Atlanta daily examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1854-1857, August 24, 1857, Image 2

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Dailn ifhamingL LOl’IlHANK. 15 v - — DOWSING & CO. J. H. sTBELE. I. \v. DOWSING. ATLANTA, GEO., MONDAY, AUGUST 21 1857 TERMS OF THE EX \MINKR. Daily, per annum in silvan ',■ 00 Weekly, “ •• - - *« 00 CiMI’lKO UjiIj E.vanuji'r, - - fl M Weekly. “ - - - 50 Advance puyinrnli are, required for sub scriptions. Direct letters t,, Editors Atlanta Examiner Democrat u* ,N ouiiuatlon*. below wm based, that waeffc listened to We have aiaohecn •dvi$(d4hatV»eh oC'tbe oiler ijtea' legal learn- sitting ..titrir jn-i.— 3L k. .i i- (iOVEK.N'OR. ron JOSEPH E. 11110 til CHEROKEE. ’ iugmtJetoqoeaW tion* ami view* To be plain, we tiiuk it i? high time that Buttons. a cheek be placed upon thee.' Colporteur Colonization Societies, whose emtoirie* nn.t agents have been perambulating the Southern Suttee for the past thirty years, ami intruding lhetmvlvit ami theii mist inflated dogpias on the p.oide. nttJ inakhte -eorer inquiry to n«- eel U,u by vvlnu tenure we hoid mu mu.,— If tile .tnarican Coii'nLzatian Society is SO pi iluuthronie dl s dkittms fur the welfare ol the colored p j.i. and arc so desirous to car ry out the .spirit of their Charter, w*suqgest t.. t...iu t' use thei' itVorts in Hiding the c unitry—particularly the North - of the herds of idle ami .lisso ute free negroes.nnd scu.l tk M oil to Liberia. utul there put them to lo^tr Mr at. honest livelihcad—ti they can. R*' 1 solemnly protest nptinst any flit*‘"' r tnr"r!<'r tic- with our slaves. The Hon. BrWrt Toomb« I uis distinguish’ 1 gentleman addressed the drmoo racy of-vtianta, on Friday night last, at our CD Hall. A large r.vuubor of our Anter> m ’ friends wore presort, ns were also pniibcr of tlio ladies ol this city. In fad, Hail was densely crowded and many wete 5?’ J 1 d tost nd outside, and inside the door ■' 1 j during tit" time that the eminent Georgia 1 Settat' d ~ wthern Mat. reman was lie Daily Morning ft'ncs.h Uentotrnllc Meetint It, F.t- U it git a 111 ■ - “-Tr tv.iHaa Anott-t id»t.-ji. )f,.<w». Kfii: ’■> It Is otiide III*'duty 1u transmit you a short -ketch "f a Demoi'Mit' 1 ' tneiting ltfliil in Springfield ui the 1Lirrc rtt: 1 it slant. Judge it. Ne'bl,at was edit'd t lf " and P Q. Stanton appointed ,, ”T a .i mptiUee ws* .ipp.'M l ‘*f 'I'D • '»» wait upon .ftioge ft r ,c.,s*nhd invifr b.ui to tit 11 v... :t Ttii'u* t tifidor .%r rir iirt.s Hr. ; milkraii- He v • in'icd 'e . in Mr Morgan Rawls. ; Th. .ladjje ,nr 'Siiuiy, lii libot .:vi\ ar.d tlunrOtft^y uOil i ts v,fj (qrpi.ii' 1 mi 1 impressed nil present that a geut, vvi*. and patriotic tnnn stood before t 1 etn If all eur public speak, t« would pursue the same cour-e he did the bad passions of our alio nature would not become so excited ahoni i - lilieal questions, and tielg'thrr tvPntrt t, he nrn.yr I against >, ighbor on ipicstl T lit tinnal policy. vvh d tf'.Tnccs of op tu> arc frequently onlirfircpd wi’li .quail tv i- j I he politico sites 1 / 11 some ol (la c yun bU/.i m lo | resent the pc. u , .nd no -t. .■ which they do. were ait he; tiy ni, wit rit of a true stut , X 1 low atd itiv.iii, a > t—1,0 loud ipiently 1 that ltd vociferous dei’latnation, FDR I 'ONGR Rl> . Second Mstrict —M.CRAWFORD Third ‘ r. J. BAILEY. I. J. GARTRALL. A. R. WRIGIIT. J As. JACKSON I IN. STEPHENS. A. H. STEPHEN'S. Fiourth Fifth Sixth .Setf’- ■ C' L rk/k spe, Cl Out IV' ft II sr.Air. i i:t.bufi sr., / •- Senator. JARED I. WHITAKER. lor Riprutnlalic. .JOHN G WEST MORE l \NT>. ee Third page for Late News. Death Qf Col- j'as. BrannoD. ■ Marietta Giorgian, I'hht gcntlemr.j says one of tlic oldffit and p: JiPj a: bis reside:" ' in The • Hop : :n-night HoUJe Due tertpt,, •OaJ bv the?- th? e 11b fnc-tals: f bear.tig fr - i -■ 'I our purp -*• to n port at length .hr « t Mr Tooralw Oar space, and other i t bid if. Stiflice t,, -ay tliat lie spoke out me I. >nr imd n hail, rapidly reviewing h--—-y ;,t rr, r -jr- and tie’ conn try. so far it n' to present political tones.— ' ' -re.I briefly 1 tla“ of ’lav, rv. •1 ti- 'u c-’ t'-tis tion at ti. formatio.u of ' t! Cp-.iti’-trrna itsci; -how fropj auti- 3 lnverv F‘.‘ re nI890. C ti, was betrayed into i Sl J ' that ui'.constitn*i -nal and unjust m-'-asar,- ,} p Mi ; - ur: t’rerrt: rot:,.*,' , .how in tlf passage of tl- rgiaizing trrritoriiil governments in N. •-- Mr . -ti ar.d Utah, aid in ib a sub9«p'.ent I • • a. 1 c; the Kansas-Nebraska bill, were II ted tint only the repeal of the Missottri C _ ; :i a ... but a t -.'ognition of the doctrine 1 1,'iatcreeutiou. a doclrice tor which tb • i south had so long in vain contended. Mr. roonbi not only said, on» demonstrated that 1 was to the National Democracy the So i s indebted for those measures of “de- j ' tad liberty''—that*while they who . " g that > T " d work, at the North, the ; A- tcan parly were oppasing it. and lhatj w j th? - v opposition which it mm with in the | Stab-. H-vciorel nMkl j-:j • ': j?. • ••= ■ Hosjr at Washington, from the I /s came fre.a members of the -Anrri-1 ft ■ per-' . So far os Georgia was concerned 1 / ; ~ ttnan'monjly a' one lime th r sc| nreas-rres w. - • ctlorseu by the American par ipoo 000 r rCr.-.r— n r.J anoihcr, j f> •' 1 nee foi ti y w - . ;': li'.?ed at another To the !rn-1 ^agrt 'ct.t.t. , “ \ tm rican” can- ' : Gprc.i 1, the speaker directed gome j “‘tuv - - a A - • tdi.-a. faking op liis p"-i'.iotn et.el h a down Uattimr . showed h. be, I-c 6 '■ cr crizcus Men t-'.v :e TTr. impress the eultivut J and tLinkii; th" cause licit e advocated. los**, cnim «H I'*' 1 juigi.i; v’lll 111 V" 1 I. He sh .:; j, 1 re -:U ... the :s.. .... puliti,.. topic which ir* vet mu, u v pi... ut ar.d , vv.ui rent i-eli;; pel',,-;: l',l|ire>i. 1|< ll|,- ti,,ire Imd truth to • ; slit’ii them inRt his equ lit t ! ’ it,.' so III, at J )• -: • • ' ")2bt forth trill h V. ;, : A . .ained tl,c u t c’ : lttdicn her , . ,'*ja:* party wore ripen reemr-i q.!« n--r,|. ,; r ,( «i’hrmt the ecratloi,. \: >r:f of tl • rn vv-nre r.fl'-r.'e, of iiir: !' itrli , I,■- ?« r. gen* pal,:; - . • Tl fd Iren him , t=. they d' l it ‘ Id‘ R U .1 diene) ■ ■... ol; men, u"ou g tl fi.iiit of privot without Jeurcwit e mutual friv’U- ma li 1 v friends 11 ECiughum.v stuntreiliy n-rj- mb:: him in Oc'id i- 'intt of | |) . • r " in- j „ '■ bn* vrebj Wu • uur I iCorreanodence »f the Cltwloston Mur- 9f, cury. W v-BtN,il.)N, .’.UgUSt 1- V„;rnr apprised .! lb.- luet.lbnl the t'pnu- tjor, •' hum a-t Hit th dOlie ocean tele graph wns .-rrfltnn nend ;,t Valf-hcm liav on the 3d install', It is the opini-m of the agent of the Ansdelilted piy-< for thi; city, that, uodi - asteroccurring, theivnticetion vvitli Newfound- j (and will bo periectcil by Sunday As soon ns j it |hali be mode, tidings from. Europe will tie ('UhimunloaK,1 t v every point acreesibh' 'by 1 '.el.gnip'h i.i the United -States. ‘It i-, a leniful umlertnking and may fail,’ said n i’.' idlcnmn to Mr. Peter Cooper, in New Yu;!;, a .-hurt tints a:o -U shall not fail,' s.u'i Mr (,'ooper. I w ill expend three millions lots i' laying the cubic three time’ before 1 full. I he telegraph must be universal 1 -etijcct to no pnitial influenets U'emnst re a,, it In thin country.’ i : . hottld ai d there will be reform. The A11, an Company, which now controls mat - 1 •„ 1I1 word from Itoston, and is acquiring , ■! .I southward from limt point to New \ 1. will soon extend ils influeuctti still fur— The public . an lie bette r served I.. 1 .:- been, and tin re i- little room lo ,!■ n 't that 1. wul soou b - <■, ordered. M: Hugh,'' improved leligraplt machines jure nv being th r.ughly tested lie is in S w Yotk didiyent in hEokperimenls lhro> 1 this irstrumentuiity the y cd and i.conomyof the li : i, v.-i will bt- greatly enhanced. ' 1 Itud on •! the U. S. steam frigate N i..gar. . -t, bis :ominnnii-ntiiui to the Navy t . 11 t' ■ • 1 -1 remark < that it • 1 -• eoiuci,let.i'f, us Coinin' a ;vide,1 at x odly rnm- ;cnt, at-1 all ’uexag- d.all spoke h’r-.ui ar.d a Iinp“ ,inAt oriil <11 the 3d day cf August, just ur .. ■ ■ 1 !„• tv. ii. id laving this ... :,l 'ne c innieneed from the -lioics of ! u itia ,iav ..ptulu lJuilatu' pkasunt privilege mi - u board his frigate, iu compliance Mjitt- ■ of th ■ French Minister at Lon- uiiciiied ihiough Mr. Dallas’, Mr. . . Hydrographic engineer of th' - 1 V vy.whn will witness the process of the TI Pi t:cm , P IStli judgme n hip. Hi i F- It 01 in? spirit and inteli honor ir. the Gulu rt at. Singular and ExframiUuary |-ho r«se. tl.: the whole way. I all the Secretaries are V, tu-l ... ou, and are: nil wei! and free ii'..rru sme; t, except in the’ -tree of the r t. • •., wht • step-800, a young m grow a, li, s dangerously ill. ')■. lieved in tbi« city that there 13 more 0: p'attsibility than of reality in the reported i- cl silhiii in NAin-agun. Captain Canty, ' j ti • new Mil.: ■ Mu Costa Rica, though in ‘ aM New York ...i dayt ago, has not yet reae-h- trtra on v Inch Nieata- I gua is • ■ ■..\ arranged with Costa Rica j ere: lire; 1.1'or 1 ban she could have had a tint- ago. lt;s. -her tore, doubted that «: ; i.-ungtmc-rit ba< bu-it made with her own re bis be so t either the L’uilid Siuieanor Eugiand will cuter into he air u: i 1'. Asulkv. Spctia) NolicED. Judge Htown's upiioiutiuonti,. .Iiidgl: Brown will address his I'cllow-cili- reniMH Marietta, on Monday, 31, August Hamilton, Harris Co. Tuesday, 1, Ntvpt. Colimtbus, Wednesdayhiitglii, “ '1'albotton, Thursday, 3, “ Zcbulon, Pike Co., Saturday, j, •• The Hon. I), li. Hill wi'l please considej the appointments as mutual, and will be al lowed to discuss on equal terms if he will attend. The Hon. L J. Unrtrell wilt attend Judge Brown's appointment at Marietta: and the Hon. David J. Bailey the nppointmet at Hamilton. Talbotion anti Z"bnlon. These gentlemen will also, at the plnee* named, ad dress their follow-cituens. A ugttst 21, 1857. ./ valuable Medicine.—During the present week, tio hss thnn six of one friends, who have been induced to try /’rofessor DeGrath's Elec trie Oii lor rheumatism, in eonseiiuencuol' hav ing-seen this preparation advertised in our columns, have called upon us to state the result ot their experiments. Hhese persons assure us tliat their rheumatic pains have been entirely cured by u lew applications of DeGrath’s ‘Rlcetric 1 HI/ nml they reeommend its use to nil who at,* afflicted with any of the diseases which it is designed to cure.—I’rov Advertis er—it can be had of the agents here. See advertisement in another column. A g. 23. Ib.'iV da-wlm Col.t him G.v.. Aug. 21, 1(557. iUiscdlrtncons. I UniiuUll-lltor> Sale.—AjraeaMy 2\.to an uider Itom th* Gourt of Ordiuary ul DeKallicoun'yAJi'orKia, will be sold befoie the Court House Door in Decatur, on the first Tii 'silty in Oftol>er nett, within the legal hours of sale, one I,ot of I.and eontaining S08f an s, No. , in the ICth district of original ly Henry now DeKalb county, ope and a hall miles South of Lithonia, with about 35 acres of land in cultivation, ami the remainder wood land very well timhered. lie hundred and thiriy-five acres ot 1.01 No. 07, in the 15th district of originally Henry now DeKalb county, near Jno. W. Stew ards, about seven miles south cf Decatur. Any I'l rrnu desiring to purchase would do well to examine I bo above described Ian,)*. Sold ns the property of Joseph E. Bishop, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ii I deceased. Terms of sale made kttowu on tile day ol sale. JAMES H. BORN. > ,, , WM. H. BRASWELL, $ AJl " r »- August 15, 1857. wtds .of di.-eovery to our J Mr. S, J. Sli.v, KI.KFokH, only Agent Jar lie Ante ij'l/n Hurt ha Oil, Atlanta, da. Dear Sir: I received your letter informing me ul Mr. Alexander, a Druggist in At lanta, h iving the Eureka Oil for Kale. My Dear Kir, it is one of the strongest evidences in the world that the Eureka Oil is the mosl superior inediein,: now in use, when the druggists, seeing the high character the gen uine article has obtained from its own merit to oiler;, nostrum, asl assure you Mi. Alex ander's 1 . fur sale. I assure you, s.r, that Mr. Alexander never did have any to sell nor could lie prepare it should i give him tho oils. I will lay the ease before the com pany, and pledge myself to do with him the company may think best. G. K. CROFT \ CO. ig. 02. ' dOt Western Freights, I j w : this \dd . - I wa*, aud how igoonud he was.. I * - e J with questions about|? |V , "..I '--Mm to ioslrurt the Jjeo-h'' 0 ’' Keb.-rnug to attacks made upoo hnnittf; I * power t' • appropriating alternate sections j L- ‘ : t tfct ; nbl'.c lauds to Sum.a fur railroad pur- j tvmbu!; ■ ut 1 ■ reu by Mr. Ik"’ : -.’bogs, e■ t abatractiog! ceivcl a T • ; -red- try. it wax ad* Igtttd hs • i t M ruJliooa. t) i,od brs-nabargcl too. I r> ret 3 7 - ! ’’ • ."0/ bv t.,-. gran’ to Miooeso* 1 Aw, '•-it tried withe it 1 so fun ■ foot 1 land lid b a ini ■ 1 ufc Issan^t nml Rolibeiy. i-is url that .Mr .lacksoa Clark, of w. met y two men, 0:1 Tuesday nf* u f miles from Hamburg on the . vl ’ very approached 1 in, nd while iu the act ■ * 0, they 1 w * y rv 'Oil* 1 : uj;. Bfinj cu.ihlv - ■ I Mr. Uiurk. and after ch'okinj man w M r S f. et ; h' ut i i„ tying and gapping him; JUid : * a . , trrying bin; t -.itort distance in the woods r t ■ ; • und left bint. We learn .. t : a' lr. Clark uad in hi; poaseaeion about one ' J tbo; . ! ! - v hieh be was carrying to bis about 0, mile from where he ig Conslltutionaliit, .lug. FROM tiT. I.OITS, EOriSVIELE, CIN cinnati, and ether Western Cities to Atlanta via Memphis, Tuscttmbin. and Nashville, at THROUGH RATES, over the Memphis, Nashville, and We.vrn A Atlantie Railroad. E. B. WALKER, Master of Transportation. W & A. R.R. August ttJ, 1857 dim Samuel Swan & Co., ATLANTA GEORGIA. BAXKHRS. •h\d Dealers in Gold, Silver, Bank .V,.’ and IhmeUie Exchange. Demand Exchange on Now York, New Or- leans, St. Louis, Savannah, Charleston, and at! points in the United States. Uncurrent Bank Notes and Specie bought and sold. Collections madixp everywhere ami proceeds remiUed by Sight Draft on New York or New Orleans, on lay of payment. SAMUEL SWAN 0*0. r. IDDV. Atlanta, July 15, 185/ dawtf id. pre *.t h • 1 lent pebpt, our frier in preferw other p.aee i her. take reight, thou •HOP'A 1 HE id: v:i. //«■ . (rei venmg last, stilu.iona'.i: Co.—Mrs Irby it ol Irby Hndson, I, a fatal accident We learn, says the ilia’, the wu 1 riding ' a relative when her horse threw Lr, and from the ml kicks received from the : .l in a few intnutc*;. This 1 a deep gloom among the •it i v-i of the decv.ued ‘hscbild h 1 l- u ti'-elecfed .no of the memberj for the The Snpreme Coart .PORT ANT DECIKIOA I. Ken Auer no a -iug whieu n of- ’« a«t The n a' least the ■2. true hearted Nor tv da l ovi'iUiK' n tn in . id m : OI.ON l?..YTK>' ■I Stale Se# ivlniid (utmn. bt to, i v from ilic '.vuuLii.» (j 1 ,,d . without opposition. He rc- ra of tb. south. b ,1 ! n ti. - Hum" nf Lords rejected tbo eoted; in Ten- , A'aiiaUiu, iu of t. i. '... s icicles H- duhuu rj'Uut ■1 1 . b.ii to qivj thcelectors an oppor- t.ucjtv to ri cnril ti.' ir judgment another time. inglorious fate po-r. Olr . p , Zi , l i;'-: the fifth time that theelectora of the city would soon he ken uvtay. For erren . ,1. ,' ■ n Baron Rothschild as continue t hi: c.iod, ion, . ; t ;.v and four times bus the Mouse i'OOtnb. ;,e Ware arek- h:i.c .after^iuff.riog a ; ■ . of pain ■ hit’, rn, lire, in . the parlia- xpp.uusea of the 0, tb gh d .• ii no ■ to cn tble the Huron and ed a ma-Urly ->|>okc. 1 iu;re of his eye. on th oppore.’- ■ • V. re Le 1 • . in i', "1 he Jewish persuasion to sit V u the House of C'.inmons !''gKlntor'.. p.'virtrd to— ling lpj/ irng. b Went to Ft -h," (1r.1l • j ,rl . w j r np in . ;.imm i. v v. .■ dp-", found I-.- i’i • in,’ vl ornament to the‘human m-D men Un:k, to*; [> > ul <>i (• Glad ' /IrU'Di g. ! al .1- form I vine, re urque,tj, nably a fine, luxuri- lUiilty Iravc.voi ii ,nt, b.-a.’ .y growth cf hair. It hut been so 1 earl. hii-J at f-r fo t, )«• ti year ■ 1., ;■ —innr - •, .all ages of 1 be world und among e *ni* iig- utent The iri&e, i : quality. Tree 5r«- b ill R p ■ p,ar.t It V Aug • 'ti - 2l«t init. ■■ Sea l«!and t/otton . by Mcre-r«. Tiaoa A 'ion r,f Mr A Gib’on, re rec.-ive,) too late to ; m H&;,ii,iiab la t . >r We IU po ll to be ss. Dr. short ' have j wni- S - C e*ut-: on the r >!. Erakine, id fKjwerfui dved in the iftht Court 80.1'he first time that Jerrold met with Dtbbin the latter said to him, ‘Y'oungster, -v. v . mflieient eonfidenec in me to lend agi-i .i-a 1 ' -Oh, ye»,’ said the author *k eyed Susan, ‘I have all the eonfi- d-i* 1 ' 1 '. '*ut I havn't the guinea.' S0.A new Roman catholic paper, railed the I ablet, has been starw-d at N't w York. p«r<baai IU tie;;,,,. Jny. .- M believ ’d, excepting by an ey- .Smith, we understand, propose* time to t.perute for us expm iot oftnl htivtd i,[p.r,s an’ n-edi'u lowed, and in afrer y,:,vr.j making ii.. appear- j mice in d,S rent part* of the body, i, ■ that the blade of 0 dirk b-tbre,. and four! ineh'.s it fec.'th. should ton. irav, 1 and ( througa »jolu> a Dial, forms ua interesting sub- jec< for tl« niry ,n m writ as tb njitnon mind toy' \ farmer was onep naked ■ mfer- < nee he could draw from a text in J 5 *,\ 1! the wild Msses snuffed by it.c wind.' ‘Well,' he replied, ‘the only inferenc- li.,*i I ran craw is that it would be 11 long tune before they would grow fat upon it. u-:i 1 • ioire > iv.ige. und Hence, the It.... rav •• g.;rds tl," scalp of his enemy as For a 'er reason,th fa 0." d belie die-urei-s the tegion of vanity M A-’In ihrenologic?! organs with borrowud locks. II -!mii!d di -cover u inode ol prevent ini; the hair from showing the inroad of envi» eu I'irneby lining prematurely gray,n tit ! hv which ■ >uld be re-tored when falling nr i ; tviiit ■. and a way ol promoting its eontim ,1 n- I Itixnriant growth, would be *'Iy entitled to rank among the benefactor)) of the human rn K-ad the testimonials 0not; r coin an f :l,o won Jerful, not to any aim'"- 1:1 rn, L ius effects of'Frofcasor Wo .d’s Hair Restorative,' and see if he has no. aecou- ji.tslied ait this.—Capital City Fact. Sold »j nil respectable Druggists. Auguit 22, IStyr dkw2w N'ctit dbocvtifiincitts. To the afflicted. I HAVE ON HAND a good bupj>l> of the junly celebrated i;i!i ' haOi! 1 and thouo fflictud cau he accommodated v/ ;, h any ijuan* my, at any time. Ue tsun> to call ou me, bo cause you cannot got it trom any one el«c in the county or city. •S. J. ttVIdCKELFOKl), aug. 23. d I w Hole Agent EXECUTOR’S SALE. F Y nrJi’r of i he Court of Ordinary, and in _ accordance with the will of Arnold Milner, decenacil, will be sold In-lure the Courthouse door in the town of Cassvillc, Casa county, G«,, on the 1st Tuesday in October next: A Tract of Land, lying on Etowah River, within one mile of Cnrteravillo, containing 5)00 ACRES, more or less, and ceriamly one of the moat productive and nisiR.VHi.x Plantations in ClierokeeGcor- giil, about 350 acres of which is in 1 high slate of cultivation, with all necessary improve ments. AJ.80, Town Lot in Cartcrsville, No. not Collected—a>n which i„ a commodious Store ■ louse, now-occupied by Messrs. Stephens. ALSO, Town Lot in Cnssvillo, No. not re- cull,etc !, which is vacant, and lies adjoining the lot in said town owned by J.M. Patton, Esq. on the North, containing one linlf acre, more ur less. ALSO,SO acres of Land in Oothcaloga Vnll»y, lying on Oothcaloga Creek, and within one half mile of Adairsvilie, very fertile and in a high state of oultivnpnn. 'Esi>, two and a halt sliai-ctre valui'il at SlOO each—in the Brick Hotel iu the t 'Vvri of Adairsvilie. Terms on day of sale, hut will be easy. WILLIAM MILNER, aug- 1 J,—vv-tds Executor. $150 REWARD, M.i.iiR'a Opfick, ) Atlanta, .June 30,1857. j t RE WARD of JfllSO will ho given to any JA perann who will apprehend and safely de liver to die slit riff of Fulton rounly, William M Witcher, who is charged with having killed his father, 1). H. Witcher, in this city, on theSSth insl. WILLIAM E7-ZAIII), Mayor. DESCRIPTION. William M. Witcher is nhoutI8 years of age, five fee: six inches high, weighing about 150 hs., broad n'v ublers, sandy hair inclined to red ti night ami long, face broad and alightly sreckled. He had en when he escaped, a blue trloth coat, light colored casimere pants and black gaiter shoes. July 2,1867 dawli J: & J. LViNCH. Comer Alabama and White Hall-street* Atlanta, Qa. WHOLESALE and Hotail Deal- ers in Now Orleana Sugar, Cof fee, Syrup and Provision* gen erally which woolhiron the mos- reason ablo terms. Wo keep constantly on hand n general stock of Liquors, Wines and Cordials, by Wholesale. Being in daily receipt of Goods from first hands we are enabled to sell at ns small profits as any house in the cities of Augusta, Savannah or Charleston (the freight only added.) We shall taku advantage of the Ohio, Cumberland and Al abama rivers on first raise and keep a Largo Stock of New Orleans and Cincinnati Goods, chasprr than they can be bought in tho markets above mentioned. J. & J LYNCH, ect. t b,n33-t 8, B. u.amt'll. PEALKUS IN Egyptian and American FATUARY OSS; ALEX. CAMPBELL. (IASs V. BHK1TERD. CAMPBELL & CO-. | Receiving Forwarding and General QOMMISSION MERCHANTS, 67 to ,2 Front a id 71) to 75 Commerce Street, MOBILE, ALA. Auf 18, ‘57 wl y A (tmlnfstratoi'N Sale.—By virtue tA of an order issued by the Court of Ordina ry ,.f Forsyth County, Ga., on tho first Monday in August instant, will be sold at Cumming, in sui t county, on the first Tuesday in October next, within the legal hours of sale, One slave—to-wit: otu Negro Woman, a- bout 60 years of age ; one Lot of Land, No 670, in the 1 llh District and 1st Section, Forsyth county, containing 10 acres, more or less, im proved. rSoltl ns the property of Henry Ed wards, late nf said county, deceased, and sold for the benefit of the heire qf said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. WILLIAM FINCHER, aug 10—wills Adrainistratot WASHINGTON HOUSE, Cliesnut st. above Seventh st. PHILADELPHIA I K central, in the immediate vicinity of th, most important Public Institutions, the best arid most fashionable places of business, and the attractive Public Squares of the City- In the important requisites of light and ventilation, two principal objects aimed at in the recent enlnrge- mentnnd thorough improvement of this House, ii is not exceeded, perhaps, by any establish ment in America. To strangers, therefore, its position is peculiarly desirable. Tho subscri her returns thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal patronage they have extended i„ hirn, and assures thorn that he will endeavor to merit a continusnee of their favors, A. F GI.A8N Aug HI, 1857 ,12w 20 JUST' KECKIVEl). BBL80 e( New Mackerel. W. W. ROARK. And Earl Tennessee Marble Jhr. ■jkiTONUMENTS, Tombs, Urns, and Vanes, Marble Mantels and Furnishing -Marble. UT All orders promptly filled. Atlanta, (is. feb 24 dly fftisiLt: .LVD rEMoffiji S au,. To the Citizens of Atlanta. THANKFUL to my friends 0 Atlanta lor their liberal patronage fur tne past session, I would respect fully solicit an increased patronage for the next session, which will com mence cn Monday, July 20th, 1867. Out Rooms 11 - large und airy, protected by a piazza fifty feet long, from tho sun. Every attention possible vill lie paid to tile manners and mors sis of eeory pupil committed to my care; and a thorough and practical education imparted.— A rigi d but parental discipline will be enforced. No one need apply for admission for their children into this school who do not wish their children governed. tv. KOGERK * Principal. R. II. .A JAK. E. ROGERS Assistants. MRS. E. vi. R. & MISS L.M. KOU- E KS, Assistants Female Department Terms per Session of Twenty Weeks, Reading and Spelling $8 00 Arithmetic, Geography, History and Gram mar 10 00 Philosophy, Chemistry, Algebra, Geome try, Latm and Greek.... 16 08 n<'idental Expenses , 36 pdpTu ition payable quarterly. Atlanta, July ID, 1857 d3m / 1 KORGIA. Fulton County.-Two months alter date, application will hs msde to tbo Court ofOrdinaryof said county, for leave to sell the House and Lot, on Alabama street, atvly occupied by Michael MeShert'ory, deceas ed, nnd now occupied by John Gsvsn, fronting on Alabama street, fifty-two and a half feet, and running back fifty feet, known aa Lots Nos’ 3 and 4. in Meek 3, in plan of the city of Atlanta and on I.and Lot 77, in fourteenth Diatrigt of originally Henry now Fulton county. Also, two Lots in said city, known as the South half of city Lot, 33, and Land Lot 83, fourteenth District of originally Henry new Futon county, containing two aerra more or less. Also, one city Lot in said oitj, known as psrt of Lot 84, bring the North-east one-fourth of half an acre running back from the Msoot>4 Western Kail Road two hundred and two feet fronting said Rail Road twenty-six feet on the East, adjoining Tiller, Tanner and others, con- taming one eighthef an sere more or less; said property belonging to the estate of Daniel Me Sheflroy, late of said county deceased, and to bo sold for tho purpose of division among (he legatees JOHN LYNCH, Executor, u Juns 671,