The Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1870-1877, December 28, 1870, Image 3

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QNMMMRMMRI seed.—George Ormond.- * no- hurry to my subject, I will prove tae didute for the Legislature -was! spiteful adage of nun. ‘'Girls put ; on the set ond i y of the elec- . the gist, of their letters in a P- 8. barged iwitii inducing illegal- The subject of most interest- to He had a preliminary trial and; ns is-onr school. The principal, Hr. md over to appear before thej SSeptt, is a-big" teishor. and iherefdre. :m of tile Superior Court. 'i he hul tast term ajbig.schoid; ft/'grow-, . — > a < >■" ; _ ingschool, we.are all growing mentals mad?.that yirangbiwyer go about Ivanff^orporally.’ A(T-is.' ft success, ticsbilonday gathering apaU ; tlie And-cij.HoTistairians trill persist in m r Rft imrl trt. • W.r i -‘*C‘- .1 S. A. & L. S. TOUNSLEY, ATTENTION, PLANTERS! A STANDARD COUGH REMEDY. What “Brick” Pomeroy says: From Pomeroy’s X. Y. Democrat. Deo. Tti(. '.Viiat irii V.Ti.ij Bo.—J. C. Dexoy is i disposing of seme valuable properly at I Aiken, S. C. , my will be 'seen by sin ais«ri£s&neht in to-day’s paper. He bos adopted a novel plan: for % i lie gives a picture tvorth §5, and a ticket, in tire drawing. Mr. Derby is not a jFapderii*jaga|jond speculate®, buta, high-ton^dThoAolftWe dirismess.-mah; in whose word, plans and promises we have full faith. His seheihe is a good one, and somebody will: make a fortune from'it for a mere pittance, for the property he,^offers -is.valuable. Look-at his .advertisement and bny a itictet. ' • .. - ' ” .: The Houston Home Jour l am prepared to fill your orders for any of the following Gnnuos, at the lowest mar- ketprices, or any other STANDARD and RELIABLE l-kitilricr in the market: EERU3TAN GUANO, . - ' LAND PLASTER. . &^*avoii* raw i;osi£ Y?‘ SARD YE PHOSPHO-PBRUVIAN, ETI3YAN, Nos. 1 and CHAPPELLS PHOSPHATE, / to MAGNUM BONUIM^' ASHAPOO,. (SC.) PHOSPHATE, - BAKER’S ISLAND, MINOR'S PHOSPHATE. C. I>. ANDERSON, declT-tf . Port Talley.' fee MEDICINES^ Special Notices. * - - iTRUMENTgf ptucsn ’jyiNTS.OlLS . &c KeveUiey. Ona system, pf onr/schdol. I -esp ecially -admin; and-will commend .We are hdre encouraged To learn-not o -ly books but human" nature; Hu- mad natnre; methmks'you. say, silly girl, Nevertheless it works like a charm arid boot work; suffers none the less. We receive cur lessons in . human nature or -society wliich I ap prehend - is - the same - every . Friday evening--, Accordiiig to - a pleasant custom ah the schools girls 'meet-and spend Friday night together. Aft® tea in comes the younger fey - (boys I mean): and then for such; a gay time" let the poets only dream, and school girls alone realize. ButI can better "illustrate the study ohy gwingyjon a Ye A.t ption conimenccH with* individual having tain a ? air passage* tire of great rent 'being. Sire delicate S Uttar cvuidaut activity, to contact of ainof sach d which contains various udctl in it. render them cts, and those of most sc- lAlilHii:!;;:;;. illt;Pn!ti!'ll!tlr»'WIi1!ii: iperatnrv. am dccl7-ly Shadow Picture*.—If yon want some thing new and the latest style now is the (hue to call on Mr. Sebaub, opposite. :I e Baptist Church and .secure one of those finepictnies. They.are beauties.". And .if you want any <klni..kinds of style, large or • small Photograph he is ready to wait on yoii and will give entire satisfaction.— Messrs. Sckaib &. Haygood area responsi ble firm and the negatives taken in P*riy will ikpreservedat their GaUery in. Macon where duplicates can he. obtained at any time in the future. See their advertise ments and call on them immediately ere your shadows grpw less. Errors of Youth. A GENTLEMAN who suffered f ^’H ar " ^ T0 ? I A Nervous Debility. Premature Deeay, and all be effect* of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free “to all who -need it, thereeibo and*irectfou Ibr rta^ingtlic. implc remedy by which he wss cured... Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, • JOHNB. OGDEN, ■ dcc!7-ly No. 42, Cedar Street, New Yori- C. C. DUNCAN would be "glad- to receive new-members. This. is. a.matter in which till the planters are interested and we.libpe. all' who cm do so w31 come to Perry Saturday andyohn - • ATTORNEY AT LAW, : " Officers of'HoiiStorr Lodge No. 35, F. A. M:,- Ferry, Ga., for the. ensiling Masonic year: - John A. Hafer, W. SI.; Samuel D. KiUen,.S. KilTert, J. W.; James D Marfan; Tf&ssnrer, John S. Jbbson,- Secrefaiy; A. B. Schilling, home-made eeethizeh. Afforded Immediate Belief. Macon, Ga., January AUD SALMON, Hlstripfioh of one of onr muriohs and then allow you to draw your own con clusions. To begin with-the pleasant-' est of. the IpleiiSirnt-,- our last Friday, for which Mrsi Gliff Davis is entitled to our warmest thanks. To say it was a success would be_ only - half praise. The-jifietiiodu luid been cloudy and. rainy, but we girls had not learned to be too sentimentally delicate to face a shower. So when our; gallant young V A/ rifeel that we cannot do a better service than T V to raise a voice of warning against the indis criminate use of Patent Medicines, whose name is. mow Legion, a large majority of which are put up- f Advertising Aphorisms. . Judicial advertising always-pays.. T" Ifyon havea pood" thing, advertise it. If -you dont, dont ’If you don't mam to mind your own;-bu- sinasi it will not pay to advertise. ■ .Nets* run- down-yotu. e^K^enl's goods hi public. :Lcth:m'd«hlsoW5radvcrUring. It's as true of attvm’liniug as anything else in lifo,- if it is worth doing at all, it ri wGrfh doing" well. . To don't recommend advcr'.ising as the best way to gel a wile; but.we know that it is fhe-best way to get a good Unde, g • - Ddu’t expect- im -adveriiscnu’nt to. bear froit'in one nght, like, the prophet's gourd/ Like Hunt's May-Apple Liver Pills, .adver tising will takcx-ffcd,tbut it takes mere than to'do it' Tou|can‘t e;it eeough in one week to Last a whole year, .and you can’t-advertise on fluit plgh rather, f A large advertisement once and then dis continued creates the impression, that the man' lias tailed. " - V ." WM. BRUNSON. he Best and the Cheapest by 100 per Ceat 1 an important question wily sdmiiny hitter awny, unthinkingly, the inestimable boon' of Jieaiih, when the. means of -regeneration are The excellence oi Brady's Family-Bitters has been ihore gcu- erally endorsed'fLum-any othra:. Vmedirane” ever introducedlo the public, and hun.lreds now look ui>on the cure effected . by the Bitters as next, to a miracle; and we“ Would say to all who are suffering iroiu wlnitcyef ; diSdaso,' io try a ‘ ‘bottle, ” as. we know they -have cured hundreos, andheuce we speak From Mayor G. S. Obear. * Mac os, G*., February 1,1S70. Measni. L. W. DUST &CO-: Gents:—Mr. P. IjoiwI hu\ uiR referred yon to me relative tt> the merits of his Congh Syrup, I take pleasure in stating that wheu sulTering from a very severe cold and distressing con^h, which dcstroytsl my rest, Mr. Loud noticed my om^h and preseut- ed me with »«»mc of his Syrup, which affordetl me immediate relief, and enabled me to rest quietly, a thing I had not been ahle ; to do for several nights before.' .1 therefore esteem the Syrup a very valu able medicine. Yours, very respectfully, GEOJUiE S. Odkau. Candy, Nuts and Raisins! often entailed on them by the nostrums above mentioned, we offer them a few strictly Pnre FRESH5FISH&IOYSTERS Sv<EJ Constantly on hand. ■ tiua The formulas for these mediciues are aUpublishcd and it will be seen they aro all articles of merit. Persons who take medicine without the advice of a physician would do well to give these the prefer ence, because they aro good and pure, and are prepared by persons who havo had long years of But, to tell you the truth, we can’t begin to enumerate ludf the theings we have, in our. store. . Come and see for' yourselves. S. A. & L. S. TOUNSLEY. dec!7-tf - A good)jsupply of different Brands of FIKTH JhlQXrOHJB AlwayS on hand. .' F U. H NI T-.1T RE TOBACCO AND SEGARS, Of all grades. Gem and Albert Crackers, - SOMETHIIIG NEW. ’. . InjudicTal hrivcrtLsragTs like fisbifig srherc there are no fish You need to let ymu' lines - gill in the right place. A constant dropping will wear a rock: Kceji dropping yonr iidvcrtLeem. nfH'mto the i-ublic, and they will soon melt under it like -ruck salt. Lnrgelvpe isn't necessary in advertising. Blind folks don’t read newspapers. ' B'you can. ai'ouse curiosity I>y an adver-j lisemefit; -it is a’great -point gained. The fair sox don't hold’all the Curiosity in -the world. - Don't bo afraid to iimest in prin'er's ink, lad yonr sands of life be nearly rnhj out. When you advertise,-sec that yon do it on the same, principle that you buy goods. Get (lie most yoa efo ibr fn&fcomy. y; Deovjlc wild ndverlisfwnd^ Once infthree -moulhs forget thatniostlolks c.m’l remem- ilLkj UaIAa.1-, u,utx»lt iVwiVvllk divy-n. If you want a Singer Sewing -j&uihme. • all on-N.’ T. Johnson, Aijent, at Marsluii:- ville, Cx . SARSAPARILLA ,We offer yon tho nbJVc .Standard articles ifft fc reasonable margin for profit, and confidently ask your assistance in bringing these meritorious rein 1 edies before tnc jhibiic. H| B’EB S T EADS,. T R U N DLE BEDS, WjVBDBOBES, TABLES, GHAIBS, WASHSTANDS, CRADLES, - ' GEIBS, SAFES, ETG., - MEDICINES Christmas Money.Prize Boxes for the ju venile portion of the community. A good assortment of all kinds of goods for the Christmas holidays, including FIRE-WORKS IN ABUNDANCE I deol7-tf eateg, Eruptions, Pimples, Pustules,, BoUs, Erysipelas, Tetter, Scald-head, Biug-woim!' UJcers, Tumors, Sores, Syphilis, Mercurial Pois- onaig, and lor ’ PDRIFriNG THE BLOOD. particular disorder ia felt, pe.ople. * wlnri: tlie laughs comes in/’ tiieyisaid “turn her/ tn lief 'seafa” /Now Mr. Editor was not' that- too bad . for a grown boy to try and fool ns little girls that way? But let him.take care if he is a lawyer, 1 the hiext time he comes to one of our parties, well fix him. I’ve almost a inind to tell- right here what I overheardihimisuy to’ one' of :onr ht- tle girls. He didn/t know there was a Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Even when no par^caLu i» A£L:«». ciyoy better health and live longer lor cleansing 1 -the blood. F^ep the blood hceltuy and all is well, but with this pabulum oil life disordered, tuorc can be no lasting: health. Sooner , or later- some thing must go wrong, and the machinery of.liie ia disordered til- overthtbwn. Tma medieiue is: aa ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDEB. FOR SALE. ■WiU be sold, on 'Wednesday,:. 28th. inst, at auction, at the.residence of Mrs. ‘Martha Tharp and Mbrt Tharp, in Houston coun-. ty, the following perishable property: Household and kitchen fiiriulure, Hngs,- Mules, Cattle, Cotton seed, firming iinpla- Kiep the blood-hehltuy aiid oil A general assortment of METALLIC,; and every-description of "WOODEN -- - aiuo-niCUU-lUC IB- ild narinlCKS hs it ia.cllcctual—a fact of immense im portance to tliose who take it, ior mauy of the al teratives iii market have mercury or arsenic as' tiioir baais, add. often, entail a couuUcss tiim of mils uikju their victims, even worse than the orig inal disease. Ibis medicine is a “concentrated Fluid Extract,of Sarsaparilla, YeUdiv Dock' aud Queen’s Delight, with three'(3) grains of purified Iodide of Potassium to each dose, and ia ljy far Uie best and cheapest alterative ever ottered to tho Ameridth people. ' Prepared only by ' L. W-HtiNT&C0., Druggists, Macon, Ga. Will still be Vpt up to the usual standard, and orders aro if’ "in-d for anytliiTiU-in tliis line. JL. W. HUNT & CO., □ Wholesale Drug and ChemieM Warehonsc, A Hearse can be furnished to Order at any time, ou short, notice. I can be found in the day time at my store, next to the Hotel; at night, at my residence, adjoining that of Dr. Ha vis. tie giris. He tlidn/l know therc listener to the effrontery with which he described a follow that had loved so long bjit had been made hopeless by dish inf bows and: chid maimers. And when the dejected-lover turned out to bchimseli'phow bashful, “Oh, hush Mr. ——.” But I won’t tell - on 3um this time, for I know he is but too auxious_tofofsake. the grown suipri- ses, for- oiiif hai)j)y reunions. But- ‘ On with the dance. ” . T must stop gossip- and close this long letter. Fioini.-iug next (if you w’ill publish for me) to give“ you some of the. reasons why if is mpre Sensible to permit school girfr thus happily to spiend Friday night than to foi’l.'id us to look at a boy or to laugh, shout,: and play, AYliy Mr. S,.“ is. tli-e best t^aclfer out arid- eohsiquehtly ■ the ■senselessneS of leaving a county. hunt for atcacberinTennes- sec or foreign conhtries. - ‘ Who havo not. made money planting, disc those- who linvc, buy your Dry Goods of rnents, Carriage, Buggy, two good wagons, Ploughs; Plough gear, and various other things too numerous: to enumerate. Terms will be made known cm the day ofsale. Most. ThaeT. -Dec. 17,1370. . ’ 2t .. -tioBicinn. —Last -nignt two negro men, Lewis Brown and Hcmy fcsihip- son, living on Dr. Culler’s place, about two miles from town, had u slight aitereiitioh about sonic bl' their busi ness, when Simpson seized u.ienco rail and struck Brasvh with At, kming him ‘ * 1. Iks escape Iitsi-ve^ your pri'piriy in the Geoig'a Home ItiMU’iiuee Coutpimy, of Oolumljiis, Ga. ,N. T. Johnson, Agent at Marshi-ll- w. A. M0FS0X & GO. Furniture Made to Order, No. 41 Second Street. This firm, has,- during- the -past week,, received a heavy addition to their al ready Large Stock, and propose to sell at prices to correspond will! the price of cotton. Sec JYIiat Fire Dollars Will Do-!§ A STRAY MULE Taken tup by the undersigned. in the 'North East portion of the county on /the l5th,of November. ' . The owner will please come forward, prove properly" pay charges, and take charge of eaid mule. John G. IVinTk Dee. 17th, 1870. It and repaired at short notice. I will .sell you Fuinijure as CHEAP ASH BAN BE BOUGHT IN MACON. GEORGE PAUL. decl7-ly instantly. Simpson made his iindJlas .hot yet been aiTesteO. FKOik A LCiiGpX, tGIHL. PiauiY, ■ Dec. 2:i, ' 1870. Mn. Eprrojj:—I.see from your paper ilut the Fickwickians are. yriiing for the -public. Fort Valley is repi’esented by Iago, and' MarshajiviUe too, has her. Dot, to praize her schools, to puff her tpwn and to make..eitomporec extaties over the beauty and the -chiirihs of lier girls. Now; sir, I : ain sick of -this Same bannering of “ourpaty. girls.” In my own modest opinion ' being among the pretty and decidedly ii girl, ii school girl, I arii determined to re volt -from the miisculine - regime to praise and criticise my own sex. Ami HOW YOU MAY' HAVE THEM. you dvanta.WoodnTn' Wagon or Bug- SPEC3AXITIES gy, of the-^ery -best kmd; ftffl on N. T. Johnson,. Agent, MarshalivilJe, Ga, •• 895.000 IN PREMIUMS ! Fori an tio purposes of a Family Cattartic Mod icum. Mo mercury or other substanco iu Sea $1,000 In Gold WHl bo paid for every grain of mercury oi- other substance -found in our Liver fills. For ljver dis- e»so, for nervous or sick hcadiache, constination or costiyeuess, dyspepeia or indigestion, jaundice, cheuzqatiem, gout and dropsy, and are recoin- ineuded as a general family cathartic medicine. These- pills win give relief in nine cases out of ten for every ordinary ailment in our Southern climate, where most of the diseases are dependent 6n.a diseased liver and imperfect digestion- We ciery Tim; ‘'Uuec-u of Durham ” fimpkiug To- ■Jmcco has arrived, and mfiokes delighllully. For sale by N. T. Jehnson, 'ILaiffiaUville, Georgia. m A. 1T0PS0K & CO, S. Waxelbaum, Bro. & Co’s Sell.Goods bought at regi.ilar rates as ] low as any ona, and in addition, have a large variety of Merchaiidisc that purchased and sent out by their resi dent New York Buyer at less than its actual V:due v These goods. will .be sold as they were bought, and at such Low Prices' ns will bring to Planters and oiher purchasers' Pence, Prosperity, and" Contentment,- even with cotton at 13c 1 - per pound. ■ j commukicated- ; . - ; Ms. Editor:—In your first issue I ! saw* the Pickwick Club, brought into ! prominent notice, and I must say that 1 the composing that aagusl .body have only declared to the world the depravity of their own minds and hearts." ’The most refined and best •educated people hold this to be an : axiom that when young men show 3 their utter disregard and want of ap- : preciation <g women they may he re- ] garded as wanting in many of'the characteristics of true gentlemen. I am averse, Mr. Editor, to appear ing in the public prints even under a mome de plume but as a true woman I < feel that it is ruy duty and the ditty of all true women to do ail in our power to. effect a reformation in onr. young men by pnbhcly expressing our disajJ- . ^ t • • -xv-.Ci,' e_' , ctHiriie so / many, of tongue or pen. Wich._tlie feankness of them are pursuing, and" pointing out a girl I admit .its truth and candidly many things in their, conduct which avow for it a passion but Too ill sup . tmd to their'manifestinjuiy individu- pressed, fpr the-want of opportunities ally and to the corruption and degen- and fit subjects on whom to | jirac'face. eracy of society generally. - Now my young la y think. not because ]jgt ouryoung men show.that they- o. my .candor .and 01 the fact thht yon have a proper appreciation of onr sex. are-nou invited to attend our parties, Eet them abandon their sociid clubs— 1 that we are jealous. No, no, the yel- quit {5€ifidi3nM^9^Mi3.sihoking, tlieir low monster has not crept 'into otu: dissipation - and friTOli^-, and their hearts. We are fresh and young, and staring the ladies out of countenance : see Il -‘ tliroiigh hapem! glasses.— on tlie sidewalks and at church doors," Should -we 'choose, we nonlit uoe, we their deprecatory remarks and gossip, could win from yonr ride the legal : ,nd it 3riffnot belong bSorhthy- win. -r corp.: an 1 the other dimdys of 'town/ begin.tofeekthat^^tlrey/-five'- in“a -new; and fan tnem 10 our lab apron sfatogs. - atmciqmere^aad they will bi : gin to ftp- They would’soon forswear atogianee preciato true womanly chaiacter. If} Having largely replenished'their popular stores-dnring the past week by extensive- pnrclnises at the great wholesale., auction .sales, will offer, on Monday next, the fol- Valuable Heal Estate Prizes! Coroditing. of r.VEM3, VILLASITES, HOME STEADS, ORCHARDS, VIMEYARDS,! Sec., at AIEIMS, S. C., it. 11 named “Tlie Sontheru Sara toga.” Only Mraft boars from Mow i'ork and one boar from Aagu. ta, Ga. Mincto-firo Tbonnand Dollars in Prizes, to bo : Sliareliolders-EOnly 19,000 .f 8K mV.. Glub, on Sirii:r.i.iy next, SXst inat, at Lit, A. M. 'The^pronipt altondance of inember.i is requested.- . Iu addition to the reguhir business, there will ha an address ,bv CoJ. is. D. Killeiu JAS. A. HILL, Sec’y.- -. OBESS GOODS. J. W. MANN sliarcs w3I be Tlie Great Premitun Land Sale at Aiken, S. C., is conducted on a new and popular. plan for the ale cf desirable aud vainablo improved Real Rb. late, pnd is calcnlatcd to be' a most effedive means of attia-.-ting the attention of Health Seekers, Capitalists, Farmers, Mechanics, and Emigrants generally; to onr own Sunny South, and oral thus help to build np our country and enhance the market value of our lands. . trim property disposed of in this manner is situate partly within the corporate limits of Ajkin, and is on Jer as high a State of eultivation Oi any place iu the State, besides- embracing one of the most celebrated Orchards aud Vineyards South. Tida property, valned at GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, S ft AMs. W.A.HQP80B*; Square and Long Wool Shawls in great variety WORM CANDY! SUITS AJ^D CLOAES Symptoms of Worms. ScotehPlaid Suits at &M.,« $li(» Ladies’ Cloth f nits A 9.00, - $13.00 to 15.00 Also • tlie fifth stock of Ii £ i’S j i Valveteen Cloaks at ; . /.t/....... 8.00 Misses* Cad GIoveB at,. 75 • Sale of Dress. Gooffs at, .reffneed pices continued. Call early and often. •: W. A. HOPSON A-.C0-. riecl7-3mafefcgjgjgl^ * ■ .emethiug were lodged in the throat, a grcdurl wasting of the flesh, sickness of the stomach, vom- ■ting.; a short dry cough, appetite sometimes voi-a- rioiiK. &t other times feeble, an unnatural craving for dirt, r]m!Jc or clay, bowels sometimes costive, at other times loose, great fretfulneiH and irrita bility of temper, pains in the stomach and bowels, • lie, fit.-i. c'.nviiI-ioDri and palny. ibr dire«.l:o:iri sec* top of the box. It would be well to give a small dose of castor oil, with a few drops of bir.rzU of turpentine, after the candy, to DOMESTIC GOODS, P. S.—J. 37. 1L vri-ikes 'ia trty to all-tbe people tlksl &e cieapiiess cf k:.-; goods is as- onimik..,’. Tkc- only v.\-t:der is, time Lia eoinyicti’.oro in :iiis ilitronolilait c'.iv vril! go to so small a place as New York, to Luy g -riu.% velum tbey.cun make muck more by buying fi-pin iiim. c.o-'ll- 3m Ga., Gcntlemea:—.Ti,e 100-papers of Ab- bett’s SLiver Medicine arrived Aafe, gmee When, our “Livers” work wclL . 3Ve have used, with our friends, hundreds of ptick- Jlges_ iu tbe last fifteen years—can’t trvd or geffnlong without it.' It requires tins veg etable to keep our frames in 'trim. -Hope vou Swiff introduce it into e very drug store in our State. If proof is w-.mic-d of it's ef ficiency, refer and lok at us: weights from ilo to §20, viith good digestive organs^ h. . cause our “Livers" are right Enclosed find drafts on New York for,spiousi of last invoice. ' Tours, truly, 30k HENDLF.Y & £0. j Deel7-3t. Silts, Black And Colored. TOXIC