The Weekly constitution. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1868-1878, September 17, 1878, Image 1

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I-Iic. THE CONSTITUTION PUB. CO ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FOR THE WEEK ENDING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 1878. No. 13, Volume X TERMS OF THE CONSTITUTION negro to ret np before an audience, propristed It 1 gi' itc>tely,batIn ■ conn- KDtTION, by null. oo* rw 111: 111 Boube, (I m.»bne numtlu penMe U >4 WXJCKLV EDITION. pahlUbad fle Tu(On, tttereer.tltOiMx nouh. « 10. parable la ZX l1K*TIO!CS.-L«.k .1 tb. pentad label on *•» mar. tb. 4»U nine. Slows wkn tb. MkrarfoUai iipbe. rm nt lb. mhi ft lamluMwmkttdwi OOShlliX'TlOJt. Attavta. Qt, Aurr'e ambition I, still naeatiafled. Taa Canadians are not all foi Liras It may to mint tba: C ulcer injlbe Act d etricl wll be corked op. Dcstso (be past three month, thit baa Indeed been tbe snnnv aoatb. The mein uoable with iiule Eugene Hale wae the Maine election. Taa republican, didn’t bare aneb a Hale of a time In Maine aa may ex- Brant baa already carried a majority of the oonntiea in tbe ninth diatrici in hie mind. Jimmv Aaoaaaoa don’t know whetr- er tbe original Buerman letter ban been found or not. Ban BcTLaa'a fall in Mtusachusetb will not be a bard one. He will bare a Ouabing und«r him. Obth oogbt to write a letter of tbanks to Hayee lor remoring Lew Wallace to tbe land of tba “Fair God.” The New York Tnbnne la hurting tbe ryea of Da reader, with copiee of cipher diapetibea dictated by Mrt. Jcnks Am independent candidate la merely aeelf-appointed u,her lor ibe pur poo of conJuc ing unwary democrat, info tbe repnblican organintlon. Bob Isosssoli. Is going to lecture on "Borne bit.taken of Moaee” Tbi. ought to be Incarnating to CoL Tuggle, of LaGrang*. It teem, that Eugene, of Maine, waa a Hale fellow well met in the lau election. He probably thlnka he war met too Moron. Pattciwin knout upon which aide bit Graham bread ia buttered. He Dred.cta that he will be ancceeded in the senate by Wade Hampton. Va Eva ara will ahnnly make a •ptect in Nee Y irk, and the metre- p litan papers ere arranging to publish tbe two first sentences ol tbe bar- rangue. Atlanta has oonlr.bated about three thousand dollar, to tbe yellow fever euff.-rore. Bavannah'e contribution le ebont seven thousand. The contrast la painful. It must be remembered that tbe In. dependent candidates have already begun to water their ponieaatthe rame branch with the republicans. This tblrg can't last always wi bont a swap ping ol horsn I« Mushy Rally going to leave u.T The n. at i.«m will be that James Gor don Bennett, who is ,o conarlcnr unit relieving the yellow fever infferan by playing the magnificent game of polo, has railed for foreign parts. aver of his own color, and inanlt tbe try like this the matter would well Wives of oar deed soldiers. Let it be beer loll end explicit invasrtftfaffi. laid, to the credit of the noble dty of Borne, that tbe brute waa driven out of tbe city end be dare not show himself •bt re again. We will give “ The Brinish Pocket Claisice,” a work consisting of twenty volumes in 10 32 mo., to tbe person •ending ten .obecribere to The Weekly CoKrrrrtmoir,and twenty dollars. The work le worth half tbe amount. Wc will give “The Farmers and Planters Encyclopedia of Agriculture,” 8 v , to the person sending us six sub- ecribera to onr Weekly twelve dollar.) The work le worth half ibo amount We will give "Tbe Science end Prac tice of Medicine,” by Wm Aitken, M. D„ 6th edition, 2 vole., doth, to the per son sending us ten subscribers to tba Weekly and twenty dollars. Tbe work is worth b«ll tbe amonnh wtf We present elsewhere a foil report ol a • perch delivered by Jndge A. B Wrig it, of B -me, on tbe financial alto atlon, at Hamilton, at tbe request ol a Urge number ol people. Tbe speech ia characteristic of Its msker—and that U saying a great deal. Thera U no more brilliant and logical orator In tbe south than Judge Wrlgbt. He Is almost matchless in fervid, im parsioned oratory, wbicb, while it I adapted to the greet crowd, loses noth ing in daasicsl finish and elegance. We bU effort which w< publish this morning equal to bis beat, and tbe (rear ol any utterance we hav* bad upon ibe same subj-ct in many ■ day. It is foil of fi re fl .shea of elo quence, brand by a strictly logical Idas, end will have a powerful • ffeet upo: public sentiment. We earnestly advis- nttk most casual reader to study this speech carefully. It is more than worth tbe while oor COLQiJITT IN TBM NOR TB. We print elsewhere an extract from tbe Bpringflrid, Ohio, Brpublican, r leading paper in that section,discussing tbe effect cl Gov. Colquitt’s Ute vier to tbe north. Georgia should really be proud of her eloquent and chivalrous governor and tbe fine impreraion that he made on onr brothers of the north. He U belnv praised in the warmest term* by <h I apers ail over east and west,and there no doubt that, iu vigorous parlance, “be literally walked off with them.'' The good tbet a tour through the non! by aocti a representative of fbe her reoMnent of the south will effect car hardly be estimated. From all tbi ranka • f southern statesmen it would be impcscible to select one who man admirably and thoroughly represents tbe finer traditions and the loftier qual ities of the eon h than Gov Culquitt. There Is no position that he wonid no grace, no responsibility that be could not sustain. He Is admirable ai soldier, statesman, patriot, gentleman. BAD ADVICM. A tumor is prevalent among mali cious prisons that Keernay is a failuie because be endorses Butler. Human nature ia a mighty carious compound It it were not K -arney might one day I «*»s.cnu r.u for iae surrender ol malefactor be nrealdent 1 wl ; > 0* tuaored by use torernmeat of Suuta ' GnoUna: umi k. will saeielss iha itrao -Ml*. We clip tbe following from the Co lumbus Times: Tbe Augusta Cnionlde, Uke Ih's paper, think. Usatlbeicmeay of South Carollis aealott the •terd lake, by tbaaovnoocof Msssscnusetulu ta. Elaptoi cmo, 1. "retallstloo to kind.” Tb Cbru* lc:« iaji : -donmor Bamp-on .hoa.a csom II to bo mid. known lk.t nnlpt Elmpton n iimn up, no nquutuouof ibe governor et Tux Chicago Inter Ocean ia afraid of olad by uonroor Klee to protect Stanechueo.u eonthera claims. Will the able editor rotate rrbo m«j wr .solw lute. mas. ini. ol that aupar-loyal sheet Join ns ins • "»iboaMuo crusade against the average eonther claim. T We ask the question in all Bid -advice, bra'braul Gjvernor Ujmpton has taken an oath to suppor tbe c .ustitution of tbe United S ates, which requires that fugitives from Juc tics shall be delivered up on demand of tbe executive authority of tbe Jana A. Hi Lixt-Law it one of ih-t most violent republicans lu ihe dua lly. His cacd.deture In -he .event!. | >ute WD etci they fi d. Hi.'oath was district will put the pa’riotUm of acme I without coudUion or proviso, anil he ol Dr. Felton's more consclenliouv tap- | mast discharge the ob'igauon it im porter* to ft rrry severe test. | posse precisely ss he anderstseds it — - - — 1 He oald not in foro contciaUix et i fl K»xrns wl samnier re*urta in north I hi* delinquency with a like delinquency Georg a rue aettlng ou their front doo- on ^ p, rt ct qo T K ce _ atena with • double barrel ebot-guns As a question ol policy, your ad vie- locking for puMisbere of guide books I appear, in oo better light The court They say they ere the wont dead beats Rn j j Qr i^, 0 ( South Carolina bavt quite in the lend, eqn-11 - 'ramp-. Not even tbe wealth of heat which marked the more tropical days of tbe past summer mad. any impression npun Chari, a Francis Adams. Tb- thermometer worn hit neck to warn ciliseoa i ff, stood firm at thirt. degrees below sero enough to do in taking care if native thieves, re bhera and murderers. So perimp -<e the labor and txpenre c prov.drag for Massachusetts enmina a, whom yon won'd thn- invite to th. elate, and this harden w -old be greatly aggravated, if not insupportable. N bre'hrenl Let Gov. Bee make wba ■port he may ot bis ew rn duty, bat d not ask the noble Hampton to do whs' we are astir fled, yon yonneWea, upon Ml ATM INSOLVENT Aa WX The repeal o! the bankrupt act has beau bailed with delight in ell parte of tbe country and the rejoicing appears to have been ss unalloyed as if there had been a final termination to the career of refuge laws for insolvent debtors. In truth, : be states now oc cupy the precise positions they did be fore tbe bankrupt set went into effect. In most of the states there are relief, homestead and insolvent debtor’s laws which offer protection to tho>e who fi-d themseves unable to meet their liabilities. In order that trade mav bt carried on eafely and understanding!} it is necessary that tbe mercantile com munity should promp 1/ inform them, selves upon tbe laws and ossgej ii matters of insolvency in tbe covers- states where their trade is prosecuted Atlanta has a large and constantly growing trade. Shereacheeont her ens tom fn'o all thr states between the At lantic and Mississippi, eouih of the Tea neeeeeriver Her tri ds in all these state, grows with each succeeding year Em it is of paramount impurtance to be. merchants that they ehcrald be posted in tbe matter of the laws and practict of three several states in affairs ol in solvency. To meet present require menta we insert here brief abstrucui ol the laws in those states, premising tha. the law of Georgia upon the subject i> well nnderetood, in view of its recen- discussion in the constitutional con vention. In A'abama there is no insolvent oi siaignmrat law. Attachments ms; under certain drcnmstancee Exemptions are: personal property ol a resident not exceeding SI 000 in value, an improved homestead ut 160 seres h tas coantry, or a city, town or villag. Ot, with improvement not exceeding $2,000 In addition to the above $20o worth oi cioea for a mechanic, wejrin. apparel, family library and picture, and grain and groceries for a family io. twelve months. In Florida a debtor may assign hi property with preference. Attach ments may issue. Exempt; 160acre of land, with residence and buxine* house in country, or half acre of lam. with residence and business house ir dty, town or village; $1 000 ol al property. In Mississippi there is no provisioi for astignm.nv. Attachments is nil for fraud or against non-residents. Ex • opt: Tools, libraries of pr- fassiouak, $250; to tbe head of a family, animals and provision.-, $100; furniture, $100; homestead ol 80 scree, $2,000. In North Carolina an insolvent debt or, to obtain a discharge, must pl> coal bis property in the hands ol a irnste. appointed on petition, who will hold he same for the benefit of creditors He may then receive a discharge, bn the debt is not aischsrged. Imprison □lent for fraud. Attachment may ia ine. Exert pt: Belt cied personal prop erty, $500; homestead, $1,000. In South- Carolina any debtor may make ao Assignment for the benefit ot hit creditors, mav prefer one creditor to another, and claim a release in foil a condition precedent to consign ment. A tachments may isane spe cially, only for fraud or non-residence Exempt: b< m .stead, {1.000, furniture, tools, e c $400. Iu Tennessee, no general insolveo law. Debtor may make assignment and prefer creditors in good lai'h. At tachments may issn-. Ex mpt: home stead $1,000 to each head of family, honaenoid and stock. Ia Virginia there are no ineolven laws. Debtors may assign for benefi of creditors, with preference. Attach ments may issue only for fraud or non residence. Exempt: library, $100; wearing apparel, furniture, era ; to a household, real or personal property, $2000 We advise our mercantile friends to fully inform themselves upon the points indicsted above. Taey will thereby save themselves a deal of an noyauce, if not loss of money. csiiia ar-n A Fatal Wald Bear ■Illedcevllle-A Mo-inn F-lsn rum. a aavKMca ax in. SptcUl dispute to Tue Constitution. Millxdoivillx, September 11.— Deputy UUud Bum Hinhs B. D. Luma1en,nt Jtaooo, ud pure. Jack Elmbnsw, Jemc. Lux « Moore, .lei or Match, .armpted ro yoauf men named Emir, ol this dionty. etraixed whk llucli dMIllllna A Ca per a:. Cast .OAOed. K mbrew la mortally ud L-uy ■enrely wouajisj. The party Arr tred iu talA dty emty talc morntae. sad th. wouoUet an.anttc.lTltiimeilaAlattention. Urt.tex t prer-U- In tb* cimmnnlty Mann- Lamilen EM ulccnphod to a .TAunAH lor In- TBM MMFMBTH DISTRICT. TMe Ceegr—tnaat Vote «f 1874. We have been freq tently requested to publlah tbe oficUl vote ot tbe rerentb dis trict In 1S74 for a member or oooftme. We Sire below tbe oSslal flentea tram which it will bo Acre that Dr Felum alt not recelr. • nujority ot tbe vote, at tb. dlitrtct, but limply . pl.rauty of SI WM. Tb. official Centre Are re follow.: , Total Telton'r ptnmllty. S3 . In the midst ol other questions f p iblic policy, it should bs borne in . ,, in ud that even U gold and greenbacks | r«fl ctiou, would r.ot do, Wkreaclnally at p.r, forced resump tion would he as abomination. It ia a matter altogether ont of tba previse* of legislation. soBiLMcra FiRAijau Tba telegraph informs ns bat Nob ling tbe monomanian who went gun ning foi Euperor Willi. m intheatreat MAiaK TooBDcaroa hxlx. Eixswosth. Mx, September IL-Tbe repubU- cam coiscodc U>e eiedioo d Murct, creeatetck* er. In the filth dkuict, by 600 plurality. BOW TBX HCDSX ITAMM POKTXAXU Mx, Septfmber 11 —The boo«e now sunda 68 zepuDilc&af; 21 demoenn; 48 cretnbecXtza. wltn 14 dixtricia to beer from, 1 oppctalil a nujorlty. Freud le eliteru werd 4 of Portland. Aldermen wlU hear the _ *e, ana it may change four democrat le repre ■eutailrea to repohUcana, and that may chaugt tue iefialature. ab xrmxxcx or dulotaltt. Puktlaxd, beptemtm 11. SJ0 p m—Return* thu* far -how lhAt the house aunda: Kepuh'l- 61 dimoenua 21, icreenhecxerj M. with 7 v from. THE nXAL EXSULT. Special dlspaica to The Conatltutlou. Poxtlakd, Mb , September. 12.—'The boom stanaa now rxiy-lTe rtpub.iceu* and twe demccraia tupporiing republicana; twauty«om; demterata and flltytdxht Ereenbacken; fire an not reported, of which two are known to he rrccnbackers. Thla make* it BUiy-aeren re pubiicus to al^nty-oue oppo'itio i. It ia a queauonlf ermeof the hard money democraU >y noi effl Ute with the mpebneana. dui«e of, fraud in ward 4 of .Port land,icar* a cbaneeiocbAuxeUMr Toteatotna ttpaoiicana, That would c>to iha rtpablica a a majority on J-*tnt ballot and perm.t them to elect their auu tffictaU, providen the two repuhllcan-aemocraif- not xet drirtn oter by the at a t gA CHATTANOOGA. AS TO TKB TXLLJW F1TM U THAT TLACB. gptclAi dwpatch .to The Coneiio ion. Chattanooga, September 9 - On Satarday I talet aphad you about the death of Mrs Eurfeacd h*r little ion with bilious remit teni ferar. Th«‘e wara the caws that crest * each extreme ant«xettement atonx the Uaa ofthe Weetaru and Atlantic railroad od Satordsy eren- la*. Ob my retain from your dty, 1 instituted carefa! lnTmtifsiloos sad btcame thoroaghlj eetlefisd that both ceeee wire aa telagraphed- pernicious, hiious n mi ties t fercr. The death of Willism Grlffla, a re r agee from Memphl , at the Van Bora house, w th genuii.e yellow ferer, had much to do with tbi excitement (rowing out of the death of Mrs Burre and soo All sore of stories were pu ato dreilatlon sad erea this morning it le diffl colt to obtain the exact facts. It ia trus Ute d had been rick for nearly two weeks, and the mother has had two attecks of bilious fere within a month, but all these facta were loe eight of In the apparent sadlennees of tbe two deaths The excitement has sow nearly subside . and here are about the facta: Mr. Burge Urea In a wooden building, tzxni- log into a pond of fllthy, atagna t water. Tbe a or life preferred-by Barge and family were ccercely in wooord with sanitary prudence The mother has been a terrible sofleier from womb dleease sedan abeeee formaryyears, besides being addicted to Intemperance. He faTOil e child waa first iml.ten with bilious ferer and >h a her oldest son was tiken down. She 1 adjustrecorered herself from an attack, hut i Ln<*ertook the nuralsg without calling In a phy* fliciaa. She waa attacked aga n with ferer her self. A phyriclen was then caLed in Th too died, wh eh so ifie ted the mother tnat she swooned and the* » ent Into hyaurlca. We* kened by die see, watching and p rfaepe In temperance, she wae nnable to wlthsUnd the nd died the morning after her ion's burial. The older aon la rapidly rccorerlng,bar ing let np some to-day Tbe ferer with which thla mother and child died wns malignant bilious, reo-lAent ferer; a disease that haa been pfenning for over a mouth city and county. Had these two p^tl nta bten removed at once to a deaJy residence and been promptly treated by a physician there la Uttle doubt bat that they woo d bars recov. r d did the otuer partanla In diff rmt par s ol the dty. It wm reported that Mrs. Bcrge had wished the lines of Griffle, the M< mpb a patient, but ia to: certain; ihe husband* recoil- eta la not reliable oo the»object. It Is q lte probable she did. Those who washed tfce linen of the first patient here, before It was sofpect da shad yellow ferer; cave suffer.-d no in oi r jnlence from it Indeed orer thirty tllflt rent people via lted that patient; he family with whom she stopped nursed ter day sad night, tome of them at tlm a steeping on her bed, but no disease haa orertakenaayof them. AH thla satisfies our people that yellow fercr cannot b.oome epdemlc —Indeed cannbt lire In ChatUnooga The colored refugera from Meirphie hare re* cor red and wtra reicuMd It m thi* ANCTHXR DISPATCH MnxrDoxriXAE.UA, eept l .-Deputy U. Marshal mm«den axd pome la auemucing as* night toame: the Benia drothera, ot Hancock oouuty, tor Illicit duULing, were fired into Jack K:mbrew and Jernes Lax -y were Wi.uu d. Ki xhro'i right arm waa shattered at th elbow, and L<oey wounded In the groin and ■XMnach. The Eaataee made good thell escape Tm wounded men wen brought here and 1 th* mornmg. Laaey m I ol Betlin “ d B «* r b *f8 ir * hi * at lb. MoGDab'i botM, with »ra tUILHir- muaurd pl«tarln Maine. It draw. succumbed to. "par « .ttenlreoa K.«ura t, tbe itreng'h out oi the republ can or * , “ , 7 „ “ , gui.«Uon We want more greenback »'*•>• ,b * lnD ^ Tbe parties In Maine, bnt non. in Georg-. ,B wmch tbe “<•“'«»« “ impurt^b We are comparatively rel. here, bni aag.enUTe. H we remember M.ine need. Wb. ^generated. Let u the ol Ko lbs xrernback mov. meat proceed. I biUn »»“ tb * > “““t* * l ^^ kUbB » I a'aodiidct “paralyaia of tbe lane*,'’ •Wn have rreelved tue premium list I aaperindured by tbe cboppirg i ff r I ol tbe second annual exposition ul th. Americus Fair association, to be dele on the 8J1 of October, con inning Ion dava. The list is neatly printed bj S lien A Smith, al Macon, and the pro miurnr are large and varied. Tb. lai will undoubtedly be a hia head. From time immemorial “pu alysta ol tb. lung.” baa been caused among regicides by tbe same practice aud uulailug process I: w> aid be uniair, iu vi- w cl th m—gre d. ails at band, to couelud t iu Nob l og lost his head before b- loet tbe use ol bis respiratory otganr- We would be p eased, however, tubav- some defiui.e .rearance to tbe contrar; N roiling has been h^d in clout, am itary confinement aince tbe commit- uon cl tue crim. and the reports ol th< aiate puyaici.oa aa to his conditiot have iaapin d ail along a fear that eom. day Nobtlit g would be In a fit oondi- n, w P Hxaxit it late ol tbi- I ^ ih® organiatDou ol a tuners dty and Chaplain ot th. national honre | “ ^ ol repreeentatlvea, preached a aermor. ■tnalac Laotj u dotsx wel.. Lana—g nbre dud dABsetouC; box axaa ic raxnox. CUawxv, N. J , gtpemtiw 11.—The Ualo. N.uouu t—ut of tbls tail curpAiiUed jcatenlv- l'm aa*p.c-Lm wre c.nrei by .brinktxe u r Alar, ud Aspr- tatelou lx rrei etaat. (aptial, ttOL.Oa lit. tbattc-t tbe cttditotAWUI b* paid ia I. L a rx xa nexr. It iron. Kept- 10. AdAT was a atm <xbt berer-au-rdar bet—a Juba ooutai.or Boaum-, i tauter We regret t» read utatOoL J. Har vey Madter, ol tbe Memphis Ledge: baa been suicxea d -wn by tbe yelloa lev r. CoL M. baa just returned trom an Enropean tour and wia prepared foi an arduous winter campaign In tb* editorial hamrse. We wiau him •reedy roc- eery In Washington on Saturday, tbe >ob Jcet ot which waa tbe dreadlol rev. gee ol yellow lever in tbe South. I not forget, more ways than one | bring about “paralysis ol tbe lung. Tbe discipline of state prisons, where I offender, against the person, of maj tbo dose ol tbe sermon $300 wasratacit «»tT are co^flaed, ia replrte witU can (or the sufferers. W 1 Uoa * “ d *•*«***» <=«tboda lor attain It 1 MU n n LA ADI.SO TO. tioua and effective methods for attain- in | this reaulL Considering the dr cnmatanceol Nobiling’a cmno it is not bard to imtg-ne, tha- any condition lavorabie to a “par-iyau ot ibe lnngs' appertaining and belonging to him were not neglected. The execution ot From tbe Buns Bulletin we tear that a negro man named Henry Brow maflft ft ipcccti ia R >iae ft low dxy since tor Dr, Fdton. This negro Browt, I Hoedel waa probably necessary, bnt in in bis speech, made a slanderous attack the present state ct German sodety on tbe wives ot dead confederate no! I and polities there .-e some axperi- dien. Tbe statements in the speech I menu which the state cacsot afford are too diag sating to pnbliab. It is I to repeat too ohrn. In tnchuemer certainly coming to a pretty pass when I geacy “pnniyaiaoi tbe 1deb>” iaa ham- white men will support n man for ol- I dy complaint to havwaronnd the prie- ** who will patmit.». esoMe,. rnijat %i-hopse. SJbUin* a»I bay# ap u UMima »C* 1X10- Kxw Toae. Srptrm.xsT 11 —Tb« Uu$pi»,wbiCT arrtr«d to <uj from Loudon, oo 8c isaber 7 ou tlMtuaki ri .Ntjcf jaallAal, tao 1us» tft* burx Hellos da rice a to lex fog. a exIhk htt imiae- dlatcij. Her crow. It ux u.mDer, w ro reccaed and Orouxut here • HOT AMD E11AXT1 gp eUldiepttth u» tuc coewti’.nttoo. Or Locza, 8op«eahor 11—A Globc-Doarcr«t ■pvCxAi rrofli Gape tiinrdtia, Mo. ubti: J me» dicWUttauiAlAaryorihrwcned bo lileo* uoU craeauAsrod Ot*o Boctunsa, mt crenlace WhileEOenpuuc to»x enwthe ihrwu wm «ad killed ftp Boafeana. xx tux ruin Shrcfhl dfopaich lolhc O—Bata. _ _ nrxxLD. Maas., tiepusaaer It —Last min* axuw U equ ootutes on oonsci Tec feaoz, • f«a»oos su comer roaort. toot fire, (bo wools atnaaors was dsauojed. A TtKKIBa.£STstMTm r*Mt]*tsrM l*cr«..M Killed by Use AGRICULTURAL. IBM rlMLD, TBM WAHM, TBX BAM- Wheat — Mar-wren— Clay Ml-*went Flcklcd Peaches, Hwilm CwUets. INTO FREEDOM. Who the freed Btrda Are Oar roodero oil know thaLwhatsTor promote* ths trowhof plxnti la a ruAnure Thlamxnure as* is ia their growth by eutoilng lato thsir com- PosiUoa.A d aid to Absorb asd rs'Aln moisture from the Atmosphere, sod atthe ssme time the plAnt sbeorbe from the msnere nutriare gseee. Msaure does more than thla—It helps to kill In- atcti And weeds, while decomposing In the toll, 1: protects plants from the chaajtsa of weather, sad It Improres the texture of the seiL Farm euahoold a-ndy than thlaga, learn the com do sltta of manures, and how and when to n»e the rarloux kinds. The manure of a cow la cold. if ore It suits a light soil; that of hones, hogr and poultry la hot, and la beat salted to cold hesry sol'a Freah manat* cs&ces heat whle ferment lag, therefore It will lighten the soil, and old roctrd manure will make the soil i compact and firm. There la no animal that predaces a richer manure than the bird Two hundred weight of gmano mixed with one- half the uioal quantity of rome other manure, and pnt oo an acre of tround will tell ou th t i, do a tit c Young Bo c* I* eocvskece&L Time la no sickness «xcj.>t a chaa attends to* months of Aagrs’ and gepumber in all southern cities. There I* absolute y no yellow fev*r, not tree among ref acta G. C. C. W A FAIGHT CAM ECU IS TO FRANTIC TEASE. bpe&Ai from onr own OorreaponOent There have been probably two cases of yellow lerer here which terminated fatally, and a lew others which yielded readily to treatment All these h-re been imported from Memphis. Tosre has r oc only not bron no yellow fever among oor di'sans bat no disease which mote nearly rcsemoles it than a severe c*se of ague xa Thar* axe a few—probeb > fifteen la all—c of bi*looa remittent fever from ths effhc a ol which so tar, one b y aged 6, Arthur Barge, died 'sat F.-‘day. Tbe lad'a mother, a wemau aged 49. t ffl.cted with uterine and heart oUeaac was taken * cx—not wi h liver- when the boy died, asd tha OWd tbe next Saturday. She bad fallen down a fight of stain a few days be* lot* Arthur died, la addition to the huts ana tact with seeds or the roots of plants. Hog ma nure or barn yard manure turned under on gar dens will enrich. maim,end lighten the groand. Horre manure is of the most value when fresh Mix it wi'h other manures and coyer with ab sorbents as aoon as possible, before a lots of !*> nitrogen To make good, strong manure, give your stock rich food. Com period and fully fer mented manure before used, ft best. gardens, bone dust mlxeo w* a ashes or pulverlz xi chsrcval *v good. Goar- coai makes a light friable soil, Kivu it a dark color and adds to its warmth. When oomposv- ed with night soil It becomes pondretle,and Is a good fextli x ;r. Leaves, straw and rubbltb thrown together, aud moistened with a mixture of lime ana salt4f kept damp until decomposed. , s excellent for trets aud shrubs. Swamp muck with salt, lime or leached ashes, is a gMXl ferti lizer. Broad leaved plants are benefited by at- p-ying plaster. Tar. bark, decayed chips, saw dust, shaving*, hog hair, leaves covered with soil, are of great advantage to potatoes. WHEAT. Ixercise judgment In selecting year seed, ss well aa what fertillxdt u> ate. I/?sra what whea la productive, aa well as that which will makt good flour* The best w heat-growers study ihett things, aa well sa the quantity of wheat to b» steded per acre, at the same time the quality ol the soil and the preparatlonof the land. Many th t early aeeclog and small grain and pxrr laud will inquire teat r ed than late seed ing, large grain and rich land, and that fleeij prepared compact land will rtqutre le*s ihai. rough, loose land. Many try remedies or prt> rentallvaa fa- rash If any remedy has betr discovered, we do not kcowlu A very notec German agrlcouuzlst, mx hows before rowln; his wheat, prtpAi v a steep of threj measures ol powdered quick lime and ten measure ol c?a urine, and po»n two quarto of this on each of wheat, stlril&g the wheal until each grain 1* white with tbo preparation. He r»j§ tost be haa foUowed thla plan foe yeau vrtth soooets. In former numbers ot The CoXkTnouoN, art! c;es will be found giving remedies *?e hav .-*gri that early itededard early cut wheat li leaf apt to i osL Prepare your land well, give it a sufficiency of soluble fertilises wheat thei will grow up strong, vigorous and healthy, ant wl'l be lu a condition to wltbrand ru t. corns czansiici. From one of oor exchangee w© nctici that Eildwln coox.ty paid ont th * year some 950,000 for cun and muL It requires i thousand bales of cotton to pay for this. When we think of the number of valuable acres of land lu Baldwin, we »re strongly inclined to tbe balln •ha there are a large namber cf planters In thi county who ara not t*ue to their own Interest, asd are hard y acting fa’r to their land. BeLe- cultivation, n J idiciom rotation of crops. «nd oj such as are ad-$o*sd to thit soil, plenty of gma string and applying maunre, orcedlnx and few Ing bettfr stock, wonid not cn’y hav j prevented i he pay it? mt of Baca a au« , but would have k pt the oil intact and made U better. Thi* farmeia of bvldwin should a e all the a t >plla cc they are able to bilug their lauds Into beticr cultivation. Improved Ullage, div.raiflcd agr. culture, aud special mrouxev, wilt go a gr vd long way toward preventing toe p tying out of 957,100 for com aud mesti CLAY SOIL. Aosicultusal Eorroa Cunamunoa: I bavt afleidof Uev«n «ti ciav .aad wmcuuco.d wet and nsru to work, anc In dry wevtoer it cu-- comes hard and cracks. What cut 1 do for i.7 M. Jnn m loan a* you can.mak* It mellow. Woik and m-na^e It so thatalrand warmth r in pene trate It. CoilrMagord quantity of barnyard inis, pnt Uon your field, sow it down 1 peas or clover, and tors under Themruu aud vegetable material wtil change tbecharac of the uU. It may be necesrary to nnderdza your field. Oay Lad will admit of heavy m> nuring, and heavy manorieg wil'Improve the texture of the sol!, and the better the soil, th larger the crop:. It la a little troublesome, aid cor a stme uieg io brug np a field of this char acter, bnt when dre.e. It witi last and repay yon awzzr fotatofi. Potatoes, laid Pempey. a learned darkey. Is hebedoos x. p'oglcai vegetable what grows ail under Cs.-und, 'c-vd^ top,auddit bears car* nlvezora fljwer at the bottom. Potattro ia betiy gccl hllcl aud den dey am bet'er rosaud, but If you cin steal de lard de bnt way of all U fry him, bekaLS den de *tane am mert aud drluk. each am de gxeat merits of po* txa. ■Poo*i**sb«ad was pretty leve’ on the vegetable Tbj are c: cnlj go-d for nun bui alra for t»n. stixk mo iexw We are glad f» km fi$e crop of teem 1st dug isimdin the state, a< tha aarne time not a bcshel :c > ir-aoy. * De tup* can ue mace gcoJ food for a'uck. and fa ranis should eee to it snd save a>‘ thtir putat j vim a Thi ft with thrjiotvt js will as>ist to mpke tht: meat, drink and sleep of their stock this winni boiled or ateamcl. —Fa iron as a tree Is cat down. If Intended for mechanical parpens, it vhoold be atrip; id of l»a Msriett * hld » “ n “ tion Sand »y ™ lta “ et K4ac * 1 *• 111 rtqa d J mauiitc. It n» told Ul orerth, .tree:, tbu -Tbe to-' 1 cf the V -tt-i Stitts to the b-it Is I jxn. bid seen bxokxk tbe wood jet la t&ray Earopeso countries th. four ot tb. pit-oner, rooflaed tbere n teumta jtoldptrs^.01 at tbe toad under coiti- bedeeceped. It eppeue train tbo teettmoOTOt T.uon n greatly on tbe tocreeee tram Terr to I pmoettTtasMer tbe>ea the. tbecerape oe- rtv- I curred shortly after midnight, and it Isatao very -3oUsm cultivation reqilre constant atixrlnx, I evldvct that the prisoners were assisted In the then they do noi harden ou tbe surface; and do I work of breaking out by not become tco cimpact (or the proper admit• I acccmpucw outside sion of air; rain and heat, and for the free I There were horses writing tor them, and they crowtb of the fibrous r JOtv. I were heard going in different directions at great * In a hot ueasoo finely pulvcrivsdeolllncisas- speed toe deposit of dew and admits it to the root* I An examl atlon cf the Jill showed that the of plants. 1 prisoners sawed their way ont near the door. —Tickle the ground with the hce.the plow the I They were undoubtedly furnished the instra- spile and toe harrow And the attract on of mols-1 menu with which to achieve their freedom by tore wLl De in ere tied, the circulation ol the nu- I (rlecd* who awaited them outside with hones tiitive ga*« will beetccnitgcd snd the ftitillty I for their uf». The sheriff tried to find of the oti will bn added ta I trace of tbe escaped prisoners but with Utile floral rrxxa. I sucoern They went at brerit neck speed and —Watering with warm water hastens the I will prob.bly hide aa effectually as potato:* growth and causae early and free fl.werinxof I AU day Sunday the eearch was kept np to no the Calls. I effect. YeeUrday morning to the surprise o! —Hyadrths that have flowered ouce In the I too community one of the escaped prisoners F house are not ot olach vaine for house culture. I C Rollins, uuder sentence f*r assanlt with in- —Tuberous rooted byonlas, make excellent I tent to murder, retnrred and voluntarily basket plants Grow them In good sail, keep I gave hixself of them well tapplied with water, and a mederate- I to th* sheriff. ly*ool, dry house. I He says he was not In the plan of the other -For ill lies, a sandy soil to best. Do not I to atape. and that they were gone before crowd them. As soon aa the leave* are gone I he knew H* the sp- rture and walked clean off toe bed. Rake in an Inch or ao of well I tnto freedom himself. After sitting out and rotted cow manure,if possible, or any other. ] taming around awhile he conc'uded to return —Cutting tulip* benefit* the bulbs. The for- I 4X1,1 9 lre himself up, a* he U cocfllent of a new mation of aetd, however, irjurea the bulb. I trial and an acquittal. —Do not pot rotts and leave them exposed to I Hv **J* he knows notolng of the whereabouts of ,je xnn before the zoota have formed, else the I other prisoners. Hts story is generally cred- plant will show feebleness*. Place a ncwljapot-1 ltod ^ ***■ fi° ktrougiy in bis favor, ud plant in a cool place until the new roots fill I °t Cobb county, Mr W P Stephens, too poti I has offered a reward of $25 each for toe arrest of —Leaf mould,loam and chip dirt make a good I 11x8 reJace **- oil tor pan^lea. To bectflt your pansies, water I TH * DX CRirnoii them night and morning in hot weather with I oltbe™!* ” follow*; rain water if you have it. George Brown, who to undar sentence of death —A tab capoocftti of phosphorous soap, dls- I hwmurder—of detcription as follows: Age 28 solytd In a gallon of water and applied with a I Jeet 1 tab high, weight 234 pounds, watering pot to roses will destroy Insects It to I ciexx,lir “haven except light mustache, had _ riso a good ferttl x r I TiTJ cut on hm left hand, and an India ink -Plant* for al iter flowering should be kep* I ,pot on^tialytarm near toe wrist, hair cut to pots all summer. Thev should be brought In I dressed 1° * brown suit, well worn and tbe house and plaoed In their position before th- I has on a calico tolrt, without any collar Brown wlntei fires are made* 1 h*s been iu jail ten months and to pretty wel. —Graceful, round* eadtd plants tsi centrally I bleached; has thebogueof a northerner. He beat c uited for va c*. To htv* nice flower* to I w ‘* |D jil1 Ior “^rder, was tried aud convic ed. ytur vase v.gve ihi earth fci the vases a thoroagl I tiecied a new trial In the supreme ooorti aid soaking every evening, and the leaves a good I would h* ve been re>aentenced to be hiti*g next ahov orU g rram tbe wa erim; put- j November. - To Presene Cat F t w is-Put a drop or wo I JohnCruite—Age35 years,5 feet,6lDcueshlgh, of amm nla in toe-w-iter. Chang* the water WCI>4tlB 85 PonaA*. has dark mustache and lm- y day ard cut cfl ha f an tech of so of tire peti*l «d to very much bleached 'ram being In r.tsais ot the fl.w HA KINO A PASTURE. A letter from Coweta make* some Inqnlrie about sowing down land for pasture. In back numbers ol The Constitution, our correspond ent will find articles telling how to prepare the —Timber msy be partially reasoned by tstng ] BttXAKltiQ OF COBB COOBTJJAML* ftJUri rsT ttMBfi. * I ’" Asstolaaee *1 Aeeomplleu On I aide- MO BA ION ML AS S SMAlCdAB FROM UMAX a. The Se. mlttgly Hiraea or« Iwot- Parilcetan ot the Harder of epy oi a Pious aaldea-Prajera Hemet All-Terrlbl» Colliery >splo- Prajera Aukwrred. Baltimore Gcajtte. Mi&a .Annie Abern&rd, of Oregon e rtet, had been confined to her otd for three years, and daring the past three months had been failing rapidly. She is about twenty two years oi age, of neat appearance and good demeanor and has many warm friends in the neighborhood, who watched the pro gress of her disease with anxiety. She was attended by Drs. Miltenoerger, Milholland, Spicer, and other physi cians, without appearing to experience lent relief or improvement, aka ago Father Ahem of St. P.ter’s waa called in, and administered me last sacraments oi the Catholic church to the feuff? and supposed dying girt After the s <lemn ceremony the reverend # at her,mo veil by her piety and patience, suggested to her to make a no vena to Su Vincent and St. Peter, and to pray for tne Lord to restore her to health. On St. Peter's day Father Ahem celebrated mass for her, and a number of her friends piously assisted with their prayers, the girl also appei iog to the L >rd to restore her health. As though in auswer to the suppl ca tion in her behalf,her health improved, she was sjon tb.e to leave her bed,ano on Satarday last all traces of the diB» ease, txcepi th^se left t y the long and -ed.ous confinement to a bed of pain, uad disappearecu She had for some time experienced some debility,, however, day by day was dimmnhtng, aud she is now able to attend to her usual domestic avocations. She^to a regular attendant at 7 o’clock mgBB at Su Peter’s cnurco. While her health seems to be perfectly restoied, neither $he nor her fnencts claim her recovery as a miracle. Their explanation is that God alwavs listens to anti answers the prayers, f those who earnestly suppli* cate Him for bi'esfiugs, aud tnat he in Hia divine mercy heard her prayer and the sapplications oi her ineuus, and re stored her to health. jail. He ia coargad with robbery, and under sentence for 12 years in the penitentiary. Cruet Is from Gwinnett county, Georela. D C Sutton—Age 45 years, 6 and 9 inches high wrigbt 125 pound*, haa heavy beard on face of a candy color, has small black eyas; had on when grout.d, what grass to tow, and th* kinds suited I b U3 * uil °* c:<xlxe * •cmewna* to different soils. From now on until the mid- I dlrty wltn Rre **° *P°t*» on boots of tolera- die ol out month 1. perbip. u rod . tine te ]*’JT"'* tom Ch *“ M ** «un- Sb, to raw the Ktel. Tbe trouble with our W.lker TCnm,. G. - U . u.,« Ge tgi* Utmen U th.tthejdo not takeptax chmed with hl*«nj. enough with their gtus lend*. There an too I ^ will be *ee:i th.t ooe. 1 thepricooen George nx*x.y poor paetures, which have a light sod. I " rown ' ** soocr sentence to be hung n»xt No yield but little aud sparligiy ennehed. Then I Teml>cr He il * desperate fellow, aedhtore- are various grasses that,'with proper attemloc, I «ptare maybe difficult. Every effort w ill be wou d t o well In otix state—tender, nntritlour I atoxeyto rtc>putre the three btfds whef that would make good hay, or admit ol I 90 fldW ^ om the cage In which the coos ant gr.sug. With blue grass, bexmuds, j *** had placed them. oichanJ, perenuia. rye, crab, herds, meadow oat grass, sweet v.raal, downy out, le*cue and I mauy others adapted to our soil, It to absurd to | tay Ural gras* will not do here, and It to misers BUM DAM AM LOS DOM. b!e economy to procure our hay, mules and I hoxsea f rora other steles. All oor farmeu have [ to do to to thoroughly prepare the ground, St- Eugia -Auktrlan alow |i _ meat ta—Tne Rltiac ot the Mile. EGYPT the atax or the sms. Sped*! dispatch to Tbe Constitution. Alexandria. September 11 —An unnsnAlly heavy rise t-> the Whl e and Bine Nile* are re- pined from K' «-ioum. The rains are inoesaaot and an lnundattou to apprehended The gov ernment to adopting m”a*urea of precaution. RUSSIA. SINISTER ADVICE To SRRV1A. Pari«. September 11.— A tel» gram from 8em- lln lay Ra ala has advised Servia not to disarm and promised to comm io her subsidies. SPA«N. THE ELECTIONS. Madrid. September Hk—Tha elections to the proviuclri couiiClls, as ifir as known. Indicate a large x-vverament nujorlty. The Diarlo announce* that a conspiracy haa been discovered in Seville to etiahlt.h a federal tepubhc* GREECE. CELLING THE ARMY TOGETHER. Athens, September 11 —A11 fnrlcugntd sol* dicta are ordered to rejoin their regiments Im mediately. The government announces the measure as merely precautionary, but the lemw ffljiat jooruats say it la neceaaltated by Important —An old Indiftn on the Pacific slope iulorms xn editoi xs to the kind of wexther they will have there; that “in five moons we have heap big snow, pap joeea heap die, horse heap no catch ’urn grass, no catch ’urn sage brush, heap eat 'am cedar trees,” and then re quests the editor to spread the warning by “heap paper talk.” — Lnrd Beacon (field will provide that he shall be buried in the Jews' grave* yard at Mile End. It was by a trick oi •he poet Bogera that he wxa baptised. A Jew who knows him well says that Beaconsfield has u respect for Chris tianity because Christ was a Jew and 'he V -gin M.ry was a Jewess. —“D j you know,” remarked a rather last youth, the otuer day to a stuttering friend to whom he was slightly indebt ed, “Do you know that I intend to mar ry and settle down?” ‘‘I do-don't know anything about it,” waa the reply, “b-b-bllt I think you h »d better stay single and settle up.” -Biltimore Every Saturday. A Bergen county man pleasantly sat down at breakfast, and his loving wife -aid, “D trling, does yonr head ache ?" He Rplied, with sufficient dignity, ; why should von askT” And she ’, dear, ] London Examiner. Sir Coatte Lindeaj’s scheme might . In a Bcufe, be described as -Hi ccmpetl in fect aetd suited to egrtrin soils, and then prop I tween the art raticri’s and toe church.** Tha eriy sow them. Grorsto an Important crop in I word Implies ackcowlsdgm ntof an attractiou* the Uaitad States, and mould be to GeoptU. Oor I.rmere ehoold take a. ranch p.10. to po* I 1Icd exieo ). the l lereoce I. ptaln. To knp toe paw aa the; cotton ud com. Make the I Groevehor ud other clleriee caeed hecuue rail; ttatewuiio-.raw loxortaotonbra, dgec or Wrm ont bottoms Make the grouno I mg. if you do not follow oar manner of spend- rten—plow 1'. harro it, tow It, roll U, andg ra I mg the Suuday > you shall not he allowed to lot* wl;lcloth.the TUloie.od hnliidra ol oyoms i^tto*’ItaMSd ote* SS witn ctrpe’a o: green velvet—yes, and render I forcing him to eat beef or psriati. Tne toe moat repulsive spot* attractive by it* aoit, I churches would be none toe emptier if all the cool aud luxuriant covering. | jni^i“»RhdRffill«;le*ia London werejr pined . rxacHxs—Hun ~ ^ iuoRAS Cl unit. September I bat are only a species of May*'roomi where jw out mu a to uuaurffiiu regsiaio their baatued*, but La termer’* wile, hare beau I during the week, imbibe tittle doati'of’weak flonca bffutfilled by toe practical aavice and I cc tnce In somuona of *enteel theology. They recetp a 1 fl-ia in your columns. Fiesce give us I tuifll a purpose, were it only that of supplying a a receipt lor pica.iug p jaenre. 1 have tookeo I va Ution in toe weekly round of frivolity, and Umb and mutton pretty muen every way, wilt I they will flourish ao long aa tore ere dowuy you *o«geat someth ng about cutlets f M. I curates to be petted. ParirUn modes to be coca- To Picale ieacuea—To touneen pounds oi I pared, end my I^dy Transvaal nquires special attache h.t tiuterouthtaht brown in gar, three teaapcouaful ot annamoo, three tea* I of there, toe upper ten thousand, that the 8u»- epLcnsiul of powdered c.ove*. to one quart ol I ^ ut lot ^ •* U»e L*wer •uomt Ctotr Ttnepr. Let the tln^r. tux., I iSJS’SS^fcSiteBteuS boM’aimtara. and splota bolt a very UtUe while, then ont to | my lady's Bushmin. V 3 y-u. peAChea and let them acald enough to atiet atraw ttroegh them with ease; Uke them ont< put them In an eartheo jar, seeing that the vin egar c tvers them wril, which moat be pours, over toe ji?kel peaches. Pascea cover tightly over by the buy** death aid had violent Listeria for tome hour* after he expired. She had also been and was np to al most >he day of her death a ve*y hard working wtaoan-oue who worked like a slave twelve, thirteen and fourteen hours in every twenty- That wi* probably one reason why the broke down as readily aa she dtd. She had fever, as all sick people have, the died of heat and tbe oomptioation of ills I have related. An dereonof the family has hwl a ran of tbe ime fever that the child died of and to now mv descent- 1 had go* to this point In this letter when 1 was called oo by some persona slightly pan icked by one of thoes which la times of public excite- ; seem to exptode In the air or spring ont of toe ground. Tats one waa to toe effect tost a an had come to a certain dwelling In the eastern part of the town from Mem pfels sick with yellow lever. tost the Sunday night; that several of tin family and of the family n- x* doorfwere down and the doctors would not tell them WHA? AXLEDTHXH ; tbe dead woman had been secretly burled by th* board ol at tea o’cPrk Sunday t; that three or four old dcctora and one tg -eawbous*** had been at the dwelling in question all day to day In solemn eonra’-atioe aud toon. Y«* eunlin* quahtv and quantity The housekeeper or cock who studies economy in the hit-hen. can d* aolnocedree- •ta by always sang Dooley's Yeast It will be foand a inly economical an assistant in baking btocaita rotia, brrnk cake of all ktada. wsffiea. a alfina. a-d i prepared from fiour, tad whj 1 Bxaam, la using Sr Paul, September 12 -Toe follow Po-edw l^nraStveri bv\iif p'om^ Preset ^ 131 to »®d when ths been received by khe P.onecr Presa^A ^ Un%d ou; tigkt, patatsble, aod«bato*OHS,rot at eray murset to eaten ap aud no watte —A cure for ringworm— -ake old-fa*Worn black Ink and spread It on the ringworm ever. day with a hair brush. « —To wash quilu, cimfor'i and tltklagr—8»k in pure cold water twenty-lour hours, then rub through warm water w.ih a lutte sr tp and nuc weiL —Booefeta—Pat over the iput a fly bltotir about the sis; ol a ttumb-nsM, and let it remai. for six bouts then, directly uuder the surfece ol the blister, may be reen toe felon, whicu can be taken oat with toe point of a net 11a. —Bee stlrg—Rub it with a tomato leaf. —Tea staina—Tea stains should be wet wi h equal pin of alcthol and ammonia, and then wash d tu tepid a aptud#. If toe spots be very fi-mly fixed, expose them ta the fomev oi burn ing aalpuur —Xearalgia—Onlv tor external otr; Two ounce* of chlotofoim, two of chloral hydrate, one and a halt cf alcohol, one of camphor, one of snlptarh ether, six grains .auiphate met- pbine, two drachma oil peppermint. —Straw matung-Wa*h once or twice daring the stULmer with rtit and water-a pint of mti la nail a p*tii of warm sell water dry quick y 1 h a *jit doth. A tt?In coat of varnlan *pp>iea to a.-zaw metti* g wLl make it mneu more dun• ote and keep lte mailing broking tresu and new. Wnlre vaiiuan sboujd t* a«d on white mat tin. Have toe v*.m*h vexj thin or the matuug wr-$ crack. mot iNkHxxr. We nave red ted e veu.r from Dog./count a»ktug tor a ma lj for rot ia sheep Ii to*- wn tar will teak in the hack uumoer* of lllUiX an tmoNhe wui find that we have given two or tore: remoo'es. if he wi 1 write to Dr Janes agr cnuural comattoctaec, he witi send him b-s paupouec, wh:ch rreaa pretty folly Marcs •, aa o d sgncaitarai writer, gave the rol-owtag lougtt remedy tor the rot is •beep; Kr-p the rhetp lor two day* wi thou food or drink, then give to tv cry uondred a J of bran mixed with a goud deal A aaa, and hanger will make them eat it; ihea drive tb* water and let them drink toeir fi.l. after this chaae them tor a goud eprae, thea put them where you Intend keeping them. AGEICULIU AL1TEH4. -More than oue-naJ of the total p jpa atlon of FroaoedepeLdvonacricaditireua tiring- —Tae larger. £ jut mill In the world 1* te-ir t bdttaiNtrpazaia'W. Its ospactiy will 1.90) ba.rela e day. —In Saxony toe faraeta mannUrtnre very good cherts from sa til paresis ot milk oy to iv lady's £ Loudon, we repeat, does not go to church. Its Gregorian chant ia ths scream of the rati way wUS’le. Soortlvaf-er Its 8ondav breakfast it la disperse d over a hugs circle ol pare, meadow, heath and lorest, at a radius of from ooe mi e to twenty or thir.y from Cha Ing Croat; by U . . . . o’clock toe chtuci beds are car gtog foolishly to tne first day; tne ceoond pjur off ihe I tne deal walla of an empty cliy; *nd toe return* sat it to too boiling point, and rtf aru I inx crowds are beginning to pour their toon* ttbottom. It.It. Bepeit tbta pioc» turn; tabd. opoo tt.ptatfonn- Jmt.boot Utat taettd • num.PhP. At v —in Ar. I interval of *>lx to right M wbe>. tney are rap* tne peaches are fit for utr. Four time will do I p § d to be iu church, con.clous o'jooof - **' - cover np tikhtly then. Watch from| ime to timt, I tor toe bus ol me past w.ek, aud if tie srgbtcai fermentation lccul. icald I spiritually girding toeir tolna for toe tbo ftoll ot c. unite, akJcfl tbe foie. «t^ oiVn.^to, . tuum that rlt.s to to# tarfaca Tneas pickles I way of r. lease from toe dan domestic routine, keep well if freaa and sound fruit la used. I toe only p ople who go to c - arch are chan y Mutton CuiiIa—Loin chonaare brat. Take I children, toe beadle, too church wardens. a»d Mutton cuuea Loin coops are best. Take , he membeM ^ ^ -Workli g Men’s Ljra’e D ty oft toe vertebra or thickest end of each bone. I r st AttodsUoo," s budy wnicii we are rnetiuea ud .bout an Inch off ol :b. top ol tbo bone: w rtxud ulutnl-nijuitota. WbtatbTC do people pnt me chop: into..fcwtm In wUcbbtabee. S^bLiS't' previenriy melt Ml a little batter teisoaed with I the ooaunemat Habbfth, with tote d fforeuce, salt; stew fjr a short time, but not until thty I tat the London bebbato is toe coarser oteerv- are brown, as that appearance is accomplished fine; adde little thyme; mix It with sufficient I bat ninety-nine men ou.'of every *“ l . n ‘” OT^blToSaS been suffered to cool before th’s addition to I feel tost toe cmutiesi thing Iu It la the pu pit tbetn. tben po«d>r them »im tre»d etumb, I \ meUncoolj hot,; but it li o-ei-ta which, pincho Catennepeopwbtabeeh I diEiulW., it,uidnotonlj mt.ea .ui tbl-cbler- — I i. -uffieiebt zesauu for dr.wlug .tumtion uithtoem; lemon joic* msy be >qur«: their, • r tbe d “*“ * be gximahed v A SMASH UP. d ore I to bs a fact—tost neither the opponents n A k«e ■Else Tackle* Old Brin- ternble etorj, not credited here,ihoogu u. • sender tea leading citizen of B.e march, ftnd grneraliy i mat won hr, is as (o.lows: The brother of Senator Dor- •cy return- d from Keo^h by tbe Cosier trail urreiay, ai-o report* that. reached K -o^h about the 5.h; that tvenetftl . Milee and an excursion party were snrround* ed by Bannock* in the YeUowetone perk, ft*d twenty-eevea ol the eecort nad been killed. A lot of Cheyenne Tta.^wtata ta^.^pta-ltata «l isaui were mqi to hi* reuel Mis. A fitsavy svUars. Special dispatch to Th* Caostitntioe. Jsiw Yoke, September 12 —A cargo of Sal CK'Xnd oi sugar, the property of Bu A Co., New York, was seised yeaterday by the United Stetee mar shal. li is alleged that the owner* de trended the goveramant by false in voices. Daciel P ea'A E -tech C Pr»uU and . John Prettia, ol N *. 2 G .verneor Lane, Mile's a daughter of Geo. Saoborae, of Mew York, who are sccjeed of eooapi bt Pant, and o^r. Udif > %To in kUiea’e n «y to deiraod the government in falee Ytlg)lingn f hold, ta bail. k oms of toe mott aaccreaful farmer* iu MscsacUnaetts are the owner* of farms that pai —King Hnmbsrt keeps two hundred ctmels -There are 217».0» nocre* la Russia, or one to every four pereoca —ScoJand Imports canatt, turnip* and po’.i- ti*. HZXTSTO FAEHEES. —Corn ooatilia five time* the oil or 1st yield- •d by wheat are Molls MMcUtly i.w ltaiifokl Wounded. An accident happened to the day patsenger train on the Maccn asd Western rail road bauds? ls-t which esme near resulting in the cea:h ot E iglnccr Wm. Mitchell and Fire man Haakiuk. The aeddeot to which we refer occurred about eighteen miles from Mscon, on the camp ground grade, wh eh ia one of TBX N.-5T JUNK on tbe entire road. The train left Mscon ot* half hoc/ behind time, and was c.wring oo at a rapid rate with a view to making np the lost i crclnary intelligent _jin Ixiiagna e which be contldera to be official, oid-fasbioned and i eaningle»a, and aboui in wMcb he fetste io butnan lutereat. Is a truth which g.e* to the very roots ol 8unday movements. CAP2UBM OF JIM ALFORD. Had Dtathofaii tailor a..d UlsCliUd. Near Orleans DemccraL Mr. C. H Nor veil died yesterday ol he pTbvailitig disease. Last year hr tnc»me ait&ched to tbe corps of the Democrat; he made himself uselul iu utmost every department of tue paper; attended to the telegraph, peiformeu ihe duties of a reporter, aud occasion* ally wro-e editorials. * r Nor veil Wat a native of Lyx.chburg, Va. He was a ‘mere chi d wuen tne war oegan, but as boon as he reached his fourteentU year hu joined a Virginia artillery company tn the confederate service and served therein until the end • f *he war. Soon ifier ihe war he left Vicksburg aud settled in Cincinnati, where he wtsen- g g* d in .he tobacco business. While ;n C nc nnati he married, lived ther. anti in C >ving*on until last year, when he camu to New Orleans, and fi .din, busineKu he'e, *eiiled and wrote for b e wife and child to join him. He was well p eastd with New O leans, and had determined to make bis none permanently here. When the fever cimo he not only refused u leave bn: had detenu ned to prof fer his services to tbe H •ward ass cia’io t Being utterly unacclima ted, he was fina 1 * persuaded to give this idea up, but • n several cc* a aou& assisted in nursing friends and neigh bor* tick of the fever. To this charity and philanthropy is doubtless due hie death List Friday he waa taker, sick His iliness /ind death weie peculiarly sad. He and hie child were attacked with the fever within a few hours of each other; tig a her they lay rick in the same bed, together they died. The tie that bound them t< geth er was unusually strong, xsorveii was- a devo’ed father, wholly wrapped up in his b y; the child, handsome, prec - cious, extrAordinarily d ml jpea f jr his age, was glad to lie by hie father. He bad often express ed a d sire to die a tbe same time with hia father. Heav- n granted his prayer. The little boy expired yesterday morning, and the father, shocked by the child’s death, soon followed. “In death they were not separated ’’ He leaves behind him a widow who h»B shown her heroUm in this terrible catastrophe, which tort from her her husband arc! her only child. With strength of mind ana courage possessed by few she nursed these, her dearest ones, to the very moment of their death, re.using herself rest or sleep. Halted Staten District Court. HON JOHN ERtKINX, JUDOE, FRE-IDINU The United States district court met at the tuna] hour yesterday morning and trans acted the following bu?loess: John Wbeach cbarxei with being a defaultlcg wllneaa Attachment Issued. Bam’l Bell, charged, with being a defaulting witness. Attachment issued. J >ckson Hall, charged with being a defaulting wi'-nesa Attachm ;nt if aued. Charles Maddox,charged with being a default- log witness. O der for attachment usncA James L -»ch, charged with being a defaulting witness. O der for attachment Issued. Dan’l M 8n 5 th, charged with retailing spiritu ous liquors Verdict not guilty. George W Speigie, charged with wholesaling spirituous liq ior j. Verdict not guilty. Hiram Butler, charged with retailing spiritu ous liquor*. Case not pressed because of toe imbecility of the defendant. Wm Slaufleld, charged w.lh illicit distilling Verdict not guilty on toe 1st and second count; guilty on the Srd. Brat to Bartow cuanty jail, becouflued four monto*,at the end of whlcu time it ta ordered by toe coart tha. the defendant b* discharged from custody. David Carter, charged with Illicit distilling. Plead guilty. Sentenced to 0 e year and three mouths in toe penltentlsry at Albany, N Y , ana ordered to pay a fb* of 9*00 and costa of court Wm Hlndeman, charted wl h working In distillery. Verdict not gouty, and defendant dteshaiged irom custoiy. The district aud circuit court* adjourned lest at tne usual hour tote morning. SW TZERLAND- AMNESTY TO CATHOLIC BSIKITS. % . London, September 11—A Geneva dispatch I said back, “Well, dear, you came in ftt says tue Berneee govern meat has decided to | 3 o’clock this mornius, and as von KltSSnwJ'taSS'tldSienw.uSJciSS: ooaldn’t hung your hat on the rack, you •teprieste who were deprive of toeir living in | ptit the rack down on the fl or, and 10 romp:v with toe requiremente I 8 aid you’d haug every hat in the house f thePWW* aBIT ta IM ^ and I thought your head might acb8 - New Yjik H ^ d - London, Sept, u -Tne Time* this morning I — S . L uiis has a i adly fallen man in 1^5.” U . no ^ a ringle eurourafjiDg fstfo | the person o! Frank A. George, who •nfl tb.c^ had cbar l» of the money order depart- «ver and tne outlook most gux my. Good* are I ment io the post rffice. Hestole $8,000 not only being piled uj In Mauchester ware-1 *nd ran away. His case is remark&b e. uoufes, bnt are fast accun utatlDg In toe mlli because no evidpnr« haw h«$-n dinrnvi storeroom* Small msuufflcturers. with limit- w , u , DO ®viaencenas oe^n atscov- «d means, are ob igel to sell at a>moatany sac- I ^red Of V C OUS habits, or of losses by ia passed, there l*no I speculation. He is the son of ft clergy ifoabtman,oltht-«firm.wlilaaccumb. man , Lie Bocial companiona were re- a frightful KxrLosioN. I speciable, and he was regarded as pos- LcND.iN, September 1L—A frightial colliery I sesstug uncommonly honorable in - xpiceio.i occurred toMsy at Abetcorn, ne<r I J Newport, in Monmouthshire. There were 870 I iu the pi; 80 have been rescued, it is feared I —Mrs George D<XOn Went to Mr. «;• Dameron, a Cmcinnau dentist, tohaira i.ctiht: tae expioron (jnod f'.anccn bor.'<« I en aching lootn pulled. He extracted 4eM out J a few j.u. rram ta. toot ol tae I the wrong tooth She went away very I angry, and on the following day when thk abkkcjRX DisAbTKit I he said “Qjod morning” to her in the l,nml n.ii.ab m Tin rn inimna I a reet, ohe retorted, “You’d b.Mteraay Uon.oii.BeptTC.h.rlJ.-Tn. to. ot UK by f° d totni hrath ” At that toecoutery dira tor at Abercom Is uriprect- I h® lost hlfl temper and choked her, but cjusteroation. TURKEY. THE MCfcDXS OF KXHKMET. darTSsTtiz°iyr£s& 'szsz. ^ »*■>» «*— SSo K « ta.'wfrkioToS'.i^taSfo.ta’ -The most copion. prodnt»r of ana- and tx emt over three miles so far only about I gratus ever knr wn seems to have been seven ootpscs hav* been recovered. The expto- I one Billon, an advocate, member of the Su"k 0 S“.'i'f. S’ P<*h*»eui Of A *. Who, on Louie XIII ami of a dmae volume of smoke. Alt the peo* I visiting tUat City, met his sovereign ftl Die la the district rushed to me moutool to* pat I tbe gate and presented him with no ° l f ewer than 500 an grams on hia name. The king was $o pleased with Bilkn. I who had flattered his sovereign in 500 iABBiN.Scpult-L’tu adv ce* from Con-1 different phrases, that he cave tne •tanttuopiegives lurtoer deteti* of the c icum- I a.. * »uendmg the death of Mehem-t Ail I courtier-like advocate ft pension for Pashm It eermathata Gu«ln|ePteva aid Ko> I life—ft mark of appreciation which was perhaps to be expected from ft SS o£ra7!^™3i\iTjSmT h. P ?5Sad ta0 monarch who never did Ihe least thing greatest excitement prevailing among the In- I for Corneille, ti-bititti He w*s violently upo raided with I having come to Atuante to hand over the land to 1 —Three weeks ego, at Rostd&’e, Ea» B i L us n ';f t nd , “j *<»*•** Abdatah Pstha. Mehemet All’s *• j atsnt. TUe I 8 * ie having put a stiff mustard plaster ~ « aeltcted by Mehcmet Ail for hia lodging! on him when he came home drunk. M w I They separated, and a ma*on, taking a by th. dittanies. «l ml Ipek Thts fiu \ c 5' ’° the proposed to her •ffxh:braes betaras ih. im»nJi»riBi»sdMa- I an< l wsa accepted, providtd lid c old btmri Alfa escort, in which 90 men of toe tetter arrange m titers with her husbxnd. The tell- Towards •vcoin* through Intervention I husband asked ten oounda. but an ap. ol ajme mt-an*. the conflict wa* appeased.the In* I lt i u P ounus » ptw an ar Kurgenu promittLg to obrerve a P SSul atU- I bitrato n was bad, the result of which tad*. About 6 o’ctock In toe evening, however. I was that for five pounds he leased bis ‘ AtiauiXraiasr—• i *•- - -• r ^ t ? Bm T"’r"f bde 5 it 8^ i % -reath ol Aoduilah Paana with aeveral ufllc :rs of I Tights in and and titles to the said escort, and toe house in which they took refuge I wife. w«* fired Mehemet AU succeeded in creeping I «« 0 _ from the buruiug building and oooceaii g him I ine reason given b’- ui z>l for the self in * shed clcs. by, bn: hi* hiding place waa I prosperity of the French is full of in* soon discovered, aud bewte ^ | terest : “Hdbits of prudence have pen- ^ etrated all classes. There are very few well armed and pats’, the occur teriattaa power. m ^C:“^ ro .S < ?rvi 1 Sx W lS 1 . A .rfi P" to hv-.* 011 haB l0D 8 baa “ d «i”? *°i ,——'T' , Hist bOOyOOO francs a year. The wta th of I Frunc^ has at least doubled during fifty Belgride 5’ eRr ,J' n . d ’ “ ^ PopnlaUon has MW _ —- 1 mented during that time by only one- _ . t n*h, it is obvious that tbe comfort of I ‘ ba P«0P' a baa eumminalv.” —An Oil Citizen called on a neighbor Saturday last to see if he couid not col** «gainfcl S zapary. GERMANY* A MODU* VIVENDI. Special dtepaicn to Tne Constitution. Paris September 12 —The Temp* says an Dealt* ot hl« Victim—k Lively than wilts Capa BraMltag'* lk»g* An account appeared in Sunday’s issue giving the deulte of th* cutting of Wm Shil.r nesr toe rodiog nr 1 store by Ji ford 1 he fray ccconed Saturday night about 11 'ctfck. Sumer we* so badly cut As it toimd a curve at the foot of the I that Dr. Asher at tte time express'd grave deubte grade gaug at the rate of about Ihirtj.flve mit^« I aa to whether he coc id errv ve. Alfor Bed sod per hour the engine struck a cow which wai I ereaped aU pursuit. &huter steadily gre * wo *- grazing ou the, throwing the cow into the I * aA air and the eegiue lnu> a ditch. The looo* I dixd of bis wound* motive waa tamed ccmpetsly over. I yesterday m rniug about 1 oc.ock. The cow-catcher t^came detached and wsal At 3 o’c ock yettxreay morning. Sheriff Pe» rent up the railro:d t>ack a distarca of about I k-nou with Cap t W H. Redding, keeper of tbe sixrv Fx xt, UUA EccxzT. I city chain -anc, stare-1 In purrait of Alford when It stepped by burying itself in tbe dirt I Capta n Bedding took hi* two dugs. •‘Lee*’ and box car* freighted with ice which were I “Rock,** who are finely trained to trail escaped next to the eegiue and between It snd a well I prisoner*. fi ltd pcax’UEer Train, were crashed to • tom* I 1 here was tittle c ue a* to Atiord'a wh re Large blocks of ice was scattered all ovtr the I about*, but h a sharp pursuers were a ter him ground on boh aides of the wreck, cooling the! and wae band to each him before they atmosphere and famishing nice cool seat* for I etop.<ed. be patssngeu who had togatou*. and wait for They went acroee to* rtnr and Into Cobh assistance to be rent them. Luckily none cf I county, aappcelng that Alford would go tba toe passer gen were hurt, and bnt few were I way a-be has rate* Ives is. that county, even badly tumbled about, av the two I a boa 8 o’clock they reached toe farm of Mr IVKCAES faotectxd THEM I Joe Lee, who live* abort 5 mtks beyond to - from all harm E igineer Wa Mi chell, was | rir r, and about one mite to tha nght • t tbe Ma tted j tealdtti and bro aed, otberwlea he Is unin* ***** «»d. They here learned that Alioro Jared Hu'kina had the ankle of his right leg I had fractured and hi* left leg burred to a painful I at Mr. Lee** the night betore and could not be Mr Mitchell la one of toe oldest and most care-1 t$r away ful engineet* on the Central railroad, and has Cape Redding p*t his unfailing dogs oo tbe been running a pesserger train over the road for I track and they soon bad the trail well under way. the past twenty yean. The accident era in no 1 At 9 o’clock P.rkencn and CapC Bed way be aar.bu «.d to negI*geoce *ruo hia parkas I dlDg ca-nght tpwu Alford, who wa^lnthe whea toe cow was first observed upon toe tack I wood* He did not resist at all and wa* promp toe engine was within only a few yards of iL ly esptand and taEen In char e. The “Aabury Hull,” theengme used up In the I Ha captors rescued the diy with him about 9 •ccAe&t.Matightpam'.nger locomotive that has I o’clock and placed ban ia Fulton o» n yjail. teza used by the road as a passenger engine for I Alford is a young man ef about 95 and I* the past three year*. The locomotive will be v«ry good charact r whatnot oo a spree, a dteo- rem.v-d o Macon rim it win undergo repair*, patkm In which he a'mettmra Integra The track hrs been cleared iw.y and tbe trates I _ , Ticrai taiB nm tareotk talta then wil rrat. llj. H J Sl?2d SSJfb a^inrar «ncidl Md fivnua Hctata. b«ve . prUalnu, rtalcf AircrtMTuitaliR. bten remoTe-1 to Atlanta and will remain here ~ until they are aufficienUy recuperated to return to toeir duty. Yesterday, General Toombs, Govern- Axzxns, Ga.. December 8.2877. I or Co.quitt, SmAtor M W Ranaom of North A few nights since I gave my BOP one Caroima. and 8mator Gordon, alt dined at toe do** of the WurmOJ, and the next day he peaeed } Kimball house. It la seldom that ao many dls- tliguishcd men meet in our dty. All of tiMvn look: d welL Senator Ransom la a splendid ipedmen of manhood, aud haa a very distin guished Senator Gordon. General Toombs and Governor Colquitt, each, looked FAD ten A L Topics- IdOBRatreet succeidi Npencrr-The l/Oll* B «laiiC« rr*-MtcU -JStc Wa hington, September 2L— Gen. James Lmga.reet Has been appointed revenue agent for Georgia ana F.orida, vice Spencer, who has been ordered to IdSUiBVUie. • THI COIN BALANCE in the treasury at the close of busint to-day waa 238,000 000 The commmoary general to*d<*y or dered 6.000 rations to be seat from Chicago to 0 ait on, MiBeiwippi. The DOBtcifftetiepAnment authorixee J. B. W&ltei to act as poBunaster at Holty 8priogs, J. 8. Kiowiton a; Mem pnis, and W. C. McCracken at Gre nada. ▲RBEiTED. Al Wilaon, one of the mnrderera Deputy Collector Cooper duriag the recent raid oa illicit diatillera iu Ten nessee, has been arrested and ia in Grayson county, N. C., j ui. IN THE SAMOAN ISLANDS The navy department is advised of the arrival on Jane 18 h, at Apia, 6a moan I $ lands, of tht U. B. ship Adams, wnich left Panama May lOih with the Samoan amoaaeador, M. K. Mamea anti Buiie on board. Oj July 24m Com □under Bi.gire pAtti an official visit to Taiman ana Tapu'.a, at tbe Kovemment house, aco^mpauieti by Mr. Eiwaid, epecial agent ot the etate department, and by several officers belonging to the vessel. The treaty between the Uni ted Buttes -nd Samoa, which waa rati fied by the United Stete* January 28 to, 1878, waa ratified by Taiman and i*a- pu*e, of Samoa, Jaly 2d, 1878 Speech* ee and cocgratulationB were ex changed between the members ol the Samoan government and Com mander RMgers relative to the enact ment of the trea'y. . will be shortly anuiunsed In a letter from Crown Prince Frederic* Wilhelm to th* pope. IN OBMBBAL. -Gambling haa been largely onjthe xease in In lect that bill, and meeting tbe neigh bor’s little boy in tbo y-.rd, asked him ii his papa waB at home. “Pxpa haa tone,” replied the boy. “Where has le gone 7" “He went on the cars this morning away a-a ofl to bankruptcy,’’ answered the eon with a proud gesture in the direction of Fittabarg. - Oil Oity Derrick. London this season. The —A contemporary thinks that if Of the leading manufectur- everybody wonid firmly resolve to never ere of playing cards show an increase bny any article the maker oi which ad- of elevon hundred dexen ’ packs over vertiaed on a rock wiih paint braah, last year each defacing oi natural scenery wonid SSMSMS on^artic’eMV* | rocks, and on the ineft we reeved never to buy that hotel. and decline to respond- —Texas has & paper called the Snari ng Soap, aud tbe editor r» quirks: “Wel c r r,a J}“* a i ece j 1 l ?J na ? r 8 m rmu ! vote for honesty, puff no man, pay our I ?j' Vt C ^ st y» Nevada, the dwelling of debts, .nd have Ian.” It seenm ton. “ r -, L ‘ w80 “ btc lmB eo charged with .bat each a paper as that ought to auc-1 ®!cctr.cuy that none of the kitchen ceed if it hae enon|h. 1 wenailB were ol eervice. When touched _. . • . .1 they emitted ppa.ksas large as those Leo XIII. has ordered ft census of I generated by batteries used for blast- the c:ergy residing m R ime, with full ^ an( i upon Mrs. Lawson picking up details as to where and how they live, I a fork she n cei ved a shock that-caused their fortunes and church functions, in I ^ to suddenly drop that instrument, order to institute certain reforms. I -Puck presents a picture of James 1 u - Flood, the California m llionaire, is Gordon Bennett astride of his favorite I otuhlmg what will, it is said, be the uag, aid calls him “Oir8tanding Can private leBldence in Ameru*. didate” for mayor. How can he be a T, be grounds include 1600 acres on 8an standing candidate when he is Bitting? ^ ra ^ c ’ 8C ° ^y* coaipnwng a natural -Alarm sixty miles long and ten P^mady for improvement to sny de- ■ r , ■ tr z„ f J!" fl „ “f * “j •: Bired f x ent. The house is 100 by 200 iTftfnf Miller A. Inx ^AUlw^ninnnAo 8 I in area . aTid resembles a French chateau Uta o‘f Sornia L Th “ h^TO 80 000 oI tbe old 6tvIe - Veranda surround it, hlsd ol stoS own 706000 teres m and »*“ roof is broken with many gables cbnice 0 ,endTand 0,r a n re ra’^d eTwc^ * nd *« jt qqq aqq I Ot® extenor is very ornate. Among * .'. . |theapartmenteare8sveraJptrlors,mu- —A Belgian murderer has been sen-* | 8 ic room, dining room, breakfast room, tenced t^drath.and further coud.mned billiard room, library and wineroorr, to pay 25.000 francs to the widow of the I the la ter being of uncommon size, the man murdered In case he doesn 11 The dining room is one hundred feet ^^probftbly im-1 i 0D g, to ihatgreatdinnera may begiv- pueon him for life before executing I en in ii; butrnost of it can be"shutoff, Qlm - leaving a room cf comparatively small —A woman in western Ohio has sac-1 size for ordinary use Five years will ceeded in poisoning three husbands, a.11 be contained ia completing the house of them her own. Suspicion was al-1 and its auiroundrags. Mr. F.ood also laved irom a belief on the part of the I contemplate* a city residence cf correa- pnblic that tLe onfortnnate gentlemen | ponding mxgnificence. nad been given foreign missions. —A new style of parse has been con-1 tub •rived for European tourists, It appears I Ws T Poikt, September 1L-The «n, ordinary portemonnaie, bnt I Fitxjohn Porter cun Wxa c munued U.- tbere is in one side of it a Bpring wire i d sv with the croes-examinetioc oi Mrj drops a trigger and the other end cf it Elrle ud Qoi. DiVig> both o£ whom opens the muzzle of a revolver. I were recalled tor the purpose. At the —8ir H. D. Wolff ia a memter of the I conc uiion of the testimony the recor* British foreign office. He goes to R.u-1 der urged that herealter the sessions metis. Being at Smyrna be wrote to a I should be held iu New Turk. The friend. “Send me a wife by the uex> I cmndl for the peutioners objected, mail” A eis er of Lard Orford, seeing when the recorder made further re- the letter, went out to Smyrna ana marks intimating that he did not de married him. sire toi finance West Point to contain. —“Coal Oil Johnr v.” the youth who I inate ihe government witne s s who was once very wealtny from a ditcav would be enmmoned. Th* board or- ery of witrolenm on his father’s form, dered an adjournment to Oa ober let, and who spent his money with travel holding in abeyance its decision as to ing minstrel shows, is now s clerk in a where the next meeting shall be, vx. grocery etory in one of the country <*Pt to be West Point unless otherwise towns of Iowa. | ordered. —Ex Governor Seymonr hae induced . , the war department to experiment in I M e ^ ,p ^' the use of cheese as an army ratior. I New Tork 800 In this the ex governor has pleased I The democrats need be in no hurry many voters, and the Uaca beard ol j about a candidate for president in trade recently tendered him thankB for 1880. They may congratulate them- his goed effaces. I saives that some of the gentlemen »m- —Mrs* De Gross and her ten-year I bitioua to fill that office * re already do- old daughter made up their minds to I iog what li-s in their power to estab- drown themselves in the river at Al- I lien their unfitnets for tbe place. let ton. 111. They waded into the etream, tbe scalps of ihe unqualified te rapidly and the mother obligingly aided the | bang ap on ii thej' mike a long row. child by holding her bead u ‘ * ■ xten Urg* wtxma. At toe EamethMlguve « xaftra) to 86j iittlt* ctil, tar jean old, snt tb* pu»ed 88 w-ta*. Iruoi 4 to 15 incbec locx* W. r. Pxutin. rod for sate by Drouteta fcnrexllz* S&J B4fi& WUB. A grand meeung wae called to take MM st lubeuta*. 1 place at Apia, on July 17 Ji, oi the rep resentatiVde ol all the islands for the purpose uf proclaiming the Ueaty. Ou July 4 h Commander Rodgers drevsed the emp and received on board the members o: the Taiman and Tap- ala, and many oi the priocipai chiefs and represents.ivea oi Samoa. m under wa- The way for ihe right man will be ren ter ; but her courage failed when her I d:red aU the plainer, own turn came to die, and she swam ashore. —Robert Thompson went abont Hart AVBTIM’M LEO A Cl. county, Ky., telling every bodythat be I ib»[UU|Mlra urv Mia irconats. wss going to shoot Henry Clack on 1 Special dispatch to Tae Ootuwmion. eight; but when the opportunity came, 8as Fbaxcisco. September 1L—Al- 5 nd j h ?.i dI i. e,, v“* raT “ lT f r d 1 °.. , I b S exander Annin, a prominent member deed,Clack shot quickest and killed of lhe Francisco stock exchange him instantly. I and ex-oollector, died this morning. —It is a gxeat mistake for a yonng Abont $300,000 protested taxes re- lady who contemplates marryiog a | mained in hie hands at the time of hia “fore’gn count” to refnse to acqmint I death. He always expressed a readiness heree.f with all tbe honseholddnueeai to pay over the amount when tl spend, home, such as washing, cooking, darn-1 ing Bnits were decided, but hu kept his —Babiea are the institution and iag stockings, etc. To be enddenly I own counsel u to the whereabouts ot should b« guarded from of {compelled to turn her hand to such I the funds. Tbe public, therefore, ara H Colic, Rsraience, etc, by Dr. Bull's works mrath ui two marriage j ignorant aa to the true condition of hia mssaoAiir well, u4sn sppeutai uenlpytka Baby Syrup, Brice 25 cents per bo'- msv g ve her cons itntion a ehock from sfiaira. It is feared th& funds have. . ... 243. which, she will never foil j recover. been lost speculating.