Atlanta daily examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1854-1857, December 29, 1854, Page 2, Image 2

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2 ®ljc Dailn (Brammer. FRIDAY, DEC. 29, 1854~ •"»»* »■*»»■*,. srehK r*. M. Sitton, Esq., is authorized to receive and receipt for monies due this office. MR. TICHENOR S LAST NIGHT. This gentleman will close his perform ances here on to-morrow evening. Miss Kate Wilson, the popular ballad singer, Miss Ijouise Starkeyj the beautiful song stress, and Master Peel, the renowned bur lesque dancer, will all appear to assist the Great American Wizard. It will be, also, a splendid Gift Enter tainment. I’pwaids of 8200, worth of fine jewelry will be distributed among the audience. A fine chance to secure a New ; Years’ Gift is thus presented by the Wiz- 1 ard. Who wont be there? THE STATE’rOAD. We passed over the State Road, a few days ago to its terminus; and could not but wonder that complaint should come from any quarter in regard to its condi tion; the accommodations it affords to the travelling public; its speed; in fact every thing connected with its management, not omitting the ■ gentlemanly conductors, upon whom so much responsibility rests. On many whom we were personally acquainted with; and on others, whose ac quaintance we formed on our up and down trip; the same impression was made, which they gave utterance to in emphatic terms. We were much gratified at this, for what ever prejudice has been created against the Superintendent and Agents of the , Road in the minds of individuals who are j not informed on the subject, by the mis representations of the political opponents of those upon whom responaibilty rests for its good management; wc were, and are satisfied, that the travelling public at lo»»t arc the best judges, and that their verdict' either elevates the character of a Road, or i effectually damns it. Taking this view of the subject, we can confidently say to the people of Georgia, that the verdict re ferred to is in favor of its skillful and en ergetic officers. / PARTICULAR NOTICE. Despite all the efforts made by certain hireling vussal.s to injure the State Road,, we are informed by the Superintendent; that our State Treasurer has boon , authorized to draw on it for 830,000 more,; to go into the Treasury. All praise to Maj. Cooper, for his management. The people will soon be paid for their outlay. general*lhields. We hear that the Ignorant Society has been making efforts to defeat ; this able, excellent, and patriotic man, for tho Senate. We hope for the sake of the country, and for its patriotism, their j efforts will fail. If the brave and talented Shields is defeated by that conspiracy the freemen of tho country may prepare for a great political buttle, for the rights and privileges of the people, would eer-: tainly be jeopardized by such a result. We say, down with all secret political! organizations, for they are detrimental to 1 liberty. FRESH OYSTERS. Brennan & Johnson oiler to supply fam ilies and hotels with tine fresh oytdens, fruit, and family groceries. See adver-I tiscinent. WHO WILL BE THE NEXT GOVERNOR ? The LaGrange Reporter and the South-! ern Recorder seem to be troubled with reference to the solution of the above ques tion. If either of the gentlemen, or both, ; will come to our office, we will toll them who will be the next Governor, and wager a tine hat on the verification of our j report. Gentlemen, do not be uneasy, the question is already settled, there is no use in talking about it, the thing is predeeti-l naterl; Herschel U. Johnson is the next Governor, if he wishes it, which is yet : doubtful Mark it. A beautiful young girl. 1H years old, named Weaver, belonging to Schoha rie county, N. Y., was operated on in the hospital, in Albany, on the 21st., for a' tumor in the neck. Ether was admiuis-1 tered. when she fainted. Stimulants were then given, so as to revive her when more ether was had recourse to; the operation was proceeded with ; she was completely stupitied, and not long afterwards died.— The physicians employed were gentlemen eminent in their profession. ItfirCol. John Bliss, formerly of the V.' S. Army, nnd who partieip: t'd in thobat lire of t'hinpewny and Bridgewater, in the latter of which he was wounded, died lately in Florida. THE DALTON INSURANCE BANK. We see the Chronicle is yet down upon the I'alton Insurance Bank. This report ed organ of the Augusta Shylocks is not content with making an honorable bat tle with the above Bank, but it descends into the lowest and basest abuse to induce the people to repudiate a Bank, which ac tually has but little circulation., and is now redeeming at its counter all its issues. We hold that one Bank is just as good a s other, as long as it redeems its issues in Gold or Silver. We challenge the Chionicle to contro vert the proposition. We are not the ad vocates of the Banking system, but. as we have them, we hold it to be our duty to defend them, and not attempt to run them down by falsehood, that brokers may spec ulate, and that swindling shops may make money upon the strength of such reports. — This war injures the Merchants and Farm ers, and the Banks are benefitted. We therefore tell the people to remember that the organ of any speculator should be regarded, with great suspicion, and never be depeneded upon only under certain con tingences. We hold ourselves ready j and willing, at any time, to expose the ! defalcation and errors of any Bank in ! the State. These attacks of the Chronicle are made to the injury of the people of North Western Georgia, and we call upon the inhabitants of that region to exhibit their indignation, which is already aroused, in some practical form, that will be felt where so malign an influence prevails. THE SHERIfTsMES. We see Bro. Ruggles is down upon the I Sheriff’ about transfering his sales to the ! Republican. We are in for “Buster” having them. The Whigs hold the office, ■ and their papers ought to have the adver- j tiling, and no Democrat should murmur at • it. When the office goes into the hands j of the Democracy, we shall claim it, be. cause we are a native born Democrat of| the Simon Pure stock. That’s our hand ; i What’s yours “Buster?” DEATH Vf*CROOKETT. The following is a graphic sketch of the last moments of a brave man : “Colonel Crocket, wounded ami closely pursued by a number of the enemy, re treated into the church, felling them as i they approached, lie stationed himself iin a niche, in the corner, determined to face the foe tJ the Jast and sell his life • dearly; with his rifle and a superabun- i dance of side arms, he hewed and shot them I down with the same awful certainty that ‘ was wont to characterize his indomitable ; spirit. Ilia position rendered access to i him ut erly impossible, except by a direct and close approach in frout; after some 1 eight or ten of them were laid before him. J 1 a feeling of awe seemed to seize hold of the j I assailants. One of them who could speak a little broken English, probably prefer ; ring to have the signal honor of capturing I ■ so noble a specimen of American Valor to present to his ‘dear to Crock-: ett, ‘surrender! senor.’ A flash of the 1 most sovereign scorn darted horn the; fiery eye, and as it pierced that of the en emy, he seemed to be transfixed. In a ; voice of thunder Crockett answered, ‘ sur-1 i render! No! I am an American,’ ami as j he spoke he sent a ball through the heart [ of the paralyzed foe. He appeared for a moment like a wounded tiger, strengthen- : 1 cd and buoyed by each additional wound; I now hewing them down with his well-tried sword—next dealing death with his fire arms. Ilis person was literally drenched with his own blood; his strength must , soon yield to its loss. Yer such physical ’ power wrought to the highest degree of ■ excitement can perform incredible prodi | gies This was the last concentrated cn- I ergy of a powerful man, aroused, animated, 1 and guided by one of the noblest attributes I of man—-love of liberty. He knew fori what his life was about to be sacrificed; that devastation and butchery would fol-' low the footsteps of his heartless foes, that woman would be sacrificed to satiate the [ desires of the conqueror ; and, feeling tho j h >ly inspiration of a dying patriot, he I ’ fought manfully till the loss of blood and I t approach of death stayed his up raised arm; I ' his rifle was broke to pieces, his pistols l I fell to the floor, and nothing but his faith- I ful sword was left. In the agony of death, with a terrible grasp, he brought this last ‘ weapon upon the head of the nearest as-, ' sailant, and fell victoriously across his body jin the arms of death. In this corner of the church there were twenty-six dead, j Mexicans, and no ether American having j fought or fallen at that point, it is consid- [ cred beyond all reasonable doubt, that all j iof them fell by the hand of Tennessee's favorite son ! All were now dead, not a , man left to relate the wonderful deeds of this illustrious band of heroes! Not a companion left to rear a monument to their ; ! memory! But, ah ! no monument is re- 1 ' quired to perpetuate their fame. So long as freedom has an abiding place in Amer ica, will their heroic deeds a»d proud' ■ names be hell sacred. —.-- laaX n The Two Hundred and Thirty fourth Anniversary of the Landing of the Pil grims on Plymouth Rock was celebrated by the sons of New England in many places throughout the country on Friday last, the 22d. The jury in the ease of Arrison, ; charged with causing the death of Mr. ' and Airs. Allison, by the explosion of an , infernal machine at Cincinnati, after de- [ liberating but three houis, on Wednesday i the 19th, rendered a verdict of guilty of • murder in the first degree. KNOW-NOTHING VICTORIES. There is a class of men in almost every community that take great delight in the marvellous. They see and hear and re member a great many things that never happened and when any thing taxes place contrary to the expectations of everybody, they say immediately, I told you so. I have known for a long time that it would be so. These men are all great admirers of the Know-Nothing Society, and profess to be deeply skilled in all the hidden mys teries of these modern Jesuits. Before an election, Bill Snooks shakes his head and looks wise and mysterious, but as soon as the result is known, nd matter who is elec ted, or who is defeated, Bill immediately exclaims, “I told you so; I knew how it would turn out; the Know-Nothings have had a nand in this,” and it is immediately proclaimed in all the Whig papers that the Know-Nothings have obtained another splendid victory, when perhaps there was not a single member of the Order in the town, or if there were any, they were prob ably as much disappointed as any body. This is a kind of victory which the Know- Nothings have achieved in Georgia. In every election somebody has to be elected, and no matter whois elected, Bill Snooks and the Whig press proclaim another Know Nothing victory.— Ped. Union. The Russian Loan. —It is reported that the Russian loan has been taken at St. Petersburg, by the house of Stieglietz, one of the most eminent bunking establish ments on the continent. Mr. Stieglietz took the whole amount of fifty millions of silver roubles, or about 835,000,0(10, in per cent, stock, on his own risk, at the rate of 92. The loan already sells actively at 94 ut St. Petersburg. The New York Tribune says: “ Foreign capitalists, such as the Hopes, in Amsterdam, the Rothschilds, in Frank- • fort, with whom Mr. Belmont is connected, I and others, have bought a lai go amount, ! and, if we are well informed, a house in Wall street is in possession of the official j imperial papers connected with this oper ■ ation.” ' The State of Vermont is intersected i i by 400 miles of railroad, which have prob ably cost up to the present time 824.000,-! i 000 or 850,000 a mile Their construe- j , tion has doubled within the last ten years, i the value of the taxable property of the j ! State. . -- AESHMemorials relative to the mediation i of the United States between the Allies, and Russia, in their existing difficulties, j arc circulating in New York, and have al ready been numen usly signed by influexi- i tial citizens. Dalton AG ahshen Rail Roai>.—'j'ho ! , Dalton Times of the 21st iust. says the surveys on this route are within ten miles I | of completion; and thrt “it is the inten tion of the President and Directors to! ; unite with the N. E. A S. W. Ala. Rail , Road, at or near Gadsden.’' I We are much gratified to notice the i arrival in this city of General Atchison. ■ the distinguished Senator from Missouri.; He will be welcomed by his friends here.' in and out of Congress, with a cordial i kindness that few can command. We are gratified to see him presenting all the in dications of robust health I EbMc.Ni> Lafayette, the grandson of’ General Lafayette, and the only lineal de- j j scendent of the illustrious deceased, ts now in Washington On Wednesday he ! I visited the two houses of Congress and was introduced to members and others.— ! After making a tour of the South he will return to France. Rev. N. M. Crawford.—We learn' from one of the Trustees of Mercer Uni versity, that this gentleman has been unanimously elected President of that I Institution, and that he has accepted the appointment.— Augusta Chronicle and. Sentinel. ! . -- j _ ; HOTEL ARRIVALS, TKol T HOUSE —bECF.MBER, 27, 1851. ' I Jas A Whitesides, Chattanooga; John l Jones, do; J Peacock, Nashville; Dr j[ N Esfleman. do; John D James, do; Wm I • C Foster, Augusta; C II Chandler, do; i Wm B Skillier, NY; Mrs Wynn, Gris- ! I fin; A M Northcutt, Acworth; Col G M Knight, Murfeesboro; John 31 Swauson, | Virginia; J E Burnet, New York; P A Scranton, Augusta; Wm Dougherty, Co Inmbus; John C Dixon, Fayettville ; Mrs Turner and Child, Detroit; W C Baker,; 1 Morristown ; R A White, Clark Ala; T i j S Wagner, Savannah ; Gll D Mott, Sar | a toga, N Y ; G F Rankin, Charleston : B , F Carter, Coosawattee; Fanny M Durham, < ' Inion Sp Ala; BF Mauldin, DeKalb J j G W Camp, do. 3l.\ltKirJ). On the 21st iust., by Rev. Joseph H j Stockton, Mr. VIRGIL BORON, to Miss) CATHARINE N\ ATSON, only daughter ! . of Col. Thos. Watson, of Columbia county, j i Georgia. ' arr authariwxl l<< an*oore the name off * f M. 8. YOAKUM, os a candidate for the i office of Tax Receiver, for the County of Fulton,. on the Ist Monday in January next. December 14, 1854 4Gtwidc NEW ADVERTISMENTS. Law Notice. B. R. A T. 8. Daniel having entered into a 1 copartnership in the practice of the law. will at- 1 tciid to all professional business, which im»v be I entrusted to them. BENJ. R. DANIELL. 1 dec 29, ’54-:it THOS. 8. DANIELL. Daniell A Daniell, ATRORNEYS AT LAW. ATLANTA, OA. j I B. K. DANIELL. THOS. 8. DANIELL., 1 dec 29. ’54 d n57-ly I * Oysters! Oysters!! FAMILIES and keeper can be supplied with opened Oysters by the quart at ajow price at BRENNAN & JOHNSON’S, Fruit and Family Grocery Store, next door below the Fulton House. N. B.—Oysters and other refreshments at all hours. dec29-57dtf ‘‘Done up Brown!’’ JM. TOMLINSON having determined to e carry on the Painting Business on his own account, is now prepared to execule work in all the different branches of his proression, as good as it can be done “anywhar” North or South. House, Carriage, Passenger Car, Pictorial, Sign, Ornamental, Flag and Banner Painting. Also, Transparencies, Gilding, Marble Imitations generally, and every kind of Decorative Paint ing— all of which will be done up in the very “brownest style.” From his-long experience in tire business, and the durability, and the superi or character of j. is work, he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. Orders from a distance solicited and proniply attended to. Shop on White Hall street, op posite J. Haas 4' Co’s Store. Sign and Orna mental Painting done at short notice. A LSO, Manufacturer of Gilt Glass Dow Plates, Win dow Signs, Numbers for Public Houses, Church es—and Street Numbers. J. M. TOMLINSON, dec. 29, ’54 d w n57-ly Auction by Swift 4 Bryant. \ V ” B will sell at our Sales Room every i<>re y y noun at II o’clock, and in the evening at 7 o’clock, during this week, a lot of Dry Goods, j such as Calicoes, Men and Boys Hats. Bed i Spreads. Negro Cloths. Ladies Collars,do. Gloves do. Talmas. Misses. Gloves, Gentlemens Vests, also, a lot of good Furniture, Gold Watches and • various kinds of Jewelry, all to be sold without reserve. dee. 29, ’54 n56-tf | .... Land for Sale. A1 r ILL be sold to the highest bidder, at V* 11 o’clock A. M. on Saturday, the 6th day of January next, at the Couit House in this city. Lot No. 210, and the half of Lot No. 211, both situate in the 14th District of originally DeKalb, now Fulton County. About 75 or 80 acres of Lot No. 210. have been cleared for terming.— The remainder of both T.ots are well timbered, and near a good saw nrtil. The t ttes arc in disputable. Terms cash. JOHN BOYD. dec 29, T>4 2 insi’r. in <l, Friday and Tuegday Notice, • / and after January Ist, 1855, p vmont of i\ " Freight..-: will l>e required at.tho Macoi & ; Western Railroad Office, on or before the delive j ry of he Goods. C. L. WRHgHT. Ag’t, Transportation Office, Atlanta, Dec. 26, 1854 nssdAwlm Planters’ Hotel. BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. | BY .TOII.V BRINGS «S; J. (tnOitftK dee 23, "54 dw n54-ly. ~J 0S EP H* Fr l E ST, CLOTHING STOKE, 868 King-Street, (East Side one door South of Calhoun-Street,) Charleston, S. C. A tine assortment of Gentlemen's Under Gar j ments, Gloves. Cravats, &c. dec 23.’54 dw n54-ly Bancroft, Betts & Marshall, IMPORTERS and Jobbers of Silk Goods, also Foreign ami Domestic Style Goods, Nos. 209 and 211 King St. corner of Market. Charleston I S. Carolina. E. W. BANCIIorr, I W. W LEMAN, A. F. BROWNING, | JAS. B. BETTS, E. W. MxRSHALL, j J. R. BATES, dee 23, ’54 <1 w n54-Iy. Edward Daly’s AX HOLESALE and Retail Boot. Shoe and V V Trunk Ware-House, No. 306 King street. A few doors above the Merchants' Hotel, same side. Charleston. S. C. dw 23, ’54 d w n54-ly. Pavilion Hotel, 11. L. niTreKRELD, Charleston, South Carolina. dec 23. : dw nsl-l\. UAMKKO.V, UltUiA- tO. IMPORTERS of China, Glass and Earthen ware, 145 Meeting street. H. P. ( 'aMEKOX, ! W m. L. Webb, Charleston, S. C. Wm. M. Sage. S VV ill supply (’onntiv Merchants with Goods i in their line at as low rates as they can buy in New York or elsewhere. dec 23. ’54 d w iisl-ly. R. Babe. I.IVF.KY Ci SAI.TC TAIM.Iu, King St. Charleston, South Carolina. d<e 23. 54 <i -v n54-l s■ ALBBBT 0, KICK & I.t’C'A*, DEALERS in Foreign and Domestic Hard-' ware. Cutlery, Guns, &e. 273 King street. ! nearly opposite Meichant’s Hotel, Charleston, iS. C. dec 23, ’54 d w n54-ly I M. F. Molony, ~ A HOLESALE and Retail Dealer in For V V eign and Domestic Dry Goods, 347 King j street, Charleston, 8. C. dec 23 '54 <1 w n54-ly Augusta Hotel, Augusta, Georgia. W. P. ST \RR, Froprletei. dec 23, ’54 d w n54-lv. American Hotel, King Street, corner of George. M’a. A. J. KENNKDY, Proprietor. Charh ston, 8. C. ■dec 23.’54 dw n54-ly. George Parks & Co., 229 King Street, Charleston, South Carolina. BOOKS AND STATfOXARY. I Agent Southern Baptist Publiction Society, dor. 23,’54 dw n54-ly. Fullings, Anderson & Co., WHOLESALE Dealers in Ready Made Clothing and Mens Furnishing Goods,' 16 Haync Street, Charleston, S. f’. ■ l<-e 23. 'sl < n54-Iy. Removal. J. E. WILLIAMS COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' ATLANTA, GA. nAVIXG removed to bis New Store on De- ! catur street, (Atheneum Building,) near' the Trout House, is prepared to furnish in any , quantity. Bacon, Lard, Corn. Oats, and all kinds ! of produce brought to this market. lie returns i his thanks to the public for the liberal patro- 1 nage heretofore bost..wcd up n him. an i solicits | a continuation of it. Atlanta, Go. deo 23. '54 d w n53-l”. John Marion, (lONFECTIONER, and Importer of French I ' Confectionery, Toys, 4c. No. £54 King st. East side, Three Doors above Hasel st.. Charles ton S. C. dec 23. ’54 n54-ly 1 Notice. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against trading for Three Promisory Notes given by the undersigned, to Allen E. Johnson late deceased, and*.lames T. Doane to wit; one of said notes being for the sum of two hundred and fifty eight dollars, and due the 25th of this present month—another of saitl notes amoupting to one hundred and twenty-nine dollars, due the 25th December, 1855. And another of said notes amounting to one hundred and twenty-nine dol lar, due the 25th December, 1856. All of said notes baring date the 12th June, 1854. with interest from date —the consideration upon which said notes were given having failed, I shall not pay them unless compelled by law. JOHN WHITNEY. Atlanta, dec 23, <1 w n54-3t. Pierson, Jennings & Co., MANUFACTURERS and Wholesale Deal ers in Clothing, No. 26 Hayne street. John 8. Pierson, j Abm. G. Jennings, > Charleston, S. t’. Edward Pierson. ) dec 23 ’54 d w ly Ambler & Selman, MANUFACTURERS and Wholesale Deal ers in Hats and Caps, No. 161 Meeting street, Charleston, S. C. . D. A. AMBLER’ G. C. KJT.MAX. dec 23, ’54 d w n54-ly. Notice. 4 LL persons are hereby cautioned against for Three. Promisory Notes given by the undersigned to Allen E. Johnson kite de - , ceased, and James T. Doane to wit; one of said I i notes being for the sum of two hundred and . : twenty.six dollars, and due the 25th of the pres- I ' ent month. Another of said notes amounting to < 1 one hundred and thirteen dollars, due the 25th . I of December, 1855. and the other ot said note I ! amounting to one hundred and thirteen dollars. I , due the 25th of December. 1856. All of said notes bearing date 12th of J uno 1854, with inter | est from date. The consideration upon which said notes were given having failed, I shall not t pnv them unless compelled by law. F : ALBIN US HUNT. Ail »nta, dec 23 1854 d w nsl-3t. ■ Just Received. • ■ t It OLD Bacon Sides, 4<» Keg J H / choice Now Lard. 20 Barrels . • do. 3000 lbs Feathers. A small lot of Corn, Oats, and a few thousand pounds fresh Bones and Sausage Moat, for sale low by J. E. WILLIAMS, ' Atheneum Building, •! doc 23, ’54 dw n53-iy. Atlanta. Ga. EPWARD H. STABT.ER. FRANCIS STABLER E. 11. STABLER &. CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, IMPORTERS of English, French and German Drugs, Dye Stuff, Paint and Oil Dealers, at i the Old Stand. No. 120 Pratt street Wharf, Third Door West from Calvert Street, Baltimore, dec 23, '54 d w 52-6 m. Clothing for the Million. • FjIHE subscriber would respectfully inform j | the citizens of Atlanta and vicinity that he has opened the store formerly occupied by B. T. Lamb, White Hall street. .Atlanta, Ga., where he offers fi r sale a large and desirable Stock of Mens ami Boys Clotjies, Hats, Caps, Boots. ; Shoes, Trunks. Valieccs, Carpet Bags, &c. which | will be sold at New York prices, for cash only. W. 11. HAUSMAN, Atlanta, dec 22, ’54. d nSB-3m key West iSSnSv E j <aiMHZ co. General CoNmission Merchants AND DEALEBB IN ’ nieiicau and Cuban Piudu<-«-, -V. 1.1 IAL STORES cSc. 4 UENTS in Florida tor the Bri<lg,cvvuter J Company, Key West, Florida. E. J. G. & Co. have large Warehouses, Wharf Docks, and nil other conveniences for vessels of any size to discharge, load and repair. REFERENCES: Jos. E. Murrell, Mobile G. C. Bogart & Co. N. O. A. Flash & Eon. do. J J Gomez & Bro Havana. M D Cruzat .< Co. do. 11. Rottnmn, Esq. do. Flash & Co. N. Orleans Ed. Flash & Co. New York. i And many other long-established merchants , in the above mentioned cities. dec 21, '54 d w n52-ly Warranted Piano Fortes FOR SALE ON TRIAL. 1 _THE subscriber has made arrangc- 1 ’ Adj ments with some of the most cele .l I x J J biated Piano Forte Makers for supplies; his instruments are always direct from the factories in original packages, of the latest and most fashionable styles, and have the most | important improvements. \\ ithout expensive. Store Bents or other outlay* of money attending an open establishment of | this kind, he is enabled to furnish these instru ments at the lowest prices obtainable, and being '■ a professional man himself, he feels confident to have it in his power to give entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with their orders.--- I Those only, who wish to procure first class in • struments, will ploase address the subscriber. C. F. BARTH, Atlauta, Ga. Old Pianos taken in exchange as a part pay- i i ment for new ones. Good second handed Pianos for sale and hire on reasonable terms. AT AUCTION. i * ,e s °ld public out cry before the y y .court house door, within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in January next, three likely Negroes, viz., a first rate woman 24 years old, a boy 17, and one 7.—The Negroes are unu sually likely. Those wishing to purchase will do well to call and see them’ Dec. 19, 1854. 8. J. SHACKELFORD. 17' dw£t Bendue, master. OITY LOT FOR SALE. I 4 ’ ill be sold on the fust Tuesday in January y V next, before the court house door, within the legal hours of sale, a City Lot on Collier st., containing halt acre, on which is a Dwelling house, Kitchen, good Well of water, Garden, &c. Titles good. Terrs made known cn day of sale. 8. J. SHACKELFORD. Atlanta, Dec. 19, 1854. Vendue master. 17 dw2t E. M. Davis & Co., ’V EWYORK and PHILADELPHIA. Itu porters of French and India Silk Goods. [4B-Uwly NEW ORLEANS ADVERTISMENTS A I AILLOT X Bons, No 134 Mog:.zine street I Importers of Wines, Brandies, &c., and Distillery of l)”’no-i : c Liquors. 49dwly OGLESBY & Maca«Uy,Cotenjis trion and For warding Merchants, 60 Tchuupitoulas street. 4'.»dwly QUADRAS <x < 0.. ¥.. Importers and Co mmissioners of Havana Produce- 49dwly 1 ROGERS McGuir & Co.. Commission and Foi v. :ir Yg Merchants, 22 Pyi'ras st.dwly CtMITHER, J. < .x. Co.. Whole.: / • and Retail >cers, 18€>knal andsts. 49dwly DELAWARE, a., Commission Merchant in ! Wines, Liquort, &c., No 9 Bienville street, { New Orleans. 49dwly ; HOLMES & Clause, Grocers and Dea ert i n Western Produce, No 14 New Leveu and 14 Tchoupitoulas street. 49dwly I’ AKK N,nv HECKIVI.NO AT OUR NEW STORE T I a large and complete assortment of choice Brandies, Wines Liquors and Cigars of direct importation, which wc offer to the trade at the lowest marki t rates, in or out of bond. WM. N. GHISELIN & Co., 17 dwly 8 Tchoupitoulas and 8 New Levee sts. GEO. W. TARLETON. J. WHITING. W. B. TULLIS. Tarleton, Whiting and Tullis. FA CTO R S AND C OMA IIS SION No. 5 Carondelett street, New Orleans, Cash advances made on Cotton and other con signments. for Bagging, Rope, Groceries &c.. promptly attended to. 17 dwly ALEX. Norton & Co., Wholesale Grocers and Dealers in wine, Liquors, &c. No. 5 Poy dras streeL New Orleans. 49dwly 4 NDREW, W., & Sierau, Commission Mer chants. 15 Union street. 50dwly BARLOW, H. M. & Co., Dearlera in Wood ware, Brooms, &c. 18 Canal st. dwly (XA KROLL, 1). H., Commission Merchant, Union Row. Carondelet st. 49dwly CtONERY & Wilson. Wholesale and Retail 7 Grocers. 5 Front, between Canal Crossman streets. 49dwly STEEN, Thomas, dealer in Foreign and Do mestic Wines and Liquors, Ino 21 Notre ’ Dame street, between Tchoupitoulas and Com -1 mercc streets. New Orleans. 49dwly SMITH & b iniister. Commission and Forward, ing Merchants 'and Steamboat Agents, 16 . Canal street, ,New Orleans. ’ 'VK r ILSON. Tolbert, Steamboat agents and 1 V r Commission Merchants, 17 Carondelet ‘ street, New Orleans. 49dwly j JOHN EVruM. JAMES HENDERSON. Eaton & Henderson, 1 A 1 IIOLESzXLE Grocers,No. 16 New Levee t 4 16 Tchoupitoulas street. Livingston Row, New Orleans. dec. 27, ’sl n55-6m. C. W. NEWTON. JAJMES FARRELLY. VFAVTOX F4HRKIXY, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, Ami Dealers in Western Produce. No 92 Magazine streot, N. 0. dec 21, ’54 d w n52-ly. J. M. Savage & Co. (1 ENERAL Provision and Produce Dealers, ,JT No. 43 Poydras street, New Orleans. December 7 1854 44tMwly L. L». C. WOOD-] [JAMES If. LOW. Wood & Low, (t ENERAL Commission Merchants, No. 37 X Natchez street, New Orleans, Louisiana. 1 The undersigned are prepared to excute orders l for all kinds of produce at the lowest cash prices. WOOD & LOW, Refer Io: New Orleans. .1. T. Doane, Atlanta, Gu. U. L. Wright, “ “ 44riwly I D. A. WILSON, JR. ] [W. C. LIPSCOMB. Wilson, Lipscomb & Co., ! r y COMMISSION Merchants, !' » 81 nd Agents for the sale of Vir- ginia Manufactured Tobacco, No. 85 Gravicr Street, New Orleans. December 7, 1855 44Uw6ni John F, Hoyt. PRACTICAL Hatter, Corner /~18 St. Charles and Common Streets, (Opposite St. Charles and Verandah Hotels,) New Orleans. Hats made to order. December 7 1854 44Uwly J. G. Bermel, MWIG Manufacturer and Gentlemens Furn ishing Store, (under the WaiLiJJLJ-) , St. Charles Hotel,) N<*& Orleans. J. G. B’s. approved system of measuring the head. No. 1 The circumference of the No. 2 Forehead to the nape of the neck. No. 3- Ear to car over the temple. 44t&wly W. J. IUDGILL. J. M. ROBERTS. J. D. TERRELL Ridgill, Roberts & Terrell, I and Commission Merchants, No. 13 Carondelet street, New Orleans. Vt m. C. Ray, Agent at Mqntgomery, Ala bama. 15w’ly E. B. Wheelock, yiWHOLESALE DRUGGIST, No. 53, St. f 7 Charles Street, second door from Gravier Street, New Orleans. [44-t.vwly Scovil & Mead, EW Orleans, General Southern Agents for j. A all the most valuable Family Medicines. December 7 1854 44Uwly Wines, liiquors. SAZERAC BRANDIES.—The subscribers being the sole agents and importers in this city of the celebrated SAZARAC Brandies, keep constantly on hand a full supply of the lower and medium grades as well as the oldest vintages, such as 1795, 1798, 1802 and 1805, and invite the attention of the trade, as well as connoisscure. the above being a Pure and Genuine article. WM. E. LEVERICH & Co., A gents, 17 dwly 24 Old Levee street. JAS. C. RUPERT.—MARTIN B.CABBETTY.—J.T. HARDIE John T. Hardie & Co., (lOMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 85Gra _/vier Street, New Orleans, La. REFER TO E. T. .lunes, Albany, Georgia. James A. Nisbet, Macon, Ga. Judge J. H. Lumpkin Athens. Col. John Banks, Columbus. L. J. Deupree, Lexington. James & John Mann, Madison. H. A. Ramsay, Atlanta. [44-Utt ly. 1; W. CtiELER, Importer and Dealer in • Brandies, Wines, Cordials and Havana j Cigars. Orders from the country filled and dis patched with punctuality. None but choice articles sold here. Common street, opposite the St. Charles, dec 21, ’54 d W n52-Iy. C. F.. Barth, PIANO FORTE .TUNER ANi> RFPAIRKR, r ILL attend to any calls in his line of Vs business, sach as regulating of action, covering of hammers (felted or bulled,) laying of new strings Ly the Octave, whole, or single, j done in workmanship style and warranted. Tuning by the year done at reduced prices, and satisfaction given in every instance, or no Age. harll orders from the country addressed to C. F Ben th, Atlanta, Ga. will meet with prompt at cartion. S. O. BREWER. 8. B. CALDWELL. BREWER and CALDWELL, GENERAL COMMISSTOM MERCHANTS 20 Old Ship, cor. Water St. —New Y ork 4 DVANCES made on consignments of Cot ton J. jL S u S ar » Molasses, Lumber, Leather, Hides, Wool, Turpentine, Rosin, &c. Merchandise of all descriptions thus purchased on commis sion. by H. O. BREWER, 29 Michcal st. 17—dwly