The Atlanta daily herald. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1872-1876, August 15, 1874, Image 1

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The Daily Herald R. k Alston. H. W. r,MkVr. I. W. Arnr ALH 1'ON A' CO.. Proprietor*. TilfC HRlttl.O•* TKAOK KKVIKW. .! THE ATLANTA DAILY E ^ALD. RHEUMATISM ! D octor j. b. russell. who >», r or ti» tn eighteen month. treated “Rheih.vti hM’’ MWlllBlld V T OL. II—NO. 3012. It ig uot easy to calculate the benefit tb»t has accrued to Atlanta from the inangnration by the Herald, last summer, of publishing yearly a complete snd comprehensive review j ot her trade, her growth, her progress, and j STATE POLITICS. her prospects. The other dailies have fallen into the plaD, and the result is that magnifi- cent quadruple sheets are sent out, filled to A Glimpse of the Coming Can- the brim with evidences of her wonderful V&S8* thrift and prosperity. These sheets tell of her boundless resources, her marvelous enter- . pris- her restless, vivid energy, and appeal OOIUfillOA.Xj. strongly to tha outside world to render tesi- * moy to her supremacy. The Sh ; fting Q ( the Chances in the The Hutu n issoed its review last year on 1 , . , , ..... . ,... , „ , , . . Districts! confes ,he 1+th of 8*P ,e,n >*r, it being a lew dajs traded late. This ytsr we shall isotie it on the 7th of Septsniber, the 6ih of that month being ac- ceptad every where as the close of the cotton, and indeed we may say of the commercial year. We shall present a paper that Atlanta and Georgia may be prond of. It will < xceed any thing ever done in the States. At the proper time onr canvassers will call open the people lor their favors, and we feel sure they will meet with a proper response. ATLANTA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1874. NO. WHOLE 207 elwe«n Hunter a lid Al*l>»»r* f *)-ete, torn !*o’clo< l to 5 o’clock, p. u., ho ro?v berorm Nd by tboa« iyM-w tf ^ J offering from this tumble d;s t BEECHER-TILTON! Tilton and Moulton as Blackmailers Beecher's Conduct Towards Mrs. Tilton as a Father to a Daughter. Beecher Desperate ! THE STORM DEMON. Seneca City, S. C., on the Air-Line Joaquin Abroad. FIENDISH OUTRAGE. THE BO AMI KG rDF.T OT THE APPIAN WAT. BBAS ON THE , Railroad, Visited by a Terrible Storm- A Little Girl Ravished by a Nt cultj coofet tract* her b s J EIGHTH DISTRICT. A 9HSU&PHK9KII rATluF. Our attention hie just been called to an ed itorial iu the 3a vaunah Xeres, which, among other gross misruproseotations of a most un warrantable character, speaks of the Hbkald us hiviug exhibited a leaniDg to the third term idea. If seems impossible that the Savannah Airies can use anything but misrepresentation aultlipgsat Atlanta or anything connected with her. That paper is a chronically spite ful * nt my of our city, its institutions and people. We deny that the Herald has shown any third term leaning, and class the insinuation of the Actor as a wilful and unfounded mis statement. ‘like Stale Fair, AUffUSTA, Ua , August 18th. 1874 TO THE EDITOR* OF THE H KHALI): As It la conceded that the Ukh ald it one of the Lest papers in tbe State for fumifchiLg political news to the people. I write to tell yon of (be sets end doings In tbe Eighth Congressional IIstrict, as ail true Geor gians are serious to know who vrill be their next Kep reeentativee in the Legislative Halls of the Nation. We are not alone in looking forward with that great interest, bat all our sister Souther a States join with as, and to oar District In particular, being represent ed b> the illustrious Stephens. The Convention assembles in this city on the 22d of this month. 1 here ere feveral candidate!. Amongst them I may mention tbe names of Hon. Joe. B. Cnm- mlng, of Richmond; Col. J. If. Matthews, of Ogle- I thorps; and Col. R. M. Rucker, of E.bert, with chances favoring the nomination of the first named. Should the people of Georgia be so fortunate as to •btain MaJ. Camming as their Representative, they will have a soldier whose name is enrolled smougst the Hat of heroes honored for their bravery; a states man who baa been tried and still bears as pure and uatarnished a name as any of <Georgia's sons. As Speaker of the House of Representatives of this State, he won a Lost friends by his polished manners; and the verdict of the people was, "Well dune, thou true New Yobk, August 14. —Beecher's cross- examination before the Plymouth Cbutch Committee pieces Monlton and Tilton in tte position ol blackmailtts. Beecher emphali- riva niENr iiunT: [.tywiirt Telegram to the Herald.1 SrilXJ A ClTT, 8. C„ Auguat It, 1874. About three o'clock this evening this p?i ited by t e most terrific storm that has ever b*-ai known in th s section cf the country. The rain fell in torrent, accompanied by a hail The Demon Hunf? by a Mob. Warrencbubo, Mil, August H.- Out town Joaquin Miller has an article in Inst week’s Independent on a diive ou tlio Appittn Way. It ia written in an eccentric, off band manner, and is very characteristic. We give some ex tracts below : “ When a man from the far, far West, from the under world, as it were, makes bisway j around the globe and comes that upon tbe ] was thrown into an unusual txcitement I Lis footprints of the auostloH, he is thrilled by a moruiug by the report tuat ihe body of a vig _ I sort of awe that nothing else can produce. • black man was hanging in the fair grounds, He feels somehow that he has come upon tbe three-fourths of a mile south of town. < hi t x- >t#a j confines of another world, a better world and ami nation it proved to be the oody ot Mour e I a fairer one, aud he, for the day at least, is a Divers, a black l>oy about years old, i better man for the fact. pwho hud for the past two months been in the ‘ Von get tired of Rom© iu ft month ot two. employ ot Maj. I. A. I j iu spite of yourself—rums and galleries, tow- boy, who resides about a qiur: r of a mi).- j -i • ' nnr -* * ie 41 U - 1 ’ " " " 1 * the BTTC3- - .A. - BOOS. HILHT thu Sinyur Company represent that tbe m»chinee seat from their factory to their branch office* ai •• »stos, and on that ground parade some pretty 1 flgnree to induce the public to bellev their basins** in b L*g ■; tho “f:upire“ machine has changed it* name to "Remingto i.” because under the* funner name t P:Ajed out so completely where it ik know a that it can r*v revive ; tbe Wileon Company of C I »ud c a that the Wheeler k Wilson owe much of their saccate to ‘he “Wilson.” on account of the one be *V Weed, Florence an i Victor have ‘gone where the wo storm, which caused a great amount of damage. A house was hurled to the ground upon tkn or I ers and churches (305 churches—if there hud beyond the fair grounds, when oally denies the Tiliou allegation of adultery j klkvsx min who had tak«n refuge In it from the j been more days in the year there would have i bruised j seriously. with his wile, or of babaving toward h.r iu i , torm Four or fir. a way different from a men toward* hi. own bul for|aBrt#1 daughter, — Tilton being interviewed to-day about; It alse blew down a house belonging to M»i >r*, aut Deecht-r’s defriiae, says ; Moulton wilt now be j t orj r0O f off cf Taylor & £ lisou’a sa\v mill, obliged to publish the long statement he had ; ^ prepared, bnt withdrew for tbe sake ot peace. lieecber had behaved uugratelol, especially , Reports come in mating that a large amouut cf con as Moulton had been his friend : saved hiui j aud cotton ha-* been seiionaly ir.luied in ihi» county from committing buicide for years. Ti *e | f n atatement will annihilate Beecher’s denials. | Beecher’s conduct is that ot a depetate man, i present, and bis resorting to filsjlio.d to cover his in. i been more churches in Rome)—aud you want nt.or.' Mnj. l>)od“elt was H'- la**111 home coiiKid- dent of damage cannot be ascertained I Inven oy ELIAS HOWE. where mid sit down and rest. You an a sort j roe wbo j s a nj(in „ Mvlu> Wli , a j u of nnaconds, tbi\t has at laet swallowed ail ox, tbe work al" ’.n li e place, ii-kinie • i andyonwant to steal away and lie down mol tbe u.,rwf aud doing etr.u O. t e I, j digest it. ...... ,, . | ult, tbe neuro tuii,- u Air. I, jell s ihiu^b- i •• I had kept tbe Appian Way aa sometbim: wr onW slx , nus ,.l,ii,l ot uu - | sacred, a sort ol desert to be tnkea when all j nsU!ll ..Vomiee, ;n o to. siable and lUra on- i else bad failed and Rrown dull. netrated tbe iuo,< “ The road by wh : ch St. Paul 6rst eutered 1 , Sl Borne, and by which the C'nlholio tradition |j novvn „ , i V il.z 1 , j,ie.' II niE FIRM MADE. IHK LATEST IMPROVED, HIP M >8T simI-LE. THE Mu TUUfdSIX.MOWtMS'li 111, IlEsr anil ( HEAl'Esr to buy. M.VEIt II IS, MtVER W.I.I. oo.mmou to ch*H||« i u nains. xlw.i. anoceea.'tll. alwry. ia demiucl. .1 cl.illnt)J.p and det.e. rempetitloa 4*- T'io o’, are respectfully iurited lo call and are '.he bEL v -'»UIDINd QEMMF.R opentK I (•>!- FACTS. !ln ued | i!T*» e HOM r E is the Parent MACHINE to : end faithful servant-" Let us hope tt at he wi 1 be The energy ami determination with which j the ‘-Gumming*' men. the people ot Atlanta have gone to work in; The caodidatea for tLe LegisUtarc are Hon. Patrick behalf ot the State Fair ahows that they are Walsh. Ho*. Walter Clark, Hon. James c. C. Black. HfcO.Vrd to make it a success beyond anything , Louis Daval, Exq.,and Jne. 1. Davldaon. Eaq.; but th-* ot the kind tver held iu this State. Mayor people are detcrmiLed to send Pal back aa he made iSpenCer, and tbe committee of Aldermnn and j them a faithful Representative. Clark’s chances aro citizens are moving actively in the work, and ; also vary good for renomination. The third man will are sp iring neither time, labor nor expens* j undoubtedly be Col. Black, as he is considered one of to make the lair both attractive and profita- i the most profound lawyers ia our Courts; a man who l ie. The Fair opens October the 19th and ! has won the confidence of the people, and well will he continues one week. Fifteen thousand dol. j divide the honors of being the Silvery-Tongued Ora- hiis in premiums are offered, and no entry fees i t or . n or * enou. IUcsmonw, ar- charged. The benefit derived to tbe Stats lrom tbtbe annual exhibitions of agricultural; FOURTH DISTRICT. UL-.I mechanical products is incalculable, and T, * e Londlilon of *l»e i ongrimonal Cmm- ; WdI( j g . . iJeeeijgr gays Moulton present- ntonld be encouraged by the people from i iP**H** i e( j p H p era which Monlton alleged were de- , A “x., Angnet i nil, 1974 j troyed two years ago. * * bbe, Woodhnll condnct is simply outiageous Mkw York, August 14 The following are extracts from Beecher's statement : “The lall truth of this history requires that one more should be told, and especially as Mr. Tilton has invited it. Money ban been obtained lrom me in the course of this aff air in con siderable sums, but 1 did not at first look upon the suggestions that I should contribute to Mr. Tilton’sj pecuniary wants as savoring ol black mailing. This did not occur to me until I had paid, perhaps, two thousand dol- lais. Atteiwards I contributed at one time five thousand dollars. After the money has been paid over, iu five one thousand dollur bills, to raiae which I mortgaged the house I live in, I felt very much dissatisfied with my self about iu Finally a square demaud and a threat was made to me through my confiden tial friend that if rive thousand more were not paid, the Tilton charges would be laid before the public. This, I saw at once, was black mail in its boldest form, and I never paid a cent of it but sent*a challenge, and requested fullest exposure. At about tile same time, I found that the circle of which Mrs. Woodhull formed part, was the centre of loathsome scandalizing, organized, classified, and per petuated with gre«dy and unclean appetites for everything that v*as foulorvile. * * * After au interview with Tilton, Beecher says, 1 went forth like a street-walker. * * • She evidently expected me, and showed me at once Mrs. Tilton s room. • Mrs. Tilton lay upon her bed, white as marble, with closed iklegr.U’Hk; brevities. | in the Etfruil City, still lay J of imagination, find now, at la-d, when d.* i termined to leave Romo lor a little rest, my FIVE DROWNED. | chum aud I —my chum I or a day, a sour, one- (JOEBEC, August 14.—By a collision ou the I eyed old ruffian; a reforojed, or perhaps un- ^ IUIUlwlwtcl night of the.llth between Jas. Deed and the | reformed pirate; a man whom i had met in ; lnm Jrom btT st* aimr Norway, the former was sunk and j Rome, and mrdted into and liked been five of the crew, including the captain, were ' was so hated by all others, and so very hoaie- veral days before she f *td the ' enible tale tor wnicb he pc id the peuoi'y l.u4 night j at tbe hand-, of an outraged people. When th« .»tiie girl told ail to her mother j m she immediately cnli-d trim up h .1 m>i lie M j .T bt-iert drowned. THE MEMPHIS NEGROES. Memphis, Aug. 14.—'The colored meu ot this city held a mass meeting last night lor the purpose of passing resolutions iu regard to the recent disturbances at Austin and Som erville, deprecating all violence aud conflict between races. NORTH CAROLINA. DEATH OF KX-CONOEES8MAN 8. H. RCflKR«. lrom home, ti the rickc •t kept ly and plain with his big forked teeth and llollow* eyes—well, this man I had resolved to hike a carnage aud drive along the Appian Way to the first railway station ou our way to Naples. “ We were cheerful over the prospect of doing a little Gypsy business, tumbling over grassy tombs of the En -ars, picking up a few skulls by the way, and above all seeing Ibis { that had been road—the road of all ro.ids that lead to Rome j be better lma i:. i then —and so talked cheerfully over the matter at 1 once armed himself and which all others owe their origin. !i" nisi*ruitfid** of tin ii-lm-iiiiess is to well known to require a pa- ■u'te ot ii-nre-. I'liey I must of their class of Patrons anti Sulesmen. ;<in 1 i iie estnlilished reputation of their Machine. g*j3«e» dfrlealv within Lcr own I t I father return* d, 1 ufbr b*;ing cbn near Warn n I On the return ot M-j ( until tiie husband evening. The nc< 1 went to Ids lath CAUTION. BEWARE. Si) FAMora HAVE MY BRAND OF KL PLUTO” CIGARS birched for tli breakfast. “This F}>oilt half the The retired leather merchants who sat with his family at table d hotel, looked black brntc who had been the author ot their i *?.’* t:i * ' 1 .. .1 t > thf t a'K itif— i with C3nii'<is« .Smokers throughout the Houtb, t r Cigar*? Lein-: put up end branded with their nain* „ _ , »r*7.,;u , , \ I . _ Tiie : CaHHONED to buy NO J3?l T*lutO OicAX*H uutif they have examined th* delights of the day. ■ ' *,,, ■'* “ ‘ . * 1 ‘ ‘ “ ^ , ROTTOM OF THfci BOX. If tney find mynamu burnt iu ere the CLgarh are Genuine ;i(i*otthev are Countertatt rehaoU of New Yoik. i wltb ‘ 1 02 " *-)»' H ,"- v ' v " 1 » "Ul be to ihe Mmt oi at Ubl.dbotel,looko!| ,n 1 Ta ;" <>»ThWM«.ythe i .'t.-rha* b .•■•ai. TAIL DEAtxERS. aer of Cmgress from this district in ! up at bis wife, and, seeing no sign of gathering j JV r ‘ !! *Y Hr ' *[ ,en ^ c.t cuco it-r. i* -r am rV ® 1 ,s 1>secm n ' 54 and in 1871 72, aged 49 years, died I storm, gently proposed that they should make ' ^ j ,ot . tr> J al e e J, r in ; ‘ °' A n snly this morning from hemorrhage ot } their w’av t»> Naples in the name manner and I bauds, hut to iw- the m »];v .rein, .f : - logs. His destb causes much grief in ! at the Mine time. I sml family menage iue i li .n and to pmi.-h | » |<< \| A |)Jl \n.tmini11. ! him and bis * • allAJ/JT JEUDTAIIi DEALERS. *— Respectfully; P. H. ENGELBERT. MISSOURI. ARORTDMST HELP TO i MERITS JL -1I.T DL^KKVED. This is the way the matter stood night at sundown. It had been rt.uned , i-eeping { ‘And ao they did. “It had not beeu so dreadfully bad but for that dreadfully bad boy Johnny. I think I know nearly all the leading and riiing -hood- ^ i luma’ ot &au FraDcisco; but if tbere is one yesterday that the negro hud b lafw-. Anon l M — PnrnnAr inrv in , aulon e them tbat Can <, l ual tbis bo T Jobnn y* atuigbtat bis father’s. Some time u.-iwten ; k’ortmever abc-riion case have returned a ver- f trcm Xe '7. Yor ^’ 1 have V ot SCen him ,ll ' , l >,rt - v ! midnight and daylight this morning a nmu- ,. , , . *• j his peculiar talents to advantage. ! her of men—-not to exce* d twun'V—went to ! •F —• — . -. Who°f lh« 8 calor«land German airls in tier “ We 8°‘ °«‘ of onr carriages at the gate of j , Ut . Uonse of Hooker Divers. i„;ber of Monroe, ; jjas asm a trance, and wnh her hands upon death of the colored and German girls in her , lhe p , latine HlU> and walked to the top ; al)(l sorronnded the louse, s . there would la her besom, palm to palm, like one in prayer. | house. j through rows of ruins, set well with all kinds ; no possible chance for escape. As I look buck upon the picture, it is like * 7na of plants and trees, and particularly prickly The object ot their search was found, and ! some forms carved in marble ^at r. had seen FOKtluN At J? A.J.JB8e pears. I he surrendered without resistance, iie sra*-j upon monnments m Eorrpe. H* did not read i , «*\Ve patted the little she wolf on tbo head* I t tken to the fair grouuds, and over au ouk ! gave her some nuts, and asked her about limb was lett hanging. She black body ol “ — * ‘ * * ’ Diveis -a bliuk scene occasioned bv I DDOX. d. W. RUCKER. Late of firm ot Chapman, Rucker A Co., Atlanta, Gl the paper to me, nor aid I read it, nor have I ever seen it. More than a year after-1 AMEEICjLNg rLAlr cricket-baseballltie.ilbed j Romulus and Rnnu.s; but she dropped Lcr ' Monr Maddox & Rucker, ^HOLESALE DI ALERS IR TOBACCOS, CIGARS AND SNUFFS. mx’M'V CORKER PEACHTREE AND RAILROAD AYEMJK. every stclion and m every county in the State. To the Editors or the Herald We predict for the great Georgia State Fair tor 1«74 a succeas that will make even Macon ! supporters of Hon. H. R. Harris for Congress and her indomitable Hofl, open their eyes in < Mk • P**®* ,n y° ur exc * Uent Journal to reply to two w onder. Neman Herald. j communications from this piece, which jou have re cently published—one signed * 4th lMstrict,” *ad the Tt'RiiinhB NTOUH IX SK.) KCA citt* lor I'll CAKOLIMA, OSI TliK AIR LISK HOAD. from Seneca City, other signed “Voters/* The people of this District look upon H. It. Harris m onr ablest and beat naan for Cougres-. Thus it is that every conaty heard from here, that haa appoint Oar special d’spa •Ult>Uh* Ib»t |»i*ce U« been viiited by the j^ w „; be , ' -- . . , ■ ^ _ mo,t U-ml.leeterm erer known in that section kQOW „ ^ , npporter , M .riwrth.rdeta,«»™ s nece City is in South Carolina on th. Air r< , iJMted to Tote for utm , « d Mwiweth „ prtMnu LuelUal, not vtry far from the Georgia 4 _ him to the District with a strong endorsement. Troop, S orms seem to bo prevailing all about, i iit Augusta Constitutionalist sm* that about litdfpist three on Thursday m :ug, Augus ta had a blow that^threatened t* a roots, and uprooted trees. J II K A I.Li A.1D THK FARMKR9 It is a matter of universal comment that the Herald’s report of the proceedings of ths Agricultural Convention have; surpassed in where “4 b Distriot’’and “Voters’’ would have you behave we look upon hint aa a very email man every way. In one of the largest, most harmonious and most enthuslaatic meetings ever held in the county, ap pointed her ablest meu to renreeout ter, and rx*si MoesLY, requested them to vote for him as a unit Where was “4th District” and “Voters”—there must at least have been three of them with their ‘ grout*1 swell’*—when the people of Troup, without a dissent ing voice, approved of the services of our able Rep- became tho hetoine ot Mouitcn aud Tilton. She was made welcome lo both house, with j the toltration but uot .cordial coment of their wives. * ’ At Beecher's first interview with Woodhull »he w.oi gracious, at the se- | eoud she was cold aud haughty, but at tbe . third time she was angry and threatening, KUSSIt HXS1TXTXN TO UP.I OOS1/.K THK bPASTSH RgrCBLIC— BAZIIXE*. AHI.I- \ AT. IN OENAVA - OANESON Al l'll U- lrins srprosED to have aiu- Kl> HIM IN ESCAPINO. busby tail, scratched in the crack ol tbe Hoot a blacker ciin.e. for a nut which she had dropped, aud pre- Bt lore he was < \ ented lu . ub- d In'.iy ! tended uot to hear. Two of these wolvesBre all that was char ;»d, but ; u. c riespoudenl kei> ; at the jiublic expense —one at tlie Capi- * has no iutormation as to his p- uiti-m’e. toline Hill aud this one ou th. Palatine: aud n.u a'ui'KO. shabby, diity, iudolcut-iooking things they , 1 h* following was w.itlen whh a petrciland are, to be sure. They are just the size, build ] pinned lo the pantaloon's h ;: London, Aug 14.- -Tbe Cii.ket Surry Club | , n< j co |orof tbe Saliloruia coyote. * * coxti.-sti' u played with eighteen Americans to-diy.— \ "Now we pass nndfr the great triumphal I HAVUSIUNG A WH11'K HiLO , A .. - I Shaefier, of the ltud S’ockiugs, had his jaw ; arc i, 0 f Constantine, and havo a long leafy! six yeabs or A'.r.t for I had peremptorily rtfosed at broken by a hard bu bB n. ' tide through a lane of elms. , * the I. cinre she was about to give a bteiuway s . l„ndon, August 14 --lhe Pall Mall Gazette j "Peasants are apiuniog ropes of flax to the ! ’77 hal! Almost myatertouaeffirtB has been made 8a y H ltusna he.itates to recognize Spain, I e- i right, and all along they come and go to aud Tj4£ MISSI3SIPP! f‘i U D J 2. bybotu Mr. Tilton and Mr.'Moulton, “>«- 1 e / ate gacb action will strengthen the causa ! from the city with great loads ou their head., 1 nt - 1 - «' 1 rl iluce me to pre*ide at this lectare, ami to , f ^ Republicans iu Europe. lin( ] often leading their little children by the identify my-ell publicly with Mis Woodhnll p AB1Hi h August , f.-Lesoir states tbat Ba- ; UiD a, Iu 18i3 Beecher became inwaidly satistied j za ; n0 alr i ve d j u Geneva on board the steamer "The urns that lined this road have disap-' that Tilton was inherently and irretrievably a yacht Baron RicAsoli disguised as a hervaut i pearc a At one piace you can pass through 1 A ( 1 Jear ami l/lioliii/iblc Account • nirwt.1 man * * flln tint HIMAfl \l>li DV Hit*. I *. . , . Z • Tf a i *. . . 1 -- - 4 I ° ^.iMisro crr7CBXHMN'PS, i FOR THE LEGISLATURE. ! Appreriatiap the vaitnlue services rendered by Mr I R. C. Y*.us** i<» the cOy sod county, his tnsny lnends l «-i»* ctfully a>k him to content to bo a candidate for • the I^ftelatnre. MANY Cl flZESS. New Advertisements. the of (<• West Eml Seminary. \V*.x.:sr: 17TH OF ACGT under HUS. 3. T. 8. L\I.kt. ct to the Democratic - - , - ,, ..." >iiCUl XiUJUU niutbUH u*of!juirt.u *»■-» .-.-»v«uv r,earCU Al OUB place you biu Jifini iuiuu^ii mined man. He did not mean veil by me, , ftt tfcn o’clock Monday morning. He must j high stone uall tor a franc and see some \ but as be had grown up under my lnnaence, ; conger . aen tly hove escaped by nine o’clock ou I 0 f old jars of ash*«: but th* ;e i; nothing and in my cbuich I cocilil never force myself ; the yreV i 0lls evtuiLg. The btotemeut ol the ! to be seen from the carriage, from * certain degree ot responsibility lor his ; Governor of lbo r „ lt that he went to bed at j We pt4SS through the treat wall of Rr.rre, misdoings. ' uLoaltou was apparently aflec- i teQ 0 - c | cck Sunday night, therefore, is not i ftUl i are now j u the wide, open C.imp *gna—a ted by my society.^ font was that rather that; an<rue# Lcsoir siys the fugitive certainly j p i ace that looks more like u bit of the great bad accomplices among the garrison authen- j Ameiican p'.aios than any!hieg to be seen in t*es. i Europe. Away down yonder to tbe right, and fullness, accuracy and ability, those publish- rs*enuilve v Wuar* were they when \ WASHINGTON NOTES. t<f by any other journal. «e r.g.rd tui,dl,tltnnl.h,j f»rm«r ,l»l«ni»u woitLy KL . fcme J as i'' no woman of any dieeription AU of the important papers read belore that; .od well wu.hfle<l, »mt oar flr» tcholc for Consre--. r j within the laud was lett out of their pool of body have appeared first in this paper, and j Ok, "4th District” end ••Votere!" where were jou ; Bean dal; but the history oi their . *•“ "ri re. ! tt nd even the graves of their triends were raked we present a very fine essay this morning. | when the people wrote np thl. man you would have j over to f,. rn j s tj material and pretext for their For full and reli o reports, the public eye : « itten down ? Echo int^en. where • | loathsome faloehoode. It was inexpressibly w ill turn to the C omris of the Hebai-d. It’a ; Donglii. and He»rd hire both appointed Harris } disgusting to me, and X would not associate 1 ... „T,Kii„ ■ i with these people; yet Mr. Tilton and a habit tha pnblie ny . I delegate*. Harria appointed dalegates known to bo ia | Mr . Moultou had some strange theory con- AVe are trnly glad to see that J. Proctor fl,or of Harria. Ti. lime she rtq ieatel them lo ceruing the rrmaagement of this particular a!- Knott has received the nomination of his j.‘•»ra«l>t , ■^tho name or a Harris county gentleman to f»>r. LliatricL In his District a nomination by his | the Convention, but the friend* of Col. Harris do not party is equivalent to an eleclion, and his ra- j object to that. f.r we ar. glad to aee gentlemen ad- turn to Congress is a certainty. His speeches j vandng their friends and commending them to noto. always tinsh like a gleam of lightning through \ riety and fame when it Is done gcod-naturedly and those doll and dismal tomes—the Congress- i free fioua feeling, an i reflections on others. Carroli lonal Globe ! : and Coweta, Tabot, C-mphetl, Marion, MdAcoges and TOCA4D1D.UKs ASDTHBIK VBIKkDI. j t*» J‘t to appoint delegatee, and. 1 .rtien tbe people aaaembl* in their primary meeting,, Wa are daily receiving piles of manuscript cla|m for tbfm , h „ b ,„ lb , T , 8bt . 0 „ y whotb , s | prefer for Congre>*. uot by way of trammelling their ! delegstea aa aome, like “4th Diatrict” aud .“Votera,” Our invariable role is, that such things mut»t bi paid for. It is only by the strict en forcement ol this rule that w« prevent onr priper from being overruu with these personal matpr.4. There w ill be no exceptions made n any one’s favor. BEECilEB TILT OS. in a(conversa! ion he said tbat be wan sure that th^ro wonld be no trouble in proenriog a re od I ’™ 1 mv 0 feelinns T0 Jfcje* Moulton 8 sat 1 down at I Babi.IN, August 14. A body of Memionites ! close up against this wall on the inside, and toHennd to K k down as I suoDOsed acoh ; composing one hundred families, passed here quite overlooking this vast splendid plain, is ; ytstoidaytn route United States. i , pouring out mv wonndel feelings over this: Qcxasc, Canada, August J 4.- On ltirsd^y . ... ^ r jjj q away and ! 1 - • - ’ ■ 1 night the schooner James Need, was 1UU into | nowasi wrnle. A nuasnet nwajaca ( «n B d sunk. Ftve persons were drowned. I V^Keats” with ’hs 1 ' “ meekly ! and sui ■ of the Origin ami Nature of the Race Con ti i c t. Tha Battle of lhe Blacks. great desolation ia Mr. Tilton’s house. EXTRACT REGABDIX* REFOCMKRS. 1 I was by no means the ODly clergyman who | 1 was made a text for their private gossip, but ; correspondent, IdU la ion of candidates through various parts j of the State. CONSOLIDATION WHITE r IHE TRUSTEES D COItOKIJ) 8GHCOL DENIKI*. London, August 14. —lhe I lines Aladnd | ^ r ango littlo tombstone lifting up >rrespondent, positively couhrins the re- j from afnonc t he flowers itH strange a nts of the recognition ct Spain by England, | j llicr i| > tii>u' The telegraphic dispatch- a in this morn ing’s Herald disclose u most deplorable coc- . ... * *. i ,. ■ ■ . -. . . - .. . ditton of u1f lirs at Austin, the se it of justice poits of the recognition cl Np»uu by England, j j ulcr jption. i of Tunica county, MissUsippi. Tanic; is th 1 Trance and Germany. Ihe annonacemeut j ‘•Darefooted peasant girls, and beautitul too niost noithern o; our riv-.-r coimtic •, an »;d- cau->ed general rejoicing in the capital. i as red May roses, and going into town, in lo- joins county, Tonne .eee, i-.-o ui -,i Fobt special dis]>atcbes lrom Ltinu, repoit ^j ftU v\*ithx biindhsof wood and o.uie on j southerly ol the liver couuin* of that Statu, that Austria aud 1 uly have also recognized ! j^eir heads. shoemaker sits in his cottage j in order that the readcis ot the Ili rald may the Republic.. ; door as w* pass, with half a dozen children at j have a proper understanding of the li mbi s Tbe Times in an ed.tonal article says, Log- | fe neeb: un «i stops work to look at Johnny i i tat have finally cnlmin . t d in bloi.*iJ: u< d, land would havt recognized^c^am some time j gt ^ ^is thumb against his nose, and ; we must go back a i «v weul.s to give tin i a * . .i *’** iggliug his fingers in the air in the direc- ooirect uppreeixtion of tje preMiu positUn since, but the reluctance of France .and the ndiffereooe of Germany prevented CLERK OF SUPER1CR COURT. f*apt T. IS CAMP i« 3 c4nfi;<t»t« fir tbe office ot Ciork of the Superior Coir.t of Fulton county, subject to the-nomination of the Democratic party. GEO. 11 H VMMOND ia a candidate for Clerk of the Superior Court of Fulton ccuatv, Georg’S, enl ject to the Democratic nomination. atigt K. WilliamR i* a caud date for Clerk of Supe rior Coart of Fulton county, inbjret to the Pemo- cratio ncmiuanon- FOR TAX COLLECTOR. Tie ate nutl mixed to announce tbe n«n® of Geu. ; W. 8. W. LKEJt ;s cxndldaie for Tat Collector of Fui j tun county, subject to tin- Democratic nomination. | Wc ar.i a-ithonzod to aunounco thx'UamoofM. T. Castleberry, as a ciuditlate f 'r Tax Collector, eubjeci to th® Democratic Nomination. JED110B8 HaiULD: Please announce the name of Robert M. Farrar as a candidate far Tax Collector o( Fulton county, subject to the uomiuation of the Democratic party. FOR TAX RECEIVER. COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS' T!ON. ASSOCIA- V N adjourned tnet'i* . • f this Aseuriation will he held at Governor's Guarda Annory to-night a* /clock. J II ffif-mltr* are requested to attend, ss isiuees of importance wdl be traneacted. It 8. A. VEkDKRY. Secretary. Notice in Bankruptcy. i> | Northern D:strict uf Gtorna— In tne matter ot Samuel A Echolu, bankrupt --No. •* 4. All pereone intereeled ere n« tin-d to show cause, if any they have, before Register Black, at his office, in Atlantv on Ibe UHth day ot AukUsL 1ST*, at 10 a. n . why the saul bankrupt »-hou.d not be discharged iron, a’l dt-hta. The second and third meet ngs of creditors will be held at the same time and place. aul& It A. L. BUCK. Clerk. *J A3IES L.EFFELS 4 IMPROVED DOUBLE Turhiitc Wafer Whe« might possibly contend, bat by way cf correcting all i •uch as wonld either negligently misunderstand or in- j tent'onallj misrepresent pnblie sentiment. “Vote-*” ssys Col Harris did very weli as a quorum j rnemb r..That much Is well done for • Voters,” for he i was present At every Bitting of the House of Bepre- J sentatlvee aud voted on every question, which Is a Toe pnblie IS surfeited with the details Of 1 thing that can be said of few Congressman. Ba\ ! this lent scandal. Opinion hap, m ibis sec- better still, he voted right. He sustained himself; tion, k itl*d into a fixed rut. It believes that ■ throughout as a dignified, able, Soatbern gentleman, ifeber sinned, bat that Tilton ia worse than *nd when he spoke, as was the case of hie celebrated B*i Cher. No sane man can donbt Beecher ■ j speech on the Civil Rights Bill, he spoke with power- gni.t, bnt guilty ** he is, he is less vile than the man who so long condoned bis own dishonor und then only published it to the world, from the promptings of a lacerated vanity, and not from the indignation of outraged feeling. The testimony that is pouting in tells liotnitg new, and in no way relieves tbs first glare of salient ciiioinaiity. Beecher deuiee, of courhe ! A man always denies tnilt of any kind. The chain of cor- rot- ration L simply rtmoratl™. and -h«. honor ..d ! D '.r..t pecali.r tibk Against him. And be had better quit I '* * *•*««•" ‘ Vo, * r *" * nd pn aching, and appropriately cloae np tbe | oo rr.. 7 cr snj ►caudal by becoming a K.dical editor at once. oth « t »°“- ““ nali.s It they wlU do «. —- ■ — wh«n the people shell have giv c n their full reply to Ore Orrst Itesnlt of ih« Peak. | ell each communications ss those they send to yon The moat remsrkahle aingle result of the L „ nomlD . Ullf , nd n ^^ nt CoI . H .,ri. t. C oe- fnl Ability snd received marked attention. Adopting the language of a recent article which appeared iu the Columbus Sun and Eiqulrer: “Tbe people of tke District paid him tbe distinction of drawing him from hit retirement and sending him to Congress. He has served them there througbont the late session ably, faithfully and to their perfect satisfaction; always at his seat, always voting and always right in his votes, aver true to|hts duty and his country, especial ly that Washington, August 14.—The apprehon- biou that the consolidation of tbe trustees cf th* colored and white schools by tho Com- minsioners looking to a mixture, was removed to-day. By official assertion, it is said that the Commis-.wners had no such inteution. Mr. Dennison spoke for the CommBsioners and it is known tbat Mr. Blow was absent when the trustees wero mixed, who is opposed to mixed schools. Dennison claims that the consolidation was simply to be economical. NEW YORK NOTES. m CLUE TO A MURDERER—ONE MAN ARRESTED ON SUSPICION. New York, August 14.—As yet there is no cine to the murderer of the Italian brush- maker, Salvador Torrini, whose body was found frightfully mutilated ou Bedford ave nue, Brooklyn. Twenty wounds were found ou bis bodyl His money and valuables Were not laken. Torrini’s landlady stated to tbe coroner that he bad been attentive to Mrs. Bt. George, the w ile of another boarder, and she noticed tb*-m preparing to leave, which they did. It is reported tbat Bt. Gsorgo then The Fair Sex. An orchestra consisting of fifty-three wo men have been giving concerts iu Dondon. Out of the ten million women in Ameiiea there isn’t of a rat. A bcautilnl young lady doctor is practising in Bustcn. Tbere arc a great mauy c.iees of “heart disease ” in her circuit. A young lady in Des Moines pnt vitrol on her t-calp to take dandriff < ff, and what scalp she has left dosn’t botner her any. tion of his mother. “You Dover saw so many ahootnakerw in your life as there aie in Home. At tbe door of almost every house you enter there sits a little dried-up wrinkled old shoemaker. Is it not prssible bow, after all, that this is why Rome is called “tbe City of tbe souls?” u uiimuu flVUJCU lu tiMiwivti “At laat we are ou the most famous high- Thnt'wou't s;nuBi at thr.ight way of all history, aud rattling away toward 1 ne^rn gi Naples. w»*i» “Tbe Appian Way is dreadfully disappoint ing. It is not more than twenty or twenty- five feet wide, and there is not a shade tree to be seen along tho way. “On either hand lifts great walls, that hide the gardoni and the peasants at their labor; and but for the interesting relict which com- ; life ot Dr. Smith, ami s-p pose those walls in part yon would find but j deluded negroes the ot affair Beverul weeks !*“■', Dr. Guy R. Smith, a j citizen of the town of Austin, became involv ed iu a personal difficulty with a negro man, i tun ccuntv, subject to the Democratic nom and while the negro was advancing on him, mat ion. Many Democrats. Please anuouuce Mills Tuiutn as a Can dida/o lor the office ot Tax Receiver of Ful- the Doctor drew a pistol and Ur. d Unfortu nately the ball missed the negro man, but the leaden messenger reached and killed a i. who bad no interest tho difficulty. V mob ignorant and excited negroes, drunk with tlx r evil passions aud bad w bi -kv, v . s at one a se;u- bled. They st ;zut Dr. Smith and p; . po.«>ed to execute summary puujNhmcni upon him to the nearest true. The tt ars of Ins wife and tho entreaties of Mayor Woodson, s;vu«l th« I tbe foolish and i.ssiou of a great went to reside w;th Torrini. Too police can boat, she becomes simultaneously coubciou \ f.niu cf 1873 is the decrease in the consump tion ot foreign giods. The imports lor tbe ten months ending April 30, 1&74 were fully $100,000,000 less timn (cr the ten months eudiDg April 30 1873. These figures »>how economy. SIXTH DI8TRICT. Cat«l Ftnm Col. T. 44* Lawson. VaXOSTOX, Ox . Aatust 18th, D74. To i in Kmnno er the Heeald: Us> *o reefbfrr t ome, from Jester rear!, my etten- | Rrese. Oxs Votxb. The Albany Mews prints the following on White. ; ley, and promisee him plenty of *‘rh»1n lightning ’ | daring the csnvsss: | pbivstb ] BAiseeioeE, September 6, 1872. Dias Bakwaid— Tours of the 4ih rocelveJ. I : have too much work on my hand* to nndertske tLe i Job yon propose. Knsonoskl »sid to tbat yonr | friends wish to givs |l,r&D towards tbe campaign In ; ths Second District, conditioned that I would rot let ti ,E h-wlxen caikd to a statement la your paper of ! be removed at Americni ao long as yon done recent date lest I bad “withdrawn from the Owngree- , 7<hw du*J “ effleer. If you wish to do is on *i>mel rec* In ihe S xth DUtrlet In faver ef Ce!. : tbeaa Urma. let them do »o at ono^, lor we have no Blount *’ You are in error. That;i had.wlthdrawn is j tlflM to delay. Yours tin y, true; but I did uot withdraw in flavor of any one. a , [Signed] R H. Vltiiur. zueiorliy of ihi counties of the Dietrlet had. in t their i t>t <m*ry Conveutl r e. ind.osted a preference forJndge I i< yd n d Col. BicunL Coder these circwwieteno*s, 1 did not d*eiie, l! I oould, to throat myself opoa them Yen will chltfe maby making this wrmMta. Vary reapeetfUlly, Inna. •. Lawron. find no clue to St. Georgo or bit wife. Au Italian lias been arrostod on suspicion. THE TURF. SARATOGA RACES—EAST TIME. Saratoga, Aug. 14.—Mr. A. Belmont back ed hia horse, Grey Planet, five years old, for one thousand dollar*. Mr. P. Loiillard tak ing tbe bet that be would run one mile, cur rying 110 pounds, inside of 1:4:>$. Race come off to-dsv, Grey Planet won easily in i-.iaj. ‘ it TENNESSEE. ALL qUIfcl AT AUsTIK—REFOOAE8 UKTUBUIO. Mlmphix, August 14.—Latest udvioes from Austin state tbat all is quiet ther# and that rcJugeea arc letnniing. Havana. August II.- In a figbt between a party of Spanish Guerillas and twenty ln- snrgtuts near Santo Espirtu, four of tbo latter were killed, including a Lieut. Colom 1. Lour.on, August 14.—Tbe owner at tbe Ament aa yacht EucLuntrtFs, challenged any ! member of any European j&cbt club a j with Ills vessel ne xt July, lor a cap valued at olc Luuur. d guiueas, oyer Prince of Walts' | cup cour-e. .MAi>ft]i>. August 14.—The government has i tbauktd Germany lor taking mtercstin the | rue vent r nt for recognition. All of tbe An* - « . l basfttdors have tendered their congruial.dions pA'SBSii^.K, ozi. 17. 1872. j to j Sery(IDO( both apon the reorgnition of the Drab Babwald—Towre reselved; you here done R^pubiic and the aqcccss of Baorion* 8, in his year duty. Ld ’em alone uxd go to work In the 1 attack ou the Csrliets* fittrenohmcbls at Altisa. The ministerial deoiaa, amoodying Rosa Bonbcur is fifty-two years old, and j little to amuse you. crime, mmmarried. She rcj icts with e subdued joy j “The walls in many places have bepn re- j Uelensid from 111 lxxi.d-. of ignorant that no man has ever been at lo io divide i>er ; p|j re( i ( 0 r were originally built of broken and vicious wonld-bo xuurduu ra. Dr. Smith pure and nnselfisli love for cattle. j marble plundered lrom heaveu knows what was arrested by tho civil utilhoiid -s and, a .4 u- ,,:_i „ •_*_ r n uu . ruined city or place, for these Romans s^ern ! after the inquest ot tbe C 'roller’s jury, and a Apretty pd nA.utekaw ^ no resect wbntever for .ntiqoi- preliminar.v ox vmin.'i .n V.-f. r- , :.!>« . ,to, on » steer, sells her butter, bnys her grocer- i The ^ st . fS er - B church, lor ei*m- ! Us committed to j,it. II... t. .?utn.u«d ! pie, is built, for tbe most part, out of stones j sometime, until bo v. s 5>iou 0 : b J >re Judge • taken from their most picturesque mins. * Fisher, of that district, <»u a writ of habeas “Yon will notice a broken arm reaching ' corpus. .Vltti a patient h» . • * of ih .• cause, helplessly out of this wall on the Appian m which all the facts brou i before the Wny in one jilaoe, as you pass, and iu another j Coronet’s jury wero u.l d by tbe you will see a pretty cluster ot flowers. A j prisoner's counsel, Judge J . admitted part ot a giant serpent is also to be seen, ; him to bail ! along with a hundred other like fragments ol j The bond was giv< ». wa- 1 by the art, where the storms of time have laid bare j Judge, .and thou only Dr. Sim > released the rongh masonry of the wall. j from prison and permitted l > J . u to his “Latterly, however, these gentle Romans ! home! A week, pci haps ten days ♦ lapsed, have come to preserve all these things and j when at a late li ur one night th ivsidiuae of stick them up in the stucco walls ot the I Dr. Smith was surrounded by a ht vvlu.g mob houses a’l along tbe roads. This, of course, j of negroes, he was taken from his bed, wi h spoils the effect, aud you take less interest in j his wife clinging t*» him, ami tho uegroet the broken maiblfs when you find they are | again proposed to burg him. Again the tears posted up for exhibition. j and entreaties of his wife saved him from a “Capuchin monks, iu browu gowns aud brutal death, and both the Dr. aud Mrs. sandals, go by, indolent-looking aud filthy, Bmilh were taken to j til and locked up. Far though they me said to be abont the best of > a number of nights the jail was sunonnded their kind and very attentive to the sick in by a negro guard, w ho insisted on keeping times of the plague. , * man in jail, in d* limcc ot the law w Utah de- ' “Now we meet a family ot peasants going ; dared that he should g<* tre iuto town. They nil liavo loads a>u their • This slate ot things continued up to bnday heals, und chat and sing and stem very bap- j night, when a party < t c,Uf - ,H v , *“ l to ih * py. I have never yet seen a monk carry any- I j**b vindicated the majesty ot the law, au i thing heavier than his little basket, wherein * '* A *'” c **'“*‘ to pnt whatever may bo given him ia chaiity. I may add, however, that that is ju t one bus hel i»»ore tlmn I have aeeu any clergyman hero carry. Virgins and holy families look down al ns from nictaia iu the walls, and now and then we pass a'Madonna with a burning lamp. Au English party returning in carriages ies, and canters out with a whoo-oop that fans wou the In att of every jonng man iu the town. Richmond, Virginia, is leported «s going to organize a note company composed ot twenty-tour young ladies. Here in a chance for some pnnsttr to g«*t iu the word* “none Annas.” Progression i* the watchword of the hour, bnt in Mitsomi mothers haul their disobed ient children over the knee and strike ou the nme old »pot that the Romans did three thou sand years ago. A woman never looks more humiliated than when, while sitting on the deck of a psiyave ] •eeoad District, where we use sad will fight. Oo to irerh aafi fiea't delay. Tears traly, [fiifae^ M regulations for the exetatLtt of the decree for the abolition of slavery in RortoRioo, ia pub lished ta-dav. of a cinder on her nose, and the absence ot brr pocket-handkerchief. When a Michigan woman was takeu from the cow-catcher of a locomotive upon which she had beeu caught aud carried half a mile, fhe said with a feeling, “I whs scooped up like gosh almighty, wasn’t 1? ” A Chicago lady was thrown from her wagon while riding along the shove of the Lake, last week, and broke her arm, but recovered her chserfulntss immediately upon learning that her back hair had uot roiled into the water. It is now thirty yearn siuce the first tele graph wire was established, aud two women will stand aud “jawr” each other from oppo site aides of a fence, tho entire morning, without ever thinking of the roaivelons pro gress ol fccieuct. 1.. G. Wells in * cADiiidats iorTsx Receiver of Ful ton county, subject to the Democratic nomination. We respectfully aunounco the rams of F. A. C’raw- fard. as a Candida!a ior Tax Receiver of Fulton cenu iv, subject to .be DemocratIc Nomiration. Many LTtiaf.n*. Em i IU Ihcaae anuounce tho name of J. O. H*>lbrook as 1 candidate for Lsx Receiver—subject to the Democratic nominal ion. Edrom or the Herald: We respect:tilly ann«)unc* the name ol Wm. A Boinsr. as s candidate for Tax Receiver of Fulton County, subject to tho Democmtic nomination. j Many Cm.:K«s. TAX PAYERS, ATTENTION I Ii is u heavy cardan to pay annually from eight to , ten thousaud dollars for coilei'tiUK the State and oonn- ty Lix of Fulton county, he*ides lar^e amounts for in- ter«-ot on money borrowed to meet county obUicaUona. Tho reiiet from this in lux mj; th>* Oommission for col tec tin;* the Ux, now 6 percent., reduced to ‘2 ^ per ceai.; sud the taxes, wheu collected, promptly paid over to tho proper authorities, thus saving at least i from six to t« n thousand dollar* annually. b 1 am a candidate for toe ofll 'e of Tax Oollector for Fulton countv, sabject to the nomination of the Dem ocratic Patty. upon the ah »© pUtform. obiigsttng mv• self, if elect el. to ray over all money collected for taxes every week, and one-half the present amount ailowed as oouuii-elou for collecting. Hope my Iriebu* aud all interested will come up aud support POOLE &. HUNT. Baltimore^ MANUFACTURERS FOR THE SOUTH ^arly 7000 now in Use, working uu varying from ‘2 to 340 feet! 24 sizes, from 5} to 06 inches. The most powerful Wheel In the Market, and most economical in u«e of Water. Large iu.i:*tkjltad Pamphlet sent post free. manufacturers, also, of Portable and stationary Steam Engine* and Boiler* Babcock A v llcox Pstet Tubnlous Boiler. Kbaugh'a i rueher for Minerals. Saw and Grist Mills, Flouring Mill Machinery. Machinery lot Whits Lead Worts and Oi! Mills, Snaftinj Pulleys and Hangera. SEND FOR CIRCULARS. feOTI -sundera Wednesday He»i»ectfnlly, leased Dr. Smith, ami conducted him in safety to Ileruundo. in DcS »to coumy. With thoM* facts brloio them, our rraxlers wifi be abl< lo estimate tbe enormity ot the outruge which has thrown a whole commu nity iuto n state* of the wildest excitement. h »s already caused blood to be shod: ha» cos' a number ot lives, and before it is ended, may dreuch the couuty of Tunica iu gore, mid ( W. F. PARR HURST. ;to U .%ml..otoroirto blarinR tVuH convcl u»rj, h.m h»«m itto ... I nml »he»t lor town: nml we flud tho (jrrat Ap- i mourning, lot tho poor iool. who h.v. pU„ 1 oiuibo narrow that it i. with .t.fflenliv ! into th's rott^ ol enm, w 1, t, 4 wo have only nit\; but lor the pale-faced and ; Mobtov on Monet and Porridge. —Mr. tlmt we can pnsg. 1 i.% n <r.hAirr.l U w |.n M h iv« ; Mortou’a lllwatratiou ol* the function of money ; Hero is a little ehureli to the left iu which. ^ SEWANEE COAL! | AM NOW BKCF-1YING MT WINTER S Sl’PPLV of Goal at ths oM establishsAl yard, near the Stat t Road Depot, aiid will be pleased I.' furnish all in want of a superior irtiole. either >.y the car load or smaller quantity. Oftli's f*r lbs pn sent at Chamberlin. Boyn ton A Co.’s, corner WhitaliaU and Hnrter strecta. jyl-2 rsanm JXO. F. EDWRDS. Agent. t AND ACENCY. LOOK OUT! Great Trade Issue ATLANTA HERALD, IS 8RPTEMBR8. •• ,00d - »» »“• 0, . tb * u,0 »‘ ?“ i *- e «"*?• b00k ^ “P l ' e h ° W B °hUp i’n "nml ! «e "h^vo Eolhio."^! 11 loliihn.^.ml^utvi'iq.l. WlkR KOTP. AU’y ai Law, Ga. ttndsraUnedhave lurm h 1 ihe pxirposeot 1 *oklng up UMs. i . 'pxrtnership lor H 1 reporting the own- utfrested^ in I.\N 1*8 lying iu »hs iMttb'A of Lumpkin, Dasraon, Gilmer. F*iin:n. : 1 11, foras, Rsbun aud White. *h« condition of 1014lauds, lbs value aud character ol sdvsirs cl tin:a. ht» 4p*rrh. But let u, ti.k* ii antflock «t it I rf oiir Snviour ill the bIodp. W.itof,. | _ i(h ebll .^ t j vors r or hl :. f .i v ratnhulMa "If the quality to aotgoo.1, i* tb.r* «ny re.- flud two monk. ‘.‘.'STtt.'fort ott’uu- <1 *' '‘P« u "■>' »f the HUthora ol this » aon why the quantity should be reduced t If 1 his is the storj ot the foot-pfiiits. 1 i-.>; s ;, /l.,.*, 7 , ... the food ol a family it not of the b«.t quality, ' St. Utter had been condemned in Rome to “ Via .V, ' .nrcgani t.^Them* ia that any rcaton why tbe *iipily should be j he crucified; bnt his heart bad tailed him and ! by nwiosu g i«» ihe n 1 iw. u »l ai mnr ofllos in made lei-a ihan i« nectsaaiy to their aupport? i having met with an opportunity to eHcape, be ludeod. farewell to bygone years. How DAULONLitA, ga , a ourrect staicm- at 01 the aam- Will the starvation of tbe family contribute to • was now making his way *t night ou tho Ap- ; wonderful the change appears ! For curate*. bt>r i ctu . tr . ,ot » ua .yV ol l ‘M v!?.! improve ihecbaraobr of their lood ?” This . piau Way towards the sea. But suddenly now, and eavnliera perplex yon. Tho last are * trmo rwvsorw oi the coudtiton’of suchisudi. tte‘rains, ia funny, it most be ccnfcbtud. Ileie ia a fam- here, on the site of this cbnrch, which ia j birds of feathera gay, who swear the first are ; Anait au •«d*»tre to a«u. w« win **n built ovor the toad, ao that the road haa to ; birds of im*v. I’d acaro th m all, had I my ti » ractK*Ws, at a rcasouabL- piicf, retaining - - - - 1 ’ - - • • • - * — “ **1:11 CENT, tor »ha arnouat U aucu sals*. 50,000 Copies. «^AQUINTUPLE SHEET! «a il.v liviug od—let u« raj- oatiu,al. Tint |.or. ridg, i« mix«d with water ui.t.l tin must drink ft g.llun to get ft hnll tiiut c f uoori.b- ment. Wonld not H.nator Morton ndviie a little condensation? XVould ho think the family more liable to itarve if tbe dilation were lnore*.ed one-h.ll ?—Boilon Adverilirr BtfMlmn. THE YB4R’« TBA 1>E OF ATLANTA p»te tronnrl, he cate Uoe to face with the maater. “Peter sftUl: ‘Heater, whither gotet thou ?, “ 1 go to Uoine to be cructfled.’ "At thia Peter returned to Borne and died at tb. hands of tb« Roman., on tbo right of St. P.t,r'i eburob. way; but that might ver yon. At times lVo fu.'ied, it iu true, that hero, joyous twenty- two, who sent.bcqnets end billet dour, .and wore a eabre. 'The togqc ! How ciotut his arm he wonnd about her waist, who never frowned. He lore* you, child. Now ia be hound to love my neighbor? y to enforce tb»« right of SMfinable aUori>ey*s fas* will bscbsrc d ia anHiiioa to (Us torrgvtm*. Kxtsuatvsscquatnlancj with th * ooanu> aud pejpie gives us gr«st fnciUttss In oomHtly reporting tu rot-ard to such lands u trtj U fc W wwsts snd owned psThaps by persona L.vAuh *\ e die * 1 1 ■" Unoe. BGYD a WlLUAMr*. auUtJsnl LsndAgtnu augHU TRIBUTARIES I ->-a’