The central Georgian. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1847-1874, November 23, 1870, Image 1

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£HE CENTRAL GEORGIAN PUBLISHED WEEKLY ET JOHN N. GILMORE, Proprietor. OFFICE in masonic building Sandersvili.e, Ga. Subscription Rotes, ■ one Year, ------ o r t ropy one 1 car ’ ‘ 2?! Copy Six Months, pne $3 00 2 00 To tx flu! in Advance. ^r- When a subscriber finds a cross mark on his paper he will know that his subscription has expired >' to expire, and must b" renewed if he wisb- or is. e « the paper continued. , . „,v-\Ve do not send receipts to new subscribers.— If they receive the paper they may know that we . received the money. Subscribers wishing their papers changed r vn one post-office to another mnst state the name r ' V .office from which they wish it-hanged. ef the pP st -' business cards. BliLSIlAW & SI1.VA, Importers and Deah rs in ffqc^cry, 6fein$ ?.ihK lassir'arc, KEROSENE LAMPS AND OiL, putlery, Britannia ami Fiatcti Ware, House Furnishing Goods Gener ally. 152 ST. JULIAN AND 149 BHYAN sTS., Between Whitaker street and the Market, § \ A' ANNAII, - — — — GEORGIA Aug- 31, 1870 34-1 v [odkms Dialer iu Tin Ware, Stoves, HCUSE-FURNISH1NS GOODS, //./ it ss is x;, bs-'QO & *1. * b WILLOW WARE. Owing to the late fire which occurred in Masonic Hull building, I have removed my entire JSloek l«» No 10 7 Bi oiiyh to it a ?«<1 tin 11 Nmet •>*, SAVANNAH, - - GEORGIA Two l)»o:s ab -ve Weed Ac t’*n nw*-!l, V, HIGH I AM OFFERING V i.II V Li i \V. G. Ac II. Aug. 31, 1870. 34—Iy 3CW MUSIC. HERMANN L bCiiitil-NEil, Book and Made Dealer. SAVANNAH, - - GEORGIA THE CENTRAL GEORGIAN RATES OF ADVERTISING. IN POLITICS, CONSERVATIVE; IN RELIGION, CATHOLIC; W MATERIAL INTERESTS. PROGRESSIVE. ISTo. 46 SiYISTDERSVILLE, GA., NOVEMBER 23, 1870. VOL. XXIV. BUSINESS C A R D S. mm I B U SAVANNAH, - - - - GEORGIA. Wiltberger & Carroll, PKOPHlETUliS. •Tan. 19. 1S70. 3-1 y W W. 3. T. CMtTl-.R. J W. W. QKTKR & S )\s. Cotton Factoi’s Uni era 1 fommL>sion M«-rchasil.«, 104 B:.y Sirm-T, SAVANNAH, - GEORGIA, Prompt personal attention Planters'sup plied with l*a Lowest Rates. Aug. 1 , 1S70. given to Orders, jging and Ties at W. R. VfOi»DBK!I>OI . E. B'»THWELl., lioTHV’ELL & WOODBUiDGl COTTON FAi Tt Rs, AND General < ommisston s, 74 SAV V NX AII, .. .4u?. 13. 187<i. PAY STREET, CEORLIA. iy CJ-A-IRrlFETS, ’ a iOTi SLa ' a k MATTINGS, LACE COiiTA b A T! S-.A1M-S- March 30, 1870. ‘ JOHN M. C uPhR & C Corner V/Int.rker dc St Jitli n Mrcut.-,«A* ass.mi,c.v. IV/.oieialc and li flail UiuUrs in B iOKS 4 STAiiOAAliV l * lilMiS, ’ C< •I*yiN’G&?KAj/ I’KK’-M-.S, l'EN KMV S, N* & ILok Flint -i;g Paj>« i & Silk, ‘ GOLD BJ£>'sS, PEN AND PENCIL CASES. ! <rigpr, Wrinug i olosrd Taps j r Of (ill kind* and Jfif Jihuikojjd Job H o. /c, .Playing, VisitjjjgPi^uifcTk’ Cards, &e- J)o<>ks Ordered GYat AYw 1 *n k. JZ-aitx. j oh L' M.C”6pe'r. • Oc.n^c i. C^m.uU'CK. / *v, : Alex. C. N. bincit*. Aug. 17, l»7u. v . * fc'.m If *orlc FPoiie £jOH' £*rnmptlf/ MZatcx. al LATHI®! 5 & C®. iy UUII. 7.1 A’■TIT' I.. J. UUiMAUXIN &(V AN D General Cemnifcslaii Kercbants Bay Bbe- /. Siwn,niih, G< yu Thus. J. Dunbar. jicurj edyl-. T. J. |)!M!.\I! & t0., Importers and De.t.ers ill BRANDIES, WIRSKIES, (.1 VS, WINES 4 sttalts, lOUU C<t, Ac. 147 Bay Stkkkt, S i V AN K All, GEORG IA, Jan n, 1S70. r - tf I L F ALK &, €q,, —ONEPKltE— ]] holtaole and Iicl'dl lU'lii/ltl agents FOlt RRADLE’S Mijicr I'liu.'i h:«m «f l ime. •! KW h LLS MlJ.LS Y Alt NS, DoME&TXCS, &• <tc. Baggiag, Rc|m\ & Iron 'Ins. dian/s on /nihil. Usual lutcmUcs di’x- t-udud to Customers. Aug, 31,1S7 1 '. Cm MKIlNil \RD BROS. & 00,. W h'disalf Dealers in isjg Warehouse, No. 147 Congress & 147 St. .1 ulien streets, SAVANNAH, GA. A large Assortment of Furnish ngGoods,Hats, * T runks, Valises, &e., always on : and. Manufactory, 44 Murry Street, .New York. Goods made to order at the shortest notice. .Hiiuary la, 187o. 8—lj Palmer & deitlhi, Wholesale and Retail DEALERS IN hardware, Rubber Belling, :»gn cultural ra{)!<ments,' Powder, Shot, Caps and Lead, 14S Congress and 07 1st Jal.iuu k>1»., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Marc-I. SO, 1870. • B’ Ready ^lade Clothing, . GINTLE MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, 111 Droriglitop Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. ,/an. IP, 187''. BLAIR & BICKFORD, Dealers in floors, J. M. HAYWOOD, j GENTS’ FURvisHINtt GOODS, COMBS, BRUSHES, A']! 5« ^ 1 ts5 ' ! w>' V * W? Amer ic.usr and Itnprrrterl P« tjnmery, Cur Bull and Bryan Street*, SAVANNAH, - - GEORGIA. May 11, 1870. tf •A. P. Goodman, JI. JVIykhs, F. Myeks.^* Lynchburg, Va. Savannah, Ga. LyncLLurg, \ a GOOllMtN & MY HRS, TOBACCO ^Scvimk/jiCm C>//erenan£j J 'Cmmfyjtcti And Dealers in Cigars and. Iv’ipes, 137 Bay Stieit, SAVANNAH, GA. ^ As Agents for the various Manufavtures of lr ginia, We are prepared to til! orders ior every RnJe iud style, at -Manufacturers’ prices. "'E Pit THE HH4HEPT PltlC’ES FOR .UIOES, lllitSU AX, Jec. *Ky iS7i>. 18-1/ v 3 Mpnldings, Balusters yVticff Posts anti Slttutl RAILINGS, 109 and 171 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, Alev It, 187". - - - GEO. Hy S. S MILLER, [Next door to AVced & Cornwell.] DEALER IX jflahogany, Wttbtnf 6* Pine mi mill i:. Frencli & Cottage Chamber Sets —and Mattresses Made to Order. A"o. 155 and 157 Broughton Street. SAVANNAH, GA. July 6, 1870. S I N K S S CARDS. C. E. GROOVER, ►savannah. C. F. STUBBS, Savannah. A. T. MACINTYRE, Thomasville. liiiUUVKK. STB BBS & Cl COTTON I-A Cl OHS iieneral Commission Merchants, 94 Bay Street. S.II\#,V,V.i#l, 41.1. Bagging, Tie?, Pope ami other Suppiles Furnish*, d. Also Liberal Cash Advances made on Consign ments for 8ale or Sbipuieut to Liverpool or Northern 6m Ports. aug. 31, 1S7«'. C hampion Su Freeman Wholesale and Retail Dealers in GEOCEBIES, PROVISIONS, WHISK Lb Tobacco, &c., 103 Buy Stiif, Corner D.avion, SAVANNAH, GA. Bent- 21, 1870. 37—tf PEUKY A3. DkLEOX, | CHAP. C. HARDWICK. t)E: toN & UAliDWIK, COTTON FACTORS AND &: Cftlt rs in TF.ll I si. MZ TSI S, 64 Bay Lti^et, S A V A N N A U, G E O K G I A Agents fuF Chappell’s “CLainpion Superphosphate. Aug. 31. 1870. 34-1 v M. FEKiST & CO., H HOLES ALE DUAL BBS IN YYiaes, Liquors, Segars and ' .isas ritx «£_r- FANCY GROCERIES, .CANBFKS, «c., Ac.. hfiaoied to corucr O' Y WiHTARE i TUtET? S A V A N N All, (1 t:0,R(r I A. House in N.w Yoik, 449 Ur«»i»W»y.. J. A. MEKCIER, torn. DKALhR IX Oats, Hay, Eran, And all Kinds of FI Ei>. CRIST, and .81 AL, CON RIG N MEN TS SOLI Oil EL? And Orders Promptly filled in every channel of Trade. 153 B-<y Street. Oi,e door e-i^t <d ID 1. Co., SAVANNAH. - GEORGIA A i **r«b r-* Mil ivcci v e Prompt Attoution. Mai 1;, 187". l s -ly ESTABLISH ED 1840. Jolan Oliver, Dealt a ashes, Blinds | Doors. Il'ivtUu-filtfss, mis, Tur pentine, furnish, Brushes, Butty, Etc., House & Sign Fainter, Xo 3 Whihdrer Street, Savannah, GY. A uif. 31, 137" J. Fincean, J. B. Parra more, J. Itutlcdgc Fincgan. JUS ? i PH FlXtGAN & LU. COTTo.N FaCTOI-.S, AND COMMISSION M ERCIIANTS, BA Y SThEET, SAVANNAH, : : GA. Liberal Advanei s made on Cotton consigned to us or to our Correspondents in .New York and Liv erpool. aug. 31, 18?o. 4m J. A. rniLLirs, Sav. Carl Heinsius, Sav. Ol the lata firm Carl Epping A Co. CO, John a. Fimyi's a FACTORS AND f on t miss ion Merck an ts, Old 2?o. 149, Ktw Ko. 152, Bay Street, SAVANNAH, - - - GEORGIA. |C§r' Liberal advances made pn consignments of 6m Cotton. Timber and Pbodhoos irept. 14. 1870. (Carriage k ^b|)osi!or£. feolomon C ohen, Coiner Bay and J-ffer.son Streets, SAVANNAH, — — GEORGIA Keep> a Fulllineof Carriages, Buggi-s, Plun- ta ion and Lxprers Wagons iroin ilie most reli able Mai.uiacturers, and guarantees satiafue- u n in Qusti y and Piives. P an ter and Aler chaii’S visitii g the eiiy aie rcspectft)lly i. vited u? > a ami’ e he stock, also a fu 1 lino oi Har ness and Whips. 'ienus liberal. Inquiries by mail will r eeive prompt attention, sept 21, 1870 o7—6ui Uavailt, Waples Su Co. FACTORS —AN D— Commission Merchants, SAVANNAH, B C S I N ESS C A R1>S PUGII8LEY, JR. B. T. MORRIS, PLGHSI-KY & MORRIS, Gmerrd Beaters w UEIU4I AMUSE. s w ainshuro, ga., 00DS given in e change for all kinds of C n try Produce. Liberal advances made on Cotton and Wool eo sign’d to them for .-hipunent. E pc tin^ to ebange our business we are now clo-iug out our tutire stock at Savannah Retail Prio s. Nov 23 1870. Gt BERNARD SB. SMITH, Mrti.n{iH'iurer and Dealer in tilt ware, SA N UERSVTLLE, GEORGIA. I.L kinds of w- rk i" Tin, \ I.L k A". <fcc.. done on short i ( opner, e. K”. beet Iron, ng Gutter ng Vi.h ting iu town or country, prompti} atten- ic*l Id. Merchants will be supplied, with Ware of the hesi quality on t.lie mo-t reasonable terms. ' (>rdV»t* solicited. Apnl SB 187<». A. J. MILLER k ( 0 . 150 BROUGHTON STREET, Savamiah, Georgia. New Work made to order. Repair ing, B«4i liantlipgv XJalfcRsss Mailing and Upiiolatering, .IT fiSiOttT .XOTSVE. A. J. MILLER. A ng. 3.1. 1870. C. P MILLER. 34-lv 11. P. P.icnnoxn. Min. il. Stark & €o., Wholesale. Grocers, Colton Factors, Grocers, Cotton AND GENERAL djyomm "/jtort Cd/ie tc/iavt^ SAVANNAH, G A. J gents for the S"ie of <;IJI.LETT’S STEEL I5RE I! COTTON Gins, lialVl I'Hleiii < «.ti«»n Feeder, .t il iw 4t IV TUu>. Also E. F. Coe’s Super-Phosphate of Lime. Cart ful attention givm to Sales or Shipment of Cotton and all kinds of Produce. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE OX CONSIGN- M ENTS. aug. 31, 187'\ fitn G £ 0 £ G I A. Ang. 31, 1870. HAl'KhK, -k UFO .NY & CO., Fr«<!nce fontmlssion HIOTJSE!, sst, b.ico.v, if'isssiit: r, tOft.V, BIS V 1ST, AND FERTILIZERS, SEEDS. We call our patrons atiention to our Seed trade list. We tire the only V\ hulesaie Grower and Importers of seeds in tbe State of Ga. 1-t premiums at Ga. .’ tale fair, Ala. State fair, Penn. State Fair, United Stmes fair foi Celery seed ami Kanv Rose Potato, and a coinphnien- titry reprt o- aceount ol'our fine Fruit. Wheat, Oats ai d Grass seeas furnished pure, fne from trash, grown especialiv lor tbe trade by us. Catalogues and price list furnished on ap plication. 89 BAY STHEET, SA VANN AH, - - GEORGIA. WM. HACKER, ! ’hil:i. FRED. ENGLE, Sav. E G DIKE, Sav. T. ■>. MUl-uNY, “ Aug 31, 1870 34—t2jp CKi.MJS'G*. of SCMMTOCMjF.. Xo Change of Cars Between Snvannah, Augusta, and .Uouttaiutry, Ala, TRAKSr0Sl?ATL0S QFFIGE CENTRAL fi. K., > ' ' SXxaxxap, A-gust 14, 1&6S. J AND AFU EP SLYsDAf. 161 H IN SI., Passenger 1 tains oo the Gcofgia Central Railroad will ruti as follows : UP DAY '1 RAIN. LKAVE. ARRIVE* Savannah Din* A. 11. Macon 6:4<- P. M. ?. e:38 t’. M. Mtnedgcvii.e .^..... &os P, M. Eaton li:0n P. 11. Connecting with trains tbai leave A ugustat:45 A. Al DOWN DAY TRAIN. Macon 7:u0 sitvaiiui.h S:3 n P. M. Augusta ..3:88 P. M. Cauneeting with train thstle veMUgu*ta6:4o A. M. UP MGHT TRAlNj Savannah 7:ao P. M. Macon ....6:35 A. X AugU'ia 3:18 A. Y LcuueclingWilh traiutbatleaV): Jugustai::3* P. A DOWN MGHT TRAIN. Macon 6:85 P. Al. Savai nah 5:10 A. At Augusta ...3:18 A. Al. liilledgeville 4:80 P. M. Ei.tot.toti 8:4<) (’. M. Connecting will, train that leave Augusta 9:3A P. Al. A Al. trains from Savant.ah and Augusta, and P. M. train from Alaeou connect with Mil- 'edgeville train at Gprdon daily, Sundays ex- ei-pted. P. .V. train from Savannah connect! with through mail train on Sontb Carolina Railroad, and P. Al. train from Savsnnab and Augusta with trains on South Western and Muscogee Railroads. WM- ROGERS, Aet’g Master of Ttaueportaticfl. 22-iy BUSINESS CARDS Einstein, Eckman fy co.. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in BOOTS,SHOES, AND HATS, No 153 Congress Street, SAVANNAH, — — GEORGIA. A. EINSTEIN, S. FI. ECKMAN, | A. VETSBURG. sept 21. 1870 37—6m A nson B. 1 ves, Bull St., next to Pulaski House, SA VAN i Ail, GA , DRAPER AND TUL0R, SHIRT MAKER, Fine Re.adj Made Clothing. Furnishing Goods. Hats. <fcc. sept. £1, 1870 —3m A. & L. Freidenbcrg, Dealers in ad kinds oj GROCERIES, FLOUR, BACON. LARD, BUTTER jbiQUXS, ciG'ises arc, AND CONTRY PRODUCE, 21 & 23 Barnard Si reel, Corner Broughton and Congress Lane, SAVANNAH, — — GE KG I A. Mrscellaneon: [ Ero ii tie Chicago Ectti g Post.] Treatise on Treating TUE UNTANED AMERICANS SOCIAL HABITS MOTTO: “QIJilK SALES AND SM\LI. I'KOFITS.” 37 lv OL’R sept. 21, 1870. GROCERIES. COFFEE—lli-i and Java, SII<jrAR — Different Grades, TOBA CO—Various Kinds, WHISKEY—C rn and Rye, “ - In Cases. ' LYON BITTERS—in Cases, HACS “ “ “ Assortments of Shelf Goods, for sale bv PALM IS & T.V0N SAVANNAH, 6a. aug. 31, 1870. UI.^T "5JJ ; qu URAVg 02.81 ‘IS #:fn V I 991 { ‘sK.»>j[ a'laKvg t aauj() ‘AVID iff IHaaHHU srwppv •,{i: U! 23HJ 3SI; H3IVJ 3.».l<IOH ( i paSlA-^J put? 3H001VAV3 JIIO JOJ pU^ po? -SvJJOlUC UIOJJ pail0l|O9 SaOliUOIunuilUOj'J •JiJOS 8Q v " ! i°noq paiUHAV SUIHIANV /AauoIT ‘HVNNVAVS Si»IR®U b ilu SJUBil*»JJ][£„ ICllN M CONAijiiYy AGliXT. WHOLESALE DEALER IX Foreign and Domestic IT’S BAV STREET, An" 31, 1S70. hm J. Berrien Oliver, C O T T 0 N F A C T 0 R , 4*enH Commiss on Merchant, 94 Bay Sheet, Suounnidi, Ga. Agent for tbs Unrivaled Brown (Upland) Cotton Gin. Price, $i per Saw. agent for the unrivaled Lyons (Sea Island Cotton Gin. Price 5125 per Gin. SOUCITS RISKS IN THtl Southern Lile Insurance Company Gen. J. B. GORDON, Prksidj.xt. Prompt Personal attention to ALL Orders. Si-ly Prompt Per Aim. el, l67o Alexander k Bnsseli, Wholesale GROCERS Cor. Abercorn and Bryan Sts., BavaniialT, Gra. Ws»* E. Alexander. Wm. A. Russell. May 11,1«70. A. M. 8LOAX. J. H. SLOAX. A. M. SLOAN & CO*. CO 11 OX SAClOttS AND 6enca!i’ Commission Merchants Agents for the Ell ll AiY and ISOL U- BI.E SEA ISLAND G UANOS Claghorn & Cnaningbam-s Range, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, - - - GEORGIA BaggiL • and Rope or Iron Tiea advanced on crops. Libera] Cash advances made on consignments tor sale in Savannah or on shipments to reliable corres pondent* in Liverpool, &ew York, Philadelphia, or * - ‘JI 1 Q-Cl Am aug. 31, 1870. ta j. E. PURDY, Manufacturer of Saddle?, Harness and Savannah, Ga, Order* for BobberBelYin;, JIo*e And Piecing: Alee No American custom causes more •it iiuti.c tHipi iseatid ainusemcnt am diw traveling loieigners than that wii’cii 16 knowii in our .saloons as ‘treating*— consis mg in tiie entertainment of two to moie with lefres inenti for which <m : votumeers n> pay. Il is a pure AmtTicani'in ; ami nil over ihe repu — ic it is a- common as in Europe it ie Ui known. Tneie is proi atdy no mm ule ol any day in the tear when two or three hni.d ed citizens of Cnicayo are not g'.zz ing souieihing stronger man water at sornebofB erse s e.\[i n.-e Thecisual meetiiifi oi two men who i’iive ever exchung'd a word togetlier is a signal for both instantly to exuiaitn, •Come—let’s have S’ ill tiling! and fo; Dolii to dive down into mo nearest siiiuenani an cavity below ihe snie- wa'k. Ttie one who spoke fi si, usual iy lt.sisis upon ‘[faying the shot’—the .voik ‘shot being a metaphorical ie- fbrence to tfie deadly character of the contents usually taken into ,he stom ach. if iw ooid ti n mis tin ei, the regu lar tiling to sav tirst is, lei’s mink 10 u tl nines,’ and tne resident mu.-a mva- nattiy ‘neat’ srra gtr. li a man be well acquaint) d, u is considered ti e generous and princely thn g lo seiz upon ali li rs iiiap.iain taiiCi S as often a- pi/ssiole, take mem to a saloon, and | give them a complicated stand up urink at the bar. Il there is anything absurder than mis habit, vve me unable to pul om li gei on it. Men do not always ‘treat’ one an oilier to car-tickets UeeaU-e lhe\ Happen lo me* ton the same seal. \\ e never saw a man lake out his pocket— nook on encoumering an at qiiain ance ami sav ‘An, (ieoig. ! Deli nitdtosee you ! D » n.k a few postage smiaj ! it’s my neat!’ D * men have a mania lor paving eacii otner’s board—tdils! Ami is dunking together inote Voc al’ man eating ii'geihef, or sleeping to- gehei 'l A Ira Ve lei may go all oVi l ii.e continents ol Europe, ol Asia amt Ah lea without seeing a man, , \i„ |.i a Y-oik* e, efi r to hieai,’ and the Fr nch man ait- quite si-cial i imiigi , bni, w lun in y iurn into a cafe fo s.p their wine aid bu.miiid c* ffe tog* tier, » acii tna* pay s nr ms o*v n. When two G rmatis, into an * cent bt er-ceilar, s.t down. ;t’d drink iaig ami cat prezds ami 1C> dial, but vv m n, they p man settles his own seo.c im.epcnd. nt- iv. So in Ifaiv: 'l iie Italians are prove! geneious, but every in in p,i\s lor hs own vv me, maeaioi.i and egos. Ti.ey never go in to each otliei’s pock*-t-books in ttie sacred name of linndsh p. Tm-y would a.- soon think ol moistening to each olh- • rilieir wash- wom.-m’s bill. Tne pieoosteious of *iresting, s responsible lor ihe lei ri-bje-ib unkt n- mSa in A im-rica. Tin-re wouid be as iiuie nteii of temp* ranee societies and as iiuie w.’ik foi me Got d Te*np'arsa> alieie isi-.i Gei many, b ranee, ami I a'y, d this pernicious ami lnsidu. us balm ■a, lake it all, the m ‘si lidicuious, ihe most uiiteasouably,. ami Hie rm si [ies- tdenl custom that t-Ver laid its tyran nical hand vm civiiivzeii human bem*<S g” Jl.tio 1.75 3.00 3.50 4.00 6.110 i O.HO 20.00 $1.75 3.75 4.00 5.50 7.00 6.50 15.00 •30.00 4«.oHrt*.?n $2.50 4.00 5.00 7.50 0.00 12.00 20.00 $3.25 5.00 7.00 9.00 12.00 15.00 25.00 $5.00 9.00 12.00 13.00 20.60 25.00 45.00 70700 $7-20 12.00 15.00 25.00 28.91 34.0 > .60.00 ?cr. ’Sdloft $12.00 18.00 28.00 35.00 40.00 50.00 120,00 $20.(9 *•.*0 40.r# 50.11 60.00 " 75.00 ‘ 20.»t 50.(9 Book »nd Job work, of ali kinds, PROMPTLY AND NFaTLY ESZ3UTS.D AT THIS OFFICE. that she had dispensed with her mortal e*nl, and saying that she wouid bo here in the course of a few days.” The Bother of Interest. Henry Ward Beecher, saying M much as he does, sometimes says a goud ihir.g. IBs views on interest are wurth iransferimg to the paper. ‘No blister,’ ne says, ‘draws sharper than the bi.stcr interest does. Of ail indus tries, none is comparable to that of in terest. It wor ks ail day and night, in lair weather and foul. It has no sound oh its footsteps, but travels fast. It gnaws at a man’s substance with inyisi* b e teeth. It funds indu try with its ti:m as a fly is bouncT in a sp der web. Debts roil a man over and over, bind ing hand and fool and ictiinghim bang upon the fatal rne>h until the iong-ieg- g*d interest devours him. There is nut one thing on a farm like it, and dial is ilie Canada thistle, which .-wanus new plants every time you break i*s roots, whose blossoms are prolific, and every flower the father of a million seeds. Every leaf is an awl, every branch a sp- ar, and every plant like a platoon of bay onets, and a field of them like an armed host. The w hole plant is a torment and a vegeta- b e eur.-e. And y*-t a farmer had bel li r make Ids bed of Canada thistie than attempt to be at eat-e upon interest.’ TiR/TTIsriKZS, aad Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kind* of SADDLERY WARE, Corner ot W nuaker and Bryan bis.. el’s friends and lelatives in ibe cuy, A Coffined Young Woman comes to Life —The Council B uif- No p,.r*e.oi tm 9.ii tei s ifie loll*>wing: ‘Ay<*ung lady nt>out twenty years oi ng*-, Margaret Andeisoii by name, came to li.iscny aoout a year ago; she came with a company <4 removes and friends from Dciunai k, and lived here u i about tne Lt il July last. Tne male inembcJS ol the laint-y 4*und cm— piovim nt on me line of the Unn*n F.IC lie Railroad aijd found it conven ient to Km* ve then domicil nearer Lite place of Uicir wur ; consequently, a ptuiof tne family moved out to Big Spimgs Station, oil me Pacific Roan, ami among those who went was Alar- guiet. Here every thing went on pleas unity nil about the 1-t ol Sepumoer, w lien Ma gaiet was taken sick, and, after a severe illness of about tw*< wicks, she bade her friends good—by, a ini ber spun took its flgul. The same day mat sbe di d the 1 lends at B gSprmg, Wide to me relatives in t *s eity, giving parneulars of her sickness alld death. On the second day altci sac Dad apparently breath ed las:, a rmteo fiin was provided ami tile friends conclude*! mat me lemams .'iiou d tie lemp.irariiy inicricd up*m bepuirie, aiieli tdiie as w* um ne in* se coiiVemeui lo take mem to a p* rma ent r*stm^ p ace Just as the o ffin had been lowered to Hs , <ili*lit few sltoveiiuii *;/. cal ill ha*4 oecn miovvn imo the grave, an approaching iron call* d the bur. at parly at the Sla ton. After an aottuce of about an hour, ihe meu returned to the grave, and as they were about to ksuhh work with their shoveis, they beaut a u.*i.-c in me parnaby butied c» fhn, g Vmg evniebcc i f k.cEmgaud pound H.g, ai.d older conduct veiy unoecom- ing a w ell—bread cmp?e ^ and, as may ne .supp*tse*i, alicr iteovem.g Iiom their flight, me men lost uo tune in uncoVeimg and opening the c* ffin, u» see wbat bad dis uroed tbe dead wo man’s test. Tue lemainder me story may be tatter jnmagiued thau desciiind. Suffice itio say, that Mar- had moui i e i her as dead, have j .at rey. yed a i* t er wiit em by l.-er cwu luud t vury tmphefitalic denying A Sunbeam. The greatest of phyi.-cal paradoxes is the sunbeam. It is the most potent and versaii e force we have, and yet it behaves -iiseIf like tiie gentlest and most accommodating. Nothing can fall more s. ftly or more silently upon the earth man the rays of our lumina ry—not even the feathery flakes of .-now, winch thread their way through ilie atmosphere as if they were loo filmy to yield to the demands of gravi ty like giosser things.' The most deli cate si ip-of gold leaf, exposed as a tar get to the sun’s shafts, is n- t stirred to me extent oi a hair, 'hough an .in fant’s la mest breath would set it in motion. Tiie tendered of nuinan organs, the apply of the eye, ihough picrcvd and buffeted each day each d;*y by thousands ot sunbeams, .-bfl'cis no pain during ihe process, but njoices m men sw-clne.-s, and blesses me u.-ef.u light. Yet a few of those r.*ys, insinuating themselves into a mas- of don, like the Britannia Tubu lar Bridge, vvili compel * lie closely kQit particles to sepmate, and will move ihe or noie cnoi up-ms raonc wm ns~ nvncn ease us a giant wouid snr a straw. Tbe [day of muse beams uppn onr sheets of water, I ills up la yer after iayer into tire aiinospin-re, and hoists whole riv- cis ft*.iu mmr beds, only to drop them again in snows upon the lulls, or in fat* Kim g sliovveis upon the plains. Let tuu ihe air drink in a little mure Sun ai one p ace than another, affd • mi <>i it springs the tempest or the nurricaiie, which desolates a whole re- g on in ns lunatic wrath. The marvel that a p vver winch is capable of assuming such a diversity of forms, and ol producing bticti stupendous re— suns, should come to us in so gentle, so peat ef ill and so unpretentious a guise. Bi itlish Qu irterly Rrvieu. L >ok most to yi-ur spending. No matter what comes iu, if more goes out, you w ii be poor. Tne art is not in making money; but in keeping it; lit- t o expenses, like mice in a barn, when mey aie many, make great waste. Hair by liair heads get bald; straw by straw the thatch goes on the cottage;, and drop by drop ihe rain comes into tne chamber. A barrel is s. on empty, if the lap leaks out a drop a minute. Wneii you mean to save, begin with your mourn ; there are many thieves down the red iaue. The ale jug is a great waste. In other things keep within compass. Never stretch your •egs fui ther than tne blanket will reach, or you will soon be cold. In clothes,, choose suitable and lasting stuff, and* not tawdry fineries. To be warm is tne main thing; never mind the looks.. A fool may make money, but it needs a wise man to spend it. Remember trial it is easier lo buiid two chimneys than to keep one going. If you give ar^to back and boaid, mere is nothing.- ieft lor ihe raving Lai k. Fare haid and work hard wiuleyou are youQg; and y*>n have a chance of rest wbea. vou are old. Thou a.-best me what is hope? It is a leading and flattering star of man kind, which is ot.scared and disappears w lib the last beating c f tne heart. Iu general, that man is a coward who sutpes his course of action by his tear.-; at.u be alone is a man of true courage who daies to do right. Itis very d.fficuitto keep your owrn^ i>eace tf mtud—if people ihiuat pieces of then’s upon you. ■ ■ • ■ * Great works are performed not bj^ s.rengm, but by perseverance. Truth r»quires plain word.-; she re jects ail amuiguuicsand reserves.,. Instead ot regretting that we arc" sometimes deceived, we should rather lament ihai are undeceived. Business generally was pretty good m Charleston—weather very warm, wet and wiudy. We were house bound., Love in all its shapes implies sacri fices. Much must bo conceded, muck, eudurtd, if we would love* - y-e -Ji.