The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, May 27, 1800, Image 4

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Something for the Ladies. “ Br greatly cautioui oj your Jl t ing hnrtt" Thompson. Is man, whom nature means the Ft malf’a puard, So bl'nd with paflion—fo to reifon deaf, /i from hio breaft all feelings to dir eaid, And plait in v’rgin liearls the fource of gr d! J Ti§ thou, S'diftlon f fount of varied w or, Who hlafl the joys which focial life a', tend; Foe to the fei, and to thyfelf a foe, Thou robh'ft thyfelf, when ihcu eft rang’ft a friend. 6hc who the M primrofe path of dal hanre” trrt!'i, Whofe you'hful heart beats high for novel fee nrs. Who carrlefs frdlows where ! er wooer leads And fears no evils, heraufe cooe fhc meant. Will find that female honor is ■ price. Which rr<»»berous *ctcrs covet to deftroy ; all the rhetoric of tears and fi?hs, Tv blaft fweet virtue will their force employ. J3t then the guardians of yourfclvcs yc fair, ‘ Since non thine ambufh’d encmiei appear, And watch each flutter of yvur hearts with care, JLtft partial love betray you v© a tear. Deleft that mender who your peace invades, Who 1 mile o to injure, and wbofc heart is brfc*, Who m cks rerootjflrsoce, and y<ur i name degrades, And laft configcs you to your own clfprucr. •'Tie Jliitton's hybitbn tongue, and fy ren charm", Which nf» e(Tails fuiccfefully your hearts, ♦T II fin erv , H magi lutes ycu to its rrn . /fid hip y ur virtue by its thoufand arts. Fen l» n ofJl-s *s fattery to the fair, L la "-urge which rn r?ps t’ r h.-»rt It f«n'e mi p' utp hut d foWed in air, /;nd n Her rru h ior V npp nefs Im ps' c. Ye phttirng yem fame, By d flipatinn’r unccivou ’ 1 .*p n ee, Knew rhac all beauty is a» be.* —a man* And fedcs »t once the lofs of inno cence, /detn your minds, be that your chief employ, Few moments at the mirror’s fhine : ■*nd trnfl the poet, you will then enjoy, Whnt w: ' r b *or power wou'd rempr yon to t- fi /?. O* SOTI C E. ~J-;e 0 . thBP I>c. Yr! e rw'ty J ' r :*i dv. of M.oy n' , jr', vull be f *“ it. ' nfe ol Msrv M‘N * ’R, >1! u h ESTATE. Ob *’ < vl M‘K.*lß, lets of thi< county, e* •-* t- coufifting of Ci't’e, S i a Negro F<ll n w \ Alfn, E ’f h (’ Furniture, and a fei cf Imall Tunis. Condition*, Ciifh. MAFY M‘WAIR, AJm\. SAMUEL M‘NAIR,^W. Mav 12. 1 o be /old at Public Sale, On Saturday, the gift inst, AT FENN’s BRIDGE, Hj WO va'u.b’c LO ■ S. in the town rf Lru Ivillc ; one of them is an irrprov-'i ICT ■ , whereon Kcvarin Mattnrv, Ffq, r. m 1 vee ; the other* Vacant LOT adjoining the fame. t\ So, t ire very vahuhle LOTS at fcnn’fi 1L dee ; one cftb<*m is an c*cc!« hnt iianci lot infinefs, wtb improve n i rr s 'hereon, I hey will he fo’d, on a sredit of twelve months, the -utchsfet giving bend with ipp ovdffcmivy. BENJ, MANNING. . v May i©, iBco.. The following \ WiU be Jold , on the fuond day o/v 7 une next, at the hmr of twelve o'clock, at the Market llouje , in Louifville, A red and while pied eow, wi’h a yearling ; taken up in capt. CatfwtH’fl diflndl, by Mathew Csrfwcll, branded EC. Two red arc! white fte«*|. Ha orfeveo yea's o ! d, marked under flopc tn the right ear, fwallow in th- left ; taken up hy Douglafs Hancock, efq. in tapt. Vicing’e dirtri^f. A bright bay marc, about four»cn hands high, appears to be very old, hhnd in the left eye; taken up by I homaa Worthy, in capt. Vining’a iiftrift. A fmall forrcl horfe, four feet fix n> hc» h gh, itven years o’d, three whi e tect, fwjb ta 1, and fomc faddle fpo:s ; aken up by Thomas Harvey, in capt. Key’s U ftrift. One t>lack cow and calf, fmootherop *n the left ear, under keel ;n the right, one red and white cow, marked in the ieft ear, with I fm' ci'h crop, one two year old, dun co’ofcd, with a heft on ; ore ditto, red and whi c, both marked as above ; taktn up by William Daw k;ns, in capt. Key’s diftritß, A brown I ay ma c, about four feet nine incl tsVgh, twelve or tb ; rf»cn years old, fhod on her for feet; taken up by Solomoo Wood, m capt. Coward’s diftrid. A forrel mare, sfyout two years old, four Let feven and an half inches high* s large ftar in her forehead, a colored fpot on her left loin ; taken up by Geo. W. Chifolm, in espt. Carfwcll’s diftrict A chelnut forrel marc, bh*e face, flaxen main and tail, two white feet, f fne fpecks all over her body, fix years old, and thirteen hsnda high ; a fmall bell on, fattened with a leather collar; taken up by Robert French in capt. Key’s dirt r £t. May 6. YBy Josmm Watts, GEORGIA,/ Cirri oj the Court tv n . r . V Ordinary for tin Wajh.ngton County, f J ton, WHEREAS George Hcrrdon hath 'his day applied to. me for let ters of admiulftration on the eftate of Joftph S'.ack*, d*cea(ed ; thefe aif ihcrefore to cite and admonifh all and lingular the kindred aid t.editors ol the faid deceafed, t le and appear at n;y flier, on or before the 4 h day of June ext, to fhew caufe, if any they have, <*hy letters of adminiflration fliowid not be granted. Given under my hand, this ißth day of May, 1800, and in the twenty fourth yrar ol the American Inde pendence. j. Watts, clerk c. o. JctTcrfun Superior Court, April Term, 1799. Prcfetrt the hon. Geo. Walton. UPON the petition of Nathaniel N f Mie« kin, Richaid Curry, and Berjanfto Warner, praying the forec/ofu'e of the fquity of redemption, in end to a certain ad* of land, ennfainir g tour hundred acrti, fitnate, lying and being in the aid county of Jeffcrlon, one hundred tecs o< which a> grimed to Frederick Duglafj, and the nhe hree hundred acres to Jiaac Auger, mv rig ged to the faiJ Nathaniel M'Mickm, R chard Coney, and Benjamin Warner, p> Ilaac Wugtir, for the fccuri g the pay. - ent of a font rf money contained }n a b ud Icaiin. da'e the loth day of July, n e thoufand feven hui dred and ninety! eight. d nd upon motion of Mr, Csrres, attor ney for the petitioners ; it is ordered that the principal, intereft and cofts be paid into court within tv elve months from 'he da'e hereof, othcrw.fe the equity of redemption will be for ever foreclofed, and other pro r-edings take i lfce, agreeable to an art ot allcmblr, in tuch calej made and provided t • nd this rule be publifhed in « re <f he gazettes of this Date, at lead once in every month, until the expiration of the mid 'wclvr months, .-r frrved uoon the • >r(gage,or h i fpecial agent, at leaf! fi< nths previo II to the expiration of the .aid 'weive months. * * Certified this 4th day of Ortober *og. Wm. M ‘Dowell, ckrk. National Magazine. dT Suh/cribers to the National Magazine, are re[peFl/ully informed that a Jew copies are jujl received , and ready to be delivered at this Ojfice , where fub/criptions for the work , will be received, April 29, FOR SALE, At this Printing-Office , cheap [or cajh t a colie Elion of BOOKS) viz. Brookes’* Gazetteer Nngmt’a French & Engh'fh Dictionary Hsllory of the Heaven# Hargrave* La* Iratia Schicfer’s PraAlce of the Law Sp rit of Laws Hiftory of Pfaiagoay Gordon’* Tacitus Addifon’s Wo'ka Spencer’s Works Adventures of Peregrine Pickle Advcotuiea of Jofeph Andrew! Gulliver’* Travels Bi (for on Commerce Arthur Mervyn j or Memoir# of the Year 1793. Domettic Memoirs Mylleries of Ud'dpho Romance of the Foreft Haunted Priory Kea'e’e Sketches from Nature Caroline of Ltcbfleid Offspring of Ruffd E en Vale Civi I Officer Fsatkiin’s L fe The Remembrancer The Decameron, or Ten Day# Enter* tainmcoi of Boccace Elements of Fortification Haycs’e Negoclator’s Magazine The Other S ; «sc of the Quettioo Tale of a Tub Conttituiion* of the U. State* Hive, a colleAion of Thoughts Nihcll bn the Po fc New Engliffi Difpcnfatory Comp'eat Letter Writer Hayes’s loiereft can Accountant Wilfon’i Tutor 1 Afllftant Schoolmatter’a ./ffliftaoc Complete Frcnah Matter, for ladle# and gentlemen Aa introduAion to Geography, prin cipal y defigned for the ufc of fchouls Mafon on Self Koawkdgt S I A PUy* Calvin fro Improved The Re gion of Satan, or Aitichrlft delineated d new Hieroglyph cal Bible, for the amuferaent and inftruAion of cb l* dren* being a fclrA’on rf the nr ft ufcful U (Tons, and molt intereHiug rarratives ; (fcr ptuially arranged) from Gencfia to the Revelations, cmb'lliffi-id with familiar figures and ftrikinu eroblcma, elegantly engraved A Defence of the Old T, in a ferie* of letters, addreffed to 1 bomas Paine, nU'hor ot a book, entitled, the ot Reafon, part the fecond, being an invcftigation of True and cf Fabulous Theology—By Da»*d Levi, author of letters to Dr. Pried* ly, in anfwnr to hi* to the Jew*, &c. Love and Patriotifm ! or the adventure* of M. Duponail, late major general in the arm.c* of the United Stares, interfperfed with many furptizing incidents in the life of the late Count Pulaufki A DiAiona'y of Love ; wherein is the defeription of a peifcA beauty ; lb* piAure of a Fop or Macaroni ; and a key to all the arch phrafes, difficult terms, and peculiar idioms, ufed in that univerfal language Greek and Latin School Book# French and Dutch Book* Merchant Account Book*, and Blank BocJiB of all kinds MUSIC BOOKS, for the Harpficord. Guitar. Violin, Flute, Clarinet and Hautboy# Together with a great variety of OLD BOOKS, too tedious to mcn t'on. ALSO, Pencil®, camphorated Sealing Wax, and beft BLACK INK, by the quart bottle or fmaller quantity. April 2 9 1800. JUST RECEIVED, And may le had at this Ojfce t A few copies of The ProfpeG Before Us, A political publicat'oD, By JAMES T. CALLENDER. • April 3s« To THE PUBLIC. THE Editor 0/ the LouifaUt Gazette reffeß/ully inform the public in general, and his Friends in parhcvlar , that he has this day taken into co-partner pa a Mr* James Hely . 7 he bvfine's util in future be condifad under the Firm of DAY and H EL Y, Whofe attentions will be exercifd to render general Jatisfaftm. L And they pledge them/elves J OY the conjlant exercife of their befl judg ment in the di/pofition cj finch t JfL and intelligence as may be prejentd for publication • Ambrofe Day, James Hely,- April 29, 1800. f To the Patrons of the Louifvilk Gazette. The Editor of this Gazette, requefis all thofe who have any De mands againjl him, , to prefent them Jor payment ; and thofe Subjcnbers who arc in arrears , art particularly called upon to pay them as early as pojfible , as it will be necejjary to cloft all accounts immediately. The public and Sub/crihers will pleafi to accept the exprejfion of the moil Jincere gratitude , as a juft acknowledgment for the very kind Jupport the Editor has received fince his commencement in bufinefs . Ambrofe Day, April 29, 1800, NOT I ~C~E ~ HpHAT nine months after the date hereof , application will be made to the hono y able the Inferior court of the county of Warren , Jot leave to fell a Irak oj land, contain ing two hundred acres , cn the Ogechee river , adjoining Lewis Bradoy and Kingery ; it being the the real eflate of John Currv , de cea/ed, for the benefit oj the heiri oj Jaid ejlate. Benjamin Warner, Richard Curry, Admimflrators of Jaid ejiale, February 20, 1800. Treasury Office, LOUISVILLE , February 3, iBco. Notification to Tax Collectors. AN ACT, entitled ** an aA fe ra ; fe a Tax for the fupport of government for the year 1800,” palled the 41b day of December, 1 799* afi “ couftcd ' fc»r the Trcafurer for the time being, be, and he ia hereby em powered and required to grant Evccu* tiona agaioft all former Col It A ora of Taxes, who are, or may be Defaulters, immediately after the piffiug of AA” Ail Tax Collectors therefore, arc in arrears for Taxes, will avail them-' felvea of making fpeedy fettlcm cD ’*» ®* we fhall proceed as the law dircAs. Edwin Mounger, treajurer . J, Meriwether, comp N O T I C E. WHEREAS my wife, Coleman, has left my bed and boarding againft my will $ thefc a,e therefore to forwarn all pcifon# ro ® dealings with her on try account, as am determined to be the difpofer 0 own property, and to pay no de ’*• but thofe of roy own contraAiog. ]ohn Coleman# jf(Jfe r fcn County , Feb. 25* A few copici of General Wafhington's WILL May be had at this Office, price 25 ccn-»* April 29.