Atlanta daily examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1854-1857, December 27, 1854, Page 3, Image 3

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Hermetically sealed articles Lobsters in 1 nnd 2 pound cans. Clams in 1 and 2 pounds do. Roast Beef in 1 nnd 2 pound cans. Roiled Beef in 1 ami 2 do. Roast Mut ton in 1 and 2 cans. Roast Turkey in 2 cans. Roast Goose in 2 do. Roast Chicken in 2 do. Peaches, very superior, in 2 cans. Tomatoes, choice, in 2 do. Assorted Preserves, in 1 and 2 cans. Milk in 1 cans. For sale by JOSEPH IT. MARKS A CO. 7fl ami 78 Magazine st. N. 0. *■ iF 21, ’ MJWI T ly /GROCERIES!/ GROCERIES, Vj GftOCMIES!!! Goshen Butter, Pineapple Cheese, Buck What, Preserves and Jams, Capers, Matches, Clothes Lines, Twine, Baskets, Brom*. Fire-Crackers, Shot, Bar-Lead, Candy, Biack and Green Tea, Brandy,Salmon, Smoked Herring, Table Salt, Colgate’s Soap, Cotgate's (Starch, etc., for sale by H. L. STONE & Co. corner Gravier, Fulton & Levee sts. 17 dwly HAVANA CIGARS.—The undersigned has lately increased his stock of Havana Cigars with larger lots of direct importation, of the choicest brands, and can offer a complete as sortment of such classes as. Imperials, Greusndos, Regalias, Sultanas, Half do. Brevos, Regalia Londres, Gidanes, Half do. Millars, Londres, Patents, Ac, Os the Brands—Cabanas, Gutiosrez, Cabar fas, Navajns, Tartagas, Flor del Paseo, Ujues, lor del MoraleslGlobo, Lola Montes, Intimi dad, Fontica, Odnsuelo, Dos Kermanos, Ritiea, Caxador. And a number of other first rate brands, guaranteed to be as represented. • J. M CABALLERO, 86 Old Leeve, between Customhouse nnd Bienville streets, dec 21, ’54 d w n52-ly. ~ c . o> 105 and 107 Tchonpitoulaa street, New Orleans. WHOLESALE Dealers in Groceries, Tens, Liquors. Ac. Teas —400 packages Imperial, Gunpowder and Oelong. Scotch Whiskey—2 puncheons Stew art’s Paisley. Raisins—soo whole half and quarter boxes. Yeast Powders, 12 cases. Pep- Ser Sauce, 75 boxes Quarts nnd Pints. Ground pices, 200 boxes Assorted. Dried Apphw, 50 barrels. Pickles, 60 cases Assorted. Jellies and Jams, 50 boxes Assorted. Snuces, 25 boxes Assorted. Pie Fruits, 50 boxes. Pickles, 25 half barrels and firkins. Citron, 50 boxes. Cur rants, 5 casks. Almonds, 25 bales. Wolfe’s Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps, 60 cases.— Buchwheat, 10 barrels ami 100 boxes. Laguayra Coffeo, 100 bags. For sale by E. J. HART A CO. 105 and 107 Tchoupitoulns street, dec 21,'54 dw n52-]y. Arcade Hotel, Mag nzlne between CJrnvler nutl Watches. ’ It. S. NORM), PItOPIUETOH. 11HE PROPRIETOR respectfully informs his friends and natrons, and the public general ly, that this well known and popular establish ment has been thoroughly renovated during the course of the past season, and newly furnished throughout. A large extension of room has been obtained by the proprietor’s renting the adjoin ing portion of the building, which will enable him to accommodate a inueh larger number of customers than last winter. No expense has been spared by the proprietor to enable him to merit a continuance of the generous patronage he has heretofore received and every exertion will be made by himself and assistants to render the sojourn of his guests not only comfortable but agreeable. One great convenience attached to this hotel, is that meals can be had almost all hours. dee 21, ’54 d w n52-ly. AD. GRIEFF &. co., 38, 40 and 43 Old c Levee, offer for sale— -1000 boxes Western Reserve cheese, 250 “ English Dairy do 100 “ Pine-apple do 500 Packages Western Butter, 100 firkins Goshen do ) 500 boxes Star candles, Lccomb 4* Den nis, 100 barrels Lard Oil, various brands, 100 “ Whale Oil, fall strained, 500 Rio coffee, 500 packages Teas, assorted, 100 boxes Pie Fruits, 5000 reams Straw paper, 1000 boxes Fire-crackeis, 100 “ Sperm candles, (S. Leonard.) 250 “ Ale and cider, 100 “ Lemon Syrup, 500 “ codfish, 25 barrels currants, to arrive, 400 bales a lieant Mats, 17—dwly Allsop's India Pale Ale. 1 / CASKS, quarts nnd pints of Allsop’s | * H /India Pale Ale, in very prime condition, from the celebrated bottling of Frederick Friend & Co., London, which is the standard beverage in the East India PewwaMuns—is well known nearly the world over—it is well adapted to warm I climates, lasing lighter than the Scotch. Professor Liebig’s opinion of this unrivaled bev erage for all climates, appropriately described by the Sanitary Commimuoner of The Lancet us “ Wine of Malt,” is thus adduced in a letter ad dressed to Mr. Henry Allsop: “The apecimetia of your Pale Ale sent to me afforded me another opportunity of confirming its valuable qualities. lam myself an admirer of this beverage, and my own experience enables me to recommend it, in accordance with the opin ion of the moat eminent English Physicians, as a very agreeable and efficient tonic, and as a gen eral beverage both for the invalid and the robust. JUSTUS LIEBIG. Giessen, May fl, ’52.” Landing and for sale by CONVERSE A CO., Corner of Canal and New Levee. [44-Uwly. THUS. T. TWITTY. WM. 11. SMITH’ Twitty & Smith, FIYOBACCO AGENTS, and General Com- I mission Merchants, No. 58 Gravier Street, New Orleans. [44-Uwflm. Rlobilc DR. TARDY & CO.. AUCTIONEERS and General Commission Merchants, huve removed from stores Nos. 10 and 12 St. Michael street, to the spacious and • central store corner Commerce, Front and <S't. Francis streets. [49-dw ly H. D. Blair & Co' Successors to Blair a Salomon, whole sale and Retail GROCERS, Nos. 11 A. 13 Commerce and Front Streets. Mobile, Alabama. [44-t.iv l \ • THOMAS E. BASS. (SI'CCESSOH TO JOHN 8. GKYER.) Broker, Au. 11 oncer nnd tominl-alnu Aseuf. _dAw’v 1,1 Al. I TREE I’. EXCHANGE HOTEL, IS now open for the accommodation of perura n<*nt and transient boarders Thankful for past favors, the subscriber will endeavor to mer it a continuance, heretofore reeceived. while at the Pattison House. R-W Breakfast hours, 7 to B—Dinner, 1 to 8. H. GRIFFIN, Exchange st:, Mobile. Ala. 48-d-w-ly. STEPHEN TWELVES, IMPORTER of and Dealer in Wines, Bran dies, Gin, Whiskey, Rum, Cordials and Li quors, of all kinds, required ft r Hotel or Steam boat Bars, No. 55 and 57 Commerce and 56 Front street Mobile. [49-dwly Henry K. Fettyplace, COMMISSION MERCK ANTS. No. 87 Sr. Michael Street—Mobile, Alabama. [4B-tw:wly John 0. Reilly &. Co., DEALERS IN GROCERIES, &c., Corner of Royal & St. Michael Streets, MOBILE, ALABAMA. [4B-tw:w ly JAMES A. KENNEDY, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC MOBILE, ALABAMA. Office, E. Corner Royal and, Govern ment Streets, up Stairs. [4Btw:wly • R. H. SLOUGH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 90 Commerce Street, Mobile, Ala. [4B-tw-wly JOHNSON & LE BARON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 67 & 69 Commerce St., Mobile. ARE constantly receiving, direct from Manu facturers nnd Packers in the West, Bagging and Rope, Bacon, Lard, Pork, Flour, and all kinds of Western Produce, which they offer to the trade on accommodating terms. [4B-tw-wly F. DAVID. CLINTOX FORD David & Ford, GENERAL Receiving, Forwarding and Com mission Merchants, corner Conti and Com merce Streets, Mobile. Ala. [d;wly MARTIN PICKETT. D. D. CAMPBELL. Martin Picket & Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS CORNER ROYAL AND ADAMS STREETS, Near the. Railroad Depot —JL Li c, Ala. nAY, Corn, (hits and Bran always for sale, at the lowest market prices. [49-dw 1 y GKO. W], TARLETON. JNO. WHITING- TARLETON & WHITING, 11 ACTORS and Commission Merchants, M<>- ' bile, Ala.—Cash advances made on cotton and other consignments. [49-tw:wly JAMES E SAUNDERS & SON, Com mission Men Hunts, Mobile, Ala. dec. 18. d-w-ly. 11. W. ADAMS, Grocer, corner of Front, Coinnum and Fulton sts. [dP* Has constantly on hand a large ami com-' plete assortment of Gorceries, for sale at the low-; est cash prices and on the most favorable terms. ' Steamboat Stores -Special attention paid to i keeping at all times a full stock of articles re quired by Boats. [dec. 18-d-wly. A. BROOKS, Auction Ck Commission Merelinnt, OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE IN CONTI STREET, Opposite County Court-House, Mobile, Ala. dec. 18. d-w-ly. X. mTsalomon? Importer of Havana Cigars, 54 Royal Street, opposite the Savings Bank, dec. 18. d-w-ly. Rickman Ac Bro., T~\EALERS in silks and Fancy Goods, Irish 1/Linens and Lawns, straw Bonnets, Ribbons, & No. 25 Dauphin street, Mobile, Ala. [4B-twawly W. 11. Dunn Ac Co., M < THOLESALE and Retail Dealers in ready y I made Clothing, No. 41 Water street, Mo bile, Ala., respectfully call the attention of pur chasers to their large and well selected stock of Gentlemen’s Fashionable Clothing, which has been gotten up ruder their own personal atten tion. They also have a good stock of Youth’s Clothing, nnd a very heavy stock of Goods made up expressly for Railroad, steamliuat and Planta tion hands, to which they would also invite Um* , attention of purchasers before buying. [49-dwly ROBT. W. SMITH. CABY W. BLTT. ROBERT W. SMITH & CO. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Dealers in Western Produce, Mobile, Alabama, are constantly receiving, direct Irom the manufacturies in the West, on consign ment, and offer for sale, at the lowest mlirket; rnU*s, various brands Kentucky and Missouri Bagging, Rope and Twine, and have also a coti utant supply of Gunny Ci«»th for rale in quanti ties to suit purchasers. Orders promptly atten h I to. [49-dwly MOBILE AND MONTGOMERY U. S. DAILY MAIL LINE /'CONSISTING of the following substantial and last running Passenger Steamers, viz:— Messenger, Magnolia, Cuba, Cremona and Em press. The al»vc boats, carrying the U. S. Mail, will [•□mmcnec their regular trips on the Alabama riv er on the first of Novemlwr, leaving Mobile daily nnd Montgomery daily, on the arrival of the Trains of Railroad Cars, and connecting daily at Montgomery with the Cara, nnd at .Mobile with the New Orleans Mail Boats. One of the above boats will leave Selma.on the downward trip at 6 o’clock A. M. The above steamers will be commanded by able and experienced oflicers, who will use every ex ertion to secure the *omfort and safety of passen gem. The rates of freight by the above boats will not exceed Fitly Cents per barrel, nnd One IKillar per bale of cotton. For freight or passage, having elegant accom-, modationa, applv on Istanl, or to UOY, BRAINARD & CO. I 48-tw:wly (111O1CE WINESAND LIQRUORS.—Bran-1 _y<tics—Sasarac of thj vintage of 1795, 1798. ‘ !B('2 and 1805 ; Godard, vintage of 1828 ; Otard, I Dupny and ot.ier brandies of various sja-cies and 1 qualities. e WINES—-Old reserve, Pathctinho, Side ami i Euat India Madiera; Dulf Gordon ami Harmony j <i Nephew's Sherry ; Heidsiek and many other ; brands of Champagne; White Huie; Claret in ■ casks and eases of nil qualities. Holland Gin; Jamaica and St. Croix Ruiu; t Scotch, Irish, Old Rosnokia and Old Rye Whis ky ; Brandy Fruits and Fruits in juice; Cordials j of every description; Broker’s Berlin and Gou-) ley’s Bitters, ami everything in the way of' \VINES and LIQUORS, which will be sol'd on ■ us renaoiiable terms as can be found, for cash or city papers. 100 casks of PORTER nnd ALE, in pints and buarts SEWELL T. TAYLOR, 49 dwly. 15 Royal street, HOLT & CO., IMPORTERS and Dealers in Brandies, Wines and Liquors, Tea Dealers nnd General Gro cers, 31 St. Michael street, Mobile, have constant ly for sale a complete assortment of very Old Brandies, fine Champagne, English and Scotch Ales, Madeira, Port, Sherry, Hock and other Wines; (Scotch and Irish Malt, Wolfe’s A. S. & Gin, Barclay’s XX Porter, Liquors, Syrups, Cor dials, choice Black and Green Tr as. Coffees, (Su gars, Spices, Oils, English Pickles, Sauces, Fruits, Jams and Jellies; Westphalia and American Hains, Stilton, Eidam, E. D., nnd Pine Apple Cheese, Cracknell and Boston Biscuit, Goshen Butter, Lard, Flour, Rice, Starch, Soap, Candl*s Roe Herrings, Lobster, Smoked and Pickled Beef and Tongues, Fresh Salmon, Herrings, Cod Roe, Anchovies, Sardines, and various other im ported articles of luxury for family use. Also, Wooden Ware of every description. [49-dwly FINE WINES &jLIQU()RS. IN WOOD GLASS, Fresh Family Groceries, &c., &c. \I" GORDON, at Stuardi's old stand, No. 55 XVI • Conti street, has received and in store, a superior stock of Goods in his line, which he is offering to his customers on the most Feasonable terms, vix: BRANDIES—PaIe and Dark Hennessey, from the London Docks; Old Peach Brandy. ; WHISKIES—Irish, Scotch and Monongahela Jamaica Rum. GIN-Old Holland, Scheidam Schnapps in pints and quarts. WINES —Old Reserve M wleira Wine; Blackburn do; Old Port do; Sherry do; Fine Champagne, Cabinet brand: G. H. Mumm’s Versenay do. in pint nnd quart bottles; Muscat Wine, Malaga do , Cooking Madeira do., fine Claret in quarts and pints ; tine Sauterne, in pints and quarts; Porter, Ale & Cider, in bottles, CORDIALS-—Absyn th, Anistetc, Curacoa, Muraschino, Perfect Love, Creme deMargaux, Danzick. SYRUPS---Lemon, Jla-plierry, Orgeate, &c. FRUlTS—Brandy Peaches and Cherries, Peaches in their own juice. Gooseberries, Cur rants, Raisins, Dried Apples, Dried Peaches, Soft Shell Almonds, Currant Jelly, Raspberry Jain, Gooseberry Jam, Dundee Marmalade, Pre served Ginger in large and small jars, &c. SAUCES, &c.—From Croose & Blackwell of London—Mushroon Ketchup, Walnut do., Read ing Sauce, John Bull do., Harry’s do., King of Oude sdo., Worcestershire Sauee, Royal Table do , Salmon and Samprys in oil Sweet Oil in bottles, half do, and Flasks, Mushroons, Groeu Peas, Truffles, pure Tomatoes in cases, Toma to Ketchup, Anchovy and Hervey Paste, &c. PICKLES —White Onions, Gerkins, Hot Pick les. Piecalillys, Mixed Pickles, Fresh Pickles, Capers, Olives, plain and in oil, Sardines in whole, i and 4 boxes, French Mustard, Durham Mustard, Currie Powders, &c. SUNDRIES —Maccaroni, Vermicelli, Assorted Pastes, fresh from Italy, Dutch Cheese, Grayerre Cheese, Neufchatell do, Lenburge do, Northern do, Balogna Sausages fresh, large Smoked Tongues, Breakfast Bacon. Mackerel, Buck wheat, White Wine Vinegar pure, fresh Sasafras for making Gumbo Extracts of Lemon, Venilia, Cloves, Cinnmon, Bitter Almonds, Peaches; ’fresh Lobsters in cans, Salmon, &c. And all other articles of Groceries and Delica cies, which are warranted to be fresh, and will be sold at reasonable prices. M. GORDON. Mobile, Ala, 49-d-w-ly. Direct Importation. f | MIE undersigned is now receiving, via New I Orleans, direct from Genoa, Marseilles and Bordeaux— Sweet Oil—superior, in quart bottles. Maccaroni, Vermicelli—Fresh, and Paste of all ; kinds. Bologna Sausages—Choice, in jars. Holland Cheese—in boxes of 12 and 24 pounds. ! Guyere Cheese—Choice. Sardinia Salt Cheese—Best. Maraschino —Superior de Zara. Absynthe—Superior Swiss, Pernot et Fils brand Annisette—superior French, Washington and Lafayette brands Sardines—Fresh, in whole, | and | mixes Stock Fish —Fresh and in fine order. White Wine—Sauterne, Barsac, and Haut Sar- ’ sac, in casks, A do. and boxes Claret of all kinds in casks and boxes Brandy—Dark and Pale, A | and j pipes Gin—choice Holland in pipes Brandy Cherries, Prunes and French Pickles— a large assortment—all of which are offered for ' sale on reasonable terms by GEORGE AITE, 76 Commerce st., Mobile. [4B-twAwly] Spring Hill College. FIIHIS Institution closed its last session about | the middle of October, with nearly two hun- 1 tired students registered on its Catalogue, of whom one hundred ami sixty were prese it at the last' Exhibition. It has, during the last seven years,) en joyed a great popularity in the South of the I Union. The next session will open on the first of De cember, and the different Literary and (Scientific courses will be resumed on the second. —TERMS— Board and Tuition for the whole session, S2OO Entry Fees, (the first year only) 10 j Bedding, (if furnished by the Institution) 8 The course of Instruction comprises the Eng lish, r rench, Latin, Greek, Spanish, and German Languages: Arithmetic, History, Geography, all the branches of Mathematics and of Natural and Mental Philosophy. Students may, if they finish the Course, re ceive the diplomas of A. B. and A. M. For further information, apply at the Spring Hill College, near Mobile, Ala. (49-d:wly Wolff & Co., Importers. rjMIE undersigned respectfully beg leave to in-. I form Merchants ami Dealers generally that i they are receiving direct from France, England and the continent, Brandies, Wines, Gins and ; Cordials, and that they have constantly under Custom House lock, the following standard goods. Brandies, Jas. Hennessy & Co. Otard, Dupug ■ & Co«. united vineyard proprietors; Jules Robin & Co. Dumon, Dunton Gunyer & Co., A. .Se:g- 1 nitte. Gins, stork, Fish, (Swan. Sebnapjis; Port and Madeira and (Sherry \\ ines, of ordinary and fine grades. Whiskey, Irish, (Scotch, Rye and Bourbon. Champagnes, of various fine and me dium qualities. London Porter and Ale. cigars. ; &c..ali of which we oiler on reasonable terms, and at prices that will compete fully with those of New York, Boston or Philadelphia. Our re tail department embraces the finest and choicest stock ever offered to consumers in the (South, and enables us to till all orders addressed to us with promptness and dispatch. WOLF & CO.. I VV holesale and Retail Dealers in Wines and Li qU<*rs, Mobile Ala.— Commerce street. [49-dwly JOSEPH E. MURRELL, General Commission Merchmt. Mobile, Alabama. [4B-tw:w ly C. H. MINGE & CO., ~ Factors and Commission Merchants. MOBILE, ALA. [4B-tw:w 1 y W. I). BEKRY, Cotton T3rolicr, No. 13 Water Street. Mobile. Alabama. [4B-tw:wly M. Waring & Co., 4 ~Y RECEIVING and Forwarding Mer- and General Steamboat Agents r? No. 88, Front street, Mobile. All | consigned to their care for the. interior, will be re j ceived and forwanled with all possible despatch, r and free of any charge for Commissions and Storage. [4B-Uwly ’ Shannon & Co., , VW r HOLESALE and Retail '’ciders in Gro i V V ccries, Liquors, Wines, and choice Steam . boat and Family Stores, No. 36 Front and 35 j Commerce streets. Mobile, Ala. s j [4B-tJtwly Barney Brothers, IMPORTERS and Deal- ft k- ers in Bar Iron, Nails, ■'■StcgASl WA RJJ? | Castings, Hardware, Cutlery, &c., 45 and 47 , Commerce and Front streets, Mobile, Ala. - | IS’ Agents for Rich &. Co’s, celebrated Sala ! mander Safes. [4B-Uwly Mrs. Waldauer, DRY GOODS, Millinery, and Fancy Goods, No. 151| Dauphin street, Mo • bile, Ala. ’ [4B-tw-wly 3 J W HIXSOX W E HOLT I Hinson & Holt, SUCCESSORS to Smith & Holt, General Commission Merchants, Mobile, Ala.— Agents 4 for the sale of Bagging, Rope and Western Pro duce. [4B-tw-wly ; BATTLE HOUSE, • MOBILE, : : : ALABAMA i [49-tw-wly 1 ! D. Dent & Co., (COTTON F actors, and Commission and For , y warding Merchants, No. 24 Commerce and Front streets. Mobile, Ala. [4B-tw-wly M. Boullemet, MOBILE Literary Depot, Corner Royal & Dauphin streets. All the Cheap and Stan , dard publications constantly on hand. Orders • I front the country strictly attended to. [4B-tw-wly f i JOHN PARKEtt— WM MORRIS —EDWARD W M GIXXIB t. Parker, Morris & Co., SUCCESSORS to T. P. Miller & Co. Gro cers, No. 8 and 10 Commerce -treet. Mobile, 1 1 Ala. [4B-tw:wly ■ JOHN BURDEN W T HARRISS J W DURDEN Burden, Harriss & Co., ( COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 93 Wa lter street, Mobile, Ala.—Dealers in Hides, 1 Hay, Corn, Oats, Bran, Meal, Potatoes, Flour, I Onions, &c.—Liberal cash advances made on ‘ consignments. [4B-tw-wly A. BROOKS, Al CTIONEER and Commission Merchant Office and Warehouse, in Conti street, op- ■ posite County Court House. [4B-tw-wly I A DANIELS C L THOMAS Daniels & Thomas, _r HOLESALE and Retail Grocers, and y V Commission Merchants, Nos, 21 Com merce and 22 Front streets, Mobile, Ala. [4B-tw-w 1 y Parker, Morris, & Co., i * (SUCCESSORS toT. P. Miller & Co. Grocers, Nos. 8 and 10 Commerce i Street, Mobile, Alabama. JOHN PARKER. WILLIAM MORRIS. 44Uwly_E’RD. W. McGINNIS. WM. C. CALVERT.] [JOSEPH FLAUT. Wm. Calvert & Co., ' fl: ip WHOLESALE Grocers, and General Commission Merchants, Nos. 16, 18 and 20 Commerce street, Mobile. Aiabamu. December 7 1854 44Uwly J. C. Rupert & Co., Successors to Rupert. McLciiand & Co. j Commicsion Merchants, Mobile, Ala. J. C. RUPERT, -l ltAwly M. B.CASNETTY. Insurance Companies. ( (HARTER Oak Life Insurance Co., of Hart 'ford, Conn., M. Boullemet, Agent. | Mutual Life Insurance Company, of N. York, Thos. W. McCoy. Agent, No. 20 St. Michael st. . Southern Mutual Insurance Company, of Geor -1 gia, Sidney T. Douglas, Agent, office west side Royal street, under Telegraph Office, Mobile. 48-twiwlv GROCERS. TTUNTINGTON & HILL, 95and 97 Water ’ I VJ street; C. E. Bolles, 110 Dauphin street;! R. C. Cunningham, 60 Dauphin street; John- I son & Leßaron, t»7 and 69 Commerce street; i Ober & Riley, 64 Dauphin street; G W Scipe, I corner Dauphin and Franklin streets. [49-dwlv - « I J. W. Hutchinson's Tonic Bitters, IVIR the cure of Chillsand Fever, Dyspepsia, j ’ Liver Complaint,Diarrhoea. Jaundice, Chron- ' I ic or Nervous Debility, and almost all other dis eases incidental to a Southern climate, is acer- I tain preventative (if taken during an epidemic) to Yellow Fever or Asiatic Cholera. As a Fam ily Medicine it is invaluable—it is highly recoin- ! j mended in the diseases of Children—as a pre ! Tentative and rein dy for Worms, it has no su- i i perior. Directions—The dose for an adult, is from a tcaspoonful to a wine glassful, two or three times • a day, or as often as occasion requires. Price 50 cents per Bottle.—Mobile, Ala. ! [4B-tw:wiy 0. E. BOLLES, DEALER in choice Family Grocer tea, Brandies, Wines, and Wooden j Ware, 110 Dauphin street, Mobile, has al * ways on hand a fine assortment of Catsups, Pick- I ics, Preserves. Jellies, Brandy Fruits, Syrups. I Essences, and Flavoring Extracts, Pie Fruits, &c. j Also, the best Brown Sugars. Stewart’s and other syrups. Fine Tess, Cotice and Chocolate. [4B-tw-wly S Hardware, Cutlery. &c. J. C. GWIN & CO.. 49 and 51 Commerce and Front Sts., HAVING greatly enlarged r their business, are now re ceiving from the American and i English markets a large and well j selected stock ot everything in their line, which they arc determined to dispose of on the most r asonable terms. Commission Merchants and ■ Country Dealers ar- respectfully invited to ex- • 1 amine their slock. Bar Iron, American and Swedish, all sizes— ' Horse-shoe Iron, of refined quality; Horse shoes, i Horse shoe nails. Griffins; Hoop, Rod and Band Iron : German Blistering and Cast Steel; Axes, Collins’ and Hunts ; Cards, cotton and wool: [ Chains, ox and log; Trace Chains; Haines and Collars; Plows and Hoes ; Blacksmith’s Tools; Nalls and Spikes ; Builders’ Hardware ; Hollow Ware; Spadesand Shovels: Coffee Mills; Farm ing Utensils; Straw Cutters; Carpenters’ Tools; i Fan Mills; House Furnishing Goods, and a good assortment of Shell and Fancy Hardware, pock et and table Cutlery, Paints, Oils, Puttv and Window Glass, Parlor,Office and Cooking stoves, and every other article usually found in a Hard ware Store. [4B-tw:wly M. T. PERRYMAN E. S. PERRYMAN Perryman & Son, ~yVTHOLESALE and Retail Grocers, 19 y y Commerce and 20 Front streets, Mobile, Ala. [4B-tw-wly W R ROSE -JOHN A. CHAPMAN.-A. O. SIBLEY Rose, Chapman & Sibley, VYT'HOLEBALE and Retail Grocers, Corner y y of Commerce and St. Louis streets, Mo bile. Ain. [4B-tw-wly ; WM. H. HOSS ALFRED «. ROSS Wm. H. Ross & Co., (Late Ross & Marshall,) (''l ROCERS, 23 Commerce and fl Mobile, Alabama. [4B-Uwly Aubrey & Kennedy, X < THOLESALE GROCERS, No. 31 and 33 Commerce ami 31 and 34 Front streets, Mobile, Ala. [4B-Uwly PATTISON HOUSE, I NO. 28 ROYAL STREET, Mobile, Alabama. Garnett & Mann, Proprietors. . flllie above Establishment has been thoroughly g renovated, and is now open for the receptk n of Visitors. • WM. B. MANN JAMKi GARNETT [4B-Uwly] Daniels, Elgin & Co., ' WHOLESALE and RETAIL Deal- L y| ers in DRY'GOODS,Cornerof Dau phin and Water streets, Mobile, Ala- A [4B-Uwly Thomas Thompson, .39 ROYAL STREET, MOBILE, ALABAMAi OYSTERS, pickled and spiced—also, by the Barrell, carefully put up. Country and City i orders punctually attended to. Thankful to his 1 friends tor former favors, he solicits a continuance I of their patronage. [4B-Uwly Alex. Flash & Son, (A ENERAL COMMISSION and Pro- [SVVnx I JTd uce Merchants, No. 28 St. Michael f ! street, Mobile, Ala- statute ; Alex. Flash, N. Orleans. I Wm Flash, Mobile. ■Wm Hartwell, “ [4B-Uwly I J SANDS. ■ LOUIS DURAND. Sands & Co., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Mobile, : : : : Alabama. REFER TO G. S. Robbins & Son, ) Ripley & Judson, > N*>w-York. J. C. Ryan, ) Pres. Arctic Ins. Co. I Judson & Co., " j Fearn, Donegan & Co. „ , Bogert, Foley & Avery, " New Orleans. Taylor & Cassilly. Wm. T. Marshall, (Late Ross dk Marshall,) \\WHOLESALE GROCER, Commerce and Y V Front streets, one door above St. Louis st., I Mobile, Ala. [4B-Uwly _ CITY AND MISCELLANEOUST s. DEUBLER, J BOOT MAKER, Atlanta, Georgia, near the Atlanta Bank, (new building.) oct 12 n2otf-tw J. R. Wallace' & Bro's. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN HARDWARE, Groceries, Carriage Stuffs H, Tennessee Produce &c., corner of White Hall and Alabama streets, Atlanta, Geo. We offer to dealers a superior stock of goods, fresh from the Northern and W’esterns Markets, at reduced prices. We invite gentlemen wish ing any articles in our line to Call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, and we charge nothing for showing, oct 8, ’54n19-tf Ferdinand M. Sofge, TEACHER OF MUSIC, Takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Atlanta and vicinity, that he is prepared to give instructions on the Piano, Guitar, Violin, and Flute : and from an experience of twenty years as a Teacher, in the first Colleges in the I. nited States, he feels confident of giving gen eral satisfaction. Classes of from 10 to 20 on the violin or flute, will be taught on very reasonable terms. Pianos tuned and repaired at the usual rates. Orders left at Braumuller’s Nusic Store or Diil’s Daguerrian Gallery will be punctually attended to. ’ 43 t-w ts T. DOONAN, Warehouse & Commission Merchant, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. HAVING rented that spacious Fire-Proo Warehouse, recently erected on Whitehal , street, will attend to the Storage and sale of Cot ton, Corn, Lard, Baton, and all other produce with which he may be favored. Havin j had long experience in the general trade of Georgia, he flatters himself that he can give satisfaction in the sale of all produce, and also in the purchase of all articles which the country may require. T. DOONAN, [4B-tewly] W. M. Freeman, / 1 ENERAL AGENT, Collecting, Receiving, \ I Auction, Forwarding and Commission Mer chant, Jefferson, Cass county, Texas. REFERE N C E S : Wright & Bridgeford, Louisville, Ky. Col. Matt Ward, Jefferson, Texas. McLeroy & Bradford, New Orleans. John McGregor, Washington city. S. E. Belknap, New Orleans* Neilson, Ward well'A Co., New York. Wolf & Peyton, Philadelphia. [ 19-tw:wly A R ENO J W ROBERTS GEO WILKINSON E RHODES Eno, Roberts & Co., IMPORTERS and Jobbers of Staple N\ and Fancy Dry Goods, 107 and 109 Lib arty street, New York. [4B-tw-wly WANTED- AY want a gentleman capable of taking! V V charge of a sett of books. None need up- i ply unless willing to devote all the business hours ! to business, and who can bring undoubted ref erences. To such a person we will pay a liber al salary. SWIFT & BRYANT. 50-dwtf A.T PRIVATE SALE. Iwill sell 2 Building Lots 30 by 80 feet each,! lying on Alabama street, between our Com mission House and the Magnolia house. Persons wishing to build a Business house will do well to j embrace the present opportunity. Applv to H. J. SHACKELFORD. Com. Merchant. Atlanta, Dec. 19, 1854. 17 dwtf Seth Bryant, MANI FACTURER and Wholesale Tfji Dealer in BOOTS and SHOES, No. pU I 76 Pearl street, (Qnincy Block,) Boston. [4B-Uwly, | Dyspepsia Positively Cured!! DR. BECKWITH S PILLS, i FTER a trial of more than 25 years, and / > sustained by testimonials from men of the highest standing in the United States, is admit ted to be the BEST ANTI-DYSPEPTIC MEDICINE ever offered to the public, and is now a STAN DARD MEDICINE. More than 500.000 boxes have been disposed of, and the sales are increas ing. It is uselcssto publish Certificates, but num bers of them are in his possession, from such men ns Hon. Win. Preston, formerly Senator IJ, S , from S. C.; Hon. Geo. E. Badger, Senator U. 8., from N. C.; Rt. Rev. Levi 8. Ives, late Bishop of N. C.; Ex-President Van Buren, N. Y.; Major Sam’l McCombe, Ga.; and a host of similar per sonages. To be had of KAY & RAMSAY, Atlanta, Ga. None genuine without the written signa ture of John Beckwith, m. d., Petersburg, Va., to whom Diuggists will please apply. [4B-Uwly WYATT & CO. F. WYATT Charleston, S. C. Savannah, Ga SOUTHERN FORWARDING HOUSE A LL kinds of Merchandise and Produce j7l_l ,o ught or sold on commission. Merehnn dise, Machinery and Produce forwarded to any part of the country with greatest dispatch. Cash required in hand, to pay charges on all Goods con signed to us. REFERENCES: The Merchants of Montgomery, Ala. Charles T. Pollard, Esq., Pres. Mont. & West Point Railroad. Messrs, T. G. Simms & Co., Newnan, Ga. Henry Misroon, esq., Agent New ) York steamers. > Charleston. Messis. Townsend, Crane & Co. ) Messrs. Hotchkiss, Fenner & Co. ) „ v . Messrs. Conklin & Smith. $ New York Messrs. R. C. Anderson & Co. ) _ T . Messrs. J. A. MeAlist'*! d* Co. < * ashvllle - 49-tw:w6m $150,000. —Dashall & Co.’s National Gift (lonsu)nmation certain !—Seventy thous and, TifJccts already gold! ONLY SBO,OOO TO BE DISPOSED OF ! DISTRIBUTION OF GIFTS TO COME OFF WITH OUT FAIL, MARCH 10, 1855, OR sooner, if the tickets are all sold.—Dashall & Co. beg to assure their friends that under no circuinstances will the distribution be post poned beyond the above mentioned date, and they hope, by energy and the co-operation of their pa trons, to bring the enterprise to a conclusion at an earlier period, in which case due notice will be given. Office, 486 Broadway, New-York. 150,000 Presents to be given to the purchasersot the large and elegant engraving of the ‘lnaugur ation of George Washington, President of the United States,” from the celebrated painting es David Paul Laurens. Price of engraving (if)I) one dollar, which includes a gift ticket, entitling the holder to a chance in the following list of I magnificent gifts. The value of the presents, as appraised by a Committee chosen for the purpose, is $146,000, ! as follows: A splendid farm on the Hudson River, : completely stocked, houses, &c. $20,000 Stone Front Dwelling and Lot on Fifth Avenue, N.Y. 13,000 A magnificent gold Tea Service, prop erty of the late G. Van Denton, 4,000 Silver Wine Service, 1,000 The Race Horae “ White Raven,” 8,000 Coach, Harness, and Horses, a magnif- icent establishment, 3,500 30 shares Central Railroad stock, 3,000 200 Fine Watches, SIOO each, 20,000 10,000 Gold Seals and Charms, 10,000 10,000 Gold Pens and Silver Holders, 5,000 100 Boxes best Cigars, 500 100 Gold Guard Chains, 1,500 A Splendid Buggy, 190 “ Photon, 1,000 A Horse, Harness and Buggy, splendid affair, 500 An elegant dog, St. Bernard, 100 Splendid Fast-sailing Yacht, “Spirit of the Wave.” 4,000 The fast and trim pleasure Yacht. ‘Eve- ning Bird” .000 A loan for 25 years, 8,000 “ “ 5,000 “ “ 1,000 (All without interest.) 1 Rosewood Piano, 800 3 Mahogany Pianos, 1,500 A Farm in Ohio, 4,000 A Fann in Kentucky, 3,000 A Farm in Pennsylvania, 6,000 A Farm in Massachusetts, 10,000 25,000 Vols. Poems, 11,000 Statue of Cigar Girl,’ by Reeves, 1,000 Also over 100,000 Paintings, Statues, Medals, Charts, Albums, valuable books and Portfolios of Engravings, making in all 150,000 gifts, which will be distributed by a committee oppointed by the Shareholders, and forwarded free of charge bv the public’s obedient servants, DASHALL & CO., 486 Broadway, New York. Onlcrs for Engravings and Tickets in this great enterprise are daily arriving from all parts of the United Statesand Canada, which warrant us in promising a very early day for the distribution. Applications should be made immediately, asonly a certain number of Tickets can be sold. Letters with the money enclosedj to be pre-paid, and the Engraving and Ticket will be forwarded free. DASHALL & CO. 486 Broadway, N. York. [4B-tw:2m] Gun and Locksmith Business. r | YHE undersigned respectfully in-, | forms the citizens of Atlanta and vicinity, that he has now established himself in this city, and opened » 'W' shop two doors above the post-office,' on White hall street, where he is prepared to make RIFLES AND GUNS, to order, and warrants them to be ot superior work manship and quality. Guns, Rifles and Pistols, will be repaired in the best possible manner, and at reasonable charges. Locks put in order and Keys furnished ; also, Bell hanging done in the most approved style, and at short notice, together with everything that comes within his line of bu siness. [47-Uwlm.] CHAS. HEINZ. For Sale or Rent. » ow oifor (privately) for sale, on reason- y y able terms, the GORDON HOUSE, in the town of Calhoun, Gordon County ; also, the Furniture, &c. The house is located in the most business part of the town, with sixteen good rooms above, a good Store Room below, and Bar and Dineing room also. The house will be rented on the Ist Tuesday in January next, if not sold before that lime. DUKE & BAILEY. Calhoun, Dec’r 7, ’54. [44-Uwt2sdec. Gartrell & Glenn, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ATLANTA, : : : : GEORGIA* attend the Courts in the Counties of V V Fulton, DeKalb, Fayette, Campbell, Meri wether, Coweta, Carroll, Henry, Troup, Heard, Cobb and Spalding. LUCIUS J. GARTRELL, LUTHER J. GLENX, Formerly of Wash- Formerly of Mc ington, Ga. Donough, Ga. [47-tAwlv] BLANKS OF every description, on hand for sale, a Kay’s “Mammoth JobOffice.” 3