The Houston home journal. (Perry, Ga.) 1870-1877, June 22, 1871, Image 1

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HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL In Florida they are making ‘•orange brandy. ” » - Philadelphia consumes 2,000,000-tons of coal annually. The New Jersey-Lunatic Asylum con tains 600 -patients. ' -* Ift Chicago hits a new Court House, BY J. T. WATERMAN, J. T. WATERMAN, every Thursday morning, PERRY, GA., JUNE 22, 1871. a new which has cost $416,7B7. -Sending a letter inside a newspaper ost a Bostonian 5160,30. New York consumes daily near a mil lion of eggs, at a cost of 524,000. Missouri has given up hopes of find ing tin ore in paying quantities. A history of tobacco is announced in press, illustrated with fine cuts. Tlierfirst coin made in the Philadel phia mint was: the copper cent-, tin ^78£ JmA The Baltimore census, made by tho police, gives n populationof 283,000. | 6 Over 36,000,000 nits invested in building.’in St. Louis in the year 1870. The average cost :o,£ public baths in Boston was one :ccut and five mills each.- *toq<«ubo! ■ •»* ’ - *># San Francisco lias a law suit con ducted, by two hundred and seventy lawyers. Bennington, county, ; Vt., has SJ5 dogs, not .'including those made .into sausages. The common Schools of Pennsylva- nia have8,368 and 8,739 female jteaeh- ! “You see, my dear .pother,” said ■ Liszt, smiling, “that -for a moment I ;am no richer than yon t^Kut-that does not trouble me. I hav£ credit, and I can make ready moneysiart from the keys ofmy piano. ■ However, as you ; are in a haste to leavePrague and re turn home, you shall no^ be delayed by my-present wtrot-of as :v-j ■ So saying, he openewanpther draw er, and-taking out a splendid medal lion,-gave it to the oldf^jian. ' '“There,’’-said he, ‘^toat will do.. It wiis.-a present to me bl; the .Emperor ; o£: Austria—his own portrait set in diamonds... The painting is nothing remarkable, but the' stpnes aresfine.-— Take-tliem and dispose of them, What ever .they bring shall be yours.” -Si i «- i The old man 'tried in vain : to de cline so rich a gift Liszt would Jio't hear of a refusal, and the poor man at length withdrew, after evoking the the choicest blessings of heaven on Ms generous benefactor. 'iHe.then repaired to the shop of the principal jeweler, in the city, in order to sell the diamonds. Seeing a miser ly dressed: man anxious to dispose of magnificent jewels, with whose value he was not acquainted, the master of ^ar has never entered his /head. - The the shop very naturally suspected Ms revival of war issues he does not dream honesty ; and while appearing-ito- ex- of. But the-preservation in its integ- amine the diamonds witM. close atten- rity-of the beautiful scheme of govem- EDWIN M. BROWN FURNITURE For all tlie icme. No m SI,OOO In Gold Mr. Davis is one of tliose earnest conscientious^' uninalleable men who never yield their convictions. He' has in Mm the elements of the hero end martyr, more than any public man in the country. He feels as do all true —*VT UK C?AK i.1 i L H. M. HOLTZCLAW, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ^ man or indigestion, jaundice, dropsy, and are recom- Uy cathartic medicine. Three Months, ft t 8iiiO fidlidD VjALLB ATTENTION TO THE FACT that he still h)yi ,..Notwithsfemding the feet that he has tne wenmi'of many years upon federateMe^e^dmanyet”- At S, TRUND] 5, TABLES, C The paper will-be stopped at the expire- If the address of a subscriber is to be changed, we must have the old addreSS-,as IV A S H S TANDS. CBADLES, CHIBS, SATES. ETC., tbam to supply a safer and every rgative remedy than has hitherto well as the new one, to prevent mistake. No subscription received tor a less period; than three months. No attention paid to anonymous commu nications, as we are.jrfigponsible for every thing in our reading columns. This rule is imperative. ... Any one sending, ns five new subscnpeis and $12 50, will receive the Home Joubxax, one year peek. J BUFORD M. DAVIS, ! Attorney at i,aw,i ‘PERRY, GEORGIA, j ■ti ifiirijt Jri*..--fl&al Will practise m : all the'Courts of the Ma- ON HAND AND MADE TO ORDER.; A general assortment of ■ ^fisTALXiIG, ■ and «v,-rj- description of -WQGDEN— ■ CO^S’IMS. A Hearse can be famished to order at auy time, on short notice. I can be founaih ;the day time at my : st6re, next to the Hotel; HtSn rrTi f * at mV Toct/l on on 'Vi'diftiiiinfr' fTiol- r\t R3TJ00 2 MfTflAM ances between the'States" and the Federal Government and condemna tion of centralization by the' people at the polls are necessary.' Thewhble tendency of Radicalism has been to' reduce the States to counties, and make the national government a dead ly, despotism. . Mr. Davis simply thinks this fundamentabchahge' ought to be battled against unconditionally and that no concession of great principles should be made, t Tllefolly of feMeu; Displayed advertisements will be charged specified time, of hey will be contained id charged for until ordered out. Advertisements inserted at intervals will' C. C. DUNCAN, L A W, ! Something good-to.eatjn it. ! public patronage. Give him a call jan5-tf fi'h iicri* haaei'iiiAjti WORM CANDY A pleasant, safe and effectual remedy - n. Bio himilll It/iiif. [it! be charged as new each insertion. Advertisements to run for a longer time three months, are due and will be col lected »t.ti»6jbgjinBa% <$. eafojgMrhak ^ DR. CHARLES R, MANN PERRY. GA., ' in the human b6dy. ti- fiixIn, SyinptujriSiat Rlonpisj Alternate paleness andhiSdng of countenance, a dial exmeriKiuii ot tS^Byes, drowsiness, itching Of the nosel a Swelled? upper lip, tongue wlute.y ittiTha; and thickly'spechxed with t ed spots, iotid breatn and enlarged belly, a partial or general Fwmture Made to Order, and repaired at short notice, I .will sell yon Fuxuijure as CHEAP AS IT CAN BE The Great Medical Discovery i Dr. WALZEE’S CALTFOBNIA SijN ES A.R "BTTTErRS, : s|' Hundreds cf-Thousands. ,15.. Job work must be paid for on delivery. Advertisements discontinued from any cause before the time specified, will, be charged only for the time published. Marriage Notices and Obituaries not ex- ^SXSiiSjS&SSSSmi. charged for at regnlar adyer^ag^^. ^, intended to promote any private enterprise or interest, will be charged as other adver tisements. , , , , . . ,, . Advertisers are requested to hand m.then fovors as ^ly M tfie week « pt^bla. BOUGHT. IN MACON. :4IC90as. of Perry and the surrounding Office at Dr. Gilbert’s Drug jan26-6m A Wallingford, Ct.* match- factory, that turns out 1,200,obo inatohes.dai^-, is to be enlarged. One thonsnn^fyo ^nndreil Wti.spv- eome’tliiug wei e ludged in the tiiruat, a gradual iSadaiiJfc'dl the’ ileah, sidmesa of the atengudi, vom-. »5Hmrf' ar * BOTMtines voctJ cious, at other tunes feeble, an unnattLar cranna Tdrairt, tjhaBror* clay, boweis-sometimes costive,} . From the Telegraph & Messenger.] The Old Po eh at Melrose. BY MBS. MADELINE J,BBVAX. The dear old porch at Melrose Hn.ll -T'-HatMfoai^ tales-to tell, 7 : Of those who answer not the call, Our-evening bandto swell. ; AnDma^,i>etmednp.» nei^- bor’s cow and then sold; him milkTpr three weeks. ^ Lagfc 7 ~ 800,000* sacks of wheat, mostly tho product of California. . . i~ t ; ' * ° We findstheToILowijfg-in the Rich mond Dispatch. We give it as a speci men of the"reading wMch the Tribune’s smelling commission is -furnishing the readers of that paper. Contrast tMs slanderous caricature with ’ Mr. "Gree ley’s hypocritical professions of friend- liness to the South: How Greeley’s Correspondent w-as'Tkeated in GEpE^eti^aJ station a-blustering feUbw ■ with .'a. ljig ■revolver hung about his waist, strode up and down the platform, - asserting with proper oaths that no wMte man could be if Radical; ahd if he be said he ; was one he was a d——d'liar.— “And no nigger is a Democrat," he added. “I don’t-care what ho says; “You"must,come first to prison,” they said; afterwards, you can give an explanation to the magistrate.-” . , : . The prisoner wrote a few lines to his benefactor, imploring assistance. Liszt hastened to the jeweler. “Sir,’’.said he, “you have, caused the arrest qf an innocent man. . Comd with .me immediately and let us have f the lawful owner UnparalleledSiiffeiiiig.! So contcmgtfljb. ^bsgY?e isGfr Cabinet that, forth: fiv-i. in Msfoiy of .the conptiy, few t ara to'tffiLthe names of thpse who com; it. - We have seen several wagers ly won npqn it. A Democratic P dent who w.ould liaVe appointed sr ^Lm^o^wg^^ob^frla All gone! save three, who linger here, Mounting the lost, to i And’ ofo intrusive comes For those who dwell fiim released, of tlie jewels , in question, for I gave £30,000 yearly, to keep my. superior before thg TF -' A1 HTn -* vertising, fortune c ijip,v-VYui»■ L.C, f’ro* :i -• X^pjnui^Upctor.d.Bpicet: called “ To:;-j c., t-ot lea l linkeniicsi"and ruin, but art ejfrotav2 Toots and** frcc lroni all AlrohuJic; e^ll«AH05i3M not‘'iiappeti anywhere in litis neighborhoou iatfect such a'thing could: not/take'-plac. light BBPteafcwt-, 4- Thought brings to mind the one who Med Him to his country’s call; Far, fer from home and friends he died, its hfre in thrall. -V- -fi. A , 80 silently doth sieep, /.TBfo^tgfof'inih the i fonely tifreb; * ifyoniiie~otU porch ioeejfci”. l"* w .gaihfcoHh* sumu Ki ;; MX Ohimoss-grown porch, ,Oh!Melrose.gray! jii voicetp4hfie‘Were*giveD, How couldst tixou..ntind us of tlie day, X^^Jfee^Sf'otmheaft'likdfilv'it' M'e sat in gleesome mood and sting-. ; At twilight’s wittmmgh'oux; And lancie., bright like beads were strung To perish like the flowi . That-springs-all dewy from-its bed, . .In blushing rosy morn; i^But <are".4he moon is shatter’d, dead! i And all its -McLeod Beltoi butts a compound ( e| btauub^A. add is rei liei'WaAonic and gent ipdpsla, ifimaesCoti, it and. costbveuess, tuej tnuiatinc the Uver-aa abiarasma.'-fitne-'oit just tutiugb to-preduj Of £350,000. Bfrmiqghp^,.^ “Advertising, fike . „ . •clay. Jfcttit igasSfo- Ji to love and boldness “But, sir,” asked the merchant, “who are you.” - "My name is Liszt.” ‘ ’ “1‘don’t know any rich man of that name.” ‘ J “That may be; ytitl’in tolerably well known’.” “Are you aware, sir, that these dia monds are wdrth fox thousand florins that is to say,' about ’ five hundred guineas, or twelve thousand francs?” ’“So much tile better for him on whom I have ImstowecLthiapi. ” . ‘ ‘But in order" to insdte such a pres- ent yon mnst.t-t^^“»w 7 “My actnal fortune consists of two 3JXBOOdM s d i li . :zr'js cf Californlai ... __ ^URtKIEltaiid lJFE omxe rjriK-1 - ,'U’LEapert^ct Renovator aadluvlsoratoror .aysL..t..r.-/;:o; o£aU poisor.oua matter and asto:1i*j t.o Oc<£t*t lifiupcAatioa. Not , ;73on can ta*:c ttiC3c Bi .tors according to dree- :n;i end rcmalnlong unuvll. A t jrjftCTSSuuiuint ory- uud Chrome Jlliea- aVatlaui str.d (lout, Diopcpsiii or Iudi- rrstioo. Bil]oas, r ^.‘Uiiuei>t anil Inter-; .r,incut Fevers, 0!»caBcs of the Blood,i -?au*«cVarc canesd I>y Vitiate*! Blood, • * x ole met aasistiu two “YVliataiK to war, the sis success in ]?us who-had‘ just finished nnloadiiig‘ ! soine freight, “and that’s-why-lBafno frhite man can bea Radical; and if he says he Is, heflies. ’ There’s that gentleman,” ,i: . .n.. q gjpaKsgiilljj -.icr -if he says so he% a-har:”' The fellow’s politi<^tl hariirigie‘was hraieintelcriipfed by- the -'whistle -of thti Toedhrotivc, aiid I was not sorry to leave him.—-AMgus- ta’lOteMii New Fork Tribune. - ’ . , U k % ^ r-'y-Ii ; From the-Nashville Unfon. A correspondent perpertrates the iollbwing parody on what we hope is notfobe-A.'-D.‘-1879: DECREE. Jaiujif . YVTiereas, Dtmng^ the civil war wMcl| it) hap^pily; repliedJn the fir^t estab- iishmeu of mqnaicMcalprinciples and the overthrow of that monstrous sys tem tlenmSn3eff^8'e3pm»% ’ , .1 Our faitMul-snbject —, whom some, having no fear of Us, nor res- ■>bae> fca Jbcn rew.'Jal '*&"**& f-iV t'.'-A- n .Apzpna.cwn^psjSftOOQ,000 acres.. Tho tCaliioniia >plive crop wilb bc tin-rirnfliis.Seasom ’ Thehtirse-eatedXRt when hehasn’t a bit in MS UK>uth- ' •: ’ -GdhiPctrilThfo^tnifotmdat theiip- C : rivt r,(>r- egoii.'’ ir^ohsifnay^l * atxtsd 'Tlierefirc- over;flfty ; kinds of cantiry Fisk, Jr. HvSStaph- . “ Without the -aid ol -adveftisemefifo,' 1 could -have done nothing tin my specufii- prfoter^S^^^^^^ road to business.”—P- 'L Bar.ium. -isgcisrai’.y. pridnacd Jjy'diranscTOmtj.o? Ute J^'vcrOrequs. ippj-, Ar. if, 1 ■ ■ BYSPEK.S1A Oil INDIGESTION. ’ llcadaciujIPaih Lithe Shouiaors, CdaBtia. TiEht ■X'c^j of’r.te'Chest, piizlness, Sour Eructations of tiioStemachiBadtsstcdu tho’Mnttth "Btiidus At tacks, Raipitrtion of the Heart, In2anuujiHoB cf - Uie.I,uaBs,l > aij4u-thoregiousj)f tUcEidacys.and a iiUiitbcd othar painiul symptoms, are the off- iarpidlivcraad bovvtds, which renderthem of un- eouail&L-'cSicacsSia clfiaasui^tiie idoaisof all Lard. FI our, I< isli COUGH •fMLo MP-i “By no means; itnd yet, by fast moving my fingers, I' can ’ obtain as much money as T wish;” “You must be a magician.” “If-yoii choose, I’ll disclose to you the- magic : I-employ;” - ’ ■ Liszt had seen a piano in the ’parlor behind the shop. r He . opened- it, and rati -his' fingers 5 Over the •kfrrs' ; -'then seized-by sudden inspiration/ :he im provised one of : 'tfibse'sonl; : tbuchin'g‘ symphonies pectilikr to MmselL : -As hesbfthde’d'fbe first chord, abean- tiful young : pdrl entered -the room.— •WhHe'th^el^ycontinued'she-re mained- speechless ’ and:’ immovable; then as the last note' died hway/i-Bfie 'cried with irrepressible enthusiakmX “Bravo, Liszt! ’tis wondroiasi’ K ' ; - f “Dost thou-know him, whenf hiy daughter?” asked the jeiveler. : • “Thiti is the first thaf‘1 have had the "pleasure of seeing or hearing him, ’ replied 8he; '“hntT . do know that none living' save Liszt could draw such sounds from the piano.” •’ Expressed with grace and modesty, by a young person of ■ remarkable beauty, this admiration, could not fail fmnro fli,n ■ iffvino- to tlio -np. e now being ecu . i DISEASES,Ernpticms,Tetter. fftcu%itBlotclieS. Spots, l’lmpl'es, Pnstulo. tiar^Unclos, lUng-Worms/S'calti-IIcad, Sore; ja5^*itc:i^Scurfs t Discolorations of aS>iafcA3g oft^pEfrlwfcf for the production, ot syr yields 150 'to 180 bushels, gives oveTtwasilis of sy ant. flavgr, A pleasant brt^ze mov NUTS, CANNED OYSTERS AND cml carries out of the system in a sbontimo by; tlie use of these Bitters. Ogo'bottle in such cases will convince tho most incredulous of tlich; minute and exerts a pressure of 125 pounds to the square foot. A tornado moves 100 miles per .hour, or 8,800 feet per minute and presses 60,000 pounds per square foot. It sweeps away hous es and trees. .- g , ; T!he highest point attained by aDy balloon traveller, seven miles,-was madeby James Glasher on the 2d Sep tember, 1862, who as also his-compan ion, Mr. Cox, well became insensible. Coffee and fruit stains on linen and wMte clothes will be set rather than removed bv-soap, if put into the suds with the stains on them. They should be first -put into- boiling water, and kept there until the water become^ cold, and then put into suds. Cl Jnssfim Vit!atcamooJwhcMVcr yon tod. - its.imparities bursting through the skin in Pim ples, Eruptions or Sprc? ; clcnnst: it lYhen _you llnJ it obstructed and slnggish in the veins; - cleariflV H when it Is foul, and your feelings will tggSfifelR&S’ Wfl pjX; TA PEand other WOR3IS, lnrMng'hi Vue syatam of so many thousands, are effectually carefully rae circular around each Dottle. | J. WALKF.R, Prdprir;tt»r.‘E. iL MCDONALD & CC., D.*ng!?ist3 andJLt«:u Amenta. San Fraacisc* Cal , a 11 SI and St Comrae cj Street , New -Yo | r 0 :.7> DT ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALER^.] And eve^thing else good to eat. He also k m^nm a mh* fitisi i mV.Xb !- liC'.cite'«§itI j gsaasass^3BI miudi^eiBibbldi wCfappend-a lewcerJtdicatei^.Kv 1 Ena til && i** J It Gave Really and Lnure RoHct. Nearly iour years ago, wlscn sr.fferir.g from n_se- pm&gfci87fi. L^7Q ,HlQi*i » » ■K3 3txrv.;'.XcUOZ'G'-:/.hASc7LX:7 'Of various kinds,' to'-wKict-he invites sbeeialwttention bf the-thirsty. -mmi2d to the Beasr, Old Dutch Gap Fizzle,” etc., rendered distinguished .service to the cause 'oforder.andmorality—nota- bly in New Orleans and Baltimore: Tlini’irfAra Tin if If nntim flint Wn arrived in Fragile in October, 1846, The -next day after he came, his ipartment was entered by a stranger —an old man whose appearance indi cated misery-and suffering. The great uinrieiah:received him_with a cordiali ty wMch he would mot, perhaps, have shown to a nobleman. ' Encouraged Therefore, Be it known that We, Useless, do hereby appoint the afore said Our Special High Cham berlain, and‘do commit to his guardi anship all the plate, silverware, spoons, etc., used at Our royal table. All Our wife’s nephews are charged with tiie execution of the above, UsEiiEssI," Emperor of the Americans. Oar Patrogs^o^g^rs, afrdtothej General Public. ;" - r „ . _ . “ -I tip a batt cr rerffeeibaa 8. GOOD THINGS FOR EVERYBODY »e'*iawav-—^ ■ - : - - -• : >jfara« CHEAP FOR CASH rnlii^i jnarket prices ft- ; . c. f; coorER'.. we cauaot. tovoSnitmug at^utist tee iudfc to be more than fiatfering to the ar tist. However, after making Ms ac knowledgements, Liszt withdrew’, in order to deliver the prisoner, and” was accompanied by the jeweler. Grieved 'at his mistake; the wealthy rnerehant sought to repair it by in vit ing, the iiinsnjians to. supper.;' The hoiior3 of the table were done by Lis' amiable da:ighter, ; who appeared no - less touched at the generosity of Liszt than astonished at his talent. ... --g-iijVTTw '-v-f SX.jlfr .UV-fixm i • That night the musicians of the city serenaded their illustrious brother.— The next, day the nobles and most dis tinguished iuhaliteuis of Earguc pre sented themselves at his door. They, entreated give concerts, leav ing it to himself to fix any sum he pleased as a' remuneration. Then the jeweler perceived that talent, even . in a pecuniary light, may *be more val- ttabie'than, tfie'most precious dianibiicl3. Liszfcontinued to -go -to' Ms house.; . .. , ,, x V. .ose name is nu-o put up-; by Ms kindness, Ms visitor saidiiJUTtSf “I comeXohyou, sir' as a brother.— Excuse-me if I take this title, not- pvV TO IN',; Horace Greeley. For thirty years ho’ has been the most industrious and nnscmpnlon.s shsuderef and vifiifier of the people of the SontM and in all that time has done J more to inflame-the prejudices and par- I sions of the Norihc-mpeople and hound !on the-fanaticism of his section against |~t!ie South’ than any other editor in the Union, and no po’iticic.n of all liis par ty, after Beast Butler, more justly mer its thaWesiYitr; ent and contempt,— In his recent pilgrimage to me on tlie market t>y ignorant quacks, wl Every bobyTakesIt? A murderer named Trnmpb sonmdglljn flaying .on a. j nano j and by giving instructions I gained a com fortable livelihood. : Now I am’old, feeble, burdened with a ^arge family, and’destitute ofpnpils, Ihvexii.Nu remberg, but I came to Prague to seek to.reeover-the.remnantpf a small property which belonged to my an- U Uiebt* 7 see. Aa a protect.ou tu tae people jsition. and. from the suffei-aig tt tied on txieni by tae use of tue cu ibovo ineutioued, we liave ptepare* be seen taey a.e ail articles of n JO take jnealciue Witiiout too aav. i would do well to give tnese tnajii use. taey ate. good .and pure, : aui >y persons wlio Haveliad long jet in compouudmgTnedicinea. outb, * ; ehriosity may Have drawn to him Mur j ! noticeXhanrhe would otherwise have rc- ’ j eeived. ’ The people had a cariosity fftee-fheff Bfc'-longeiiemy and viHhi-ir. | The Gontherh civilization w7riefi he s’-. j unassumingly cam? to inrustigiie an 1 report upon,' gnar&steeil efeh to Mm the respectffif'treatment and h’ospi- feility -wbrnh- is cveh accor-Ts to strtia- g'ers. ' ■ "-' r5f ' ■ - : The people of the S-jfith care as' lit- tleiitfeiTt'Mr. Greeley’S political -6p5r- ions; or his‘ estimate of-'themselves, as -theworld -doeshberat “What ne Knows about X’armiiuy ” .3is visit South was an iiapetfifleut fntrusion, rtn ler the Fharisflical-pretense of enqr.iring-into oor mofel,%c>biui and political coudr- •twSn, SHIt^rtiiaGhe might-report: ff, hta pferty-North whether we-are; trith hhr etilared frieEds, tit for-s^ehmrif- •Eftfel ^Kwni what hehiisiwrRteS^^feo ii*fapprehend th#^is abotifc'tfostrisS’ru -regard to as Grbhit he-ecESer - Tt is very certain that Ms ridiculous Presidential aspira tions have mot been promoted by his - exhibition of himeeif hemin tte^har- acter of ajaisgioparyoi RadieaUa^hn- (Copyright second.) pliwraal Sidneys-(i fi-ao e^al We offer, you the above Standard ar reasonable inargai loir profit, and conna your A'vSiistiiiice in bringing uiese iueritoi edies before tiie public- . jGiirlai^e and well assorted stock SARSAPARILLA -MA: - AND •ani^to' the merchant’s ’ great ’jt>y, he soon’ perceived that his daughter was the causi- of these visits. He began to I love the compj-tny of the musician, and not hateit. One morning, the jeweler, coming to the point, with German frankness, said to Lisztr-T •‘How do you like my daughter?” “She is an anfeif^V*!: 7;?; ■' ; a “What do you think of marriage,” “I think so well of it that I have the greatest inclination to try it.' ’ “What wonld vou say to a fortune of j . - three million francs? “I wouH willingly accept it ” “Well, we understand each other.— My daughter pleases you; you please my daughter, her fortune is ready—be my son-in-law.” %BXiljOW HO S For Scrofula und Scrofulous Diseases, Skin Dis- cass * Eaiptibns. Fimpies, Pustules, isaOtcues, Doila, Erysipelas. Tetter, Scald-nead, King-worm, liicors, xcuuGra, Sores, bypmiis, jttercofGal Pois- oning, and lor. - I’CRIFilXG THE BLOOD. Even when co particular.dSsordOT is felt, peojje •njoy better lieaitii and live longer for aeansnig the blood. Keep tne blood LealtuyjjLlailis can be uo jihntn. Sooner or later stuue- Uuud must go wrong, and. ru^iyachinfetr °r lJe is -disordered or uvr/tijiusn. luis ui—uciue is gratitude, for I feel that I only dis charge *i As he uttered those’ generous words, Liszt’ opined a drawer in his I writing case, and started when he saw that Ms j usual’ depository for Ms - money con- tained but two ducats." Hesummoneu I his servant - ” j “7¥hCTeis the money?”-he asked. | “There.sir,” replied the man, point ing to the open drawer. “.There 1 Why there’s scarcely any thing.”-,- . it vi ~jr/ . - - “I know it, ar. If y<m please to remember, I told yon yesterday that ' -T~ .ViJi i HEWITTS GLOBE HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA-, W. C. HEWITT,” Proprietor. “WMch of our veMcles sliatt ,we sell?” asked a cross-grained man of"Ms wife,' “the sulky or the sociable?”— ■ ‘Let us get rid of the sulky by. .pil means', and retain the sociable,” was fie respdnsa 7. An. unmarried friend declared to-qn fie other day, with an expression of countenance mostfiigubrioas: ‘ ‘I nev er cared a farthing about getting mar- ried until I attended aa old bcahrinr’a fnnarat” - - BHOWfJ’8 HOTEL ; rO^K^deFaSsisngEwDepp*, MACON, GA., / W. F. BROWS <fe CO., Projwtetors, j})* tB&aiO ^ . terat.ve8 in market >'h»ye merenry 1 or their basis, and often entaJf a co untie: .evils upon their -vrictnps, even w inal disease. This medicine . J’lnid Exti act of Satf Queen’s Delight, with s ofphrificd” ad is by|4%r Tfiered to the