The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, November 12, 1800, Image 4

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ff n c who ii- vc not taken Miller & Whitney’s machine for a mo del, but which in fome final: degree refemble it, and in im provement far lurpafs it, for it has been afltrtcd, that Miller’.- and Whitney’s gin did net on trial amwer the intended purpofe —the right of thole improve ments are however it appears by the prefent aft merged in the right of the patentees, who it is fuppoied on rlie lowed calcu lation will make by it in the two dates one hundred thoufand dol lars. Monopolies are odious in all countries but more particu larly lb in a government like ours. The great law meteor Coke declared them contrary to the common and fundamental law of England —their tendency certainly is to raid the price of the article from the cxclufive privilege, to render the ma chine or article worfe from the prevention of competition and improvement, and to impovc riJh poor artificers and planters who arc forbidden from making, vending or ding it without li cenfe from the patentees, or in cafe of doing fo, arc made lia ble to penalties in a court of law.—The federal circuit court docket, it is laid, is filled with thole actions; Ido not doubt the power of congrcfs to grant iholc cxclufive privileges, for the conftitution has veiled them with it i but in all cafes w here they become injurious to the community, they ought to be fuppreffed, or the patentees be paid a moderate compenfation for the difeovery from the go vernment granting the patent. The celebrated Dodor Adam Smith obferves, that monopo lies are 1 upper ted by cruel and oppreflive laws; fuch is the operation at prelent of the law on this 1 object; its weight lay on the poor indultrious mecha nic and planter. Congrels, however, did not intend it fo for when the full law on this head was palled in February 1793, a k w individuals only cultivated cotton, and it was not dreamt of as about to be come the great (laple of the two fouthern flares, a ftaple too, which if properly encouraged, mull take the decided lead ol any other, bread kind excepted in the United States i the flops proper to be taken to remedy this public grievance you will judge of ; but I fliould fup polethat our filler Hate of South C arolina, being fo much inter tfled, would cheerfully join Georgia in any proper applica tion to congrels on the fubied — 1 am likewife of opinion that the Hates of Korth-Carolina and Tcnneflce muH be fo far in tcreHed, as to fupport fuch ap plication ; if you think -with me, i recommend communications with all of them. J have the fatisfadion to in -1( rm you, that the decrees of the fupremc court of the United States in the cafes which aHe (fled our con fife at ion ad, and in which ] v. uj authorized to employ coun kl, have firmly eflablifhed its validity and conHitution;ilitv, v hereby the Hare is relieved from the apprehcnfion of refund ing an immenlc fum cf money, to the purchasers of confifcated property, and tbofc who betray ed their country are forever bar red in their expectations of a re covery of the property which was lb juHly forfeited, Me firs. Dallas and Ingerfoi’s correfpon dence the eminent counfel wdeh [ employed, and who have done great juHice to the Hate will be found marked No. 7. WhilH on tliis topic let me once more draw your attention to the infor mation of Mcffrs. Smith, Stark, &c. which two years fince was laid before the legiflature on the fubjed of a number of tracts of land liable to the conh[cation ad and yet remaining unfold. I am perfuaded they are of con- Hderable amount, and I fear in many cafes have become the objed of fpeculation in Tales for taxes, [ordered a delay of Tale of a number of trads advertifed by the tax collegers of Glynn and Camden in December lall, and have continued that order until feme general Hep fhould be taken by you. Some officer fliould be appointed to examine into the filiation of thofe trads, as well as thofe in Glynn and Camden, called Carolina grants, many of which have alio been advertifed for taxes, and the Tales Hepped as Involving an inte re fl ing queftion on their validity, indeed I do not heft rate a third time to recommend an efeheat law to you, and the officer ap pointed under it could be veiled with thofe different powers. I have fo repeatedly given my reafons for this law, that I for bear faying more at prdem on it, but that I have little doubt that a vigilant officer would Toon colled property to which the Hate has a juft right fufficient to fink all or nearly all her out Han ding certificates, and to which purpofe fuch property could be appropriated. W arrants have been drawn on the treafury for the political year iBco, to the amount of 1 1503 dolls, a8 cents, chargea ble to civil eHablifhment of 1799 and 18co ; to the amount of 9239 dolls. 75 cents, chargeable tofpecialappropriationsof 1800, 1799 an( -l 1 797 —to the amount of 7812 dollars 32 1-2 cents, chargeable &) contingent funds of 1798, 1799 and 1800, mak ing in the whole 28,955 dollars 35 1-2 cents, as per Hatement No. 8. In the fame number you will find the amount of mo nies withdrawn from the yazoo depofit during the fame year. The charge on the contingent fund has been greatly enhanced by the ccndud of the corpora tion of Savannah, the pay of the adjutant general which the law of the lall feffion appropriated out of the taxes of 1800 not yet come into the treafury—an additional payment to the coun sel engaged for the Hate and other incidental expences, and I have the fatisfadion to inform you that notwithHanding the menaces of Bowles and his ad herents in the Creek Nation, that during the courfe of a three years adminiHration which I have prefided over—the expen diture for Indian defence has not exceeded two hundred dollars— the contir/ ■» of Bowles in the 1 , a*» we*. nation has impeded a full redo ration of the property taken by the Indians from our citizens, and I believe the delivery of the murderer of Moreland, which I am perfuaded is Mr. Hawkins’s wifh to do, but you will find from our correspondence that I have not failed to require it.— Injuftice to the prefent treafu rcr I muft inform you, that re peatedly I have directed the comptroller to examine the trea sury, and that too at different periods and without a moment’s warning—copies of the comp troller’s reports are marked No. 9; by which it will appear that that officer has been faithful to his trull, and I muft add that he is refpedlful, not arrogant tow ards the government —modeft not fell conceited and pofleffed of talents every way equal to the trull the flare has given him. I am lorry to have i t in my pow er to fay, that the deficit of 9442 dollars, 55-iooths, de clared to be wanting by the committee of finance laft fef fion, but found bn examination, by the comptroller to be a defi cit of 9950 dollars 52 cents, from the yazoo depofit is not yet replaced by the late treafur er; large demands are making for that depofit, and feme flops are neceflary to compel a return in order that the ftate may do juftice to the depofitors, which ftic is bound by law, the confti tmion, honor and morality to do. I, as I expefted the laft fefiion, have received two chefts of public papers from London, but having been here but a few days, the prefibre of bufinefs to clofe the year has prevented ex amination, and of courfe my reporting their nature to you; as foon as this examination can take place i fhall do fo. Mr. King, the mmifter of the Unit ed States at that court, lias much merit for his readinefs to attend to my requeft, and deferves the thanks of the ftate. No. 10, contains reports from the adjutant-general, which de fence your attention ; that officer is able and qualified for vigilant in, and attentive to the duties of that important office ; an office on the due execution of whole duties depends the truth or un truth of a republican principle, that a well armed and difciplin cd militia is the great depen dance of a free natVon, and I think his compenfation too low for an officer of his worth. Ma ny other matters will require your attention, which I will take the liberty to inform you of during the feffion. JAMES JACKSON. Slate Ilcufe , Lcnifville , November 5, 18 co. LAND FOR SA! E. T lij ILL he [old, to the highefl V V bidder , on MONDA Y, the \jthof November next, alike Market Ilcufe in louiJville % at th hour of Izutlve o’clock , a TRACT of nine hundred acres of LAND , fituaie about five miles fnm Lcuifi ville ; being fart oj a body of fif teen hundred acres granted to John Bouman t e[quire. Terms, caj/u Daniel Slurges, CftoUrj) 1800, LOUISVILLE, WEDNESDAY, November i2 } jS'-q ——°«eBiSS£Sse»*= Departed this life cn TreSSy the 4, th inftant, at the town of Waynejhorough , Colonel Then,-is Lewis y a gentleman of refpeftai i lity, wbefe attachment to the revo lutionary cauje between the Lriled States and Great Britain is ve I known —he has filled a number c f important offices in the fate, rrd for a number of years lad p n ft a member of the General AJJhrbS. His republican principles were never doubted , and although net Without faulty fiill the community have loft in him a virtuous citizen and an honeft man. tfffi The Reply cf Major Ber rien, to the author cf the piece , fgned A. we are again obliged to poftpone for want of rcom—which ftjall be inferted in cur next. A. to B. is omitted for want cf reem , which jhall alfo appear in cur next. (Gj 3 'The Rev. Thomas Carter and Phillips Gibbes, will preach in the State Houfe i cn Sundry next. - ZZZJI ——' ~ —-TT.... ; j.ra THE Sub/cribers, as a Com mittee of the Senafus Acade mituSy were diretfed by that body tc give notice that they mould re ceive lifts of fuhfcriptions Jar money in le contributed to aid in the imme diate eftahlifitment of the Univerfty of this ftcic —they therefore inform all per ft ns mho hold, or to whom j.xh lifts of JiibfcT ip lions may be de liver cd> that they will be ready to receive them until the twenty fourth of November next when (he Sena tus Acadcmicus is expo fled to be con vened at LouijviTe % to which hoard it will then le neceffary to report the amount and nature of Juch jub- Jcripuons, Thomas P. Ca rnes. David R. Mitchell. Jofrph Clay, jun. Oftober 28. ~T HE~f U RICRIBER Bavin; ■ j\ ft c(f»»d an af.'.meri r>t CRT GOODS f.nd GROCKR.ES, in the floe formerly occupied by Mr. Jenckes, fo 1 i cits the patronage of ihe public, urd a Hurts ih em n<> exertions (hall be want ing (I. giv« grnerai fatijlaft ; on, Among the ie(» is a general a Hurt men! of Jtwelltry and Plate ; Confiding of the following ARTICLES, viz. Silver Englifh and French Watches Do Tabic, Tea and Salt Spoons Silver and Plated Soup Ladles Plated Carter* and Candicuicke Do. Briolc Furniture Silver CUfps and S revc Button^ Stiver and Plaied Whir* v Go d Medallions and Chains Gold Lockets and Bofom Pins G-Id En'Hiel aid Chal’J Bracelets Gilt Medallions and Brackets Gold Square and Ciefem Clafps Elegant Ladies Pocket Books complete Gentlemens do. 00. An elegant Affortment of ARTIFICIAL FRUIT Hopkins’* Raeor Straps end Crmpcfitlon Garc*l ard Fugle Beads, and many other A ncle* too icdious to mention, wbi.h will be fold low for cafli or produce. William Allexander. Otrtober 28. ALL concerned will tah notice, that there will be an apfhca* tion made to the honorable the next court of or dinar y, for ihe county of Wojhingtcn , for letters dijvnijj ar } cn the eflate cf Jefte Smith, dc* ceafed , by William Smith, executer, Oftchcr 15, 1800.