The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, April 29, 1800, Image 1

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VoL. ll.] GEORGIA, LOUISVILLE:—PubIiIhed every Tuesday, by AMBROSE DAY & i*VI i -S Im Y „ j ii i*** •* »-* A ;r - tsr and PRINTING in all its va.iety, is executed with neatncls and dilpatch. To the PUBLIC. THE Editor os the Louisville Gazette rcsseß/ully insorms the public in general and his sriends in particular , that he has this day taken into co-partner[hip, Mr. sames Hely. The husiness will in suture be conducted under the Firm os DAY and HELY, Whose attentions will he exerciscd so render general satissastion — And they sledge themselvts sor the con [lent cxercise os their hest judg ment in the d/sposition os such essays and intelligence as may be presented For publication. Ambrose Day. lames Hely, April 29, 1800. To the Patrons os the Louisville Gazette. The Editor os this Gazette, requesls all those who have any De mands ngainsl him , to present them sor payment ; and those Suhscrihers who are in arrears , are particularly called upon to pay them as early as possible as it will he necessary to close. all accounts immediately. 7he public and Suhscrihers will slcase to accept the exprejsion os the mo st sincere gratitude , as a just cchruleeigment sor the very kind jvpport the Editor has received sincc his commencement in busmess. Arnbrose Day, April 29, 1800. —Ttnr.- ■ 555 ~—-~i~i-»Tir-ri-rTT-l>yy FROM THE AUROR A. To the Americ \n People. Ftlow Citizens , 1 he common law’’ os England Tigris to the par lament mon st: ous powers os undesined pre i T which that body calls privileges, and which may be, an ‘l ave been oan ex- as enormous as they are in -0 sinite! this is exemplisied in ,! *ry many instances in their 1 P u^an ientary proceedings : but none mo’e egregiously than e t! ial and condemnation os *-5 great lord Stassord, in the I re os Charles the sirst! This . | T!^ nent statesman was not guil i any crime against the ! s ute | aw> s os his country, but pening to be a savourite os t un i : ortunate prince, whom I, T v ' vere intent on destroying ; means by arbitrary ‘JtuQions os common law, ~ ■ Ke his lise, as a preparatory > on the king U q/ ’ constituted them r^ CS , at on ce his accusers and "he desence wuich I ma(^e he sor st that o' n?n r v arsv tr ;lt ' THE LOUISVILLE GAZETTE i AND REPUBLICAN TRUMPET. miums srom his persecutors; so that even the chairman os the committee why h condusted th*-* impeachment ngainst him made the sollowing honourable men tion os it“ never any man a-tled such a part, or such a theatre, with more wisdom. con stancy, and eloquence, with greater rcason, judgment, and temper, and with a better grace in all his words and astions, than did this great and excellent per son ; and he the hearts os all his auditors, (seme sew ex ceeded)* to remorse and pity.*’ As part os his eloquent desence serves to expose the inherent 1 turpitude os the common law os I England, 1 (hall now proceed to give it to you Fellow-C,itizens 1 in his own words, consormably , to my promise in the last num- i bers. “ Where has this species | os guilt lam so long concealed ? Where has this sire been so long hurried, during so mat y centu ries, that no smnke should ap pear till it butst out at on r e to con sume me and my children ? Belter it were to live under no law at all % and by the maxims os cau tious prudence to consorm the best we can to the a? hit ran will os a maslcr, than sancy we have a law on which we ran rrly, anc 1 sind at last, that this law shall inshst a punishment precedent to the promulgation, and try us by maxims unheard os sill the very momentos the persection.” i$ It is now sull two hundred and sorty years since trosons were desined ; and so long has it been, smee any man w s touched to this extent, upon this crime, besore mysels. We have lived, my lords happily to ourselves at home; we have lived gloriously abroad to the world. Let mbe content with what our sathers have lest m ; let not our ambition us to be more learned than they weie, in these killing and deHrustUe arts. Great wisdom it will be in your lordships, and jusl pro vidence sor yourselvcs. so* your poHerisies, sor the whole king dom, to cast, srom you into the sire, these blooey and mislenous vo lumes os arbitrary an construttive treasons; as the primitive chris tians did their books os curious arts, and retake yourse’v p s to the plain letter os the statu’e, which tells you where the c ime is, and points out to you the path by which you may avoid it l et us not to our own deHrustmn awake those deeping lyons, by rattling up a company os old te icords, which have W-’-jpjr ages, (Ibythe wall n«d ne * "my . 1 * 'mm. V TUESDAY, APR I L ;g ) ,8 00 . übextv is ounmotto—and truth guide. levete os any, that I, sor my other sins, not sor my treasons, b tbc mran> os intioducing a precedent so pernicious to the laws and liberties os my coun tiy.*—Such and such like were the noble desence os this illus trious pcison ; but neither inno cence nor eloquence could se cure him srom the vengeance os a de/perate parly, and he ac | cordingly sell a sacrisice to their malevolence! Should our se* nate and house os vepresentatives in congicss,evct adumeto them selves such unwarrantable pow -1 ers as the pailiamcnt os England 1 has dared, on this and many equal unjust occasions, to a6l ; on ; woe be to the American 1 people, their rights and thrir i liber ties, and now, sellow ciri j zens, having ende voured aC- I co’ding to the mediocrity os my abilities, to open your eyes to the Hanger tint await you, I beg ttc> con< lude this essay hy a piece os advice, which is jou sollow, happy will it be ior yoursc-lves, happy sor vour children, and posterity will you ? In the sirsl plare remove srom your national councils a l l such men as have Hiewcd a dispo sirion to introduce aibitrary laws and measures, in violation os the hvmhises and liberty os our country, under what pretext soever; and clest in their Head men os tried virtue patriorilm, • and whose attachment to th° principles os civil Jibeity you can rely on—hals-way men will not do to save vour sreedom srom deH ustion ; si r either t tat will peri sh, or you musl decided sriends os liberty, both in your stite. a»'d general elec tions, as your representa'ives in the legiHative councils os the na tion ; and is you take not this caution; I, hesitate not to say, wit! opt any pretentions to divi- I nation or prophen ; that the to- 1 ms and who re I pursuing their nesarious scherncs lot introducing arbitrary pow er in this countty, wiih a pace Hi ady as time, and an apoetite i inlatiable as the grave, wilt suc reed in overturning our liberties and our conHitution. besore you .■re awaic os the dangerous pre dicament in which you (Lind! Next 1 recommend your pro posing an amendment to the conHitution os the sederal go vernment sor desining and li miting the powers os congress in regard to privilege, and -sor rest raining either house srom lummiry proceedings in cases os liosils, 01* suppoled ossences os nrsm . are amenable Ja».-|ary 28. >T \ , rtpV _ injury tillered tocongress as well as to a private individual—but let me entreat you never to lose sight os the maxim that no man should he sunijhed /or any alleged ossence, mtess sirst sound guilty, by a jury os his peers. It the con gas should establish a Angle pieccdcm os luminary jurisdic tion it may lead to stVidcs os arbitrary power, wholly subver- Ave os the sreedom os thepress and the liberty os the nation ' ceitamly thr sramers os the conHitution never designecl th it rongies should oxer ise any but a egisl itive power, and that indrummt sligns distimst, ancj disserent sunstions, botii to tho legislative, the executive and the judiciary; and neither can ]e g *l!y 01 conslitutionally cxercise the sundiions os the other, but to put this matter bevond the possi-. btiity os a doubt, you should en eavour to bring sorward the amendment wh ch I have pro pole ; without which or seme su hmeasute, I tell you that your Id'ci'ie.s are insecurc —i nave shswnyou already th t thr con slituhon lias sie< n inr.ov ted on hy the excrcish os n 41 1 sh rm mon law in this roui n v , which it nevn contempta cd slu uld be the iaw os this land who then can say bur that congress m.y onie time or other, talc* up the not ion that it ha* aright to the lame enormous p wc:s which the common law os nglanrl ,)sli s ns to the parliament ; ahd should it ever act on them I rn bold to declare that the sreedom os this country would thereby be tmmvdiatel y endangered* this matter tlscresore calls pres- ' smgh sot yo,ur timely interposi tum ! anoth rncceslary measure which ym ought to pnrsue, is os equal ma r nitu e sor the con serva! ion os national sreedom; in st rast your representatives in 1 c ngiels to bring sr. ward an ast, I dct.laung that the rommo ri law os I'nglan , 'i is no w.y s inding to 1 hele Hates, sarther than luch pans cs it as have been adopted 1 in the written codes ! and last ly, to bring so ward another ast sor regulating the appointment: ot juries to liy caules between the general government and ci tizens os the L nited States ! at present th>s is done by a marshall who ot ncccssitv must be the creature os the executive, and m y pack a jury os torics to try a republican, srom whose metcy or jusiice he can have little to hope. It is evident that die ossicers who nominate such juries, should be indenen t at. (j* i.c.v. the c 'O iidiri,' r 1 [No. 65.