Atlanta daily examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1854-1857, July 30, 1857, Image 2

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Dailn ®witmmv. w» ■ ■ ' • B \ .• jjm I.OCNRANE, DOWSING *S CO STEELE, dowsing j Ebttorts ATLANTA, (5080,, niulSuAY jury io i KRMS OF THE RXAMINt |i r inmini w -advance l-IIT!) Daily V kly « tUlMICS I) u> Examiner, W, kly, •• , V.lvinc" paym.ntj i iptton j r>V-t it ti. »; t„ i: in. rp'iAiri *1 ;ut* \ll:inta Kxi'i.uo i p Third page for Late Ni‘W: ; Democratic Nomina Don* TOR GOVERNOR, IIISEPII IL BROWN. OF CHEROKEE. FOR CONGRESS, j I District —AT. J• CRAWFORD Third " D. J. BAILEY. Fourth " L. J. GAR I KKLI. Fifth \- K. WRIGHT. Sixth " IAS. JACKSON Seventh " LIN. STEPHENS. Eighth " A. H. STEPHENS. Col. Tidwell. The Idler of this gentleman, accepting the . carnation of the American Party of tbisdis- trict. as its ealhlktate for Congress, will tie tound in cur paper to day. Comment upon it j-- scarcely necessary. He feels it his duty to t>e a candidate, and to the tender mercies of his democratic opponent we, for th? presort at least most cheerfully consign him The Great Sacs in England To-day, the great race at Goodwood in England, for the "Goodwood Cup" will be run. The result ot this race is looked to with groat interest, on both sides tiie Atlantic. The two American hones. Prior and Prioress, have been entered by their owner, Mr Ten Broock, ar.J w.,1 ruu for the prbe. There are tifty-sii entries I idea, most ot tin m bor es of the first reputation in F.cglund .ud mo t <.l them win ners in previous i.,_ I b! beavie t wtight is carried by Prior, and the f.*ucth ou the list is Priorase—the former .irryi: I2" acj tin* latter, 114 pottod? I ti :*-xt heaviest weight is l .’4 pounds, winch n earn-J hy ." Fisher- Man," a horse of high rep'ile on the Eoulr-b turf Porter's spirit ol the I in prononn- ■n.a the weighing ft the Auieik iii hordes to M unfair previuu.e wnterstaralinq. they were o t»e allowed M pour, L mi account of their tureign itrtract lint nevertheless, the race Fa- t*eim ran, an*l tins fu \ test of the speed of the \ ria-rican and Kcglhii tired race hor e ts iva that the performance, of Prim a: I i’rtorarj wrti prove creditable and add to the reputation ol the American rate horse tu Kng land we have cot u douh' We hope Hist out r ;! a ..iher of them,will win, nut th? olJ, arc t:ea7y—two against bity-su, on strai ge ground ao upeat—for the race >3 u sicgl*. -lash of two at-J a hall miles ■ acJ Un'uh pud, aroused, it -;ii oe a remarkable event should either c! these ttnc hor*C3 prove n Is; the victor. Wt hale, however to the- judgement I •nc.r owner He would scarcely rik the re putation ol his ‘four tailers, with the —for it was to get ’i'll a rate that he went to Id clit. i - Ji 1 be Jpnbt the mettle and ■]*. i ot hie fvse* Htaridersare Americans; . d then colors nr tk: erim'OO and whit sat “tripes of the American Hoc, with blue cap I white -jtars l his i,, doing the thieir np Ei Re?eread C. C Bun The Ditctution At Nownan 1 F §rnrn ami Btwjturt* Kl IHli \Y. wove pie sent *1 this meeting atpUaa peak ndtrisetlly—calmly, willful tldif- ticult in dc, for the extreme giatincdtion we toll in t)„ result renders indifference impn 1 “tide. ’ * .Th doubt "i Into heard ex prun ed by m.inv a-' to tin- ability ot .lodge ^Jrown to •ntain turn < lt be fora th, lAj.txvul Know Nothmgt?m lus bet ii entirely ‘ dispelled lit i triumph ta-d \. th. echoes ,-t which still mi.. .11 .iin.l me .is I write, prove i how uhlc .ml trmipphantlj be will carry tha .1, i. -r.iti. hafii’.-r through this contest. Iiiifjjf llrowii, by the Ajrraqcmrni I J-uil in y.-.p, ,■>•!» t an hour long, /When In Ac'. • v, ,j beat with anxiety. ‘ S- niii.'li pr use bad bespattered Hen Hill as a popu lar orator that we pmticipated in this gemral sentiment but the calm, elf- possessed and •ligmticd maun, r ol th. Judge (soon won upon | jvo be eontitlenr of the audience, mid ncwliav; wc heard in knur such n condensation of lacts, such strength of argument, or so clear and comprehensive n vi'w of the issues now ; 1 . v.dii g tvr.irc the pOCptC of Georgia It was a masterly logical. elcHjiicnt aid truthful ex [coition of tie whole case and elicited front Triced af'.ITNT a warm mnf generous ceramet: dafien for it 5 ability dcsrnfoa, and argumen- tafivenc < .Mr Hill rc/.lie 1 iu an heur and u half, and I would not detract otto iota Irotn Mr. Mill' ubiiit, as i popular speaker lie is nn rlo ijiror.t rasti. trid lia'. many of’tlio cs«en!isl rc qufciito'. ol a«nim;i speaker -pointednes?, bold ness ot ass rtton ndroitness to attack an adver sary ing. uuity to make the worn* appear the better cause—AValktr, Kansas, and the Ad ministration were flic beginning, end, ami mid- lie of all he had tosay His speech indicated one thing— that *• Fox’s Book of Martyrs” is to be no longer a test l>ook. The massacre of St Bartholomew ; the fear of the Fopo, and the recital of stories crimsoned by fancy and rendered ridiculous by exaggeration, arc now left with their vitals torn out to rot on the po litical bighwav, without even the formality of a barial, cr an “ uuseen hand to throw flowers npon tfceir grave." Ilis speech might be appropriately described as a continual tlow of words and political incon gruities, sea=oned with vi'uperation ot Wal ker ami the Democratic Party, au(l self lauda tion for prophetic vision in telling the peopli what bail happened would happen. This, by the way, is partially true, for the very thing hi denounced Walker as a traitor for doing, ar guiug the climatic laws of Kansas, the gen tie-man had himself pioclaiircd—that slaves could never go to Kurnus Irom the interfer ence ol natural catiTS ; that the negroes would have to tic wrapped lu blankets In Angnst; and tin! was he left to sustain the very man he tier .inneed by standiug with Fillmore am! supporting him for the Presidency. This glaring inconsistency was pressed upon him by Judge Urovrn witkleiiing andcru-hiog effect. But tlitrc wi n- filing new in bis argument. The old abiT-t of«(|iatter sovereignty in regard t 1 t!w regulation ■ I suit rage to la’ adopted ou the submission >•! the constitution for tlie peo ple's rat iticat on or rejection, came back again, and he paradeet it *ith great zeal to frighten the people The reply ot lndg-3 Brown was extellent,not viveu to anecdote or perversion ot an adversary’* posilioc. The JuJg. ecu tiued nitn*eif t > a i lose and compact argument, in which were exposed the fallacies ol Mr LliH’i p-siti ■ uud the cheers ot the crowd told how eflutually he wa3 accomplishing the ob ject of hi reply G.t the Democratic party everywh. re be r. i.jieeil at the tame of this day’s disenssion hi..1 know that in Judge Brown they have a standard L-. erer e4ual in anility to any man in Georgia Th .-peecbes of fob Gartr-u aod TiJwell, i have not more than time t allude tu To those who l.tiow the men it is tnongh they met to ascertain who wu- the victor Bat t ol G, on this occasion was more than himself He literally tore poor 'Tidwell and left not a wh- F " tmiri his politi a! garment The uni versal cry ol the democrats was -,e ol tri umph I go to Carrollton when you will heat from iup more fully l» ■dcr; Adam Bur i i-i u h an hr app W*- ni'.u ii. ion, Isr it A- 1 Pol. rtilwell'VLettft of Accop l»ncc. •FatCTtF'n.t.K, July 'J7th, ItlMj. (iPNTi kmkn >«iYonr letter mfcgmini of my anamfmnjHnomination as « cm .Con(*t«a,*t» the Antcr can Party Fourth Congrmkmal lU.itnet, baa l ’ Qm o> generously and unnmii ' tM ««t b- ihwlincil , and there ■ Wklority ngainal tlw Hi trict. yet “ __ ing c nfhk'Hv which t hare TTi tnc^corn’ctncg' ol the prmei)vl. - .md olijecta ot the American I'arty, it would be wrong in me or any of it members, to rctim* to <stv.* when eailoil upon by such a Convention as you have the honor to repfewctti. For voc, l cannot un i "ill not (though doioai b, incvitnlde) d-.cliih*. Gum is a parly Hat believe - it is belter to "be r phi Him, 1’irsiil t ' Flic iMmt «.th which our party l«i= Iteretolnre niet: ha’ bn n Imriic .with unormplninl e enhinWtofii but the wtong.i nn I iniuri- ‘ iotbcti.t upon oill* com mon country, i.y e. • .'ing to |U)\rer undplace those ol out opponent ii tljc sclf-uty'cd Dcntocnitic pirty, «cem too intolcr.ible to lie borne by a fre** ntal nnce peaceful mnl happy The r.ict i' .; i>, known and h it with itivtiii.v 11itainty, that om country is hleCilio;; at ivery pore; that the ffonth luvs tsvn wn-iu; J, mjuri.l, i .... t mid iicultcd ; that AmtUK-an formen inon who Imvo boon proud ol her name; and tliankful to Heaven that they were ■ ABi-rican l'ititens, arc now mourning over the ruin und desolation with which tiny ar Him toned, and their once fond Attachments to the Union hvenken, through u ceming r.cccs'ily to rave them s. I cs. th. ir idler: In d instiliiliono und proper ty Permit m *. iu all candor, to usk nn honest and thinking pcoplc(without (filing into fitly argument, which I conceive to be unuece•. ary anil improper in this letter)tlto cauv which has produced sucli unhappy result - ? I Hive the people wronpxl Ihcmrclvcs? or ia it the offi cials of party who hove tu'cly betrayed, wronged and deceived n contiding mid uncus [s-eting |ieople t If it is the intentinnnl nett! ol the people they should not complain ; but if it *be(us it i donbtltgs true) party leader?, with whom the rights and interest of the country have been intrusted, their party should be search, d, and those who have proven themselves unworthy of trust, removed and disarmed of power and place, and no longer [lermitted to deceive nnd injure n Ira* mid virtuous people. This should be done, though it remove from office these who have arroga ted to themselves the iiuin.* of tin 1 Democrat n name once cherished by many, but now prostituted by being made th* means ot plac ing unfaithful party leaders in < ffice, ami ot oppressing their constituents, and especially those of the South, in order to build up a strong National parly, the only object of which is to give power nnd place to political aspirants. Devotion to putty may Is* com mcudable iu its votaries, but lidciity to our Country is better It will be my duty nr.d pleasure to show to the people of the Fourth Congressional I >is- trief, on all suitable occasions, to thi best ol uiy ability, the causes that have produced 8nch nlarmingifleets, and . ati.dy them, it po-i- b|e, that Hie party assuming the tmm of Democracy is niouo responsible—being ’hi only party that has held the power to effeet onr interest either for well nr for w ;.:: and I cannot doubt bit: that when thehonent iliii.Ic ing people ol the country sec the of their leaders and the tendency ol Ute’r party, that they will have ■!:. Drmut:; and mrve to der.ounci them The resofntl ons accompanying your letter, as welt as those of the Slate Crinven'inn, which yours approved, have my ipprohntion and will receive my support In c> inclusion gentlemi .i | rmit met" make tu you and tlirougii y u t.• tie' l',inven tion und party you repri id, Ike neknoivl- (■.igerm nts of a f»ra<* Til lue.rt for tlie i.onti deuce| in me by the American party of tlie Distiict, n-'. manifested by the aeli.ui your t.'onvi ution. Uoping tint the | iplc will nt one.; enter into an itiv.-iti ’alien nt the wrong*, and inja - rifs(wliieh an tulmitjhuve Urn done them, ami that the error;: may in- exp • .1 uud cur- reete ! and your nomination mad< trlmnp'nini in, I remain, Very Keij e. tiuily Vour obwlicnt servant, M M TIDWFBI. I \!;iandrr B II Iii..;ham B Tnrlhl Art,ill In flnlilvtiovo’ By a leltt. received tin morning, we Wain a most pnintiilucnirrenec took [dace yea mfilAun Glfch-.lioro’i remlilrg. tbovt probtt- bly, Wt Iliifj time, In loss of life Iti^ma Urtu tioi* difficulty had existed Dutavih Und .a German— u .lew, ’«!((Iw name of Oitouhoinier, and Home time last week "tlie Hi, l ollrer. .Vnflterd.iy, Odcnhcim- aranted tl.ivis, and On- |intttea met tot* tri ll lieuiro a Magijilrale, in the “loti ot Mc-ara. Washington-S; Amlrevvrr. ft • wen Id appear that Oilculieiiio i was very ilcmlting in hiu Ivnt’iiadi to Dr Diivtii, calling him a liaTj or flsin** u'crdfl lo that rlloct, anil an l)avi was about to lay hold off a ' little lire shovel to trike him. Odcnheim, i' ^ lep-soti drew :: pistol and . lo.t Davis, Hi'* balliiili ing hut about tho low i r end cl tlto lungs, on the tiitlit side, ntul lodgimt in tin hack Tin (Menlo imcra, l.nhcr and -tin, fired, m all. live -ilods, and a-, the elder had his pH- lol i i Hi. Davis' head toihoot him -again, young Winfield Robinson, a nephew id" tin Di" snatched up a tipade and .struck Oylcn lo'imci on the head, lutQcklnp, him down, and tacturing his skull shockingly. This turned the direction ol tin pistol ho that the continls, intended for U.iviu, cutcroil the hack ol Ho younger (Jdonlieimcr, near the back-hone Thus the tragedy closed. Gdrn- licimcr and son are in jail, ami neither ex peeled to live, although there ant some hopes of the votingm. ft is supposed to be on- possildo for the old man to survive Di. hoRilcll took out a spoonful ,d brains. Dr. Davis was removed t,. |)r. Drayton’s office wlo rc ho remained at last accounts. It was feared that he could lint survive the night. II had no weapon whatever, at the time ot the orcurreivv. Mrs Davis is deep ly affected, and, owing to her critical situ ation, fears are cnti ri.uncd I'm her life too. It is needless t.. ray Mint the excitement in Gnldslioro' u; of the most painful character. Mliirnr's Ofll««*. ATuiWT.v, 21th Inly IBfiJ \ I In ua*oiil|flW with the request of a 'commit-, tec ol the Southern Commercial Oonvuilaon, nnd oflhc City Aulhoriliea of tire city ol Kno.v 1 vilto, l Imvo oppointcil the following persona idelegatea from this city to sai I Convention, to tic held at Knoxville on the tenth day r,l Au gust next Styctifll Nolitcfi 1.11 Pi (>KLt,.4Tlth It W i.’ozfttl. II G ^ oncy — J Noreroaa, N J Hnmnti.ii,i * Win Marklmin W 1, High. R M Clark". L.I Furr, 0 il Strong, 1 G MoDniml J M Calhimn 1, E Bleckloy, Tbontat) W Clmi lit! 1 luygoou B II Overby, Dl. W P 1 Invdi i. Dr It M Smith J J ‘Thrasher, A M I'allcmnn Niciiolao .I' Win llorrin,* C It llnnleiler David Mayor T llowiml, .1 E Willmnfr Dr J F A lc.v,ii-<l.‘i J R Wttllace I W Duncan, Tliomn.s Ivifi' \\ 11 slurp ( T R Riplcv ■J il Stock*, A Ii Slokve. Dr J riinin|Kv.i T 1, Cooper, /, A Rice, 1. J Gar trail l B I’eeli, LG Howell, Irattc Wiaship John (Jollier .) 1, Dunning, 'olm F bizzard Gh ero Glmmff,. j W C Robitwou, Wm l.nwshe 0 W liimuiciitt W W Roark, | f> 8 Hoyt, F, M SeuRO, ‘III! Ilolcoinhr- •John Glen, A \V r Stone A W M itet it'll .1 Ai, ! : i‘ ■ li loud at Notary 1‘ui'lit. -Governor Uneliford, of Wisconsin, oi course a Black Re publican, on the !)!h inst., issucil a commission, ns Notary Dublin In II. Nolan, a person of nut brown complexion uml negro extraction, - . who has redded in Mudiaori, \Vis matiy years It seems that Gilenhetiner had warranted Dr. t |, al | KTi j,.p cream e iloon keeper, and leader Davis, which Ini to the caning ot last Week. 1 - The trial he fore the magistrate was with re ference to thi ■ Inter necuti. nee —Wiinunn- / ’n Journal, July 51. the ,1, Mev ?r. G M N olio H Danlei ter "‘P ’ I,, ipt The) ml Wint ‘minis lon- ateil I 1 lander , ilp If : ppear-. that ion of trill' ;Jy, which I not •• beyond ti loll wing iten ■ Tr-y Budi/gt Mi : In-1 1 11 MonbZ has d lie i. t illed losccompll’l • Buffal 4 The liulf ilo p :[■< . Tea I. to fi , | praud I tlir met with -.tooe L,st week. 1. •' n.ij hi .iltuliuied I o lief judjeio Wtilr b plainly .,y She at I. i bu- me, < i' Burr -traTr i/ian. - Th' ‘ with her pro- ,1. the i Feppn —The 'pepper k :. latest method ol street robuery Ti e - is this: A -*amp brushes joat the pedestrian uk, sod flings a quantity ol cayenne m hu v,- ai. I then tatra to hia heels. A coutederaU: comes up to tlie on’: a3 - aulte,| ytnptthize with him anil to see what is the malt- r, the lelluw meanwhile relieving the un- : s tunate r.f his vainibk, ai d apply ing an exs :m allowance of |» p]ei i lo; thing in done m the twinkling of un eye, uul th,': police say it 1-. by tar the must atrocious invention t iffany has yet hit npon. a no BnifTV J.x SVuga.y—"At eighteen, aid u foreigner, u young AinPrl can woman u the prettiest m the world : b'it at thirty non thru, -he n alteady old and ugly t hough there were som. of a KreDth- maii’.-exaggeration.: in the remark, there wav also a sutatance of truth Why is it that the beaaty of onr .males la.h^ 30 soon? Dr, to go at once to Hi real ig-me—fur Beauty is on ly perm icebt wlier. there ia iK-alth—why is it it l* r women, a? compared with the women ,,t .ther tem[<>ritf chmatei ar, 30 d'licatr; and tragdt ? 'I he answer may Ire made in n few words l». is ts- in they neglect air anJ rxercife Werd.oe lassitude, nnd a lading complex - ion, ns'inevitably follow indolence and con- ‘ atmrat u: th" wilting id a plant results Horn it: deprivation of light It is a law of our existence, that we mn«t take daily exercise if we would continue in health it is a fact in phyiolotrv that a pure utmost [.here is indu pensibl'- to a vigor ;us vitality. All the re- tinemer.'. of civilization, dl the ri-ourcu of 3cienc>-, ha . : I ril’d to supply a ruh-titute for lr<-h air and exercize 'l l., poor and rich ilau.1 ou th: =ame p.lattnrm in' r’ferenr.-e to thi3 netx.ssity ol rur nature. The lady ir, •Tlks and satins can buy no cosmetic so iffl- cacioux as the sun h, e amt bri ize whii Ii are pourrd out nt every rtep ot her humble ^in ter iUut kinff l*ol«4jnwii«. Mr a D. Dnpon, in a note to the .Savin nab Re[,ul.lican hwWFriday, -ays I have just lo»t two [.rime httie negroes from the effects of eating a -msll rpiaritity of blacking that s user! to clean hoes. One died in six, and the other 24 boor?, in eonvuhioru. I give you the in formation for public good I do not think more than a fpoocluff was eaten. luhl '/ ntntinth Culture m tin CnitnlSluCi ex of Datents has set apart a portion ot the fund- In t appropiat I by ('on rre, i for agri cuttnral pttr[io?es t,,r < Maining enttingsrof all the native wiki grape . mes in the I nited States to tv* placed io the hands ol practical cultivator? with a view of testing their adap tatioo to the soil und climate ot the other ?ec tionsoftbe Union and determining their vuF ue for table use nnd for making win Major II 0 William?, of Fairfax county, Via., has becu cbcseQ to select the cutting? ol the vines ol Arkansas aud Texas, nnd ol the neighbor ing territories, and obtain certain information connected with th ir growth and locality which are to lie employed in carrying out raid experiment. Considering the ext 3 :.! of territory which (lie wine cultor. - may lio advantageously diffused hr this country, it is surprising that this important measure teas never been nttemf ted by ur Government trefore. It early ut tracteii Hie attenticu ot the first colonic... who -not only formed vineyards ol the European grape, but made wine from onr native grapr N'.. t withstand ii c that tlie nibject I tx-ri 2rtilou“ly pursued at various jieriod- ince, nil tiuise dwelling ou the east rly half of this con tinent, who have made tiial ol Hie foreign grjpe, have never been able tu bring their d.,* sigic to perfection, and, until hit,.ly, most rd thao who have tested their 'kill on tfi nativ varietiM have only met with partial huccch. At pre-ent excellent vines are profitably mad. near Cincinnati, io Ohio, nnd near At lanta in Georgia Irotn our native C'utawba grope. * Superior wine art also made near Los Angeles, in California, Irom the Kuropenn grape, which hml br en intrtducCfl here pome one hundred an I fifty y,-wr ’ "go, by the Je suit?. In Hie opinion of good | algt-i, tin (luality of these wines is not surpas.' I liy any rr.anufacturtd in the old world I he steps now taken l.y the I'atcnt Dfli-e we this<c jndiciou*, and have no doubt will nl timately meet with fncc.-n -It Stilt,J, 03’/ dll*. Hil’h Salary.—Mr. Moran, the n* w i’rtsi dent of the N. V. Frie 1 tail Rout Company, u is to receive a "alary of i"„':i,000 u year —ex- actly what is paid to the 1'residcnt of the UT. ited States, aid more probably than i paid to any other functionary in this country I las i« givfn to bitn in order to secure his cervices to the Company,who?o affair* require cou’urn- ate ability in its administration to rekivc it of its various eabarra&imeets. rouml Out. 'That ‘ retired clergy man, whom* lands ol life arc nearly run out,' ami who advertise* so extensively that lie will send a recipe Mr curin'; certain complaints, on receipt of iioh- tnire stamps, Arc , has been exposed. The editor of the l.ancnslcf ('Pennsylvania) Fx- ntnincr was coaxed into sending to him - lor his recipe, and ho thus I,.11- ua alt iilrout it: 1 Wc have spent considerable time and money ill "ending to these Hdlow.s Ibr their different remedies, from the celebrated honey down to ltcv. Dr, McDangal, the retired clergyman, wlui purpose ■ to cure the ner vous sufferer for nothing. T' ell, the reve rend gentleman’s preparation ts as follows : Alcoholic extract of ignorantia amaf«—3tl grains. Powdered gum arabie—10 grains. Make tort) pill;, and take om- Bin • tun - s a day. The 1 retired phyuicinn is a l.i’ ol wag, as wi ll as an experimenter on puhln folly for fits own profits. This * ignornntia aina- ra’ is that article hettet known.', in Eiiglisli as common ercdulity, which induces . many individual.- to liccoinescll ciuidemiu d dupe.*, to, placing tliamitlvc: voluntarily within Hie arts of sharpers and sw indli who scare ly 1 p’ -trnd io cover ilieir fraud.i with even the sciuhlaiic.'of Irntli ,ir [uolia- liility. |i ir. not necessary tu resort to Hi. alcoholic extract ot the arm Ic. It is uffi .icnily atullilyinp in il simpl oinliti m for all practical purpose .. \\ here the it vert ltd ini] ter got Hit \v on dertul medicint Irom, o would he lur.l to tell. But most certainly it uL'ilhei can fi. found in any of ih. m -at liook , drug lores m my ntfici place, luit must conic from Hie inveiilivc gnnin * ol the doctor's head, who will send t! liy mail on i|vl of in i xtra dollar, merely to pay * I Thi; ei 11 ilnly 11 Hid tin H ingeii us manner that liar. In . ii deviled yel to ill the pi file , and goes lai a lead t l*ru- mi Gin, T i fifty wav 'o make a foilum/, whi, I, wa , u itlinut exception, tin; great, o pi’* cl -wlndling everipnetna Ion III. in ti'mity ’ -/-. n/mnye Vttjnr Wh, 1 ! I', i,-if ii tin. Via) Ul,l CuP Hr lerrii irotn the Richmond Dispatch, ofthefftuli in?t, that Uu|ur Thns. L* I’ i,t has sold bis three year old r.Jt, Shwhcr by f hiiilo Har old, out nl Baruh Wnahingtmi, lor the sum ot Fa,OoO, to Mr I Morris, ot A'uw Vort;. — 'Tills is the liiglir t prico," nuy- Hie Dk[iutcli ‘ever paid Mr n tlirte year old in this country that had cvcc run over mile lieat. Houni. 14i',lie, when three years old, sold for live thou’atnl doll tra, but she had pone.two, nnd wc believe, three mite heat?, at the time of her ale. .Slasher i. engaged in the South, all ol which Mr Morris takes—but front what wc* have beard, we ?uppo?e the eoll will us sent to England, to Mr I’m Brocck He i.oneol the fittest colts of hLs age in Hits conut.y, and, if he doer not eros3the Atlantic, will probably pay Mr l.irmcIT thin tall.'* Portrait t Mary (Juten of Sruti. A very remarkable, interesting nnd aBroctiveexhibi tion is now npen.lty ticket only, at the opart mentsofthe Arch /oological Society. .Suffolk street, Pull Moll. It is a collection of por trait s ol the unfortunate and much rn"digued Mary Stuart, known o? Mary tptcen of Scot? The collection in every extemavc, ond the por- troitii arc considered bona ftJt, and ir deed licar o great rtacmblance to each oilier, : avs where tlie ikiH ol the artist has faik.l .Many of the portraiture in oil, water color? und engrav ings, and to those who liave studied the liirto- ry ot the murdered Queen this exhibition poa etsaea attraction - ! of no common kind By the way, Afiss Agnes Strickland has just “cut a large portion of her sixth nnd l.i-it volume of flic'l.ifc of Mary titunrt toil, prts - — Lon? n Cor. Boston Pilot. .i Devoted t.arrr A young man waiked from a neighboring (owe, ten milta didant to this city, t.hi.' morning, to gel a‘team’lit to tiring life girl lo the cireue. He arrived nt one ot our ntublej nt lialf.paat o’clock, and [mtiently waitcil till the'hcad man' could be raffed up He took the team, went after hit girl, and retained in season to sw tlie circni! come into the city I hey -(tent the day lifre, swing tie- dgbls— eff phants, jw- , xi bra, and several more curiosities'not specified in the flaming liills, and nfter the per* Mrimuiro return. I -be tu return with the horse and walked back- Talk about swimming the il.dlenpout, an 1 ad-1 the witchery of song to make it more ro mantic! The fellow who swam tii:i* small sheet of water wna no lover at nil beside the youth that walk? 20 mile-i this hot July day to give the idol ol his Mart a chance to go in city style to "00 th*- circus!—fVnttrn enhuntti pa. of a cotillon band. ! He invented llieeapitaliiviumnud tricophcr- j ou?. two varieties ol ‘dog water - in general use j nnd circulation Mr the hair - The commission ; is i:tstnxl with all the proper formalities, and the bond required by law is signe I by Win. II N'olnn and by Win - Ii. Jarvis us bondsmen.— But the .Secretary of State, CoMdmies, refuses to tile the bond, on it has pity the. following endorsement; ‘'Tliisappoiutmmt ih in violation of the t/'nnstitalion nnd 11 tore fore void.'— \. 1" .Vues. j From lltth:—Suit Lake dates to the 2d in?t. I liave been received at St. Louis 'The affair? ol the Territory were in a peace ful condilon and general prosperity prevailed. Kumora of the Utah expedition try the Gov ernment utlracted little attention. The emigrant trains worn prtignasing rapid ly. Gross was abundant ou Uro plains and the Indians were lriendly - Publio charges of official dishonesty were made against the .surveyor gcheVal of the Ter ritory. Several statements ol iii.s neaistants have lici'ri publishi:il, necuaing hhn ol reportin;.- qu.1 [Hickuting the money lor work never done; wilholding Hie pay of hia assialants and appro* printing it to himself; neglecting to marlcthe Jtttveyo, and thert reporting that the posts had been removed by the mormons, tviih oilier ser ions nii’drmeanoi - .. Ufdit i Culrl flier/ - *, Ftij — VV\ regret to learn ol the demise of thn gentleman, whi - -us known throughout the country iq connection with Gen. Welch nnd Gql. Mutitt, IhO'eminent eitrtM proprietors irnd matiageio of several zoological inalitutea. Tie wan above fill years ol age, and was distinguished for his social qualities He was a native ol Wuiwick, Franklin co. tl/.i*- - ? , tvliert* lie wah" loin Feb. •t, I'Jffl He ••ervc-l tn the last wot with Great Britain Since 18111 lie lias kept the Girnllc Hotel, at Jamuieti, l/)ng lalaud, (with tlie exception ol h w months) where ho (lied on • he Jli nl'., nnd was liurieti in the Fpisi opal t'etuetery It was Mr Weeks who went out to (,'apc Town, Africa to assist Mr. John Clayton in scettutig girattm mnl nlher animal* lor hi; monagirie ‘ Pint Spirit </ the PltlWI. No Allstaks*! WnoJinll "ml Co 'ii (t.moanl Htiggi**.* arelM Ml|u'rtur to any olhci ItuRttJf now in liar Ti) onr hiiJ you will never hut nny other Blyl.i nl UuttKy. 'They keep a hirtn eloi k ol thorn e. hand at Ihsir Itepoaitnry, tiriltio, Georgia lltly tt‘1 • wit Attention Democracy li mn loan'll E. Brown, thn Uemoorati. ,-.imltil.iie I’m Governor, amt I,. J. G*nTnn i, ill,' Demcicr.Git- earuliilnte lio (^ongrea: in rlit District, will address th" citizens ot I’ . ..iiiii), .it Ncwnan, on th* ‘JHHi iit;i Tlii x will ah.o adilresM thn penplo ol Oaiu.ll, nt Oarrollton, on the fftttli, and tin , iti/.ena ,,l Heard, at Franklin, on tint ffOlli i.el Hit tu lie a lull turn out, an tlie question lo I,, ilea us', ,1 ,ii, ■! great iinpiirtunr, tu (lie poopM. Ilttiltoail meeting in Hall. The (iliiensol tlall amt tlm adimir.g conn tie, arc respertfnlly inviliid to meet at Gainer - villi on fialuriltty the ‘•Itli day of August noil. lo cansiill iijiiut Itie or, j ty and advantage. - ul inking clock in the Georgia Air l.irte Itailroinl Alt Norrroc,. the i’rccidont of 111" llnilrnad ,n,I - Ihoi distiiiguislied are experlad t, l", |,rivenl an,I* die meeting < tome on.' cubic all!! j I uiy 28.IU5H .Uwt i i Domocralio Meeting. i Th Democrnfic party ol Fulton eouiily .,ii ti qit, utcil loasuemldc at the Gourlltouae, ! on tlm tirm Tuesday in August next, at lo I o’, lock, A. M., ibr tlm purpose ot nomina- | tmg candidate:: to represent tlie county in tlm I Senatorial and |{opiesienlativchranclies oftlm j next l.ogislature ot Georgia. Tlie sever.)! j Militia'District): are requested lo send up ihr* ; Delegates, each, to ilia Convention MANY DEMOCRATS ; Samuel Swan & Co., \ f 1. A NT A, ' . .GEOn(»IA. IZjOlNJSL^EISXIS. hul healers hi (told, Silva’, Uanlc IVu! • and Demist it Lichutogi'. If emu ml liXchangn on New 1^ork, New Oi It fin , tit. Knvamttth, nnti l>oii)U in ilie-I nited Htnlca. fhioorrent Hank Notes nnii »Spccie l ought nnd cold. ^’oilerlions mat!n every wlicic ami procecilH reniilled l*y •Siglit Draft on New Ymk »r New Orleans, day <»f payment, 3AMUSL b'.YAN. UI0» L. IDUV. Atlonln, July Ifi, 136? [ lUwlf •VVuodlamj i'liEAM*'—A Pomade for l»cauti tying iho Hair—highly |»oH'umed,uuiioriortonny French article imported, un i for half tlm price? For drcsftiiin i.adieu lluir il linn noc«|uul,giving ii a hiiv ht gl'^ny uj»| eurftnee. It rau«caGentle nmii H //air to curl m the mojt natural iiiannei 1( removes d ui'lnill, hIwivT-j giving <he Hair tlm mippurante o! I«ring lre?h tshampoiMtil. Frio -oily fifly ceii* • None genuine unlew oi^m vl rfil lHIHiE A CO , Pioprietoia«f the “Mnliu t»l ti Tht»u«46ud riowcre i*«» .i!ei>v nil PiuggUt.-. fuihdf)dwl»n> ftT It *er Men ilgia eoinj.l' inl.* <» i«m| then M n il woi united t dint Hlmum(Minin, Deal nets •lien aiul Still loin! * and olhe» •vhich we urn .ill .uhject have l*rel l)cOitKh -’ Clcctrif (!m any ritBe in u shorl - pat «»! (mm and ailh h»ui "f lilt ig* nl' 1 j noth* i rtJanin July Cl, 180/ ti lhne, eYp/nse. It car t *•. .,! a ,»» tu. ill 14 c--** lijpiu JlburrtiQruuids. ^Ilitb"/> oj Urjr^ia Rei tobn Hurry will !i_$ui: : ccrftU:,) ut Baltimore, Mil, on Suuday aext, the 2d AiQiist, ns Roman Catholic Bish op ol ifcorgis. Putk about Mnrriaty In tin: fit I.'.UIA Reeonlej’i t'ourl, recently, 1 McMsum tvaa ffoed $fi l. i stealiog wood from the ateunboat Hannibal, and was r„ kid by lu„ lionoi to I r K over: 'C c-rnu i do it, 1 inutlecuJ lie, uiu 1 r’at the pewter you: lionoi.' ^'Arc von a married mar., tnqttiri J Bib 1<* (•order* ‘N 1 n net exactly lur l ;iiiu., ut su ' ' Well, I will have to end you to tho work house, “aid the Recorder •'T*a*taiut nothin' t-t*to -go th-thcrc,' rail Allcck. ' l-I-l’iu used toil lial when you t Mailt about’m-m-mnrria(p: ohlh llow, you 1-f'li n‘t'ieiMt me! Ctt i’r J VV'oial tl.u renowned iliacoi i ri.t thu nvatuohl,' "itiui Rcatoralixo" otill nintinueato labat m l.f hall ,il the afflicted 111* inidnine; arc uniVfTeolly admitted hy the American press t" he *u[icri"i to all ntlifi»f.u catumg the l:air, i n tlie l ead J the aged, to grow lirtl. with a» inn h vigor nil.I luxuriance »• when 11. - . Iwuh tho advantages ol. youth Thcru can he no doubt, it wn place rcdil t. th ,innumerable tc»- lim-.nisle wl.tch the Dr.Ju. i .has in bia poa acsi'ii Hut il i ino of tli- 1 greatest ducovenr: in Ihe medical world, ft restores, pcrniai.cntly giay liaitlo its original color, arid makes tta3- inni a l>cfliihful .ilky u-itiirc which lias been very desirable m all age:-, ot tl,c tan,Id. It frr ipiildly hajqicq ; that old men unity l-oautifu ond nmiabie young ladle nrid not unfrequent- j ly crusty old muida make victinixof handenmc, 1 gnoj nstured young gentlemen, an.l liy what pri'i.’M it fii-. never hern determii" I until late, ly wheii it was attributed to the u*o "ftliis in- yalnabio Hair llcatoralivc,— Lntalle Iountal. Hold by all g-iml Druggists. July M, I HO i d.iwfi’w Itian nnd Sliui ts, AT m ATL ANTA MILLS. ORAN ten Ct .a) dl* iff rs thiity live cl* i ) fit i’fJTBH'! A I'D lulA 28, I8R7 dtl 10,000 Shares SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. ROAU STOCK! milt: t’KEHIUENT x. Dl It BUT GKx ol in. f Kiiutiiyrn Tariiu llail Road Company, havi vet apart Ten t housand Shares ol this Stuck to 1,0 offered, for.. limited period, to Iho citizen ol Georgia, amt Ihoso who dcaire to ettl.srribe niff do *o pouniptly. Five |air rant ia all that will eve. lie callej to. upon Ibis Stock, i:. the giant*from (tinSlat, of Toils, are held to bo aufli. ient to pay the "liier ninaly five per cent. Seventy miles ot tho Fowl hnva linen put under contract, with Me ear? John T. Giant \ Co, of this State whoae experience, ability, and rceourrcv, give ample asuuratici, ol the most rigorous and speedy construction of Iho Road The Rigid , Fran chises, nud Property of tins Company, are sc cursd, i-cyoml ail contingencies. 'Tho Iron for 27 mil. * of the Boa,I, has nl ready Imen delivered lit Tex a;, and th" Koad Bed is now uenly ready to teceive it A* (lit) Company luv no immediate uso for funds, 1 am authorized to lake good paper maturing at Savannah,Charleston, Mobile, New Oilcan, or New Vmk, until" Mot March, IB58, wilt interest and orthaiig, added The Stock may be ee r urn I oh application I > me at tin office ol W iliis in s, allies *\ 1 .'o., Atlanta, Georgia, wiicra printed*!.'barters, Reports, ond Statistics ran I- bad BOLl.INti BAKER, Agent for Sale of Southern Pacific Rail Road Stork ill the Stale of Grorgia Atlanta, Inly 2d, 186/ djivtt Corns of Block t'er lllli tic it known that i, ti,titled to Shares, of $100, each, in Hi. Capital Stock of the Southern Pacific Kail Roid Company, representing all tho rights, iu tcreats, privileges, lands, and other properly ol the Company, transferable only on the r style to i f" r - OaJTte H;.a#trf New Yc , ha? paid Dr. CkKKC Slow, fjr reedpt t« cure hydropho bia / ! KOUBIA, Fu/hytli county.-*-* Court of Ordinary, July 'term, lij&i,— Wliercia Jsmfa ltobcr»i. Guardian ot U r illiam Slmw, Sr., a lunatic, applies to mo lor Fetters of Uismiefion from str.l Guardianship, asi.l Hhsw lieing now dead. These are therefore, lo uteand admonish all parties inlereotod, whether kindred or creditors of raid William Shaw, a lunatic, to life their objections, it any they imvo, within the rims prescribed oy liw, why Fetters of Dismission •liould nor Iw granted Hit applicant at our Court of ('ordinary, to tie held in and for said county on the lirat Monday in September next. H U/1KKFK, Grdinus July Cth 1867 w40d the Company, by said nly on tlu* Book:, ot or his at torney, on the surrender of this Certificate. Gi each of these altarea, t- r > Invc been paid, and no further rail vr r:*rc.-T77itn(,c»r, or shall ho madr un the Stock represented I.y this Certificate in testimony whereof, the surd Company hsv-* caused ih ia Certificate to ho signed, Ac n" Intelligencer and American will copy j / v GAHKE CAhtVAbSBD ' HSHS m ‘"a \ 4toru and for sale on good t* July 27, 186 sole on good terms, by WILLIAMS, H1IF.A & CO dawiod Atlautu Stvaiu Allllq. W E will keep conatently on hand a large supply of GOOD FLOCK,also IlitAN and SHORTS Tho highest Gnshpnco pant for WHEAT at the Mills. It. PETERS 4 CU At!*ntli July 21)1467 u db»