The Atlanta daily herald. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1872-1876, September 24, 1873, Image 1

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THE ATLANTA DAILY SEEALD. VOL. II—NO. 31. ATLANTA, GA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1S73. WHOLE NO. 337 THE FINANCIAL PANIC. McKrakin. 4 NOTED HOMAN DISCUSSES A VARIETY OF QUES TIONS, AND GIVES US ALL THE SOME GOSSIP—THE PEN OF A HUMORIST DIPPED INTO “ALIAS” INK— THE FIGHT—THE GRAN- GEB8 — PERSONAL NOTES, ETC. Rome, Ga., September 23, 1873. Dear Mb. Herald : It are rumored that a diffikulty are eminent betwixt a cnpple of men sumwbar in your parts, bnt we can’t prtzaktly iearn whether it's Hoodel and Wapper or Lay and Philper that are to file. One man sed that a man by the name of DeSoty was about to file the sun of a Mr. Columbus. I told ’em that ef there was any file on hand you was bound to know it. Your subskribers up here would be obleeg- ed to you ef yon would publish a few lines about it in yonr valuable paper. We don’t iu- sist on your takin’ up much room in your colnms with sich matters, but a very few lines j of slocks. It is because of this fat t that we will be entirely suflishent. If the file cums think tho general ^basiness interests of the oph, you can just say who was kilt and who wasen’t. We don’t care for any extended par- tikelars. One man sed he remembered to hav seen sum mcDtun of the diffikulty in a back number of jour paper, but I allow as how he wer mistaken. Home are quite lively. Mr. Air has ordered everybody to put down a new pavement, and won’t allow ’em to take up the old one till the newr one is put down. The ingineer drov THE OPINIONS OF THE NEW YORK PRESS. Wo give this morning the gist of the edito rial comments of tw’o of the principal journals of New York in regard to the financial excite ment—the Herald and the Times, the only papers of Saturday received from that city up to the present writing: The Herald gives it as an opinion that the crash in Wall street, though it involves a few of the best banking houses in the city, and has destroyed more than a dozen of the small operators, cannot have the effect of some pre vious panics, notably that of 1857. upon the business interests of the country. Jay Cooke A Co. failed confessedly because they were carrying the bonds of a railroad w’hich was payiDg little or nothing upon the capital al ready invested, and which promised so lit tle io the future that these bonds could not be negotiated. Fisk A Hatch, w r ho also failed yesterday, were dealing in the same kind of insecurities. The smaller houses were to some extent dependent on the large ones, and of course were operating in the same class DRY GOODS! PAIHTHt OILS, GLASS, ETC. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. chant*. corner Decatur and Pryor atreeta. op posite the Kimball Houae. F - _ ia Hardware, Carriage Material and Mill Stone*. 45 Whitehall atreet. NEWISH MACHINE AGENCIES. K iMPKOVEO HOME SHUTTLE SEY TOHN KEELY HAS JUST RETURNED FROM NEW YORK, * J having purchased by far the largest and Choicest Stock, which it has c °™ Erofci “ d M ‘ rielu T H08. M. CLABKK A CO., Importer* and Whole- I **le dealers in Hardware, Cutlery. Harness and Iron Goods ol all descriptions Peachtree atreet. ever been his fortune to offer to the public. Particular attentien is called to the following class of Goods, viz: 100 PIECES BLACK ENGLISH ALPACA, color guaranteed, 50 pieces BLACK LUSTKINE MOHAIK, 50 pieces of the best value in BLACK SILKS ever offered, 300 pair BLANKETS, both white and colored, from the cheapest up to tbe linest made. All of the new shades in Cassimcres, Sateens, and Fine Dress Goods Generally, carriage manufactory. FUiSinf, Manufacturer of and dealer in • Canlagea, Buggies, Wagons, Sewing Machine . MACHINE j Wagons, Ac. Send for Price List. Broadstrcet iiut • Office, Corner Broad and Marietta 9ta. j the Bridge. n 1 OME8T1C SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, j I) NviSin^Md Carria e es No. 4 DoGire’a Opera House. The •• Fast Gain' \ “ BUKgle8 * Decatur street 1 iug” Machine. | FORD, Carriage Manufacturer, corner Line * WilVm Sewing | ” * commission merchants. :|W. reference given Urntl and Alabama .fleet*. Am good among ,| . of ^° m*dimc. .. old Eli*. Howe .« amoog men. Pryot and Hunter Street.. A “anw! ta ~"*—“ — i.tore or when bill. La T he sisues duop-leae sewimi machine. Best Sewing Machine made. R. T. Smllie Agent, corner Broad and Alabama streets. KEESE & CO., Commission Merchant* 5C Peachtree and 39 Broad atreet. Best city country will not suffer. Most of the railroads whose stock is now’ embarrassing the t-pecula- tors are wild-cat affairs, built, as Commodore Vanderbilt phrases it,from nowhere to nowhere and it was impossible that they should long continue to withstaud the shocks of specula tion, based as they were upon mythical capital and being without business and without pro fits. The Herald thinks there are too many , -Hi *» . i , American business men in great baste to be down his pegs all along tho sidewalks and ricb Th cannot confine themselves to the tett them sUekm npftom 2 to A inches, lit- t ftud plodding ways which are the only] Pentykost stamped his sore toe agin one, and R 1 ccurc ' l0 we “ lth . If they were able to ! then tried to see how long he was on a harry- ftg , h „ they would feel that they are I zontal. As he was gittin np he taut sumthin | not do ; n „ the business of which they are ca- nnnesscssary to state. Pne merchants hay pable and they consequently undertake much knocked all the stakes down, on akkount of a £ 10rc (han tbe J. ftccomp ii s h. Under such dr- tender regard for the wirnmen, and the login- | cumBta it J is not i ong be f 0 re their paper eer will hav to do Ins work over ogm when- js togsed ab ' ont t he street at ruinous rates of ever the peepul put down the new pavement intere8 t, and failure inevitably follows. The ' C .n, rC l h e - ta ^ C n P t ' JC ° ^ on , e '. . . . Herald, however, seems to regard the crash as The Grangers are engaged in dom what b fic ^, in tbat it sweeps awsy the doubtful we boys used to thiDK a smart thing. They and are tryin to plump the middle man ou t That ; T ^ B d „£ these failures-for even winds up the game quick. ihey «ty they are , disast( £ 8 often brings good-will bo to hxin np to hold then cotton till it will br.n n , stra jghten out tbe doubtful enterprises which •2.i cents a pound. This is what our Grangers hav0 * besu the ruin of tbe unfortunate brokers. ate goin to do. Ihe Kentucky Grangers are , j. Ter s j nc3 tbe wrar it has been the custom mauy lta ' Uu " h00 “ 8 ' ftntl - e “^ cillly The Everything Desirable in Printed DELAINES, REPS, Solid Colored ALPACAS, and Cheap Fancy Dress Goods. SALOONS. RbBO, Turf Exchan„. atreet. Finest liquor* in tbe city. P OPE k McCANDLE8, Whole»i!« Grocers and Commission Merchant*, and Dealers The choicest colors made in solid OPERA FLANNELS; Also, a Beauti- (>. | »£££ us apiece and their grain in proportion, j wj h tll0se whic b a( . quire d reputation during Ohm Grangers are goin for a dabble , b ^ arket w ' ith tbe bonds of i tzvr Mtotr it:.Iron n.t.l flftnr I no nnii'pr. ... , , pnee tor their hakon and flour The nniver- . t , railroads . »1 idea seems to be “to buy cheap and sell P tru J ction of lbe Uni„u ...... deer.” It reminds me ol a speech llr Foo- im petns to these projects, and high cViott roftflo liorA unniif onnin nnr nvpr in »iO- h 1 ... . L J . The successful con- and Central Pacific beel. He said that corn was worth 50 cents where scarcely ft rail or a tie was laid. The here and a dollar and a half tt Mobed, andil wbo ie tiling was a complete bubble, audit the nver was open cur looks could float their ,v..., „u „ f nmw. corn down there at a cost often cents a bush- 1 ■ , . i, i pauies would most certainly collapse in the el and sell it for 1 dollar and a half end. Now the collapse has come, and At the same time the Mayor of Mobetl was itb jt it jjivolves the destruction of banking makin a speech to the citizens of Mobeel in Uon and po5s i b i y 0 f railway corporations, favor of opnrn tho river to^ Rome, and ho 1 ybi h were 1 sounJ J before th became ex . told em that corn was only oO cents a Lmdiel , jy (hei , effort8 to monopolize the en- : tire trad.- of the country. These things not I ^ ful Line of FANCY FLANNELS. A choice line of the New “Gray” Dress Goods I 200 PIECES CASS1MEKES and JEANS, for men’s wear, and SASH RIBBONS, LACES. All the new styles in NECK BUFFLINGS, BELTS, OXYDYED SILVER BUTTQNS, HOSIERY and GLOVES, (fins French kids.) LACE COLLARS, Fleecy Lined PIQUE, EMBROIDERED FLANNELS, White and Red FLANNELS, SHIRT BOSOMS, BLACK SPANISH VEILS, and a thousand other things to mention which would be tedious. Bourbon Whisky. J EE SMITH'S Saloon, Marietta street, the very beet 2 ol liquors mixed in the best sty le. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. turns made promptly. A K. 8EAGO, Wholesale Grocer and General Com- mission Merchant, corner Forsyth and Mitrh#>U A. / Y O. E rosd. I. HAMMOCK, Whitehall street. LEYDEN, Ware-«m«e .lid Commission Mer- r.’.arit—Wan ! . . C- cer Bartow Street and n. Office • AJhbams Street Grain, H»v, _ IT* I r ,* Bjvlk iiv.ats. Lard, Hams {sugar-cured 1 *P<»pUtn) Lime, Cement, Piaster. Domestic* and Yarns. W ALLACE A FOWLER, Alabama street, opposite Herald Office. SIGN AND FRESCO PAINTING. old stand. Dealers iu Paper, Parer Bags, Twines, Rope, Paper stock, old metal, hides, etc., 33 Pryor street, Atlanta, Ga. S TEPHENS A; FLYNN, Commission Merchant*, i dealers ia Grain, Flour, Provisions. Conn STOVE AND HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS. S TEWaK I a wool), dealer, iu Stove., Hollow i J *• Grain and Pro- ware, Housrfurnishing Goods and Children’s Car- ww * m Aianama street. B OWIE ,v GHOLSTON, General Comm!salon Mer chants ia Grain, Provisions, Hay and Eiour, For eytii street, near W. A A. It. H. C J. WILLIAMS A; CO., Dealers and CommieMon P f • Merchants iu Graiu and Produce. Handles pro- UNDERTAKERS. 'tHAS. It. GROOMS, Undertaker, Hearses tirompt WHITE GOODS. NOTIONS. ETC. 500 HANDSOME NEW STYLE SHAWLS, 50 BLACK THIBET SHAWLS, everything desirable in Ladies and Gent’s HANDKERCHIEFS. 100 pieces of the CROCKERY AND CLASSWARE. M C15KIDE a CO., wiioieule dealers iu Crockery, (ilass and Earthen ware, Kimball House. 1 AW A C< Wiiuiehaie uiccLery, Marietta stree near Br CHEAPEST EHHK0IHERIES EVER 1^1^ \V r ^ - PECK A CO., Wholesale White Goods, Notions, Hosiery aud Gloves, Kimball House. 50 pieces Choice Irish Linens ami Table Linens of the Choicest makes at extraordinary could send their little steemboats up there and l buy thousands of corn at 50 cents a bushel. This thing may work out all right, but sometimes when I get to thinking about it, it makes my head swim. I hav’ no doubt, how ever, that M*j. Dent understands it. I axd Mr. Tom Berry what he thought of the Grangers’ movements, and he sed he was for anything that wonld enable the farmers to pay him what they owd him. Mr. Berry are a mity smart man. I axd Cioudis what he thought ot the Granges, and he sed it was a trick to run the poor man out of the country; that the rich men was goin’ to dub together and put up their money end buy a thousin plows from Brinly, at 7 dollars a-piece, and prices. 150 dozen Towels, which defy competition. Ladies’and Gent’s Marino Shirts and Draws, iu immense variety. WOOD ESCRWIJiG. i Wood, corner Peachtree and Marietta, up stair*. FRUITS, VEGETABLES, ETC. NTOMO TORRE. Deaie tables. J ! l«oy 454. GROCERS. MISCELLANEOUS. Also, a fine WAGON only bring failure to tboso who undertake | jj aQ y 0 f these goods have already arrived and tlie balance will be arriving daily, and pur- thew. bnt the public are vicumizea am chasers are earnestly iuvited to take a look before buying, as no fancy prices wili be asked American credit » scandalized aud weakened, Sma „ profltg and qaick galeg being the motto . At both at home and abroad, and especially in | JOHN KEELY’S. ER'I.I> PUBLISHING COMPANY, Alabama , vJo'n > ' i '“ “ ** tk< ' lo ' rest Mts street, near Broad. All kinds of Job Work neatly , I sud promptly executed. fl 0 Cl UAHN A CAMP, Wholesale Grovers and Ij Provision Dealers, 25 East Alabama foreign markets. When the crash comes the only thing that is consoling is the fact that tbe mythical enterprises are swept away and that legitimate business receives moYe atten tion than while the bubbles were preparing to burst. The Times says that there has been no day in Wall street to bo compared with yesterday since the suspension ot tbe banks in 1857. The celebrated troubles ot “Black Friday” arose out of a gold-corner, an l brought down many firms, but tho disaster was not so great Eight Page Paper, containing 56 column*, the largest and most teresting paper in the State. W EL TURNER, Dealer in Human Hair, aud Mau- • ufseturers of Human Hair G >cd* aud H*ir Jew elry, 15 Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. Street, Atlanta. Georgia. th« poor man would hav’ to buy 'em from ^ tb ' at which we are called upon to record credit at 14 dollars. He sed . , „ T , - of»«r tbA Frank Air on a that was the way it was goin’ to work. I axd a middle man what he thought of the Grangers, and he sed tbe whole thing was foundationed on a falsehood; tbat the farm ers was made to beleeve they had been im posed on by the merchants, and that the merchants all got rich by keepin’ the sep21-6t Corner Whitehall and Hunter streets. H. CASTLEMAN, pn. ovision hsll street, Atlanta, Ga. INSURANCE AGENTS. General Produce Broker, to-day. It is easy enough to be wise after the event, and the houses which have failed doubt less appreciate more clearly than out siders can do the mistakes which they have made. We pointed out yesterday that the general business of Ihe country was never in a sounder condition than it is to-day. There f tt" _ , ... -- was nothing in that to lead to a panic. We e”,undrcd *erchauis broke, aud that! h ‘"' e ^'"^mTtauce" 'TcT aTtha r J ot the bre*kin was akk.aoud W th;;; pnmflsc n< He P K<?that ’the 6 CFjntrv ’peepul j b » nki «g firpa-i topple over like houses of , . XLANTA PAPEB MILLS—JAS. OBMoNI) Pbo- ; SacreUry; Generri L. 1. G.rtrell, Attorney; Wi »±i“srsre Kr. i 3 n Ti -w-—! 4“i«, raeoor i dident think that fine dressin . lc 1 neto White!)*!!, Attasta, Q%. Jfor Kerosene Stoves, Pratt’s Astral Oil, Triumph W*«hmg Machine. Clothe* WriDger, etc., Belgean Sheet Iron *nd Enameled Ware. Whitehall street. r than any other paper in Gecrgi* ATLANTA, GA. Office—Alabama Street, opposite Depot. aeolO tf I Fire and Mai ! street Atlanta. Ga. CLOTHIERS AND TAILORS. the National. J ILh G. JONES, Fashionable Tailoring Establishment • within fifty yards of National Hotel and Kirnbal ^House. Full Lino of goods always on hand. ATLANTA PAPER MILLS. all Streets, Atlanta. Atlanta, Ga. J lAlIfes B. WYLIE te CO., WholeiH. Qrooer, 32 and 34 North Broad atreet. W, Saab. Blinds. Mouldings, Ac., Broad street. — ! dent; C. L. Redwine, Vice-President; J. H. Morgan, i aKed him if ir:; uiueuL imuAtudi nut; utcnsiii , r .r , , , , j . • *» • i An - iVk the banks have been departing from their . . I «e sed perhaps if did lo ... extent, and that j Wfmate line of b™,. There has been a j pjonamAvaABLE. Wbo^f. »ui. Drug-! g^elphi^a.1SoaU.em MutyUMhfM •all tho trubtjie and (Ic.'el II> i,t in the world : rw Doa(l mama, aud the bawks ba\e lentils.gei gists .nd PiescriptioniaU, cosher Pe.chtrce.ud | / IHAKLFS A. CHOATE, Kimball Houbc, follows: APOTHECARIES. W P. PATILLO, No. 6 Kimball House, Agent for . JEtaa and 1 homil of Hartford, Fr.ukha oi 1C Tobacco. Fineat brands always on hand. Broad was owiu to one family ^et a little «hoad of their ntbors. Another middie man roaiarked tbat th in L-pr. n rn nr ' fcaius of money on rai)t09& bonds, to the tx-i DecatnT atreeta. * elusion of the merchants. It these bauks had confined themselves to the transactions was goin organize a soeietv of “ehau-ers." ^ich come properly wvtbin their scope we gpwf —i~ i.Ak ,1 ^ v..- ,-should have seen no trouble m Wall street khis week. They* have j>ractically gono into the bu-iue>s of contractors, brokers, That coux’jnodities had to ho changed and changed, and since the foundations of the world middle men had dun it, and that these . , . . v—.- .. grangers were rnnnin again the order of mtiur. an< K PJ CU s * ' P ) . , ., He sefl they would raise ■*. biff pile of money «>rt» of new roafl* have absorbed the -and petit iu sum foller.;’hands to go on and ^Pite“ wUich nghtlalls belongs tothr.egiti- buy their plows and reapo-s and sown mtt . mate trade ot the ocviitry. Last year-, over ■sheens, acid that feller would just step off H ENRY C. POPE, Wholesale Druggist, 2i Whitehall ; atreet, Atlanta, Ga. O 'l EO. J. J Whole t Uio Old Stand, /T1 of 7.*all street., Goner»l Agent of New York Equitable. ILLlThTGOODNOW. General Agent tor Geor gia of Republic Life Insurance Company, offi* e Republic Block. : €.000 miles of new railroads were bvilt, not with it ts parts nukuowu -or he wo™put it : ?* >0 , mil “ « f really needed or can ana knot and tbe bank would deialtafo. be turned to profitable -use The tor««n mar- | Wallin jftkrren cum dow* to a* me whether’* tts L ‘ ve been glutted with these rchen es tie ort to jioe 'em or not, and I told him to ^ny gross «w udk* ol one ktnd br other iiiie; tutU it was a good thing, all right, and b f e , n tljese dUrI « g if it wasn bad thing he would find it out by r, be b «t two or three yeatoL At Uwt, confi- | «i€uce h«8 been broken down. ior some years to com•>. nothing but a iirv> mort- AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSES. lino of Agricultural Implement*, Publishers Rural Southerner, No. 2 Waal atreet, Kiltobal! House. CIGARS' TOBACCO, ETC. P ’ il. ENGELBEKT, Manufacturers of Cigars and ] • Tobacco. Firn , atre«t, near Bridge. Tf OHK FICKEN, Manuitcturer. 1“ — ] tf in Fine Cigars. Pipes. ^ —porter and Dealer smokers Articles, No. «ooacco, ftuuff Boxes und Ga. a! Peachtree street, Atlanta, . jfBEBMAN ft KUHRT, Cigar*, Tobacco and Snuff > Whitehall atreet. near railroad. d TLAYTON U WEBB, 72 Wblteh■^ , . V-/ Ga., Wholesale dealers iu ^ Atlanta Whiskies, Wines, Brandies ,*eiga ataf Dbmestii PRorRiXT'^Rs of thk Y # ttuma, Gfns, etc., and -vCWTAlli Gx? Whiskies. TOX A HII T meet' * ^ WTiCle^sle dealers in Forign and Dc - 4*lq\l“rB. Peachtre# street. At ififtyOVL BROS , Wholesale Tobbacco aud Liquor- 35 Whitehall street. Atlanta, Ga. MARBLE YARDS. CONTRACTORS join’ qnieier than any way. ig/jhs to 4>Q£ the masheen wurk. I'm anx- f . .. „ a; f , A- . Alim v of oar bankers accumulated milroad paper that J. Cookes tailu«€*iiilent anekt him , r ^ „ *u * ,i .. „iw„. u., ,.j. .... I'Jfifls in tbe expeetAtion that they would • be daken in Europe. Yhey supposed they : woitl get a commission, And with this they proposed to retire from Ihe scene. But the {oreigE markets suddenly failed to lake the in the shiest degree. He | a(ys his debts as usxai whox he baa any monef’. Jack King hav got the -hoopin’ kuupb. Hoops will &e the deth of that hoy yit. To«a fcirwith are sad; while ILe wer gone to breakfast, Lcnikin tied a card on his store door, fiayang, -“Cloasd till to-»crrow.’’ Tom bav since stole Lamkin’s store ost And swingd his tail aU amor th and pnt two £dats of var nish on it. A Borne was. Mt snake bit Stonewall bonds offered them. For the preseut they faeg-ve had enough. Tbe iurcstmenU submit ted to them of late years Lave not paid. A gneat dc:U of capital has been sent over here lor which *o return whatever has been taade. The public would be surprised if they knew wild-cat” schemes have been Iron Works, they giv him * -juart of ^" markets in London or Frank- fihickeMOTWdllirf^g^wiiL^^he J? rt access. Kow tbe reac- HSu^friend?*! mu ^quen&^o'f a fol-s of' confidence “in one 7m. | NO. H. JAMKH, BAnter, j^ne.'BlocA teil his friends he «*s .* Presbytem.. »Ad for . |, taut braac . h of our national euten,rises. W J Marietta street. BANKS. COTHRAN & JACKSON. UTHITlfKlt k co., Broad itmt sear Alaban V T Oldest Insurance Agency iu the city. D AVI8, A CLARK, Fire Insurance, School Furui- ture. Burglar and Fire-proof SafeH. Broad street. ' 4 TLANTA DEPARTMENT Southern I.i7e. Jno. ! ix b. Gordon President, A. II. Colquitt Vice ent. J. A. Morris Secretary. f.cturer 4i:d fl-aler in iioii.n and American ’ »r- Ti* r r - tltcie, t'PpOe.lj U. Ii, JoDt-, - iwl^,. —... ...»- : S m xS‘S" d pramptly Itheu. AM GRAY. Dealer in Foreign and Am- ri~au Marble, Mantles. Statuary and Vase?, Alabama street. Atlanta. Ga. BANKPHiS, ROME, G-corgi a, Collections sad Remittance* piomptly attended to. sepS-Xm JEWELRY. SILVER WARE. I^R LAW SHE, Watches. Clocks. Jewelry, and JLi Ware. Agent for the Arundel Febb.e Spool 60 Whitehall street. B ANK OF TIIE STATE OF GEORGIA—F. M. Co ker. President; W. W. Bell, Cashier. Paper dis ) Exchange bought and sold. Checks on all yoiuts in , *1Vi A ^ W ««5?* at u JaW ’ G *° r «ia Europe/iu mm. to .ait. ’ , es ,. u, . e m ' ne - , »H*ntion jtiv.n *S- Aiteut. f-r the lnm»n »nd Canard St-Jlustiip clliw ». and .11 buuneu promptly E>iNi .nrl liobaf. .. In..., I 1>tl!UUW _ f AMES BANKS, Attorney at Low. Atlanta. Genre ia. i of CUima. | COPPER, BRASS AND fRON. Coppersmiths, urtee 5 Fitters and Sheet :ron ite the Sun Building, i e ONICUT A BELLINGKATHS. Gas Fitters, Brass Workers, and dealers iu Stores, Marietta treet. Atlanta. CANDY AND CRACKERS. A W. JACK. Yir# tory, Whit H LEWIS’ 8TBAM bakery Manufacture* all • varieiies of Crackkks, Cakes, Suappa, etc. South D li. W. X. PARK, oifico No. Wtiiteuat. strict, P. O. Box No. 258, Atlanta, G*. Treatment ol Chronic Diseases. Impurities of the Blood, o'wtetric* * U( I Diseast-s of Women aud Children evi > a spec- DYE-WORKS. Vines, Ornaxueutal Shrubbery, Hot PHOTOGRAPH CALLERY. S MITH A MoTES, Photographic Gallery, overPope’* Drug Store, on Whitehall street. * First reasonable AS. 8ALUSHIN, Bunkers and Brokers, next to ; Special attention given to the Collecti] X* National Hotel. Exchange bought and sold, j All business attended to promptly. Money to loan. I "Zf r|THK "DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No. a KimbalS , J J m iu Si th» MUte^Olt*nJIl£^1!!! 1 Houae. WUliam Gordon,; Ju. M. Smr*. owr Ame? tLH ‘ eJ Sla ' e " Willis, cashier. — — ( CITIZENS’ BANK, authorized Capital Jl.UOiJioO Sta A , ttornc ^ at bow, office corner j Jno. T. Grant, president; Perino Brown, cash'r a : M, an “ Uunter atreeta. Practices in all 1 the Court# la Atlanta Circuit. aud Cleaning in all branches. Satisfaction guar anteed. Post office box 540. DENTISTS. PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSES, fONH H. WEBB. No. S2 Whitehall, *oid 72 Broad Table supplied with the beat the market ball and Huuter street*, Atlanta, Ga. D. CARPENTER. Den ti*t, N oT~47 Win tehali I A tlanta naiional bank, capiui United State* Depository. A. Austell, President . Taller. Cashier. tkefo never to git up in the night anfl put j 1>0 ‘ “ u tbsir foot on a snake. These wer bis bust! T “ sa^eessages. The Lognnsport find.) Star says: Bo»nsaville has been to Sinainuatty. Hv day is Major SIoFadin and T. M. , __ pot up at tbe Burnett House. He looked : O'lggenbeimer were out hunting on the prsi- | over Lbe breakfast hsud-hill and calld for rie they came aoross a very large and very odd i staffed (lied chicken. The waiter told him j P C “ S1 ? ,L weather bad been dry, aud * they dideni b«v no such fliiw, and when he : ‘ k . e !’ on f« on the Drama had failed in water, took another look, he acknowledged the corn, j ^’ turtles and frogs who had been living i He glv that waiter half a dollar to say nuthen » n . tbe ™ mt J “ f °f He about it, but Dick Cottesau peached on him. P Q da had thus been cut oft from their sup- . , KM’.Y BANKS k SON, whoieioiie duainr. in 1 b*li«vo thin k&ll th« Rome naw* at nresent P 1,ew ' lhe ? st °0* H for a day or two, but Fl Boot* and Bboe*. Leather aud bhoe Findings, X !**«▼© mu MAU me Home new* ax present. finftUy becaflje toa .« dry - for f ' emlurance Sign of the Golden Boot 39 Peachtre* atreet. Atlanta! — and decided to migrate. When seen by theF Mayor and Mr. Guggonheiuiar they were marching iu golemn procession aero** the prairie ti a pond three miles distant. The procession was three-quarters of u mile in BAG MANUFACTORY. Paper and Cotton Bag*. Twine, Rope. Old Metals, corner Pryor and Mitchell atreet*. At.nuta. Ga. BOOTS AND SHOES. - ; JU* street, Atlanta, Ga. i rietu street, up sta-rs, practice*’ in all the i Work promptly and neatly fin iahed. atreet. Residence, corner. rjlHOS. W. HOOPKU, Attcroiry-at-ie* X atreet, will attend to all kinds of legal bnsim 1>UTS, rrovidcncc has an aggravated case of back pay. It is her Mayor. His latest perform ance fa to issue a special messago berating tbe school committee for adding $25 to tbe iLoegre salary of B female teacher because of her past success and experience- And the man who does this is the same individual who twice gave the casting vote to add $500 to his own salary for tho next year, because of hit experience. i Boot* and Bhoe*, Republic Block CARPETS. MATTINC8. ETC. i Marietta street. > and Alabama ntm-t* (tip AUCTIONEERS. WILLIAMS, Acutloneer aud Commission Merchant. Marietta street, near Peachtree. Ad- lade on consignments. !JJ_ taniilies or i eeived. Peachtree street, can furnish pleasant room* to ogle person*. D*> ^carders also n*- PICTURES AND FRAMES. attention t > the p «.* • ......... . State of Georgia aud Unit.* 1 SUM*. O ttoe No tell** Building, up stairs. , iph ., u ., t , ,, fl’l I.. MaYsON, Auctiou and Comimsuon Merchant, • Attanta Ga T • * u,i dealer in Eurnituie. Marietta street i 0 •r at Law. ~ _ AB. r. 8ANDERK, Manufacturer and Dealer ni Chromos. MonMinga, Looking Glasses and Plates 37 i, Whitehall Street, Atlanta: Ga. BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. length and one-quarter in width. Tbe turtles j W The i *, rKeBt » u PP l y ,,f i were in the lead! the frogs bringing up ihe j ^^l^t 8 ^ f ° nDd "' e Victor Emmanuel baa given one thousand fr.iucs toward tho erection of tbe monument to the bits Signor Battazzi. rear. Tho Mayor vouches for the truth of this story. There ia some talk of building a railway bridge acroaa the MiseiKHippi at Moline for thue ee of the Peoria and Keck I.fand nud the Favenport and Si. Paul railwnya, which are ucd,r one management, and must haven bridge fit 6Pm> point !■? form tl connection. MUSIC AND MU8IBAI INATRUMINTS. t.-r, of IaRtrumcnt. .ad Striug., 08 Wliih-Lll Street. O L. URAUMULLEK, Dealer in Musical luatru- • menta, Stationery, aud sole agents for Stclnway k Sons’ and other oelrhralffi pj»D9f. 15 Whitehall Atlanta, Ga. J^OJAL* NUNNALLY. Auurue> B. : Law, Griffia H lTV'dCOOK & WALLEN, Book, and Fancy St*, tloaery, Whitehall strt'et- BLSIKKSS UOl.LEI.ES. COME ONE! COME ALL! AND PtEGISTEIR _ 4 LL wishing to paiticipatc in onr Mnolcapal Bw. ! XV tlons are required to come to my office at the City Hall, and IfsriMttA .raa! m I Ov)UE’S SOUTHERN Bl'MINEhS CNIVKK8XTY, ■ • 4 . . ‘ • p corner Broad and Alabama streets, Atlanta, Ga. wgiaitr the books are nowoptn A atandard institution, the iargect and best practi- . .. C 1F.O. T. FRY. Attomey-at-Law, No b Kimball ■ ^ bo * iu<? “ • cho ll in Aonih. For circular*, etc.. W House. Residence corner McDonough .nd Kkb- • * !dreM R F * Mwr ’'* A M PraaldAt. •*»!*** ardaou atreeta. . ' K/l ALTMAN ’tt AIJJkMTA BU8LMM4 COLLEGE, FRANK T. RYAN, City Clerk. Practice in all the court*. LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. M2J Detwller & Ma; 1 Peachtrei I position. U ;—- - -- - . ...p... .wi ui iuc Aikurr outuiea, kwp. .lw.y. ou h»ad a large ,npi>ly of Mules ud H Arnes for sal*. i; ve, Manager*. Corner Line and FREEMAN'S SAVINBS 4 TRUST CO. Ihree hundred Graduates now in < ^ v ^ ' (Chartered by Government of United States. Office Broad Street corner WaJton, R ECEIVES Depoeita of FiveCe&ts Upwards. De posit* payable on demand with interest. Jnte- eat compounded twice per annum. Send for ciinlar. a V2C-1V PHILIP D .COR7 Osahier OHMS. PISTOLS. «£te. < nWou, etc., Whitehall atreet, near Depot.