Atlanta daily examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1854-1857, August 27, 1857, Image 4

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cans. medicines, £c, medicines, &c. medicines, $ r c. (E»'TU*H ol the J Company, have trl of this Stork *1 to the citizen* ares EUREKA OIL, ' R RAilt ’The Greatest Discovery of the Atre. J ", nUAD, From the Columbus Sun! Iv I _ wonderful rures that are being afWteJ by iu use It haa t>een triad in caws o(the most vio- Ifm rholir, on oore breasts, crarkeJ nipples. let- I are, eruptions of the skin, ulcers, sore legs, ul cerated sore* of long standing, sprains and bruis- m ”■ i" evert instance where we have hoard of its ire to subscribe | ^'ng used, it haa proved to be a sure and apeedy 1 remedy. To its former high character, is now li ever be called \ iK* 1 «t the destroyer of the bo! mthat vtl- thvni the State i animal, the horse Who would be with ... ., 'out so good a Samaritan tor the ailments of tv imies of j m * l: •"** i*'**'' * s Eu»*k» Oil. It can bo 111-art with ***^ ‘ n **•* *' '*** ’•‘"'e °f A ' Ayer, and this Stste I V ***** J,u * ,lr "* of Oanforth. Nagel St Co. It • es r i T » I •* adiscavery ofaouthern origin, and ia tranu 1 sioi.l» i f* ckir * J nnd sold at wholesale by 0. W. Croalt i.eii hW * Cu \ »' »*>«* vi'.v cf Atlanta, (la. Read the I ,, loose Woodman’s Cherry Expectorant It Ik’ It real Remedy If hick is Inking the place ,,/ 0 / Other, I N a country where multitude-., are annually carried oil bv pulmonary il'Mcases, it is scarce ly necessary to enlarge upon the merits ol REMEDY, which, if taken in time, will assure ejly prevent the sa.l eunseqn/nces loo often arising from COUGHS. COLDS AND INFLUENZA, . ., . and the various TRACIIIAI. AND URON- j a * “ '("’‘•"k' . “ nc 1 ... mn - CHIAI. after lions that become, when led I porlecte I by h lha . x da ....• the PRECURSORS 1>F niNSIIMl'TIDX , " n B umo expectations, I ha no qual in . vn dp m* A Til * preserving, restoring anil bfnutilymg tin* 11 air; »i*a. o . *’ • . • i * ■ criiilicutinir Scurf ami f Dumliull; prvvonting l*h«* Balaam quiets the most violent cough in ' ,, K , #* .. M > ■ . . , ; , , , . . Baldness anil t»rry Hair!* ruling diseases ol the uourse of a lew hours, enabling tli«* patient . J • »* t ■> . , „ i i , . * * ,* aftar 'the Skin, CSIamls and MucvIh, Hruises, Cuts, whumav have been kepi awake night alter * . ■ , , , . , r ..Lvoomoi fipratna, Stings v»» mauds, IrUation aiul Swel ling caused by poisonous plants, Erysipelm Clewi’ the 'I’ruck for Uir GEORGIA ALCAHEST! Urn. T & X. I, fiallawuy, U A VR invented a medirateil compound lor the cure of all diseases ol the Skill and llnir, which they honor with the nnini-ol the C1E0IU1IA Ald'AHEHT! A menslrum long sou gilt lor, and never obtain* ed until now. It is a remedy of the South, and we ask of the South a fair lrial ol its virtues «nd efli'eta ou all the diseases we c/ainiforit— k brings us tidings of KNJtn t'Al.M AND REFRESHING - as al- load following note addreaeed to ua yesterday : t ouiuMa, (li^ July **, I8f>7. I think it my duty to inform the public thro’ your valuable paper, of a moat remarkable cure whioh was effected on a hone of Mrs. King’s, which was taken in Broad street, and pronoun- ced by knowing ones to be hopelessly stfectrd with the Bolls. I administered Eureka oil, and in a vciv short time the horse was entirely re- leived, to the astonisbmotit of a crowd of spec- 'stors, merchants, countrymen and others, who td been attracted to the spot by the agonies of J animal. By giving this a place in your cul ms, you will confer a great favor on man and St CHARLES V, SMITH. i the cough—relieves the tightness of the chest-and rapidly mitigates all the symp toms attendant upon an IRRITABLE CON - DITION OF THE OUOANS OF RESPIRA- TION. Asa lamily medicine, it has already acquired a high reputation in the west, and ought to oc cupy a place in every farmer’s and planter's medicine chest. The following original teller was handed to us for publication; a remedy which can elicit such encomiums, must be a good one: C1alvb8Ton, Tkxas, April 2S, 1866. Da. O. (). Woodman', New Orleans; My Hear Sir.-—In justice to you and a duty l owe to a sutferiug, and, t may say, a world ol j 11 , coughing poople, I sl«le what your invaluable 1111 Ring-worms, Scald end, InllainedSkin, Prick ly heat. Pimples, Scrofula, Tellers ill all siages Salt Rheum, Sore Throat, Shingles, Rough Hands, or Nervous Headache, Chair ed Skin, Chilblaisn, nnd all external inflamma tions. We will give a few vouchers to what it has done, and trust the Alcahest to herald its ovvr. fame when used. Monroe, Walton county, (leorgia. Alabama, Randolph County, ) Jan. 10th, I8, r i7. i Dus. f. A N. L. (1 At.bAwav: As you toques ted me to state what time inv J/air began to fall off, I lake pleasure in saying to you thntin, 18b 2, my Hair began to look dead, and lull off the surface of my head became an entire si urf all my Hair dropped off by the time I saw The one bottle you sent Alillcled Rend: :ho room, 1 found her sitting in a chair j lcsidcJ most tho u„ ;u lor the last sixteen T " r *'‘ orc 1 1,11 " 00 '‘ ■>« gl»i*d» of her neck so much swollen vea(Si | took a soveru , ok |, „hitsettled on my I '’ v: ‘ ” r ’’ " lo " B ’ , llamed, that she could not turn her head ; j ung8i and was con ft n cd to my bed, and dosed H.’ 1 :li ,ls l "’“ u; " ul h and , nght or loft, to speak so as to be heard : alu) b/istered by doctors tor several weeks, hut - l’" 8011 ,llM ' ' l ‘ , ’ l,ls the room. 1 Drcrailed with her to trv Eu' a n i..„. - i . Jtlcd. It has been over 18 nun I all without efie IAN E CAKtsON. Cough Remedy—your CHERRY EXPEC- yoD ln , , , . e ,, , . I rnRANT-hai tionc for me, when all other «•-• »■» "We at my stsU-rs, (Mr. McLurley a v s I led to see a Lady from Alabama, who reinci | il>s havn failc J give an. relict. In the I V'!!"/!!™, l ' U "', 0> “ , , hc , bCurl ,-omc to Atlanta on a visit. \\ hen I ett-' faU of mlif | iving l, ou js, where 1 have ‘' aI ‘ lli ' u< ' ? ll , lt l ‘ '^appeared, tuc second the room, I found her silling m a chair lc#iJcJ most lh e time tor the last sixteen n ' ld “ '.eorgm my Hair — sumi* 1 nr d inchos long, ami is this iluy as ' more soli and ! it thinks il h n . | l . , j , : JUCU. u Jins m en u>cr i r * niOlUh-S HlUCO the anally got on my legs again, hut not cured of. .... , , , ...... my hvrd coughing, and ruttlin , ' t-.ckling iu f, 0tllt ' ,r , A rah ’' 8 f avc " u ' ll “ w f l . »! al “ my throat, which continued • vsinUy l .r thc '‘»!l'cled w°uld gave ,t a, as I had tned J .. . . . • .. , nuiny remediesoel'jrc.lrtijiieminent pliysician more than aix montl's,alwa)fiItvJ / the I .. J ■ . 1 .s . winter. My friends insisted I usd coughed enough to kid a doien common mon, and that I must lie in the last stage of (.ai'*&■’<ptitin. I made up my mind that 1 KH’g'i my life away. 1 left tit. Louis ia E«c,viil»ar last, to I travel and spend the win to'js tiouth.— ady iu this city who was awfully atllictod j When, I called al your store t kshurg. you .iflammatory Rheumatism from the bottom will recollect, I was coughing ss Uard I could left foot up thc same limb, side, both shout- nut make my business known. You said you and down the arm to the ends ol her tin- would cure ray cough. As you gave mo a but- Could not walk, but lay in bed tormented lie of your CHERRY EXPECTORANT. I the most excruciating pain, day and nigh*.' thought 1 would not slight you and your tncdi- commemled her to try the Eureka Oil. tihe cine so much as not to try il; and it; thanklul- -adily agreed to doso. and commenced rubbing ness shall I ever remember the day I did so In t on the surface three or four times a daygtsnd ; hut a fjw days, -t began to allay and d-mi-.i h in about live days she was entirely relieved of; nty cough and tickling in my throat, and he- the room- I prevailed with her to try Eu Til. She consented, and commenced by g it well on the throat, and gargling fre- r, and to gay great astonisbmant, in three ’.e | iron ou need herted effectually cured, * for Alabama with a good supply of thc Atebralcd Buraks Oil. Bold only by a J. SHACKLEFORD, Bole Ag't. Try 11, Everybody l Georgia, Walton County. We, wnuse ikhiics arc undersigned, do certi fy that we were witnesses to the above case, that it is true as Miss Carson has stated, when .ho left here her Hat: was as beaiitilul and lull covering the whole head as before tleci .e,etl,and resembled silk velvet OVERTON (5. McCARTY. WAR II McCARTY. sii.As it \y, PHENNTA// RAY. itiedicinw, &c. Dr. MoLANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE mvbr'pillb. Two of the beat Preparation* ofthaAgc. T hey are not recom mended as Universal Cure-alls, but simply for what their name pur ports. The Vbrmifuge, for expelling Worms from the human system, has also been administered with the most satisfactory results to various animals subject to Worms. The Liver Pills, for the cure of Liver Com plain^, all Bilious De rangements, Sick Head ache, &c. Purchasers will please be particular to ask for Dr. C. McLane’s Cele brated Vermifuge and Livfr Pills, prepared by ^ Inflammation ami paiu. I waa an avc vvitm .-a to- i of the wonderful eflecte of thia oil, and jllirm client the above n be subatantially true arming ft. J SHACKLEFORD, Agent. Augu.l II, 1857 dtf ,.hel» of Cor i; gutendla. , they will aell 10 N*. •a held hand.. lea level; and ie within 12 mile, on tiptinga, whete the Girard A Mobile fore I had used more thin three fourths of the conteuts of that bottle, I was entirely cured, and for weeks I did not even raise a cough, tLoug! exposed day ami night, in all weathers, in tra- i velitig. However, in March, while traveling t IT IN NOT A DVE. PRESIDENT J. H. EATON, L. L. D. Union Unirertiily, Murfreetborv, Tennessee, Bays : •'Notwsthsumhng thc irregular use of Mrs. 3. A Allen’s World's Hair Restorer. Ac., .,1 Ros'd, wik" maVcwmonthV.ron'' 'rhe'und i the f allin S °Jf °f kair eeateti.and mu grep lock* is tresh. and the location is as healthy, aa any ! were n,tored lo ,he> rorgimU color. (if »rgi», (iwinrn it ('oimty Pr> T. A* \ I . iiallawny: M\ dftughtf Mary I’h/al-i th ua- allackod with 'Petter i»n h<*r head, I applied t.» d t*r 1 eminent phyni- ciann. eat h application only served to apgri Tate it, she was a > atllictcd that she was com- pellet! to sleep on her lace. Her Hair had North Carolina, I took u fevere cold, aiitfuiy | nearly ail fallen "If The one bottle ol your coughing commenced agnm, jnd cL. the tiek- Ueorgii Mealiest that I paid rf* l t-»r, made u ling in my throat, at inter vain; < foreni) j complete cure,'and her Hair instantly eoinmen- arrmng in New Orleans, »»n ’ Id .nsf., on j ce d a Irish growth, and as soon ns natures laws some night, my couglwng t . jimence i would admit, she had a tine head ol hair and WIM )/loA. burgh -xi r * co., -i Atrcei. I’nit^lDkl.Rm.v iltinm hay, Atlanta, and Booksel ler* generally. uiiTCHEL’S PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY FOI RTH REVISED EDITION JI. COWPERTHWAIT a I'll, tuve just ptff^uhed the Fourth revised vdili.m ol the atiove well known and popular book. Tlw present edition is illustrated by seventeen colored map., all of which are new, and drawn et- prr.-ly for the work: and by nearly cue hundred ’itie engravings, many of which arc from new and original design 1 part of the State. Purchtwr* will please call at the Plintation or »t LoutaviUe, Btrt*our County, .Mtbetna where one of u« can alway* be found. They have aiao other«nall tncta of Land, in and near LctiHYille, for «a(e. Tbi* property w offered for sale, tor no other reatun ihari the undersigned intend to quit farming Term# <*t «ai* arrA>mmodating. J. & J. M. LAMPI.KV. I^*uu»ille, BarUmr. co., Ala. July 2t, 1*57. w:tm my cougtnng Jiinencr i H " UI " • and continui* for an hour or i soon pro* ’ 18 n° w cured another liotile from you, ol.'.! m lesv than | * >Vl two days l was entirely relieved agp.iu. I am j tiiis—a now determined to always k- ep u bottle on j •anu'. hand, and in the commencing of a cough, a ve- i ry few small doses will relieve it on? rely. I am now fully satiatied :t ih tho BlflT l'(.)! <• H 2ULMKDV mow lo ih.. n full and beautiful ns ever; it h»s l *2 years. You nr" nt lilierty to use to the coughing x Havliliigtou Hall. pilE FIRM OF LOYD A PIT.LIAM _ having expired thu day by limitaticn, I Teachera, tic hool Uirci t.irs, and other, intere-- 1 u k'' th>» opporiurnty to notify the public that t-J, are r<-«pectfully invited to examine thii book [ 'he HoUie m now under the auperintendence ol which it i. believed will >*> foum! auperior to any Mr. W A. SI. Lanier and Lutly, whtwe name, •irailar work which ha- yet been published. alone are a sufficient guarantee for a first .'Its, Mitchell’s Primary Geography 14 the tntroJur- [ Hotel, and thankful for past favor., solicit a tory volume of J continuance ol the aaute. MITCHELL’S GEOGRAPHICAL SERIES ! JAMES I.OYD, Proprietor. Which consist, of the following additional L> >ka 1 1 1 namely : MITCHELL’S INTERMEDIATE GEOG RAPHY. MITCHELL'S \ND ATLAS. MITCHELL’S GEOGR \PHIf Al ITON Book. MITCHELL’S ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY 1 VND ATLAS. MITCHELL'S BIBLICAL AND s\B- BATH SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY. MITCHELL’S PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY I Iu Ptess.) The Physical Geography wuich Uas been m | arful preparatton lor a long t.rne, wdl be publish- ej early in coming autumn. It w,|| |«. splendiJIy illustrated with numerous tine engravings and • harts, and vontam several Copper map-, all ot which will be beautifully colored. There are no geographical works published, that are » much in demand, or that have *0 wide a circulation as those of Mr. Mitchell. There are SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY SlIF.s- June 1. 1857.—dwlf -Notice, riVIF. COPARTNERSHIP herrtofine exisl- J mg under the firm, name and atyle of ImjJ \ Pulliam, Is thia day dissolved by limitation. Mr Henry G. Dean is the authorized agent of Loyd A Pulliam, in closing the bu.ineas ol the late firm, and may at all times be found at the W a-hington Hall, Atlanta, Georgia. JAMES LOYD, A.C. PIT,1,1AM. June 1, 1857—dwtf » alitable O--7 Property A Fam ily RtM.jdace lor Sale. PIT HE undersigned offers for sa the House I and J»ol on which he nowrekJ-M m t he city of Atlanta. The House is a comfortable one for a fam ly and has a first rate Garden with a line aas ft- rnent o Fruit Tree, attach*'; also a small 1 house at the corner of said lot—the whole lot | containing about five acre, of laud REY. M. THAC'ER, (60yeuri ol age), Pit cher Ceenango Co. N. Y, “My hair is now re stored to its natural color, and ceases i j fall loft” Re«. B. P STONE, D. D.. ConcovJ.IY. II “My hair which waagrey, is now restored to its | j ut ^ ^ uU o natural color, Ac. . I part of the human family, Ui KL\. D. < LENDENI.N, Chtcogo, III. remedy within the reacii ol.-. can add my testimony, and reccmmeml it to my friends." REV. D. T. WOOD, Middletown. N. Y.- "My own hair has greatly thickened, also that of one of my family who was becoming bald " tar We might bwpII this list, hut if not eon vinred, TRY IT. J MRS. .s a AI.LKN S ZYI.OB.II.&AMI’M | Ur WoiIJ'a Hbu Dressing, is e-nential to with the Restorer, ttul m the t*e-i Hau Iiresning tor old or young extant, hem* often etfWriou* ; in ca**»s of Hair falling. &r„ without the Re- ( jtorer. <*rey haired. Bald, or persona afflicted with, diieaae* ot the hair or KiaJp. read the above, and j judge of MRS. s. A. ALLEN'S WORLD’S HAIR! RESTORER. Il dues not soil or tliiin. Sold by all the principal wholesa'e and retail it , liaiil> m the I . 8_ Cuba or Canada. DEPOT. 3.N.N IIROOTIL .STREET, .N«*« Nock. rr Some dealers irv to J*ell articled instead uiy neighbors will testify to t he Yours truly. FIKI.i)IN(i HAMII.TO.Y. Su gr»’:it a remedy doonhe upon the tongue».>t • .oytul and eoughlegs, haj \rj i.,)ul remedy «* s your l'x|ieelorant -*h old I before the public. I 1111. deai sir, rcepcetfolly v.*ura. R. I. W(M )l) W.\ Rlh of ,st Lou id. M GTFor file by SMITH *V KZZARH. Hruggidt.-* generally. may lti. IrioT * v3m (fcorgia, W'alton (.'ounty. .. tialhiway Won: My wife has been afflicted I afflicted with Chilblains all orcr her neck and uluihle a ' shoulder**, in large lumps under the pkin, none aises wilt “f them ever running ns common biles, which guilds ol 'brew her into n high fever, headache, &c.— Hearing ol your lieorgia Alcahest, I procured a brmight bottb’, and to my great joy. it, in p v ery |V*w days, made a cure, for whieh accept my best wishes for your success in so valuable a rein J) I beat its fame spoken by every person that uses it 1 u.d ' rilic for all the dii Yours truly, W. \V. ‘Odesyou say it will 1‘FTF KS, .1. F. ein*. S ienna. .Sold wholesale and retail hv l)r. H. A. UARROW, member i f the ImperiaS ('olb ge of Vienna, and Royal College ol *Sur geuns, London, who .may he pfTfconally consul ted at his residence. I.V# Fritlfe street, lew g. al . g. : blocks west of Broadway, X. \ ., from I I h nu of th.a, on which they make mot,, profit U tie | 2 p anJ from , cepted, unless by appointment. tieurgia, U’alton, Co*. April 'J. lrtf»7. Drs. T. iV X. L. Uallawny; I was all'ected with a runs, troiil leronte breaking out all ov< r my head, lace, neck, shoulders ami breast, which had caused my hair t-» fall oil and seem lifeless My daughter Klizabeth E was simi. 1/ Hritian, Diplpmc «!e njarmacie Pharma-j ! «rly alb eted. 1 The two hot If s of your Qeor* cien tl»* Paris, ami luipt’iial Uollege 01 Medi- R ,:i A.'t .ihesf I procured stopped the itching a New and Important Discovery in the Science of Medicine DATF-NT OFFICE SEAL Of GREAT Pharma * i ormatmii. w6m. Depot for circular nnd pril 7 D. B. PLUMB & CO., BROAD STREET. AUGUSTA. GA '.VUol.Kdil.K AND RKTAII. UKAI.KKH IN Dru^s, Medicines, and Chemicals, the first application, anil hon mail* :i rumpli te ■ f Loth of us, tlieiliscas* hail been annoy, g an I'.ir yean; and Sirs 1 Imrdly kimvvhow oxgiress my gmtitudo'for suelt itblerning, nml liieorfttlly ti'i'OJiniiend it lo the [iitblie 114 n i...T.x’iv ■ ami Ionic as my hair- I,inks like .1 . flu full bloom of2."> years, Y.truly JAMES S. AKIN Trit'Nentar No. I. I, a remeJy for Relaxation, Spermatorrlnr ,i. and all the distressing consequence* orbing from early abuse, indincriminate exeesi-es, or loo long residence in hot climates. It has restored bod ily and sexual strength ami vigor to thousand! DVE WOO 118 Sl DYE STUFFS, who aro now in the enjoyment ol health anJ upwards of four hundred thousand copies of them ' e ro e e "f ia sttuatad on Martin and t’oie } ejld annually .and their manufacture give constant • n; * ^ w ‘ ‘ IW ^ oil accommodating employment to more than 25o persons. The 1 * ersot s deatrous of purebaaing, ran, jrrangement. of the publi.hera are such that they 7, r c ,. ug ' c m l, *} Me,lce *' “Examiner are enabled togive correctly all the latest geograph- ' .' f,**', n applying at the premise., obtain j ral diocoverie*. Theypuiiluh thc only fuUteries * * * ^ oj geographic* in the country, and have regularlt engaged a atrong force of map engravers and och- rs.with a View olmamuining their book* in aJ- e ance of ail other similar works, in their accuracy, .imprehefitivejiim-, and progre»sive character, end in keeping pace with the inarch of discovery ind improremcnt. fskrc 1 '56 'Iwtf. School for Yomifi Ladies. 1 lull descnp, kn of the same, june 0—o.iw/,' M. E HEGGIE. M RS W JUUHT, wilt open a Ci for Young Ladies on the 8lh oi January. Her purjesae la to establish a permanent Seminary, and to give the pupil, committed to her care a thorough and practical education. She wtil I e aided by competent professors. The year will be divided into two term* f weeks each. Terms jut Scwajou, J’rimary Cla.r- +I2.U0 Junior 1 n’ott Senior - 20,00 Mr*. Wright wdl l. ach U,e Latt.t Language. at a moderate extra charge. Thcmother Languages )tl j Mr.sic will tie taught at Fofeaaors charge,. Boarding * n d Tution in English $175, per semion. REFERENCES. Right Rev. Bishop Elliott, Savannah, ■* “ Cobb, Montgomer, Hon. C. J. McDonald, Marietta. d.'ltwil G tEORGid, Futtau County.—, I John Lynchol sad county, Executor ot Daniel Mctiheffry of said county deceased, wik apply for letter, of dutniMwa tuna said Ad- mimatratioD at the November term next, of thr said Court of Ordinary of sato coun ty. Bv or der of JOS IL MEAD Ordinary, April n 1»67 w«B JANUARY 1st, 1857. P URE WHITE WHEAT FAMILY Flour. 150 Sacks, ju.t received, which i. ! considered equal to anything ever «een in this ' •nnkre*.. For Wale by, E. M. HEAOO. , dwlf J ust Received, a fine lot of White j can be obtained from any sirnt! Lead. Lit teed Oil, and Turpentine June 14 ’57 dOwtf W. W. ROARK. J. F. E/ZAKO, Oil*, Faint, and PuinUn-’ Articles, V urniithes Window Glos. nnd Fully, GIom Wsr, French, and American Perfumer) Ft.,e T(»*|*t and Shaving Soaps, Fine I'ooth and Hair Uru.he., Paiut Brushes, Surgical and Denial Instrument*, TRESSES, SUPPORTERS OF ALE KINDS Spiceo, Snulfit, Manufactured Tobacco, all the Patent or Proprietary Medteincev of the Day, Superior Inks, Pure Wines and Brandieafor Med ictl Purposes, Extract for Flavoring, Ghicc Toi let and Fancy A rticles, etc. Wc offer goods equally as low as they establishment in this section, Warranted lo he Pure, Pre»h, and Oenuine. Order, from the Country promptly filled I . ale by Smith .A Krzard and lii. Woodbury, Atlnn'n, "vnggist■ generally ihroilghoii' may 2 1,1857 .adder. nnd ■’HIGHLY IMTtiRT.AN T It) the funrliotts of manhood; and whatever may be the cause or disqualifications for marriage they are effectually subdued. Trlescinar No. •£, completely and entirely eradicates nil trace- „t ! Gonorrhea,both lit its tnild and and aggravated ] r l forms, (ileets, -Stricture., Irritation of tl e Iliad- J. der, Non-retention of f’rine, Pains of the Lions ; i he flavorings are put up and Kidneys, and those disorders for which omMU GaUotis, ami requi Copaivi and Cubebs have so long been lliought an antidote' TrleNfinur :j. ia the great conlinenlal remedy for -Syphilis and Sec ndary Symptoms. It also constitutes a certain cure for Scurvy, Scrofula, and all Cu- ianeoQs Eruptions, removing and expelling in s course all impurities from the virus stream, so ss aitogetbeto eradicate the virueof disease »nd expel it hy itisensihle perspiration through the medium of the pzrea of the ,kin and urine. It is a never failing remedy for that c'ass of 'successor to Ooodsmud. Beane d Co.,) 1 * n< ! Jt^Weed with regard to price |,! 1 ri.jr-i- r, which Englt oh Physicians treat with WHOLESALE IlEAlM EN FOiflOHAALi BEMESTIO LIQURS & 8I8ARS, -4t So * Cberoka* Block, Teach TreeHtreat ' ATUNTACGEOHGU. T wenty j Brandies, Cordials, Wines, Rum, Gins, Ales, Whiskey, Porter, etc. etc. 1.50.000 .Spanish and German < 1 gars of a variety of Brands. b 4 * 1 1857 daw tv BROWN’S HOTEL, [Oppusiu. the Ptuaengrr Depot,) .MACON, GEORGIA. E. E. BKOWN A E. ISAACS. Proprietors. B' F. DENSE, Supermtendent. Jan 17—diwly PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS will Mercury, to the inevitable destruction of the p tie 111 J. constitution, a id which all the Sqr-aj an cive particular aUantum 11 allh.our.uf the eiw> / r jj| a the world cannot remov or rt'ght Its*' I dwly T O M A -N l F A C T I R i; It s W £ are now receiving -Sr targe lot of Sole Lentil er,Calf Skin., Lining., Bindings L*.u, P*g«, Kit, and everything _ connected with the Boot and Shoe "Tjustne.., which will be sold at low price, for Caih. All order, accompanied with Cosh w promptly filled witii goodGood«,and at low rate. —at the Sign of the Big Boot, i*eachtrti>.trcet Chero kee Block. apZOdtf DIMIL'K A MIX. J A DAILY COACE At I o’clock P. M. Arrive. itBswnton same Evening Leaves Eatonton, At 6 o’clock, P. M. Arrive* at Madi.on 1 u P. M. J. WALL. MOORE. Run in connection with the Night Traina on the Georgia Rail Road, iguit 12 dwtf I TRIEtiEMAR -No. I, 2, and .’I, are prepared in the form of lozenges, devoid ol taste or smell I and can be carried 111 the waiseoat pocket. Hold in tin cases, and’divided in separate doses a. administered by Yalpeau, Lalleman, Yuu.x !!i- cord, &c , dtc Price fd each, or cases in one for $'J, which saves lid, and in $>2 wherehy there i. a sating of $!), None are genuine unit's, the Engraving, ol thc Heals of thc Patent Office of England, the Hcalaof theErolc to Pharacic de I’arts, and the Imjwriia) College of \ ieiina, are affixed upon each wrapper, and around each case. Imita tions are bahle to the neversst [lenalities ot the aw. Special arrangeir.ents 1 liable Dr. Bam w to forward immediately, on receiving a remittance the and larger «tze cases of Priesemar Free of carnage, to any pari ol the world, securely packed and property addressed, thu. ensuring genuine European preparations and protectiutt the public from spurious and pernicious tmita lions. Attendance and consultation from Id a. m. till 2 p. m. and from 4 '.ill 8 in the evening. 15 Prince Street, a few blocks west ofjjjoadw w York. april 23 '67 dawiy I cognac, ot cognac- and tioyd a trilling tint Tiptuns, I.HllOlt Yll'.Itt IIAV1S and xviioi.p:s.4j.k r;hoc Kits. hit. Fuel wam:Eft's I tin 01 to to Produce at ll Mnmi'lifs Nolle e every deslreit l.lquoi'. rplIE undersigned has lately made great im J provemenu in this branch of liusit ess.— 1.1 packages of 6, lit s butthe adding of Pure.Spirit, either 1st or 1lh proof and Liquor such as cognac, either dark or pale, Holland and English Gin, Jamaica and St. croix Rum Monongahella, Bourbon, Irish and Scotch Whiskey, Apple, Peach, (.'berry arid Raspberry Brandy, Port and Madeira Wines will be in stantly produced. It requires no skill, but an a ’iltion of a good spirit, say 50 gallon* to each g all n ol the n specli'e Flavoring. 'Thu best cognac oil, green, yellow and white warranted genuine, as low 0 ■ any .ther impor ter in the I nited States. Essence of every Liquor, Ext 1 I lb of which produces 200 gallon: Raw Whiskey may by Dr, F - t prop artion lie made smooth with I expense. The price ol Flavorings are cNtreniely inoder- | ate, and direetiotis in Ii I! supplied l.y DR. LEW IS FEI't llTW ANGER. (’/I'misl nnd JmpurUr <j i)rug*, /!''>ntin/ I (Jit) uml Metals, lhigucrrt l//j)t end IV* olograph/ (* (/, e m inn -. Vo. I i:{ .Uuiffl'ii Lane, v. X JJ f —fciolc Agent lor (jiodfrey’n c* lc:»ratnl | I 'or lial and Hin. Aj'fd 2!, i.avvCki To tho Citizey of Gwinnett, Jack- son, Franklin, and tho adjoin- i ing counties. \\JK wo'G'l rripoctfiilli glvi* .Mir wurmont iliftni.>i r- ( * * till r ;•••. ral peti in . .* a wo hop© i ... is..-. . , ; nil »*tl»faction Ktvin In (Mir former operation* In Jmlhl Biirgery, to *i«■i..,u.a u lur«'* -i .1 itirir pradlca In the future, We arc now i. t-elviriif a i w • * i twiortmi nt of Dcn.-i A/ateria!, IiimIi uhh . ft *«fMflurod, v nil llu .uiv»iilakff <>f t fi<un n|* to ■ nail ota*ration*. K II , "Ml open Lift nfflr again in .IfMor- n, tl„- ii r „, of March next, an>l during inn aUfiic- ;h - u -1 . call* will 1>maticndad to audreit* William W. J-aloi^at r«Tj* evilU* Cieorgia. l)/»’ WILLIAM W BATON UK UUUKHT U, fiAloN ’ N uyeuibyr2, 1964 - dw SOLE PROPRIETORS, PittS- gh, Pa., and take no other, as there are various other preparations now before the public, pur porting to be Vermifuge and Liver Pills. All others, in comparison with Dr. McLane’s, are worthless. The genuine McLane’s Vermifuge- and Liver Pills can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores. FLEMING BRO S, ' tiO Wood St., 1’ittsbubuh, Pa Sole l*ro|>rletor«. t-t uVll, & MEAD, New Orleans, Getter Wholsnle Agents for the Southern Stalea, to >< houi all -ir.lors must be addressed. SOLD HY Smith A Ezzard, A. Alexander and J. F. -Vi - Ibitrv, Atlanta ; Wm. Root, Marietta; K. O. Ellington A Son, Jonesboro; E.RoBsOr,De- cat tr ; s. M. Griffin, Palmetto; SY, B. Swan, Gumpbellton ; W. A G. E. Bennett, Fayette ville • 11. N. Russell, Villa Rica ; Gamp A Chris tian, Faitbitrn , Htilivell xY Brown, McDon ough ;.!. M. A. Co., Stone Mountain. Jan 8 '67 dawly Gat’d for the Ladies. t ip Ills GREAT TL'RKISH PERIODICAL g REMEDY.— For the immediate removal ol "I'.lructions, Irregularities, Prolapsus Uteri, (Falling ui the Womb.) I.euchorrltea or Whites, Ac., Ac. These Pills have never in a single instance failed in producing tho menses. Too much can not he said in their favor. No woman can en- j y good health when that particular part of Iter ji vuliar organization is deranged. Sickness at ■tomarh, headache, languor, debility, pain in tha bead, side, and back, loss of appetite, costiveness, Ae , are some of the symptoms which attend ir regular menstruation. As certain as time are these Pills to remove one slid all of these symp- MMB Be sure and get the genuine, which has our signature on each box. These Pills may be hntl by addressing Dr. Hanfloy & Go., and inclosi ig $1; the Pills, will be sent by return mail. N. U.—Ladies whose health will not permit of un increase of family will find these Pilla asuc- cessful preventive. Ladies who are pregnant, should not use these Pills, as they are sure to bring on tnis-carriage, (hough no injury to health would follow. Address, DR. HANFLOY he CO., Cincinnati, Ohio, i'ehlO dwtf J. D.[ 111 T(HINSON’S 1’0 MIC BITTERS, FOR TH* CURB OF <11 ILLS Ai\' FEVER, DYSPEPSIA, LIV- f k cor LAINT. DIAKRIKEA, .I. 1 VS ’ "S. CIRONIC OH A/' >US JEBJLITY, Ann almost r:! 1 othtsr Diseases incidental to a Houthern U’limat. It is a certain preventive (il Iskeii during an epidemic,) to Yellow Fever or \static Cholera. AS A FAMILY MEDICINE, Il isiuvaluable—ills highly recommended in the disc.'. a s of children—aa tipc/cntive and remedy N.i iv. mu, it has no FujsJrior. Price $1.00 pet l'"ltlu. For sale at v KAY’S CHEAP BOO'KHTORES n.'i 2 t- d.Vwly Atlanta Ga For Sale. ■ v N E of the most desirable rosidencea on the * / nlgi » uf tho city ot Atlanta. Dr. D'Alvig tty offers to sell the house, and lot where he now < ides, on Marietta street, a little above Squire ayne. Tertnn very accommodatirg, apply on e t'j.i iiiisi'. Mach 4, IHoR dwtf a FEW BARRELS, of the same old Corn / V VYliiakey, on hand y^t. mhS.Mwlf W. W I'nXItk