The Atlanta daily herald. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1872-1876, October 22, 1873, Image 2

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1/ u f UL MUM. The Last Agonies of the Woman Congress. Free Love Furiously Frowned Upon Forever, "She Who Rocks the Cradle Rules the World.” The High-Toned and High-Minded Make a New Departure and Go Home to Sigh No More. A Brilliant Blaze of Beauty and Bifurcated Benevolence at the Closing Reception. Frcm tho New York Herald. List evening, at half-past nine o’clock, the Woman's CoDgrcss closed its labors, after n prolonged session of tbreo days and three nights A blazj of glory snrroanded its ex piring m^men's, for a reception vas giTi-n to :-t3 gnesta at which a large nnmbcr of beauti ful, graceful and well bred women were gath ered together to hold communion for the last time pending their next annual gathering. Hereafter the woman's movement promises tobsof a moro conservative nature than it was hitherto professed to acknowledge. The free-love elemant, to u-e a horrid m iscnlme expression, has virtually been kicked out of tho Congress, and hereafter it nui-t do its hallucinations in a separato body of its own. Id fine, the Girondins have left the mountain, and the scitt-red but numerous followers ol Victoria Woodboll can no longer place the responsibility of their doctrines upon that large b >dy of Amtrican women who wish in their h-arts to be loyal to tha marriage lie. bot who prefer to have as few children as possible. Ye.terday morniug at ten o’clock tbe Con gress reassembled at the Union Thea tre. There was a very large aud fashionable audience, n number of privato carriages and broughams having deposited a number of haired and dark-hatred dissenters at the door. Prayer was offered bv the Rev. Mrs. Losee. or "Sister Losee," as she is called, who is famous in connection with the Sea C iff litigation, which has created such a disturbance amoug the followers of John Wesley. Tho Execu tive Committee, under tho wise guidance ol Mrs. Charlotte Wilbur, who ins proved her self to be the Mmp. Roland of too conserva tive movement, had determined that noibing from the small suffrage and free l ive element should mar the n'armony of the movement. A lady named Mrs. Lucinda B. Chandler, who has a very pleasant aud rather seatimenlal face, and who .wore a dark green small striped silk dress, read a paper on the inevitable “Motherhood” business, Some of her views, as expressed, were cer- ta-.uly of a startling nature, and her text was: “She who rocks the cradle rules.” S >me ol the ideas in regard to tbe manufacture of spe cies were very advanced, and can haraly be produced in the Hera'd. Still the lady whs applauded to the echo, and her panel* was voted to be an excellent one. - That storied veteran, tha Rev. An'oinette Brown Blackwell, delivered a paper entitled, “Relation of Woman in the Hoaseho-d to "Woman's Work Outside.” She said that our housekeepers, sitting at night over their sew- iDg machines after a hard day’s work, is a contest of milling and tucking agsiuBt nerve As an experiment, she recommended an oc casional exchange of household Unties, and believed that ono day of baby-tending aud bread-miking would go far to humanize a husband, and would CD.ihle the whole lami'y to sleep at night See thought that tho wo k oi the world must soon bo divided afresh upon Homo principle of common sense, and sho wa< weary of hearing that men outgrow '.heir wires mentally—although it waa, unfor tunately, true. She believed that - worn, n should live to be ninety years of age. M.iu was entitled to three score yeare au f ten, and woman certainly to twenty years more. Her claim for woman was three hours’ leisure a da\; this would give her time to vole, and to cultivate both mind and body in so hcalthlui a manner that she will be in her prime at fif ty, and then sho should be eligible to auy of fice from school trustee to President. Mrs. Cady Stanton, with her massive and handsome face, and her silvery curls, came on the p'i.tform to reply to a paper wh ch had been rea i the preccdiug evening on “Invio lable Home.” Mrs. Stanton believed not in isolated honseholds, but in co-operative househoii!*, where two or three families might combine l enjoy luxuries as well i s com forts. Mrs. Blackwell then stated that woman was capable of improving herself under aDy and all circumstances. Julia Ward Howe, looking fattened, but energetic ir. manner, rose and read a very charming letter from Italy pertinent to the subject before the Congress, Elizabeth Pea body. a Tencrablo lady, described the rise and progress and doings cf tbe Boston Univtr.itj iu glowing colors. Following the last speak er eamo Miss Helen L. D. Potter, a tall and graceful lady, who took the platform and held her hearers enehaii ed for nearly an hoar on the subject of "Woman iu Industrial Art.” Her delivery was so g od, nt:d her subject matter so thor>n>bly indicative of research and herd study, that tho audience rewarded her with a hearty applause at the close of the piper. Sho regretted that America was lwbind all other nations cl tho world in industrial art, and rho believed that night schools should be established to mako men and women proficient in the noble department of art. Miss Potter elid not hope to m*ke America a nation of nit scholars aud nclnal artists, bnt she hoped and believed that the number and ability ot artists might be in creased and that a field might bo created for the employment of women, who wero speci ally adapted for designing in silverware, tex tile fabrics and the lighter branches of art, as well as in the line ol mechanical drawings. Mrs. Livermore, in her sturdy and com bative way, gave some advice to young wo men, telling them that every one should fight her own battle in this world, regardless of all opposition. A recess wa3 then taken to per mit of Inneheon and other creature comforts. Bating the interregnum between tho morn ing and afternoon meeting of the Congress the association went into secret session in the picture gallery, and Ibo folding doors were closed upon the vulgar world of outsi ders. A fierce battle was conducted lor very nearly three quarters of an hour by some of the adherents of the Woodhall party to make an amendment to the constitution of the as sociation, so as to have members admitted on payment of tbe initiation fee. and by a viva voce vote of Urn members slrsady elected. It was of no arail, however, and, though I-abella Beecher Hooker fonght manfnlly for it, the life was beaten out of tho amendment, and Mrs. Livermore cartied the day in the way that John Kelly carries his measures throngn tho Tammany Hall Gen ial Committee. And this aiuonnts practically to an ostracism of Victoria Wo* dhnll in the cew women's or ganization forever and forever. The afternoon session of the Ctugi ys pre- msm 'rucetul groups, 8nch as are n meo in a public assemblage. pair of eyes, a blue silk scarf coiled careless Maria Mitchell. Her black silk dre .treat bUck buttons aud great velve fulled forth tho admiration ot all preset* , Sbo was declared by unanimous consent ti the b»st dressed womau in th« Cong* And, although they will talk of reform ire^s, they don’t mean a word of it, b .heir souls. Miss Kate Hilliard, the Presi- intolligenco. and, a Ltdy : dark-eyed, v cu.iar propelty of well born and ref Sontuero, ot all American women. Phi Cousins, of St. Louis, the young i»iwyer, dressed in the height of lash and who is said to bo tho be6t legal uistorii-al scholar of the Congress. til the sea ot upturned faces. Ah ! hif the client who retains such counsel. man’s Journal, of piritnal welfare of the h» t n and believing Gentile. Thei fli .e was Woodworth F /Ss, of a sue iooking blonde, who possesses considerable 'irumat'.c talent, as ber delivery “Ch.irlev McCrea*' proved, and Rev. Pncebj Hansford, tbe min *1 twelve years’ standing, and S •J. Spencer, of Washington, who bell in the l# dnal reLuiou of the sexes,” and C line A. Soule, who hud good sense euoug the theme ? It was an unparr of # i;s kind, and its like n again, however their duc’.riE 'pello l with a big “P ’ entitled ‘‘The R<admission of M died Profession,” which h: ! formed of it. who adopt the medical profession. It was served their diplomas by sufficient training treatment and diagnosis. CHOGH MORGANS SONS S A P O L I O ia a substitute for Boap for all Household pur poses. except trashing clothes. S A P O JL, I O far cleaning your house wi l save the labor of ooe cleaner. Give it a trial. S A P O L 1 O for Windows is better than Whiting or Water. No removing curtains and carpets. 8 A P O L I O cleans Paint and Wood, in fact the entire bouse, better than Boap. No slopping. Saves labor. You can’t afford to be without it. 8 A P O L I O for Scouring Knives is better aud cleaner than Bath Bnck. Will not scratch. SAPOLIO is better than Soap and 8and for polishing Tin- J ware. Brightens without scratching. SAPOLIO Polishes Brass and Copper ntemdLs better than Acid or Oil S’-d Rotten Stone. SAPOLIO! for Washing Di«be« and Glassware, is invaluable. Cheaper thau Soap. SAPOLIO romoTM Softp from Marble Mantel,. Tablea and Statuary, from hard Sni.hed Walla, and from China and Porcelain. SAPOLIO removes Stains and Grease from Carpets and other woveu fabrics. You will like it. There is no one article known that will do so many kinds of work and do it as well asSapo- iio. Try it :handS APOLIO a new and wonderfully effective Toilet Boap, having no eqoa. in this country or abroad. | HANDS APOLIO as an article for tho Bath, “reaches the foundation'’ of all dirt, opens the pores and gives a healthy action aud brilliant tint to lbs skin. HANDS A P OLIO Cleanses and Beautifies tho Hkiu, in stantly. removiug any ^tain or blemish from b »h ha ds and fj*ce. HANDS APOLIO ia without* rival ia tbe world for cur ing or pi eventing roughness snd chap ping of either hands or face. handSAPO LIO removes Tar, Pitch, Iron o* Ink Sta'ns and Greu*e: for workers in Machino Whops, Mines, &c., is invaluable. For m.tking the 8ktn White aud tsoft, and giving it a “bloom of beauty.** it ia un surpassed by anv cosmetic known. handSAP O LI O coets 10 to 15 cents per cuke, and every body should have it. DON’T FAIL TO TRY THESE GOODS. Buy it of your Merchant If tic has it or will procure it for you. If not, then write for our Pamphlet. “ All about Smpollo,” ajid it will be mailed free. ENOCH MORCAN’S SONS, aog&-d&w3m 20 PaRK PLAGE. N. Y. ». »« AbvERTISEMENTS. CAUTION. BCY ONLY THU GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALES, MAXCIACTTAIir. T E. & T. F,URBANE & CO*, Congress. Mrs. Livermore then introduced Miss Catharine Beecher, au old and feeble lady, who expressed her regrets that she was uot able to speak loud enough to be heard iu the hail. She added that Bite had been suf fering from malsrie, bnt that she was glad to see such a complete nnd perfect union among the conservative women of Ametica. She b.lieved that the period of woman’s suffering and sorrow bad ended and that a beanlitnl future was opening to them. Mrs. Dr. Dtnsmore French, a medium sized and compact lotkiogludy, with a thorough bred face end wealing u very costly lace shawl over her shapely shoulders, stated th it there were only three medical colleges in the country in which womrti seeking the medical profts-ion h id fair piivileges. Mrs. Dr. M.x, a rotund-faced lady, wearing a man’s blue frock coat, a man’s neck-tie and a man’s shirt collar, all ot which were sur mounted by a jelly, jar.nty jockey hat. aud , who was standing near the doorway, declared ! THE CENTURY WHISKIES A PURE ! that she ba:l received a diplom a as an M. I). ! six years ago from the Eclectic Medical College ‘ ){ the city of New Yoik. Mrs. Maria Jourdan Westmoreland cante to ' he platform, and. looking like one of Titian’s high-born dames, said, in u sweet and low, I bnt distinct voice, that there was a great ne cessity for close union between the women of A Pure Stimulant. Century Whisky! Standard Scales. 8tock Scales, Coal Scales, Hay Sc aler, Daisy SOALEH, CcUNTF-H bCALE-», &«;. Scales Repaired Promptly Si Reasonably For rate also, Troetn*>r’a Coffee and Dni^ Mills, Composition Bells, -11 size* Loiter Presses, &e. THE MOST PEBFTCJT ALARM CASH DRAWER. Miles Alarm Till Co.’s. ETRLY MERCHANT FAIRBANKS & CO., 311 BROADIVaY, KEW YORK, IOC Baltimore 6treot, Ba tlmore, 63 Camp street, New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING, Maso jic Hill, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO., 2 Milk street, Boston. For 8ale by Leading Hardware Dealer*. §ep28-2rndeodAw 1873. FALL TRAOE. 1873 M. N. ROGERS & CO., MANUFACTURERS AMD JOBBERS OF Mens’, Youths’ and Boys’ CLOTHING 4»<1 BROADWAY. .\KW YORK. w E offer to SOUTHERN MERCHANTS for tbe 'nsuing Fall and Winter ’T'rade, a very large and attractive stock of CLOTHING, specially adapted to the wauls of tho Southern people Sparing no ex pense to secure the brat talent, wo invite an oxamius- tion of our stock. Our goods aro Etanu:actur**i exclu sively for tlis SOUTHERN STATES. Southern Merchants ore more ceitain to find with os a stylo of garment, and a lin- ot sizes adapted to tbeii want* than is possible in a stock of Clotting manufac tured for a Northern or Western trarke'. Orders solicited, to which we give special attention. Mr. W. T. Burge, late Marshal) k Burge, Charleston, connected with us, »ud represents Georcia. Samples of our Goons sent on application. augG-ritf j rIIHEY ARE DIFFER*NTLY PREPARED FROM tbe- North and tbe South. She Loped thut I old, and^ntil now favorUe bVand*? out of the^JrkeL lecturers would be sent through the South in ‘ bec:iUBH the principle upon which they are made is order to awaken tbe ladies of that section to I ara ® r8t careful5 y dumped from Be immediate action. Mrs. Westmoreland fur- EI “ U ther stated that she would gladly give any lecturers letters of introduction to the fast people of the South in order to further the common object. This lady is well known in the literary world, and is the author* ss of the notes “Heart Hnngrv” ami "Clifford Troup." ’ Mrs. Caroline Fairfield Corbin read a paper written by Mrs. Fiances G. Willard, who was unab o to be present. Mrs. Corbin wore ber own hair without any stuffing and was not gifted with a panier. Mrs. Flizxbeth K. Churchill, of Iihode Bland, rrad a paper on “Temperance.” She said that there was one rnm-mill for every 120 personam New York, and that marriage with ■m intemperate or licentions roan was not simply a blunder—it was a crime! Let wo men exact from men Ihe same purity rdI pie ty which they demand from women. Vihile at Ihe Boston Jubilro tha beard ono of S!ruu-:s waltz played, which was called! Th,: almost ante-real testimony of tLoao who “Wine, Women and Song.” She thought tue used tha CKKTVHY »lilUKiEs is 11. «.t therei. on en- associatinn in tho title was ontni"e,,us i Uraatuaaosol headaches and other disagreeable alter- " edSde m ottcu .Xpert:need in tbouae ot other bran Ja. consequence of the Re-Distilled by u Peculiar Piocms, which extracts the fusel oil, but retains the essential oils of the grain. It is the fusel oil which possesses the poisonous properties, snd imparts the sharp, scrid flavor noticeable iu many brands of whisky; it is tbe ferment aud essential oils which impart the rich, oily, mellow flavor, aud It is principally iu EXTRACTING THE FUSE .'OIL, aud retaining the essential oils, which constitutes the superiority and peculiarity of this pr< cees. At the time of re-disi illation, the psekages »r© thoroughly cleansed and steamed out, refilled with tho perfected product, cud again stored awa.- to ripeu aud mellow with age, which it doe* in a much greater de gree thau is possible without such troatmout. We di vide it into different grades, according to ace, desig nated us X, XX, XXX and XXXX, and the latter chal lenge comparison with ANY WiLlMKY. Without I?«-gar«t to Age or Price. Mrs L ni*a Woodworth Fol-8, of Bostor, rfiwilTdirf roetUff the slining ballad of “Charlie Me- i Cree,” which was warmly received by tl.c an- • Parit aiencc. The afternoon tension then closed. :»ndtho a, When tho Congress rfassembled ut bar. ' 43 jOLCTEI - T? past seven o’clock, interesting papets were i U ' V read by Miss Pbrnbo Cousins nnd other ladies. : At ten o’clock the Congress wound np with a ' brilliant reception of elegantly dressed and sccomphshed women, nnd in the glare and glitter ol the gaslight and ia the gossip of a ' thousand feminine tongues the first Woman's j Congress of Ametica was brought to a coa-! elusion. Mrs. We.tmorelsnd, cf Atlanta, Georgia, i spoke on tbe condition of Southern women; she Slid sho knew them well nnongh to know i that if the pap. rs ot this Congress had been : read in tbe South it would , rouse them that! they would not bo quiet nutil they bsd (he i ballot. ' WhUklfM, ilitafuct, viz: Professor HILLMAN, State Chemist of CouuecUcot. Professor C. U. SHEPARD, Jn.. Htste Chemist of booth CftroliuA. ITofessor W. C. TILDEN, Washington, D. C. Professor JOHN DARBY, New York. Professor A. MEINS. of Grorgi*. Harrison Bradford & Go’s STEEL PENS. Special attention called t3 the well known number*, 505—75—28—20 k 22. FACTORY, MT. VERNON; OFFICE. 75 JOHN ST., N. » %ug8-3m FARM FOR SALE. IF YOU WANT A GOOD PLACE EXAMINE THIS ONE. within four miles of Atlanta and turee miles i f Decatur. DeKalb county, is now offered for aule, con taining Two Hundred and Sixty Acres, one hundred sen-s clt-ared, fifty acres flr*t class bottom Itnd. the balance iu tho wood heavily timbered, plenty o» fiue poplar, oak and bickcry, and within one half mile cf a first rate mercl-aut min, eaw mill, water gin and a plaining mill and variety works. These lauds join Daniel Johnsou. Emj The uplands a»e good. Aieo, Mr. Gordon who has lived ou the place for the last two jean, baa agreed to livo on tbe place next year, and is a number one farmer, with for.-e enough to work the place. There is thrio ►ettlomouts on the p.ace. Brat- rate stable* and crib. This is a coo • place and will be kept on the market, if not s»ld »c.oner until th** fif teenth cf Novemb*r, after which tim- a other arrange ments uill b»s made. Term*: Our-hilf cash, halance iu one andtwojears. For furth* r information at*, dress Henry West, nt D- catnr L’eK lb county. Titles just as good as jou want them. Oct 13. Ib7.i. octlfi-Gt HRNhY WEST, GEORCIA StateLottery FOR SEPTEMBER. FOB THE BENEFIT OF TIIE OrEtians’ Home & Free fictiool. DRAWINGS DAILY. AT 5 P. M. Capital Prize $7,000.00 30,316 Prizes, Amounting to $53,253.20. Tickets $1,00, Shares in Proportion I N THE ABOVE SCHFMK, FORMED BY THE ternary combination of 78 numoera, making 76,076 tickets and the drawing of la ballots, there will be 220 prizes ach havim* three of tha drawn num bers on it; 4.S6C, each having two of them cn; 26,740, e$ch having oue only ot them on; and also 45.7<iO tlrketa. witu neither of the drawn numbers on them, being blanks. To determine the fate of these nnzes and blanka, 78 numbers, from 1 to 78 inclusive, will be severally placed in a wheel on the day of tho drawing, and 12 ol them drawn out at random: and that ticket having for its combination tho 1st. 2nd. aud Urd drawn numbers. will be entitled to the oapitcJ prize of $7,000 00 That ticket having on it the 4tn, 6th, and Cth drawn numbers, to That ticket having on it the 7th. 8th. and 9th drawn numbers, to That ticket having on it the 10th. lltli. and 12th drawn numbers, to That ticket having on it the 2nd. iird, and 4th 660 00 C60 00 660 OC drawn number*, to C60 00 That ticket having on it the 3d, 4th and ?t!i drawn numbers, to eso oo That ticket haviug on it tbe 5th, Cth, and 7th drawn numbers, to C50 00 That ticket having ou it the 0th, 7th, and 8th drawn cumbers, to 660 CO That ticket having on ittLe o;h. 5th, snd 10th drawn numbers, to 660 00 That ticket having on it the 9th, lCth, and 11th drawu numbers, to 660 CK> That ticket having on it the 1st, 2nd, itn diawn numbers, to 660 00 That ticket having cn it the tat, 2nd. and 5th drawn numbers, to 217 tio That ticket having on it the 1st, 2d, snd 6th drawn numbers, to 217 60 All ether lickeis (being 207, with three e*f tho drawu numbers ou, each 20 00 Those GG tickets having on them tho 1st and 2nd draw n numbers, each 10 00 Those 66 ticket* having ou them the 3rd and 4th drawn bumbers, each 6 00 All ether tickets (being 4,/2i) with two cf tho drawn numb. r» on, each 2 00 And all those tickets (being 26,740) with one only of the drawn numbers, each l p CAPITAL FBI/.E On Mondays capital will be $7,000 Of On Tuesdays and I-riday» capital will bo 4.5oo oo On Wednesdays capita! wll 6 O o oi | On Thursday* and Saturdays F.,000 00 j For further particulars i-end for schemes. TUP flint Ar» tmp No ticket which sba'.l have diawu a orize of a sup**- I | ||C UiHL OF THE PERIOD rior denomiuatiou can be entitled to an iuferior nri/e. ! ■ lit ■ bill vial Prizes payable fo ty (40) bays afier the drawing, ano | WINES ANO liqmiRS, wholesale. |AiAQ-Em BEER •rilO OCR LfSUAL 8Tt»CK OF WINER AND ! 1 Liquor., we ha.e Juit adord an Awencj for ttr sale of the ! CRESCENT BREWERY VIENNA BEER, ! rr< PHotora. ClacinnalL Ohio, sad Avrora. I Tbl. B»rr t« apKtatlj: rj.da for atiipmeal South and ta. therefore, the brat rrer aold :□ thla Everj keg guarante.d to hr good and sound. Orders Solicited. w « r » f « r the pubilc to thr foltowinf rt,rrr«pon CUTHMAN & HAAS. Atlanta; ca. ATLANTA. OA-. JctfB IS, lAfo. I Mr. tV. J. land, City: \ Beau dm Mrear,. Gaff & Co., of Cincinnati. Ohio. I ir* ,r - u * to acc-rpt the Agency for the ante of their I « Br ?* ory Vi « nD * hrer. We ha.r tried the | Beer end dud it a pleasant and paUtaUa brrerasfc but before ac«ptin, thr .ale of It w. want your •tonal opinion aa to its parity, we, therefore, deelte ! 7”“ to . c Y U 2 ar ’. toro * nd <lr,w » Simple from a email | 10 ' w, - ic h »■« hare here. After you hare made an auat • J*** let ae kjiow the reeult Rcepectfnlly, tiUrilMLN k HAAS. ATLANTA. GA.. JnT 1. 1ST*. Messrs. GuU.tnan <t Ilacu, Atlanta, (7a.: ” 111 wrt,f P ‘hat I have made e thorough chemical rt.mln.tion ot thr •• Crrwcrnt Ijl « tr , B<tr ' received of you a lew damm-o' druva *Jtc f . )r ^ m ‘njnnoua mhrt,ocr-. Hop BrMn" b P rm<:i Pl« heing dar to pare , h ' r, ” rith exhibit, the quanti- flr IVl- T,!* 0 P rollm * ! ® oonatilueut. aud coiiptfiw hturaWy »ilh the an.iy-ea of the beet foretsn uTrt ianaaks. I am. very truly, your., WM. i. LtSp, An. Chem. ANALYSIS: t Extra,-tire natter (Hiqar. Cexttine, Albn- : turn. Hop Rreiu, etch p,. t : ^rr Z { ".' l ™' C C< ’ Cti '*’ < ’ 1 kpr*dac gravity of the Ik er,......V.Vl uiSj^ 1 *® W,i RETAIL. To the Public. ^ LaSTSG. I will open a Bar Il.v m at No 18 A tfi-acbtr>c sircc-t, opi»OHit8 tb^ National Hot' I. 1 havo gnne to some expensa to mai:- neat th* nlao* and with an ♦ xperipi c« of over i f^nl cot ftdem I will give KUieficticu to all my old outaton;- **r» «»nd an raany new ones an win give me a call. Mr ** >c stocked with the b^t imported nnd domen ie cigh.s. M-. Btr with pare, a&adalte- ■ a.ed L quors and French Mirtcrea. I do-iun to keep as good Liquors a* sny Bnr in the sm-T toVubOe men tUU ,bc t:meR ‘ Bar w ettlo- b—’ R- J. LOa’AI.L, Agent. ON TIME. HOWARU & CO., IVianap'ers, ir9p-feb2i Atlanta! ga GRANDEST SCHEME EVER KNOWS. Firtl Graii Gift Conert, kOR THL BENEFIT OF THE 'PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY. 12.000 CASH GIFTS, $1,500,000 Every Fifth Ticket Draws a GUI. 8250.000 for SBOJ luoh HAimis F S ELI0ITATES himself upon the fact that he her boon tusy for tha pact few weeks in ramiibK, j dusting anil brushing up The Girl of the Period, i and at la»t bis efforts have been crowned with success. , lie is ab.e now to present to bis old fnends and the public generally one of the neateet and oozicst r<*^»rts U) .u anywhere. He lies opened the season I with s tref*h stock of pure old Brando s, Whiskies i v ‘ luo ‘; (*m«, Ac., and a stock or real lisvana Cinars! . as well an those of domestic ’o&oufacture. j on him on ALarietta street. I supT-tt For the Winter (anipaigii. TEN THOUSAND SUMMER DRINKS , which ne is anxious to dispose of tv make roora for i Jh-winter fixings—Punches. Wine*. Brandy Siua^es, Cocktails and everything to make a man comfortable, i eerred in ihe best style. The only bar la towa tb&x keeps PURE OBEkSON COUNTY WHISKY ! Ia No. 4 Wall street, j _ _The Maison DeVMIs. ! GREENS & ROSSIGNOL, Dribiirists | Pliarmacwtv. ILlFOI.Ti JiS AND : WHOLESALE DEALERS IN D3U3S A DRIISiltSrS 8U i- DSfES, PAiSTE, OILS, CLASS. 4C.. No. 26*t Broad Street, AUGUSTA, CA. T 1UE FOCRTH GRAND GIFT OONCKRT anther. Iz-d bv special act of the Legislature for the bei>. efit r>f the Public Library of Keotnckv. wtil take place ini ublic Librarv Hall at Louisville. Kentucky. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 3, 1873. Cr’y aix*y thousand Tickets will bo soM, and one- I half, f th-ee aro intended for the Knropean mark-t. ■ thus! caving only SU.OOU for rale in the United ! whero lOU.OrO were disposed of ter the Third Couoert. ! Tho tickets are divided into ten coupons or pari*, and i haveor their back the Scheme, with a full explanation of the mode oi drawing. At this Concert, which will be tho grandest musical display ever witnessed in this country, the uuprect- i dented cum of $1,500,000, divided into 12,000 cash gifts, will be distributed by lot among tho ticket-luodors—(he numbers oi tbe ‘ tickets to be drawn from one rcheel by biinvl children, aud tho gifts from another. LIST OF CiFTS. One Grand Cash Gift $2C0 COO ; One Grand Cush Gift l <x> 000 ! Ouo Grand Cash Gift 50 000 I Oue Grand Cash Gilt 25 000 i Oue Grand Cash Gift 17 500 ! 10 Cash Gifts, 110 00*3 e*ch 100 000 30 Cash Gifts, 6 000each 160 000 CO Cash Gilts, 1,000 cacn CO 000 1 80 Cash Gifts, 600 each 40 000 ! 100 C tah Gifts, 400 each 40 000 ! ICO Cash Gilts, 300 each 45 000 j 250 Cash kOO each 60 000 I 326 Cash Gifts, 100 each 32 000 11,000 Cash Gifts, 60 each 650 500 Total, 12.000 gifts, all cash, amounting to ? 1,600 000 Th»* distribution will be positive, whether all «be Tickets are sold or n< t. and tbe 12.000 g tts ali paid iu proportion to the Ticks* sold—all uuso:d Tickets being destroved aa at the first and second Conoerts, and not represented in the dra .irg. PRICE OF TICKETS. I X> Firo-proof Wareboow. aod ar. crvparnl toi Hlir.ln TIcEvt. f£0 00; Balrea fa 00; T.uths. or ! “Orrsl resh cdTinro. oo Ckmou and otUor y-rodoc®. Mrh roupon, 50 00; -l.vau Who o Ttckon for $300 00; i BAGGING and TIES alway* ou hud. Commits— 22,^- Tiekvts for $1,000; 113 TVhr-le Tickets for $5 000; j for selling cotton (1 per bale. 227 Whole Tickets for $10,000. No discount on lt-ra 1 set 6-2tn than $500 worth of Tickets at a time. * Tho unparailed success of tho Third Gift Concert, as ‘ w»-Il us tb^ rati-faction given by the First and Second ; make- it only neeveaary t» announce the Fourth to in- sure tbe prompt wile of every Ticket. The F urth 1 Gift Concert will be conducted ia ail its dvtaba l.he j the ITiird, and lull particulars m«y to learned froti circulars, which w.ll bo sent fret-iron*, thie cfllco vo al who may apply for tbem. Ticket-i now r»a y for sale, and all ord**ra accompa nied ly ibo mousy promptly Ailed. Ltbciwl Usrui- p.sen to those who buy to sell again. GEO. E. RATCL1FFE&C0.. COTTON FACTORS, Gt TJ A N O BBAIjEIIS ASZ> GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, So* W Jackson Slrtct, AUGUSTA. GEORGIA, f. r. nnsK, C. H. PHiNIZY & CO.. COTTON FACTORS, AUGUSTA, CA THOS. E. BRAlWLETTfc’, M Atlanta Richmond Air-Line Railway. " u tickets or information agents. Atlanta, tia. u ug 19 -d Wc ;T A; 8 u 11 x w t d apply to Kedivine .k bo AL.1 LlBFBiT. ADVANCES ON < ONRKJX j 3iLM;> OF COTTON. Buy ami etii CocTTjv i i for fc ., m this market or New Yvt. Furwist. I>ATLY PASSENGER. LEAVT! Atlanta 6:'»0 p x Charlotte 8:36 r u N. C. R. B. Junction 8:24 p u ACCOMMODATION PA8SENGRR. LEAVE. Atlanta 6 24 a u Charlotb 6.-03 ax N. C. U. B. Junction 4:51 a x IsAlfB’S Analytical and Assay Lalwatory, Oeorgin. IheBroolriyn Ar R "« sajs: “Rtv. llrmy Wd Becc ber is I be Colossus of American humor. Hu; introduction of Kev. Dr. Stooghlon, of London, to the audience nt the Academy last evening, wat recognized a* a masterpiece of fan. Ihe doctor was quite overcome by it, but managed to ntn&tor ^ brwa the strength enough to reply hh fellows: 'Ladies ! and gentlemen, lam appalled at the length 1 and breadth ot Arncricon humor. It is ! bounded on the north by the aurora borealiR, * on fhe east by tho rising «an, on tho south 1, , m ,L h . c ne day oi judgment. ^\hat IIeecb«r had I bit-on thus honored. was fo alhide to the Darwin tli?oiy. and ! For s»b» by drnggi«is ard flrM-e’an* d«a'«ni through- It has now b«K‘D some time in nae for hospital and ' other medical purposes whero ttimniants are required, ar.d It haa been noted tbst in delicate aud critical rases where used, that there was an entire absence oi tho nervous procuration aod reaction which *o often fob r of orJJnary stimulant*. XXXX Century Whisky to iroRlr .il It by esnnrlimr Ibat un ! ou * ,|J " Dnit,!l1 suu.; whoin.^n by K.IWlydtTeloJcdEngfisbman. " j ' n,rBB ™ ' i c<> ” H. M. GREEN, Attorney at Law. Atlanta, Georgia- Office, Repnblic Bl.xk, Just rppoaita Kimball Hoi ae. Will give careful attention to any bu»tuoM , entrusted to hia taro. octl4 tf RUDD HOUSE Dalton - - - - - Georgia, J. R. Rt’DD A SON, PrnprMorx. F11II18 Uouw (formerly Georgia Hotel) is within ten 1 steps of tbe Depot, and will give flrat- claae acc.mtruotlaiien-t In every respect. Board Per Day - - - • $2 OO- Twenty Minutes lor Supper. When yon arrite on the Care, be sure In call for th® Build House I'orler; give him your cheiks; walk ove r and Make 5 ou-self at borne. Tbe Tor ter will conve ; our Usggsge fr* f o: charge. cvtlH [Eatabiiahed 1800] F OB the Assay of Orea, Analysis of Mineral Water*. soils, guano*, svperphoapbatos. marls, iron ores, slags, limostones. tsala, ptg aad bar iron, Steel, orea of goid copper, lend. ainc. nickel, manga- newt *Ho>s, brasses, coal cUa, paints, wines, beer, milk, oalcitb. poWona, etc. Ust of charge# mailed gratis. Address, p. O. Box W. J. LAND. CbsiuLL THE "VJGTOR" W AM Kl>- General Agents In every State tn th« H ut b for the Victor Sowing Micbine. The •• V ctor*’ Will aril on tts merit*, and nqaires t o “purtlt £.*• For terms, address 1 * n *» 6 M K. J WILTS Atlanta, r.a O A I W>CU» HKKTKCTT CLLY INFORM KY FUCK Tfe A Dp' lif* *, h **Lf ota r *" 1 ,ho 00 “ oflw aaAzaMon I cotwr cf (imbb and Bre^l Him., nw IVradHnw. I have no keaitatioQ ia aarice that I have a HkTn GKATE COAL THAN TH It COAL CBKKK. It buz Just aa we’l. has leas aulpbnr la it, and dot * not cr as bad as C-xl Creek. and only makes half the oaant of a shea, aud la perfectly clear of elate. MlMtlos to bn si nee#, end t crnUtiac t J55OT.SE25J? WAU1 hew * eepI7 A3m j p Notice—Bridge: Builders. S KALI.D FROFOAAL8. for buildlirc a l>rKL> " n . ,lw D "» *2wii r«SL iSS North of Al ante, will be re. em d Until «r*. Wednesday, October 29, 1873 l iana and apea'idcatione may be seen at nr ofllcr r ' VL,,TrM ^,^i,