The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1878, April 23, 1878, Image 1

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4 inset THE l INSTITUTION PUB. CO ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FOR THE WEEK ENDING TUESDAY. APRIL 23, 1S7S. No. 43, Volume X TERMS OR the CONSTITUTION •JJSLfffiSa. "■» tlO; .11 JjJJJ*- I' taltbira aoulu *J. tanbl. la ad WKKKLV JWTIf*. pghlWM m Ttawtora, ZSy-Mrm' ** ,Ui “* u “ 11 <**• r>»M. la BXIdH.TIONII.-lMk al th. print'd labrl aa •** t*t*t; It* data Ikanua >lwnr. wb« th. •oWr'p.l™, «ipt,m reward th. A FREE LIBRARY. I»B.» r.r Mr*, Wo. and i hlMr.n-BMd, Krad. Kp aad Tnra Work. Mark. Work I SUNDAY-SCHOOL. AL COXVMN1ION. Openli.K ftwylff Bt? rolqalti Elected Pre«ld*ot-V»rj Idwmi *■« ^P««cbfa bjr VimiiBi DtlrgaiM Hr special rrnmrmen fa with th** G itUbcr*. at d by buying a»ge nutebm of us- 'eSwUSafi- 1 '“* iMr, ° :!o " ln < 11 i «a < r w«i| »ri»3 l Mjrf.arrf.rac following hooka Get ibrVnbl •fibre; trod tbe mo «y. aad ebocm yoor book There boob* *r» Umntlimm'v >- aad la do to, a .d tor. race at lb> booto siarm $1 SO ©place liar Majest ’•Tow. Br dm H.;, worth Dixon Tbr Ltird of N' rlaw. By Mm OllphanL WoMmt** Tstea of 'he Moat* cm Hord r. Itrll' 4 tbe R*Id. By K * Bt Isr.tyn*. m»nt* o (i) ray. By IImn.rr. A K«v to Ibe rin »«rledg« an-i In of me Holy lb 1 . By J bo IJemy Knot. D D. 1 k Key *o tre Ktowl df • ltd Dr of Chant Uiraray. . Antra..!. By Ilcuj Blunt, Breaking a But rfly. By George L wnm. II ki>r-|too« of Com, ouo< Medicine*. By A J Hand-Honk of Parfurn'*, Co*tunica, arc. By A J Haod BrSk of tto« Tf lieu By A J (Wry. * barlra !»«««*• aa a K-adcr. By (.to rtes Kent. ud M Adair a, etc. By By Kaihinoe Hiaodmi « AiiV By Mri M J Mallary. r»a; or. the Afar’* Iwojchter. a • of Quodlibet By Hon Jotoo P K It is contrary then to the spirit of tbe I coaveotion that the amt of tnyprrpa' MEBTiho of ihk intern aiiob* erly Accredited delegate, should be pot* in question or dispute. We desire to pot tbe northern dele gates precent upon notice, that they will find no iJliberation here. They will find that tbe negro ia fairly and honestly treated. He ia not admitted to that social equality which bis condi tion does not justify, bis welfare ue- maud or his comfort suggeat^tud which denied him in tbe north. But lor all practical purposes of life, be ia given and guaranteed a legal chance with tbe white man. Only a few weeks ago negro mao, by advice of democratic* lawyers .and edict of a democratic judge was admitted to practice at this bur. Georgia will never contribute anything towards reviving tbe irritating race ie- ue which has so long divided tbe re- public, retarded the growth of tbe aouth, subordinated all practical politi cal issues, and put the government, rod derlees and heJplee-, is a whirlpool of passion and bate. Lady B»i Lust and ft Marie Derr !’• By lieary K legale;. Jaw! end Saved. By tbe IL-n lira Nonas. ‘ ‘-By Madame Galao- de Witt By Gea Bitot la 4 vatanra. A Ky to tbe .Na- rat re of Ura Poor Our pci a. By Jl* Nutria. M A A Key to tbe Narrative at tbe Acte. By J P Nur ri© M A. Orrrmau'# Mechanic*. Preparalfos far Death. By Bar O Shipley. Tb-Professor** Wile. B* A tin to L ** aqrrevor. Baesua Wbv. Ilearewlfe'a Dumeotic Bcieor*. Robert Altuuelgb By - K iireddua. 1 volumes. The tjfn#L . Wal icmarKrrae'e Vra b ByUPKwaid. Oj ttoeLur■r*Sa per. By Thoms© Wi son, D I). Uwid'd Lectures to Young Meu. 8*m»> form*. Idem nd KaidoS. Ladiee' It >o« of Flaw re. lodlea* B akof Pot try. Abee- of Ucmliy. By Mr* g E F.raae. A Great Lady. Awiban Page, E*q. As> ee W« toiai.rtb. Ily K Poztoa. A f'Vd’a TrpVt Apd ora A' te-Hell am. if, Mar« laa^wu llartbe-t-r Toetra. By Aaiboi y Trollope lUg.and’a Natural m tar». rluaira «d. Krrullectiona uf P ran* a and Pl.crala iba WrnU Hr II M BrackcsiWgr. Bla. cbe Meyaa-v^r. • ” By C M Baiter, D D. .14 Mow T» * By M K Duke. Bd Ih’a Mlaiake; or. Loft to Ucneif. By Jeasit Wo arm K»aaya»r aa Opttoa«at By W J Kaye. Givau r llrlttoi.i. By V W Diue. Tbe ll«r of Mol reward. II l«to Err kina. By Mm M II Kotolaaon. By OW BaUer. DD. I i It I (lie Mtrack a of Oar Irate, t y Geo jaacdoo^ld. - ex It Bet By i.erl De lef. O d ('oahteee. By K llofcr. t»ld Per y’e Trwvele on Ibe Contlcca . Poll leal Iwir.i o. H at oy uf Netr^eiwey. By J R Sypber and E11 Teat Mooli of Freetnv*oory. Tom l*ipp n’a Wedding True Uwe toy Lady HI Beaoc’erk. Vlclot If- rmen By *r* M. ry A Deaieoa. Wa' r tie dot ■£• dt By "Ji iHiutl " Wtarl* artu ; or In the light of To-Day. Tbe Wife"a Moae ger. Work PI y a d Prudu By Anna If lly.e.*, rajfler. .WrwaaVT.raa * uHiMW'a R-m to Be Ki Tko Meramn and tbe I _ HP aggie In Prrrraa By Whliam Gilbert Ltfeot Gtotl-c B jacflel aa By G» HbiUrd. Among those who congratulated Sen ator Dennis on bis speech in disappro bation of tbe movement of Mr. Mont gomery Hlair waa Senator Gordon, who said "it wee on rood a- tv*n?d be.’* Sknatou Vo Miitokto i.»a become tbe chmi'pi on of tbe Mexican veterans, and on tbe 30 h instant he will en ileavor to push through a resolution directing the committee ou pensions to report a bill to place the names of tbe survivors or of theif wives upon tbe pensioo roll. Mr. Voorhees will ad dress the senate on the subject, and hia resolution will test the sense of the senate. We are glad that the veterans have eo able a champion. W« have nail ail kinds ot congresses almost, but It was reserved for Indian* apolia to summons a national micro scopical congress. It ia to meet next August. Each delegate ia expected to come armed with a double'barrelled magnifier. Tna New York bank* and the na tional banks in senersi, are t>aid to be acting in cor jnuction with the a tary of tbe treasury. While the one contracts the currency, the others operate on the bank discounts. In New York city alone, the volume oj discounts shrank last week, $4,6*10,000 Tliis iqueesing process ia pressing val ura down unprect dentedly low. In stead of a policy cf resumption, we are * getting one of redemption and contrac tion. In another column will be found correspondence between Mr. Whidby, of this cty, and some of the Sunday school magnates of Ohio concerning the admission of a negro delegation the Sunday-school convention, now as sembling in this city. It appears to us that Mr. Whidby baa made entirely too much of a small matter, lie has started a new "out rage” around the press of the nor h and has unintentionally, no Moubt placed the south in a false position. We do no*, believe he would have been sustained in his protest against Arnett by the Iccal c* mmittee, from which, b> the way, he says he kept the matter secret. We are confident that he ia not sustained in his action by the pub he sentiment of Atlanta; or of th* south. We should, of course, prefer U see a full white delegation sent to At- auta from the northern atafe?; i/, how ever, one or two oi them should send a negro delegate, there would be no dis position here to either refuse him bis feat, or (r ghten him into not claiming it. The south has, in all honor and ainct-rity, agreed, if left to herself, to guarantee to the negro hia fullest rights. As is stated elsewhere, our governor—cf Tusiriou* lineage and backed by tne largest democratic ma j mty ever given any man in.G«orgia— has not thought it.beneath his personal or official dignity to go into a n» gro church and preach the gospel to them respectable negro**' find a quiet wel come in cur beat churches, and Arnett would have found an undisputed in the convention it be had presented his credentials. Even if there had been a political sen timent opposed to hia admi*eion,it does seem that the nature of the convention to which he was accredited, should have secured him hia place. The In ternational Sunday echool convention ia tbe meat catholic and liberal body in theory on this earth. It ia the only body in which all religions and men of the denominauope o*p meet, Under SAW FINANCIAL MEASURE* The eastern papers regard the bar gain that Secretary Sherman made last week aa conclusive of specie resump tion on or before the first day of Jah uary next. The syndicate, composed part of several of the greatest houses Europe, has agreed to take $50,000.• 000 of tbe 4§ per cent bonds at 101 d in gold and accrued interest; ten millions once and five millions a month Id the remainder of the year. The pro coeds of the loan are to be devoted to preparation for the reeumption of spe cie payments by increasing the coin re serve in the treasury. Tbe bargain if regarded in New York as a*good one At the time the contract was closed gold waa selling at 100), and the 4} per cent b«mds were aelling in the markets 102* currency. Making allowance for accrued interest, the imarket price gold waa 102; making the same al lowance, the price which the treasuj# got for the bonds waa 102 03. This price was 1* par cent higher than any other bid, and 1* per cent higher than the bid ot the banka. Secretary Sherman "claims'* to have on hand coin to the amount of $90,000, 000, available for resumption; he ex pects to coin $32,000,000 in silver dur iog the year; add to these amounts th« proceeds of the new syndicate bargain, and we have $172 000,000 in gold with which to begin the redemption of th* vast volume of paper money. Thu amount of gold will be the result of s direct inert sse of our interest-bearing debt. Io the operation we lose more in interest than we gain in all the refund ing that has taken piece. It is, in othe> words, an increase of taxation that a ill be severely felt. Ia this effort to force specie reeumption worth whet it will cost? Will the preparations that the secretary haa in mind suffice to accomplish the objar. he has in view? The first question will nowhere command an unanimoo- votq; an answer to the latter depend* mcjC'apon the nature of aobeeqaent legislation than upon anything that Mr. Sherman baa done or can do. We have no heeilation in Baying that resumption is feasible, provided the new propositions of the senate finance committee are transformed into law These propositions are: Finv-To make greenbacks receivable to pay I caiaoma cue* In n and altar iba 1st oi July next. Heoord—To make greenbacks receivable In payaent ot Ura foar per cent, bonds of ibe Ualted Sutra. Tblrd—To repeal the provision to tbe act of January 14. 1*75. which lays tbit as often as circulating notes shall be Is-oed to national banka It shall be the duty ot the arcratary ot the treasury to redeem the legal-leader notes of the Uulfed frates la exet as ot $900 0.0 000 to the amount of 80 per ceok of the national otea so issued to sach bonking u Fourth-That the legal teode-s received lor b tads, customs duties, and from o'her soarcea, shall tw paid out by the secretary to meet tbe government obligations and for currant expen- are. The effect of thla last and tbe preceding proposition U to arrest contraction and to keep the volume of the legal-tender circa , atioc at 1U present figure. We are willing to go atill farther by eaying that under these propositions specie resumption during the current year would be not only feasible but desirable. The east will bow ever oppose these propositions Messrs Merrill, Bayard, Kernan and Dawes of the finance committee, art understood to be opposed to them, leav. iog only a bare majority—Messrs Alii son, Feny, Jones, Voorhees and Nal- ace—to reports bill. Itia believed however, that it will, ae a substitute for the house bill to repeal tbe resumption act, command the support of all who are not interested in squeezing the 1 creditor class. It will generally be ac cepted as the beet attainable settlrmeni of difficult questions. These propes dons aie warmly approved by such conservative journals aa the Columbus Times and the Richmond Diepa*ch. The Times says: "Weare thoroughly convinced that nothing else ia needed but the passage by congress at its pre sent session of all these measures, to re establish spec.e payments or the eqtlixUion of gold and paper money on a firm basis, to revive confidence and business, and restore the prosperity of the country.” The Dispatch become eloquent in anticipation or the acceptance by confrere of the com mittee’a propositions. It says: congress only gratifies Mr. Sherman bv m-king greenbacks receivable for a* dues to the government after July 1st aud slope the curtailment of paper money just at thia very point, resump tion ia an aceomplithed tact. There no reason for postponing the day. As long aa it is postponed people will getting ready for it, and that is a pro- cere which cripples the public energies and postpones.the freedom that must be proclaimed the very day of resump tion. The dawn is upon us, and the ight of the coming day ia spreading over the heavens.'* In troth, the people and their sec retary are within hu»d-ehaking die* tance; and if the east will for the pub lic good yield its disposition to fqueexe the reet of the country, there is no doubt that legislation can be readily had that will, in conjunction with the silver bill, throw the stock of gold into the market, and imperceptibly bring os*to the financial consummation that all desire. The delegates to the Internationa! Sunday re bool eonven'Um cnntlr-ue J to arrive yesterday morning. Tbe Air-Line train brought 1» about sevesty-fira and tbe Kesrraaw xonte about the same number. B? 10 o'clock there ware probably over f jur hundred dt legatee in the city. If any of them brought tbeir wive* and tome of lira ocher members of tbeir families. Tbe hotels were qui - e full and many of tbe private houses in cur city were gladly thrown open to receive the delegates and viaitora. Thera were arrivals bv the various roads at all Umra of tbs day, and by nigbt there hod been a large increase of tbe number present in’he morning. The delegates are, aa a rule, a very fine-looking rat of men. When is araranbly their handsome appearanes is noticed by all. The following la a full and authentic list of ail the delegates reported to the sects ary l«at night: ust or nnjMATib manyr or WTEtoVAUcJUi. aunnsy *cno» l convkniio* (So far as reported up to iO o'clock p m April, 17.187H ) If cubes* or thk Executive Committee J E Sc arias, jr. New Hawn. Con. chairman; Geo A Pelts, Jtmestown, N Y; Henry If Ptusona. Buffalo, NY; CB bloat. New Brunswick, N J; TT Boykin, Atlanta, G*; 8 B Barniis, Wheel ing, West Vs ; W P Pax*>n, 8t Louia, Mo; Robt Cowden Gaiien, Ohio, secretary of commit e<; John W Ray, Indianapolis, led; km Millard. Toronto, Canada ; E Payton Porter. Chicago 111, state secretary; L H B glow. New York truavurer. Alabama.—Edward A Sbiffer, B/m J O'B Lowry, Neander Crane, El ward F Horton, Mo- b'la; Wm A Da via. John A B Beraon. Eul«nl»; OuaD Smith, Auburn; James H Franklin Sei ms; John T Biskemore Andrews Institute; WUiiaL Chandler, Montsomerj; John W Shaf fer, Mobile; Rev A B Andrews, D l>, Montgom ery; Rev J J Strong, Talladega Connecticut—John E Seorie*, jr.Ncw Haven, chairman executive committee international AE9WERA SO COMBMEFONDENTE. A a Begatda Oalaas. Mosmcsura. Ga.. ApeUS. *7*. lixasaa. Edit as: What ia onions worth ia Atlanta p- r bushel, and racud I find rate for aa many as t00 buahete* Also, what Is ^ — town;, ir-d ia They are worth about 91 90 per bushel. At lanta ia ’ribuclag point fora large area, and we suppose be sold In Urf quantities. Ground Delegates—Wateman R Burnham. Norwich; Joseph Tomlinson, Birmingham; Rev Leauder T Chamberlain, Norwich; Rtv William to Brooks, West Haver-; Rev Henry Clark, Avon; DcsJohn Waldo. W Killingaly, Nelson Ktugs bury, Albert L Burke, Hartford; R-jv Gu'tnvu* D Pike, Stanford; William R Hurd. Bria'oi; Choa J York, Wicrtesd; George H Wallies, Hanford. Florida—Dr I C A*.red, Ocala; Rev J Lorens • Lyons, JacifODTllte; iUv Alien A P KciL Oaui; Rev James S Lewis. BJackwatur; Prof George C White, Live Oak; Mrs Alice C Brown, Fun Reid; John C E-atman, Missionary Amurictn Sunday-achooi Union. Gborgia—Allred H Co’quitt, Samuel M In tan. Rev John T Ltftwich, Thomas Moor*, D W a win, Atlanta; Rev David E Bailer. Modi*ot.> R-rv Joshua Kuowlca, Gremsboro. Rev Henry Qulgg, Conyers; Rev Wayman H Potter, W W Lumpkin, Yeung L G Harris, Athena; Rev Ciameut A Evans. Be7 Rob't Irvine, Augusts; Kev William D.mmock. Carrollton; Leon dte F Livingston, Covington; Rtv Thomas E Sk nuer M J Clancy, Msood; George P Harrison. S*vau- nab; Copt Robert B smith. Union Point; J E Appier, Columbus; Mrj Wilton P Caldwel Gainesville; WillDm G Wnidby, Stoue Mouu tala. Illinois.-Philip G Gillette, Mrs D G GUI. Ue, MCHiZord, Jacksonville; Rtv Fred G 11,-A.slt Chicago; E A Wilson, Spring field; Il ;v J A Kumbler, Bloomington, M J Filch, Chicago; b CCook,O C Bloomer. John Fairbanks, F H Iteveil, Chicago; K W Spencer, Bock Island; W R Shocy, Lincoln; E Psyeon Porter, Mrs £ Payaon Porter, Chicago; R.v John O Foster, Blockbeir;; Fred L Thomson, Alton; Wm P Turner, Mrs Wm P;Turner, Henry. Indian Txaaitoit—Rev j d Marrow, A-tok-a, Choctaw nation, Indian Territory. Indiana — William H Levering, Mn Wo If Uvariufe Mr* U L Pic*^, Mrs John Levering John O Morgan, Latsy- Ue; Dr Robt E Barnett, Mrs to E Barnett, Mrs R V Dttmare, Greenfle d ; Charles FCoflto, Mrs (haa F ttffiu. Rich- mood ; Mn Frederick Baggt, Rev Warren Ron •toph, D D. L W Martha'!, Co! John W Ray, Mn John W Ray, Rev Myron W Reed, Indianapolis. Wm H Daniel, Shoals ; E M Uubbert, New At’ bony; Nannie M Woodward, Buena V.sta ; Rev H rhmraoo. Madison ; Z D James, Moutezu- ; Rev C H Foote, D D, Evansville; Prof Lewi* Mobley, Harttviile; Waiter 8 Smith, Ezra Eaton, New Palestine; R :v Wesley S Jordan, Kent; Mrs R Weakley, Indianapolis. Iowa—E’han W Allen, Mrs Ethan W Allen, Marshal ton; Sami W Co'e, Mrs .‘ami W Cole, Cedar Rapids; Mr* N K Mien, ffi qnoketa. Rev Will F Barclay, Thco R Crandall, North wood; Rev J R Berry, Waterloo; Fitch B Stacy Bucy ville; C D Mitchell, Dunlap, Lew E Dorrow Covtrgoo. Kansas—L R Elliott, vice president Konra* State San ay aefcool convention, Manhattan. Louisiana—L H Gardner, Miss J P Moore, New Orleans; Rev.W C Friky,.Monroe; H D Mc Ginnis. New Orleans. Mastlapd—Rev H E Johnson, J B Phillips. Orta Uinkey, Wm A Baker, B F Bennett, F W Heath. Baltimore; E P Janvier. Still Pond Kent co; T C Owen, Gaithersburg, Moutgomexy co; Rev Mr K**foo», Baltimore. Michigan.—Kev Z^’otus Grenell. jr. Bay City; Rev Edward B Kdmunds.Owoaso; David B Allen Mrs Flora A Allen. Covert; Elward K Warren- Mrs Sarah E Warren, Three Oaaa. Minnescta.—L A Gilbert. St Paul; Wm Chaney, Choa H Wood. Minneap>!ia; J C earns. Z mbroU; Rev Isaac Crook, D D Rsv TV Thomas Winona sissirn John L Tower, Henry Mererove, Jackson; That J Ross Mac *n; Geo R Hill. Ox ford; Samnel M Shelton, Vickabur#; L A Dm can. Meridian. U«i-Samuel Cupplcs. Mrs S >.muel Cup- 'ee. Rev J G Wilson, M D, Mrs J G Wilson. Rev L Good ell. D D, Mrs C L GoodeU. Steph' Ptoxs m. Rev Wm P Paxson, Richard M Scruggs. Fred Hawes, St Louis; J D Hail, Macon; Dr A Cloud. Cbilllooiie. Nzbsa’Ka —J. P Gage, *tate recreUry, Fre mont; ILv F W E Pescsn, N*braska City. MA*8acuusxrni —Dexter H Brig bam, Ppring- fleid; R«vSmith B<kcr. Low*U; R.v Fraud' Pelonbct, Natick; Rev S L Grocey. Westfield; Georga K Pevear. Lrnt; Wm A Wilde, Lo*tie D Wilde, Malden; John S Paine El zi Paine, Cambridge; Rtrhel A Faxon, Bulntne; Edwin B Smith, Westfield; Joseph D Wood, New B.-d- ford; Jon L Johnson. Sprlngfleid; Edwin A S ebbins Shelburne Falls; John A Brown, Ba ton; Levi Brown. Ev^re't; L-vtrus Hull. Boston; Matthew H Cashing, M;dl.ebcro; Howard L Pons-. Lynn. New Uahivhire -John G Lane. Manchester; Wm H Wood wed. Mount Vernon. New Jsk»EY—Rev Wm lUrri?, chairman; Rev John U Vincent. D D. P a-rfield; P.-of Wm F Sherrill, Newark; C B Stout, New Brorawick; Rev J A Word* u. Prinoton; Hon John Hill. Boon ton: Re% Jam^s Le F--vre, Middlebush; Rev J A Priest, D D. New on; Rev A. fred p.xmd- flt, tleyrau; Wm U Bodine. WU ismatown; peter A Vjorbera, Sea Mi a Ron; Rev J W Cothran, Mendham; Mr C L Harris. Ru;htlle Park; Rev B C Megie, Schooleys Mauci; Rev James G Mason. Metufhin; George H Batcock, Plainfield; Alfred M Treadwell. Modteoa. Norih Casouna.—RfV T H Pritchard, D D, Samnel C White. John E Esy.Cor 8*cy B to Con, A M M» Pheeters. John A Cheathcm, Raleigh; Gen Robt D Jehnstrn. Dr TC sml h. Dr F fcarr. Char loue; Rev N B Cobb LtlesvUe; W R Odell. Eq Cocoord; John v R.meey Her J J Renn, Salisbury; W C Dost, Choa G Yates Greensboro; Baker White, Macon. New Ycax-Rev J D s.owart. Little V dley Mr and Mn Richard Holmes, iuburo; Charles p Skinner, Weotfleki; luv Geo A Pelts. D D Jamestown; Hon David Decker Edw’J Dan forth, statevecretsry. Elratra; Revv. Imsc Riley. DD. H M Farrars. D D. Buffalo; William W Pettit a D Matthews, Dr Ihcmo* Msson. Rureli W MeKae. Rev U D Gulxca. Eugene D B-re, Rev SV8 Myers. G A Sihouffer, Broctoijn; Mr and Mrs John D Prit e\ Miss Helen Martense. Flat- bash; Mr ard Mrs J Ketrsen Bennett Baj Ridge; Mr and Mrs George H Stuff .r, Fi«tland«; Eev A L Freeman, Pecfi Id; Mr and Mr* HAD L^nd Fairpoet; E C Witier. Gen Canton B riake. Rev A F Sctoanffje. Frankiin Allta, New York City 8nnday-school association; Jjha HVu cent, A q Yon Lemp. Rev Jchn Hall, D D; Anson D F Randolph, G H Gregory. Ge* ne WaUo Smi Jx. L H B g ow. Allred Dale, J C Middteton. New York city; George N Hams, Wm A Du icon, J C yra. Syrscnw; Rev Jsmcs M Dickson, Moat- gomery; HooOJ Hannon, Rev David Tully, Oswego. E A Hartshorn, Troy; Rev J*s C Barr en. Tcmpkins’ Oow, D&riel Ved-lar, Schemeasy; Wm W Murrhy, M D Rev J N Homed. Liberty Wm Mabte, Pcckakill OHio-Preabyteriora: Jos D Browr, Mrs J*a D B own, Athens; Rev B W C idlaw, Clevea; Wm M Reid, J A Gormey. Bncycwg C Sprague. Ttppin; Rev Heary M Bacon. Toledo; Bcv J A Wocdoa, Steubenville; W J Jraninga, Tapper Plain*; Mis* anna E MIL*, Toledo. Congregational*—W B Fisher. WeUinzton; Rev CCCracaa, Wakemai ; P R Loomia. Madias, Methodist Episcopal—P M Sunup. WeiUngtoa; C C Taylor, -oricgfleld. R Djmhnd, dncinnaU; M Deal, Bacjrne*. J M Loi g. Gslran; W M Z in merman. Osborn; Rev J H Culler, Mn J H Culler. Darllns Cornlse, Rev J W KimmeL Are csdia; Miss Emms L Partv. ClccinDaf. Dis- cfples—R* v F M Green, Kent United Breth ren—Rev H A Thompson. WeatvWe; Rev B M Irarg, Gallon; Rev E S Chapman, Daytcn; Rev J P Landis, Germantown; Kv W M Bears bear, Arcsnum: Rev D W Dowry, caray; Rev D Ber ger, Mrs D Berger, D«yton; Co} Robt Cowden. C W Brown, E 8 Lorer z. Gallon. Baptists-Rev C D Mom*. Toledo Orthodox Friends~Daniel Hill. New Vienna. Pxnnbtlvania.—General Louis Wagner. Rev John W Dulles, D D. Rev H Clay Trumbull, Pro! W D F scher. Dr Franklin Hinkle, Phila delphia; Rev H R Fleck 8tone Church; F E Nettleton. wrsnton; Geo 8 Bennett, Wilkes barre; Rev ST Wilson. DD. Birmingham; Rev PtfUr Acstadt, York; J B Baughman, East Ber lin: Rtv M On, Mechonicsbarg; Mia P E Don.- b loser, Clinton dole. Rev W d Daniey; Carmich aels; Hon C C Convene, Kev C C Kimball, k rie; Henry R Morrer; New Ccmberlaad; R-v 8 W Reigart. Mecbanlcaburg; R?v Joe Vance. Carlisle: Rev J C Pershing, DD. Pil'.sbnrgb; Rev D W Moore, McVeytown; W 8 Bate, Philadelphia Choa Cone, Lt«k Haven; Edward 8 Wagooei* Pr* Moris 5 Wagoner, Mecbonicsbnrg; Howard Shcp.ey, Balrwille; John D Wottier, Pnilade.* phis; H J Rhiads, Reading; Mn Dr F Hinkle, Colombia; Mrs 8 S Mrs KSatler, Orratown; Rcbrrt A Bucher. Mechanksbarg; W K Graham, Lewistown; Mn C Corse: Jen- Cone. Loch Haven; Rev Yates Hickey, Bealamin Casselberry Phila delphia; Miss Maria Hess Harrisburg: Joseph Fi z water, Phils del phis; J J Bender, Pittsburgh; J Newton Baker, Washlngtoi; J M Ralston. Mrs J M Ralston, Mechanicsburg; Mira Jasie Logan, Mi s Mary Bench Cariia'e, Mn 1 Newton Baker, Washington; Dr Niles U Shearer, York. DElaLaM>-Rev M H Bixby, D D, Rev E G Toy .or, D D,; Be* Arthur X Maine Asbsway; Thomas Ssmpaon, Provid. cce; Thos B.rnefield, Pawtucket. South Cakouna- Rev Wm B Plnmei, D D, Columbia, presiden. theological seminary; Rev Jos L Vara, Spertsnbarg. pres. Spartanbarg 8 S coc; Samuel Si rad ey, Greenville; ( furies Petty, Limestone Springs; Rev Wm Henry Strickland. Anderson C H, pres Bsp state S S eon; Rev la- ham W Wings, Pendleton; Rev R C Olios, Star- tanburg. pres Car. orphans* home;3ev J M Car lisle, .-par tan bare; Virgil C Dibble, Charleston; Dr C E Flemming, 8 B Ezell, Spartanburg; G W Green, Westminster; Rev J W Bursy, Cold Springs; Wallace V Turner, Wellford; A J Dodo- mead. Columbia; J Adger Smyth, Charleston Mira Grade Lamean, 8 C; Wm J Snider, St Mai- BUBBAY SCHOOL STATISTICS FOB XBE OBITBD 8TA.TBB AMD CANAD . Comp lei trader th* ounces of the Iniarnatioual Sunday 8chool Convent*on. Atlmnus, Ga, April 17, 1*» 1# 187* Tesnk skk.—R-vs M B DeWitt, W G E Can- uiugbam. DD, W M Leitwich, DD. W A Nelson, DD, A J Baird, DD, Nashriiie; Rev 8 Landrum, DD, Col W S Taylor, Memphis; J A Rayl, Koox; ville; Rev Isaac Emory. Samuel P Angel.Itev J B Ford, CicAvelsnd ; MsJ WU1 A McTser, Jno J Faulkner, Maryville; Bev M Bulger, Graenrille; Col T H Reave*. Bev C A Duncan, Rev W B stradhy, J one* boro; J W Adairs. Thomas C Stewart, Chattanooga; R ;v Jos M Carter, Eroeat Caldw U. BbelbyviUe . Rev T C Carter, Tulls- horns ; R H Gray, Fayetteville; D W Hughes, Jackson. Tax as — Wm N Griffith, Snpt First Baptist Church Sunday school, Dsl!ar; James H Hood, Sopt Union Sunday school. Orang' ville; Ed ward Lee. colored, pastor M E church, Bryan; eev E D Pitts, Ppst Chappell Hill Female col lege, Chappell Hill VHkM tNT.—Franklin Fairbanks and wife, Charles H Morse and wife, Charles M Stone and wlf . oil of St Johnsbury. VmoiNU-Prof W T I ails. Pe er burg; Rev Wm Jones, D D, Richmond; Re/ James K. H»zen, Richmond; A D Abell, Cbarlotteaville; J Edgar Chance U r, M D, ‘ harloite^vi le; Char.* s Clarke, Petersburg; Wm U Peyton, Staun- Totel* for United 8' bling of a congress of tbe great powers of thri earth, and what these mighty state* will decide fbethoussnds of Sunday school superintendents, upon the issues of life and death which w:lif peas an worth $1 a perbusatl. Tb* damand . Dennis. M D. Mecbanicsbuig. English L* 1 theran-IteTC S Sp-rariar, TrfMlav- RevJC We*t VrauiNiA—Rev Satn’l B Borai z, Whee - ng; Wm H Irwin, Wheeling. Di«TKicr or Columbia—lion Wm Stickney. Wisconsin—Prof K A Wore, Atlanta, Gs; H P Carey, M D; Rev John McLean. Brloit, Wis. Canada - Rev D H McVicar.L l D, Montreal: Rev Jno Polta. Toronto; Riv A U Mnnro Montreal; Rev George Bell, L L D, Wulkenon Ont; Rev John McEwon, IngeraoU, Ont; Mr D Fatten Ingham. Aurora. Out: Mr Wamug Ken nedy, Rev W Ml'-lard, Toronto. Noth—The other delegations will be pulD lished ao soon as reported. OPENING cr THE CONVENTION. The First Biptlaf church was quite full be fore ten o'clock, the gallery beL;g occupied by spectstoia and the floor by delegates and vis itors. 1 here ware abundant evidences oi the care • with which the ladies of the city had pre pored tbe church for the reception of tbe convention. Over the central entrance waa tht word “Welcome” In large letters of cedar. On entering, the,eye beheld a rich array o' flowers nd shrubbery. Over the central aisle were the words in gilt, “Our text the Scriplurea, cur tro phy the soul.” Above, over the pillars of the grilery. in large letters, waa Inscribed, “Truth Prayer. Sympathy.” Tbe gallery wss besuti fully festooned with 11 iwera, and tbe walls were hung with wreaths and rich draperies of Hired wealth. The platform was alt covered wltnfliwers in vasts, bouquets and >ther attractive shapes. The high arch above was adorned with long lines of cedar in terspeised with lilies and rosea. At the head of tbe arch aes the words “Our Sufficiency is of God.** The recess bock of-the pulpit was adorned with varied fluwere. Above tfcem were tbe words “Oar Stoiy, Jesus *nl His Love, Peace be unto von ” All through the church wepe the names of the various states represented designating the seat* of delegates. On' the platform in front of ths pulpit were arranged aeat- for the chc ir. which is cimposed of none ot onr finest voices. CALLED TO OKDEE. At lfc-;o a. m. the convention waa colled to order, by Lev John E. Maries, of Connecticut, who nominated, on behalf of the executive com mit tee, Rev George A. Pelt*, former president, as temporary president of the convention so nominated G. A. Haw*, of St Louis, as temporary aecretorv- Both nominees unanimously elected. The president then re quested tbe entire congregation to rise and sins the “Convention, Hymn,” which was given with great effect. Kev Dr Alex inder Means, of Oxford, G then read port of the lSSd Psalm, in a very n preasive manner. Rev. Dr. J. E. Evans, of At lanta, then offered a fervent and appropriate prayer far the blessings ot Gcd on tbe mest- irg. concluding with the Lord** Prayer, in which all the delegate* Jo'ned. Then the tire congregation sang “ Blest be the tie that b nda.” Tbe president then introduced, with very complimentary remarks. Mayor Angler, who as received with applause. The msycr then delivered the following ap propriate sddrew of* which was heartily received: IA YOU ANGIXn‘8 AT DEXSS Mr President. Ladies and Gentitmen—This rare occasion and Atlsiia is proud ot your presence. It has been her pleasure to extend inendiy greeting and hospitable entertainments to the renowned of the nation, including his ex c llency the president of tbe United States and oi« cabinet. But thia gathering of the friends of philanthropy—the friends of Christian faith, top? and thsriiy throughout and from all over- th's vast republic, and far beyond her borders, fur Into the cold regions, but warm hearts of the Canadas, eurp**ses all others in importance; and aa a city and people, we take great pleasure In txteadlrg to yon oil friendly greetings and a most cordial welcome. As hi# excellency, cur worthy governor, will a dr#Vyoa and therefore many distinguished «;<ikcn from ab:aad whom you will be dtlisht ed to hear, 1 w 11 no* tre*; are upon your time, but acaiu in behrif of the Gate City cf tb# express our high apprec oticn of this vitit, and ae hope ytur sojour will be cne cf much joy, d your d.libar-tioni productive of great good, and be as exiaurive in good >esu:ts os tbe cause of hamtntty, and the duties or Christian- y. And may w# all so five as to “read o rtitie* ear,” when the h™* cemea to sepirate line Ctrctty, and w# enter on that journey whi h to the puie ia h* art knows no fatigna, no sorrow, no enl. bu. continues onward aad np want io that celestial light and streams if 1-od‘i pl-ssnre. redistl: gaud flow mg from the throne of the Eterns'. When 1 lo k over this vast assembly X exclaim' “Hew changed ’ At u s, but rerently in ash a aad the fle d of the wudest and most destxuct ve scene of the war, tow the place cf Uonai '*;e ee and good will to men * need not deraia you 1 cow have the hucor or pre anting to chief raecndve of tbe state—the warm-beared Crriaian and great to sudsy school advocate h toe lency Governor AlJed H. Co' a; tn« cjnslnsion of theae remarasthe mayor r rc doced Governor Colquitt, woo was received with applause. The Governor said: GOV CiLQCITT’fl ADDRESS OF WgLOOM*. Mr.Pr«sidetit,Brethren and Friends I have never b.-en colled upon to discharge more pleasant seme-*, or one which conferred higher hoc or upon me thou the duty U • present fmotnenL By the good people this city, and I may «*T, by *v*»y Christian parent in Georgia I have been commiraicned extend to you a most cordial welcome. Wa hope that we have a proper conception the unusual dignity which inTesta the charac ter of theae delegates before me, and of the august mission which convokes them At thia verv hoar all Christendom ia held in painful :suspense as toll* prob»Wlttte» of the lincr'arei Yiri \*4cr‘M, £2=S2teSSL*,T««M*»i or cord g Pacelvd _ I to lost into ToU1 * Intro *a !' hurck. Report) 8K00 1 IccrtMo—School, 7,643; PnplU ml TeMh^i TOJ.lm. li’tle lmsg’rstioa and picture befere them to-day come before them The great heart of tbq world throbs with deepest emotion while ruli?g potentates are decreeing what changes must be made ia the map and destiny of notions. To-day with the worldly minded and wise, the great question**, who la to ‘ keys to two narrow channels of water, and shall b3 made responsible for the governmem a few desolated and blood-soaked patches of earth In the Bilkan peninsula. How paltry, how insignificant doe* all this exaggerated concern appear, by the aide of the Infinite and eternal interests upon which your congress la to take oonrs-I. The craftiest wi man—the beet-trained diplomacy of states, xpend Uiemselve* in ariiflcj to make the mos of the division of rpotls wrenched from the oon- quered and crashed. Your diplomacy assume* that mankind is a great brotherhood; that the will of G >d, done on earth as it ii in heaven, U peace and g> od will between men; th . t justice and troth, aad mercy are the grand conserva tors of human happiness and greatnefs, and the cheapest defense of nations is to live void of offense to Goi am* How much moral force—how many agencies—how many prayers, what streams of blood, what a flood of tears havt been evoked by this idea of ruling the world! With varying success, bnt with constant short-comings, in practical res alts the man of religions faith is still at work-atiU sighing, but itill determined. Oue troth we stand upon- firm as the rock of ages, and that is the relirion of the gospel of Christ. Humanity ia it*** cessities cries ont for whrt ihis W only can -supply,' and all over this earth it is is mourning or writhe iog because its behests are disregarded. Try as we may, we can find no aabatitnte lor its teach- its consolations. The effort haa been made time* without number to get on with the _ affairs of men by dint of intellectual forot and ' There la do*blog sung by tbe providence of merely worldly wisdom. Bat than our sublime national anthem. -ffleers and tcache's in whose name we stand, and on whore behalf we speak. The Sunday school eyes of the DomiDlcn are fixed upon At lanta, and the prayers of all Sunday school work era then are nncearing, that this convention nay be sn unspeakable blearing to this A merican ccn- Atlanta, for the welcome, which haa greeted na from the Ups of yoor esteemed governor, and your honored mayor. In the days and years to come, aa countries, we shall have pleasant e hxistiau intercourse. Yon undtr the flag of year great republic, and we devoted subjects of the British throne. I am sure it is the prayer and the earnest desire of all here, and ol all right thinking people in the United States one Great Britain, that however matters may go in Europe, England and the United States may never be other than friendly, or rath«*r,relations* os they really are. The Christian sentiment both countries is for peace good wiU. Why not? We speak the same glorious language, a lan guage which shall yet be the universal tongue. In which common philosophy, science and re ligion shall carry on the dvilixation and moral progress of the world. The great authors in po etry, nistory, phtioaopoy and science are yours as well aa oars. You rightfully claim a posses* sion in Shakespeare. Milton, Chaucer and Ma caulay. We study the same KnglUh Bible. We teach onr children the same iaternational schema of Sunday school lessons We worship living and true God, and we are deeply interested in the same branches of Christian work. Henceforth let arbitration, and not the sword- settle all International difficulties. If you think we gained an advantage over you in the “fishing award (although we do not think so) did you not get the better of ua in everything iu the past? Let Britain and America, the great commercial nations of the world, move forward \n aU the elements of n grand Christian drill- zatlon. and let them go hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder In fee blessed work ol the world’s evangelization. Then ishall angels sing ayain, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and good will to man.” In cor elusion,let me my,onr anticipations con cerning this convention are prayerful and trust ful, and therefore are large. We have come to your beautiful city to enjoy yoor hospitality for a brief period; not becatre we have no work at home; not because it was quite easy for us to come We have come because we hear the Master’s loving and authoritative voice In ring ing accent*—“Feed my lamb*.” We have come to consult on the best methods of shepherding such aa may bear the tender designation. What shall the result be? Shall it be an international convention in Atlanta, glorlona, well officered and its programme canted oat in all Us details, more of it; or shall it be a great spiritual force, whose influence in waves of light and warmth shall irradiate from Atiat ta to every state in the union, and to every province in the dominion f Shall It make a new and more deeply spiritual ere in the history of Sunday school work T I look thia convention In the face, and I ven ture to aver that It Is impossible for ua—bap* tiz d with the Holy Ghost, filled with the word that waa in Christ—throbbing In consecrated mpathy with Jesus for the salvation of the children and yonng people of thia American continent, to revolutionize aud intensify and nations why should we not shout and go awry o’ additions to the church were Imperfect and forgetful almost of the names that mark oui church relations? I shall expxt to hear Dr. John Hall shout “glory to God" from his pntplt on Fifth avenue as he reocunts these blessed days at Atlanta. The prophetic words continued aa follows: “rhus salth the Lard of hosts. It shall yet to come to pass that there shall come people and the inhabitants of many cities, and the inhabi tants of one city shall go to another, eayin. let ua go spte lly to pray before tha Lord, and to seek the Lord of heats. 1 will go also.” And hither have come 'he people and the ichsbl- tents of many cities, who, I trust, have said one to another, “Let us go to pray before the Lord at Atlanta.” From bow many of tbe fAires citiis in our land have these Inhabitants come? From ingusta, Albany and Atlanta; from Bos ton, Bangor, Brooklyn, Baltimore and Buffalo: from Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus aud Charleston, Detroit and Denver, Indianap olis and Louisville, Montreal, that beautiful mount of vision. Mobile Memphis, Milwaukee and Minneapolis, New York, New Or th at the total did not give aa adequate idea of the extent of each addition. [The table will be fonnd elsewhere ] Rev Dr John Hall, ot New Yo k, spoke bri< fly of tbe difficulty of obtaining and preparing such a table. The report was received and the hearty thanks of the convention tendered the secretary President Pel'z hr re read a telegram of con gratulation to the convent'oa from G H Stew- ax t ard John Wannamaker, of Philadelphia which was received with applause. Rev. H. Turnbull, of Philadelphia, moved, in order to expedite business that all resolu tions, memorials Ac, be referred to the eXwCn- ti re ommittee without being read. The president urged upon the convention the necesltyof arranging, as soon as possible, a full Ust of ail the delegates present. The treasurer being abs.nt, hia report was read by Mr. John R. Sarles. jr. It showed a tola] expenditure of over 91C 000 in the general Sunday school tntercs.s. and balanced exactly It was announced that Mr. J. S Stewart, Of leans, Naahvtl’e and Newark, Philadelphia, I the firm of T« mm«y. Stewart A Beck, of this Pittsburgh, Providence and Portland, Quebec, I aty had beea appointed railroad secretary to Richmond and Rochester, Savannah, 8L Louis 1 tend to all matters re's* ive to exchange ot tick San Francisco, Sacramento and 8t. Panl< je'sso that parties who came one non te may ro Toronto and Toledo. Wilmington, Wheeling and I turn another, aa the railroad anthorltits have WMhinpon i «li theso • !nh»blt«iu" of mu; ^ to roc!l , n unD1:tmgnt . eortnly ciUe* wu tm.t at. with faith looting, a. Afu;r Announcements to delegations, Ac., d'd nbr.bam.for * city which hath foundations, I t j, 0 convention adjourned tc £a>FM.,«ud whose maker and builder is God. The pro-1 dismissed the benediction by the phetic word* following ware these: “Yea, many I g,, v> «- m . g piumer, D. D. LL. D., of people and strong nations shall come to sack the Columbia, South Carolina. Loid of hoete in Jerusalem, and to pray before I afternoon session. the Lord." And here wi bin yoor Jerusalem, I The convention was oatied to order byPresi- praying before the Lord, are indeed the repre- deilt pa., *t half past two. The exercises were aentativ. a of strong nations—the strongest of all I opened with prayer by Rev. C. C. Kimball, ot nations in the earth ; strong, bociuse ol the r I Erie, Penn. adherence to Uberty and truth,-the*o repre- I under the leadership of Prof. Fischer, the sentetives ot the two great Protestant peoples. 1 c . ngreR *tIon sang atvjral songs very finely, here stand shoulder to shoulder for the truth as I The report of the nominating committee was it U in Jesus. England, without a peer among I called for, but as the chairman had not arrived the nations cf the earth, God bless her 1 ‘‘With I the order waa dispensed until he should arrive. ail her f talcs,” we love to hail hcras the mother I The laud and toss our hats in the air at the sight of I general utorts her bitner, which “fora thousand years faa*| fromthe 8tateg ADd territories and provinces braved the battle and tire bre»xe." May the I were then for . Under the inlosot the union jack and the stars and stripes In loving I noose those reports of the geneaal condition of embrace lead in the march of Christian clvill the work were limited to three minutes each, zition the wide world over. Heaven fort-id I The following reports ware made by the dele- mat they should ever be borne against etch I g4les namt< i «- •*-- »— ““*• ** " Alabama—J H Franklin. other in the smoke aud flame flicu May God's perpetual bow ot peace which spans the boiling floods ot Niagara, a radiant arch of glory resting on the shores of tbe two lands, symbolize our Inter national harmony and peace until the king doms of mis world shall be merged in that be • couutiy, that is an heavenly one. “ Thicker than water in one rill. Through centurit s ot story. It Is not th- flrtt time that Canr dlar a have .ycd tbe Christian conrte-y «d the «fMrro, Stmdw , ^.^.,0. cur America <ou. i^ IoU wbotyou cen do on tbialine, andirebreprtpered I nu ever been. Fellow worken. whet kball th. to hsve a n,nt goo time. hhrreithef Wtutltulllt be. In view I have a practical hint to offer fvr yoor rerioua I potllbWUe , , ho promlse< ( cuMSdentkm. “ *?° Itahalt bohccordiex to therprtoc time, toUIn, i,**a«t we may go tack and begin to yreech the TCWlllg ..yig u^t 80 etU forth end woepeth, mutifeet dea.tny and the golden hdvknttgM of bearitg predoui seed, ahall doubtlem come er pexktlm to the United S etee. I egmtn with rejoicing, bilnglng hie ■hesveo with Wf' are somewhat familiar wi h yoor great I country and ite marvelous history. We kcow the At ^ conclusion of this address.Gen Clinton extent of your territory. (Yon own nearly as B ^ New Yor k, rose to add his word a of muefi of the contineut as we do) We are par-1 jggpong^ tirily aware of the unlimited resources of min- I *!■**’■ «««•« erdtar d kfflcultar^ w^llh wllhin yrnr netkeuit Kr , m|j ' , keeping. W.hkr. hrmd .nd hkve often «en smJ>an ^ ilUnU; It „ mt ..„ ^eclrreni of Ameriorn tnvcnilregenine. p l«.-tag doty to tor thedeieg. Ul. not, however, to contmtotate yon and to Htn , [rom , he CDlted Bun F,and If m, dlsconme idvtM with youonth.', thrt ** h.veiram » UotiW pu.over the head, of those riding in tar; tut rather for bigtar-■« ™br, Pu.poer. ^ „ mt Wmd , oI AUmU , cn)wd Y*n“k^ ‘^e* rived*?; wom^ than n m ““ «*““*“• 1 ““‘P""* 1 m » P“ E 'm. All tuicenfut men are under the •«> reached ttawe by who* nntlrlng labor h,,,-no. of good women. The hu-hmd s , aU , this «,nlrtWr.ppotated ptace tor m*angh« ranaded hy bts wi'e; the ton lovtnflj guided >»«■ ProrUei. But what can I say, slier the — ™ ht, mo>her. and the brother and Presentation of greeting and the able ,ion I&awed by the gentle power of a pare and att o-1 ^P°°« *»“ “F ,ri ™« ««“ «»> »®t4« ce aster atat: not go far at tray In anything I' ougbt ’ to retnetant to distnrb the ^ and, hill certain'.; never go amray rental,, «d|^«“T »' “>» «>«« M. “*• morally. ful sermons had been on that line. What men Indian Territory—Rov J S Murrow, who made I want ia not our studied opiuious or ttne rpua oathetic appeal in behalf of the work among I theories,but tbe plain word of Go-i put in all ite the Indians. He presented the convention (inherent force and eloquence. A preacher with a photograph of an Indian Sunday school, I should be tne simple and faithful expositor of A-to-ka, ia the ladian territory. 1 tha word which God haa given us. Here tne congregation song “ Revive usl The Iaternational lcsoona are a great help aud God give it the glory ot Lebanon, and I again.” I comfort to the missionaries, who lecl when they ihe excellency of Carmel and Sharon, and may I The committee on permanent organisation J read ih -m that we are joining in accord with the Inhabitants ;hereof sea the glory of tbs j here presented their report, j their service. Lord and the excellency of oar God.*' Be this | The nominating committee unanimously pre- I He waa faraway when that occurred, which seated through ite chairman, Rev Chas C tffiu, I Am now passed into history. Therefore he of Indiana, the following report for permanent I migal say with propriety to all sections of the The shadow aud the glory *’ Gol bless our own, our native land, stretch ing from the east by tbe sea to the sea by the warm. eloqnext words of greeting with “ta woman who «lu upon the throne over u- I " hll± h! * ““"“W governor and AUC wvuiau wuu uu uro .u.v— - » a tv,re wiavn. Haw* thia ia. rare and model character. V ctorta. the UEfSTLnre good tulctn Cans da not half * mnch by the hS magnificence ( f her power, h by the genUera. mtoTZmoatm Eden of StiagreSco and dtance ot her queeniy and chrlstan ^ ^ ^ w , vinnea Them 1. no-h og tung by u. more , or *^a u, thta hoor when the* repre- ihe rerfaTbUght which ilwayi and undereverv tag to aware yon that I am pot trying to induce and otop UpdA toontd hem «r*e *1^ hand. Ton to mver yoor allefitanoa trom Prealdent Have, and tranaler It to the aoverelgn of our congratnlatton, Inatructton and eacouragement !^“™£Ta mntukl LmeiJdton. on the I tD ^ platform of ehrtatfan work, which I think may brotherhood, we welcome ereh other to thia prove beneficial tomchoTu. I. tact, to Uta •J ^ £ !?? I threahotd ol ou, fe»t. greeting each otoer with cordial relatetion and affection, may every heart throb with more lore for the Master, and tauta, aEd the'bKekVMVe.'aa chiistimta. have I be nplifted to petition for the daeenf and .worn allealanoe lifelong allegiance to abiding presence of the Holy Spirit, without ■worn auigianw. mug whose Euidonoe onr coming together will have other kleg-one Jesus. Our national sing is I wuumu guiuapws uut wuuu» wm **•»« condition of the experiment was sure to follow, pleaus tearfully against any farther trial. Th. autocrat has mode the effort to rule by hu wisdom, bora only of human experience and appetites; the republic has tried it— the mob has tried It—and millions of sslf-tiast- ing but bsffled individuals have imitated this vain example. It all comes to this at last, vain is the help of man-futile is human reliance— but eternal aa the heavens, are Goa’s goolnem. justice, and.truth The sublimes? aim of the Human mind is the propagation of this faith, aad its grandest achievement is the honest and earnest employment of the means under God s telp to secure its triumph. For my own part, I ask no highei destiny for my own country than these fruit* will surely secure. 1 aa a patriot stand ready to accept for my beloved ptopl. such a fortune as the m?ek and lowly virtues of the religion of Christ will evoke. For our co m mon country, sighing for an era of peace, I ask no stronger bonds ol union, no fraternity more fervid or enduring than this gospel loTe wiU In spire. How Is the world to feel the force and bleia- edoess of this divine li fluenoes ? Here Is a problem worthy of the solution of angels. Who to loach society with the sacred and healing wand ? How shall we infuse into it more of virtue and of purity? We look into ourselves and set- how much there Is In as of evil, and how little of good. How onr race is marred ana scored over with all manner of error. How fixed our prejudice, how unyielding our nature * we sink in despair at the prospect, and exclaim It is too' late to begin with these. But God has risit, “ Go d beenlnT ‘ in * ** I Thn *>11 rhn “All hail the power of Jesus’ name. Let argdls prostrate fall. Bring foith the royal diadem. And crown him Lord of aU.” The well chosen words of my Canadian broth er have expressed so well all that can be uttered by way of grateful response, I am icclfned to adopt them as my own in behalf of the United States. Yet he will admit that this grand . country of oars speaks so well for Itself that Christian brethren of the United States, we are I thcre ti ^ bul tew wordM £ rom one in here no* only to enjoy your generous hospital!- I bejr behalf. Theae brothers ot ouis astonish nr ty and to appreciate all jour kindness; bnt to I their worm hearts. Yet we mast remem indulge In the hope that we may be able to ln« | ^ that „ our Annex Memorial Art building at dace you to come over and see us at your next I g^,p^nnt*t contained many of the choicest international convention. I gema ©t the great exposition, so Canada, as the In our cold country there are warm hearts and I br uiUnUy apnolnted annex of the Uulted States, arm homes. There are many hearts over the I many of our most splendid specimens fines that throb with love to the Chief Shep j Ql English-speaking people. And Dr. Potte herd, and therefore to the undershepberd*,wio I wouId ^ believe that their exoeUen, feed end care for the lambs of the fl^ck. virtuesisplendid; thrift and advanced civil For you to come as Sunday-school worker* ixatl ^* £ a© ^auu of govern men would be to insure you a royal Canadian we> | by ^ mMi Doble woman , the Queen of Eng- .land. I too am governed by a woman, and k It is hardly my province to speak to you ol the J ^ ^ ud whatever la beautiful in onr homes status of the Sunday-school institution in the I and to i^gdy due to the queenly pow- Oomtotait ol Thkt to^l bo more >Wtl no| w „ m>n> ln of jirtoo done by ray honored brethren of tbr delegation e uiri *n gr»c«. And ln Mother tense are I rnry nok. tarirevvr. totataitatom nbon otbn | ^ tto , e01m <a. to there on tbe fmeo the earth a woman who rales with more grace given as afresh revelation—a new opportunity 9 children a new humanity holds out ite canadin speakers if I venture to say that the hand and appea's to ns to bagln once more. sanday-achool reverhsd so large a place in ths When the prophet of old came into the city ©f Jericho, they showed him the stream thrt ran by the walls. a*.d they told him of those who died from thirst, and of those who died from drinking those poisonous water* He did not ictempc to heal the stream as it flowed, bnt mode his way into the mountain, where he fonnd among the gorges the fountain head of tbe stream Here, he said, must we heal It. He put the blessed salt Into the spring head, and declared in the name of the Lord, there shall no more be in them, death or bitterness. The growing idea of the good men of this body is that wherever a child on the earth is who can be reached by your efforts, you will fence him around with a thousand appliances, you wid surround hire with with the holiest iLfliences you will fill him with the choicest graces, acd save him from the infernal agencies that ore busy at work for bis detraction. / h, here is wisdom above the minds of men. Here is dip lomacy which no earthly covert or cabel ever inspired. With a provi lent forecast which goea to the very foundation of the human character, yon seek to pre-occupy tbe citadel with Chris tion graces and heavenly virtue*. It ia not strange then, my friends, that we take yon by the h,n d and bid you go and s.t down with os under oar own vine and fig 'ree, aud talk together of the joys of heaven and ot the family there. How much more worthy of banaay-scnooi reverosa so *“ | ©nd dignity than she who preside* in the extc confluence »nd sympnthy of tbe ebateb u it bu in Wubmgton! Much of the Arkansas—Rev C Pope. California—No delegate. Connecticut—W R Burdin. Delaware—No delegate. Florida-J L Lyon. Georgia—W G Whidby. Illinois—P G Gillett. ery part to overflowing *♦ half past seven, when the convention was colled to order hy President <X>!quitL There haa seldom been seen such a congregation ln Atlanta. The cxerclsr* were opened with verv fine di ging, conducted by Prof.Fischer, which waa varied by responsive reading of the Scripture*. The Sunday school Prnite book was used. Aa conducted by Rev H. M Panoas, of Buffalo, N. Y. the services were very impressive snd tbe entire congregation set mod to join iu the devo i tlonal * pint of the exercises. Upon tbe platform were about a dozen of the prominent members of tbo convention and members of oar local clergy. The convention was then led in prayer by the venerable Dr. W. 8 Piumcr, ot Columbia, 8. C. The report of the International Sunday School committee w*a read by Rev. Warren Randolph, D D , of Iudlanapolis. The re port ia a very able document, and is full of euicrc.t to the whole Sunday school v arid. We regret that tho extreme leugth of this report should crowd it out. bat we shall give it In full to* morrow morning. At the conclusion of the report, two verses were sung by tbe congregation, and then the REV JOHN HALL, D. D., OF NEW YORK, wot Introduced. He was rec iyed with ap plause. Dr. Holt is a striking-looking man. Ue is of large stature, and his figure te asade mote striklag by the peculiar mauner in which his iluely-shapcd bead la carried, somewhat in ad* vsnee of his body. His face bhows hU 8eutch*2rish docent palmy, and a t the 8amb time give* evidence of fine culture. His eyes are dark gray and uuu»ually bright and penetrating, a ia feature s are ati good and his high forehead rises to a of gray hair He wears no beard and pres.-ura a deci dedly clerical appearance. His enunciation is distinct, with decided brogue. His voice is strong and when he speaks it ia apparently with very little effort. U'b address lost night contained no studird display at oratorical effect. Hia theme was the Intel national Sunday school lea o..s and ibe feasibility of «uch a plan. As he skid, he spoke collcquAlly, aud his style pleased the entire ooueregation. calling forth frequent applause. His plain, common sense way of thinking and expressing himself was peculiarly fortunate and appropriate to the oc casion. Ue epoke of the International 1 coons as teaching tne simple truths of the Bible aud ig noring all those bigoto d doctrines oi sects which is the cause and inspiration of moat of the re ligions fanaticism and intolerance that curse tho world. He spoke of the advantages of plain colloquial preaching and said he believed his moat success- Our glad refrain: From the snows of wild Nevada lo the son’ ding woods of Maine; Where the Mississippi wanders. Where the Alabama rests. Where the ihundrr shakes hia tnrban Over Alleghany's crest. Where the mountains of New England Mock Atlantic's stormy main; Where God's palm imprints the prairie Witn the type of heaven again:. Where the mirrored morn is dawning. Link to link our lakes along; And Californta'a golden gate Swings open to the song. We often sing bnt to-day we lift our eyes far above to anothe and a better ensign-the blessed banner of the cross. “Its bnes are all of heaven The red the sun-eete dye Tbe whiteness of the moonlit cloud The blue of morning sky.” It !s red with the blood of the Crucified One la striped with the fingers of God’s love fji r healing—the bright blue of Bethlehem’i glorious morning is upon it—with its guiding shining star. Under It we will follow the Great plain of onr salvation to certain victory. And fiuxlly the l minstrelsy ol the prophetic bard ■aug “Thus salth the Lord of Hosts ln those days It shall come to pass that ten men shall tak hold out of all lauguages of the nation, even ahall take bold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, we will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.’' Ten men taking hold out of all lauguages of the nattons- luring once more > to interpret, I sold surely e our .international lemon committee, brethren named at Indianapolis, who, with their co-workexs In . the great Sunday school cause, have, by the blessing of God, in augurated a uniform lets on system, which now fiirte tbe world. They have Indeed taken hold many languages. The Sabbath ;s not in any Christian nation or mission _ jld whire their leaves for the healing of t he nations ore not scattered. Ethiopia's dark people have stretched out their hards for them Chius, with her teeming millions; vast, gloomy and gorgeous Iudia, and populous Japan, and the islands of tbe sea, listened with you and on Sabbath last as the golden text was announced by the Master, “Search the Scrip tures; • * they ore they which testify of me. officers ot the convention, viz: For President: Hon A H Colquitt, governor of Grorgla. For Vioe Presidents: Rev J O B Lorry, Mobile, Ala. Rev C Polk, Atkadelphia, Ark. Rev Wm R Burnham. Norwick, Conn. Bev D H McVicar. LL.D. Montreal, Canada. Rev Joan Polta. 1 oronto, Canada. Rav A A P Neal. Ocala, Fla. Kev Robt Iivine, D D, Augusts, Go. Wm Stickney, Washington. D C. Rev J D Murrow. A-'.o-ka, lad Ter. Ethan W Allen. Marshal town, Iowa. P G Gillett, LL D, Jacksonville, 111. Wairen Randolph, D D, Indianapolis, Ind. Hon J J Lick min. Louisville, Ky. Rev B N 1 aim ;r, D D, LL D, New Orleans. L R Elliott, Manhattan. Kansas. Rev H E Johnson, Maryland. J L Power, Jackson, Mias. D H Brigham, Springfield, Moss. Samuel Cupplet, St Louis, Mo. G C Goss, Maine. DB AUen, Michigan. D w lugeisoll, Minnesota.. J B Gage, Fremont, Neb ABF Randolph, New York. Hon John Hill, Boonton. N J. J G Lane, Manchester, N H. Prof W B Doub, Greensboro, N C. Rev Charles D Morris. Toledo, Ohia General Louis Wagoner, Philadelphia. Rev M H Bixby, D D, Providence R L Rev Dr Plumtr, South Carolina. J H Hood, Oruigeville, Texts. Rev Bylvanua Landrum, D D, Memphis, Tcnn. J Bdgsr Chancellor, M D, Virgiola. Rev 8 B Barne s. Wheeling, W Vo. Hon Franklin Fairbanks, Ht Johnsbury, Vt H P Cutey M D, Wisconsin. FOR SECRETARIES. Hon F ft Loomis, Ohio. Edward 8 Wagoner, Pennsylvania. J Wm Jones, Virginia. Jno E Ray, North Carolina. Rev John McEwen, Canada. finance committee. J B Phlpp, Baltimore, Ud. Jno V Parnell, Chicago, IU. A P Abell, Virginia. Rev 8mith Baker, Maarachaaetta. country, “Ye are one in nationality, in religion of Jisus Christ, one lovo for the English Bible, the Protectant religion aud tho little children. The address concluded with an elo quent peroration given In pccuUsrly ponderous oratory and ihrillng the *hole congregation. At tne close of tne speech, there was loug and continued applause. The oudlence then enjopod an address from Rev J H Vincent, D D (Bishop of Chautauqua), of New York, one of tho best known and moat iifloe .tinl Sanday-achool workers in America. His address, like that of Dr Hall, related to tho international lesson system, which he said was doing a great work in spreading tbe Word of God More Bibles have been aoid since these tt-saone were introduced than ever before. The power of the the secular and religious press haa been wonderfully utilized by tbe system, until tbe lessons are published in newspapers on 8 turf ays In mil parts of tue country The sys tem also increased tbe Intellectual power of the church aad the country. The address was apioed with humor and anecdote, which made it most acceptable. It was heartily rec* ived and carried many a prartloal and uscral suggestion which wi’l not soon be forgotten. At the conclusion of the speech Rev. C. C. Trumball offered a resolution endorsing the the tatcrnttlorial let on*, and har king them for their fall and reliable repart, and alto announcing * lasting faith in lbs power and • ffldency of the system. The resolutions were unanimous y adapted. Announcements of te-day's meetings and exer- then mode by Mr John E. Scarf, s, jr. The dexoloyy waa ihen sung, and ihe congre gation waa dismissed wi hthe Lencdxtion. TO-DAY'S PROGRAMME. The following ia the programme,for to day's Our work dtficed, Thursday morning, 9 | o'clock. Promise service. Tha true baste of Sunday school work. Addreaies by Rev J A Worden, Princeton, N J, superintendent Sunday school deportment Presbyterian church. How related to onr agencies. Address by Rev L T Chamberlain, Norwich, It was the inspiring comciousnef a of a great cause, wide as the world, and stretching through all cycle*, which enabled these brethren, under I Henry Mtugrove Jackson, Miss God, to record this ’grand achievement. “Wei treasuse*. will go with yon. for we bare heard! L H Biglow.New Yolk. I reception to-night. that God is with you.’* The best of all! Gov. Co’quitt waa escorted to tbe platform by | Tc-:igbt 'here will be a reception tend* rad ia God la with na.” said We ley aa h* brushed | Mr. Q ffln amid applause, and the convention I , ho delegates and visitor* at the executive man- the dew on Jordan's bank, and in retrosmetioa I rose ss he ascended. Lj on . There will boa abort session at both saw what God had wrought And eo may we I Rev. Mr. Pella, on delivering ihe office to him. I churches, and alter it is ov r the reception will say from this happy beginning of our conven-1 made a few touching remarks and presented | begin. All dslegatos and visitors lion until the last benediction and good-bye j Gov. Colquitt aa “the new president of the con-1 invited to be present, words shall be spoken, “Tha best of all ia, God I vcation." I general i to»Uha..” Got. Colquitt, on ttotog the .eat. mule only m I _ To . n i g ht there will be two “over- ,™r d ro^r.r£.r ^ to do thy Will. Work thou In as that which the position tendered with great diffidence, but j wUl be held at each p ace. shall be well pleasing in Thy sight through with cotfldence that the convention wtuid b* | —The Sunday-school Baguar, in the T*<ifi fin «hnm ta *inrv forever and I forbearing and considerate. Hia speech waa Possibilities in tho future. Address by Rev R R Meredith, D D, Boston, cordially Uh»ist Jesus, to whom be glory forever and I forbearing and considerate. HI* speech ever.: Amen. | greeted with applause. The congregation had the pleasure of hear- basement of the First Baptist church, 1s the most interesting features of the convention. Here “I am Trusting, Lord, in Thee,”, was I Dr. Van Lennep with his display of Turkish utive mansion in Washington? Much of the at the present time. 1 good there ia in our nobis president, and there It is to-dsy teoogniz by tbe church »»tna-1 dost to Ura, I doubtuot to the result ot all the ehuichee- Men end women in ell I h.Va Irom their greet state. I rent, ol aocl.t, ere It. cfilcer. aod teacher. £de tont atathalto ^ jm Eigoreroorc, rcnetta. J “ B “ V* “ ^ ^atTthto convention the cordial greeting.ot every Bond., ahephe.dlog th. <*»<« r^ nM|la . Ltirin ’ I cue of my moat intimate traveling compan- The venerable and Hon. James Ferrin. of I iouaen route from New York to Atlanta—and * Montreal, who felt deep regret that he could not | had a host of most pleasant associates in th be here, te a member of the senate of Quebec, I pilgrimage—was that to me the chiefest of the ar,d also a senator for the dominion. He waa I minor proo’iate, Zicheriah. He waa a most appointed superintendent of the Flushing Son-1 wonderful character, a rare combination from day school, over which he still presides, in the I which you can construct a Junior Isaiah, and year lSto-fifty-two yean ago. In a letter Jeremiah, too. It is profitable to linger omoi g which 1 received from him, just before leaving I the prophetic virions and utterances, to go home, the old Sunday school patriot said: “ 11 backward in thought to the time and place had a good time with our Bnnday school jester-1 when and where the “sure word ol prophecy” day afternoon, trying to point the whole school, I was born. teachers and children, to Jetns, the lamb of Listen to the song of the hn dwell*upon God that takeih away the tin of the world.” hi* ever-altimato theme-the king lorn of our Then he added: “ May you have your Lord and I Lord and hia Christ. The radiance, tbe fall matter with you, filling yon with his fullness at nets, the power of the whole of prophecy center that great assembly at Atlanta. To him be all I in the one grand Idea—the reign of God over the thegtory, world wilhontend.” Tb we pre don* world In the glorious cxning year— sentiments fairly repretent the views and feel- “The glorious coming yeara, the glad millen- kii d’.teat and ! ings of our Sunday school workers. - 1 0ar prophSwSTthem far upon the wav, costumes and curiosities. There ia a fine dis play of all materials used ln conducting a Sun day echool. BEECHER THE BEAST. REVIVAL OF TUB DIf OUSTING B1VBY OF FLTMOVTU’A FA 81 OB* ing the “Sauday School March,” a beautiful I rung. song written by Dr. Gwine, pastor of the First I Here the call for the reports from states Baptist church, set to music and printed in At-1 continued. Junta Mr J C Courtney song the words oaa| Ind Iona-Wm H Levering, solo to tne stirring air ol the “Marseillaise,” the entire congregation joining in the superb cho rus. The effect wss decided and was mnch en joyed. Bev D E BaUer. of Madison, rose to perform a most pleasant duty. He appeared to wel come the convention ln the name oi the ladiee at the First Baptist church and be did it in e speech fall of his characteristic humor. He seemed thoroughly to enjoy his task, and Into it he threw ample zeal and interest. His re marks were received with repeated applause. President Pel's announced a b ■autif al bouquet I tinned, which he said was presented to the convention, I Mi-sourl-Fred Haws. and for which the body returned it* sincere I Nebroaka-I P Gage. . . thanks. I Rev George A Petty moved that 8undav echool I New York, April 15. The following President Permanent orgamx -tion la next | from beyond the usual field be request 1 letter from Mia. Tilton will appear in tho morn- in order. How will you proceed to It? It woa | ^ t0 |U ^ delegate* rad join in the pro I ^ to morrow: Mr Ira B. Whexlxr: My Dear Sir—A few New Jersey-Wm Harris. I week* since, after long mootbs of mental au- Here ‘ComeThou Fount of Every Blessing” | gulah, I told, aa you know, a few friends whom had bitterly deceived, that the charge brought Iowa—Mr Bartlett. Kansan-L R Elliott. Kentucky-J J Hickman. Louisiana—Mr Gardner. Maine—G C Goss. Maryland—EG Johnson. Massachusetts-F N Peloubet. Michigan—Z GrinnelL Minnesota—W Cheney. Mississippi—Mr Power. Here "Brightly Beams our Father’s Mercy' I was sung, after which the call of states was con- In. Tilton Confesses oil Atoont Ilenry—Now Let Theodore Confess About Bessie Turner. moved and seconded that a committee of one i ceedings. Carried from each state be appointed to act as a commit-1 jjew Hampshire—John G Lane. tee on permanent OTg mi zition. The motion waa ' — put aad carried, ana the following committee was nominated successively as the roll of Ma es wss colled, the Bev. Charles Coffin or Indians being appointed by the chair to coll the general committee to order and organist it: raoei grateful weioorae erc Ura. »“»«■« In tbe provloce ol No. Brnrawicb, a ami ng us representing this grand mission, than Qoreruer Wilmot has bean foe many year* a I itandora of the coining day.' would be the conquer lag hero or the heir ol sbb(tlh —©©©i (uperintendent. When he waa I thrones. Sevated to the governorship of his province. Looking across the gulf of centuries, be raw W. bid you welcome, then, ra men whom tbe officer, .ud .eecber. ol hi. rchool | <he toemrattoo. tbe euffertn,. .od to.: glory ot Chrattan httarts era toeptred by tbe meekeem I ipproeobed blm with eo eddnra of coogretuta-1 the Memleb, be aur the developmenti. the and beniflcfenoc of the loving 8avvox. who said, , u©n and an earnest hope that hte exalted pari-1 * T0 "* h 'meditetioM upon the virions suffer little children io come unto me. We bid tion would not sever blm irem the schooL The 1 truth. With mv meditation* upon the virion* wriooite -ChrtetianT who-e labors would ! *©vernor thanked them for tbeir address and there mingled many thoughts of the epprowh- tAketS^tihf^hS^' it. first dawn of re' : Sd: “U my acceptance of tbe governorship I ^ spoueibility and present it a sacrifice holy ac-1 from the queen would require me to 1 ** „ . jjare-aA ln the prophetic virion. ceptoble to God. We bid you welcome aa Chris- i position aa your luperinte-dent, I would decline | toe _ ,k> nan brethren, who come to tain our hearts afresh to onr children, and to lav offerings of rouge an- prsytrs upon onr family altars lor ns and them- We open our doors and onr arms to rou; w* bid you welcome to the kindliest greet ing and wannest hospitality, aad wo invoke for your de liberations and yoor future lives the b earings of omdipotence, who smiles upon he humblest effort that 1a meant to bless toe bum- zovSWhiP Tnd dto* io‘ toe Sunday 1 flowing " together to the mountain ol the Lord’s Koyemo p I house.” I said certainly we are Uving amid the VU Ieel tbe power of cbUOhood over Jorden- fulfllraeotolprophecita. 1 m .urc th.t were I *S7££ w ^ru2 abswssisr.* “o^mn. W. feel U blest of ute creatures. ] sabbath a aeu*ni, u» ««j ^ May w* cot fancy at The president announced that Rev John Pott*. no norab:e, and shall declare with David: I j GeorgteteJadah, and Atlanta its Je- Of Toronto, flrct rcepoud totbta. » n ,tad when ttay mid onto me. le. ray.Into|!«■»»* Wf montb wortoof we’come. 1 beboraeof 0.. Itad.- I ml^h. my tbe.1mooraV^d U n« U,!. iec Dr. Porta then deiiTerod Ibe following eery other branch °‘ “f”'*' 5?^*° I jo tbe houae of Jadnb joy end gtadneeef Tbe eloquent addrara, which was frequently inter- - the ^5°“* Men ‘ ^^©JS very breeze* which bear to as the fra- rupted by applause. He has raw power* aa a of , ~* . ho | mmee of field, forest and garden ring sweetly •pratar. .nd bta wldrcee held Ura re pt attention tand ta Sw- ^ —?* Of his audience from flret to IraL “® T ***”. “ J?* 71 hearty “God bias* you” thrill* our heart* and ,r MT ru.5 roTTs, n- o. to Jena tbe Ctaltt. Lron with glednem. And tbe “eneerfnl fctata.” or TOAOTO. Ton will be (led to leant, etao. that tbe dll- ere to follow lb tbe coming boon „ a,, ceeaieo ddegntloo ! le-ent wc’.lom of tbr cborcb of Chrtat tre Uring I .od toye of tbta Inramedonel Snntoy echool eomwrcd end wortlng “In tbe unity of tbe eplltt end in | ommnUon. WbAt teer.o more cb erfnl then h.,.rapo^nprnmctb. fitay. end eooferred “o li>eot the oomranoioo of e^otof Tbeyere upon me tbe high boner of mptmdlng o yoor ^ ol Gofi’e iptntml Imel erc pcetant-1 q,, ^nolne lore feetae ebont wbicb thegor- 't^hT^tb.t me, could tore eraign- IrgemUd front to error end Tice, end tb. good j moor end myrcli . , i n j.n ■ tatth a cod eff^et Is manifest. I all to be made sa cheerful and happy as the at* 1 Yon are not to understand that we have not I exosphere of an oJd-faahloced Methodist love feeos gs of my bran. d iu^dgeux conviction as to dsoocu Ie aat, and toot is aa happy aa you can here be I apeak tote morning on behalf at *few m ©a ^ m ©ttera made. It U a little child that Is leading us and 1 taraSTySutelirci ramSr tn ^mettere wbicb ere mujwltb bta little bend* betabeettagdowntnepwr- a doo behalf of ou tna baniay acnoo wo:k« i we | tttJoo mum of sects and creeds Aa we here Alabama—O D Smith. Arkanaa*—C Pope Connecticut—J T Chamberlain. Florida—J L Lyon. Georgia—S M Inman. Illinois—Theo Thompson. Indian Territory—J B Marrow. Innitan*.—C P Cpffia. Dm a-8 W CjIs. Kansas—L R Elliott. Kentucky—A Smyibe. Louisiana—L H Graves. Maine—G CGo*s. Maryland—W A Baker Ms teachnsetts—Snith Baker. Michigan—O Grtnuell. Minnesota—Wm Cheney. Mtesbrippi-8 M Si* 1-0a. Missouri—C 8 OadelL Nebraska—W H Fishaw. New Hampshire—W H Wood well. New Jersey—James LeFevre. Naw York—A J Arnold. North CoroUnu—T H Prichard. Ohio—B W Chidlaw. Pennsylvania—F E Nippleton. Rhode Island—K G Psion, booth Carolina—J L Bus. Tennessee—W G E Cunningham. Texas—W N Griffiths. Vermout-F Fairbanks. Virginia—A B Taylor. as sang. Call continued. New York—Edward Danforth. North Carolina-J E Kay. Ohio-Robert Cimden. Pennsylvania—Mr Wagoner. Rhode Iclsnd—Rev Dr Bixby. South CaroUna-W H Strickland. Tennessee-T H Reeves. Texas—W N Griffith Vermont—Franslln Fairbanks. by my husband of ADULTERY RETWEEN NT8EI-F HENRY WAEO BEECHER true, and that the lie I bad lived ao well the last four yean had.become Intolerable to That statement I now SOLEMNLY REAFFIRM aud leave the truth with Gcd, to whom also Virginia—J W Jones. I oommlt myse if, my children, and all who must Here wm .uog. bre taboo by taltb I eow tbe | West Virginia—8 B BarnlU. Wisconsin—John McLeon. Province of Quebec—A H Monro. Province of Ofitarlo-W Millard. Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico aad Utah, were reported briefly by Mr. E Payaon Porter, statistical secretary of the coo- vention. District of Colombia—Wm Stickney. It was moved that the ladles be requested to apeak if they chore to do ao. The matter left without defiolte action. Rer. Mr Millard reported from several of tiu Canadian provinces. Mr. Hickman, of Kentucky, asked whether Virginia—W H Irving. Wteoonrin—John McLean. District of Columbia—Wm Stickney. Canada-Wm Mallard, D H MacVicar. Rev John E Sear lea, chairman of toe execu tive committee, made the regular report or toot body, which waa read and oo motion received The report waa a general review of all the Sun day school work ln America since to* last meeting of toe International convention, three yean ego. Mr E Payaon Porter, of Chicago, the itatlstlcal secretary ot th* convention, read the following 1 * very Interesting statistical report ctiling atten* I suffor. I know full well the explanations that sought by many for toe acknowledge desire to return to my husband, insana ity, malice, everything SAVE THE TRUE AND ONLY ONE, quickened conidcnoe atd the of what is due to the cause el truth and justice. Daring all the .complications of these years you have been MY CONFIDENTIAL FRIEND and 'therefore I addna* this letter to yon, author zing ©nd ri quitting you to secure its state could cast a tall vote even if aha had not I publication, her authentic number present. Prerident-Tbat point baa not boen settled Mr. Gillat, of Ohio, aoid it hod bxn toe cus tom for delegates to vote as individual*. If Kentucky did net have a full delegation, the most stand the consequence*. Mr Hickman—Considering the space the In diana delegation takes up, that suggestion does not come very well Elizabeth R. Troon. Brooklyn, April 13th, !*?&. Month Unroll da's Convict*. Charleston News and Courier. It is stated that ex-Gnvernor Brown ^ Hmthtav .h,. mm i has made a contract with the state of * I Georgia to lease ail the convicts in the to bo out penitentiary, on terms that will give I the state a profit of $25,000 a year. The Anooaocemeot, wore then trade and tb. state of TenneKKe h&BmAdeeven better meeting arjourned to7:30 pm, after thedoxol- ogy and the benediction b/ the venerable Mr. Rogers, of Athens, who has been over rixly yean in toe ministry. RIGHT SESSION. Accept oui hrartielt dear friend* ot I plan tor toe salrttion of to* children of the \ tion to the fact toot the 4 raporta of the ntunbera | The Flint Baptist church was crowded ln ev- terms. Why cannot Santh Carolina make some such arrangement as this with somebody somewhere, so as to re lieve the people of this frightful expense of keeping up a boarding houee for the benefit ^f vicious negroes $nd worihlees whites? INDISTINCT PRINT