The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, May 27, 1800, Image 2

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and indignant Virginia , will be beard with awe from one end of ?he continent to the other. John Marfhall ufed fometimes to bragg that he one day would be chob n vicc-prefidem. Believe me, fir, that at this day, he nuid not his feat in the event of a new eledlion for Con grefs. Tlie lafl eleftion cofi ■him five or fix thoufand dollars for barbacurs ; and this was the man wfm complaitned of French bribery ! Was there ever Inch another farce ? The flatcs fouth of the Potow mac chufe fifty-two cleftors tor -hrendent , and 1 am latisfied that Mr. ( ffeifon will have at leaf! fifty of them Thefe with five in 'Maryland, and your fif teen in Pennfylvania, will make feventy, and carry off a majority of the whole votes, even upon ’the Hippo fit ion that New-York and 1 erfey were unanimous againftus. Put farther wc count upon a majority both in New- York and jetfey; and if thefe Hates fliould not vole at all, even then our viftory will 14 ill be certain and complete. At the lafl eleftion, N, Carolina gave ]e(Terfon eleven votes, and Adams one. The gentleman who gave that odd vote has pledged himfelf, if chofen gain, as ho expeftsfo be, that he will vote for Jejferfcn ! This is an abfolute and an important faft- I give r from the higheft: and Lefl authority. The fix per cent, proplv built much upon their intrigues in North-Garoli ua ; but I can a (lure you that the cloud of arifturracy been rapidly diftipated ; a»nl the deci f*vc example of Vi ginia will be as powerful to th« fouthward, as that of yrur grtv.t Rate will be to the ea ill ward; 1 mean in Ncv/- York and Jerfey. Print the above, that it may fly as far as the four w nds can carry if • and fan the flame of pa hi»ifm that glows in every republicm breaft. fetus, by otic grand effort, fnatrh our country from that bottomlcfs voiti x of corruption and perdi tion which yawns before us. The more violence, the mote profecutions from the treafury, fo much the better. Thole of yourfelf, and Cooper, will be of vail fervice. You know* the old ccclefiaftical ohfervation, that hired of the martyrs was the iced cf the church , J. T. C, P. S. I had almoft forgot voui giand committee of thirteen , who are to chufe the next p-efr dent. Various pieces, expofing this ftride of ulurpation, have appeared in the Fxaminer ; and yt f , although we have two fede ral newfpapers in Richmond, and .« undanre of government writers, fitch as they ere no an fuerh s hitherto corrieout. In deed I believe that there u only one ferious opinion upon the luhj cl. to v. it, that the grand feignior I as an equal title to fend *3 of h J nizaricsto invefbg.ue the i orr.rn.Mion. If the law pad s, I am fatisfted that our si tnDy, whenever they fit down, will give notice to con grt lsil at \ irginia cannot fub p;U to degrade hcrfelf by crourh under this irrpofture, We are all confident Here that Penn fylvania will not endure to be trampled upon by fuch an atro cious ulurpation. NEW-YORK, May 3. The anniverfary eleftion polls rlofed yefterday. The dye is raft the rchilt is uncertain. The ariftocrats calculate upon a con fideiahle majority. We hope they will be difappointed ; but In our expeftations we are not fanguinc ; for while the juftice of the cru r e of republicanifm furniflies a ground of dccihon favorable to this country, Ihe weight, of property, undue in fluence, and the majority of upwards of goo hft eletlion, in favor of the ariftocratic ticket, renders the iflue of the poTent eleftion doubtful on the lids of liberty, Britain threatens us if we at tempt aconcihation of d'fFtmn ces with France ur have been fen£ to that country, and very probably, the animo lities engendered this country and that, will he termi nated very foort. The Britiih, however, have had fuch fuccefs by the rrtcans of threats and in trigue, in eftablllhing a party in this country favorable to their views, that thev arc determined to leave nothing undone that m; y contribute in the leaft to gain an afccndancy over the Americans. I his inimitable mo narchy, this flupcndous fabric of human invention , in violation of folemn treaties made at tlie ex pense of our declared neutrality, are capturing American veffels on our coafts, and making pii fbners ot our feamen, We are told if wc refent it, or fettle our difputes with France, they will make waruponus; and for this reafon, wc are to put up with all their infults and tholo who have been dilpofcd to cenfure them, mull be branded with epi thets of dJurganizers and jaco bins. ' ■ i nr—— ■mwmamm VIRGINIA. PETERSBURG, May 8. . Thomas Cooper, a man of fcience, and a Heady advocate for the rights of man, has been fentenced, under the fedition aft, to fix months of imprifon ment, and a tine of 400 dollars. 1 he famib of this gentleman relied upon his induftry for their fupport ; and at this fatal mo moment, while his children may h wounding the feelings of a difheffed mother for their duly bread, his body is immured in the cell of feme gloomy gaol. The ohjeft therefore, of this publication, is to inform the re publican citizens of Virginia, that if any of them Tha 1 1 think picper to contribute towards the relief cf Mr, Ccopcr and his fam ly, the fubfciiber will receive luch contributions, and forward the amount to this perfccutcd fellow labourer, Mr. Holt, editor of the Bee, is under hrrilar cmbarralfment : his frne is .wo hundred dollars. But as he has no childicn, fo mifs “ their fire’s return f the fir It ccnfideration mud be the relief of Mrs, Cooper, Mt? 'Ft LOUISVILLE, May 27, jBco. Died, on Tuefday lad, the 20th inftant, about noon, aged 6 years g months and 16 days, M after John Mi!ledge Jack/on , the fourth fon cf our prefent Governor. The little amiable innocent a few minutes, crc (Tern death, put the folemn fcal on his quivering lip, with, as it were a prefentiment of his approach ing dilfolution, afked from the aftlifted father a’aft bleffing, and from the grief worn mother a dying lift. The parental bene diction and falute received, in ftan', a darkning him the eye aflai’ed, the fluttering pulfc to vibrate ceafed, and the quick ning fpirit, to realms above a'cended, leaving a clay cold cor he. n the following morning at ur. o'clock, pr eceded by Mon ft Gobcrt and Mr. Barron, with their tefpeftive Icholars, and fix voung ladies dieffed in white, the like number being pall bear ers, and followed by the Gover nor, histhreeeldeft children,and Mafter Whiifreld ; the (late offi cers, and a refpeftalle and nu merous train of the ladies and gentlemen of Louifvillc, the corpfc was borne by the young gentlemen the town alter nately relieving each other to the burial ground, where the funeral fervice was performed, and ex preftive filent grief clofcd the awful feene. A Modern Political Maxim. Government cannot be duly adminiftered without indulging the great —oppreffingthe poor— coirupung the vena)—filencing the jeab —ridiculing the ho neO—abating the patriotic— and in general deceiving the people. Regular Government . The public confiderafion is called to the meafurcs introduc ed in the houfc of reprefenta lives on Monday, by 'At.Parker, of Norfolk, for the appointment of ADMIRALS. Whence arifes the ncceftity for Admirals ? Will commodore Barry or capt, Truxton do their duty better admirals than as captairs ? The inftitution of fuch offices is wholly for the purpofe , of an influence and the creation of an ariftocracy in this country, a .. privileged titled daft. The mcafure in itfelf carries condemnation on its face. The office of admiral properly be longs to navies in whicn there aie vellclsof the line, and where aftions are likely to be fought with numerous (hips in line of battle. In this view alone there is an impudence in the meafure at tempted that can be accounted for in no other way than from an idea in the propofers that the people ate capable ofluftenng any impofitioa the moft prepol terous. The attempt may be cl a (Ted with the following as charaftciiting extravagance of the prefent fdiion. The Judiciary bill intended to create twcnty.ftv* J u^,rjl and to the amount of 100 other officers. The Bankrupt bill, ercain* nearly 250 new place*. The attempt to iaifc the f a J a , ries ot members of congrcfs. 1 he nomination of two hun. dred and three officers to the military eflablilbmem after con. ?refs had decided that recrnitir.g fhould be flopped. Ihe inflitution of a branch of government by a bill propofed by Mr. Rofs to decide on eledlions ofprefident. 1 he Star chamber proceed ings. If tbefe are intended as re commendations of Mr, Adirns for president, it will remain with the people before the Jyf, tern is carried to an incurable height to determine. Four years more of luch proceedings as have b< en difplaycd in Ame rica, will render our revolution of very little importance indeed, for we (ball be as completely (addled with the Biitilh fyftem as if George 111 continued to be our fovereign lord and £ Aurora . Jefferson Academy, THE Commifficntrs announce U'ith pleafure, that the Icfftr [on Academy is now open /or the reception bf youth, under the direc tion of Mr. James Armour, from u'ho/e character and abilities as a teacher , the CotvmiJJiontrs have great expectations thofe who enlrujl to him the education of their chil dren may be affured that his utmofl endeavors will be ufed Jot their im provement. It having been notified fome time ago that the exercife of this, Acade my would begin, and a di[appoint ment having taken place , the Com miffioners deem it their duty to jay , tnat the delay proceeded from the non-compliance of the gentleman with his engagements , who th y had then invcjled with the redol jhip of the Academy , and net from any dcfeCl in the inflitution, cr any omijfion on the part of the Commiff* oner 5. Terms of tuition for Reading, Writing and Arithmetic—three dollars per quarter. Mathematics in all its branches — four dollars per quarter , Laiin and Greek Languages-* fix dollars per quarter. By order of the board , James Bozeman, Curl, May 27, 1800. _ —* National Magazine. £3" Subscribers to the National Magazine, are refpeCl/ully informed that the fir ft , fecond and third numbers are juft received , and to be delivered at this Office, unc e fub/criptions for the received. May 27, Twenty Dollars Reward. CkN Wedncfday the 23d irftarf, P« ,,r * Walker, about 17 years of fcooded from the jlantalicn of Wi M.igee’i, in Walhingtoo county, and r . ried olf my her ’e, f;u)dl« and brid e,'* plated bitrs and buckle* ; i* a geldirg, about bands high, , or ' jean old, no \jfible brand, trots arm f lets wrh. A reward of iweiitV d' will be given for delivering the laid kcr, at 0 borf*, to the Subscriber. JAM.ES MOULTRIE? dftril 29, 1800..