The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1878, August 13, 1878, Image 1

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THE CONSTITUTION PUB. CO ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FOR THE Wfi»9 FADING TUESDAY. AUGUST 13, 1878. No. 8, Volume 51 TERMS OF THE CONSTITUTION am year tit: ■ $3, payobi# la ad r tad on Taooday*. • yjjr, U tA fix mooter |J 00. p»j*hi#ln IXHKATIfiNS.-Look u Um printed liW on It* tracr, it. iu to mtaafp^on expire*. r. in ad roar* OOHaTlTUTIOlf, AL'aMa. fia. Gust will probably iui to rids Rare* in the n.xl presidential cam- Thxez seems to be s profound silence ■n the aching ..void once oecnpled by hunley Matthews, la h« about to da- sort Mr. Hnyas f Gxzesal enasw.a can probable make enough money to feed his horses when congress abolishes tbs orna mental office of general of the aimiee. Tbs organs are eonaUtent. They are more concerned in a question of juris diction in South Carolina thanjjjpy are in tbs cold blooded murder of an in- offaading citizen. What do the or gans care about a murder unless they can'make political capital out of it T > Teccmuh BusaHas will never be come a.ruly eloquent speak -r until he is the ex-general of the armies, da matters stand bis remarks lose ell their point and pith. He ought to ask a democratic congress to grant him a diroroe from rheeimr. Ms. Hexes says be will lurils Colonel Billups to can ram the district with him. This is an example that Dr. Felton mlgbt well follow. He might also follow the example of his leader OoL Thorn ton, who will not hesitate to meet bis opponents on the stump. We know fr a certainty that the refusal of Dr. Fel ton to meet Judge Letter has excited Col. Thornton’s indignation. Maxtoh Mabels unfolds his tale. It pins little Abe Hewitt in the chair in which we were polite enough to seat him the day after the consummation of the electoral fraud. Ale ought to retire from politics, and the country wouldn’t feel theetnain If One B-liao.t were to swap off bis ear bo be and go back to the land of the marmoset. tbb on r ton ta tbb Siam From all parts of the ninth congres sional district comes the cheering in formation that the action of the Gaines- eille convention, in nominating Colonel Joel A. B llnps, receives the most en thusiastic endorsement of the people. The fact is demonstrated that he is as popular in the mountains as in the loweV end of the district, and the gen. oral impression is that he will have liuie difficulty in defeating Bpeer at the polls in November. The nomination of Colonel Billups is not only considered the best that could be made under the circumstances, but the best that eonld be made under any circumstances, and in making a campaign against him, the independent candidate will find himself greatly embarrassed, provided he limits the canvass to the abuse of conventions and their results, and if he.goes beyond this, it will not be necessary for Colonel Billups to make any exertions. W. are aqxions to discover upon what grounds Mr. Bpeer will claim the tuffrages of the people of the ninth. He is mot a better man than Colonel Billups. He is not a purer min. In short, he is not the snperlor of the democratic nominee either mentally or morally, and is not nearly so well qual ified to represent the people. We sup pose, however, he will devote himself to attacking the democracy, abusing ihe organization and denouncing con ventions, but with this sort of thing the people have grown familiar—even to disgust They are able to estimate the animus of such abuse. They know that a hatred of conventions by any ambitions person springs primarily from the tact that conventions have not teen proper to vindicate their pu rity by nominating the ambitions per son, and they perceive dearly that un der the epedoua plea of tndependent- iam,an organised attempt to destroy and disband the demceratic party has been set on foot by these who believe that in. this way only can their greed for of fice be satisfied. We say organized at tempt, because it la well known that, previous to the fortunate nomination of Judge George* N. Lester, the inde pendent party in the seventh district eras more thoroughly and effectively Ths Felton partisans In the seventh district are drculeung a contemptible canard to the effect that Judge Lester v luoteered to prosecute the Colnmbua prisoners. It is needless to say that Jndge Lester was not oonnected with the case in anv shape or form. He was employed neither for nor against the It was stated in Tax CuasTtTtrrioit the other day that Colonel Billups wa„ born in Clarke county. He was born in Oglethorpe county. But, really, it doesn’t make any difference where he was born. He will make an excellent representative in congress, and will be elected. Karoxxs from eouUiern and m nth- west Georgia say that those sections will be largely represented at the o su ing fair of the North Georgia Block at d Pklr association. Toe troth la. that fa r In the number and extent of its ex hibits and in the crowds it will at tract, will be the moat characteristic exposition ever held to Georgia. The moat promises* democrats io the moth district propose to take the stomp for Colons, Billups. The people In every portion ol the district ere en thuaiaetio in behall ol the democratic candidate. With the election ol Bil lupe In the ninth end Luster in the seventh, the indtptndeut party in Georgia will be prsetlctlly deed. We^m grie '*lhf BrUtUhPrcket Classics," a work consisting of twenty volumes in 10 32 mo., to the person sending tan subscribers toTuz Wkzki.y Ooxtrmmox, end twenty dollars. Th work is worth half tbe amount. We will give “ The Farmers end Planters Encyclopedia ul Agriculture,' 8 v., to the person sending us six sub scribers to oar Weekly twelve dollars. The work Is worth ball the amount. We will give “Tbe Science end I’rac tics ol Medicine,” by Wm. Allken, U * I)., 8th edition, 2 vole, cloth, to tbe per son sending ns ten subscribers to the Weekly end twenty dollars. The work it worth hell the amount. wtl rasaocra cbolha uuaotatss. The young men left by Mr. Willie Storey in .charge of the Chicago Times are making e very mysterious mudd out of e very plain matter. Speaking of the case In Bomb Carolina, which has recently grown oat ol the n-nrder of Amos Ladd by re venae officers, the Times says: Tbe taw of contras sypllnbta m ibis perltcdy plate. It provide* thst when , of tbe Caned Setae aievmmiud testate enure energy end pluck, there need be no fear of any serious weakening of tbe party. Aa we approach 1880, we be lieve tbe democrats, the hnngry “outs” included, will naturally be drawn closer together. All will see that all tbe southern states are use may to ensure the election of a demo cratic president. The lea of a single one of these states might result in the election of Grant. All will see this i! they do not now, and we will be mnch mistaken if the tasks of tbe independent busy-bodies ere not greatly increased as tbe hour ol fiaal victory draws near. The men who doea anght to weaker, the only organization that can achien each e victory will deserve end will assuredly receive ell the punishment that the organiztiion an inflict. And no one will have en equitable right to protest against each e course oi natural jostles, or the power to give each a protect any weight whatever. riaooa roe Bap/tartar BIUStBS. I >• MOOS- Crinmisiioner Beam, although e relic of Grantism, ia a sensible officer It msy be that ths fact that he canno longer make the army a branch of the internal revenue service has ha: something to do with inducing him t make the illicit distillers of the south an offer that is resaonsble and wise In a letter to Bavenne Agent Chap man and in a circular letter addreeseo to all southern collectors, he offers to all inch offenders amnesty if they wonld cease to violate the law. H-.- ays: It ta needle** tor as to ■>; to you thst 1 am earnestly desirous of entaretax tbe taw, aiiu that It ta oo xratlflcstioo to ma to aeemenpuo- iahad. While violator, ol the law arm them aalvea to reatat tba officer* In tha enforcement ol the law, J am eowitltea to make tcima with them; hot when they exprea e determination to abandon their fraudulent predict* and aub- mlt thesnelvea «o authority, fax ready to deal with them with tha moat literal eplrtt, and In doing thla I am qnlto rare 1 will be telly eup- portad by tha department of Justice and by tha tree id cot. In portion, of Tcnncaaee, Georaii and Alabama Illicit dladltera have placed tbem* ,eteee te aa attitude that would wamutalen- lentconrze, and it baa been extended toward them, and I will bo perfectly willing to porta - a aimltar Soane toward tha illicit dlitlil&i ol Sooth Caroline It they act In s manner to enu- Hsmmond, Fulton, end Ur. Duncan, Houston county— laving Upson the only debatable ground in the district. Tbe first ballot will therefore stand: Candler, 12; Stewart, 8; Duncan, 4; Hammond, 6. Tbe delegate* ol Pike, Milton, Spalding sod Fulton v ave not been selected; bat the best information is to the effect that Mr. Candler frill carry the first two; Mr. Stewmrt,6pald- inz, and Mr. Hammond, Fulton. Cpeon county ia in short the only “doubtful” county; and her manner cl selecting delegates makes a foreshadow ing ol her choice very difficult. Her democratic voters are to vote directly by militia districts tor their respective congressional choices. The election managers of the distric t ere then to assemble at the coart honse ior the porpoee of consolidating the vote, and selecting delegates to give tbe will cl the party in the county expression in the district conven tion. These delegatee are to vote first for the men who receives the highest number ol votes in tbe county, end if hie name is withdrawn, they ere then to vote for tbe men who received tbe next highest number of votes, end so on to tbe end. With parity st tbe ballot-bcxes no better wev could be devised tor ascer mining the will of the party. The county executive committee appoints me mane gets of the elections in the mi litia districts, and if that task is faith- tally performed, the plan is without a Unit. It is better then a primary elec tion in-its usual form, because it ena bles tbe voter to vote directly for his favorite, gives all tbe aspirants an even chance, and lets the voters dictate the action of their representatives under all circumstances within the nmge o probability, even to third or fourth choices. , , , lie themselves to U. U me tacts an, u itate 1 organised than the democratic party. I n, nm New, rah Courier, that a Dumber of II- We have lively hopes that the happy I licit distiller* have •uxrenderod tbcmreivca you result of tbe Gainesville convention, "■ to tbe most public manner io I noonc* that the Eorornment will act in tbe the Ringgold convention, I m<M un* towers them, sod it they will impress democratic voters with the ,^j a from vioiattau* ol the law sod contribute absurd and foolish arguments of thoee I to pabUc sentiment favorable to the enforce who are interested in the division of meat* tbe law, they wu> pisoe themselves in , . . , ,. s position to entitle them to the clemency of the party for tha reason that such a di* I government, l hsve no doom win vision will subserve their personal am-1 cciye lu bition. If the enthusiasm of the delegates I KENTUCKY and to the Gainesville convention bo, in E;ectiona werB ^ in K<ratncky aod an, ri.»pe.or form, even faintly.*- AUUm>onUtmd , bntowj to fleeted in tbe people whom the, U. want oI oppodtion to dem0 . represented. Colonel BUlnp. will no tice hafl Wn 7 Z' taken cf th. results by the .saodstet jurity, and this, together with the elec-1 In Kentucky a jndge oi the uonol Judge Ustor, which is alrod, ^ VH electad , ud . va asenred, will be the final defeat and , co Z£ro mcen . inoye,, co uuty extiogo lib meat of the polled lode- ^^““n hesrd irom the demo- pwdent movement in GeorgU. Tb« OTtlc nomineea had , walk-over. In democratic nominee in the ninth will where ^ democrita mrl open the campaign at once, and prote-1 w ; lb a surprising defat one year eg, cute it vigorously to the end. He was I tbay were this yeas overwhelmingly not a candidate for the nomination, but inccMB , n , Bulnton Duncan’s labor the entbneluttcally unanimous men* greenback fAtiJ was utterly crushed, ner m which it was pressed npon him .j^ retQma (r0 m Alabam * precluded ell possibility ol e graceful I # how ib-t democratic nominers declination. He has entered the lieU, I btKn elected from Hllta0 w . Cobb end be will be victorioae. I d own. Such radical strongholds aa Selma and Montgomery have been car AMlli (Belli. IB 7f.'*7£-| ried by the democrats end each move BBM BL BciUBi,BDlB*iBLaaaoa*. I niepts as the so called people’s tick, t The praent legislature ol North Car * n Mobi > 8 disastrously beaten. The olina, in joint ballot, stands 174 demc. majority in the legislature will amount Crete end 48 republicans. The retnrna rimoet to unanimity. This wdl lead to from last Thursday’s elections do not * etmgple for the seat in the United indicate that tbe OTganixed democracy Ntatee senate that George E. Bpencer have been materially damaged. While will vacate on tbe lonrtb day ol next there ere many distent counties to March. The leading aspirants are Gov. hear from, yet it U known th.t Houston, Mr. Pngh of Eufanla and the demceratic majority in the new | Mr. Pope Welker, egicletnre an not possibly be lees, on joint ballot, then seventy over the red-1 coxsriBACT aoaixst col. tbobs- icals end independents of whatever I 10S. .tripe combined The radial, bevo ^ nmt ^ nd ^ we ^ V °Z' VnZxTcUmewhetbradly hinted thet there is divisions of the dernocrm.c l ^ { fa lbii d ; Btrict la vote by independent c*ndi-|^ 1: _,f :^x2 # THE WOMAN DID ITif^UNNEL KEARNEY. ram jsrrBcr or »h» bbatbd xa*m z* MaCON. A >4dj. TH!»W»f IbM too w U w Jaawffl lea UMrfU, Swka to BMOb Cbeua by U»e Umo! tbe Cow hide. Special dtopotch to The Coartltutlon. Macon, Ga., August 7.—Colonel H. H. Jonca, ol the Mum Telegraph and iiesten- rUBUCLY COWHIDE) HXXX TO-DAY by the wife of e partner end book-keeper in e prominent wholesale grocery firm. The dlffi "Sew EBS'hBd Vlrfae” Ntend Achavt a it ihe BoXt UltmsCM of the Oill f fonts t onmaslit — He Flings Off ] His Coni ssd Fltchee !■* Special dlepath to The Conrtltation. Boston, August 6 - Koeraey made a speech In Fanulel hail t>mghL In opening, he eulogized Butler, ol whom he spoke a* hsser than Macbeth, yet greater—“that fiery and In comparable Rupert ol debate.tne cbiralroua and white-plumed Navarre oi Rostrum.” He hoped culty grew out o* rcflectlona In the edltorlaUtTutler would “receive the reward Irom the oorrerpondence of Jinea, from Anzuita, CCXCZ&SIXO IBS VATHZa ON TH* A MAH. AN 1 Jouta wrested the cowhide bom her, and THKITOUcr H*a HUSBAND, where the three engaged in a eecand rencontre The community is greatly exercised. E thyis * GXNXBAIAY WITH TH* LADY, aa the publication ia considered improper. thxcaus* or TH* difficulty. | Bouth, from weat to eaat. The above special telegram reached us yj^. | *A- T0 D) waAT ? d ^be t trara^s found In an editorial letter from I ck«*s ol tndr owe (A t - Col H H Jones, which appeared in the Telegraph.) ->*uae.) Here upon the altar of liberty, htre and Messenger last Sotarday, dated at Augusts ! where tbe sun first dawned upon the infant We copy entire the part of the letter referring to'| bn)W ^ ube rty> here where free men and free be the subject ol general comment here as as in other parts ol the state. We copy as follows from the letter. In dee cribing his ride from Macon to Augusta, Colonel Jones threw in the following description of a pusenger whom he met and this caused ? ALL TH* TROUBLE. Bays he: “It was a dark and dlrmal scene but when did the voyager on land or seawhg ootbe pviriMfalltodiaoover something io tnteicst him? Ou this occasion a roxTscmrT. In the congreseiooal contest in Vir ginia, Cabel. Tucaer and Goode, are pretty sore oi a renomuDaiion Hanlon, whose recent dif ficulty with.Columbu* Altx* ider ia •till freah In tbe public mind, haa a hard fifh; before hlrg. General Joe Johnsum will hare considerable oppcaition and the final reutli ia involved in doubt. ‘ acre ia also doubt about the district represented by Harris, who Is a brother of our Pnc!e Jeeme. but he will probably be reflected In Doug* lea's and Pddamort'a districts ail la confusion, and the Petersburg district, which to now repre sented by Jorgensen, a republican, will proba bly elect a democrat. The Indications are that tbe democrats will make a clean sweep ol the ue. Th* Thomaaville Times prints* the particulars of a melancholy suicide that occur red recently in Tncmas county. Mr. M. B. 8*»- mt, a yoatg man about twenty-three years of waa the victim. The young man, ii ap- . . waa deeply enunored ol a young lady whose name ia not given, and bad repeatedly asked her to marry him. Her pertinent refueai of hi* suit caused him frequently to threaten to take his own life, but nothing was thought oi the matter. The day before he carried bis threat Into execution be met the young lady in the road and asked her to meet him on th* mor row at some designated place in tbe wood* where they might talk* the matter over. He waa to discharge bis rills as a signal. At tha appointed time the youcg lady, •itting at bom heard (he report of the gun, but did not meet the young mao. A few hours afterward she beard another and a nearer report, and the next day the body of the unfortunate young man wli ound. He l)ed placed tbe rifle against h i heart, and toucoed the trigger with his ramxoo of Maauchusetts he justly ey took off his coat, loosened his cravat l continuing, said: “I am icrry, friends, we > to hire Beecher to knock the bottom of hell. What means this outpouring ol people? What means this grand tidal What is tha matter with the country | that the workingmen are rising from north to natural and popular uprising of the people. This va t uprbing of the people, what does it mean? J ask you, does it not mean . dsath to thx kailsoad bobbke and the treacherous, thieving bondholder (ap plause), and doea it not mean political oblivion to the rancorous, VILLAINOUS FOLXTtCAL BUM Ml (Applause.) The speaker then paid his respects GRIMEAND0ASUA1TY.I********rSS.%”*"* co " D1SASTR0VS JO’S BY RAILROAD ACClOAATg. A Large Iinmb«r of l lyet Lost—Bnrg-, Xreilog Its I'batlsnoogs. men day's procesdlngs. The Chattanooga Times of yesterday lary~lo Siiratogs-A Tbrstre Han- (contains a repo-t of the first day's proce.ding* ol atabbea—%nooslnK m Barjglar— j the Southern Educational convention which met in that dty on Wednesday. A kAFxa HANOE). i Thdfollowlng is a aommary of the day's buai- Bpechd dispatch to The Constitution. I tm yfiyfmi of the Southern - Iducatkmsl coe- Nashvill*, August 8.—One hundred armed horsemen went to the jail at Franklin, I unong others. Dr George A Chxse, pr ndpal fe- last night, broke it open, and took out Calvin I male tchool. Louisville; Mr B Malloi. cuperln- Beatty, colored, aged 18. charged with I indent of th- 1 puMic schools of Atlanta; Prof Bxmto x ,ix YKxe old dxucutxx aomra. New L,N*n, ; Prot T C £1 Vra«^p.te. .. r*- n i A i . -^11. “t*' Normal •-hootand «U'acBc!.elleTV»cliu. of Daniel CUiUteira,» piomterat dtlim. while t Kj; Dr J W Karr, Port Qlbaon, Mira; returalox from achool tut Frtdxy. They pro Prof OD Smith, Azricultonl collate. Aubare. bably hone mm, bat no trace of tho body can I AI *l Mr W B Boncdl, principal paMleacboota, bo found. I kttanta; Mr E R DIcXaoQ, aarertntenCent pabUc ouibxgx by TBaxra » cxoxsra. l*>t i H CbippeU, female college. Columbus a«| Prof B P Meei, Dalter- Special dispatch to Tbe Cons Itution. t «ty of Alabama, Tuscaloosa! A number of other* Macon, August 8.—Yesterday four mPev j were present, but at the permanent crgscizttion from this city four men robbed W. W. Ergllsh, I wu deferrel this morning we were unable to a miller, of atmeU Mount of money and xr. W* Tt * nmtetea tratoa today are aralbuahela of meal by cboktex and ontpawer-teLc. S ar ^ te.Scram inf him. The robbers were supposed to be I and showed their appreciation of the proceeding* tramps. Ail escaped. I by their dose auentloo. AN accurate u,t. A ‘‘mposary o gaulxation wm effected by the a* - election of Dr Geo A Chue. of Lounvllle, chair Special di^atch toTh. Constitution. I tni Mr w B Bonnel, of Aila-ta. as secre Pittsbubo, August 8.—The following ia sn I tary. Dr Chase stated briefly and dearly the aim accurate list of the casualty of the wreck at I of convention. He compared the city as it l- Mingo Junction yrawrday: w, tb .hat It waa te 1MI, whan ba dm vtattad it, J I and relatsd the circumstances, amusing low the killed, though not so mu-h so then, ■ f his being Frank DGrahtm and W R Johnston, postal] restea for firing off his pistol within the “city dfrks of fMnrfnnfrtl ; AugUStUS Andrews, postal I 11 Pit, clerk, of Clarksburg, Weat Virginia; Mia Culler. ***** CwUste then deUye.ed an address of of Bridgeport, Conn: Bombard Miller, of Ge.- ***** th. wclcomo wra bamt.rit I ana not up service. many; John Currey, of Ireland; Fred Qroea, I B ftunmittM nf ihrM witappolnte of Mawh»im, Germany; Pat Gorman, of Ireland; (to prepare a coustltuti n and by laws Messrs, and John Dagan, engineer ol tbe pojaeng, r I v *n«. MaUon md WyUt were appointed on tt* train. These are thekilhd that have been identified, though the list foots np fifteen who | a ^ at)le piper on “The Educational 8i.nation were either killed outright or have died from | of the Sou h '* We are sorry that oar space garrulous old gentleman introduced himself to | to the press, saying: From ths earliest dan oflthalr injuries. Many of the killed were eml-1 prevenU us Irom priming It it t .ol, as It is of S^toSita “5 prlnUnf • ICW,p ‘ pU * “ 4 c * anot “ T Tb.‘°a^i. of th. paper given by th. Time, mention, enlermtoitd him not • UtU. with hU I tetcemot TXZ wooxdxd raow. thx: it wa» ra able neaUee, f all of Bn queer waya and extravagant oddlttea. He waa I cut TOioan. rot mcoL stixa. are It B Con well, of UlrichYllle, Ohio; Margaret [ thoagbta and going to tbe very toot of tbe mot •n old citizen j bad come to M.coo It. 1827, and daylight Utlerea and midnight auxwlnx (Great Brandoo. Eaat Bridgeport, Coon; Sam Semple. “* “ wKcl1 “ re -* led p ’°' h ““°i' U * 4 Wltn ” and U0 * 1 “' I) F ° r ^ Pbttadelpblm Mra McOormlcx, Glragow, Scot, ^ ZSS/m heri^ 1 agr^t fortune, 'which interested and I ,he pTem ** ^ ***' *•*«*'** **“7 wr re land; Mrs Jane Bomerine and two children, L iew , 0 . BU bject must hav^ been of gr«« ^ h . m<ng hid wrested from him; was I worUngmeiL After assailing the pitas In bis | Jesse and Robert Bomerine, Glasgow; Mra Mary I interest to the couventloa. A full analysis of suing acd determined to brijg to grief a vtteraa I characteristic manner, Kearney asid newspaper I Haley, New BccueUe, N Y. (dying); George I would interest oar readers were we and distinguished lawyer; waa a pe*t rail- I ^ were % tUUinou ^ thitvlng Thomas, Washington, DC; Edward Downing, I meet and oom pterion ^Df Px; Mr. P Owmn, BrlCg.port, Conn. K ^ dlKai ^ by Mcmr. wick road to Knoxville—had been badly treateu-f that are aiming fo control public opinion. If I and two children; Mra Marla Cullen, sane | Dickson, Smith, V*roe and Ken by tv»»> Telegraph Messenger, but simply I the workingmen of the United States possessed I place; James, the husband ol Mra Maria Cullen, | On motion of hoi Meek, Messrs Vance, Wyatt ddtot that exponent of public optn^ within tnelr bre-t. a Ingle .p«k from which a and Me Cullen-, daughter, Fannie; Mra « ° •qiSSf nEb"^. ST’tl^iSTI^S 1 «* *«**“ could be tanned rite, ramld | Bnrbe. Lml,Trite. K,; J » Hart.. ZraeavlUe | Uw^nc. events. It was impossible to edge in a word I not permit either of lcqulrj or defense, and we gave the I SUCX X ON STEM TO LIVE Ohio; John B Thomas, Philadelphia; Jamas P I Ou motion Messrs Kerr, Seaman and Bonn el ; Schsffer, Montioello, Ind; W D Agnew, Alle-1 were appointed a committee to consider a ^lan for old fellow luu awing with his tongue. Ye go- s I lQ thelr mldii They would conUol throe tele-1 «heny, Pa; J C Fulton, BurgeUstown, P*; the meet bow Ite did wo* It. ram rad raonatoppta ^ ^ ^ ^a,. 1Jtag pramngtx fireman. Cbarlc. Graham; th. trtght ^ ^rt!-*tette‘^lSrt'«itiSaTwUb more Kalawa*. item power and elect bonaet men to engineer. Kran p Oteon, New York; Marr M> — a^d eirntrattiCsa than raer. But tbe lnepirarible traczmtt plate, unTarnttbed news Donald, London, England; Mr Phillip* Tlpp - «»». Colquitt to Uoeola Cone ty orator was drained to he squelched suddenly I as to umoeaxnatical sxntxnces, canoe, Ohio; W H Houston, Indiana; Postal Washington. UA, Augu* , 578 end moot effecteolly. The oooduetor came Md u|nmullal .peechee, be raid that Icr Clerk George L Went. Cambridge City, lm ; CounTlTlTtoN : Tfie Bauday -Odoitaraand fitty cent. Iran alw.yhtre a IratelC.erkaJCMattbew.rtdCbarta.McCant, fe* gentleman waa baited in the midst of a grau- I man to write a grammatical speech; but it There are a large number of Swedes, Danes and I p tce< on last Friday. August 2d. There was a diloquent sentence and requested to fork over j takes millions to buy an honest man, be he I Striae among the wounded whore names ara ] large crowd out to see anl hear Gov. Oolqaltt. either cart or ticket. He raid be h*l neither , w „ nngntmmaUaL [Apptatue.1 Let me unknowa. The lira ol wounded will foot up so. w* filtered « wldiMe betore the echoote la the one or the other. I . I , I his usual happy style. He made a favorableim- Then.” quoth the matter-of-fact conductor. I *“** inat me counU7 | Many are I prei ^ on ou who listened to him. At the dose ■I an all pal you off at the next station.” I being run to pehdition very badly injured 1 0 j the moral Dg exjrdsea, many of hit friends “Bat” interposed this lordly millionaire, “I I by a band of classic thieves and legal pirates. I *ad not expected to recover. The woundsd exe I and old soldier* crowded upon the platform to will le»ve my baggage In your custody, tadi- I ^ bat workingmen want la common honesty *t a railroad hospital in Bteubenville. reoeivirs him by the hand. From here the gover- and common wmra-better gmdra toan ctaratc „d attention. Tbadradbav. tea and other valuablra to be redeemed when we I attelnmenta. Be detailed at length the origin neatly coffined and ore being forwarded to their j th , wll , therci ul j mac h feeUng wu arouaed. reach Auguito." I and growth of frienda. | Eyery one wu lmpmasd with hta piety. We Wheren on he pcoaucod e little paper parcel I u I A T1BH1BLX ACCIDXXT, | hope loaee him again. UcMtlornUtodrtTteed the workingmen ol B, Araodated Prera. SrJSSirt " | Moiaachaoettato podoll thelr tone, tnte on. | ^Sgi^fa^U SS* proper step* being ta»en, be transferred to th* roared tbe United State* at say tune before fiaal trial. Tb« state courts bare no right to re tro* to maka the transfer. If they 4o refuse, the law nukes tt the Cat y of the United States warts teen all n» reran j force to obt ctutody of the prtocam. Not only lathe law i, and this nacwarUy cornea with It (k* power to are what ever force may be requistie, and, of coene, to loftlMir i xot only tgvtnst tndi- raues acting under pre tended Ttvte aothorUy* greietmon to tkla law by any Hale te rim ply nhallioa. tt W an ah wa*pc CP the pan of the .tale toprawnt them anl (OTcnraaot from extreteu g aooariliuionai It may be xatid, in rtfercnc* ta the lorsfoiag that the revenue officers in question were not In ths discbsrgw ol thelr duties when they committed ths deliberate murder referred to. There is oo United States lew which makes it incumbent upon s revenue officer to commit murder, even in tbe discharge ol bis duties. Did! distilling is s misdemeanor only and tho revenue officer has no right to kill s criminal even though the letter attempt to ee- espe. Tbs man murdered in 6on h Carolina waa no crimu al, and he waa not attempting to escape. He was not resisting end had no am Irom ell ws can gather, that he waa to be attacked. It msy be said, ia extenuation ol ths crime these man that they made s mistake in the peiaon. They intended to mar- der another men—s man who becanse he had managed to eecape ar called an outlaw. This ia no oxinse whatever. If it had been the rentable Redman himself th* crime wosld have been murder. They had no rignt to shoot down aa offending dtiun, mnch ism on* • who was entirely innocent WiUul,.d*lib* ) *t* murder b#s been committed, the law ol th* stain has been floated. TWe men wity bn bind not m rnwon* officers, tel fe fl sift Th* IPOt* jtel, K as WQ^ld ,io veCu jL’i-ta Dsm- ct opoa Mora irasUPf ot HieUm»* mpr- 1 vote uj moe^uuou. beUui, „ d cripple the influence of f "1, ^ T”, Colonel hUrcsilu. E. Thornton, who irevraurad the radical sirangth; but L ^ announced himself » they hsve not gained mnch for them- H ' lmt candidate lor con- aelves. Only Iwo independent senator* ( .. - lMk wsra elected, -though *11 of courted to the ntmost the negro vote. “ ““ . Four more racnr.d razl. ,n the honra ^esatvene^ We ot representatives. S.x out of ^ « prefers not« ml.nrprnmd to find . .nd „„ the following, which we copy in full, in hundred trad twenty , Ute number of th. New York Tribune, ‘taUve. ianot in iteolf sdangerous “Indepandei.t J CandWattw iu^a =’ pendente did, however, feed to the de- JtUu edUoir ^ A leato! aix true democrats by negro votes I Thom too, a *ort ot oau of the town, wi led by small tactions ot offica crastd I nMinees hinueir, tn The constitution of thi* whites who bad been denrcrats. Ti e nomirg. mou u»<tep«ixi«t c«iaia»io for cou- t.fPmw nn* Vnomii In V .rth I tTum *•***«. Hi* C*DdHUCy WOUid latter «» now known in * jrtb Gsro- ^ E } lt not mvpired by tt e lma as brindletails. The bnrdletai a Uoojbju m*a»gera of tkaonrauixri crocus el and tbe radicals offered no opposition | mocrecr, for tne purpuse of foreaxlllng the U- lo the state ticket, but directed aU their depeadwt moreowt in thto district. He is a 1 “*** UttrUmeUt Of UM bOCUtXAU, tUfl Wllfij t energies towards tbe election of mem | pogiuon, uients or iRflacpoe. And y* bora of the legislature, in the hope of I ^ Iriiud be trumpeted abroad as tbe n being able to retain tbe chief brindletail I *ait of tba ladepwdaut moremeut m Georgt*- of tbe stale in his present seat ini Mr. BteiAen*’* candidacy h*s little or lo si - the United Slates eenate. Bat their U 1 ***- 0 **** 1 "^win^omaiaiy rewire tbe rou saw UBlieu oa««re ou ‘ “ I ^ nommaHon at tbo bands of tbe bourbt.u [scheme is ruined; Gov, Vance I He wiu obtain ibis by pirogra to sncceed Mr. Merrimon on the fourth I support the regular oominero of th* party in ail March, 1879, and the independent- ekcrioc*. state and natioual. »_ i_ . xi-vw,.„A^ IV1 **• tte todependent candidate for radical are chine is in a dam l ? d condi-1 in tha careatb district, will bare a close tion throughout the old North state, Ibu may after oU b# reflected- There It is not mnch better off ia Tennea-1 win b* on lndepcsdent cemocratic candidate la see. In this slate the judical ticket put ***** but there is no caonoa for forward by the democratic party was I ceitainljberetanMdtodMsra- nnopposed, and, outside ol East Ten-1 tie. Ha la, bayoad all doubt, the moat popular Which is republican in large I msa in tha Slate, and ware tba election to taks apota, the temporary dijorgmiiai- |pte»»ow.lratMri of five xromba firaoe, would lion in ths democratic ranks was. SOB S03IEIUISU TO BAT• A Tramp Break* Into A Country •»-*!deno’. Sunday often - oa test Mr. Adsm Tolen, who ecidra near East rat. six miles from this city, reacbed Atlanta and drove up to the etatlou- house iu bis ragoa, accompanied by a friend, *fco bad in bis custody a white man, who was bound, haul and foot, with ttrong ropes. The prisoner was lifted out and placed in one of the cello. Upon inquiry, we loomed from Mr. Toltn that the giving his name aa Christian Han- nels, bad BROKEN INTO HIS BX3IDRNCR while be and hi* family bad aone to church Mr. Toleu says that, before going to church, he han observed the man sitting on the railroad track, a abort from the house, but paid no attention to him, further than this. It ap pears that, shorty alter the departure ol Mr. Tolen and his family to church, the prisoner broke into the boos* at the rear entxanc His movements, however, were watched by the neighbors, who surroandsd the house and took oturge of Hannra. Mr Tolen was sent for. and upon arriving, hitched up his team and broutht the burglar to the city* When arrested, Hannre stated in as good English aa he could, that he Viad broken into tbe house to oar something to eat, ^yuT that he was nearly starring The truth of this statement was not aoubted^i he looked in a terribly starved condition Soreral of those who :sided in the vicinity brought him a quantity eat before be Uft on his trip to Atlanta. Yes** terday, Mr Tolen took compassion on tho poor tramp and let him go upon condition that he Imre town and this section of tha state at once. Hannra accepted the compromise and left the Air-Lino far Baltimore He hod a free m to wodt all the way over tha cro»a-tie*. He claimed to be a sailor, and had coma from New Orleans. We wish him a long trip and a return at a very distant day. worth.copper. TheIjnxeyed oondactor evi- pot, xnd in Novembe.- thej coold announce • 8u railroad, which left thia citv nuw commencement L Pxorrra dently wz. d tho ramc opinion, lor ho zho£ . | at U:47 U Bt night, met with a “ U " ' Commencement 1. i-n>xran hta hezd and praz-td ox Tho old mzn reznmoa jnMIlsniusali accident at a point one and s UslI miles I athxxi. Oa_ Anstizt«, l87i with ezrat vehcmecoo artaihematixios the local — west ot Mingo Jnnction, Ohia The I Editobs Constjiotion ; \ our tele- •ad book k*eper of tho Telegraph and rietvtn* I I train waacompoeed ol two Bleepers, odo 1 graphic correaponOent lias informed tor. cutting into zmlthimenz one of the olden JBB MPOBTiao WOULD. hotel car, one baggage car, two postal I yon of the distribution of the sophn- practiuoocra at tho Mxcon bzr anddecurinf h. I cars and two coaches, the latter being I mure prize medals to Mr.H.C.Tuck was resolved to have “bit owa.” whtoh meant Th , Brighton Cnp-The rat Men’s .rranzpzwran by hmigkakts. of Clarke county, (first medal) and tt 8150,000 worth ol property In jonr fair city. Bat »enu Knee-TherinrnioxnTnrr-lho A t onTmm at the Doint named tbe Mr- O. N. Houser, of Houston county, teat when he waa reaehteg a cUmsx the tnexora- I Wnateot Tim. kve, Iri. in Bnr- „ Ugg'S& &^ (second medal). Ol course there wefe hie conductor appeared again md told hta to otM . hrtd fimJ was “ nuing st * “e < f “me disappointed among the speakers “get up and geL Tha poor old fellow wUtad CApr b: q 1RDD3 . hour, collided with ti e “id their friends. E3Ch oi the former, Wimoatarinate rtmonzwmoeaitoiadlTiUh Lo SD o», August 7.—Captain Bogar- freight train, and the entire train, ex- however, probably comforts himself „n.pattta^toew^»ta«dMmt«u^. ho on Tuesday woo the title hotel car end the rieeperr, with tbs reflection that be jnst did I champion wirgahotof the world.radedL^re .. . . for home on the 10th hat, and will | thrown rttoa toe tbacx I To l 3 "? th ? jnmors epoke original O v^^o^^k”l^™ c—nWirg^otof murah.hrtpron^dra™ tothorallw., ^ BQ mor0 matcbM ££ The reader ia Invited to point tho moral ol thla one “ ile ’»“ Won xr l "*! p B » mble ’ pTetely demoShed. ThepoaUi ft Truly . it the world a aatago, and “chanty I Kcond Engene H. Robinson third. & ran k w. Graham, A. wTai ahonld be Ihe watchword ol the actota. Time, W7L , „ „ I LdW John^'ert killed, hare UtUe or no oppoalUou. As (fort will ha is this (Atlsrti) dla toy* the Naehwlle American, confined I tries, flqqpfre tha obaucia thrown in the way by tbe cities—almost exclusively to 1 tha bourbooa, to inance N*ahville and Memphis, in *>* "«Barm, _ Kl . .nr.KWs* .... 1 **•*• 00 rafirpondeat *chedule. But tha which there were vquabblee over I u oot ^ Gvor»i rr- the election d local officials. Tbe dis-1 main -miid.” roa twed not be rarprirad to-rrat. did not spread itself over the rural I Draocmu, who tailed to get cam ondtr Ptrai- dtetricte. It.« confined mg wards of tba two c*tiea, and tha gen | Tvhiist too ri * B T of thoaa who hare w—^ tha r>' oral result throughout the state, says I dpteni of preoidoadai favon are qufetly but in the American, M ehowt the | dgatriocaly labonug to nalntaln their atatua in democracy is still s solid party, repre- seating the oat opinion of tho people of Tennessee s* to the breed iseaes of | Atlanta. Ga- July T.. isti the day. Ths elections in ths two (tales plain ly show when carefully studied, district by district, that independentum end thelr focal party organ-xuiou. under tha bell* that is 1890 a straight democrat will ba mafia THE F1FIE DISTRICT. The convention of this district will radicalism are practically one—that 1 not be held until the twelfth of next the democratic party ia regarded by I month. The promoters of division, each alike as an enemy—that the mem-1 third parties and independency have ber* of tbe one wfll rarike I plenty of time to operate in; bnt per- hands with the members of | hap* tbe time gained before a oonvec- the other wherever end whenever it I tion might be th* better utilized after will bring about ths defeat ol s damo- the convention has acted. The mal- cratic nominee. While these election* contents sra naturally anxious to know point oot th* dasgen that sn alliance I who is to be the party nominee; for ia 1880, ot radicals end indspeud- their plans * most remain immature eats, would involve, yet they j until he is selected. We ere not oaks plain ths fact that the de- able to give them soy definite in- mocracy are not, and will not, be st the formation on tbe point they ere most meaty# anygpehzl-ianoe,if theyfcjjlIideeply jptergsted in, bat we can tel 1 do feisty Whoia duty, h t“oe* ifc 0 nre- J thart ?h>t ifis Jto»«irai i* this moru la.- -iso tat his reejc*J|^tg- Ut-fkzilv h*e Q£ prabsblv will ATLAS TA MKDiCJLL COLLEGE. lea Tweniy-FIra* Yror. Ou the 15 Ii of Oc ober will begin the tweuty-first annual course of lectures of the Atlanta meclcal colioga. Tula iniiitatioa has risen to an eminence wnlcn makes it an object prida to the cilj, and anabtes it to offer to atn<2enta radncemtnta which cannot ba tur- bv any similar lnstitaiutioa in the south. With a fall and abl» corps ol profraaoit, finely arranged carricaiam, complete appara tus and perf ct accommodanocta, it effera to joung men El over tbe south, inducements they would do well to cocsider. The situation of the College in Atlanta is a great point in its favor The auxaettoci ol our cfmate, the perfect heaithfalmu of oarci»r. the push and enier^rtsa of oar medical men, are all advantages which count in favor of tha Atlanta medical college. An examination ol th* claims of this limitation, together with the low ocm of education in ita hails, will place it la a light where it need fear no competition. The attendance surely increase* every term and when the 15-h cl October cornea, we hope to e hundred young men from oR porta of the focth attending lecture# here. Knapp's Siberian Crab. Cap!. R H. Knapp haa a cariosity in th shape of a Siberian crab-apple tree at his ace near Chic dty that ia deserving ot special notice at our hands. Tha ires is four yean old and if about eix’.een feet high. Tn* prraeut year i: haa put forth bloeaomc at . . , , speechee. I append a programme. . ra-YXY, B A«,A«^A ,r„, land fearfall> wrecked. Eleven or They all did well, fancies sod day dreams of one who I thb Saratoga xuar. twelve persons are reported killed and I y addbjss assuredly “non compos mentia,” tut | Saratoga, August 7.—The track was fifteen or twenty wounded. All pas- n b Chapman. Twiggs county; vir- Larmies* and oven entertaining fo hfo | heavy. The first race for all ages, one Bengers in the sleepers escaped withou' I tQe the basis of national prosperity, idiosyncratic*. What became of the benighted I m i| ej WA9W0Q by Grecian Bend. Bertha serious injury, the loss of life being I W Ltmdin. Barnesville; utility, old man deponent cannot affirm. But to u a 8econ d, Bennett third. Time, 1:48. confined to those in the forward cars, w * B R aB8e n, Clarke county; oratory honorof ^conductor be it midhe expraued The second race, handicap for ail ages, occupied by postal clerks and emi- the prod uctof trying times. grrotregrtithE hu duytoftj^ noititonte- two mile ^ ^ won by Princeton, grants. A. W. Smith; Atlanta; action and tiro in tire premUe., and hoped h. would not Bushwhacker second, Shylock third. * thirty fkxt down. cuntemplation. attempt to walk upon ctw an Tnnoe *-1 Time,..I The Cincinnati postal car was thrown I B. J. Ei wards, Monroe; genius, labor The tmrd race, for three^yearulds, | over an embankment 30 feet and com- I auccesa • postal clerki, I w. E. Smith, Decatur county; book W. Andrews, j farming. — . . #ii n !•“'* ... -—.tilled, and G. G. Hartridge, Savannah; original , r i nirrT I ?" fourtl1 “*6. ,or •“ ™ 8 mU ® Moreanhad his leg broken. The St.Loni* thouRhi exhausted. A DRY COW IN MARKET-1 * quarter, was won by Rhsdsman- wu throvnoversnenb*nkmenton| J. H. Armstrong, Angnsta; life not A Dill ittiiAiu-jiA Uov. Hampton second, W. J. its end »n d badly wrecked. The pos measured by days, bat *eds! rural dabkstb VISIT i o | Higgins third. Time, 2-iof- I tal clerks, G. L. West, W. H. HouatCD I M. G. Bayne, Crawford county; ex ma British cup. and J. C. Matthews were injured, but it I cosed, i.ttti* I 8pecUi diifoich to Tbe CoMtltution. is supposed not fatally. The baggage I j. H. Napier, Twiggs county; our how ue tvuue ta be I L^ndjn, August 8.'—In the race for and emigrant cars were thrown from I mother tongue. the Brighton cup to-day Mr. Gretton's the track and badly wrecked, while ine I immediately after the junior exhibi _ . . . . . .gelding Pageant was the winner, with I last corcn and sleepers remained on the I y OD Major Joseph Ganahl, of Augusta, Yesterday morning at an early hour, I R hidowoc j 1 8eC ond and Johns Cesar | track and the occupants escaped almost I ddivered the oration betore the aiumni, ccg'oxDon entered this city by th* way of De-1 (j^rd. I uahurt. I wa8 a most scholarlike, elegant and color ■treat, leading a cow and offering it fori THE nkw YOHX f CULL race. I eloquent address. The fine personal aole at the varioni meat markets on that atreet. I 8 peci*i dfepatch to Tbe Qmriitetioo. „ anLL AHCmB WMCX. _ ^ I appearance of the orator gave great ef- —-sssfss as-jt-. hfe-aKaj-.a, —— udxfurwznl.txled Uizt ne would take lea*. " Th« r.nlv rnntMtmta raraa I “ .... . The proprietor .fearing that the animal had been ■tolen, refuted to buy her. Hit stupidoni were aroased from the fact that the negro had offtred her for nfe at too cheap a price. A-poUceman . — --— - 7-——*» 1 time Of tne acciaent, were xuiea out.* 1 hoDoeninealoDzatthe time, waa told of the boats. The race was cloeely contested. ^ ” from the stage. The athletes rowed aide by side till "S* 14 - Tho alumni society met at 4p..m. both lonledT when Hogan drew dear, I asoihxb victim or cibcoxstasczs. I ,nd elected Davenport Jackson, Erq . •aid that hta name wu Gm ktttiaidaanAod tta: I took the lead »nd won amid loud SPBinoriELD, Mass., August 7.-H "I Angusta^ a trustee, vrceThaddoua lie rcatdrt oa Ur Gvorzs webb'a ptaee in De- cheers, lime, 27 minutes end 30 sec- H. Kimpton, the long missing financial I ^ acon > whose term hafjex- Kalb oQuntv wnen quraUontd larther Be I onds. A Urge crowd assembled toUgent-of 8outb Otrolin*, was arrested P““- . could not (ire any autatactoiT trtormxUoa witness the contest, and there was xf We tfield this evening. He says he . They passed s reeolution memorial about toe cow thai atood aia rrapecttnl dta. much merriment over the straggle has been negotiating for* settlement oi tri«*K the legisUtnre to' allow theisgn- I Jonea waa diaaatiafiad.. and challeDtred hi. trnnhl. In New York, and uaa ail cnlmrsl society to elect tour trustees of ATLANTA, Bow bo Proponed to «Mb and Bow BalMfi Himself. MR. TILDEN’S PLAN. |®^®‘ n ri ^d to in^ B*r>RW TBE BTECTORAX. of «o many, was a mistaken and MUDDLE by MR. marblk. unf irtuuate policy. He recommended — I the widest publicity, the fullest discua- rbo I* .Ido History of tbo Prroldon. aion, the freest coninl-ttinn « llatl SOKOllrtUonn, onto Mr Mewltt * I . al2J ai ' atl ° n ii m8 u I'oMDfc'iou wttn i h^ra-T itten’* ocixuc method always excellent m it- Tolecrams to Hewitt ana tbe com- self, and contributing to the prosperity I an , Jollity of all self government, WvwVabit Anmi.1 i Mr u« n » A n I present instance no wav ii ? August 4.—Mr. Man ton hurting, but advantageous, rather, to Marble will publish to-morrow a re~ the intereets of the democratic parti, view ol tho electoral commission folly, T o the argument of haste Hr/TUden the causes thst led to it, Mr. Hewitt e I replied: agency in it, and Preeident Tilden’e -There is Urns enough. It is a opinion of it. aa well as his plan for car- mont h before the count. It had best rytng out and enforcing the will of the b e used, all of it, in making the people people after lte expression on the 7th of an,, their f gents folly acquainted with November, 1876. This work of Mr. their rights and dntiee.” Marble's grows out of the controverey T o the statement that the eenate between Meesra- Wattereon and Hewitt committee would not delay for thU to and PreBtdentTUden’apoeiUon is stated present their bill, with the unanimous authoritatively wittt the WMmpanyiog approval of ita three democratic mem- declaration from him: “I have never bera, to the republican senate, Mr. Til- questioned the good faith and patriotic <i en replied; purposes of Mr. Hewitt, or of any whose I -it j, a panic of pacificators. They counsels and guidance he thought it his I w in »ct in haste, aid repent at leii duty to follow. After stating at aome ure ,« r ^ ld , e ?’ a pUd - which reducsd To Mr. Hewitt’s representaUona of the < *® n 8® r «< a collision oi force with the Boat some weeks ago, combat to the I »h e executive Mr TiMen ren)i«»ri • bitter end thw^siraM the right on Ute part of tbo president of the senate to cipiiste. The fears of collision are ex- 8e l“L^i- t .°. r ,?' mttheeleCtOralV0te ’ wBnntted. And why enrrenrter now 7 Yon can always surrender. That is all have obscured iut BntTe ^Sy^rre^erWore have left no “ “ hr^to e d C o“s tle'ia^r r 8UrrUlder lh * penetretingforeaightand iteeuffictency. Mr . xilden’s criticisms of the details Its unrelenting pressure first uniting of the bil] 0 , which iu no , ha coll | d the house, most then have divided the hB approve either the policy or the senate. All the ableet repabl'can 8en- substance, exemplify the political r* aton m debatraion the twsnty-eecond pm,,. of , he veteranetatesian. joint rule and Morton’s bOl had pub- -if , n „ b itration is to be adopted, tidy commuted themselves over and th e fribnnal ought to be fixed ii the over again to the right of the two bm iteell and not left to chance or in. booses (and not of the vtce-prostdent) trhme.” to control the count. Morton himeell - lfan at bi tra t’on ia to be adopted, was committed. Many of them knew, ju, duty o{ lhe ar bitratore to iuveeti- and many of them had j >.ned m tnak- g, le and decide the ease on ita merits 7^,'' - honld b8 mide mandatory, and not challenge by either house had repeat-1 [ e j t a q Ueat i on 0 , construction.” edly sufficed to exclude, from the true . W hh both the"vital points left at e'ectorai votes counted, any certificate ioos8 ends> you canD0t ^ed. You deemed by either house to be not epch cannol aD . jrd t0 and yoa can a true and lawful vote. But were any exact (1)- lhe selection of good men to one of ail the mneteen contrived and compos ttte tribunal, which is the con- Wse votes to be challenged by the tro m D g point ; and (2), the nature of hones of representatives; were notesch l un Son to be performed by the “ d tiRlS ry J r * U , dul ^“ , dlfl - tribonal, which ianeiiia mportaico.” qualified vote to be piared aa a.true The scheme which Mr. fitewitt bad electoral vote by the sepusta act and brought contained in its first draft* approve of the house end senate too, prov 5, lon by which six judges were to the result must hsve been the election k, described in the set. one of them of MU. Tilden by a msjonty of «U, or then to be eiiminsted by lot. To this else his choosing according to the ex Mr . Tilden’e objection w^ peremptory, press mandate of the constitution, by y^d he: -.j m i v looaa rte nrejidency. tho house of representatives, • mt* L ut I w m not raffle for it” therein tho democrats previuled.wheUi- He was pressed to siy that if the er voting by numbers or voting by bilJ CO nld be modified so aa to fix the states. I dTe jadgn by a positive provision, he THE FtRiT asoAQEUENT. would give it hts spprovxl, and it waa Tho ground waa well chosen for the orged Aat the attempt to modify would first engagement Mr. Tilden, tnifi> I , a , 1 Dn iess lt were alleged that it would cember, had prepared two reeqluUuns make lhe bm aecppub]a to him . He making the Bsgactoua and far-reaching firmly declined. The measure itoelf issue upon which be chose to rely, wa , uotone „ ut wb ich Mr. TUden’e which were sent to the house commit- I , cd0 n was tee on the privileges, powers and du- a j nR i e | DsU> ties of the house of representativee in jeclion de6 ervesae mnch weight aa any counting the electoral votes. The mod- J argued objt cUon thou or aioci, namely, ified reaoluttoUB finally adopted and , bat g real a eta Vo aa the government reported by that committee to the of f jrt y-five millions of people, with house for its passage, had in advance ajj in-menae civil expenditure, end a been enbmttted to and approved by I hundred thousand office holders to be “‘P-. ... ... , I disposed of by a small body sitting in 11 “ n “f^ ret now u P° n ‘but is- the espitoh the jndge of its own pow- eneMr. TUden counseled many of hts en , „ ould every time become the friends in the leaderetip of the house, Bp0 ’ rt of in ,rigue or fraud, who visited him a* New York, during I , the Christmas holidays, not ’only re «iWa vrA«i*> txl.guaxs. stand, bnt to force the debate, first in) . The next day, January 16, Mr. Hew- the houBe. then in the senate. He ac» I tit, having returned to Washington, cepted all responsibility for tho out- telegraphed thence to Mr. Edward come. He assured them that were Cooper, in New York: their temperatiffand reaotate thecon- & spiracy would break down in process and report aix Judfe plan lm oedllteiy. Our ot execution; that in any event it was I oenoior* (eel oumutiuea u> concur. House cum* for the intertato! popular elective gov * en’a answer was eh follows mlttie will not concur, and for prraeut wlU eminent not to yield to the mere me -1 P ”Mr!*T?Mei?Bra nece of usurpation all that actual usur ( kkw York, January 15, 1877 —To a. 8 H : palion could take for itaelf if complete I v I ProcrAsunou: to niro f«w day* for iufonnm.uou eucceecful. He forewarned them tha‘t | JS2.«22^ ,Son * Tae iuj£e > K0p S ,l H 00 the conspiracy must therefhre never be allowed to gain anything by the least Joneewas dissatisfied,.and challenged I his troubleln New York, and aas all I cultural society Hogan to row again for $250 a side. along been willing to submit the at-1 the university. the rochesteb turf. | counts to arbitration* He claims that “ 1 ’”° °° Special dispatch to The Oooatiiutlou. «s?s^T^|j^^^j5i^jJS5saraa. |Sa«Kh«ssrr‘ sHoonse shay. Lastly—the Ohnch base ball club of CixcuntATi, August 7.—Ia a quarrel Angara the Pop and Go dab of Th* fire: made tnaii appearance durieg the lat ter part of the mouth of March or ahentthe first of April Again the tree blOMomed in the mun'-h Of Jane, and now, for the third time daring the t toaaon, it i* aa full aa ever with blca Each time too: the tree h*a Manumed It fcaalrnHed. and some of the fruit from the first crop ia still oo tha trea iTHxa airx oavxBT nxxrly oo. The second bearij* of fruit L* not motored tianuy to ripaa. hat la oomlu< oa Anuij. la aboa: ten day* the tree wiil have three crop* of appiaa on U o as many different ages. This 1* the flrat tnsuscs of thla character that wa have erst Heard oL Mr. Mx-app will, in all prohahil* texro n qaantity of fruit from each growth lor extuhiuou at the coming fair. oar Prrm.aro. We will send, carriage free, a Wor ator's Unabridged Dictionary to tha paraos sending u ltinamro and tweniy-roax dohar* fo ora Weekly Tula Diet on ary la a maariro vtiama of 1854 pngta, and c-uuin* considerable i hoedred thanamd word* te li# rocohalory, with their prauraciarioa, delbAtiom. *rd etymaogy. Xtt* Ulast rated «uh and I* enriched hym astSdao on NTnoNrxna, tn which five thou* nd ayxsaycovtward* *re troslofi, and bgez'eiNy aU 5Q7-c5ta!» Ulsrintefi by Ay ud w IU *^toaea fS9B»feis !t etc#r* m ts» *sadv< 0 of DaRGUNG XT THX END OF A ROTS. The offtoex being Rotiified that the cow wo* ■tolen property, arrrorad the negro and made | rtymHdi simteh toThortewimtian. I he is the him lead the cow to the police headquarter*. Upon being locked up, the negro'* tonfc«- . seemed to become unhinged, and he converted ® n •_ thft freely H* that h* bad stolon th# an- I in th® xwj hn t-wwi— I and second beats; Lucille the third and i v-i.>uanAu, August.«.—*« *» ■ Angnuto ana tne rop ana wo ciud oi I^d. Irat I fourth. Tbs jojges dsctaxsdno heat, I early tuis morning, James McDonald I Clarke county played a match game d*rxer ^thooxti ttuptd rad iwDSrrml tote I *» ri 1 ®! thought Lucille had been pull* a variety actor, stabbed John Shay, I qj, gftemoon at the fair grounds, and restore Dtalnw H. rate Utat he mad kta la- «L Mnrohy then drove Lucille, win- manager of Henck a opera nouse, pro lb, p op and Go won “by 12 to 7"— u«r worked tor Hr. John Morgan, and that I ning the two foUowing heaU; Croxie bsbly fatally. whatever that may mean. Monday iu tad ,toira Iks oow oot of Mr. second, Lady Mille third, Hzmbelton- nzono bceglib fatally shot. BertcX'a pawore, where .be waa with a cow to- I ian fourth. Time 2.2o. 2:28 j, 2t22, 2:23,1 jigaputs, August 7.—Hill Faires, a, ... .... loozlnz to nia lather. He eajzthatbelore carry- J _25. negro burglar, wu shot and fatally I , toTtoe oow off, he called rathe boora to aee that 1 thx tabtzst xa HABKxss. wounded bv Officer Endgers. Faires Hilledgevilta OA Capital, the owner waz not oaluod to prevent tUrazara- The second race wu spacing racs, imDlic( J led j,, a Mr iee of bnrgla- Only a few weeks ago Atlanta do ing lhe .-imra When he round cat tnu no as follows: Sleepy George took the I termined to organize a fair association one wu watching ttlz mortmenta, he drove the | first and third heats, Swee xrx second, mm n.«imiia I of her own, and straightway a number cow off for Atlanta, and reached thia ettj jra- I fourth and fifth. Tbe first beat wu I szbious woes «. | of leading spirits met, and the embry- terday nomina. George tuted in the non Lt, fu'est ever made in harness. Woodboby, Taax., August 7 —A undertaking hu shaped into s reality pleurait manner that tt was hta Intention to nil 1 Time 2:15, 2:16}, 2:22, 2:201 2sl7J. shooting affray between John B St. I The lair is announced for October next, the oow tor wnath. coold zet lor 1L and then he j Only one heat in the third race wu John and John Todd, resulted in Todd I beginning on the twenty-first day am: proposed toteU Ute owner wnu h. hao done I trotted, it being poeponed till to-mor- receiving two severe wounds—one in | ending on the 28:b. A great parse o' and pzomlze to p.y ror tt in tne UU wnen the 1 row, and wuwon by Elwin Booth. the hip and the other in ths face. I $14,000 ii premtnms, another of S4.S00 crop waa gathered. I BA5S ball. Both wounds are pronounced serious. I tor the races, and another still of 81,- Cpoh beicz aaxed why he did nrt ttaal hta I spretal dlapatch to The Ooorttntlon. I The cause of the difficulty is unknown. 1200 for the military are already fixed lather-• cow, be Maud that d. wu ctving ullx I Pbovidxxcx, August A — Providence STRUCK EY lightning. I and the determination ia to make it th. and that It would be » p«ty to tell her to a 5 .J , 0 , •R.iTTwns*. Jnlv 7—The Nova Sco- moet attractive stock exhibition eve: " ‘ JashhL, August 8- Milwankuj k&h*****2?w"g*« 2, Nationals I. I the brie brie KeIoiul She wu picked B 18 P^wth of Atlanta. We do no . rad would rail weu tor braf. B. thought, too, | BaLraMoa^ August 8.-Harnells 4, Kadirauantled. The Kalnia waa T^*"“ .ftheD 8 re^t oul “— i ' After Dlavuig 12 innings “i; . Phil.rt.inhi. tn P>e- Theyfoela pride tn there towi Inadaifefiit. The next day Mr. Hewitt telegraphed concession or under any deceptive I : . _ _ _ „ l„. _u__ij u_ of I WAfHiROTON. Jonuorj 18, 18T7.—To E. C : guiae, bu r should be fought at the I After pre«.tacuidaeRoti*b«wateb»tt»(oaaaB>lttee) Afe.—Lw.»a m~A f u* meh by inch,and receded from six judge ( cbemt), declined five ,„.w» ww rara««w exhibition before I Jtfofie, and offered loar senior aanclate jcurice*, .11 men’s eyes, of the real character of Star“uS.'aSteStofrtrai'SSSifSraref tne revolutionary Violence in aid or the ( acceptance, becauaetbej do not believe ft poo- revolutionary usurpation by which ““.topMravjr^—. Tito^nio^rahooiie i i. _ , fj j__ • __i_ I oommlttee beiioro rail i* loo last ensue* ot alone U could advance a angle Btep wrecment . we cannot poattona beFood aieven towards auccees. tu-morrow, and ii we decline, e*nAie commivee AN UNWRITTEN CHAPTER. I Ul * lr .i?* 8 * i° WhK 5 oo^p^^r^u^h tS^ any actor omission of hta own, it was Nlw yolx h--b. ana .udoooL not by means of his untried p an for the I y our j nogd pun will not do Peroapa worm defeat of the republican conspiracy. It I than aix Complalnta likely to arise ol haate and m»t h .‘Zr„r’^5r'.Sz,X,te ™v^“ 0 ci. W “t , ^?USS.t m ra b S ment. action, or advice upon tne elec- I P |.n 4. diotiooei. bv Dremature committal of toral commission plan, daring the three I uutir repreaemativu. Thera mould be more days from his first knowledge of it, Jan- uary 14, to the day, January 17, when, I an< j % u rnuiii* in du**ur would involve great by the concurrence of the leading dem-1 W*me and infinite mischief, ocratic members of the senate and home I The night that tjie forgoing telegram upon the two conference committees, I to Mr. Hewitt was sent, the under* was rolled up and flung away, and the I signed had called upon Mr* Tilden and democratic party waa embarked upon I found him in hia library with aeveral unsound and shipwrecking sea?. I other gentlemen. The telegraphic cor- What his judgment, acuon and ad- I given above waa read, and vice were is now to be told. I the situation freely canvassed. In their hewitt and the COMMISSION SCHEME. I presence Mr. Tilden dictated and sent On the evening oiBaturday, January l il* following telegram for transmitaion 13, the undersigned called upon Mr. I iu cipher to Washington, through tbe Tilden, found in receipt of the I national committee rooms. Not having McCrary house bill, witn proposed been Bint to or seen by Mr Hewitt, it is amendments, and a letter from Mr. not pertinent to any controversy con- Hewitt advising the governor that I cerning him; and indeed, by the lime his counsel thereon wonld be asked the J it had arrived and been deciphered, the next day. Mr. Tilden invited the un- I business was done. Bnt it has value dereigned to call on the morrow, when I now os a fuller written record of the Mr. Hewitt should be there, to consider I same points covered more briefly in the this bill—the supposed axis on which I telegrams to Mr. Hewitt which had fob the deliberations of the house confer^ j lowed » fnli conversation, ence committee were revolving. The undersigned thua came to be 1 s t, oa ,d be train. Tho rira of paolleltj tra present January 14, the day and the | tarn*. dare when MrTSldeureceiYedfromMr ^* £ S^^-«To^..rto Hewitt S bps his first information that I / rom oondtmnJnf otreb on abandonment of tba other measures h^d been abandoned ; I oowtitutiomradpracloeor tneEorom^eat,and that the senate conference committee ihen*btaof tne iwo bouse# aadoi tn* poo- had just disclosed to the houee confei- I ^NoUxing bat great and certain public danger, ence committee an electoral commission I not to be escaped In any other way, aud excuse bill it had beej privately preparing; that the house committee were pressed have xnatar troubles than we, nnlra. reUreal to accept and adopt tbe same, snd that I buome.xrerataiiL the subject he wished to confer 8P»o 2^KUwaTi rate «af F l^SSSS Was that. I do. or mil break down in attempting. Mr. Hewitt explained, as the BBnate I So long aa wesund on th* conarimtion and committee-s isa-ou for secrecy to* without it they could not cairy the btlL oonztoenl. It had been adopted by arrangement Only way of zrtUnzzraraMooita.the zrairae between the three democratic and tbe £^” , thK?2iS'w.'wm D raztWj , ffiroSh. four republican members, and was so I uppormohy to conrait oocb iriend* abcnld be strictlykept that when Senator Keraan given, before oven tacit acquiescence (by booao made inquiry of one of the former he “SfS* “h. 0 ttJa?S£S3f-«SS£ thra to the owner otiheMbteieowhra quite. Sprinsfielda 4. After playing 12 innings LJ a TOya? , from Philadelphia to jJj P™ 1 ® - number ol other, he would no. The Ute game was stopped on account of Greenock with a cargo ol sugar-house a ^ nezio zjwk* m the whole .ffMz with the zrararat drakneee. ... „ . eyrup. Shewasetxuck bjfigntaingon ““ "A® 1 ?* ,“ r . re ^ tndiffirencs and did not zeem to cue one way Lowell, August &—Lowells 4, hew- j August 2. | turn ou. there investment is in eight, ormiotherwtira dizpcemonwu mzde oltum. bedtords 2. Ttnff.1™. 7 Pin. a watekisg piacx bceglae. C& AU8nBt ' Saxatyga, August 7.-rherooms oc-1 Xtt. era-zd. connt, ena men tor me | copied by John D. Condee, of the » plain that be will cectainly be cenvimea rata | TUX puw nr Mxw tobk. } B r f(i?eport Standard st Temple Grove house was entered will be nominated to zerve about Sheen Tczn in the zeirtae ol the mate. Tbe Moten cow ta to the pound at the Mellon hones wtnre remain nndl celled toe. Colonel Billups will accept and s burglar last I will make a through canvas! of ths •hswiul K.11 ®riUi fX.ioStriM. night. Condss dhcovered the burglar district. As a speaker he baa fe. I ^nh«chnmn?onraref h of 0 thB^Un5ed * nd * a ecuffl s ensued. Hs superiors, and hia fine manners will add “ d ‘ he STS°“!S lp he l Grndee in thenecxand escaped. | btxtes, jwr. pUje& berej^o ni^t l>©« j woun d is not dxngeroaa. of * fini. I tween Cyriile Dion and Wachlstram, C 6. remote courts xna i*u the Sweide. The terms dTthe game modeen un os the flaws. tanote^nOMAwSiooes an tba fora of Aaguat, I thfit the winner should beat twen- Bdmabcx, D. Angnst 7.—On the mra en* ortmecu. Srdoad toe tbe I tv-one games out of forty. It wsa de- 30 h of July, at Fort Keogh, Jim Grow term or tMT^Sraafooniv *x-* rate te tie cided in thirty-five games of which Collins, a gambler, shot Bigler Thomas, reach of anno* oUporeaaan4 gnartiin*- The the 8weede won twenty-onp Wfilch- a soldier belonging to che second csy- niuw MB«iwp«jA8aiu I .4 MfM v../8 »(.• M mn s n ki. havuta imm g]|j regiment. Thomas’s company | to-day surrounded the jail where Col- . Uns wsa confined, wounded ths sheriff —A delicate complexion is best com-land "caused'him to abandon the jail; I pared to * blooming rose; bnt when fKe j whereupon a fight ensued between 1 to his popularity when he comes more closely in contact with the people of ths various counties. He wiu be elected by s Urge maj mty and will adorn the position. Coming, aa hs did, of th<- very best stock of the old time Georgia blood and lineage, it U safe to say that otre interests and honor ue safq in (tit a Goto MomlBwtloD. MUfodcovtile Union esA itecon Colonel Joel Abbott Bfliupe, of Mad- —Public rqoares are a great bleaeligl countenanceUdirfianrea withBiotcheeI Collins and the'soldiers. Quo soldier . . to the community. Ve can say .he and Pimpier, like weeds In a roee bed, I vrza killed and Brother bad.y wounded !itoa, received a enspfmouznominattpa. asms of Or. Bull’s Baby Eyrup; it is the I the zaff.rsr should pramplf# use Dr. | th the 'fight Another company of , It would have' been-difijcolt to bsyy rtffiedy tor tbetura of *1- dizesie* I Pali’s Bl<*4“RtjtBr8i SbUh jsbirkly'aoIdSis put ijoiru thsiiot The row'msda a tteltot--choice, *,b*Ut8»tI» “• 'kfid iff.E:aAli ? ir*ai t ira,ochSBii,biiWBe«yoi.iM4Brilthtoaiigt»rie<JiD m»u o,‘pj> sbiiit;*^ ths«»o*»!!t abyhood bu to auatoBtar Prio* "oly SH qs.«» *48 i It »viH*5e« Pf import Mood* t# 4hrnl.‘ * aifud pohihuiuf Rfirtl* mra.o inquiry m cue U* deaU. may he com- was told that nothing could ba told to m!tul by Douse committee »U.uld ba firmly him withoat violating an honorable I withheld, unddrstandmg. Bo well was the secret I his magnanimous silence. ^noUblTattonS a Smmi?^, C p^ ce^lSSSw’lffi'SSw ffiiwdTl iogth.rougl.NewYorkonFradajf.Ujs nying S’. txoxszL ko, raaan-rmY ««I S™“»dy°^lu“^imS^ r ^® f ° n r to it, and would concur with tneir re I, publican aeeociatee in reporting it to the Benate, whether the house commit iStJ rihifiS tee ahonld concur or not, and whether S^ d ® h °* Mr. Tilden approved it or nott I lhe P-PP 1 .® P>»7 “® vindicated against a Mjgjr Tilden, “They do not consult you,” replied . __ rad^toei^fdSSUd'^oon* Whito^Tcomp*- and havc their own duties and respon- | tent critic o{ ^eX compromise can ever l it not rattherlsto, then,” said Mr Pedant fztal if condousd-if on» ‘n,“to^salt met” cond , nel ~* nd h ° w tbe r i' Ec ^® 8T ■h*v do not consn’t von” rsnlinl **“ ° l government may be raved. qaestion tho high and phtrictic purpose I of the pure, the able, the adm rtd dem* •ibilitiee. I consult you." TILDES’s FLAM CONTRASTED WITH THE 1 0 f ^ pnrft> \ scheme. ocrats who were its parents or spon- After possessing himself of the yet j t ^ submitted that the*e policy and provisions of the bill. Mr. pro ofso! the contemporaneous jadg- Tilden’s perception of their character ] attitude and advice there m of was prompt and decided. His dis»p-1 t h e elected democratic leader comd not proval of the electoral commission I jj n present currency of a false be- scheme, as might have been inferred I iie | an< j 0 j partisan misrepresentations) oy any political neophyte, from | ^ w ithheld from the democratic party, its contrast at all points with his own I n0 ma tter in whose rem' mbrance they plan, was inherent and incur*hie. i may ^ a ve chanced to repose, no master tilden’s interview with hewitt. I | n w hom they shall inspire the reflect Mr. Tilden, tn his intax view with Mr. | ^ 0Q 0 £ a g rea t doubt, a grave regret. Hewitt on.the.Hi, did not wtthho d Mahtos Mabblx -he ground of his objection to tbo bill, I ’ is a policy, or in ita details. Express I ng some surprise at the fact, of which I ho was repeatedly assured by Mr. I Hewitt, that tbe democratic senators» HD. Is Afloat. Special dliprach Ip The OooztlttiUoo. dad Steady d ter mired upon their I Losdim, Aogust A—Tbe steamer cqura?, whatever bis advice or fishes I A-syria, ■from Bristol tor Ifew York, •n'aht' be, and eorr.e Zurnriaa at tbslwhiqlj ttzs zabore near Av^imuuth »4ofm VhtqU h*4'*brOB<>n! t'fi* fftttf. I doolt, if ffiost, Khe «ns>«;,w) po datfiv »l [1*7swim, b-1 tv • INDISTINCT PRINT