 is i 0,000 d do “ .2,500 is 10,00<) .!<• do “ 2,000 is 20,000 39 do “ 1,000 is 39,000 ‘ 78 do “ 500 is 39,000 1 ( '8 do 100 is 46,800 4,446 do “ 50 is 222,300 | 5,051 Prizes, 8567.600 I 9,139 Blanks, Less than two blanks to a Prize. PRICE OF TICKETS. % Whole - 850 Quarter gl2 501 LLalf - - 25 Eighth 6 25) Ims is the mast msg.i.licent So'ieme that has l ’••:r been clicrcd for the patronage of he rrieudaj ;,o. Lottery adv< a-uro in America. I’he c.m.dl, .uii.bu'of tickets, and d..; uncxiorgded demmdl dcr them, h a sufficient w’irrant, itia : there will; -I he o ch :noe left, for weeks Leiioo the d i_v Ex.l S'l for the drawing, ua ! 'ml the * ce of ’’rick-! i il s will ah Jttly rise to „ 50. j dj’ tienlleuiM arc tin refote requested, to be) c.uiy in ..r.r s,.piicft!'!o!i, as ail Orders acam!i_, mail .1 before die r!s t v.i 1 !>■.: ci.titled to be pdi d afllv; j.recent r?.icr, I * Notes cf the Hank of d ■U. Slates a:;.! Hs! PI ranches, and, generally, i!i.; Notes ul all Ha. i;s. M. i nay specie, receive.!:' p.f A.s i, Mercantile Dr ifts at .aglit. on an)'of the I' if. and f: .' I ,'ta ~1 frec'y ill •' pay’ll (.mi;. I All Letters to be poel pa 1. 'I ’! oe Mails m«v b; n.l.e lon as being p;rf ctly •*f fm a 1 i emittancc . YaLcs & H asldng'on C ty. October II 12t r .) rtank ot Hainbui , g , ) S. C. Ui,'->;m it mi i 6, 1825. \ rrOIIVUNC to 111 ! terms of tales, on the 13'.h ) ■■•! Jai.miry and 23 1 of February list, of Lots I■ Uu TUir.V of II.IMIIURG, ss a vciiue.l by ..Henry hlmllz, tfiejirxt year’s interest, on the se-uen ■ J. . ri'itl stock, cpt ated by tUcs,; sales, will he due •tins Bank on lltc 18 h m January o.d 22d Febru . ary, ; 826, !n bersuance of the. i.” ;r rnd condition of the ' deetll of contract, the Hills cf this Hank or spe cie, will be required i i piymcnt. Joint M. ' Cashier. December 20 4,1 t 5[ ;! Noru’E. Will be Rented, AT (lie Market-House, <m tits llii ltfia *i!st I itfcsc’ay in January ik x‘, U,e .j Ikcbmond Hotel, until the first of | —ALSO ! Two (.enciuciiis adjoining, pnd the .Store C't the Hroad-s'ieet. Uented lor! Recount ot the estate oT >l. <J. Ijeavenswo* l h. Samuel Ilule, Adm'r . J>r c* 23 52 W i L ia 13E Rib.STE!), ! A T the Market-House, in the ’ ’'iV 'iWj. nity <>f Aogu-ua, o- Hie first Tues i 'Gy In January next, for one year.i Hie UOUSEvau] LOT on El!ia-street,| ibc property cf Miss Hotard. . | H* order of the Cuuit of Ordinary of Rich-! mond cimiity. Isaac Herbert, iVk. i Dec mber 9, 18'3 5t r 4a tiTbe rented On a Building Lease, JferiL THREE Lots, fronting Waik ■J(» Mir V H '’“'kins Streets, opposit ito ’be OHtliofic I’arsomige llouse. The sfLots adjoin ckcli other and will lx ,ct • r a!! together, as may be dnired. w. W. Holt. SeplembfT 22 I’D R-ENT, ikk. Eroni the first day of October •rex', lor o- year, the Mouse and Lot on Min o;. 8 rec, '.'.'here Mr. I’airick Ke’lv now lives , Apply io Robert D. Ware t rto win \V. Moil i-ntsau li. Ware. ■ August 2 ~ - j i !Vault Heeds ot ( •mveyauce, ■ FAIT.T ON UUMI IMCFB Tor sa’o at t/us Office » - .t. ;%ai .*y*sauiMi\mj^»L'>~*xm. SJIBW i ' r wK.vj'jJiM e\"S r./V : -UA’COij E. 'fi. 1 I‘.->>:li>i■■. Cniof tub.;’, H'.mi'mi 11 g_ di-l rrr l ill :I r ! -is conduct itl C'SB Os W- 1 . the] UOH'I I'V (' S L, M, 111 i. ‘ * 3f-. 77//: HEF.ISUHES OF F.)>r \ flU‘, |" Poem, bv Jnuw'v M'llenrv. . I u: souvßjmt or p/ari/itiwr. rot ’•« El' Dl lE)' containing a.i Alw \idc, ruhM nr 1 its Foe mein irai.Ja, I.horary *el atwn-, ftc .• i iL.Jfi, §4 (W. 1 Jut 1 ecahvc! uni.’ for nile by ' ■ I Thomas b»iogt#r. ] so. 2JI. nnjriii stukkli. December 30 3t j ' I • , JIVAVV &FA EV a» AND foil SALK lit HORACE EJY. jvXA U’OLF.ON and lha Gr.uiJ ar('y ri U usia, by 1 A J lien .Gimrgaud. Babylon the Great, ' | Pile troubadour, by L. K I, autlr, rof the, f mprovmtfiot'. The story of a Life by the &\ l ,r of Uecol lections of the Peninsula.' I'h ' Drpuans, an Auu nca’l t'de. December 13 t *i NEW YojOc | Comb and EaruH Store. CARLTON & ’ ’OOX, It-ying taken the stand -recently . coui.i id n at by Mr. Halter, thei,' doors below '.lie. Hank, OJ'er ut wholesale aul retail, t .V fl •„ r„ ; jfc price# 1 A LARGE ASSOHTMEAT OK Fit FnlUrmng articles,*>h : Shell, Ivory, Mock Tty tuise aul i HORN COMBS. —ALSO Aauey CONSISTING IN PART OK Il.llcules or vari >Us patents,- 'tettaik* firings 1 .Coral, Wax, Jet and Glass Heads a 1 [•; . *] c I lace?, Neck Chains, Waist* «u It), i, Iba'v.dets.! | Clastic St.el Husks, Hsu Pins, Poults dil ■ * ts. Silver I'himhles, Sielldj. Lead l ent,'l . r.'n.yn.m', j Mahogany Ink Statute, bn ift'll. xes, .• i-,lete : lasao bnent, Cloth, Ufcir and Tooft P us’ , i. Con | versa*ion and Highlander Car !s, U •<s • and I Paste, lewsHu-ps, Pocket Light ,pm i.i.- •) French; ;Soap,-, .Vimlsor a* d common do. P untuums, Eau | Admirable l)e Cologne. WviwVa.VvA’n .Mvvea zwx D\V ! for preserving and beautifying' 4,.e ha; . j . —also ; Opodeldoc, Jirilish Oil, Baleiumi'a 1 Oroj .. O.i .-I V/ormsecd, St mg'.iiut.ii K! ,:.d Essences ■ til kinds, &c. &c i Merchants and others, wish; gto purcha .c any of the above articles, will ,i „i it much to ad vantage to ca-1 at th.; ab. v - •rilishmcp Augustus Kuov, - pi, Jlgeut. | Dec- mber fi A 7 WARRANTED , 01 STERBo '| r |'ll(C Suh.vrib, r ofterg to sell good pickled <! R- t>V'S i SiKS, by the Uarrel, II g- , • Jar of all • .si: er—Also, by ti e Gallon and .smaller ipun'iiv, •which lie warrants good and pound. Ho ,ii keep them constant through tliejsesson, as .. edi . ua they can be got and at at low prices, F. (Jarre, l .It (He sign of the b’.tckhom, i/Jipir tn.! of . lit owl stree'. December 30 :3i 5 | H&J&S Sf AIUEAANMIA. ; PKI’IB HAMS a .si MiDI.INGV, Just received and ft,; y Thomas 8. Metcalf, ALSO 150 Casks Stone .LiVIE. I October 11 2.5 A NEW SI PI CK UK BAN!) ROXKS, just received nr Ik Picquet, 'j Nivcmbe- 25 44 L COTTON iNhUKANLL, I j llow ird Insurance Company jfNn- York. A will Insure Cotton and other Proper.y a JgainM the dangers of ih? Iliver, &c. between An- Igusta and Savannah and '..'hade: ton, by their Agen'. i A. Camlield. Jtugua'a, Nov. 25th, 1825. Ini 4 1 V? NOTICE—I will attend at my office, South-east corner C t Cad. evety dn> 'rem two to live o’clock. P. 1., d , r g hi month es January next, for the [nr >■ , i c-i ving returns of Unable property with, the ciU ,of'', (*■ M. Walker, Cleric c.c. December 27 .5,; The Subscnher has taken an CFfIOK, in the lower tl,iy of Mr. I . Cum. niNo’s Build'ngs, nt ir the I'm -Office. IV: pio- 1 poses to practice in the Courls (>f Washmgten,. -’criven, J< ffersonj Burke, Columbia and Rich jmotid, & in the federal Circuit Court tor lb org.a- Robert Raymond Reid. December 2 5 jj 1 laodE. auv\ JoM FcniiViui, i Neatly F.rta led at l/ia ((/’o:. ! DIMOCK & MAhSH, * tßercfiant CailaiLs, AT THE AUGUSTA i ®uiypamw iw y a js, , No,'i64, Ih’Diid- fi'ecl, 1 Wi. riiHinv RKCKtvi.n, n-n. niK i.t-.-i tkw.. •toir ". I i < e UVil fn sh snyfj of— READY Ai.Vlif CLOTH! AC, : ■ -He SSJtsT I?: OK - ’DI l.’H air.l lihie.k Ure>s C .a. •, Coat.ei, ditti rent ooloru, Blue, H1.,( k. and i'anc.v coi >red ■ a itjilouna, B’ue and Siluck Clnjli , Suk at.d /’ancy ditto, ham., r • patterns, Hi gup Pantah'in. ', ■■ .t .:,. ■ t Cuate,- ; ~i: i Par t I 1 ,), ns, tic. All of Pie ab .va Garments have been oC-i ilie laient New.Vni ii (itsUiuns, Pi rsohs w.-cili.g) •to *. wiU to (lieu,..elves the pleu.sure luj .cell at the above store. , Oetnbor 7 30 r- _ _ Kolvco. JVILIAAiU KIKWE, - ojipurmnity of ml inning Ids |,-lends A. iiul the c, that he lias entered i>,* > Co. partnership with Mr ,linns, of Savannah, date of tin: House of hi 11,..;., Hi! i (J IV, Hi, ,<,r the jpurposo ~f carrying on t,n: biufln sas | DRAPERS AND TAI.M)RS, ' . T; the Ci.y f Jitfiitt i, two noons um, v. ms o ii. nvistv. '.Vlieie (Ikv intend keeping ! p unr.| su|)[dy| of 01 0 i -3, CASSIiIEHKa «j iGO oi.S. of aIP deseviplion i, usually k..p- ’ey Ih-isesof their pro-1 j Cession—u.,d .it the -amu time r.a uie tli, pub-j lie that mi tin e nor pains rluii b w„nli to 'suit lliuse who ■ ay cal! o f the !!■ m Well-. A. K lithe. ' ! October 11 31 | NEW CI.OTiIING. j i j IB- ais«a®t ; IS OPENING A LARGE ASSORTMENT OK j J BIuOTSiINU ' H hr:,, r. niUi'.c u/) in a wovlciiir*ii-/i/ce mrinxar, and ' • ’/ the bust male! ials : ■ p and Clack stipe - , fine Coat", 1 Do. do. 2d Q i-lily, H Clip*, Claret, Oiive and Parson’s gray ivtaed Frock Coal- 0 , Blue and Drub Hex Coats, ; Goiter sos dificreii'. « ua!i‘leA, Youths’ blue and black Gouts, Cassini--re and Cloth Pain, loons, to 1 ' almost ;.ny I ;d ■ - 3 iWg .. .. i j hrtno l, C r.l.Tiy 1.2 prnuo ba.'g up dn. • ' y lilue a-tii JPa-.-k cl »tli Vo to, French, tn ha & IJnglis ‘lk \ -t l , I fiilit Velvet do. ti' ral var' uty of Fancy do. I : Linen, Coll .n, h illed and PUin Sos ' , (sun j j' very fin. .) . Kuiced, t i. on and Worsted Drawers, 1 Worsted aid f.amb’s wool knitted Shirts, Fine '1 mne! Shirts and Drawers, Ladies’ ijle kr, )'» tan and Camblc-i Jo. Fe .rhought great C- at a, Silk Umtji alias, Boys’ and Mens senhskiu Caps, j Gentlemen and Voutii’s Hula, 1 Hotieiy, Gives, See. ALSO, , II >us servants Goatees and I aiila'ouns, | i Wi g-u Jackets unci Trowserr, Check’d, s‘ in’d, at d coa-ae ii ;rn 3hir „, Guernsey . roc.ia, I lied flannel Sliir'.s. Tli T JUiOVE an ODE I Will be disposed ot' wuok-a',- and ret. I, t.'.j prices. No.. 231, unoAu stukkt, Three duurs above th.: I‘ust Office. I October 21 34 N OTIC 1 , A ii. d •!•-••.ived i,y mutual consent on lire Ist d r >f July last. The Vtshieaa of said concern ui i: 'be closed by Parish, Conittm. Sc Co. to w'rori alii ■h. Jcbted are requested mak pr.yment. I)*” tel Parish, Ta> cr Curni" Parish, n.k k Co. Charleston* l | v w 2m .j 4 CUP ARLAN ERH DIP. "ffj I’3’MIF. Subsciihers liave form-d -a partner 1 ship umNr the fa m of I'A.f: i, CilHMN'dj k CO. and w;;i tran.tact bus! 'he t-lrl r*aiid| »f I). Punsn h C>. wh'-re 'hey . . ven-w op*i. - 500 Packages EtUple and t'ancy 1 a>at ®®®a)s, I Compi'''ling a complete a ■sortrne ». win ;> all . be sold on luvorahhj term-'. [ Daniel F iiA I? j .lasper Cm mu 3, Joseph Arriiutiiaii, T'lioiniii Parisli. 1 I Charleston, Oc f . Ip 7 it» DI j Candle Manitdfictory. . l MB snbtori.ber has on Iran i as our* ■ C 1 N • Df FT as ever was i ado in G - i ..a, i KIGU ( 1 I'EKN CBN I H pi i pnitnd bv «• ’ .. i, U. Payne, S .'dl doors bdoiv the • rktl. 1 Decemhf rl3 E v t A'J V’ov Ba\e. 1 .1 LIGHT J .!!OUCHL,an l match of g. till I ,/■ Horses- inquire o( *ht I’rii.U -. Novetid... r 16 41 THM FOURTH DU AWING OK THE AUG ( STA SWzwmit LOT I'EliY \ % wvuv., Vml luh rcsu!te* 1 in leaving the Wheel Rich in Ui’tuuV V v\nU,A l?v*, IN A MOST UNI'A.TAU Kf.El* IJK.UIIEK. T!;e highest prize drawn .it (lie Ith Draw ing is ft 10(1, THH FOLLOWING | Splendid Frizes 11RMAIN UNDRAWN, ; i I ri/.n of g.JO.OpO 4 IVi/.es of SSOOO I Prize of aiJ,Ot)U I Prizes of 1000 0 Prizes of 10,000 lOPriz 'soV .500 He salt's a gnat number of S lOO’s, gSO’s, and 10 DAhtr Prizes). 1 Many very Lucky numbers remain un old, and may be had until further notice, at (lie following prices : Whole Tickets, 81 ( 00 Halves, :> AO Q.uortci‘B, n ~j APPLY AT TtEERS’ No. 24i, Ijuoau-Street. J. S, Heel’?, o 7 ,y ioetary to the C'.mmissinnm, j Dfcember 1G 5q ! MV (UNO &"inlanT>' I ASI 11 dJI 77 OX IXS UFA A ’CE. I THE aifcUUANUiii’ I JJ i\ r iht.ip Ayunt, will /usurc Co!K.n, cVc. Iron fly VugnsUi, vi;». !.rtv;r,nali cp G'lnrlfslon, to my ,{.ol*o in tii*. Uiiile-I blau*at tf;c ’■ am * r.Tei» of j>r<s* } ‘ ‘ m > ' l, i f -!) t'}n ii by il.o Jtotmranco Ollico In N :\v iYurk. 1- J'FM'Fi iLir-il-jou# /. ■ 7 >' r . • 1-2 7 ' [ ' f 110;Vi AS UAS|N{7ioi{7 No. 321, Broau-stht.kt. Hits just deceived, ! T Hk ATM Nil m :oov".t-.;i:, a rhmtmss i il. and New-Year’s oiler ii g, Or 1826. IMcj j ,-j2 50, I A I’rEiP.iss un (hi- Plirsiol « M Medical tr •■■p. •neni ol Children—by tV.n. I*. Dew*.-:*. IV J. I’i ice $4. JUanuiil rj Surgical O/xnuium , contain g thr oe w n.Ulioc.K < t opr n,lii g, devoid by l,i»iranr, jbv J. Coster, M. I>. ’he t rnr.s irj a and notes by ■loho >. Goodman, M. I). I Vo(. I r.c gl 25. LS.)— , A Variety ofrvher new publics ions. School !ot;k j and Madonaiy, all of which are clLre l on 'die lowest terms. | December 27 2t • SI j HICHtVIOND AOADE \! Y. y-ptlis Seminary will be opened ms the fir I . ' !l snar in Jm ’ary next, u ider (■ho super jilt •n...!ix jf Me. tfiumr aid Mr, M00n.,, as Uifreti tore. I ickbts of admission, may bo ob it;";.' •] from the subscriber. ls!t Herbert, Clerk. In the I'.o r <l nf V, iiii'ca r. The sulnon'ies’ will continue jin tl am, rlniemf nee of the llichmood / iy, .i ud a so.; tbic successor it* procured, provi i " but period does n;t exceed the Is of April tv tl. II.; therefore so'i .its the return of nil hit i» pup* s, that he in anew his a.sidni y i * me !tnri-a£ r r u • l , v hat lit y have uin-ad/ to-..' lenct iin o dTccii n. W. T. Braitlly. I ’ wrioer 3 j 54 inrpvovcA VjuUlu L’vvsrt. 1 I*A IKM I’ h ' itljf beep d' . ’or.d for ho im- Apr v.-d *' ;l',:i : t’re: . ft r j Uinij cotton in. to s<inr.tbales, l!i ; subscribe>•. who ous beert appointed I y tb« proprietors oiler i tins pi-i-’i'f pp; of no.kin -in d nsinr- Utc at me to crm.- Ipmi sor o • vMu ..... !■< rC> cr ipUon and term-. - ., )■ t Ay nl this oft-t, pr ‘ii Uuht id, S! ahbershtun. . rent ./■>/* the Profit x. S van no h. Sov -*npi' ■ i .1 4 I FOIL CliiuA , J . \ KlNi'i <W and S AI);) I, M !10U V., between ‘ l\. li.eatid .v ju-ii old vtbi h -•/ill b- hi.l ‘ -■in .10, if dial :■ application i:; mode. Kn<|nir« lat this olfice. IJeeember 2 > St 52 Notice. j ATI Mi months afterdate, apple a,ion will (># A 1 made to the Justices of das Inferior Court <f Sctive County, whom Bitting for Ordinary (purposes, ‘.or leave to sett a Certain tract of Land joo.iiuining two hundred acres being lit the conn ysi raid, belonging to the Estate of Caleb b well, decease:!, fur the Lei > fit of las lieirr ind creditors of the s.tid dec ast-d. Mahala Howell, Aden N , Juni 13, lS2i, Itidhp l<‘ !