The Sandersville herald. (Sandersville, Ga.) 1872-1909, November 22, 1872, Image 3

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T OO ‘VlTi A.KFA.IKB# I The Full Term nf thu Kandersvillu llitfh A 1 Hohool will close on Friday uvoning next I with a grand musical entertainment by Prof. { Onttenbergcr and pupils. The occasion Look owl for AlfWd Barnes’ mule. Rsv Mr Culpepper will preach at Spring promises to be one of more than ordinary Hill, on Sunday next, At 3J o'clock : interest, and all will be amply repaid who at- —O- tend. The concert will be interspersed a ilh Rill Youngblood wants to cone every body dsslamations and compositions. The pub- tor their old ehairs,) in Vfarhington county. Hoars invited to attend. bee what he says. Ilillie Watkins has been receiving ihore new goods. He is coiling bargains in slolh- o r~v ']'si members of the Christian Church will hold a Fair in Sondtrsvilla on the 23d of De cember, for the purpoas of raising funds to repair their house of worship liflter from KiiihiiuoI—Ikoulale nmldlnR. bw.ussaoao, G*., Nov. 14, 1H72. Editor Htrakl: Our usually quiet town was somewhat enlivened thismorningby a double wedding, both "runaway mateboa." at the residence of our townsman, J. .1. Moling, Ksq. The details are both intorustiut* and laughable, and we know that all parties con- oerusd will pardon us fur giving names in full. The partie a married were Mr. John Hell Bartow Prices Current. i’orr acted every Wednesday by M. A. EVANS & Co. lixcoN■ Hides iterlh IttuyliJJ o Shoultiers per lb 8(<£9 Flour Family per bid... “ Kuril per bbl “ Faucy per bbl I’fuNrs per yard. Viiiutinos per yard Halt per sack. Molassks per gallon . Ckkksk per lb Corru per lb Oats, good seed, per bush l.Ai.n per Ui. Nails, all sizes, per keg Cotton, upward tondiug. par lb .. 16ji.g I Si:mi (hiTroN per lb Wool per lb 30(<j37 Sir IK) . S10 fit) . Si I 50 .10(11.121 . spii-A Sd«0(.i,f2 Of) . 35: .11-40 . lttoV.'lo . . 22-^25 . f>5y l 7 5 .. U.J uJS Tcitnlllc I'rltM-H Cnrmii. (Corrected wbkklt by IUrman Bmm.,) Bacon. Should ecu fifa 10 CKSidea 12A 14 Country Haim* <© 17 Flour advancing 8 60 (*j'll 00 .Sugar, Grunuluted ltij} ut *J0 Extra C 15 ot, lGij j Yellow C 12 J (<J), 13A Coffee, Prime Rio *, ‘21m<6 28 A I Salt, Lirorpool Molasana, common Syrup uncording to grade. Nail«, Kog CHEAP GOODS! / 3 OOlt FALKttKW 0« )'2{ C at IjT J. ,1. SPARKS' with J. N. GILMORE. D ttlCSW iuOOSM. cheap, at ill Grades, very J. SPARKS' with J. N. GILMORE. 2-11 (iV, 23 1 no ,n i 0t"» 35 (.1, 50 75 (ll; 1 00 7 50 i a 3 33 30 pi; 36 20 in 35 20 qe, 25 10J (If 15 | VIM I'M’ MIIOICM from *1.25 to $4.00 per )>air. at .1. J. Sl’ARKS' vith .T. N. niLMOltK. The party who took that coat from the ticket ofttce at the Fair grounds, had better brinrtit hack iinls.t he wants to sea hie j (T,.rk of Emanuel Superior Court, and Mias i\«m© In tha p*p«r*. lira. ElizaWatli JUllyAa offering her daaira. Id© farm and reaidence for Male. Th© proper ty fa indeed valuable, nnd will mo doubt find k r©ady pnrebasar, now that upon the market. •1."' —r O—* Laura Smith, daughter of Mr. 1). M. Hmith, near thia plant; »nd Mr. Jool H. Muring, of Hwamahuro. and Mina Hidney Kom»dtro«. daughter of Judge George H. Koun Ur©c, of MechanicaviUe. Early thin morning Mr. .1. li. Moring, in order to facilitate thu efforts of Mr. Bell in stenting Mian Hmith, took tl © fAthoV of thu lettor in hia buggy and curried l>rniM-a tell uk tlmt the aupply of pork , ijjjJ to the aliop of Judge Roundtree, at Mu- hogs in tfrin county ia annsually large. j r fi. in jc*v ill**, ami privately told the. Judge There is also au abundance of corn to put ; ^ u , t n Was going to marry M,i* R Smith them in fine order. ; begged him to keep Xfr. Hinffh there un- H« ulso naked the itruko’M jLftniiiient Ctircn Uoiujvion. Hear Mr. John I 1 . Smith: {Recently a negro woman, in my aurvice, had what l believe to hare been a 6o/if^fWon. I applied DraJce's Linimrnt freely to the tin ker for three day a. Ibis cured the finger. 4. P. Smith. Riddlevilfa. Oft.. Julv 16th, 1872. Wool, Clear unwashed Do, Burry Potash.... Soda Kgg« Prints ; 10 (a, 121 Sheeting. Brown 17 i/fl 18 Nhirting 14 K 15 | Do, Bleached 121 m Hi Sheeting. Bid., 18* (sj 26 Good country butter :10 The itmi fa figures generally represent the low os t wholesale uni thu outside the lowest retail cash prices. I AIHBLV .MIAU LS, fniui 76 cents J up, lit 4. SPARKS N. GILMORE. B l.VCIi VI,I*V«'«'.V*. from 6i) i*,-t11h to $1.1’ •I. 4. SPAItK.s' with ,1. N. GILMORE. T Tax Notice—Last Round. IK mi'lcrsljimul will be at the folfowini* An acquaintance of ultra wants M know if *»y one bas seen anything nf ■ yellow tnr- key, of the female persuasion, as one diaap. fmaWii frihi the roost oh liis premise* tho other night. Friday l»«t we* the first ro». ooid Jay of the season Savaral heavy freeze* succeed, ad, and at this, writing it ia anything but comfortable away from a warm lire. Col. O. T. Kolluin, of Lnurona. bas our thanks.for beautiful specimens of penmun- ship executed by hinqielf. One specimen is the Lord's phtyer written with an ordinary pan on a oard the size of u dime, and the other the same on the space of a three cent pieua. Every letter is distinct, and the wholv easily read. Mirny thsnke. Mk. Isuiu Whitb reqnasis us to anununae that ha is a oundi iits for Tax Collaotor of Votive, trill. Washington county, provided he ^vts thu | ol wedde l lmppiucsii. nomination. He expects to address the pen- i pic of Washington county at thoflotirt-houae ' in Hsndersville, on the tirst Monday in 1>«- , cemhar, expleiuinq his oirouiustaiices, vie, | Tuk Tcvunamt-vt at MiLLnnqismi.K. -On, the 13th a Tournament name "B at Milled js- j villa with the following reeult: let l'rlzo, Hnaiuel Devreatix, llatdwin, 2d •• Mae 3rd “ Win. ltawliure, Washington. 4th *’ Julian West, Hanuoek. j Onr boys sey they bad a glorionc tltnu. A prand hali was given at tlio Mill.ulgto'il'h 1 Hotel, where the coronation cvremoiiy too'- i |.1.l Mies Elia I'eareou was crown : 1 tiuei-T .d l.o.c ,nd l’ojuly: Mies Lizzie Key 1:1 M ji.l of; Miss Jennie Kyle '2d V iid ot | Honor. Mis' MlnnieJcrrett 3rd Meidot Hon- i or. Our <(.dl,iu Kliiq'its speak i:i glowing ] terms of the loveliu 'SK of tlie dnngiiUrs ot t le old l.'.ipitol. All I well tli») may, if now has n it h,an a great .'hangs line tin- woi-v latt-. l’. • ' til the alTair was over. Judge to permit hia daughter, Kidney, to accompany him and a-' ,-i 'Bridc’a Jfnid.' Th a- .• ol-T, 1 .'a."'0 - a .tudge and he -si i.iy aonaar.t'.1 to dejein t/f. Kniitli, and also allowed', Vtf-s Kidney to iiqiiompuny Hr. Moring to ae,. tlm feu. J/v. Boring took J/iss Si Inci in his buggy and hurried lmok to town, alt l appeared upon lha tloqr with her. as your correapon lent thought, ns at tendants upon ills tirst couple, but when the Jfngiatrate. Dr, Juo. II. Sherrod, had fin ished the ceremony for dfi. Hell and Jfiss Smith, he turned to tlr. Voting and Afiss Roundtree aiul ’'spliced" them also, Idoliotkuow what my trice. I Roundtree thinks of the matter, hia you. orrespoud- nlit Is the opinion that he fuel:-, I pletcly "Knolir" l." Tits young people marrie I belong to the ties! Inn,lllca in Hie couuty. end unit .'orres- pobdent sinearely wishes them a,I Ho j")' For the h.'lietit of oHiers. 1 • gave one thirl of a two ounce bolt l .Magic Linime nt" to a runic, quin sick with colic lor six hours, nil 1 the cure was insten- tuiieons. M. A. Evans. Bartow, Ga., July 1, 187'2. /Jfl'Kohl, wholesale and rutail. by Wx. ( If..’ .i 1K . r l the purpose of collecting tile Slate end i , , | tv Tax for the vein 1372: ‘‘•Drake r In San lcrsvillc every dm luring the Fa Peacock*: Wuinmock’s,. Rid.llci ilia, Josey’s Store, Dnvisboro, fkt toe's, H.U'sxir, Apr,it, Bnrtuw, JeOerson county Ga. I Giles', Active traorlinf agents wunfed in every conn- ! Ony'i tv in the State. Write, enclosing stump. July 26, 1872. lm 1253 '42 4t 95 Uti . 100 . 136 Dmke’ii Magic l.inlmmit Lures Colic in horses, mules, or mun. Rend these certificates of J edge Tarver and Win. H. Mu). 1 citify flirt, u few werku nj»o, 1 h#nl n muh ni. k of nbM l tmppoxinl t<i h« Citlic. Tin* mult* rt ni4 bl**fi iv the month, mill n tlofi© of Drake'$ J,inin\r it wr:.' given It. lu fivti minntrh nft«T the dr«*noli tho mnlc wus wull und Kr.i7.itii;. A. J’.. Tahykr. Bnrtow, Gu., July 14th 1872. fll Dim., Monthly, Xov. Weiluftnlivy, Thurrtdny, Friday, •Saturdiiv, Moiitlay. XuuNdny, WodnrHtUy, Th urn tiny, Friday, IK*. lh> w Katurdav, 4th. tith. 7th. 8th. 9th. 11th. 12th. llUh. Mill. 15th. 18th. 19th. 20th. 2Mt. 22 d. 2Hd. 2.5th, rpllK I llah On Sunday ©veiling it mule ith it IuIiDk|h July 7th, I dr«-ti' a h<*il •ntnl of Drnkr'tt Mtig’c na- j A in hvent, ntnl in 16 mitinlos ti,» uninml wan | well. It had b«*« II "UlbuiiiK iVom colic home (»v 7 hours. »U’l ":*••• hudly swmIIimI. 'lh** iii*r'. iiiionili;. lilt mnU-WNM jihtwi‘1 iim UNiinl. W. U. May. Curry'-* miJU, (J.t.. .Inly 8ih 187'J. K.m \.ni j i . I'Umho nnnnunor W. H. m ntnuidnli' l<tr ch-rk. of the Hn- »f NS itbiiiti^u.n (Munty, Hubjcet Mtiori. Man t ('irur.NM. < 72 tt. I I'oi* 4 li*rl* Sii|M*rior I'oiirl. . Knyitiit 11krai.a: \N .• ron|»♦*«:!fully Niiggost ; lu** ruiutf of % ii;iinIiin li, •ImiiifNN, | u■* a Hiiioih!-’ cittididnlr- i r Clark «»f th«* Sw- | jj«ro*r C >urt. M .sv Yotuhh. Sajt. 14, I *'72. to. Tor Ta\ ( ollrrlov*. Tib* Armor ldurclor. hi nuv Ik .t W«* at'it • l t'l*7 tivt l*A»tt It uh Ji Atooir ha 1 iiHrTi junr lfi’M n**uv Mny^bi’idg**. i t t ihiMKCtwE i*onr.iy. by iTlikiouvn par- 1 . | »rrat Avan'onr Kurpria.* upon h uii.tiv; Ci.-it five gonllam*»ti (who^c niuivia uppuar * h» *vii.'raj hr I arroat* .!. ohargrd nitli bring th© pi*rp©tvatr»rs Of thin hnrri l imir.l**!-. ©nd ©arriv'd to VYiirrantuu. Thu svarr- n. for thfir Hiroat wra iaMn©d np.*n the anhhuit «»t Mr. R. A. NVriod ot JoiVaraon oonnty. Ju l^»‘ Twiggn at ono©. pro‘’©ed©d ti> hav© tlo* pris- I'Tiarn r.*turned to 11*i^ (hrouit. nn»l had tiiam bmij^ht to Sanders * ii 1 **. Tho ^roliminary t ..I i onim*ncH*l on Turf-day ov©niti:.;. Th© t iily witness a© it. app©aVH who saw tlm ionu- i.i'1© oummittftd, viz:-Mr, Allen Iz. Barg©, wna not prruan.t to. testify. Tb© ('Oiirt nx* liMiotfd itn anthority to bring; him bore, but v. itboiit RU«c «i». That the partie* nocuned Furi fark MiipeHoi* 4'ouri. ICIImMX Wl i ‘ , ' c •‘Uthori/od to anmmnoo g. M. The following composition was read by HorUuuyton ss n emdideta for rc-eleetiou Miss Florence Archer. » pupil of the Wa.l - j to ills ..flier of Clerk of the Superior C.mrt of in gum institute,, u Frida) uiglit las,, t'hc j ^"slouyi'.o rmniti, -ubje-t to the eubjort suits th . tinies su well that its puh ( i*" 11 - l^-d'* l M( - ts li tatlon wns requested hv some ot thu audi- | |<’(»r ( lel'li Hll|,r,Tll,' Collrl, ©n««*: j VIid11 oi: II riiis in »\ v©ry hom**ty aubjuft. but- it i». l.aWROll ** iia\erthoh*Hsa >©ry uocunsury artlolc. uii l th*j - p i »:• Com detoau l Ht*©iuK to bo much gr©a(c , r than th*’ c < lh© linin' i.u'pply. . #»■)»! 5. I It is a ’..ant of Elbow Oraaa©. *>r a »diu nvHb in lh r.stt of what th©y hav©, that mul; our mi’ll run thoniMidvo© to d©nth !■> ji©t a Hi-rvfnt t-o t»rUch a ln»rae. plough a lot or cut .-* fir ; of *AtK» 1. \ licit* ia >" V'IIh.w nraaau would lesson lh»i dclnand tor a*»ui*j on to bi»*l t!i© p*>t. ,vi*'.:i t'u* ch't'iui* 1 . atl-l r.*A ,, v tin- *:ta lh*. l.unno in u ;'i*t;at tliii)'.'. But Vllb*»\\ Grua'ft- \h a btfWM f .inx t«> m.ik •-•urn an l entton ;^r*jv.-t!»;*n ^uan*', uoMon a-*«*l\ **th?i- farlili/<nr. KurmiuH l« i»oo 1 to x*v© n« light, bird i» •'oo i l • taka th** i*>u uni of lii«4 '\t" hut I t I ow f’*r**usiilH 1'k^ 111*• f.*11 •»wn raI»b •: i if% ^ l lor ©vtirthin <. It th* ll->*>r n**©ds at-ouri' Elbow 11rn*■>*• w U hi i». it lha coil >u put is uru-ay Fdh.nv Gr.'rtrth u ili nlcmn it. If t room is torn up Elbow Gfi.vm will j*ut it : or Icr a'fiiiu. J'llbow t*i>* *.*c* w ill churu ti h.itt©v, milk the ©ow. a liTy. tV horau and f«*f**lthi* idgs. Elbow tiii-asc will stit*’h,h©m, ;ath**r, tuck, Ml. darn, patch, work button hnlcM, and liKut auvho l . 's M«*wiiij< .iinohin*’. It tlmt ofiitlotuun *>v©r thorc ha l given his rusty boor- a lltth* Elbow tir* i\ku tVv wouhl rttiim* mora ui.ioly. That youu*^ la ly's lo ad .©•* fri *.’m l lo >k i as if it ia * • l *d lillt »\v Gr^asr or hart ha \ som**. I >v i-* *i tlm bo vs woull use a lilt!•» Ellj**\v tli* *a -. * iii iv'u t. in,, lha r*Dcka from th© sid© walks. Th© mor** Elbow Gr©'s©you u*»** in uprap- | v "V **»•••• Buncpiubo, ; Froasor's. . llabron, , tttr. jto^_ Saturday, 14|1» Station,:. 9t)^»l6^*Mon«lny. .NfcMridv’s. , . 8H do 'Ihi©*dny. Irwin* X . NVednaeduy, R’h Turnout,-.. * do* T’liuradny, 12^ Station’,. . 98 dp Fridny,* NVurtlion’s Store, Saturday, Tonnillfl, * Monday, In Sand©raviHe (jvrry day wlu ii not on my round. Dftic© in f‘ourt-House n©xt dinn* t*» post offi©©. Hook© ©lotted on 15th of D*»©©m- b©r. 1 hove a n»ft©t©r who oxnrt© tho grnnt- ©st projuptn©H» of in©. Holt©** to ©nuhhv me to bo nrompt, you must bo proinnt also. Hooke olosoii on 15th of December, J. A. ROBSON, Tux Collector. Oct .11. 1872.—tf l.lr4‘HH4* ami Tax Aollcp. Oktice i'i.kuk Avu Tnr.AHUium, City Counimi. Handehmyii.ijc, Gctoh. r 23. IN72. ' | All parties iut©r©st©d art* hereby liotidial , that my look* arc now open for th© purpose : ; of reviving the returns au l Usiunu Lieeust*. ! ! under the orllnuneaM published in this paper. ! i All r**tnvns must bo nuub* by 15th Nov., or j in default thereof an assessment will be mu le. > By ordor of tin* thumell. NVILUAM GALLAHKR. ; CI©rk A Treasurer. Oet. 25. 1S7A >f. ' Moks.v’s riiicut lm|n*ovcil tiltAYK YIOIMK S ri’ERfO U to an*.tiling yet intro In.*. .1. Till* I a igu *»f Honor was awarded at th • i t treat St. lams Fail anil th© last Fair .it Sim- deVHvillf, wlier© it -ttra©ted til© utti'litioil an I appr*tval of ttioii^an ls of p»*ople. tor itr. great ; usofutliesH, durability and wxquisito beauty, j K U\TVCH.\ 4RA!¥M and IfOE SI4IVS. Irmu 24 cents to, at J. 3. SPARKS' with J. N. GILMORE. / t|.OTIIIX*». all Grades, at ! V/ J. J. SPARKS’ with J. N. (.11.MORE. : G UM S' t \l,l' ll,ll,«1*!ioxxr(l i HOOT*. 3tl.n0 per pair, at .1.1. SPARKS' with J. N. GILMORE. G hatsp VVnfrr-Ppooir iiooTs. I ial $3.50, per pair, at J. 3. SPARKS’ with J. X. Uii,MORE. i»i.VeiCro mV liver). Iliiiig 4'll 17A1* it at J. J. Sl’ARKS with J. S. GILMORE. SanderaviUo. Sept. 27 tf W. B. WOODBRIDGE, | [Huoceasor to Buthwi ll A WoonnHimm.] Cotton Kactoi* —AND— COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 90 BAY STREET. K WANVIII, (JKOIttaV. Bagging. Ties and Blanters’ Supplies, furn ished at lowest cash prices. Liberal Cash Advances made <m Cott*'li in han*h Prompt sal*'© nnd remittances by Ex press guaranteed. Wp. U. II. lluyo ia my authorized Agent at Tunnille, No, LI, C. R. U., and will make liberal advancea on cotton (’unsigned to me. [nog. 28, 1872 tf. 1 1 »*■ ¥ Washington County. Administrator’s Sale. ^MTdLL he s**1 ot before the Court-house ? ▼ door in Sandersville, Washington uomi- tv. on Hie first Tuesday in December next, the lollowing property, to-wit: That deairablo plnntntiou in sai l county, situated on the Warreiiton road, ©h*v©n milea north *>f Saiidersvill© and three niil**s from Wartlien's Store, adjoining lands of Dr. Cum- uiing,. Arthur Walker. John J. Guru *r mid others. The plantation contains li\e hun dred and twontv-nine ueres throe hundred j acres of ope£ land in a good state of eultiva- I tion, tin* remain ler finely timbered and eon- I vonientlv Hitnnted to the open land The ( whole plane lies remarkable well. F««n«*ing j in good condition an I improvements gt n»*v- ally good. The homestead is a finely place. I with beautiful ground lleiit water, eon- | venienl nnd comfortable buildings and **Muy I thing else for a pleasant homo. On tin* pit mihes iH an e.\ • lfi nt orchard of | tire best fruit known to our oliniutc. t'*>n- ! sisting of 14 acres of young peach trees of tlo very b si varieties, a acres ol choice a;»pb treas, and other lesirnbl fruits. I * poll the place is an tibun lance of labor which could be retained. The aniTomnliug neighborhood is iiUNiir)*Assed. Clnirelie** A. M. HIzOAN. H. HLOAN. • I A. M. SLOAN & CO., Cotton Factors —AND— COMM IMN10N M EltCIlANTS, Cleghorn & Cunningham's Range, Hay Wi’Ml, NIVIMAH, *>*. Bagging and Ties furnished at lowest mar ket price. Liberal advances made on ©on* signments. (Aug. 28, 1872 4m I Ot'll.MAin IN. .ToIJN KUNNKIIV. All who fell intvrehte l in tin* resting pi th©ir «b*ud ar** r©*po nf.-1 to call an l • xamiii’ this work. I will h * in Hundei's*ill** a f©w * lavs . .lOllN A. Ill'll SLY. Nov. K 1«72 dm L. J GUILMARTIN & CO., <<>(lon I’llTlnr) i,i„l 4><-ii,-i'i,l Commission Merchants, hay NTiinirr, SAVANNAH, <1A. V GENTS FOR IULVDLEY'S PHOSPHATE. Jewoll’a Mills Yarns and Domestics, To- j i f... cotiveui- nt. # Mr..t , ul\»*r, on th© place, will i take plertsure in showing the premises. To be sofil as the property of tlm estivt** ot David E. (.'umtuing, d.*eom>ifd. lor a division, 'forms made known on the du\ of sale. GALLOS D. R()i;lV>()N. A dm t Oct. 11.1872 ids d© bonis not). Admitiisti'akr’s Sale. \I r lLL 1>.' #„1.1 ll.tot'.' tin- ( "Hr; Iii.hbc ▼ ▼ d«or in KamlersN ill**. on the first 1 u» - day in l)*K*einber next, the following pvopn- tv, to-wit: 282 acres of wood l.iml adjoiibn•: lands of Ile/.ekiaU K. Ni wsoine, !>.-%vi«l 'fanuer, Rob ert Maxwell and «*th* r■•*.. Hu id lands m* .■ well timbered an 1 a good •Spring Branch being the line of a part of on© side To be sold us the lands of th© estate of \Y ib liani H. Tanner. Terms ©ash; purchaser paving for dyed ntnl stamps. DAN ID 1 ANNF.U, Adin'r. Oct. 25, 1872 ids. d© bonis non. NiilporlVi-lvlitiMi’ l , ii» 1 !*>i’l). TT T ILt. RE',it tlm l it.' ivKul. in'i" f ▼ ▼ L'dlein (>li\**f, .1 • *f.\Sf 1, in Washing ton ©minty. on th** 10th day D in bur n« v». the following property, to-ait: Gorn nnd fold r. funning tools, potatoes, one hors**. 1*4 of seed cotton, household and kitchen furniture, berms cash. Also, at tin* sum*- time and phu will b© sold, on** hmidr* *1 an 1 l'orty-two u< r« s of laud, adjiiiuing lands of .1©tho Arlin©. J. 1*. Smith and others. To b© sold as the prop- [ **rty of Letieca ()liy©r, d©e©iis«**l. for the b* n- | fit of the heirs of said ©stub. Terms, half ! cash, the other hall in small notes with up proved security, payable twelve months af ter date. The debtors will pleas© emu • for* u ur l mi that day and settle. Ii will be ipilt© nn ac commodation. I will settle with tin credit ors. J. D. MARTIN. Agent. Nov. I, 1K72 td Emanuel County. G FOIBiii \. CCniiiiitacI niinaly, All iilveriiKein* ills ©in.mat ill'.; from ni\ ollie** will lier**nlt* l* h© pilblis’.i*’ I in th© Sna- dfrsvilli* IImid. ii. J. 1*’AriGLOTIl, Got. 25,1872 8 hi S eiifi E. G. (•ISOlUiil l, ICiimmiH 4'oianly. TTTHP7REAH. Ab xun b r B. Fain*loth In* rr iimdi* apjdieuti'in ldr b’tti rs of Guar- Laurens County. Laurens Sheriffs Sale. \ \ T 1LL be sold before thu Court-house ▼ ▼ door in Dublin, within th© legal hours of sab\ on the first. Tuesday in December next, lot *»i'land No. 280. in the 22d district • >f Laitren v county, containing two hundred two and one hnli'(2d2J) acres, more or 1ms, ten (10) acres of land, more or less, ofi’of the smith ©ant eorimi* *»t lot No. 290, adjoining lot No. 288 in said 22d district *t Laurens county, and better known as the phu.*' * n which Samuel Edgy is now liking. Also, three mules named Qu©in. Fuss, and Jini, on© lot of seed cotton about two halos lot corn about one hundred and t hirty bush- ©N on© forty-five saw cotton Gin. All lov ed on uk the property of Sinmml Edgy to satisfy one li In from the City Court of Savan nah in favor of Levy A liucky vs. Samuel Edgv. Property pointed nut bv Ki\©rA Cmi- nor, \ttoin**ys. GEO. CERHELL, Sh tt. Dublin, tin., O.t. 28, 1872. N. U. The e©d cotton, corn and cottnii Gin will by delivered at th** r**ni leiie© of Mr. Sumiif 1 . dgy. fS5) [nov. 8, 1872 t ls Laurens Sheriff’s Sale. Y T T 1LI. 1IK SOLD In'fot'i' th« t'"url-IK"i»" v ▼ do*»r in DubUn, liimreiis ©< imty,oh tin* tint Tuusduv ,n December next, within 111© legal hours of Hale, Lot ol Lalnl number m'V. l.i v-bm v 72i in the tiikifc district of orig • mdly Wilkinson, now Lmireg# couuty. Sold as the property *»I Anthony Miller* t*» sntinty one Jnstie*’ Court ti lit trom tint ^bad Dis- taict, G. M.. in favor of Johu T. Uog»*rs vs. Anthony Will, r Levied oil utid rettmied to in© by Brvaii V. G*ni*'V. khmutabie. GEORGE CDRHELL, SherilV. Dublin, (in.. G©t. 25, 1872 t*js. Laurens Sneriffs Sale. ILL BE St)i.I» b©t*uc th* Goni-Uous*» door in Dublin, within the logut hours of miiI©. on the first Tuesday in Juuuary next, the following proiu rty, w/ ; ( hi© lot ot cotton seed, about two llUlldl* *1 mul forty c21(p lMishels, eleven <11) w©edin* f : hoes, nine *8) Kelts plough gear, four (i) inufas, otic (1) hone, one (i i waggon and four s©11*< gear, eight ,8 plough Murks, will ploughs, rods, single trees tilld ©|©vi©©N, ©mi - plcte, tvvelity*liiluix28 • plough ^1 oes. v tlill• i- ©nt kinds, on* 1 G) lot ot cotton, about eight (M bales, ntid one (1) lot of cotton in tin tbdd ns it now stands, about Mt-vtii (7) bill*. All levied on as the property of John S. Div an to satisfy mu Mortgage ti tii trom Latmns Superior ('•mrt, lb nry 1*. Ii**gan »N Drotln rs V- John S. Bryan. Property point©«l out in sai l ti fa. GKO. CGRKELL, Hli tV. Dnljlin, Ga., Nov 1872 t Is W c-t**- BAGGING and IRON TIES always NN • UII* Alit’l*© i/.uit 11 i oi. va. r.f>yf*i\ a 14* l ax < *;*.’.:!;)*• of \Y:» kcI to l i- u laiinstioii- S*p. I I. 1812. lu. tounct* tii© nam© mitahlu candidate igf»*n countv, Mib- >itnt.s dm the Central Georgian tip t<» April lit, H72, nr© fmyebl© to th© b’fsigiu'd. The books m l accounts will found it th© Hehai.o • tfiice. ' on hand. i.LL - X ut * »* *f- Consignments facilities ev»’ ndeil to » a tig. 28, 1872 4hi. lolietefl. i ** 11 un **i’s. jr. vv. ii. WAt'i 1.1 AN MiHllS. t ItC I. 1874- -tf .1. J ’. %i. GILMiUlE. (t. MIJM.OCK. I'oi* 'I’tlA I'OiU’J’IOI’, V. t ui * ‘i i -mi’iced to anno met? JARKD j F. R:»P< J.t* • a-* a catHidat© lbr I’ni Collect- | co- wi NV w*‘.i ji«Iou © mn’.y, subjoet to th*.* none iimti. [Aug. HI, 1872 t*t© j i on tax t oLifliinoiL I i. HAV.KINS. n disublod Confederate ! • - .4 dtf* . respectfully* imNonnees himiudi | u *>n lidat© for l av Collector of NNhudiiuglon j I'onuty, * j: I lo the Horn ’nation. July i2 id© I’ or I'm Colfartur. Wr nr** autl.ur'/ed to announce NV. E. ' Li BONN N as j candidute for Tux (.'ollect*»r m NVusJiin ;lvu ..unity, subject to th© nmnihit- 1 tion. \Y Administrate r's Salo. ILL Be Sold..*it the late n'Miib’tie*' ot David K. Gumming, *bic©aso»l, in Wnshingtoii c«*unty, on Thuv lay the 5th lay ul J)©cetitb©f next, all t e IM 11’,liable property belonging to tho ©stat •» of said de- cAms© l, coil-dsliitg of i»«*isrs. Mules, Cows, Oxen, two Buggies, two Ox-Carts, on© two liorsu NN'agoU,' two 4rin- oil* a e.d’biat* l Carver and th© other a Gr.swold Gin. Also, a large lot of Cotton S vd .nil 111© Iio'iHrdiohl nnd kitchen Ftiinitur©. 'I ©mis inu le known oil the duv of sab*. CARLOS D. ROBISON, AdminisT* .tor Nov.T5, 1872 t*l»* do honis non. For Sal**. tnxj b« eutiroly «xlionnrnt,J livforn tbo puli- | ,r wuy, l'ir mntn y >u lm. lie, publieh th* t*slimon.T iu lull. Tho i »!H<l"r will p»ro,iv* lh»l ther* ia nnl n acin- lillx nf »Tiil»ure x^niuzi nny of th«u:. They ^ore diKchargnd yeatarilay. P ft- 7 hare beiux t nha lmc of doubt in tha minil of bi* Honor in regard to Mr. DaWitt Jrpaor, ha wnadntnined nftartbaother, were di "barged and forth r ’ iHvnti^ntion had in liiH oaaa. before pioceedin« far in thia lnat iuveHtioat Von, ha proof of an alibi wauBoofonr that the invetitigntioM waa rinsed and the prix- nner at o»ue diHoharnod. 7hie last b ntiino- ny we may Kir* inonruaxt. One IzMt Appeal. The acholaatie yeay ia now about oloaing, and yet'nothing hew been done toward* a school building for the naxt. We learn to-day that the houas occupied during the prexaut year, cannot be an need again, even if the ttuebara ware willing to submit to the heavy fox of tenting. 5Va aak iu all eameatni^a, whnt ia to he done? Are the children of Sandora) ille to lie denied educational privi- j Egg*, per dozen login* entirely.or will the people go to work ! Freehi Country Butler, per lb Elbow' Hr hotter then T'lantntiofi Bitter*," "Pain Killer" fir "Pmlf.i’s Jfaglc Linimont," for ii will cure lirzmwci. feed the hungry, odiioato the ignorant an 1 multi* poor people rieh.- They aay thi.t "liionny makes tho go, ' but Elbow (»)•■•«*.' will make a lazy mule go.. LATEST SAVANNAH MARKET. Fuaniuhe.d k\i*rxham' p*»u the SAxnr.nsvn.ui HKR.VL1*. Itv lfKiUlKnr it W.VY. C.iTMN AVI' Wool* Fauturh.*q« Bhonkim a Fritoios- Kifi Aouxrs 180 Bay Hrar.icT. Savxsnvh, Nov. 18. 1872. PRODUCE MARKET. Wool, free* from burs, par lb, !W ^ \UgUt.l 2. 1872, For Tn* 4'ollrrlor. NVc are itUtlioi**/.©! to aimotwiMc N. B. GILES ms a can ii’lafe for Tux Collci'tor «*1 Washington county, subject to the nomiiuw tion. August 2. 1872. tel©. Fni* 'I'n^ Kmlvt»r. NV© fire ftutliori/.e.l to amumnee M. ft. NVOOD as a c.mdiibite for ro-elention t*» the j office **f Fiocaivcr of 'J'ax Returns for NVash- • .nglon couuty, subject tb the nomination. A.igust2, 1872.- t*lo. Wax, nnft lultomtuil, per lb. Hides, dry Hint “ dry saltod, per pound DosrHkins, p©r pound, ChiukcUM, full grown, par pr. 80 * “ lialf grown * small-' 50 “ Duck**, per pair 85' Geese, per pair 1 25 ‘ Thrkoys, Inrgo.and fat. per pr 3 50 * small. and provide suitable accemmodstiouH there for? Hera wo are, claiming to b© a eifcy, ond Hot s habitable school hoaso in the plaoo. AYt write it with sbamefaaedncar, but* it. is truo. Will uot some ono who ia able, put the ball in motion and remove this diHgvace IVoin tii© coiuiauxiitj? A friend ut our el bow nays, mill a meeting, got the people to gether and let smoothing be done at anon. The sNiggeution i* ft good one, if the people atteud and do aoinctliiug bosides talk. But III© truth.of the hmttcr is, something mnst be done, and tlmt speedily, or ws shall have no school next year. While school hoinvas are standing open, free, what competent teacher ia coming here to pay two hundred dollars rent, oven if the house could bo bud ? It U useless to outer into urguement npon this matter; any citizen mast sue the necessi ty for immediate action, NYe aro told that that the old Academy building ©onld be re moved to an eligible cite and pnt in order without heavy expense. Aa to that matter wa ar* uot mechanic enough to say, but tho suggestion seems lo us a good one, as there ia but littlo hope of raising asuMuient amount to sreot such a buildiug as a community like this ought to have. But it wili not do to stnnd idle any longer, tfnrutKing must be done, and that quickly, or we may haro no school at all. t -©-■*■<» — Grant* majority in .Pennsylvania, at tho late election was 10*1,000 voter 2w « lo ■ 12 m 31) 17) 15* ;i5 DO l M 1 00 Partridges, each Vsnreon, fresh, par lb. . Bacon, C. U. por pound “ Show I dorr*, par lh. ** 10 Corn, NY'bite, jjar bushel.... 1 is) •• 1 05 •* Yellow, “ •• ... 88“ ;xi Flour, first quality, per bur, RM>> •* in 60 ** Second '* “ “ 0 “ 1)50 “ Third “ “ f«75 “ 7*60 Salt, per sack 1 55 “ 1 86 Ground Peas, per bushel.. 1 10 •* 1 *i6 Sugar, light brown, par lb. " I> SvrupGeorgia and Florida, gal, 50 iloney, strsTpml, p*»r gal faJ “ l 00 Potatoes,new,sweet.'q»or bus 75 “ 1 00 Pohvtoea. Irish, per barrel, 3 fat “ 3 25 Onions, por barrel 3 75 “ 1 y) Appb'H, (northern) 3 50 •* t 00 OrangiHt (Florida) p©r. « 2 00 “ 3 00 # Poultry plentiful with but s modem to de mand. . Eggs, held firm ut quolations. Ba con quikt firm. Corn and Flour steady. All game in good demand. Sit van i mil Sales Garden, j Xo. Ill .SiftlcNirefl. FNIU/rr Trees, Grape Vines, Rosea. Japan- j X leas and Ornamental Plants *»f all do- J HcriptioitH. IIiiIIm, ll vaeliitli I ©N, Flower tlarM, As*. Bmtinmfs »nd Cut Flows furnished to Parties and Vveddings. J. H. PARSONS & CO. Ozt, 11, 1872-31. For Tav llendver, j NV© nr© authorized to annoninte J. A. J, Mnssi'V h can lidat© for Tax Receiver of | NVushiogton ©ounty, subject to tin* nomiim- ! tion, should there bo one. [Hup, 20 t© For Tax HtTfimr. NV* are authorized to announce IIKNHY J. j Kf FT. as n candidate for Receiver of Tax Rn- | turns of JohtHoii county, at th© oitsucing ©faction. [aug. 23, 1872--tile. For Tax Ileoriver. ! NV* mi©, authorized to announce 31. M. 31a- 1 this hk a can lidat* for Tax Receiver of Wash- 1 ingi**n county, snbjce.t to the nomination, I should there bo on©. [Oct. 4. 1871--tde For Tux Kreoivrr. F/!H^r Herald: Plcanc announce Sylvamis I Prill©o candidate for Tax Receiver of I NVashington county subject to the noinina- lion, should there be one - and greatly oblige i ort. 11—tde Many Voters. For 4kr«liiiai\v. Mf Euitor : Please announce !ffodfaoii If. Mafon *>b a candidate for Ordinary of Jobnsrm j county, pubjeot to the nomination, should Ba! j’ b*> one, and oblige The People. Onion Sets, 'TTT'llH’E AND RED, for sale at VV I>R. ROBERTS’. October 4, 1S72—tf fv»pf. y), 1872 For Mlierill*. Hicralu : 1‘loase announce Reuben M«yn nr, a candidate for Sheriff of Washing- ion county, subject to the nomination. • Hop.*?, 1872 te] Vox Pop in J. ~ For 4 'oroiieri I We arc authorized to unnounce John C. I \t % candidate for rc-oicction to the j office of Coroncr of Washington county, sub- j j^t i > Ufa nomination. [sop. 6- te Fur Thx C'ollrctor. I Wo »r« ‘zuthnrizofl to eunounoe filUI’OII ( M. niuud ah a candidate for Tax Collets • tor of Woahington. I Ootober 25, 1872. -td.© V Coimnoilious Dwelling with all licces a- ry out bull Lings and large lot. On© *»f the mod desirable hotinisiu the city of San- lcrsvilfa. NYill be. soldifh ruaaonublc tenu^. For particulars apply at or a idrchs, HERALD OFFICE. : Hitnd'*rsvillc. i)p.. Nov. 15. 1872 It Emporium of Trade! id r rim<\s ti week I IDERAL additions arc mail© to our lurg© 1 variety stock of gouda, which wear© sell- j in« Ah Low uh tlic Lowcst. Our ambition is, to pi* ns© in i Quality and Price. I’o lafaiy for tha best interest of. customers- | ii gain and retain their confidence. To do ; lhit», wc itMKillllOUMl.V f4»il. 'Flit* benefits w© have secured by our axpe- j t'iencu iu purebasiug goods in the best mar- ; lots NV© fjive hi our (Justomers. j Do n-t fail to test our ffaclarations, rsmorn- i baring that money saved is money made. M. A. EVANS & CO. I Habtow, G*.. Kov. •u.ilWa- tf HAVANT, YVAPLKN & (’0 M F A CTOR8, — AND-- Commission Morcho,nts, IS O STIIHKT, SAVANNAH, (IA. Aug. 23, 1872 -4in A. S. HARTRIDGE, Cotton Factor anil Commission Mcrcluml, IDS R.U ST., SAV VWAII. 44A. NN ill a lvaitci' liberally on consignments of cotton. [Sep. 20 4m diitnship lor th© p«jrsou and pr*»perty *»l Join ! Fniivlotli. minor ( 'Fbcs© ar* tlicr. for© to ©it© and admonish all persons I’onct rn© l tf* 1*© an i wtipcar at my l *»filce within thf tim prescribe 1 by law an l ! allow cniis©, if mi;, tocy lmvo, why aaid l**t- j tei'h should J'.ot be granted, i Given un far in*. lt.*n l a( office in Swain - boro, thi© S •ptomber 10, 1h72. JOHN C. COLE .MAN, Ordinary. Sept. 20, 1872 30.1 j (iFOlHiill. Emfimii'l County, ' Bv John C. Coi.kman, Ordinary, i "11 r llF.llF. NS, Travis Thigjtrn applies for ! f \ p niL.iunt L. lt rs »f V iMinistmtion 1 upon tii© slat© «»f N\'illi tiii Tliigp* n. ilecovs- i i**l. late ol said county I rites© ©re, Ihctvlbr©. to isli all jti».I singular tii© )< I ms, to b* and appear at n: time pr* icrib** I by law, nn l‘show cun.-*© , ii cite and minion idred and ©rcilii • •Ml©, w itliin tin I *s!lOW they l»avcwhy b© grant* d. Given in let* nty'liai 22. 1872. 40.1 N ( oet. 25. 1872 30*1 id !• it-1 mil l not 'll oifi.'", tliis ()clob* .-OLLMAN. Ord W. W. FAUTKIi, W. W. Carter & Sons,* C 1 o( ton I 9 ZOunimicI Comity. Jlv 3oun C. Coi.kman, Ordinary. J. Bennutt applies ii n on the Ct'.lhl'. 1, fit tor A. SCHWARZ ISAAC A. I»RADV. SCHWAZ & BRADY, —DEAI.ERS IK— CARPETS, Floor Oil Cloths, Matting’s, Wall Paper, Windoxv Hhades, Ami a gcnoml fteeortmeut of UpholHtry Goods, 133 Uroughton Street, (South hide, between Hull & Whitaker,) SAVANNAH, GA. Nov. 15, 1872 tf MEINH ARD BROS. & CO. WHOLKSAI.F. UKiVLKIlS IK Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ready-Made Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing (doods, iso st., Sfivannali, Ga. H. Meinhard, 1 < n I. Meinhard, I. 396 \i!n i. A. 8 weil. Nov. 15, 1872 -tf ;ic*roi*.s (ieneral Cnmmission Merchants lO I lli*y Sliw*. SAVAAAASI, UliOKUl. July 5, 1372 tf JOHN L. MARTIN, Factor «fc Commission Merchant. BAY STREET, Ssvti'imniiTi, Cin. July 28, 1872 -4in I. W. LATHRf»P, J. Iz. WAUHliN, J. W. IiATUllOP, Jr. J. NV. LATHROP & CO., Cot ton Cj i c fors —AXT>— COMMISSION MKIK’11 ANTS, iirt Buy Sti’Cfoit, s vvwxaii, ia. Bagging nnd Tics furt)ished to' Planters and Liberal Advances on consignments to us. Aug. 23, 1872 tin* F. W. SIMS. . J. V. WHKATIIN. F. W. SIMS & CO., t’OTTOX F.UTOIIS — AND— General Commission Mcrcha nts. Ravmmnli, (in. Liberal advance* tnadc on (ottou whore ptrlipew ich to hold it, Datrerinv: and Tie* fiirniHlied. [»ur. 10, 1672 - lm. Instruction In Music. I HAVE again resumod my pr*»foiwh?ii us Instructor in Music, and offer my aorviccs to the public. Instruction given on any Mu- aioal Instrument, at .-?5 p<r month. I lmvo at my residence, where I tc.Oil' a splendid Pi ano. Instruction given iu Vooul ns wall us Instrumental Music. F. A. GUTTENBERGKR. .Snudorsvillo. Gu., Aug. 80—ti For Rent. A FIVE HORSE FARM, with c.miforfabl© /V dwelling and «th©r©onvonicncics. Th© laud is highly product It© for cither corn or cotton. Situated ou iliowpst aid© of Buffalo crock, im»r Turnpike bridge, (‘apt, Tomp kins, on'tho place, tv ill take pleasure in allow ing the premises to th'ftr-'desiring to rent. H. e. HODGEH. Hobron, Ga., Nov. 8,.1572 It ■\Y r I1KRKAS. TV JzOttiia of A 1 mi n i-1: m tat© of John Bcnn tt, Hr.. d siiiil county Thcs© iii’i*. t!j**i*« fiuv. t*» < ■ it * * tin I admonish all persons c 'luvrm d !•» b© iin*l at my ofib*** within tin* tim pr*'*crib©d by law. and show cans*, if any tiny intv©, why said letters should not h** grunted. Given under my baud ut ofiio©,t)iiH 22d duv of Ootid a r. 1872. JOHN C. COLEMAN. Onlin-uv. oet. 25, 1872 30*1 S)Ymi(ttp-8 Sulv ol* raiiroiiH 4 oustl > Ijimlt. 1 I ^ ILL BE SOLD *m Tm s.luy tin 3rd >7 day nf Deeeinbei' next, within the fi- gal hours of salt’, ut the Court-house door in j the town of Dublin, in Laurens county, un- * di i* and by viruie ofi.n order of tin- Court of Grdiin ry of said eotttify. the following laud:-: 1st. C:n Home,ti*inl Place ol the late NNill- iain Me I.'*li doll, eoutniliilig nine hundred Mild twi’l-.e .fil’J) nares by r* t , »*iit Hiirv©ys, boui)*!- . I south by NVm. G Vll. n, north *l*y Middle ITnet. now own.*,I by K. B. Jobnst.n*. ,. m .t l,. David NN ilkes mid otlnTs, west bv John 3. .NlcL* n lon. On this phi**© are gn** l tlwelHiU' und farm j houses, with a good Gin-lions© and Screw, t hru* hundred ueres now open and in a high stall of cultivation, un I nil ",mul cotton lands • and lying near th© O”onco nvt r. Also, at tin* same time and place, the Smith Lunds, containing nine hundred anil twelve v fil2) acres by reewit surveys, bounded east by above tn**nlioned Middle Tract, south by tho Oconee river, north bv John J. .McLen don and others, and west by Lofton Hmith. on this tract ne hundred and fifty acres arc cleared and contain* soma as good ham- i nmole lands as nr© on th© Oconee river, and . a very desirable place for fanning. .Ms**, at lh© .sani© Lm* and place, the Butts Place, outlining two hundred (200) Ueres by ret cut surveys, nn*l the plantation <»n which Ellas Branch now resides, bounded south by White’s lands, went by F. It. Row*, east bv NVhite’s lands, and north I v On tliis place ar© goo*l farm Iiouktk, about "Ry acres now iu cultivation and tlm rum * in- le) well timbered an l convenient totin'Of.I- li I* river for shipping. These lands will b* ■ slmvvn to person- deviring to pur* 1ms© bv Mr. L. \oung and *1. N. Hill, who are on th© , first piece or Homestead Place, and by Mr. 1'. Bn ne.h vv ho it* on Hi- Butts place, i fafa of the mimic will be shown, made bv eotni ©• . t>ut Surveyors.*' are all desirable cotton lands, in healthy places and good neighborhoods. 8**1 l as tb© property of NYilliatn McLendon, | deceased, fide of sjiid county, and for tin benefit of creditors. Termj lmlf **ash, bul- aiie© in six and twidv*’ mouths, mi l bonds for titles. KMANCFL It. JOHNSON. Executor **f William McLendon. o©t. 18, 1872 t Is. / Savannah N**vvs copy 2t and semi bill t*» Executor at Searboro, Ga. Johnson County. MTkTSC OS'* *.i:0U40A, I •SoIisimoib Cnukily, ( In Johnson Srpj-.uiojt ( -Ti.r, September Term, 1872. B. M. DENT, / bU i 1 EORGIA, Emanuel County. \ T Bv J.igv r. Coi.r.MAN, Ordinary. NVhereiiK vVilliam Hpenee bas filed his petition for permanel Li fters of Adai'nistm- tion on the *'sbile of Littlehm SjH-iice, do- 1 ©cased, late of said county These arc, therefore, td cite and admonish all. and*singular the kindred and creditors, to b<! and appear st luyolfiue within the time preH©rib©il by law, and show cause (if any they ham) why said letters should not b«* granted. Given under mv ban IntotHc* . this October > fi, 1872. JOHN C. COLEMAN, Ord'v. oet. M. 1872 :il)d Wilkinson County. XttlitT. G < EOIK.IV. WilMnisoi, C'oi!i:t r y. I I forowjun all peraoiia from trading with luy wifi*. Mi’s. H. E. J. Smith, on my account as I will not pay any such ae©-units madc liy her, as she 1ms left mv bed and board. J. *1. L. SMITH. Sep. 20, 1872 3m* CEOIBiil A. WIlUiiiNon Counl.Y* V LL those indebb.d to 101 i Cumr.iing, *1©.- eeased. latu of said county, arc v©sj»©et - fully requested to come forward and make immediate |>ny mi nt; au i th*.se having *le- mfllids against said deceased will present them in terms of the law. JOHN T. SMITH, Administvator. oet. 8, 1872 40.1. HB ATICOFfiKORCHA, i lVilliinKoii I'ousily, i Thirly days after date, application will ho made to the Hon. Court of Ordinary of said ©otinty for left vc to s©U ell the ren* estate be longing to tho Hon. Eli Omnming late of said county, dec.n-tvd* JNO. T. SMITH. Adm’r. OH. 25, 1.872 Tot GEORGIA, Wilk-nson County. riMHRTY davs after date njvplicatiou will be _1 made to thcCoiirt of Or nnary of Wilkin son county fbr leave to sell tho real ©atat© be long to Julian (humning, minor «d‘ R Cnm- ming. ileeeftshtl, lata of said county. JNO. T. SMITH. Guardian. Nov. 8. »S7^ ;«)d ;Who Wants Oaks’' \\ JYj have just received n car loud of prim© seod Oats, for sale at 80 cent* per bush- j duoed prices for cash or cufcton THOMAS H. ’I l'CKEK. ) J'rrnrnl hi* llimnr, Wii.i um (Aijihon, i>rr.iiili,„i Jmhjr of so ill Court: I T npi’i'i'riiiH t.i the Court liv tii.- nf H 'Ujniniii M. I>*nt. Vii'-. 'Oiix.ii'c-,1 1., tin* Knti' mill Mnrlqiq*" Drml. tlmt nn (I:'. I7C) duv of Kmi'ULlu i', . iqhk'.'u humlr.'il nn,| ui»'.v non*. Hi f"ii.l.:iit nmjii iu,,! didn,: - ■"1 t" t!ii' i’luiiitilf his proniitiHoi'y uni". l p ,.„ r . ill" tllv duv nlid yi'iir ftfi>r*'*mid, „!i,.|,. I•)' the ilt'l'i u li,lit JiriirniHc twt»J\c mniidiy il.iti' m il follmvitiq dll' (lilt,! of mid nm, 1'iiV I" I'liiIntilT. nv lii-urpr, oiir Lun hvd und forty dnllai'u.oi' unvon Ininrlvod ].minds nf lint ciittmi, lor value ree.'ivud, unit tlmt uftor- ; wards, tut the day nnd your aforvKuid, tho ,1... ! foudiint tho h'dl'U- to ueeiiri- the pay men t ,,r said nnfo, rx"i'iitod an 1 di'liv. r.’d t,, Mu' ; pluintitT his di e 1 nf MnrtRupo, wl'i'i- l,, i said di f.'iidtuit !iK>rls,:iqi>il to the I'lui111itl ,1 ttni't nnd inm i l of land, in said younlv, ,*on- t.iinin:* two imros, lyinu on th,’. ' side of Him'ii'i'tie creek, sdjoiuinf* limdii of ' John Shi'iilnv l, lierry Vrieo mi l ltol*fit Molin.v. And it further apneniiny that said note remains upaiil, it i,s th.-ref.-iv orderi"!, i thftt till! said deiendaiit do pay into Court nil i or la for. theHirst day of the next.Term theiv- ' of, the pnm ipiil and intereat mid yost duo on said 'note, or show causa' to the eontyurv i it an.v he eun. und thut on failiu-e of ih,. ; t. nilant mi to do the Equity of Uodomptinu in and to said ninrtqui,. ,I premises lie former thefi'irfter harod and foreclosed. And it is tiirthav ordi nal, That this Itulo he puhliuhed in the S.imu:hkvu.i.e H ' iiai.jj | mu".' a month for thru,' months previous to the ill'll form of this tlourt, or served on the ' ilofen.luut or his sprohii A cent or Atlornev ut least three months provinrs to Hjr lo xt j Term of this CViu t. WJl.ia.VM r.llhSOK, Judye Superior Court, i STATE OF GEORGIA, l I do h, r, hv oer- Johnson County. > tify timi Hu'foro. | ooiiiK i' » line extrin-i of :,ie Minutes of *J ;u i Ciupi*rior Court ot dohi.-im ooimtv This ! S.'ptemher 37th, 1372. . ' ■rnrj'AX t. ovtlavv, net. 113m Clef.; Kupertort Court Notice, I Respectfully nsk all who are indebted to mo to oiiino forward and settle thuir ae- i counts. You all well know that I have’sold you (good* with only a livinj* profit. 1 am uowf*roatly in need of money to pay up my indelitodiiess, riuasu oomo up at nnee anil help rue out so I ran koop up myerodit as. well as yomw. have not tlte money I .will tako Cotton mi l allow vou tho hi do at market pride for it. JA0OH COHR'k P. K. — I am offering 5>oods ut preatlv r.- o at HO rents por bush- i uuood prices for casn or cotton i11 „,,,i eh HARM-VK BRO. jud R o for yourself. ^ TennilU, Ga., Oct. 23--lm VVrightbville, Ga., Kov.|S, 1872-Sni