The Atlanta daily herald. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1872-1876, October 30, 1873, Image 3

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LENT AT LAST! o The New Sensation for the South FIRST GRAND SOUTHERN TOUR OF w I INew .Advertisements. •M.R.N.Y, OORE’S RURAL NEW YORKER- the Great Illustra- (ted agricultural and Fam- ilt Weekly, is the Stand ard Authority npon Practical Subject* and a High- | Toned Literary Journal. Only $2.50 a year-leu to clubs. Great Premiums or Cash Commissions to Agents. ! TKirUen Number* (Oct to Jan.) On Trial, for Only j Fifty Cents X Premium Lists, Ac., sent free to I all Trial Subscribers. I Address D. D. T. MOORE, New York City. , Life In the Bible. By Dan iel March, D. D.. author of “Night Scenes in the Bl- j ble,” and “Our Father's House," of which nearly i 100,000 copies of each were sold, fiend for Circular. 7.1EGLEK k M’CURDY, 518 Arch atreet, Philadelphia, Railix >a,cl Leviathan, UNIVERSAL LIVING EXPOSITION GREAT AND ONLY N. Y. CIRCUS AND Me 1 i •< >poli t j ii i M n s i c a 1 Brigade! Which will DAILY GIVE TWO Grand Holiday Exhibitions at ATLANTA, Thursday and Friday, WANTED. and Winter months to do business in their o and adjoining townships. Business respectable, easy and pays well. For particulars, address S. 8. 6CBAN- TON & CO . Hartford, Conn. Agoiits WTantera. BEND FOB CATALOGUE. ^QMEST/n* r Aj4SH\OW*Si DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO.. NEW TCRK— ER AYS CELEBRATED ANTI-FRICTION COTTON PRESS The cheapest, simplest and most perfect Cotton 8crew | niTminoif ever invented. Send for Circular. WASHINGTON Office, G8 South Street, BALTIMORE, Maryland. Fac tory, Locust Point. “ Wheat growers would do well to purchase these BALTIMORE CARD8. Armstrong, Cator & Co., IMPORTERS AND MINUPACTUAXRS RIBBONS, MILLINERY, STRAW GOGD3, WHITE GOOD3, LINEN, LACE, EMBROIDERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, and LADIES’ NECKTIES, 237 and 239 Baltimore St.. BALTIMORE, MD. Orders uolicited. seplT 3m GUBTAVUS ODER. JOHN X. Ob KB. BOBERT OB Ell. G. OBER & SONS, Manufacturers and Proprietors of Genuine Plnspla-Pemvian Gnano, Aminnnlatcd Super-Phosphates, Special Tobacco Compound, Crcund Plaster, &c., &c., &c., —AND— COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HUDXUTUT’S' PEARL GRITS H aying been appointed agents for the sale of hudnut s pearl Gnu's, we offer them to the trade on reasonable terms. It is a well known fact that these are the BEST TEARL GR1T3 made. We wi.l ba inconstant supply and guarantee them freah. Dealers in city and country octlS-lm 1 find it to their advantage to order from t STEPHENS k FLYNN Manufacturers' Agents. Tri-Weekly $4 a Year. (Established 1843.) Weekly #- a Year THE BEST PAPER. TRY XT!! The Scientific American Is the cheapest and best illustrated we* kly paper published. Every num ber contains from 10 to 15 original engravings of new machinery, Novel Inventions, Bridges, Engineering j Works, Architecture, Improved Farm Implements, and every new discovery in Chemistry. A year’s num- ; bers contain 832 pages and several hundred engravings. Thor.ear,da of volumes are preserved for binding and reference. The practical receipts arc well worth ten times the subscription pi ice. Terais, $3 a year, by mail. Specimens sent free. May be bad of all News dealers. PATENTS obtained on the best terms, Models of new inventions and sketches examined, and advice free. Ail patents are published in tbo Scientific Americas the week they issue. Send for pamphlet.llO pages, containing laws and full direc- 1 tions for obtaining Patents. Address for the paper or | concerning Patents, MUNN k CO., 37 Park Row, N. Y. j Branch Office, corner F and 1th st*.. Washington. D.C. j STEAM ENGINES BOILERS AND MACHINERY.! Stationary and lortable steam engines and boilers, ! Gray’s Anti-Friction Cotton Press, circular. Gang and , Millay Saw Mills; Portable and Stationary Flouring j Mills, Sugar Cane Mills and Sugar Pan*, Narrow Gauge ! Locomotives and ’Dummy Engines for Btreet roads, j and mining purposes, new and second-hand Iron and ; Wood Working Machinery of every description. Send j for circular. WASHINGTON IRON WORKS, fcO Ve&cy street. New York. j g'• i ITl' Hinok cone burner Tor liiiLolllIi bUN CHIMNEYS, made by PLIMK AT CIOD, produces the laigcst light Can boused oa any coal o.l lamp. For sale by all lamp dealer?. ' MEN, Girls and Boys wa sent free. P. O. YICKORYACO., Augusta. Maino. fcfcT>3Yi:HOMAXCY, OR SOUL CHATtMlNO." How ; JL either sex may fascinate and gain the love and ' affections of any person they choose, instantly. This i simple mental acquirement ail can possess, free by mail for 25 cents; together with a Marriage Guide, 1 Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies. A queer book. 100,000 sold. Address T. WILLIAM k CO. Publishers, Philadelphia. BUT ABB CURB! XUDLI MtiMCUfS SANFORD’S Liver Guanos, used v. ry largely in w heat growing sections. I have used these Manures for the last live years and unhesitatingly recommend them. Rome Tri - Weekly and Weekly Courier. M. I) WINJSLL, Proprietor. Official Organ for the City of Rome, and Counties of Floyd. Har idson, Chattooga, Paulding and Walker. Published eighteen years by present Proprietor. BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN NORTH CEORCI A. $ 2 0,0 00.00. GOLDSBOROUGH, FORSTER & CO., Distillers and Wholesale Dealers in Fine Standard Whiskies and Imuorted Lienors. No. 02 Sontli Gay Street, Baltimore. L iLDIE S ‘ Chemise, Drawers, Skirts k Nightgowns, Walking Suits, Infants’Outfits AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, E. N. SPENCER, No. CO Lexington St., aug2C-f.m BALTIMORE. READ'S GRAND Ul’CHESS COLOGNE. READ'S GRAND DUCHESS COLOGNE, READ'S GRAND DUCHESS COLOGNE, Twenty Thousand Dollars Worth of FURNITURE, AT THE WARE ROOMS OF THE ATLANTA FURNITURE MANUFACTORY 70 ami 72 WHITEHALL STBEET. (Xext door to Clnmbtrlin, Boynton & Co.’s.) Will be sold for certified Cheeks on THE DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK or JOHN H. JAME- AT PAR, at theLOWEST CASH PRICES, for the NEXT THIP.T V DAYS. oc!7 U JOHN A. DOANE, OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC an ELEGANT and FULL ASSORTMENT o HATS, Mens’ and Boy’s—Woo!, Fur and Silk. FURS. Ladiea’ an«l Misses—full assortment. CANES to My stock r C3 in prices as follows: HATS AND CAPS. Silk, from $5 00 to $7 00. Fur, from $1 20 to $5 00. Wool, from 50c. to $1 60. Caps, from 50c. to $3 10. CAPS Of .11 Styles—MenBoy UMBRELLAS. Cotton, Scotch Gingham, ?uit ANY taste. UMBRELLAS. Cotton, from COc. to J2 00. Gingham, from $3 50 to 00. Silk, from $5 50 to *15 Co. Buggy. $3 00 to *G UO. sella at 25 cents. ROME ADVERTISEMENTS. Ft’HS. ! 00 to $15 OJ per Ka: CANES, from 23 cents to $20 WILLIS WALKER. October • >( > and 31st, 73. The Seven Wonders of the World Invigorator ! A purely Vegetable Cathaitlc and Tonic, for Dyspep- j si a, Constipation, Debility, Sick Headache. Billions j Attacks, and all derangements of liver. Stomach and Bowels. A9k your diugglsta for it. litivarc of imUa- i <hP AOfl !«il‘I.! Agent? mated ! AH QQ Lv QLU classes of working people, of either sex, youDg or old, make more money at work for us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. 8TIN- ’ SON A CO., Portland, Maine. SEAY & WALKER, HOM3E3, G-A- MANUFACTURERS OF COPPER STILLS.PLOHBING GAS AND STEAM FITTING, Tnu3ffK:s. I liavo now nuder order and on the way here a splendid assortment cl ' All of which mo often*! for pa’c cheap, and on reasonable tonus. JAMES’ LOAN CERTIFICATES to certified checks taken at par value, fo: Respectfully. oct 3-tf al! goods bought or xrcu.'y du- JOHN A. OOANE, No. 6 Whitehall atreet. charleston cards. Condensed Railroad Time Tabic TALL. W. II. SNOWDEN. Cfiv E. W. MARSHALL & GO., 1 and departure of ail: an. General Ticket Agv Wholesale Dialers AND EXCLUSIVE AGENTS I Foreip and Domestic Drj Goods AND NOTIONS, No. Ill Me i t, l iiai U Manufacturing Company. IV All Kinds or IN ARMY OF MEN IN A GAS LIT CUT OF 7F.NTS, A LEGION of houses: a continent of CANVAS GLOBE IN CAPTIVITY, Announcement. GENERAL COMMISSION HOUSE at No. 49 First Door Hast of the Expross Office, on Alabama street, where they are receiving shipments daily, and have now in store a large lot of choice Flour. Bacon, Irish Potatoes, Cotton Yarns, Prince ten Shirting, White Corn in the ear, Clover and Timothy Hay. They invite dealers and others in need of such Brass and Ira Castings _ t?ade to order. COTHRAN & JACKSON, BANKERS, H01VIE Goorgia. Collections and Remittances promptly attended to. sep9-3m octl9-d3twl 2 Monster Special Express Trains of Menagerie. Museum receive cotton on storage and make advances thereon. j AND ARENIC MARVELS. 81,000,000 rcnsniBt'.}' invested in Lais/dished Zoological Gardens with 50o animal c aptives iu 3ii Double Dens, la asejarate. vest and Brilliantly Illuminated Amphitheatre, with safe and equally eligible seats for ove LAWYERS. EG to call the attention of the trade to their ex* . tensive stock, consisting of full lines of Dry Goods j and Notions, which is now open for the inspection of j the trade. Orders solicited from prompt parties. ! sepG-2m j rccted by R. V. I Kimball \ WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Departs 3:30, a. m., Cincinnati Express; C, v. x:.. Ken ! nesaw Lihe. Arrive 1:20 r. m , Cincinnati Express’ j 11:13 r. m., K nuesawLiue. GEORGIA RAILROAD. i Depart 8:13 a. m., and Gr.k.; Stone Alcunta., A.:om- | modation, 3 r. m. Arrive 5:43 r. m., and 11.13 r if : Stone Mountain Accommodation, 8 a. m. MACON AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Depart 1 a. xr., Mail Train, and 1:30 r. xr : A ', r * | a. it., Mail Train, and 5:40 r. m. WEST POINT RAILROAD. Depart 11:30 r. xr.; arrive 5:4t) a. h. ATLANTA AND RICHMOND AIR-LINE RAILROAD. Depart G:48 a. m.; arrive 7 P. xr. Geo. W. Williams, William Bibnik, JOS. B. R0BEBT90S. Jas. Bridge, Jr., Robt. 8. Cathcabt Frank E. Taylor, THOMAS FINLEY. South Carolina Railroad, attorney at law, '..AM ®pect*tora, the Three Steadfast Star Arenas sf THE GREAT CIRCUS OF THE GREAT CITY, ATLANTA GEORGIA. PRACTICE IN THE SUPP.EME AND CIRCUIt Courts, and elsewhere by special contract. For the past seven successive winters the only Triumphont Equestrian comperitor with the most aristocratic and popular metropolis train m?ot, sad the one and only continuous legitimate circus, with a local habitation and Hew York name. Always presenting, in undivided rivalry, the most distinguished physical beauty and Equestrian and muscular geuius and heroism of two continents. Charleston, June 29, 1873. O N AND AFTER SUNDAY. THE 29th INSTANT, the following Schedule will be run » the South j . >RAU11U , „ ±slc . I Carolina Railroad. j Courts, and elsewhere by special contract. Al I BETWEES CHARLESTON AND AL'tU’STA | burinw. »ttend.d to irith dis^ub. ott«: North i Kut Corner ot Broad and Marietta btreet., Beil Build t L W ORLDS EE O IT- S E Of Priceless Thiro ighbre 1 *n ! at»n^«: Arabian and Shetland Ponies, unparall 3pii itedniud educated action. DAT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Charleston G:00 a. m. Arrives at Augusta 1:50 p. m. -fT 1 A T Leaves Augusta 5:20 a. m. “*• *" Arrives at Charleston 1:10 r. m. ■ g, np-s fairs. ed in prese: MEMNON’ By theTa-eiity-five 3o;«» Masters. c-> MUSICAL in Mirtial Baud and Opjratic 0. < the Cornet King. stra, led by M/. The Master Manager* 0:i„ijal Etuescurriculimi and Hipozooiioin adou Ioclnding a Colossal Q isdrnpedal Company of Perform ing Horses, Tiniest Trick Ponies, Educated Elepbauts, Elk, Gcats, Bofftlri. Antelopes and Apes, and a Cmine College oi Wonderful Riding a r d Acting Dogs, A PLATE GLASS DEN i): TWENTY MAMMOTH SERPENTS Festooned in whose cr.: thing f »Mi appear, in both per formance, and pa-ade, the mr*tcr»o*.n intrepid ZANGA Htanley’s African Interpreter; whilu in tbo open den (>f MONSTER MAN EATERS Positive and iaopailul proof oi lb- pioporiic NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN. Leaves Charleston 8:10 r. M. ' IT rT3 I T .TrTT. Arrives at Augusta 7:15 a. m. j t -F^-l * J Leaves Augusta 6:15 p.m. ; Arrives atCharlestou 6:33 a. m. llptween Augusta nntl Columbia. DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Augusto 5:20k .m Ariives at Columbia 1:45 r. m Leaves Columbit 5:30 a. m Arrives at Augusts 1:50 p. m S. A. DARNELL. Attorney - at-Law SPECIAL COMMISSIONER OF CLAIMS For.Gcorgis. Office ccruer Broad and Alabama st. Will practice in tha Courts of Atlanta and Blue Ridge Circuits. GEO. W. WILLMS & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS, Cotton Factors and 3ankers, HAVNE ST.. CHARLES 7N.S.C. WILLIAMS. BIRNIE A CO. Commission Merchants, «S Beaver Street, Sew Tork. may25-0m HENRY BISCHOFF & CO WHOLESALE GROCERS AND DEALXB* IN Oar ollna Rico, 197 East Bay, lluirle>ton, S. 1. may23-3m-eod ATLANTA PAPER MILLS, Book n mi News, JAMES ORMOND, Prj a sample of the quality oi News JAW NOTICE. A C. GA R L I N G T O N, Imwyor, J. D . ADC ER & CO . UIPCRTERd OT TT ATtPWARE, CUTLERY,GUNS, BAR IRON, STEEL AND AfiRICULTU- RAl IMPLEMENTS. 139 Meeting Street and G2 Ea-t Bit) Street, Charleston, S. C. r,:tfi p. m AWWibl Peacticb in All the Covbt«..«* | OT AD CANDLES! ,t Columbia 6:15 A. w « ....... I ** * r,,% 1 m i: it of this Greatest of Great .Shows ifched in tho unanimous Pniecs of tne 1’res* aud Public, and let your o*.vj eyes and earsbrar witues*, at the j morning HUGE HIGHWAY AND HOLIDAY PARADE! With tlM Thrilling Tableau of HPRR LEO in the Terrible Tigers'Lair, and ZVNGA in the Awful Pythons Leav Arrn Leaves Columbia 7:15 Arrives at Augusta 7:16 a. m Day and night trains out < f Atlanta counoct closely with this Road at Augusts .*or Charleston and Colura- bia. I Daily Train out of Macon makes close connection , with Night Train. . Night Train out of Augusta makes close connection j at Columbia with Gieenville and Columbia Railroad. Passengers for points on the Greenville and Columbia ; Railroad will avoid a tedious delay at night in Colum bia, by taking this route. Elegant new Sleeping Cars on night trains between Augusta and Charleston. augl-dif Republic Block, tUuta Georgia. ORIENT MRANCECO, HARTFORD, CONN. PROCTER A. CAMBLE'S “Light of Day” Brand STAR CANDLES! Ar. of .uportor qu.litr. tn.t th. .t.bdird brand sold by Atlanta. Macon \1 Sensation, iu th? golden ago of tpectacula — - NASHVILLE CARDS. FARMERS We ask your attention to our Large and Com plete Stock of Field mnd Garden Seed*, Agricultural Implemente A Machinery Fertiliser*, &e. bend for Catalogue. C. H. BTOCKELL * CO. 81 Broad 8A, and 2 * 4 College St., Nashville, ’I no ('. T. WEBSTER, S. ( . 1‘KK.nTON, Pieiiilcnt. V. PfCi t. (JEOBliEJW. I,ESTER, Socretni-T. DAVIS & CLARK, Agts., No. .1.** It road strnt, Allnnla, C A U G U £> T A •pso-tf It K O C L lv b. 'PORT ROYAL RAILROAD J ENGINEER AND SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE) Or Poai Bom Railboad Compant, { Augusta, Ga., June 28. 1373.) O N AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 30, TRAINS ON this Road will run aa follows: j DOWN DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. I Win leave Augusta at «:43 a.v. Arrive at Port Royal at 2;is J Arrive at Charleston at 4:45 p,i*. ] Arrive at Savannah at 3:30 p.n. UP DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. : Will leave Port Boval at ?:*5 a.xt. ! Leave Charleston at 8:10 a.m. ! Leave Savannah at 9:dO k.x. ; Arrive at Augusta at 5 ; 3s | DOWN NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. WiUleava Augusta at 2:10 r.M Arrive at Port Royal at lj .?5 km Arrive at Charleston at 5 09 a.xt Arrive at Savannah at lg-jo p.m. UP NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Will leave Port Royal at 10 :S9 p.m. Leave Charleston at 6;08 p.m. Leave Savannah at ? ; 50 p.m. Arrive at Augusta at 8:00 a.m. Passengers leaving Atlanta by the 6 o’clock r m. train, make connect ion tt Angusta with Down Day Passenger for Port Royal, Savannah, and points rrLi.rxi. d*. j. h. low. PULLUM & LOW, WHOLESALE A RETAIL DRUCCISTS. Shccosmm to Board, Craig A to., 1 John Daniel an Lucian Smith will be pleased to see i Tid wait on tbei- old friends- xnglT-tf 1 In ISIS.) j. j. & s. p. mriARDs. ATLANTA GEORGIA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEUEES IN THE STATE FAIR.' ninr underbigned haa tho honor of avTiouncirg .0 ^ I the citizens of Atlanta that he has been appciu iiaai'11 nil I iriAl'Dm to ai|*o|ri BOOKS. SHTIOSERl & MlSIf. «-;tii «bA retton States Life lusur- iunel2-d3n WM. s »••■ WA.HT, I CIRCULATE THE GOOD NEWS THAT THE THE CREATEST SHOW ON EARTH! 1« com lug. and note the liberal fact thit one ticket, for the usua’ price, admits to the seven distinct Wonder- world Departments MF Doora opan at 1 and 7 P.M. New York Circus Graui Entree one half hour later. Ir‘ Families or La dies with children, can procure tickets at Phillips k Crew's, No. 1 Marietta street. THE CITY OF TENTS will be pitched in Madison, Tuesdiy, October 28 ; Covington, Wednesday, October 29; Gadaeavilla, Saturday. November 1; Cartersville, Monday, November 3; Griffin, Monday, November 10; New nan, Tuesday, November 11; LaGrkOge, Wednesday November 12; West Point, Thursday, November 13; Ope- Lkaf'Trtday, Waveaaber 14; ColttmHu*. Saturday 15. ort19-d26,‘ia.^»AI w jflL. MANCFACTUIlEh Iron Hitilintr, Vcrnmlnhs, Chairs Settles, JAIL WORK, Etc., CORNER MARKET AND ASH STREETS, NASHVILLE. TENN. junell-dSm Mule For Sale. A FINE. I.ABGE YOUNG MCI.K FOR SAI.E, by bl THUAN h HAAS. Bet Cash Assets Se®. 1>1873. $568,357 14 I N FINANCIAL STRENGTH and tho uniformly prompt and equitable adjustment ami payment ot all losses from the date of i:a orginizitiou, the OH-I33NT r. Mv office is wun « . "Trf,;; . ^ Co No. 17 Kimball llovse Block. Any .r. form a ,.„a rclatlvo !o Hip 9Ut» T«|» *"> bt clieflluHy pioli Mu $*"*** WAMP, A*«A % l 5 O , O O o IN REAL ESTATE For Sale. mui.' John U. W.ll.e*. nir. r. iHV.'rt'O (. .. .. . . l«!»l('.nd .1. W. Enslt.h »'.'3.0C« lo of our gun, but .me i>op every b: L m *<5ib ™,p?ov.a: ”1.11 «.h p.rmrni. .od If.w. Jo not rrOc.Mo mhipb. long time lnte.e.t be«lu« note*. With al’. Articles Usually Kebt by a FIRST - GLASS BOOK STORE. Seel'd r>n from the corner above, (but that big gun was spiked lour years sgo!) We bavo been oiten Lynched and now a ctucl attempt is made to Bnle usl But we assure our friend* (and fi^esl that Uips do not annoy us. and wo tear not the whole Hants: there shall be no TlilA in the coiK time! ate New York bills,’' pgtnueiimi mrUes who withdiew tlicii promptly and latisisetorily as AL Y i , ^ ***** , ,, jnyii^ to call, and these holding within 230 miles of Atlanta, ha* justly acquired a prominent position amon? the funds are IfJjohnH James' Bank, ar- ' Th.rUnnnnr fri^s. f. mo.t reputablp Fire lo.nranr. ol lb. , c «nWnl» ot .D»P~« *■' "*22 ” J| country. It will continue to afford firatcli sa security | notified that ‘”hi to Ha policy holders at current rates. Thanking onr friends for put favors, ws pick onr flints and aland ready for fire at the Hr*-t opportunity. m ‘ * ‘ “ ' * iGrsM ts DAVIS A CLARK, Agent*. M.£> V“.r .ppHction .1 lb. vlbcj ot W.ll.c. A OlT. ». . Iri»l. on«.ud .11, u4 our. liter,, v (1 jour i v warranted to satiety the most craving appetite. lowlt,r JOHN R. WALLACE, ; J. J. A R. P. RICHARDS, *J. W. ENGLISH * o-tl t No. 11 East Alabama street *ep?»