The Atlanta daily herald. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1872-1876, September 24, 1873, Image 8

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— The Daily Herald. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 24. 1873. THE CITY JOTII K TO CIT d Mr. 3. L. Orensbaw U th« sole authorized igent in the city for receiving subscriptions to the Hkeald. and fruuj this date we shall recognize only his receipts as valid. •X<M Y 3MAU13H •ijispsds « sasodjnd huiziniJaj aoj sjvopnaip iawH -3C]V*IA SSVHD at» oj pi«d noj)uo|i« i«i3ad«3 ’S3HSIN -MVA P UB S1I0 ‘SlNIVd-opeJX Uttj oqt j*j s3nj(x jo ipldus nnj y ATLANTA BRANCH GREAT SOUTH ERN OIL WORKS. Headquarters for Oils and Paints. The largest and most coin- FEBSONAL INTELLIGENCE. The following among others were registered st the Rational Hotel last night: J J Humayan, St Louis; M B O'Connell, WBB; Leri Ballard, Palmetto; J D Dunn, Woodbury; J F Brown, Auatin, Texas; G J Jones, Griffin; Col J R Mitchell, Kewnan; B F Jordan. Culloden; M M Welsh, Penn* *1 ran in Railroad; Z F Hardy, LaGrange, v E Dallia, LaGrange, J D Bowlea, Ga It It; H L Chandler, Montgomery; JA Walker, So Ex Co; W M Seeth sad wife, Griffin; Jas H Maury, Nishville; J C Gardner, Augusta; J T Jilks, Marietta; W W Smith, Harris county; J C 8herwood, Columbus; J Marken, Roches ter, N Y; W R DuBose, Sparta; Wm Harper, Chattoo ga county; M C Hubbard, 8 A A T Co; E Richmond, Washington, DC: J C Bartow, Conyers; Houston Rocker, R Y; J M Stallings, Grantville ; G A Carter, Hogansvil’e; A B Clark, Macon; C W H Gilberson, Baltimore; C G Wilson, Milledgeville; J W Covington. Columbus; A Dan ford, Macon; T A Lane, Monticello; John Poetell, Savannah; F S Fitch, Griffin; G Pollard, Albany. worthy of MtobefanthM je^rtsy. Th.wrtw.x, impropriety, which we applaud. Opera bouffe ther and the nomination perhaps kept the people quist. Police Coart Reports. “Long came Stone-fence Jackson, With the bonnie blue flag—saying: Who’s been here since I been gone.” [Old Paper. The dearth of interesting materials in the Police records, and the demand of other and heavier duties hsve permitted the machinery of this department to rust for a few idle days. But wo “return to our mut tons" with the eager enthusiasm of an old flirtation. We would assure our old familiars, the “bummers," it is not our intention to give them the go-by, must be confessed that the attendance yesterday was by no means so abundant as on pre vious meetings. The rain kept raining ao that Jonien had to put on hie thick “britches" snd the Court put ou its overshoes, (and the undershoea were low quarters.) Allen Bailey, who had never taken a spree before yesterday, came in by express from an attitudinous Col. T. W. AScxwider .ad Col. Daniel S. Printup, of bnst> WM making hi. exit at the door as we entered. Rome. Ga., are in the city. j [J r 1 ; „1 Vieeii nationlzing the new candidatee for Clerk, On yeaterday we had the ple.anre of meeting Col. j Md b(jr(J w ,„‘ tbe r „, m J. C. Barton, of Conyers, Ga., who is the leading lawyer plete Stock in the Southern States, at pri- ! of that aection. He is in the city on eome business con- ces to compare with any other markets, i n «*« 4 ‘‘ h « P” b “« H « "P nrU Conr " 8 . * . i 4 I in a flourishing condition, but as he has promised a An immense assortment of Artists’ M»te- | ^ , ownthip ln . f .» we re. rials and fl indow Glass. fraln from a further mention. Send for Price Lists. j a novelty in concerts. CARLEY, DUCK A CO... The concert by the Governor’s Guards, to-morrow ‘ All sorts ■ P romlie * to be a charming novelty in the geu- Foll Stock. Reliable Brices, of FURNITURE. See our stock of BABY CARRIAGES. D. B. MORGAN A CO., aug31-tf Successors to W. T. Archer, P. O. Box 380. 8.» Whitehall street. TAKE NOTICE! STATE AND COUNTY TAX PAYERS eral line of Concerts heretofore given in Atlanta, in that the whole programme will be given in ballads A dozen or so of the very best amateur balladists m the city will take part in the entertainment, and we can sincerely promise an evening of the very rarest enjoyment. The Guards deserve and should have a crowded house. Jarooa’ Hall, to-morrow evening. DEATH OF W. B. MOSES. We regret to report the death of this gentleman, which sad event transpired in Decatur early yesterday AM POSITIVELY commanded by the Comptroller I morning. Mr. Moses came to Georgia many years ago and was for a long time a resident of Macon, and for about three years bookkeeper of the Brown House of that city. In 1869 he came to Atlanta, and after the construction of the Kimball House leased the cigar stand of that hotel, where he did a fine business. He had been for a number of years a victim of that terrible disease, consumption, bnt, being of a sanguine disposition, never imagined that his end was so near at hand. For about ten days he mas confined to his bed, and until half-past five o’clock no one thought him in more than usual danger. At that hour, however, he was seized with one of the attacks peculiar to bis disease, For instance, now I’ve been to Coni t, (A drefful place I call it.) Wbar thar is chaps keu almost tork Yer money out yer wallet. appears to be expressly designed to accom mo date these women who graduated with success. There are four theatres now open in which sex rather than sentiment is the alluring thing. It is curious to noto how the women in each of these places vary their limited means in seeking to please the multitude. Lydia Thompson, at the Olympic, a guilt lessness that is like a thin mncilaginons sauce over yesterday's victuals. This poor charmer relies mainly npon the youthfulness of acolorbss face and hair, and upon inno cent puns flung at her audience with a child ish assumption of spontaniety. This is a kittenish art. The pans never connt at all, ns she well knot's, or she would endeavor to freshen them occasionally. The merit is altogether in the frolicsome abandonment of a seeming ly young and pretty woman. Her whole per formance is a gambol, in which the sleek an imals purr with innocent and melodious levi ty, and the audience stroke them affection ately with plauditory hands. If now and then a few pale electric sparks are elided by ATLANTA SOUTHERN BA. PUBLISHING COMPANY concordance, Bible History, Analyst*, Claasi fled Bible. Dictionary. Patent Adjustable Photograph Album, 660 illustrations, etc. The cheapest and best in America. Star of Bethlehem, Woman’s Home Book of Health. Golden State, etc. Herald of Health, Farm and Household Help. Bible canvassing outfit free. sep21-3w Pease’s Restaurant is progressing rapidly, and already is attracting marked attention. Atlanta should be proud of so tine an estab lishment, and one to be managed by Mr. Pease. We shall note its progress until it is completed. sep21-2t We offer for sale at our usual low prices an elegant assortment of Ra6sia leather and French Morocco belts of the latest and most fashionable styles, together with a superb as sortment of dry goods. M. Rich &, Co., sep21-d(fcw Whitehall Street. FOR SALE. N. R. FOWLER. Auctioneer VALUABLE PLANTATION IN GOR DON COUNTY. T ihe former residence and plantation of Maior James Freeman, deceased, of Gordon county. This plantation contain! about 4.00 0 Acrcaofliond. I've seen the elephant they keep Cut a!l it! cutiuh capers, Bat uucle Bailey warn't aaleep. They found he took the papers. As this was his first case, and as above stated, Lis first drink, the Court sympathised with him and let him off with $6 and costs—for which clemency Ai!en seemed obliged. “ Tho poor inhabitant below Was quick to learn and wise to know, And keenly felt the friendly glow, And softer flames; But thoughtless follies laid him low, And stained his name." The young gentlemen of Atlanta are re- this process, they are regarded by both play- quested to call at Dykeman’s to-morrow, and ha r ^oss P ac C cul‘e 0 nL.“ K ^ | - Scotch Goods, or Leave this show and get to the Broadway j Broadcloths, for fall and winter wear. Guar- theatre, where Aimee and bouffe reign, and j anteed that he will suit all tastes ! you come out of plettitudenous innocence gen21-3t. into artistic offensiveness. If Miss Thomp- * m | m son convinces you that she is a hoyden slypl. w ftr0 now ; a very choice assort- who does not know anything and doesn t 1 1 b J lying near the Coarewatlie River, on the old Tenneh- tee Road, and on the contemplated route of the Car- tersvillo and Ducktown Railroad, with fine, large, commodious Dwelling containing eight rooms. Also barnei, a tablet, Ac., Ac. It baa alwaya been classed as one of the beat graaa and stock farms in Cherokee, Georgia. It haa been long known aa a place exceed ingly healthy, being surrounded by mountains and with plenty of the best rnnning waters near the homestead. Tho lands are well watered with good* clear, never-failing streams, and in good condition of improvement,and contains over 609 acres first class bot tom land, and will produce clover and grasses of heavy growth, as well aa cotton. This desirable farm is located eighteen milts* from < aihouo, and eight mi es from Fairmount post office. The sale will take place at Calhoun, Ga., on the FIRST TUESDAY in NOVEMBER next. Possession given immediately. Plenty of good mules, stock, grain, implements, Ac., on the place. Terms—One-third cash ; balance one, two and throe years, with interest bearing n«tes. 8old on account J of Judge Lochrane and B. W. Freeman. Apply to I Judge Lochrane, B. W. Freeman, on the place, or to Wallace A Fowler, Real Ectate Agents. Atlanta, Ga. Hi illy6-eSu-1f J General to close the STATE AND COUNTY TAX BOOKS Within the time prescribed by the Tax Act of the last General Assembly. I am left no discretion. Como forward and save costs. S. R. IIOYLE, T. C., OFFICE—Alabama street, nearly opposite Austell's Bank. sep2J-10 CITY RECORD. Notes Hound Town Yeslcril I It* raid Reporters. tlic THE RESULT OF ADVERTISING. Whether our friend Burrs had the “inhabitants be low" in the neighborhood of Brooklyn in view or not. the sentimeut is appropriate. No one who ever visit ed those retreat* often bnt “thoughtless follies laid him low, and stained his name." The Court had sev eral of the nobility of that quarter up en masse for a general eruption and a promiscuous scatter of lava about the entire premises. Something less thau a hundred principals and witnesses appeared in a case against Hattie Wright, who was charged with going through two men and one wo nan at a little sociable they held there the other night. Hattie brought in her baby, and swung it about so that tho Court let her off with $10 and costs. (This on account o( the child ) John Glover tried on a pair of kids. They belonged to the next door man, who bad him arrested. John was too small to kill and ho got off with the coat*. The guard, in its solemn rounds, had picked up the temporarily defunct and emphatically horizontalized remains of Pat Murphy, as he lay iu his plebian dust, late want to—unless it be how to renew her youth j °f fine gents fall and winter business —Mile. Aimee on the contrary will satisfy j and dress suits manufactured especially for us you in five minutes that there is nothing in ! and consisting of the latest styles of English, life that she hasn’t exhausted. So we find c . . • r . _ that guileless people visit one show because | Sootch > French and Germnn caShimeros ’ of its placid prettiuess, and people who arc cloths and doeskin, warranted to fit and give not guileless visit the other because the dull I satisfaction. surface c.f^propnety is ruffled by the breezy j Would also call special attention to our are Q muny°things which lie in your j fiu0 line of foU and winter overcoata m!uic of heart that ycu do not talk about. Sometimes • the best materials of imported and domestic they are the little luxuries of our race, oftener j fabrics. M. & J. Hirsh, they are the wautoniugs of your own fancy. Oak Hall Clothing House, I>ut Aimee knows all about them. >\ nen she ’ ,. r rn nT| .. , „ . winks at you with such a charming, lascivious j sept21-dtf No^uO Whitehall street, grace, you feel that she has discovered your * • * secret. When she jeers suddenly with match-! Butter—Butter—Butter.—I am receiv es irony out ot sentiment, you understand j i ug weekly shipments of choice Orange how well she cau interpret the hollowness of | CQ , New y orki ttnd Western Deserve the sentiment. I J * , . _ . She is, indeed, one of those secresses of the j Creamery Butter, direct from the danes. If salon who look under dress coats and bod- | you want something really fancy, give me a Lands For Sale. I Dicata On Monday afternoon last, an old lady residing on Marietta street called to see the writer, stating that her horse had been gone several days and desired to consult about the propriety of advertising him, con sequently the lady's house was sought and all nece6- wry point, obtained. The result was that a gentleman j xational, happened to tho country haviDg „ tcmpling lo puflh tUa ta8h .j. aud in a few minutes was dowu. Mr. Moses was an amiable, genial gentleman, possessed of many friends in this city, and admired by all for bis courtesy and integrity, lie was about forty-five years old, and was unmarried. As will be seen by a notice published ] aml „ flc8 dog by bis siJe Pat ,, elsewhere, his funeral takes place this morning *t j wide waiers, huffaled about by adverse winds, and i out of sight of the landmarks of other days. He had SE\ ERE ACCIDENT. ; been sitting up with a sore-throated patient and had glazier, while putting ia a paae °f j taken all his physic for him out cf pure goodnature, merchant on Whitehall street opposite and the re8nlt> ices into palpitating hearts with glittering and | Cll n at 112 Whitehall street, corner Peters, mocking eye, only to detect the weaknesses sen20 . d i w Jno. W. Stokes. that are there. I 4 ! This is the charm of opera bouffe for 1 “ ^ ^ ^ Frenchmen, who like to have their secrets tri- j New tawiss, Limburg, Edam and Sap Sago between the legatees of the estate of James Ep~ pinger, late of Pike county, deceased, will be sold be fore the Court House door, in tbe town of Zebulon, on the FIRST TUESDAY in October next, between the usual hours of sale, to the highest bidder, if not dis posed of privately before the day of sale, the following lota of land, to wit: Lota No. 134 and 135. in the 9th. district of formerly Monroe now Pike county, in par cels of fifty or one hundred acres, to suit purchasers. Terms, one-third cash, the remaining two-thirds in one and two years, with interest on the last year. Also tbe following lots in Cherokee are offered at private sale: Lot No. 1214, in the 12th district, 1st sec tion, Lumpkin; lot No. ‘201, in the 14th district, 4th section, Chattooga; lotNo. 346, in the 12th district, 1«5 section, Lumpkin; lot No. 4, in the 12th district, 4th section. Dade; lot No. 98, in the 23d district, 3rd aec tion, Floyd; lot No. 671, in the 14th district, 1st sec tion, Forsyth; lot No. 1267, in the 14th district, 1st sec tion, Foisyth; lot No. 614, in the 2nd district, 1st sec tion, Forsyth; lot No. 197. iu the 27th district, 2nd aec tion, Murray; lot No. 193, in tbe bih district, 1st sec tion, Union. p. h. mcdowell. Agent for Legatees of Jas. Eppinger. August 21, ’73-tds. fled, with and who can appreciate irouv. But j Cheese; also, German goods of every descrip- Three Cottages for Sale I FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE, with front Verandah rear stoop, well shaded; with good water and . and always prefer broad burlesque, bouffe can a waif upon the . ncver b c a permanent success. sep20-dlw Jxo. W. Stokes. ltev. T. O’Gara, Catholic clergyman of Chi- Tue people are fast learning that Jackson’s l living some eight or ten miles seen the advertisement in yesterday’s Ut.uald, aud by noou was in the city with the p operly, much to tbe owner's relief. THE REGISTRATION BOOKS. A Hehald reporter took a look at the city registra tion books yesterday, and obtained the following ex- Libit accident. In j The guard raised him sympathetically. cago, was rescued from drowning, at Cape j ^® a 8 lc Balsam is an article of real merit | May, on Thursday, by a lad under fourteen | Sold by all druggists. i years, named Jacob Knecht, residing in Tine j street, near Seventh, Philadelphia. TWO BOOM Cottage with rock basement, not finished, with a 1 modern improvements. The two above mentioned residence* ate located on Castleberry Street, between Forsyth aud M -x W R It each containing of an acre, more or lea*. 1st his hand slip- j f a jjy folding him in his arms carried him to bed at broken pane of ^ jousen's expense, and labelled him, “Other Dis- ring the artery j ea aes.” The Judge taxed the liquor ia his carcass overing tho face j ten dollar8 . to was standing James Maugham, to show* Lis derision of Pryor !' l, « t ‘, uialertook lo l.y the du.t I -ty of taking their mother’s butter plates . -Msieu i thereof (notwithstanding the prevailing shower) on his 1 Up to this time tho number of registrations Dr. Low. Tho negro lost considerable blood before own aC connt, and was “takeu in out of the w. t." The stvtMd. 100; 2d ward, 104; 3d ward, 71: 4lh j ho coaid procure medical aid. Vo dauR<-r is appre- [ court flaed litm some seven or eight dollars. ped and, coming in contact with a glass, his wrist wa* severely cut, seve completely. The blood spurted out, cot and shirt bosom ol tbe merebaut who near by. The wound was dressed by Dr. Drak LOCAL NOTICES. Young ladie.i need not be under the neces- ward, 76; 5th ward, 114; Glh ward, 76; 7th ward, total, 592. One fact noticaable was, that only eleven negroes had rogiatered. This unusual reticence, in regard to a duty of which they are usually very proud, is significant of a “trick.” White men would do well to look sharp. THE MISSION OF THE REDEEMER CONCERT. Editors>—The citizens of Castleberry Hill, aud vicinity, take a lively interest in the proposed grand concert to take place October firat, in behalf of the Mission Church of the Redeemer, recently estab lished there. The nob! *, self-sacrificing spirit of the ladies under whoce auspices this beneficent project is progressing, deserve the most liberal support and pat ronage of our citizens. Not the object alone deserves hearty co-operation, but the splendid talent which haa volunteered, and will appear at the concert, will give our citizens a feast of lyrical delight rarely offered. The ladies are busy perfecting every arrangement and feature that c«n make the occasion the most brilliant bonded. TIE COURT CHRONICLE. for butter moulds, as Knox bus a fall lint: of Court fioed him some seven or eight dollars. , them as large a* their heart’s desire. They Justice put her scales in her work-basket—relaxed have also a full line of ail the latest novelties tbe sternness of her features-gathered up her bai- j j u Fancy Goods, Fancy Tics, KufHiugs for tl»e Temples Supreme Couit. In this Court yesterday morning, decisions were an nounced in tho cases argued the preceding week. The following cases wera decided: No 19—Albany Circuit. Henry 8 Wimberly, Trustee, va. W W Collier, from Dougherty county. Affirmed. No 15, same Circuit—L D Moore, Jr, va E A Castle berry. Reversed. No 10, T C Brown, vs W C Gill, from Lee. Affirmed Nolo—Jauea P Graves va John I Winfield, execu- . . . _, _ . . . .. , tor, from Lee county. Affirmed. and phasing affair of the season. Let us sustain them i * _ _ _ . 4 W ^ , , 4 I No 16—James P Graves va F W Roberta, et al-*v| Dougherty. Reversed. with hand and heart, and ao prove our faith by works. Castleberry Hill. THE NOMINATION YESTERDAY. The Democratic nomination for Clerk passed off very quietly yesterday, the only signs of activity be ing two or three hacks, pulled by uutaxned omnibus horses, decorated with the signs of the different can didates, and filled with pampered voters. Tbe popu lar tide from the very start was with Collins and Venable, and the result whoa counted aut gave Collins 669; Hulsey. 127; Collins’ majority. .449. Mr. Hulsey very gallantly declines to run against the nominee by whom he was fairly beaten. It ia under stood that Mr. Holliday will run on an “independent ticket.” STATION HOUSE REPORT. Henry Gordon, colored, was lodged at tbe Station I House laat night. He wsa arrested under a warrant issued at Greens- I boro. Georgia, charging him with cheating and ! No 50—Richard Hobbs va J 8 Raine & W L Davis, affirmed. No 12—Southwestern Circuit. The Southwestern R R Company va S M Cohen, from Sumter county. Af firmed. No. 13 Albany Circuit— Simeon Beck va. Joseph T Spence, from Mitchell county, reversed. No. 18—The Cotton States Life Insurance Company va. Ella W Scurry et al.. Dougherty, reversed. No. 28 Southwestern Circuit—J M Clarke et al. vs W W Barber et al., ^junction from Sumter county, affirmed, with directions. No. 18—S C’utts va. Wm Johnson, from Sumter, af firmed. No. 19—Hugh P Arnold va. A H Kendrick, adminis trator; affirmed—Warner, Chief Justice, dissenting. Tho argument of cases waa then resumed iu regular order. No. 27 Southwestern Circuit—J A Ansley c: al. ib. swindling. There were also eight city warrants, moatly for i Wm A Wilson, trustee; injunction from Sumter coun- drunken nesa and disorderly conduct. j *«-gued for plaintiff iu error by DEMOCRATIC MEETING TO-NIGIIT. ; Col C T Goode a-d Hon B II HiiJ, and for defendant The Democrats of the Sixih Ward will meet at the ! ^ Ho>hs. hall over the store of Messrs. Simmons * Hunt, on j The Court tbeu ^jonmed to tea Marietta street,at 7j« o’clock this evening, for tho pur- ! ir ’"' pose of reorganizing the Sixth Wsrd Democratic Club We arc authorized to state that besides the organiza tion other important business will be transacted and a full attendance is expected. Let every Democrat in rlock this etired from the rude gaze of the crowd. the neck, &e. They are also now receiving New Catch Mackerel, Cod Fish, Holland and Dried Herrings, at 142 Whitehall street, corner Peters. Jxo. W. Stokes. sep20-dlw Jackson’s Magic Balsam is fast making its 16 of a BRICK Cottage c ■ith al! the nocci ALSO, i llayne street, 3 rooms finish- *ary appurtenance; If the above property is cot sold at private fx! CO days, it will be Disposed of at Auction. The above property will be sold by M Haven; mutism it is performing, gists. bold by all drug I Sold by C C HAMMOCK 1 Real Estate Agent) septl4 sunAthurKsnn New crop Gun Powder, Imperial, Oolong, CITY BUSINESS. i their Fall stock of Millinery Goods. The Hyson. English, Breakfast and Japan Teas, 1 ladies wonld do well to call on them before at New York prices, at the cheap cash store, Residence for Sale. Among Our Business Met them. IRWIN k THURMOND’S NURSERY. It affords ua pleasure to call the attentiou of our peoplo to a home enterprise of anch merit as the one which heada this notice. Menars. Irwin A Thurmond raiae amf^ell aa fine a variety and as flue a selection of trees, shrubs, bulbs, Ac., as can be found in any market North or West, aud they should meet the wholesale patronage of our whole public. If they sell a fantly article they are here, respontible and t ment of ready to make it goo J. This of itself la an all suffl- ; Bugled bilk Gimps; Fringes; T^OUR LARGE, ELEGANTLY FINISHED ROOMS U 1 Bath room, Store room and Pantry, 2-room K;tcheu, j lathed and plastered, large front yard, choice shrub- Removal.—Vie have removed to No. ;>2 > >>ery «ud tree., all on »Urge, beautiful lot IOC Heavy COESimcres, l-rench, English and ; Whitehall street, lately occupied by 1). C. I t*y225 eet, iu a mo*t excellent neighborhood, and just American, at J. II. Dykeman'e, of every pat- : Seymour & Co., where we will keep a choice | «t tUe.vri»inua of one of the Street Car lines. Im- purchasing. Knox’s Millincrv and Varieties, U2 Whitehall street, corner Peters. No. 20 Whitehall street. ' sept 2e-tf. | sep-JO-dlw Jx0 - w - SroKLS - ment ever brought to Atlanta. Call aud see ! and |> 0 R lftd to 8ee a11 of 00r old friends and i „ a host of new ones. sept21-3l. jy27-eun3m We have iost received the largest assort- • sepT-tf Boyd JL Brumby. DREbS GOODb !~DRESS GOODS ! We will be closed to-morrow, (Monday), For Sale Cheap. ciont reason why they should bo pa^ronizsd. Let sustain home enterprises, fellow-citizens, and we may all grow rich. Send to Messrs. Irwin A Thurmond for a circular of their goods, and you will be sure to buy CODE OF GEORGIA. Orders for it can be filled by Messrs. J. W. Bui ke A Co , at cither Atlanta or Macon. Read notice. NEW DRESSMAKING ESTABLISHMENT. Attention is called to the card of Mrs. Daffy an nouncing her return to Atlania and resumption of her business as a Milliner and Dressmaker. We can confi dently recommend Mrs. Duffy to the patronage of our lady reader* as a thoroughly gool dreasmaksr, who will give satisfaction to her customers in every i ar ticular. Givo her a call. G. W. JACK. It is not in the fall season alone that Jack keeps his iorty odd employes at work, for they are always busy I that beiog our New Year day, but on Tues- Cords; Loops and Tassels; Embracing the latest and most elegant vari ety of Trimmings ever brought to this city. M. Rich & Co., sep21-lw Whitehall st. tile of his Cottage Iieeidence on Jenkins street. ® ® ^ n#xt door to Colonel I. W. Avery's, containing" day next, we shall open tbe fall season with ! s^ven rooms and a cellar room, with necessary out- a good aized yard, garden and good water. Dykesman’s is the place lo get your winter goods. One of his nobby Scotch Cheviot suits will last all the winter, and do to start another season on. sept 21 3t | an elegant display of Ladies’ Dress Goods i consisting of Satines, Empress Cloths, Caslimer< s, Diagonals, Serges, Etc., Etc., of all colors, and of the latest new shades. M. Rich A Co., sept21-lw Whitehall Street. J. II. Dykeman has just returned fiom market, where he laid iu a superb stock of he year through; but it is just about this time that j goods for the Georgia trade—an absolutely one sees the crackers, the candles, the baskets, the full an I perfect stock. sep21-3t toys, etc., etc., piled up in all part! of Jack's establish- " - ment, and filling the sidewalks. Not long ago we ! 3. II. Dykeman has the stock of goods now gave a full doscription of the improvements made in the candy aud cracker factory. The new oven and the the Ward be present. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Owing to the inclemency of the weather, there v no meeting of the Chamber cf Commerce last night SECOND WARD DEMOCRACY. Dt Kull) Superior Court. j Tho proceedings of the Superior Court of DeKalb county, at Decatur, yesterday were very interesting, j hollw ; Th ey not only make j The criminal docktt is being called, aud trials and ; convictions for crimes and misdemeanors ore numer ous. Frank Kobinsou, who was on the day before placed upon trial for accessory before tho fact to the murder of Womack, plead guilty to voluntary man slaughter, and was sentenced by Judge Hopkins to twenty years’ imprisonment in the penitentiary. Nellie Thrasher, a negro woman, w.m tried and con- icted of bigamy, and sentenced to two years ic tbe ed to the chair, aud Howard Van Epps requested to P €n n fenti » I T- j Walker Smith, At a tpeeting, held pursuant to announcement, the Second Ward laat night. Col. O. H. Jon*a waa call- j 1 i negro, was tried under au indict- act aa Secretary. On motion, the following committee was spfo -. ntod ; ment cL.r«ing him with tho grnvo offsnw of marry tng to proper. bn.ine M for the meeting, viz; D»niel Pm .! »»othcr wife, was found guilty snd sentenced to two mao, John B. Baird, W. T. Garrett, Peter Lynch, Win Roshton, J. B. Simmons snd L. L. Abbott, who re- '■ AsbllrJ ' Powsr8 - » whlte “““• w *» 1 >ei®B tried to tired and reported back the following resolutions, j which were unanimously adopted: Resolved, I. That it ia the sense of this meeting that political influences of an Improper character shall be removed from the Democracy of the Second ward in the seiecdou of candidates for Mayor aud Council for the incoming year. Resolved, 2. That it is the true policy of the Demo- years iu tbe penitentiary. Asbury Powers, a white burglary in the night timo when tho court adjourned. The investigation will be resumed this morning. United States Circuit and District Court*. HOX, JSO. EESKIXE, JUDGE, PRESIDING Id tbe District Court yesterday the jury in the case sgtinst Washington Odom, returned a verdict of guilty of illicit distilling. of tho Second word, .nd of tho city of Atl»ot» 1 110 WM " entenc8d to p.y a fine of f 1,000 and co.ta that ipeu shall be .elected for the office, of Mayor I ami twelv0 months impriaomnent. Col. H. P. Farrow and Council whose large experience in moneUry af- for Government; Hill k Conley and John A. Wimpey fairs, and whose position and honesty, give promise for defense. Id the case against Caleb Thompson, illicit distill ing, the defense took.» verdict of not guilty, by con- new machinery are now at work, and from morning till night the workmen arc k?pt employed turning out several descriptions of crackers aud candies, in the manufacture ot which Jack canuot be surpassed. Country dealers are especially invited to an apprecia- of the advantages they enjoy by trading with tlita oods equal to any in tbe United States, tut iu point of price, the saving of freight, etc., it will do found more profitable to trade with them than to go further North. AMONG THE MERCHANTS. Mr. Henry Banks, Jr., ia having a storeroom ou Peachtree street, two doors below the store of Henry Banka A Son, fitted up inelegant style preparatory to opening a new store. Ho Lai a largo stook of boots and shoes on the way front Northern markets which will be offered for sale in a few days. He is a good buyer and haa a moat complete assortment but as it is bis purpose to advise tho public cf bis intentions through the Herald, in a day or two, we will let him apeak for himself. Mr. Jno. C. Doaue, the hatter, is expected daily from New York. He lias dispatched ahead that he haa purchased a large stock of fashionable hats. Look out for something “nobby" when he gets here. Mosers. Stewart A Wood are moving tkeir stock of store and house furnishing goods in the store house formerly occupied by L. B. Langford, the store they now occupying not being o; sufficient capacity for their business. Mrs. Frank, the mi.liner, will be lmmefrom Now York in a few days, with a huge acock of mllliuery goods. She proposes to furnish everything atylieh and fashionable in that line. arriving with which fashionable Atlanta will clothe itself this season—selected by himself York, and bought regardless of costs. sept 21 3t in Ne FOR SALE. Bacon and Flonr, Grain and Hny, Bagging and Ties, Sugar, Coffee, etc., etc., at Dunn, Ooletref. & Co.’s. _ _ to A. L, Harris, Atlanta, Ga., by James Brand, of New York, will be sold to pay chargee, tf not called for wi Ain thirty days. ED. A. WERNER, sei>4tAw3‘-dt Aeent Georgia R. B. WANTED. The best imported aud domestic Casse- merc Cloths, Doeskins and Vestings, may be found at M. A J. Hiisch’s, No. 50 Whitehall street. To the Ladies of Atlanta and Elsewhere. Oar stock is now full .and complete in its every branch. Comprising ail of the Late Novelties in Dress Goods of the fiocst fabrics. Cloth, Beaver aud Velvet Cloaks, and the ! largest stock of House Furnishing Goods ! ever exhibited in this city. Having made a ; special arrangement with some of the largest ; Importers, we can offer inducements in Black and Colored Silks unsurpassed by any house ! beat of refc 1 Address WANTED, GOOD COOK for a rmall family ALSO, A HOUSE SERVANT, by R. M. Clarke, at Rock. Ga. Apply at G. W. ADAIR'S, acpll-tf Real Estate Office. Situation Wanted. They have secured the service Jir. Cas- iu the State. Our Silks are superior both in j . , • , , . . • quality aud cheapness to any ever offered in I serK, as cutter and superintendent ot their 1 . / . . ...... . | , r t 4 .r, ., • . t , iu this city. Ladies getting up Wedding Out- 4 TL charge of the housekeeping department in a nnly, and instruct same children, giving them eapo- al care. Wonld uot object to a widower's family, or position in the country—a reasonable calory. TLe ces given and required. F.. 8 L . p2'J-2d Care Editors Atlanta Herald. Merchant Tailoring Department, who has had an experience of nearly twenty years in first- class establishments iu tho North aud in Europe, and will insure their customers a per fect fit and clothiug made to meet the np- fits will find in our stock many goods not sold elsewhere. Lowe, Douglass & Dallas, Sept21-smi tnes thnrs. 42 Whitehall. v , ... , a1 | I>Y the firat of October, three F New flour and everything Dew and good i jr£ FOR RENT. Wanted to Rent, proval and give satisfaction to the most fas- j a t my new stand, where you will find every- ! - suitabio for light housekeeping, by a family of two lidious. sep23d-tf tied for Illicit distilling of their efficiency in the management of the largo in come and heavy expenditures of this growing city. Resolved, 3. That the practice cf pledging before ' * en ^* counsel, election to this or that person for office, aud to this or I ^ llll4m Thompson that policy In the administration of the affairs of the j * n<1 lound « u ihy- city, is in fntnre cautiously to bo avoided, and that ; He was sentenced to pay a fine of $1,003, and to bo thoso persons deserve tho auffrage of true men wnose > inipHMMd months Same conneel. independence gaaranteea an impartial and judic;oue I Iu lh6 C ‘ rcUlt Couit tbe ««• of M **•*■>» * Co. admlniatration. Atl * LU “d Richmond Air-Line Railroad Com- The following resolution waa offered by Mr. Baird, pt “ y ’ trt «n up and, on motion, unanimonsly adopted: Whereas, on account of the inclement state of the weather, and the probable misapprehension of some citizens of the Ward, arising from a rumor that the meeting mould be postponed, therefore, Resolved, that the election of permanent officers The Court adjourned about the time tbe case waa we.l opened. Garbuti, Gariington k Broyles for plaintiff; Collier, Mynatt A Collier for defense. The following cases were set for trial to-day: Duffield Ham and Prevision Co. vs Tho*. L. Wells. until the next nawapspers meeting, city and Aasumpat be I Thomas W. Marshall vs J. M. Elliott et al. A«- deferred that t— — — requested mcaawhile to urge upon the good \ * U “ P *‘ and true citizens of the Second ward, and of the city at j T *® n ®***« Gcal Co. va. A. C. I*dd. Assumpsit, large, who are interested in the administration of our Jl ' nle,, H * ^anklin va. Chapman k Morrow et al. affairs, io meet in this epacioua hail on Tuesday night ' A * BU “P* lt - next, to participate in the tmpoiUnt business then to ' ° in . ’ . sumpsit. be transacted. . * On motion, tho root-ting then adjourned, to meet on • • Di sute# United Btates . P. k W. J. McCIntchey. next Tuesday night accordingly. O. H. Jomek, Chairman. Howasd Va* Errs, Secretary. None of < i. Alonzo Samples. Illicit distilling, i. Monroe Samples. Illicit distilling. •Justices* Courts. Magistrates had any criminal business Stop at the Covington Hotel if you wish nice car peted rooms, clean, Mnen, soft beds, good meals and livery accommodations. C. Cox, sepif.-tf Proprietor, Covington, Georgia. Ladies will find a full assortment of sum mer millinery and fancy p.oods at Knox’s Mil linery and Variety Store, Whitehall street. We are constantly receiving all the latest nov elties in millinery and fancy goods, which we are selling at very low prices] tiling new and nice, and at prices which are , adults. Family ami house must be Qr#t entirely new. Give me a call once, and I will rent* small furnished house at a m Mo rate rent, convince you. I Address “N. M.," Herald Office. *epl4-2t I sep20 dlw John \V. Stokes. Fall Goods for the Million.—Our stock Call in and i of Fall and Winter Goods have arrived, and look through, aud you will find something • embraces tbe largest aud best assortment of you need. We have a very handsome line cf ribbons, which mo ate sfclltDK cheap; also GeutlemeUB Costom Made Clotluu R ever a few more of those Florida bats at very low j brought to this market. NEW HOTEL FOR RENT OR LEASE. r N THE THRIVING YOUNG CITY OF CARTERS- _ ville, Ga., situated opposite tbe Depot, on the line •1 the Western snd Atlantic and tbe terminus of the Cherokee Railroads. It offers unusual advantages for doing a fine and growing business. The building is a prices. AUgl-dtf Also, a very fine assortment of Hats, Shoes, teraville, Ga. aep!9 2taw 4w We have this day engaged the services of: „’, b ’ 9 'il n OTATK or Georgia. FTLTOJi corNTT—SCPK XX TV , „ •, , , I Together with a large line ol Dry Goods of ^ rior court, April Term, 1873.-ITewnt: Hi, Hon Messrs. Davts & George as special agents for | tt) i descriptions. | „j. Horxun.Judge. the Herald. They are authorized to receipt , Call and see oar Fall and Winter Suits and ! Nancy O’Dell vs. Jciwmiah O’Dell—Libel for Divorce for subscription and to contract for adver- Overcoats before purchasing elsewhere. ! it appearing*?*) the CourtTbyoTe^return of the 8het 4 . . ... r 4 , 4 . As usual, we will sell at prices which defy j- • tisements until further notice. a- The French Enchantress. AIMEE, THE BOU1FX BEAUTY, AND HER FATAL FASCINATIONS. I wonder, says Nym Crinkle, if Mile. Aimee learned in suffering* what she lisps in song. Dan Bryant, or the author of “Never Again,” used to say there is no efficacy in anything but experience, and tbe more 1 see of the actresses who depict wantonness, the more I am convinced of it. A woman who cannot suggest by her actions more than she dares to utter with her lips ps a very tame affair in comic drama or vaudeville. And you cau readily understand that if Mile. Aimes's effects were limited to her vocal utterances she would not be the heioino she is. Her school, ns the phraze goes in art slang, is very conspicuous. It is tho school of the world. In it women learn to turn that natural coquetry of their sex which we admire, into a flirtation with August 28, 1873. As usual, we will sell fit prices which defy iff, that the defendant does not reside ln this county competition. Cohen & Sells, 1 and it farther appearing that he doe* not reside in tbi Corner Whitehall and Alabama Streets. I State; it la. on motion of counsel, ordered sept21-dlw Druggists and store keepers sell Jackson’s | Magic BaL&m at 25 cents, GO cents, and one ! Oirr of Health.—In this common expres- dollar per bottle. The proprietor gives it 1 comprehended au immense amount of away. One hundred bottles per week are j bodily and mental suffering. It is not neces- given away on the Macon A western Rail road. Long may it live until it has cured all the pain and aches in the United States. Advice fob Everybody that Costs Nobody Anything.—Lotions uud cosmetics make a superficial coating on the skin, give an arti ficial color easily seen, but nre vilely destruc tive of the color, texture and pliability of the skin itself. Wrinkled, haggard and prema turely old looking, exactly describe the ap pearance of those who habitually “paint their faces.” If you would have the clear, transparent, healthy and solt-tioted complex ion which nature gives, free from pimples, tan, freckles or all other disfigurements, use Hand Sapolio—the most effective and fragrant toilet soap ever manufactured. Hold by all dealers at ten and fifteen cents a cake. sepl'J sary to be effected with positive disease in order to experience unutterable wretchedness. A person out of health is weak, languid, low spirited, incapable of much exertion, ner vous, irritable, and as sensitive to every change of temperature as tho mercury in a thermometer. What such a person requires is iuvigor&tion, and Hostetter’s .Stomach Bit ters will supply it* No need of applying to h physician iu such a case. The fee would be thrown away. At the nearest drug store may be had the most efficient and healthful vege table tonic that the world contaira. Twenty- five years’ experience has established the fact that among all the stomachics and alteratives known to modern pharmacy this powerful restorative stands supreme, unapproached. Every bottle of Hostetter’s Bitters contains more blessings than there were curses in Pan dora’s box. sep!7 That said defendant appear and answer, at the next term of this Court; else, that the c**e be consider**' in default, and th» complainant allowed to proceed. And it is further orderni: That this rule be pul Iished in Rome public gazette of this State, ou*-e t mouth for four months, prior to the next term of thi Court. A true extract from W. K. VENABLE. Clerk buperior Co*irt Fulton County, Ga n.'4-diiwlaxn SOUTHERN NURSERY. IRWIN & THURMOND. t ui x [iu t eiatlng of QuiteagjMPI Urubbe^ Apples, 1’caches, Pears, Plums, Cherries. Grapes, etc. Our Floral and Ornamental Shrub! Department ia complete. We have everything usually foundJn a well conducted Nursery, and of varieties we have tested and know to be suited to the Southern climate. We are determined to make good atock and aell at reasonable prices. AU orders by uaail attended to with promptness and care. We have re!.able agents, either local or traveling, in many localities in this aud other 8Utes Sooth, and we prefer, where convenient to our customers, to do our buRineaa through them. We will, upon application, furnish gratia our catalogue and price list. Address P. O. Box 665. Atlanta, Ga. J.»ly24-dly IRWIN A THURMOND.