The Louisville gazette and republican trumpet. (Louisville, Ga.) 1800-1809, March 23, 1803, Image 1

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THU LOUISVILLE GAZETTE; AND Republican trumpet. Volume V.] LOUISVILLE, (GEORGIA) —Publiihed every by AMBROSE DAY 6c JAMES HELY, State Printers, at 3 dollars per atm.: —Where Eflays, Articles of Intelligence, Advcmfemcnts, Uc. Uc. arc thankfully received, and PRINTING in all its variety, is executed with neatnds aid dilpatch. PRO?O S A L S For printing by Subscription, in the 7 'own if Sparta, I lan co' k County, a Republican News-Pater, to he entitled, The FARMJE H *s GAZETTE, CONDITIONS. I. The Farmer’s Gazette, Jball he printed weekly, T ,:d paper, of a good qualify—and delivered to Subscribers ir Spar ta on the dry of publication, and tc thefe at a difiance, agreeable to direction. IT The price to each Subscri ber, will be three dollars per an num, payable half yearly—cue half will be required cn the receipt of the,'firft number, and the remainder at the end of fix months. 111. Advert ifements infer ted cn the ufual terms —and Commuid eations of an interefiing nature , promptly attended tc. IV. 7 he paper will commence cn the firfi day of July next, or focner, if three hundred Sub set Hers arc obtained. To i he Public. THE Subfcnbers, a<slnated by a dtfire to comply with the numerous felicitations of gen tlemen in feveral parts of Han cock County, and feme of the adjoining Counties—with a hope of its pioving beneficial to the Country,’ offer to the ccr.libera tion of the Public, the forego ing Propofals; and they pledge themfelves to the encouragers of this undertaking, that it will be their cpnftanr aim to purfiie thofe meafures which will fend to promote the public good. Ambrose Day. Dennis L. Ryan. Louifville, March i, 1803= fff Sufcr ip thus ass received at nil the Pofi-Offices in Hancock County. — Alfo , at the Soft- Offices, Greenefborcugh, IVarrenton and Georgetown. GEORGIA, Burke County. Ft RSONALLY appeared John Dixon, being any j 'worn before me James JLefier, a Jufiice of the Peace for faid coun ty, and faith , that he had a Kate of Hand for high teen Dol lars, cn Robert Jchnfon, Efq. of faid county, due fome time in Pal arch, 1802. —Alfo a Bond con ditioned for the delivery of an Accompt ay at nil David Dixon, t o •' j f I for Ninety-three Dollars am* ninety-four cents , or thereabouts, which faid Note and Bond is loft cr mijlaid fo that it cannot tc found. JOHN DIXON. Sworn to hefjre me this Jth of Sept. 1802. T v E D N E S DAT, March 27, ISO 3. UBERTT IS OUR MOT 70 .VA D TRI I ki OUR GUIDE. GEORGIA. . B) his Excellency JOHN MIL LED C iE, Governor and Com mander in Chief of the Army and Navy of this ftaie, and cf the Militia thereof. A PROCLAMATION. f/57 HERE AS I have recciv * * ▼ ed * official information from the fnenffof Richmond County, that a certain \V illi/.m Champion, confined under a charge of murder, in the com mon jail of the faid county, did on the twenty-feventh ultimo, make his elcape therefrom.—l have therefore thought fit to if fue this my proclamation, of fering a reward of ore hundred dollars, to any perfon or peribns who will apprehend the fa>ci William Champion, and him fafely lodge in fome ft cure jail within this hate. . And I do hereby charge and require all officers, civil a f id military belonging to this flaik, to be aiding and aflilting in ap- ? prehendmg and fcciinng the laid offender, fo that he may he 1 hfbught, by a due courfc qf law, to an Twer to the charge al kdged againft him. Given under ,my hand, and the Great Seal of the ftate, at the State Houfe, in Lou it vi 11c, this fifth day of March, in the year cf our Lord one thoufand ; eight hundred .& three, and cf cat Independence of the United States of America the twenty-feventh. JOHN MILLEDGE. By the Governor, George R. C layton, for Horatio Marbury, Secretary of fiat e. God save the State. fif/ 3 William Champion is a hout twenty-two years of age, fi ve feet Bor 9 inches high, light hair, and’ pair complex 1 n, Well made, and remarkably aclhe. N OTIC E. qrf ALL thofe that have any demands again fi tac Ejlate cf Stephen Powell, late of this aun ty, 1 dec. are required to render them in properly attefied, cn or before the firfi of May next ; and thebe indebted to faid Eft ate au. requeued to make meat. John Powell, W. D. C AWT HORN, Executors. February 22, 1803. "almanacs For the Year 1803. For Sale ac this OfiicSa In the Senate cf the U. States. Tuefday, I 'thru.ary 25. The lenate refumed the con fideration of the refutations rcL pedf ing. the indifputable right of the United States to the free navigation of the Mifliflippi, together with ti e propofed a mendments thereto, and a divi fion was t ailed for and the quef tinn was taken on flnkii g out the firfi refutation, offered by Mr. Rofs, as follow : Refotved , 1 har the United States have an indisputable right to the free navigation of the river Mifliflippi, and to a convenient I lace of depofit for their pro duce and merchandize in the ifland of Ncw-Orh ans. It pafft d in the affirmative— Ytas 15 —Nays 1 1, 'J he yeas and nays v/cie as follow : Yeas—Meflfs. Anderfon, Baldwin, Bradley, Breckcnridge, Clinton, Cocke, Ellery, I. Fofter, Jarkion, Logan, S. T. Malon, Nicholas, Stone, Sum ter, Wnght—ls. Nays—Me firs, Dayton, I lill taufe, Howard, J Major, Morns, Clcott, Plume r, Rofs, 'I racy, Wells, White —ll, On the queflion fliaii the re mainirg tdciutions be flruck cut as follow ; That the late inflation of fucli their unqueftionablc right, is an aggnflion to their honor and intereft. That it does not confifl: with the dignity or fafecy of this union, to hold a right fo im portant by a tenure fo uncertain. 1 hat it materially concerns fuch of the American citizens as dwell on the we Hern waters - t and is eflkntial to the union, flrength and prolpency of thefe ftates, l’ ac they obtain complete ftcurity for the full and peace able enjoyment of iuch their ablblute right. That the president be autho riftd to take immediate poflcl fion of fuch place, or places, in the laid ifland, or the adja cent territories, as he may deem fit and convenient, for the pur poles aforcfaid ; and to adopt fuch other meafures for obtain ing that complete security as to him, in his wifdom, fhali ietm meet. That he be authorifed to call into adtuai lervice, any number of the m htia of the flates of South- Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Kentucky, Tcnndfre, or of the MifliSippi territory, which he may think proper, not exceed ing fifty thoufand, and to employ them, together with the miiitcry and naval forces of the union, for effecting the ctaedts auovs mentioned, 1 I it the fum of five millions of dollars be appropriated to the carrying into cftett the fore going refolutions and that the *hole or any part of that fum be paid or applied on warrants drawn in purfuance of fuch di rt <slions as the prefulent may, from rime to nine, think proper to give to the fccrctary of the treafnry. Ir palled in the affirmative— Yeas 15 —Nays 11. The \eas and navs on this quell ion were the lame as on the above queflion. The queflion on the refolu fions of Mr. Breckenridge was then taken, and carried unani moolly in the affirmative—Yeas 25 —as follow : Yeat- -Meflrs. Andrrfon, B ild win, Bradley, Breckcnridge, Clinton, Cocke, Dayton, Lilerv, 1 . Poller, I liilhoufe, I loward, jack Ton, Logan, S. T. Mafon, j, Malon, .Morris, Nicholas, Olcott, Piumtr, Kofi, Stone, Sumter, 1 racy, Wells, Wright —25. That the prefidenr of the U, States be, and he is hereby au thorifrd, wheneverhe flialljudgc it expedient, to require of the executives of the feveral (fates to take cffiflual mcafurcs to organ l le, and equip, according to law, and hold in rcadim fs to march at a moments warning, 80,000 elTctflivc militia, officers included. Kefolved, That the prefident may, if he judges it expedient, authorife the executives of the feveral flates to accept, as part of the detachment aforefaid, any corps of the volunteers, who (hall continue in fervice for fuch, time not exceeding months, and perform fuch fee vices «s (hall be prefenbed by law. Kefolved, That dollars be appropriated for pav ing and fubfilling fuch pare of the corps aforefaid, whole actual f rvice may be wanted, and de fay i g fuch other expences as, during the reccfs of congrefs, the prefident inay derm necef fary for the fecuriry of the ter ritory of the U. States. Relolved, That dol lars be appropriated forerefling, at furh place or places on the weflern waters as the prefident may judge moil proper, one or more arlrnals. Meflrs. Breckenridge, Jack fon, and Sumter were appoint ed a committee to bring in * bill or bills purfuant to the above refolutions. On Friday Mr. Breckcnridge reported a bill conformably co the refolutions. [No. 195,