Atlanta daily examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1854-1857, September 01, 1857, Image 2

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Eloiln (Examiner, LOCHRANE. DOWSING &. GO. j, H. STEELE, J. \V. DOWSING. | Eoitobs. ATLANTA. GEO., fUBSD AT. SR P I'EM BE Ri. 18 ~TKRMs" OF Th¥ "eX AM IN ER. Only, mi annum in advance, • - ’v> ()•.' Woakly, •• “ • • $- 00 CAMPAIGN PAPER. Daily Examiner. • • $1 50 Weekly, 50 Advance payments ere required for sub scriptions. Direct letters to Editors Atlanta Examiner Democratic Nominations. THE AT&ICAN SLAVE TRADE. This question becomes daily more and more important, and it is no longer regarded as impracticable. Those, who, a few years ago, scarcely looked upon it as worthy their consideration, even now admit that it pre sents a serious aspect to Southern men. .Change of Opi ion on thla Snbjeot - The price of cotton, if lower, would be cheaper cultivated, and would realiie a sim ilar profit. And tho African left in the field to raise cotton, and his incapacity for other purposes, would, by multiplying the neces sities for other employments, keep the pres ent stave of the Southern States, at very nearly the same price he now brings. The ! introduction of 20 per cent, of negroes into On the question of slavery, the fanaticism | this conntry, would be a large importation of the North is having a substantial effect, and would not affect the price ten dollars a i for good, for now, no man admits it to he an head. We would reduce the price ofraanu- evil entailed upon us. which seif-protection demands us maintaining. No such apoio* gists are found in the Southern Status. On : the contrary, we find it boldly and fearless ly asserted by all that it is right, mom!, scrip- ’■ ! turai, a social and political blessing, capable | factured goods, so ds to place it in every man’s power, no matter how poor, to keep decently and neatly clad. And this is but a tithe of the good that would be accomplished. Its effect on;B;rdjr States By going to Africa fur the purchase of our of affording the highest aspiration and wid- J 3Uv „ we woulJ stop dr&m fr0!n the bcr . es> field for the development and prog os- Jcf St ., e9( #ni [n thU ^ elTtfCt ^ objec( son ci overt essential to i**uon. 0 f keeping them slave States, for we woufd This, is in itselt, an incalc., h.e ene it. | ce3gei j,y the high price of negroes, at pres- FOR GOVERNOR. JOSEFII E. BRO OF CHEROKEE. and its results will be found enhancing the ,ilue of the Institution, and tending to its i extension. To say wo rejoice in this, would oe the utterance of a mild term, contrasted v rh the vastness of our gratification. For years we have contended against this , pseudo philanthrnphy, upon ’.be question of Slarerv, indulged in bv too manv of our .•-lends, as a taint of' Anglo-Saxon bal-i but ha * alrc3d y gwenw these sections a pre. ent, from loading them into temptation, and this would tend greatly to strengthen the confederacy of Slave States. Its Political Influences- The pouring in of population into the No them and Western States, not only tends to increase their value and interesls, FOR CONGRESS. Second District—-V. J* CRAWFORD Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth D. J. BAILEY L. J. GARTRELL. A. R. WRIGHT. JAS. JACKSON LIN. STEPHENS. A. H. STEPHENS., Jerdash. which indicated too clearly, the at mosphere in which it was born. Years ago, we remember the daughter of a negro-trader attempted to be exorcised Tom the society of a Dry Goods trader’3 family, at the Springs. The dealer in doth to clothe negroes, would stigmatize the negro dealer as in an occu pation tco low for his genteeier acquain ponderaneo in theadministration of the Gov ernment. By the introduction of slaves ou the present basis of representation, we can restore our political equality in the Union, which, if not restored, will assuredly end in a separation ot the Free and Slave States. Its morality. If it is right for a man to hold a negro, it u right to buv one, and the locum of the fitted by democratic presses to cast odium upon tbowof ibssf raiffstsevt, whether they be located |o Ricbmoud, Charleston, or New Or lean?. Virginia, while it gives no aid or com- fort to sectional agitation, can retrain from an- saulting and maligning those whose ooly of. fence is an ardent attachment to tba South, end a hatred of her foes uutempsrcd with discreUoc STATE LEGISLATURE. i.'Vt t, Vi m/Vv ^Sentitm . A ’’ -< JARED I. WHITAKER. Fir Representative JOHN G WESTMORELAND. See Third page for Late New.;. Grind Fancy Bai. Tuere will be a Git AND FANCY B ALL at Varner s Hotel, a* th.- ltd an Spring*, oo the 9th of September c. x: P-.ptratioas are being made ou a net scale t> make this one of the m at tnagnifle-mt affiirs of the seasir — Frctn the e»«y acce-s uni the various at’.-ac tions which a croud n w giv-s at the I ! .n.: Springs we expert to meet tba world an wife there on the 9ib. P M. Haivetty, Neyr Y :k We are in r.-c.ipt ..f .* circular fr..m gentleman containing . s’. id . s’ttv.j Irish W k r Work -u l e a .. - \ . gatberrd l jgei;>r by hiflj #• g Uh ■ txpetsse, all ever Irh» J. I' - t H r • d .1, k n i- -.<• tl «.; ■ -spas nf O’Cot Dt M vis. Jo 1 . Mrtcbel. way • bad- .nr : on 'hi-* gent tmt at i 1<‘ F t from b'S prompt»'t rati. oe.>.:. ■ 'aia peri v.cs of m>'Vrs :nrsi bra«.- i sn r*c m tie A • s*sdi: - • i ■ 'biir orders to b ir. Ths Kiow Noth S31 in away with the cruelty of the Trade as now carried on, for the Captain of tradingvessele would find it ids interest to deliver them all as shipped. It would to give them the be nefits of civilized life—it would give to their posterity homes and masters, on a Christian sot!, and under the protection of humane laws and a Christian Government. Its Expediency. This wo will discuss in another article., i tance. We recollect with what indignant purchtse cannot effect the morality of the asseveration we denounced the upstart, and I sale. If right to buy a npgro from you, it the emotions to which it gave rise ; that in u equally right to buy him from Kentucky, 3 Southern State, where Slavery is regarded j and equally so to buy him in Africa. It r.ght and proper, the man whodeals in them would christianize the African—it would do should not occupy the same status in socie ty, r.sany other merchant dealing in anv oth er legitimate merchandise. Effect of the Change. Toe change of public sentiment on fliis subject, indicates a healthy reaction, a return t a sound and sensible condition of opinion ,’hat will inevitably lead us onw ard in im parting a new vigor and new life to slavery j itself. In the last Southern Commercial Convention, it was the great topic before! which a!! others sunk into evanescent dimi-1 r -.ion, Mr Spratt, of the Charleston Stan-j ! hard, and the | ioneer of this enterprise, fat j to ad. .’.r.e.< this sentiment, is in itself an en- terpr se. became the leading man of that; Convention, by reason of his views on this j s ’jeer, while but a yeir ago, he was regar- j ded but a vis» cist. The tone of the North- ! ern press—the xprrad of the Black Repub- 1 Lean Party, has driven Southern men to ro- 1 tlect upon what constitutes their interest, ! as So them men, ar.d while the attention * ! upon ,ue.5 ie: » suggestive of this • s, Je from p lineal considerations •--•••• g af tho African Slave J 10 i •.(•» up apt. s’ first, and most ita. P a P er, < \ Virgin \ tiorrj n ( '•Virginia will give it no Aid or Com fort.” I be Ricbmoud Examiner, a good detnocrat- I ic j mrnai. in which we often see articles tba! I stamp iw editor as one of tba ablest political writers of the d iv. inl ilger annetim u ia a | «h lie-ale denunciation of the m ire ultra I Sou’hrrn Rights papers fcbii'h might as well, in oor Immb’e opiamn, be avoided. The ‘Sonth, 1 for initii’iC’. it ter ns a disunion pa- p r, a d lit terms the G.'iarleston M rcury; I wni.. uf the DJm a New Ortaas, it i J no' t ; psrmg in i’i ap , •at m to '.t f a -im I i l : ot mor rM.ous term, lire •utiy. io’eleri The Air Line Railroad. A meeting of the friends of the Air Line Railroad was convenoed in Hall county, Gad' on the Pth hist. Its result was very encour aging, and afforded a gratifying evidenoe of the fact tbrt ihe people of that county are as futiy impressed with the Importance of tbi s great enterprise as any of the other Slates ihrongh which it is to pass. Nortb Eui Georgia is more embarrassed from the want of Railroad facilities for the transportation of it- produce than any other portion of the Sia’e Her people feel this, and know it to be true. They want communication with raatket wbieh will be direct and expeditious, and they are convinced that the constrnction of this Rail road wilt do more to develop its resoqrc a, st'mulatu the energies of its people, and^ ini - pirtlife and activity to every department of business that auy enturpr'ss in which they could invest, their capital. It matters cot what route may be adopted iu locating the Road tftwieu tbi. place and Atlanta, it will constitute a main tiunk irotn which branches may be ‘'aaily built in tvery direction, with a proper regard to the cost of construction, and those portions of North Evst Georgia which have been hitherto beyond the reach of Rail roads biongbt in direct communication with the ma'keta of the country. They mu*t and will reap a rich rewar i from the capital invest ed in the enterprise, in the enchanced value of property of ivery d scriplioo ; and in addi tion >o this, the business of the Road the stock profitable The enterprise has met with encouragement in every part of N. E, Georgia, ar.d no R i ad which has ever been projected in Georgia, a- has been said by tie PruiJeat, ever made in so short a time such rapid progitss. Let its friends, then, tike courage, and.,pr°8s it forward, and the Air Line Railroad will become afixid fact, Arrangemetite were made at the m e:imr in Ha'l to have the coun’y canvassed. The books were opened after the conclusion oftkespeteb es, and th were subraitte were iramedi itely subscribed.—.inderton (5. C)Gazettt <J‘ Advocate. Time cf h Idtng the State Fair. The enquiry of us is so frequent, “when H the State Fair lo bo held in Atlantal” that we shill make this a atanding article in our paper for some weeks. Ths Fair commences on Mondsythe 20th, and ciosea on Friday evening, tho 24th Or- tobar next. We also notify our readers, that any query in reference to the ttisinrij arrange ments of the Fair, addressed to us in wri ting, will bo answered through our columns, without delay. Western Freights. jfltsccllqncons. Gold t Gold ! t Gold l 1 FROM ST. LOUIS, LOUISVILLE, CIN cinneti, and ether We. lem Unite lo Atlanta via Memphis, Tuscumbis. and Nashville, at THROUGH RATES, over the Memphis, Nashnlle, and Western & AiUntr Rsilrosd. E. B. WALKER, Master of Transportation, W. <5c A. R. R August 1°, ISM dim Samuel Swan & Cc., • ATLANTA I ■ ■. .GEORGIA. BANKERS. And Dealers in Gold, Silver, Bank yules and Domestir Exchange. Demand Eichanso on Now Vcik, New Or leans, St. Louis. Ssvannsh, Charleston, and all points in the Ur.itod Slates. Uncurrent Bank Notes and Apecin bought and sold. Collections m’dn everywhere and pr'ceeds rem’tted by Bight Draft rn New York or New Orleans, on day of psymeiit, esyctu aw** uxo. ?• xuut. At'snts, July ift. >857 ’' 4W f A valuable Medicine.—Vat ng the present week, no I si than i ix nf our frio ds, who have beeu induced to try P olessor D. Gri th s Li e tr.c Oi. for rhi umatism, in cons q icnce of hav ing seen this prepara'inn aoveriistd in our column», have called up”ii us'o atato the result of their experiments. These persons assure u? that their rheumatic “ains have been entirtly cured by a few applications of DeGratlTs ‘E eetric OIL’ and they rrcomtneml its >W io all wlio aru iitHut d with an, of the diseases which it in designed to cure—Prov. Advertis er—li can be had of the agents heie. See advertirament in another cnlnmu. j Ang. 23. U-57 dfcwlm The greatest offer in gold pens, guU ptnoiU, gold chains and gold, watches, tvtr made. Itsad lbs following .— a SPLENDID GOLD PREMIUM woru. from fi*e toone hundred d< liars,pi.itiveiy given to any person who can spare one day in a 'we, k. nr one hour in a day, gett'nf up clubs of vub-cnbcri in hiso«n and adj-dning eoigbboi hoods, for 'he b si and moat popular Family Ncw.p’pvr Dow publnhed. No expense, no I'Uiley. noca|i *1 require I of egentai An eo- tiie nvw pi in is propos d, by which any person can succeed in melting it a paling busineu, whu will undertake the eaenCy. A prlvete Frculer, luT the inspection of egentionly, with a full lin of p.cmiuine, will he sent eny ^r.e who desiree it, on receipt of n stamp to pay erturrn postago. domu agents liaTe earm-a hundred dollar gold watch i" one we»k. Every family should read at least one ness- paper from New York City, without Inteiforing with their Local Papers, — Lith -f course can- not, and shou d not, tie disp-rsed wilh. Rut New York teing the great commercitl anJ bu siness mitre of this Comment, no farmer, me chanic, pr .fersional man, or merchant, is pro perly prepared for the e.nerrenciee nf his railing, unlcs* he is in comrnnuicition with New York City, by means of one of its first rloea News pap r m'diums. Much * medium as our “LEDGE II,” neutral in polities, but giving all the facia it. ms of nows and thrilling incidents worth knowing throughout thecoun- k GIST. E' cb new nuti.crltior will roieive with the lirat No. of hia or I *r paper, ono of tho new end beuutilu' pointed indohbio Poneil-,* jual imp''ricd from turope. and for which »e ht-e obtained the exclus ve agency for th • Couutry. This is tiio most ingenious and u-eful lit'ie im provement of tho present sge, and is the only P*nci ever made ihst ei I write with ink. mak ing it both a p’ n and pencil of'ho finest quality at the »nnc lima, it will last f ,r ye&re. and lot piaci cal use is worth more thau any gold pen in he m irf it. For liat of premiums and fu'l rarticul"rs, ad- dreas HALL A WEcf I’, P'.i>liehtre, New York City. • Thf.-e pencils supplied to the trade s( < •rofilald di-count. 1S >V. daw fit eug YOUNO AM t RIO A Target Pistol KAKusAesuaiisc eo., NEW HAVEN, C’T. J alter the c-juciuiioii oiiheppetcn | ■■■■■■. —| tfe J , and fifty thousand M^iNcro -VductliomcntG. .g ■ f th ll - fidalttcd l of »-u suot- nd ideas t t.h but two , Drmoc rat St u’>•'u n ‘X f gr s, He JT,- i . W do nothin uo’hii.g h rep -••den lcry ot propositions African Slave Trade t pr ■ , tne secondary in import- tii walk in deep wtttars cm Fort, where our pro- .t sufficient w author- - s trplus capital, into rprise and adventure inr.5, and you enlarge tndc to your doors — u: own river sides, and porta. What are then ’.sons why this change , should be io great and .. nam’d papvr R etain • id narm’Mit : giv* to i’ (<•'”. t the Ne rnnl li laocrney ;d by her rights . By fb N it juim] i a til wo h: disunion ores that irg n zi .i .i t wi i f ond by unQincbingly wlule 1 h“r i-terri » a< The pre*cut debt of the State o! TenuNfiee is ft ur million one hundred and forty thousand eigft and fifty-3 ; x dollars, in addition to eight million five hundred thousand d illara isgued to rai roads. An additional amouut of ele”cn million six hundred aod seventy ."ght thousand five hun ir>d d. liars is to be issued as the rond ure lonsttucled, making an eventual debt of twenty-f ".ir million two hundred and fifty-four j, j thousand ihrec huednd and fifty si. dollars A aiukinr iund of two per cei t per annum is estaoliwed. ' 131 W*. ti'IV.' Democrat -of ind'vp g —'cat ve • be m n’rv cr r; '.iCU ’ Hi: It ’ I> rate the very par 1 force: to ad! Hi I- by Tnis Hoe. B H This gentleman has ~- d'.e r.f which, it is c* the Cbror itle <X -ea'in-i, them in “a mud hoi regarded a» other tha-i - ac: f . to doubt it was w. h the gc 3 it::’ renderiog them to the reader as ar e. mud.” Witi. _ sible to r . Mr. Hill intended tomurte. We kr.: v -• re oppenenti nay zay *f. • ur si-- : prebemioo. cbiiqaity and their ;t -y • furnish as with bral..?, 4a. Ttatt- v . - : - aite dodge* cf expression are t - . <n • . to excite other than a gtniit with as W have lire«i tco ior.g to be fr g'lten d by ttsxa Ineartes', wc think the process good iertae letter; it was he very tawft place for Mr !J reputation, they could have beta -.cns gicu to. Uh. that mine en*tBv weald st.'tt Book, 'J * quotation we will make paicfilly app cable to thla letter before the campaign .»over A few taom letters of iL.a a'actp t Hi!! will hove advanced the cause o ocracy -o far then, of him at never t' to get ev n iu s ght of it i he tumor coming down, we we is d .. "in rg!y Rea*oas given for it First, It has become apparent to every king man, that we need more negroes than we hav- got, to br.ifr into cultivation • million a of w s’e lands that are now but a dead capital, re-ui’ing an no interest wnat- ev»: —tbat labor is wealth, is an axiom, and the increase of labor would be the enhance ment cf wealth How arc we to get this | tn,u nv-ry article of the labor! Our soil, our climate, and our pro- dtctiar.s are not suited to white labor, and tt, s emigration of free labor will seek de velopment r sewhere. I» must be slave nbor; and ere we to drain the border States negroes, ar.d carry them further F.ra’, for years the Booth suffered under ilta- Vom the faith the> is now n u m, they have de parted. an I t , too,ibail go for vc'ional "rgan zi'.i a. >n.u b-Yog a Its . n only, res nr: B .t, ualiK- c-ur Richmond eotemoorary. weare noldiapcs ai io regi’d ire ultra a u’her. lligi t.< paper* .t the -oath u.; politic d foes—to term t'if m disunionists; to u- ny to them e!cvat»d pa'.'it'tua). D.’Vatioo to the South, and a caivairic near.o^ in the msin’iYntnce of her rlgii’s.ia our jaigtTHnt, is no o ime. Even raihooB is no ■ reason. It was the faihinn, not many years agj. i i denouac: .IjIio C. Calhoun a? atmi'or AY ho, now, teat has any ccgu 1 for -ri; will deny to that great mat he rtnv attachment to his coun- t-y. a tborura understanding o' the Con.ti* tuotn.fmj a patriotic de’erminotion to maiu- instrement, regard- iras of every gergraphical dialirtetior.? Has the Charleston M -rc.ry gone further than Mr. Calhoun? Has the ’south,’ or ’Delta.’done a j? Bat admit they have, has there not been a caust? Our answer is, th re has been.— pro tiolive taiiffi, as oppressive and odiou to her people u the British tax upon Tea was upon the Americas Colonie*. And »c:ond tvhat Tne sensitive actor, who could nut sit in j the same room »ith a tea urn, on account of its hissing, lias ju»t been killed by a burst of applause, The Amerieansof the first district of Mary-1 land have nominated Teazle Townsend for] C. tigress. D cKaJl* Slierlff Sale.—Wiil be sold t-eturc tile (',' rl Hou r d 'or. 'n the town .,f Decatur, 1'vKalb eoutitv bet"e-’n the legal houM «’f iale, on the Is’TUESDAY in Octo ber n> xt, the following property. to-wi» : Oo» acre of land, u be ng part cf the land. Ini No. 74, in the 18th Di trict "I . rigirialiy H. nry, now D Kalb county, aa the properly of New. «.un A: llirru. to satisH sund v fi. <ns. iaaue.l ; from a Juativ.'a l.’ovivr of lb Kalb coutUv,in favor of leinea VV. flold-m'th v.r J. C New aorn & rillsrria. Ho d for iho (iii’cha-e rn mev properiy, pointed out bv plaintiff, levt m-'l and returned bv a Ibina'shlo 'I'sr ,1 * - . >f Au gu.i 185' JOHN \V FOvVLER Bherifl \nv Fall (iod’ls. ATL&jrfA Dry Goods Emporium. -S .’.b, ’.vi’.h the hope of producing this re suit I Certainly this would be foolish; for a mere change of location, cannot add to the general wealth. Kansas might be peopled ! jj M tne South not tedured by the emails of wim slaves from Virginia, but Virginia Abolition? To as. it is a wooJerthat the w uld icse ;he a'.ave labor Kansu bad sputa hv! borna eo paiitn’ly and wistly the gtineo- ar.d thus, with the carrying slaves wr0 ngs inflicted upon her. To us it is a wonder :r0:n ^ rCr ? ia 10 yoa find that the one ^ tbit conaervatiTc spirit which hai l ept a :■ trees, but on the loss of the other. The . hcr f ; gLt tfaas Ut> lti ij pwaili ow „ nijori . - is to make all advance,and to do thii,j 7 of berpeop;ei &r .j that the Union is it 11 you trust find negroes elsewhere. If then I pre3erTed . While though we entertain and we go to Africa for them, do we accomplish | m ap „ lbeM j* D t; m , EU| ,, IJ&U aot this object, ar.d if so, is it moral, just and expedient 1 What, it will Accomplish- I n mcce tr.oje papers that have gone farther j than »e have in advocacy of Southern Right-, j and of immediate resistance. To Mine of them cd Mr. f Dem- oe able of hie , Wei! this we did cotexpec’ of him: ifhe i, not cctn- iag down, there is one thing v vy •. • • {• H . h- is iittit.g down and that very e v The man who s! ways leave* church • the service it over, in speaking ofan ‘ancient single lady, said she was ‘fearfully and won dcrfully maid.' A young lady says ‘if a cart wheel has nine fellows attached to it, it’s a pity that a gitl hit* bet can't have one.’ Thccre»ipat natural ornament tothe’humaa ('••rm d vine, - is arquer.i: nably a line, luxuri- bnt, healthy growth of hair. It has been so (.Teemed in all ages of the world and among ail nations, savnge, and civilized. Hence, the lnd an brave regards the vealp of his e emy ar his gr-at*»t trophy. For a similar reason,th? fashiona’Je belie dispniacs the legion of vanity a3 well as her other phrenological organs with borrowed locks. He who should due ver a mode of pievent- ng the hair from showing the inroad of envi irriMi. utiis white, j. ,i imri. CUTTING, WHITE & CO., H’Jil)retnec'luily inform tho citizen* o Atlanta an I euroan'iinK c »un\ry. ih.v a^e recoivir g a largo and II •••*» cfod atx k of DKY GOODS, an.I B“OTHand sHURh, adapr^d t * and (ienta xvoar, winch offar lor f! Af*K, u r WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ) much lower ban cv^r ofiend in Atlanta Wo naving facilities t<»r pu^cha.-ir g Ci"f D-S, auch aa NU other h»>ua r h i*. An l we would th*r ,> f »r* roaportfuil? iiivi^e th‘»p« who wi-h t » Ml V. to call and KX \ VlIXK >u* lorK*' uiid varied STOCK b.fore purch" r ing elsewhere. Our A VJflJfl E K S TO 1 A oua Time by turning prematurely gray, a OiwS."'«'? ^ thod hy which it could be restored wbtD falling or turning white,and a way of promoting its continued and luxuriant growth, would be justly entitled to rank among the benefactor 1 of the human race. Read the testimonials in another column of . the wonderful, not to ny almost miraculous effects of ‘Professor Wo d's Hair Restorative,’ and see if he has no: accom plished a!! this.—CapitalCity Fact. Sold by all respectable Druggists. August 22,1867 dfcWJw Special Xotues. Aii.iitu bcliool. Preparatory to the Collegiate Course. Session commences on first Monday in No vember and closer on tba first of April, 1858. For further Information, address, II. D. CAPERS, W. D., or V. II. TALIAFERRO, M. D. Atlanta, Ga.. August 24 1857 dtf By the importation of neg-oes into tne t .e Sooth « greatly indebted for able and States, w? accomplish what we deem I manly vindications of her rights. Upon the i nportant to out interests We afiord labor docir.nes advanced by the Uherhetoc Mercury, at a cheaper price, end pat it within the ; the time may soon cotcc wh-n we jhaii be power of every man to become a slave hold-' obliged V- tali o*ck, if we now disapprove of er, and by the enhancement of the value of sectional organization. In fact, wc shall be lands, we make the investment almost forced into that papst’a position, with the first yield the does now. I lay out socceaalui aasaalt of Black IL-publicani'Am- f10,000 to-day in land and. negroes; ’he Let tu tLen deal gmtly with oar Hotspurs, for yield of rny fa-.m is the interest on that in- j ifm error, it is on their country’s side they err! vestment, whether the land cost 83,000 and | For oar own part, wc are fur wisdom, justice, tho *7,000, or the negroes $3,000 mrxiera’ion. This u why we cling to th*’ and the .and $7,000,and the increase of the National Democracy. Outside ot that party, amount of negroes would not deteriorate the i »»c’.ional organization is the on'y resort. Dc value of those at present here, as much as ; placating it to-day we in*y be forced to sm other corresponding interests would be en- j brace it tomonow, and with an eye to the c ‘ ince ^’ future, we c*u bat regret to see a spirit matl- JuUgt- JBrowu’e apputiuiucuu. Judge Brown will eddress his fellow-citt- tens at Marietta, on Monday, 31, August Hamilton, Hams Co. Tuesday, i, Sept. Columbus, Wednesday.niglit, 2, “ Taibotton, Thursday, 3, *> Zebuinn, Piks Co.. Saturday, 6. “ The Hon. B. H. Hill wi'l please considei the appointments as mutual, and will bs al lowed to discuss on equal terms if hs will attend. The Hon. L. J. Garnett will attend Judgi Brown's appointment at Marietta; and the ITon. David J. Bailty the appointmet a* Hamilton, Taibotton, and Z-bulon. These gentlemen will also, at tba plaoet named, a.1- dreea their follow-citizens August 21,1257. rTMIlH PISTOL Given Gd J[ an the forerunner of th»» or nr arv p at- I, and id * d for y-*u r men a"d b*iyg^ « ho w i*»h to <* 3 »y the exciting aport of firing I a' a targ 1 f. at the nmt Irifl ng arpente. an i vaj hout nnt danger cf acciilfnt. Tho cheapen I ordinary pid’ol la ihreo cr tour lirnca the p.jcc of ♦hia. heaidei hemg dangerouf in t J, e hands of iH.ya. Thia p'atol h loaded with the cunman . Fi.<• ('rnrker. which forma a complete cartridge, J ami will carry a l oll t-*n or fr'teen pacca with th** aarne precision a* ttio ordinary pistol, hut not with sufficient force t3 do any *eriou«dain- • ge. As Ameri*'* is a ahooting nation, the Younp Ameiicai h must and will Icirn the art bv which • u* ir d pi n fence wna ■•'cured. Henca tliia 'J’argct Piatol it eiact y in time, and mrtai meet with univurwal aile among our y.»uth of the Houth and U e-l Ita operation tM p<'r f ectly siimdr. and it i* not li ■»ble to get out of wider.— V full (ifscripiion will acc »mpany every case of Firoh. The Fiatola nre put up at t!ie Factory in caiea of each, ready to ►end by uxprf.nto anv ji rt of the f’nitrd Hlates or fanadn. W KT \II. PliiCK.SiS CEaNTfl ; by the Case, ■f 7.'0 or 1 h c me each. FHRNVH. HALF A CO m fill . *7 18.S7— di>v1t New Havi.«, Ct. sUstEE tiWIt FEJ11AEE J U B CIO B .. Io lilt- Clllzeiiv of Atlanta. THANKFUL to my frien’sof Xt'ama l"r thrif liberal patranax* 1 lor Ihe | a-t session. I would roapect lullv >■ I cit sn increased patronogs I r thr next se..ion, which will com- mon.o 1” Monday. COtli, 1857. Our Hojinsa: lirgp and wiry, proioned b« a pism fi ly foci loi'K. from tho -un Evsry attention pnssildo fill lie paid In iho manners and mor- sis of e iry pupil c mmitled to my care; and a | tlioroiu'i and practical education imparted.— | A ’i(j 1 ' but parental discipline will be’enforced. ! No "ne nei d apply for ndnibsion for the'r eliildren into this school who do not wish their children cuverned. It HOGLRH Principal. '• H. & JAM. E. ROGERS A.sislants. MHs L E. & MISS L M. K JG ERm, Atsirlnnls t email Departtnetit Terms per Session of Twenty Weeks. Resiling and Hprllm* $9 DO Arithmetic, Geogr ip iy History »nd Gram mar lu (10 Philosophy, Uhemistry, Algebra, Geome- ir», Lat.n ond Greek 15 00 incidental Expenacs 35 ^C'Tu ition payable quarterly. Atlanta, July it), 1867 ’ d:*m To the aWtcted. I HAV L ON HAN'l) a good supply of the jU'tly celebrate'* Eureka Oil, end ihooe . til ctid ran be occom’iodaied with any quau- itv, at si y Gme. Dc sure to call 1 n me, be cause you cannot get it from any one else in the county or city. ». J. 81UCKELFORD, aug. 2J. dlw Hole Agent. sli At J. LYNCH. Corner Alabama and White Hall-streets Atlanta, Ga. WHOLESALE and Retail Deal ers in New Orleans Sugar, Col- fee, Syrup and Provisions gen- araliy which wo ofleron the most reasonable terms. We keep constantly on hand a general stoek ___ _____ of Liquors, Winet and CordirUa, by Wholesale. v ,| TI ., r i 'n dlil y raceipt of Goods from firat hands 1 1 *-• 1 we are enabled to sell at as small profiuaa any U!RUUMmI’a.NCE8 hating occur-’*•«““ t ^ 18 cities of Augusta, Savannah or ed which under it n cesnrv ( u , tf) e | Charleston (tho freight only added.) We ehsll ulxcribtr to uiscon iuue House keep- \ *»k« advantage of the Ohio, Cumberland and Al- ing, he oilers for sale Lie llouse and ahaaa nre’i on first raiee and keep a Large Stock Ltd 1 h« property it situs ed wnhin one bun-' °f *^ ew Ctleane and Cincinnati Goods, cheap, Ired v a • of the Vcth -dist Episcopal < hureh *^ ,n 'hey can bo bought in ths markets »bne, T<se Cs.s.i - . ... .» . i munfirtna.1 J Si J LVNCJl nS3. CUTTING, WHITE & CO., 63 Whitehall Street, near Roark*'. Bug'll U’datw I. B. GRIFFIN 1, COMMISSION MERCHANTS &. A.tCJG’H'KOra.’EiKm’We AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. A LL UUMINFSS entrusted to them, will eceive ihe r b-.t ottention. Liberal Cash advances m’do on all enr,,jg n . ments when desired. W B GRIFFIN. Reierencet:— HUGH O’NElLl.. Jackson. Miller A Ver lery, A’lgusis, Ua, Poullain Jer.nings dc Co., ■’ " Miller di Warren, " ’• ConDy Force A Co., “ » Ctrmxhael 4 Bean, Lsmback & Cooper, a « Augusta. Atg. SR, 1857. da vfiw* Ilian and Short*, AT THE ATLANTA MILLS, T)KAN ten Ceuls- tUD’RIH tbiily h-e cU Jj R. PlTEKH A CO. July 78, 19*'7 dtf n Peoe-E Tree Street. eo< nnuttl to the be>t j mentioned. Schools in the Ci y. and alio to Business, con- j ' six well finished room* and two pm- trni, w.ih a parage ex tending thi. ugn tne house. There it also on 'he lot. a c oking room, servants room, smoke h 'use, chicken house, crib and corn honae, and also an rice!) ent wellf water, which never tails, ’f^e bud logs are all in firat rale condili >n, hating been ereeled in IA6fi, and tnciiwed with an snt.rely new fence. P itsessiong.vrn by the 1st of Oclubar, If deiired. and will be offered at a rtaxtasble prize. GEORGE H DANIEL Atlanta, 0*., May », ili7 daaSa net. IB, '64. 8 B Ofttm&n, nsaniaa 11 Italtaii Ihglptiao and Americaa STATUARY And East Tennessee Marble 0NUMENT8, Tombe, Urea, and Va.. _ Marble Mantels and Furnishing Moatle Ail orders promptly filled. 4UMl«,Ois If dip W