Tri-weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 1838-1877, October 06, 1850, Image 3

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4 jour subscribers as nra submissionists. You I ought, however, to have done me the justice ■to s.ate that I told the meeting a ground of I inducement to mo to address them, was a deep 9 interest which I felt in the welfare ofGeorgia ; |L that, although at present a citizen i f S, c., rof 1 which I am not ashamed,) I had lived a citizen Y of Georgia for at least half the time since my J first settlement in lift ; that having been un | fortunate in losing several wives, I had been * three limes married, and that all my wives I were native Georgians ; that the friends of my J children were mostly in Georgia, and above >|a!l a largo proportion of my properly interest lies in Georgia, (consisting chefly in slaves and i tha land they cultivate ; for I have provided I no other inheritance for my children ; npt owning a dollar’s worth in company \ stocks of any kind.) On the subject of my disunion you should have had the candor to give tha sentiment to your readers, as I gave it Ito the meeting. I distinctly told the people that II no man would more;bighly than myself appreci ate and cherish such a Union as our fathers p formed for us, and which the American Con I* stitutiOK -vas intended to preserve and perpct m uate— a U’.ion making us equals in the gov -1 eminent, and securing to us the protection of « our personal and property rights. But if the 9 Union were perverted so as to become the en- Wgine for the destruction of our property, and ’for the reduction of us and our posterity to the jP ’.no»t abject vassalage, I would say let us sep arate from it and the sooner the better; and but the meat truckling submissionist say otherwise T Sg In regard to my atfecting to believe the sen jjllimeut which I advocated, that the admission 4S of California constituted the passage by Con % gress of the Wilmot Proviso in its most odious form, I presume that none who heard me thought use insincere, besides yourself, and it # is likely that few except yourself, failed to see the cenclusiveness of my argument in favoring that point. As to having my whole platform knocked from under mo by Mr. Crawford’s | reply, as a Yankee would say, “I guess” that gentleman would not begrudge a round sum H 1 if ! e could conscientiously believe with you. For I think he evidently taw and felt that my po*i ion against him stood upon the immovea ble base of truth, which nothing he said had shaken, or nothing which he could say would ’shake, Mr. C. was a little clear of at’empling j to deny or even explain the fact or character of Mr. King’s mission, and asa Yankee would again say, “I reckon” he will hardly ever j ' come out on thatsubjcct. He did attemptin' parry the fraud in the case of California’s ab olition constitution, vf-hieh I had charged upon 1 the Administration, of which he was a mem- W her, by insinuating that tho first more ia that I thing was made under authority from Mr. 1 Polk’s Administration; and when 1 stated that gif the gentleman could produce any docu | ments showing such authority, I, for one, - would have a new accession of information, Tho referred to certain orders to the Military |t officers in California, which I told the people % had exclusive reference to the Military Pro • visional Government, and gave no authority ji whatever for forming a State Constitution, * Mr. Crawford took his seat evidently con founded. and the people laughed. How, then, you could, with apparent sang froid, tell your - readers that ho had knocked my whole plat | form from under me, I can’t well understand, ;■ unless you designed to misrepresent the mat ter. Indeed, Mr. Crawford knows that in an & ewer to the charge made on Mr. Polk’s Ad ; ministration, that they had given the authority s on which the California Convention was cail ' -•d, and the Slate Constitution formed. Mr. p Buchanan, Mr. Marcy, and perhaps the other members of Mr. Polk’s Cabinet, had published f to the world a positive denial that any such authority had issued from that Administration. Finally, you seem to speak of me as the de iender of Mr. Polk’s Administration, so aeto give the idea of my being a strong partizan on the democratic side, and would insinuate that I committed a breach of courtesy in introduc i ing party politics at a Southern rights meeting, called without distinction of party. Here, again, you should have done me the justice to tell your readers that 1 distinctly stated that 1 did not make allusion to Mr. Polk’s Adminis tration as the apologist of all bis measures, or as a partizan. And for your satisfaction, I I will say to you that, so far from being a strong | Democrat, J ha v e, up to late years, been dis posed to sympathise with the Whigs, I was | favorable to Gen. Harrison’s election, and the advocate of General Taylor’s elevation to the I Presidency and nevtr subscribed to a demo- I cratic paper till last year. But, sir, lam s»ck of Whiggery and Democracy; I want all to bo swallowed up in one great Southern Rights Party, of which I have no objection to be called even a partizan, fer the present cri sis at least. By giving the above an insertion in your columns, you will do justice to one whom you have in some degree injured. Ivkson L. Brookes. • 34 1850. Bounty Lands. —We are requested, says the National Intelligencer, to state that applica tions fur Bounty Laud, under the recent act of Congress, or any other act, as well as all in quiries relative to such claims, or to parsons supposed to be entitled to laud, should be ad dressed to tho Secretary of the Interior, or the Commissioner of Pensions, and not to the Se cretary of War A i itlle attention to this mat ter will prevent much trouble in the correspon dence to both parties, and produce speedier in formation to applicants and inquirers. 35 Persons Poisoned !— A company of some 34 persons, while in attendance at the camp Meeting at Middle Settlements, about, sixteen miles south west of this place, were poisoned by eating bread in which wr , a quan tity of arsenic. It is pretty well ascertained to be (he work of a Negro man, who assisted in baking the bread. Mr. Safell, at whose camp this occurrence took place, a short time previus had this boy corrected for some inso lence, and ho had seized this opportunity to avenge himself. This boy ia of a bad family of negroes—bad a brother who was hung, and it is in proof against him, that he recently bought arsenic of a merchant in Louisville. This villain will doubtless hang, but ought to be burnt ! We have not heard that any one of hese cases have proved fatal, but we under stand that several are not expected to recover. ~~ Knoxville Whig. Since the above was put in type, we learn verbally, that Mr. Safell has died, and an old lady was also thought to be dying from the ef fects of the poison. It is also stated that the negro implicated, as above, is believed to be innocent, and that suspicion has not rested on any person ; nor is it yet ascertained positive ly what kind of poison the fiendish deed was accomplished.— Chattanooga Gazette. Robert Stephenson, the great Engineer, and the projector of the Brittanic Tubular Bridge, it appears by the late English papers, has been offered knighthood and has refused it. Mr. Farraday, one of the greatest of the living chemists, has also declined a similar tender. Sir Robert Peel, it is already known, not only persisted in refusing a patent of nobility, but also in his will instructed his sons to imitate in this respect his example. The time ap pears to be coming when English titles will go a-begging among those most worthy to wear them. There is now on exhibition at the Boston Mechanics’ Fair an improved Planing Ma chine which is said to be superior to Wood worth’s. The negotiations for the sale of the Wash ington Union newspaper have been closed, without involving any change. Mr. Ritchie will continue in the proprietorship as hereto fore. FUNERAL NOTICE. a3r The friends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. Krauch, are requested to attend the . funeral of their daughter, Louisa, THIS MORN ING, at 10 o’clock. 06 Serial 3tfotirto O’ Newton County,—Judge Francis H, Conk and Col. Nathaniel C. Foster, will Ad dress the Citizens of Newton county, at Covington, on FRIDAY, the 251 h instant, on the subject of Southern Rights. The citizens are requested to at tend, without regard to parties. ob ®|TV Notice. —Mr. Dembbest begs leave moat respectfully to announce, that at tho solicitation of many Ladies and Gentlemen of this city, he will open an ACADEMY, at the Masonic Hall rooms on SATURDAY, sth OCTO BER, int-tant, for instruction in the elegant ac complishment of DANCING. Parents sending their children may rest assured that no pains will be spared in their improvement. Mr. D. will pay particular regard to the younger branch school far Ladies, Masters and Misses, Friday and Saturday, from 9t012A. M. and three till 6P. M. Gentle men in tho evening, from seven till half past ten. o 5 School.—C. Stmmes will open a SCHOOL for Boys, on Wednesday, 9th inst., in the School Room on Ellis street, below Centre, formerly occu pied by Mr. Rogers. Terms per Quarter of 12 weeks: Preparatory Department, sfi 00 Higher English Studies,. 8 00 Do. Do. Do., with the addition of Latin and French, or Spanish, 10 00 Book-keeping and Phonography, each-...... 5 00 REFERENCES. Jcs. A. Carrie & Co. Maj. Geo. L. Twiggs, Chas. Gatlin & Co. Rev. H. D, Duncan. Dr Paul P. Eve, of Barnwell, S. C. Dr. H. P. Campbell, Judge R. A, Allen. We, the undersigned, have known and employed C. Symmks as Teacher, for five years, and take pleasure in recommending him as competent and efficient. Bknj. P. Harris, Sr,, We, J. Mims, D. M. Bruner, Oct. 1, 1850. L, Gatlin. We have entrusted our children to Mr. Syumes’ teaching during tho last three years, and fully con cur in the above, E. A. Eve, Geo. W. L.Twises, W. W. Holt, f'et. 1, 1850. A. W. Walton. The undersigned has been acquainted with Mr. Symmes for upwards of a year, and knows him to be a skilful, efficient and competent Teacher, one who will give complete satisfaction to his employers. Oct. 2, 18a0. L. LaTaste. Hj'C, S. will be found at J, A. Carrie A Co.’s Book Store daily from 12 to 1 o’clock. o 3 Jjr” Silas Cttouuet, intending to locate in this city, has taken the rooms formerly occupied by Mrs. Chapman, for the purpose of opening a SEMINA RY on the 7th of October, for Young Ladies, where English, and all the Modern Languages, together with Music, will be taught. Terms knowo’on application. Apply to A. Picquet, or J. B. Guieu, Augusta. References. —Edward B. Ford, D. D., and G. McLaughlin, Augusta, and H. Connor, R, Rowand, and W. M. Martin, of Charleston. 524-ts f Female Institute. —Rev. Mr. Hard noti fies his patron-’, and the public, that he designs to re sume his duties on the Ist Monday in October, at his residence on Greene Street. Grateful for the generous patronage he has receiv ed, he hopes by a faithful devotion to the intellectual training and moral culture of his pupils, to continue to merit the confidence of parents and guardians. He can afford comfortable accommodations to those pupils, who may desire to board in his family. 525-twto7 ?JT Female School. —This Institution will commence, under the direction of Mrs. Doctor Cun ningham, in a suite of Rooms, next below the Washington Hall, on the 7lh of OCTOBER, inst., where the usual branches of an English education will be taught. AUo, Music, French and Drawing. Residence on Greene street. 01-ts Jjf Augusta Free School. —This Institution will be re-opeued on MONDAY NEXT, 7th inst., under the charge of Mr. THOMAS SNOWDEN, as Principal, Mrs. A. M. Phouty, and ) Assistants Mibb S. A. Benton, \ as AB6lßtantß - CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL, REYNOLD STREET, (Between Campbell and Jackson Streets.) fU* Mr. Pope begs to announce that the exer cises of this Institution will be resumed on MON DAY, the 7th of OCTOBER, proximo. TERMS. Combined Classical and English Dep’rt’nt. Sls pr. qr English Department only, 812 “ “ Modern Language Department,each $5 “ “ invariably in advance. Private classes, for instruction in the Spanish or French language, will be opened on the same day. Information at the office of this paper. s6-dlm RICHMOND ACADEMY. Tire Exercises of this Institution will be resumed on the first Monday in OCTOBER, under & new and enlarged organization. The several Depart ments will be in the immediate charge of the follow ing gentlemen: Classical Depar’t. under W. Ernenfutsch, Rector. Mathematical “ “ Alonzo W. Church, Esq. Ist English “ “ Rev. Jab. P. Rinb. 2d English “ “ Mr. Thos. Jones. Tickets of Admission into each department will be obtained from the Rector. Terms—Tuition per quarter payable in advance. Glass. and i Math. de partments 810 each. Ist Eng. Dept., 87. 2nd Eng. Dept. $5. Jjf The Tuition of 810 will admit the pupil t« all the Departments if desired. 526-dtd Latest News from Canada*—Prom the Montreal Gazette, June 19, 1849: “Our readers will have observed the frequent no tices which have appeared in our advertising columns of the benefits resulting from the use of Wistar’s BALSAM of WILD CHERRY in the cure of dis eases of the respiratory organs, catarrhal affections, liver complaints, &c. Many of the certificates are couched in strong lan guage, and may be thought to be mere catchpenny notices, for the purpose of drawing attention to a quack medicine. Such, however, Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry is not. We can ourselves vouch for the good effects Ibis Balsam has had on diseases of the nature es those above mentioned, whenever we have known it resorted to, and that when every other remedy has been tried and failed.” From the N. York Evening Mirror, March 30, 1849, “We regard the Wild Cherry Tree as one of na ture’s own physicians, a sort of good Samaritan of the forest; for its ‘medicinal gum’ has relieved the sufferings and saved the lives of thousands. The Balsam prepared by Dr. Wietar is a pure and per fectly reliable preparation of the real Cherry essence, and it is a remedy by no means ‘ bad to take.’ — We speak confidently and strongly in its praise, from having witnessed its renovating influence in consumptive cases when all other prescriptions had proved of no effect. Buy none without the written signature of 1, BUTTS on the wrapper, if you would avoid imposi tion. For sale by Barrett, Carter & Co., Haviland, Risley A Co., D. B. Plumb & Co., W, K. Kitchen and P. A. Moise, Augusta. By H. C. Seymour A Co., Madison. By Drs, Reese A Ware, Athens. By T. M. Turner A Co., Savannah. By Dr. P. M. Cohen, Charleston; and by Seth W. Powle’s Agents every where. ofl-SwAwt TELEGRAPHIC NEW S Transmitted for tire Chronicle A Sentinel. New York Market* Friday, Oct. 4, P. M, — Cotton has advanced an'J to Jc., with sales of 2,000 bales. Further b y the Cambria. The official report of the merket quotes Fair Orleans B§d.; Mobile Bd.; Uplands not quo. ted. The accounts by the Atlantic had been received confirming the unfavorable accounts of the American cr«p. Prices immediately advanced }d. in the first part of the week. Subsequently sales were made at the above figures. The market clos ed on Friday very firm at the official quotations, with prices tending upwards and great activity. The Whigs of Baltimore have nominated Jbromb as their candidate for Mayor. Charleston Market. Saturday, Oct. 5. Cotton.— Sales to-day 1,600 bales at prices langing from 12} to 13fc. Prices quite full at Jc. advance as previously reported. Nominations in Bibb. A correspondent at Macon has furnished us with the following Telegraphic dispatch announcing the nominations respective parties in that cou Macon, Oct. 3. Union Ticket, Washington Poe, i Wm. Scott, Robt. Collins, j A. P. Powers. Disunion Ticket. Charles Collins, I Leroy Napier, Robt. A. Smith, | Thos. Brown. From the Charleston Courier.—By Telegraph. Baltimore, Oct. A.—Fuither by the Cambria. —Preparationsjare making in Vienna to meet Gen. Haynau on his return with loyal devo tion. The Austrian Minister in London has been instructed to demand punishment of those who assaulted him. President Napoleon has returned to Paris from his late journey through the principal cities and towns of France. The only important political incident of the week, in France is the discovery of another Orleans plot. The documents connected with it do not appear to implicate any one in partic ular. The Danes and Holsteiners continue to have a few skirmishes, but the former decline to en ter into a general battle. The Cholera has broken out in China, and the Governor of Macao has been carried off by the disease. The Commercial affairs in Bombay are im proving and the prospect of an abundant Indi go crop is encouraging. Money was abundant and its value had slightly increased. New-Orleans Market, Oct. 4 —The Cambria’s news was received by Telegraph last night. To-day. 1500 bales Cotton sold at \c. ad vance. Middling 13 a 13§ ; Fair 14c. Mess Pork retailing at sll. Whiskey, 200 hhds. sold at 25 cents. The first bhd. of Sugar, of the new crop, was received to-day, from Point Coupee, the quality was inferior. Cincinnati, Oct. 2.—The Episcopal conven tion has organized by electing the Rev. Mr. Wyatt, of Baltimore, president, and the Rev. Mr. Power, of Philadelphia, secretary. No . other business transacted. 1 The city is filled with stranger*, and they u. yet coming in by every conveyance to the con vention, and to attend the State Fair. Bedford, Oct. I. Capture of Fugitive Slaves. —Ten runaway slaves from Virginia, who lost their way on the ridge of the Allega nies, eight miles from this place, were disco vered yesterday and attacked by the Pennsyl vanians. During the melee two of the slaves were wounded, one mortally and the other dangerously. These were captured this morn ing. Six of the party sought shelter in a mountain hut, occupied by a man and bis wife. The clothes of the fugitives were very ragged, and nearly torn off their backs from coming in contact with trees, in their endeavor to escape unseen. The woman of the hat supplied the outcasts plentifully with food, while the husband pro cured assistance and captured them. He re ceived a reward of $250 for their recovery. Theremaining two have up to this time elud ed all attempts to arrest them, and are doubt less concealed somewhere hereabouts. They are closely watched by Pennsylvanians, who are eager to obtain the reward offered for them. Boston, Oct. 2. —The steamer Canada sailed to-day for Liverpool. She takes out only twenty-seven passengers. Manchester, V C. Oct. Ist—The Battenkill Bank, at this place, was broken into last night, and robbed of about $5,600 about $3,800 of it was in specie, of which $2,000 was gold. The balance of it was in New England and New York bills. A reward of SSOO has been offered for the recovery of the money, or a proportionate reward for any part of it. Portland, Me., Oct. 2 —The Sophia, of this port, fell in, on the 3d ultimo, latitude 59, long. 25, with the brig Johanna, Capt Johnson, from Charleston, S. C., bound for Bremen. She was in a disabled condition, had five feet of water in her hold, and was leaking at the rate of an inch a minute. The Sophia took off the Captain and crew, while the mate, John Clark, of Calais, Me., and a French seaman were drowned. The Johanna belonged to Stockholm, and was bonnd from Charleston, S. C., to Bremen, with a cargo of pitch pine timber and spirits of turpentine. Nothing was saved but wbat the crew stood in. Capt. Johnson had placed his chronometer and the brig’s papers in the small boat, bat on reaching the barque the boat was upset, and thus the last vestige of the unfor tunate vessel was swept away. A powder mill in Gorham, Maine, exploded yesterday forenoon, killing one man. The shock was terrific, and resembled an earth quake. It was distinctly felt at this place, al though a distance often miles intervened. Cincinnati, Oct. I.—The House of Bishops are now in secret session, and it ia under stood that they have the case of Bishop On derdonk under discussion. New \Haven, Ct. Oct. 2. —Foote and He- Caffray, the former convicted of the murder of a young girl, his adopted sister, and the lat ter of the murder of two elderly people named Mr. and Mrs. Smith, were executed here to day at 3 minutes before 11 o’clock. They were both hung on the same platform. DIED. On the 4tli inst., in Hamburg, Louisa, only daugh ter of Charles and Krauch, aged 3 years and 3 months. LEMONS. HAMS, LARD, &C, -a /Y BOIKS LEMONS in good order f. Vs 300 Choice country cured Hams, 100 Sugar cured Canvassed do. 30 Kegs very fine Lard, 15 Bbls. do. do. do. 5,000 Lbs. Choice Tennessee Shoulders, 15 000 do. Western and Tennessee Sides. Just received by HARDIN & ESTES. 06 ROWLAND’S ENGLISH COSMETICS &c.—Rowland’s Kalydor, •* Maccassar Oil, “ Brown Windsor Soap. Just imported and for sale by o« PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. £ommerxia!. AUGUSTA MARKET. Saturday, P. M. COTTON.—There has been a fair demand to-day and holders found no difficulty in disposing of all that was offered, at an advance of Jc. on fair, and #c. on the lower descriptions since the steamer’s ac counts. We quote fair 13j cents. MOBILE, Sept. 30.- Cotton.— The market is rather active, a general disposition being manifested to sell at quotations. More sales would have been effected bad samples been on the tables during early business hours. Sales on Saturday 200 bales and to-day 200 bales. Middlings 12|c, exports Oct. 30. — For New York, ship Manon-854 bales Cotton. Bark Vernon—7s9 bales Cotton. For Philadelphia, schr C. C. Stratton—32o bales Cotton. For Boston, C. t, barque A vola -411 bales Up land Colton. v Styippinij intelligence. SAVANNAH, Oct. 4.—Arrived, ship Wm. Lord, Barry, Baltimore; baik Franklin, Wood, N. York • bark Maria Morton, Bulkley, N. York ; bark Her stlia, Lathrop, N, York; brig Wilson Puller, Lewis, N. York; schr Julia Eliza, Higbee, Philadelphia, New York; bark schr C. C. Stratton, Har 'ria, Philadelphia, CHARLESTON, Oct. s.—Arr. brig Narragua gus, Hinckley, Boston. Cleared, C. L. barque Avola, Kendrick, Boston. Blankets, Negro Cloths, See. WILLIAM H. CRANE HAS JUST received BLANKETS, FLAN NELS, Georgia PLAINS, KERSEYS, OS NABUUGS, Plaid LI NSEYS, 10 4 and 12-4 Whit ney BLANKETS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. SA riNLTTS, TWEEDS, Bleached and Unbleached SHIRTINGSandSHEETINGS, TICKINGS. Irish LINENS, Table DIAPER, &c., &c. Families and Planters who arc in want of the above articles, wi'l find it to their advantage to call before purchasing elsewhere, as they will be offered at such prices as cannot fail to give satisfaction. First Dry Goods Store below the U. S. Hotel. c 0 SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD, Ham burg, October 5,1650. —0 n and after the 7lh instant, until further notice, freight of Cotton to Charleston will be. one dollar per bale. ° 6 W. J. MAGRATH, Agent. Old Patterns. fMANY ARTICLES of CROCKERY, good ware , but old patterns, at reduced prices, at the Old Stand of MUSTIN & SON. °6 4 doors above Lamback’s. FRENCH PREPARATIONS for Coughs and Colds.—Pate Pectorale De Nafe D’Arabie, Sirop de Nafe D’Arubie, Pastiles De Paris, and Pate Jujube. Also Chrystaline Gum Paste, Gum Drops Raspberry Drops, Rose, Lemon, Vanilla and Liquor ice Jujube Paste, Marshmallow Lozenges,and many other articles for the relief of Coughs, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, «3fec. Just received and for sale by 06 PHILIP A. MOISR, Druggist. Ladies’ Embroidered Sacks, &c. WILLIAM H. CRANE, First Dry Goods Store below U. S. Hotel, HAS JUST received by the last steamer from New York, La.lies’ Embroidered SACKS ; Canton Crape DRESSES; Rich Brocade an J Watered SILKS ; New styles CASHMERE* and D’LANES; A large assortment Black SILKS ; Jenny Lind Head DRE&SE3; Lace BERTHA’S, CAPES, COLLARS and CUFFS Rich 4-4 Black and Green Silk VELVET, for Mantillas, SacksUnd Cloaks; Cambric EDGINGS, Velvet Neck RIBBONS, and a great variety of new and rich goods suitable for the season; to which he would respectfully invite the attention of the public. 06 Looking Glasses, OF VARIOUS SIZES, by the dozen or re tail, at 06 E. MUSTIN & SON’S. PINK GELATINE.--Tbis is a new article, intended for ranking Pink or Crimson Jellies, Blanc Mange, dkc. It is very superior, and saves much trouble to House-keepers. For sale by 06 PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. TEFFERSOS COUNTY, OA.—Whereas, William T. Jordan applies for letters of adminis tration on the estate of Charles Jordan, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, ifany they have, why said letters should not be granted. Givea under my hand at office in Louisville. NICHOLAS DIEHL, Clerk. Octeber 6, 1850. SD. LINTON &. CO., to be more convc • nient to their customers, have taken an office in Walker, Bryson & Co.’s Ware House, on the corner of Jackson and Ellis streets, where they will be happv to see their friends and customers, and where they will keep supplies of Extra Family, Su perfine, and City Mills FLOUR, Shorts, FincPecd, Bran, Corn Meal, &c.,&c. Orders from the Coun try solicited and promptly filled. N. B. Highest market prices paid fer all good Wheat and Corn. o 5 I ABARRAQ,UE»S CHLORIDE OP SO DA, warranted genuine, and for sale by SEED WHEAT. AQ BUSHELS prime White Seed Wheat, OvVf just received from Virginia and Mary land, and fur sale by B. H. WARREN & Co. o 5 205 Broad-street. PASTILES DE PARIS.—A fresh supply just received and fi r sale by o 5 _ PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. 3,000 BUSHELS SUPERIOR White Wheat, just received at the Coleman's Granite Mills, and is dsily ground into extra family Flour, and for sale in barrels, halves and quarters, by B. H. WARREN & Cc. o 5 205 Broad-street. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR. THE CUNNINGHAM MILLS are now re ceiving supplies of pure While WHEAT from the North, and can furnish an article of Extra Fam ily Flour, equal to any they have ever made, and as good as any brand North or South, and always fresh. o 5 S. D. LINTON & CO. SUPERIOR POTASH.—2,OJO lbs. No. 1, POTASH, for sale by ol PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. tVaOICE L ARD.—2S kegs choice LARD; J 10 bbls. ehaios LARD, just received by *27 HARDIN * BSTHS. UPERIOB STARCH.—For family use. Just received 20 Baxes superior Starch and for sale low by o 2 PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. House papering and bordering. 8,000 pieces Paper Hanging and Bordering, all new patterns and all qualities. For sale by „24 THOS. RICHARDS & SON. LBGAST TOILET BOTTLES OP CHINA. Bohemian Glass and Flint Glass, from 91 le $7 per pair, for sale by 6 29 PHILLIP A. MOISE, Druggist. S' HAVING CREAM, IN BULK.—Just received a supply of Jules flauel’s celebrated Rose and Ambrosial SHAVING CREAM, which will be sold by the ounce or pound. Bring on vour empty jars, and save the expense of buying new ones. Jpl 522 WM. H. TUTT, Drnggiit UPERIOB. OLD PORT WINE, FOR INVALIDS. —This Wine was imported by a respectable House in Boston, and may be relied up on as being very fine. For sale by o 5 PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. HATS, FALL FASHION, just reeeiv •dat o 5 WM. O. PRICE A CO.’S. ML st)UaMpl)ta 2Uwertxoem£nto .* FIREWORKS. JOS. B. BUSSIER, No. 87 South Wharves, Philadelphia, Manufacturer of fireworks, has constantly on hand, and offers for sale, Pinwbeels, Grasshoppers, Chasers, China Flyers, Reckets, Plying Pigeons, Roman Candles, Mines, Torbitlions, Maroons, Verticle Wheels, Bengola Lights, Triangles, Blue Lights, Flower Pots, Scrolls, Torpedoes, Palling Crackers, Penny Rockets, Fancy Works, Five Point Stars, Fire Crackers, *c. These Works are of superior quality, being made of the most expensive materials. Orders from a distance promptly attended to, and the Works care fully packed and forwarded. Philadelphia, Oct., 1850. 06-law3 SCHOOL. O'Mr. M, Back will open a SCHOOL for Young Men and Boys in Augusta, on the Ist of Octo ber. Besides the usual instruction in English and the Classics, he will give particular attention to the higher Mathematics, pure atid mixed, necessary in the education of Astronomers, Engineers and Navi gators. IQrßoom on the corner of Greene and Jackson-sts. Terms, 86 to 812 per Quarter. au4-twtf Augusta Female Academy. (Fox Range, Broad at.) THE DUTIES of this Institution will he re sumed on the Ist day of OCTOBER, ensuing. Its patrons may be assured that their children will be thoroughly instructed in the fundamental branch es of a useful and solid education, viz s Spelling, Reading, Grammar, Geography, Writing, Arithme tic and Composition. The institution will be open every Friday to the visits of its friends. The Fourth Annual Circular is published, aad may be had gratis by applying to the Principal. sIS-tw&wtf L. LATASTE, Principal. DANCING SCHOOL. «A. V. ROBISON, after return- si&Ala ing his thanks to the citizens of Au- bheb gusta, for the liberal patronage here tofore bestowed on him, would inform them that it is his intention to re-open his SCHOOL in this Cty on FRIDAY AFTERNOON, the Ilth October, at 4 o’clock, at which time he will be prepared to com mence the first term au3l-twtf S3r He has taken the splendid now Hall, fitted up by Mr. M. Frederick, on Ellis Street. Entrance from Eliis Street. PLANTATION AND NEGROES FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER offers for «|W sale his PLANTATION, lying on Sa- S 0 vannah River, about seventeen miles be- -J— --low Augusta, adjoining lands of Mcßean, Coe and others, containing fourteen hundred and twenty-five acres of swamp Laud; about two hundred and twenty-five acres of which are cleared, the balance finely timbered with oak, ash, beach, cypress hicko ry an 1 poplar—to which is attached one hundred acres of Upland, with Improvements. The Rail Road from the Central Road to Augusta will run through it. Also, Sixteen likely Negroes, Stock, &c. Ano'her tract of Land about six miles from Au gusta, on the Savannah Road, containing one hun dred and twenty-five acres, a healthy location, good Dwellings and out houses. There is a good Peach Orchard on this place. 04-twdtwtf RO BERT Y. HARRISS. REMOVAL. DR. J. DENNIS has removed to the Bridge Hank building, near the lower Market. o2'f GUNNY BAGGING 1 Art BALES GUNNY BAGGING, JL Vs Vr 1,000 coils Kentucky ROPE, For sale by s2I SCRANTON, STARK &, DAVIS. OAA BUSHELS SEED RYE, in sacks, vF just received and for sale by ol GRENVILLE <fc BATTEY. JENNY LIND LIP SALVE.—The subscri ber has just received a supply of Jenny Lind LIP SALVE, which is warranted to make the lips feel better than any thing else known. Don’t every body eome at once. o 3 W.M H. TUTT, Druggist. GOFFEE. —sto bags Rio, Java, and Lagmra COFFEEj for sale low by *3 HAND, WILLIAMS & CO. I A A BEAMS of English laid LETTER -I- v U PAPER, of a superior quality, and equal yas cheap as American made paper. For sale by s2l-2w DUNHAM & BLEAKLY. PORTABLE DESKS and WORK BOXES, of Papier Mache, Rosewood, Mahogany, Wal nut and Leather. Just received by s2B THOMAS RICHARDS & SON. SUGAR AND MO! ASSES.— 100 Hhds. Porto Muscovado and New Orleans Sugar. 100 Packages of Loaf, Crushed, Powdered and Clarified Sugar. 175 Hhds. Molasses of choice quality. Landing and for sale by s 4 BAKER, WILUOX &OO 9AA BEAMS WRAPPING PAPER, a superior article, just received and for sale at 37J cents per Ream. 525 d&w WM. H. TUTT. IQUID HAIR DYE Just received, an othor supply of this preparation by which one is enabled to dye their hair a beautiful black or brown in a few minutes. o 3 WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. BACON, BACON. I CA AAA LBS. prime Bacon SIDES, A vf«vF VfVS (or sale low by s2l 7 SCRANTON, STARK & DAVIS. lAAA COILS best Hemp ROPE ; • 100 bales heavy Gunny BAGGING 2,000 lbs. TWINS. F«r sale low by jy 12 HAND, WILLIAMS & CO. HAMS. —5,000 lbs. prime Canvassed HAMS, for sale by ol HAND, WILLIAMS & CO, BW MACKEREL.—IOJ barrels No. 3, MACKEKEL, (large,) for sale by *26 HAND. WILLIAMS & CO. Landing this day, new macke- REL, Nos. 1,2, and 3, in barrels, half bar rels, and in kits— Prime Goshen BUTTER, Do. Smoked BEEP, Do. Fulton Do., in half barrels, Do. Northern White BEANS, SARDINES, HERRINGS, &c., &c. ol A. SABAL, Agent. HITE-WASH BRUSHES, of all sizes, just received and for sale by ol PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist, CANDLES AND SOAP.— 250 Boxes Sperm, Adamantine, Starr and Tal low Candles. 100 Boxes good Bor Soap. 25 Boxes Steam Refined Family Soap. 30 Boxes Scented and Variegated Soap. Just received by s 4 BAKER. WILCOX &O.C BBLS. Hiram Smith’s Genesee, and /®Uvf Baltimore FLOUR, for sale by 525 C. A. & M. H. WILLIAMS. | INSEBSD OIL, —300 gallons Linseed Oil,of ■ A superior qual’ty just received and for sale by ct PHILIP A. MOI9E, Druggist. WRITING DESKS AND LADIES' WORK BOXES, a large and beautiful as sortment. Just received by s2l-2w DUNHAM & BLEAKLY ANAL FLOUM.— 50 bbls. Canal PLOUK, just received and for sale by b 26 HARDIN & ESTES, NDIA RUBBER DOnL HEADS, (a new article for children) —quite flexible and not easi ly broken; together with a large lot of Kid and other dressed Dolls very handsome. Just received by b2l-2w DUNHAM A BLEAKLY. PAINT AND VARNISR BRUSHES, of all sizes.—A large assortment of Adam’s Bos ton BRUSHES, just received and for sale by 526 PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. SANDS SARSAPARILLA. —Just receivei a fresh supply by o 2 PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. JjJnblic oal£o. BY A. LAFITTE. Store earner of Broad and Washington Streets. SPLENDID NEW CARPETING. ON THURSDAY NEXT, the 10th inst., at 10 o’clock, in front of Store, will be sold, 6 pieces new English Brussels CARPETING, in lots to suit purchasers. They can be inspected at any time previous to tks sale. Conditions cash. 06 JENNY LIND’S BONGS. THE Subscriber hare just received a uniform American Edition of the SONGS of this cele brated Singer: The Pasture Song. The Dance Song, Pretty, Pretty Girls. The Mariner. What are the World and its Pleasures? The Voice of the Spirit. Farewell to Life’s Ocean. The Song of Summer. In Infancy, when Young and Gay. Oh, Well do I Remember. Serenade of the Danish Students. Jenny Lind’s Reply to the same. Jenny Lind’s Farewell to Sweden, The Home of my Childhood’s Days. We now must Part. Somnambulist’s Song, It is a Dream. Oh, Calm, Forgetful Slumber. , Robert, Robert, thou whom I Lore. Ah, Go Dear Child. With what Rapture my Heart is Bounding. The Bright Summer Roses. Cruel Lore dost wring with Pleasure. Just received and for sale at GEO. A. OATES’ Piano, Book and Music Depot, Broad street, ’oppo site the State Bank. o 4 TO SUIT THE TIMES. JENNY LINO Cologne, “ White Lead, “ “ Hair Oil, “ ,! Linseed Oil, (precisely the same sort used in painting the celebrated Jenny Lind Hall.) Jenny Lind Tooth Powder. “ “ Paint Brushes. “ " Hair “ " “ Lamp Oil, “ “ Teeth Brushes. “ “ Lip Salve, Also, sundry and divers other things for sale by o 4 D. B. PLUMB <fc CO. NEGROES. NEGROES. NEGROES. JUST ARRIVED, SEVENTY-SIX youug, likely NEGROES, which, added to our former stock, will make one hundred and fourteen we have now on the Market. By calling at our Depot at Hamburg, S. C., purchasers can be suited, and those wishing to purchase are requested to examine our Stock before purchasing elsewhere. 04-tw&wtf JENNINGS A ROBERTSON, DR. J. M. HILL HAS removed his effise to the corner of Greene and Jackson streets, opposite the Baptist Church. 04-d4t DRESS MAKING. MISS SMITH, recently from New York, would respectfully inform the Ladies of Au gusta and its vicinity, that she has commenced the business of DRESS MAKING, at her Rooms, next door to Dr. Munson’s, Broad street, where she will be happy to wait upon all who may favor her with their patronage. 526-lm OCCUPATION WANTED BT A middle aged person accustomed to business, keeping Books, Ac. Moderate compensation only required. Enquire at this olSce. o 3 NOTICE. ‘ JOHN HILIiEOGE’S LAW OFFICE is now on Jackeon, between Broad and Reynold Streets. au3l NOTICE TO COTTON The unde iisi«.\ko Htp* advances on shipments of Cotton to his fnautts in Savannah, Charleston and New York. H. P. RUSSELL. I hare this day appointed J. M, Danfokth my duly authorised Attorney. sl7 H. F. R. HATS—FALL STYLE, 1850, a WE ARE RECEIVING our Pall w Style HATS, for 1850. Just received a few cases very handsome. Please call and examine them at GW. FERRY & CO.’S Wholesale and Retail Hat, Cap and Bonnet Store Masonic Hull Building, Broad-st., Augusta. au24 ' BEEBE’S HATS, FALL FASHION 1850. Afr JUST RECEIVED- A few Cases o Jjm the above celebrated HATS, by J. TAYLOR, Jan. & Co. Opposite Messrs, Wright, Nichols & Co,, Broad street, Augusta, Ga. al2 FOR SALE, AT A. WILSON & CO.’S STABLE, seventy-five well broke HORSES, among them some very fine pairs. Also, choice saddle HORSES, and a few fine MULES. b 26 HOME INDUSTRY. THE UNDERSIGNED are now prepared to fill all orders for BUCKETS, of suj erior quality to any brought to this market, and as low as they can be laid down. aulS-dAwtf E. LOCKHART & CO. TO BAR KEEPERS. WE ARE selling FLASKS, and all articles used in Bar Rooms, at less prices than they have ever been sold at in this city. Call and see us at No. 209, one door below the Hardware Store of Mr. John Bones. 527 MUSTIN A LATHROP. NOTICE, ON AND AFTER the first of October, the Savannah STAGE OFFICE will be kept at the Globe Hotel. John S. PuLsire* will act aa our Agent. A. WILSON A GO. Augusta, Sept. 27, 1850. ts Fresh Arrivals. CW WE ARE now receiving our Pall Stock of CROCKERY, CHINA and GLASS, at mm our Store, one door below the Hardware Store of Mr. John Bones. Country Merchants, and others, will find it greatly te their interest to call and see us before buying. 527 MUSTIN & LATHROP. PAPER, PAPER, PApbk.-IS,OOOreams Paper, e nsiating of Wrapping, Writing, Let ter, Envelope, Blotting, Note, Drawing, Sand Paper, Polio Post, Account, and every other kind of Paper which we sell wholesale, or retail as low as any other boose in the Southern country. ■£4 THOS. RICHARDS A SON. Window shades and paper HANGINGS. —Now opening a beautiful as sortment of WINDOW SHADES, from $1.50 to $6 a pair. Also WALL PAPERING, from Bto 76 cents a roll, with borderings to match, Ac. For sale by s2l-2w DUNHAM & BLEAKLY. EVERY ONE who has a Coat, ora pair ol Pantaloons, subject to grease spots, ahould pro vide himself at once with a cake of the Chemical Erasive Soap. Only 26 cents. Sold by p 29 D. B. PLUMB & CO. OW’S BROWN WINDSOR SOAP.—3ea ses of this unequalled Toilet SOP, which, for quality and cheapness, is superior to any Soap in use. Just received and for sale by o 4 PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist. Health, disease and remedy, familiarly and considered in a few of their relations to the Blood ; by George Moore, M, D.; Adelaide Lindsay, a no/el, price 25c.; and Part 6 Southey’s Life and Correspondence. R—eived by o 4 THOS. RICHARDS & SON, ATES- NE PLUS ULTRA INTEREST TABLES.—Another supply of the above valu able Work has just been received at GEO. A, OATES & CO.’S Piano, Book and Music Depot, Broad si., opposite the State Bank. 827 LOUR.—IOO barrels superfine Canal FLODRJ Just received and for sale by ol JEFFERS, COTHRAN A CO. O SEGAR SMOKERS.—Thoee who wiah to destroy the offensive smell of S agars or Tobac co, are advised to use the SUGARED CALA MUS,” a delightful preparation for imparting a sweet odor to the breath. For sale by o 3 WM. H. TUTT, Druggist.