The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1855-1858, September 17, 1858, Image 1

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H- If r'iiAi'K 111,1 c..w DAN’I. N L\IN '9SA*' .m umu* »K*ikw JOHN OLIVER, N. 0. igSStSSSlt- A KMU ynu scudciil#!N"l<**• '5',*; jur »ra }■ <U«lJv4 .Into Ihtw "The Southern Native.” SUVABM, AI*A. * , ttitn Of int 'o hmtnltit. ,lono 0} r l.wonili. ' . hv *SijfltllurDr«titm foWlfljilii'il'X ;„l, iJS? Willi Ckm'inlMm ' , ' H«v ilo* »',‘l V.iroonllim tfrchonii, FWlOto vjMBS?wp'** N.tlo. lo "Jll'-I *»•> l’ U, '"j'"; , 1 ” T k, ’vAON„S. p .!,-.A(|u > (iMl , R ,,| ) |m •> N-'MmWe inlr*. “Notice. •i'll*, ^iiburrllinr woo'd thank- f„i r.ti hau.h t'-rr *• • v >, l . ll '. > ; . c*.,l.' s. f-r », ut| .if Hu* t' t ««'«> ,i u . .•..riifi .' A!.iul«-»ii*«ry , ■ i!,:t. ” * r . i'i liosinl ffinvjnna Uottrra. „i.„ NmniM-i-tlK-v ll»- I'rimtpAl 1'ilw* . ■ ?* - I Xu mil' r ». (»»I»^T£hiiiV*: . T*i' 3mv•i , | ii. k N *-y"y •; '; r;j| *d -IJeST. p .Safi.HBjUO'i HVriT; li.’J'Ui • 1V.1 * tV'varh ,|,|« roleh'ratfd tottely will take , . j . :*i Km particular* see ndver- '' r j" ixin hdhriouk/,. ri-nher Cutters’ Bank. ! \G'***Af SIGHT, I* • III**. r i \ N \ WtlilT. •' UHKMKSi k u u-.V* i..mii ciiriliM r- ; .**• .1 S UUrr »N.C,m»il r Bricks! Bricks! Bricks I «,clt tvrut* «• I" dm C"im.«*iiii U. IIml Drown {*011 Brown nil i well j ; Hi If*, nt price* lo mlube tlmv*.— , •••II lu applv lo let LIMN * UttOA, No. *220 lUy street. i $ ''FANY & CO., 5A0 BnindAVny, Now Yurie, Ann u.r« thnt they H'tce Secured the Entire ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH oiniJARINE CABLE)! \«w o.i l»- aid Ilia U. S. Frigate, Niagara. in utilci to pl ica It within the reach of nil classes. nnd ,i i.wn Gniny in the I nlietl -lute* may |himi-** a in ni.i* wuiMvr.ul mechanical ciiiIoaU' . they i .0 *<••• Gable lulu place*ol four it.chra in mi in ii..i ill in wlih hrti»» Carol.* I, , . .. i | • * .iccitnipn'i i d with n copynghmil fuc < VltU8 AV. FIELD, E*q,, I. - ..'ll ilia jr.-11'.tno rnblv I'wenly mill s of t .it!) an • >T*i«-il mil Liken lip limn Hi- tn I'lil* will he llr*t *-ild in pieelaely i, . .11 wliich III giant Unuloiiowllei ill the bed r • r. c. iVeit from deni. r« and other* for not i a • |. o:. h m a lime, at SJi per liutnlred He- ■ I Hill. •u~i In .nlil in tliocnnilltion In wlileii N' .iuar.i 11 long hi of 4*1 feet alal over r Vo.a. small,r i|uai»iivl«»«»t $t |«r f Ml. „..,i i. Hceumpaul-d by iho money, in w V- l'., a* it »ill liut he polHili'" ‘ ' Caution. . y > |.J|.< the lollowli.g loiter i.w VohK A ig. -4'h. |vfi8 t(<«.*!■.In the C.'i'‘|e \.!l ell JAMES H. CARTER, DEUGS, Perfumery, Brushes. INSTRUMENTS, CHEMICALS, FANCY ARTICLES, SI* FUI,I.Y PltKPAllUD FOIl THE FALL TRADE. WOULD CALL TUK A1TKNTI0N OF MERCHANTS & PHYSICIANS VISITING THE CITY 1.1 Ills LARGE STOCK, nrouKhiuit »t «ippo*U« t.Ainlrew’*Il*ll. SAVANNAH, GA. "Mil "I GIBBONS’S BUILDING, SAVANNAH, GA., Would Invito intention to hi) Inrgo nnd well naaorted STOCK OF FIlhiSH nnd UN ADULTERATED MEDICINES, French, English and American Chemicals; ■ SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, TRUS8KS, ANI) MEDICINE CHESTS. PAINTKII8' ARTIOLBR.—Whl'n Lend, Frnnoli Kino l'alitt, Qronud Color*, Copal Oonoli, nnd Japan Varnlahe*. Putty, Window (Jinn, Diamond*, nnd Paint Htnslira. 011*8, Ac.—Llnmd, Bi^rm. Wlmltf, Klvphaul, latrd, he&tafont, Tannara, IUpo Saed. Olive, tnd Keroseno Oila; Lntn, bine and Dnrnltig Ulnld. OUOOXBRB' ARTICLES.—Nutmoga, Mace, Prpper, Clovra, AlUpIco, Mnatard, Mnt hca, Fig Dlua, Sweet Mil. WhuIiIi g Soda, Wrapping Paper, do. GARDEN BBED8.—^Thorium’*celebrated Garden nnd Flotter Seoda, warranted lino to name In bulk and p«l’*rn. TaKothorwlth a great variety ot Perfnrnavy llnlr Preparation*, Toilet 8oap».Bru»hM,ComL», *c., all of which are iiflVu-d at whuleaalu oi retail, at Ilia lowtai powlblo price*, and on the tuoat favorable torma. N. It.—PlivAldana’ PrMcrlptlnn*carefully rr^parmi—Mcd'clne i dicata flttwl up In the host manner, ang H • llelwwi ®5lif37d will b. natWM ».n Urn,., .ml untnii, to by 111. lABUlOK MM "tn«u. The new Pai*onyrr and Freight mo»m*r la pmgraaahig fltialv. Tli# proprietor* aspect to have bar ready by October nafct. . The patronage of tba public la re poctfolly aolidted by July 10 If M. A. OtillKN, Agent. jre»pirw¥X5rp*¥Bii»«:—“ — The Hooka for Btato and County Tax will ba '^^£f*opfned on Wedneaday, September let. All poraona are nqmatcd to coiua forward and pay their Trixf*. «3- Offlca hour*, from 0 A. Ms to 3 P. M. aiu.1l Imo ALKXANDKIt F. DRNNF.TT, UFF10K IKON XTIiAMHuAT i.u„ I ACOUJta, Oa , SiiPT. let, 1868 / ■» —- w )fr. JOHN OOeKKIlY liaa been appointed •vJST*Secretary and TrrniarerortblaOompniiy. nept T Imo J. IL DUIKU. Agent. Insure Your Life! P .UIh;m:K dlclaWa It; nlf-oibm f-r your fmnlly dc iimu.h if. Tim feeling* "f y. ur b.ticr lunar* ■•I'ltiupl Toll In ninkn |iro«l-l<’n fur »b.*o impmdiigon i-.iu Am you n man of weallli f U* mi’inl'er Imw tran- ilciit Hh fuwwloi'. Arnyou a l!„• ||im*y.ui Imxc pt**cd m'd lire pM»iugthrouph.— Arc vuiittcleikT hememb-r Imw wnecrtnln yuttram* plovmont. Arc you a mcibm.lcf l»o not f«rgcl that Ih-day* of xonr clmngili may !»• number*-I Slmme on him who would leave In the cold charily of n hcarll-** woiM.iIo.kc that cv«rv lie <f huimnliy him! manhood hhl him provide f-r. Y-n have uo cxcu c for neglecting thin nil imi>ortMr.t duty, u*p>licica ua h.w a* §n» iip to e O.IKK) will in* Ireiictl on application loll D. I'llII.I.lI •'*. iho Agent of the Knickerbocker l.ifo Inanimice Compa- „v, of New York—a Company that I* perfectly round, aafe. and reliable. wpn—tf THE CONTINENTAL INSURANCE CO'Y OK NKtV YOIIK. Tbh Company huad*-clare*l a dlvhlend of 50 percent, Pr.iflt* on lu Dnaltiert for the year li rmlnaliiiK Serin f r PmfUa to Policy lloldcr*.(entlllol lo pailIch pate ) Will bo ready f " delivery at thin in An- ^^ThU^Gompiu^^f’J^^TTo BironpeKtdf American Hr- liuuniu•«!CornpmTw. andaflurds largj boueflta to jMUtle* Inaiiihigi’i It. n/T Hi*k, undertaken by July 11 tt'M. KIVO A .«OVA. Agvula._ "A1ITIC FIRE INSURANCE COM’Y, NEW YOllIv CITY, OFFICE, No. 80 WALL STREET. ADJOININO THE MECHANICS’ I'ANK. Cash Capital, $250,000. Till* Company inauiea Properly of al kind* agalna’ Lo.y or lhiioag-*hy Fire, oil a fnvorublo term* aa ainiL lar InMlMilhumin I hi* Hly. Kicn’ A.Oaklet, Scc’y. Autent WAKii.l’rca’t tpr V C II .0\MPFIKI.D A-g'i.Savannah Merchants’ insurance Com’y, OF HARTFORD. CONN. Cash Capital g!00,(001 ALL SECCIIKLY INVESTED, -ftg E. T Lonnr.LL. s-eu lary. M. lloyv.uin, Prealdent A. WILIIUH. Agent. (line I* 111 Wav wt..neg to Mi.rnlng N'-w* Oillre. HOLCOMBE & CO., IV HOLES ALE V '.| ! li*: v! I« •• . .. I .i I.. few, il an, •! ih- . ..Urn h-i* tin I.m » ivh.. Mlii.c,.l.!cpui.h',* l .l l ) y*iu|HM*. - ■h« fi.i in i Hi '• H' " !•■*' • , d*el fin..- efthh I. . ...•* Vtllvllj 1.1,1 . .1. ,tti -II I , w v truly 1' ur trl lid. i| In,.. i YllU- W. FIELD. GBOCERS, SAVA1VIVAH, HA.VK IX STORE .inti For sale to 1I10 Trade ON ACCOM UK) DATING TERMS l C .FFKE—-HI Imp, i fimii;ind Mills Fur Sal*-. ■•. ii : d Derehmit Mill, in Wnabing* . . in .'tali'.n IJ. nth-Cen- • . M'!-4 fri.m''iii-ming, ou the ,, !.«■ dud ner«a. . .. ohm. m. I Hr.'In ex. * t Iiwi lling lion* •. an '■«. Mill II.'ll*, "ltd >■ tr-V. PI ’illation for Sale. • 1 v . . . .'.H I'lil'in. e. nuhiing >.0 mi ncr-a ■ ' ' fire mile# from •wviiiunili ao i w l«l»- t th- Albany and Gull Itall lload iti'iid to the culture of oti-n. i‘orn and m.d I* one *T the best rmig a >or Flock in II ibe Land la under a good fence, and bag • i > f .v ov-mer aud fifty nejirov^ For full i r pl> to T. H. H A DEN. •a :i 2mo •‘avauoiili. On. I & A BELLI HOUBi; AL»AUY, GA., J.UDNKY H. DURHAM, Proprietor. Thedtageillflee I* Kepi at till* lloiiau. * apo I—to Vf* dull v lor fa I In ha gave, both by w.,y of Malu-ridgonioi luomaivjlle, -.tying Albiiny .,17o’, lock, A.M ,mid nrilvo at TuIIiiIihm--at U, A M.. next I iilliih',-*c<i dally, at 8, A. 51, and arrive at *••»•.> - I 111 o'clock, A vl .next day. • T*.in* going on iho Stage will plcate hand their Cln cKa l<i the Porter or iho above House. mu U tf IT I Hnll.tbou valetudinarian I vrhoae Dldactle. Diaphragm I H'Mtaia tUeiinUuualmtatlonol tponlaueoua Epigram 1 ®Hd*l Him Hydrographic Panacea*of the Dark Umbra* neon* lliuid, There ’» no DUInf-ctant equal to the PROPHYLACTIC FLUID l •lie Drag Storet and get a unmphltt telling all about IT I 6 a*pt 11 NEW DRY GOODS! •ViDittj Laihrop 4* Rogers, ADM OPKNlvd THIS DAY; E MJLTSH, French and American Print*, a laiguaa ••rtin-nt ‘ FI M Mona da Lain** Uayadero da l.alne* and Cai.limere* Fig'il French da Lolnea and Cubmcre* Dm Lain, Rohca Kloli French de Lalne I'obta Poplin Hobo*. Satin Luatrn* Valencia Plaid*, Victoria Meilno Plaid* Scotch Plaid* Plain colM da Lalnoaand Merlnoea Poiljdo Cbeverc, Opera flannel* Mourning Kngllth aud American PrtnU Mourning Perilan Llotba Plaid blaek <!* Lolnea, all price* lllack Uombazlnea, black Cballay 44 hi etk (J.ubmar*. blue* Fr. nch Clntha M ick French i.'aaelmtira nnd Domain* Fancy do llnllard Vale and Qilburt'a whfte Flannel*,all wool Welsh Whltto Flannel* M.ick Silks, it Sue *«*-.rtm«nt Marino Shirt* and Drawers KapanHon Skirt*, Balmoral Skirts . _ Sheotlaga, Siilrtlnga, Ac. Ac. aeptIO * ;t:. notice. — S TOKi&iTjWk&liV «w'«to) wtob him Ur. II,AU D. UIIOOTII., f-om .id .ri«r ihli dal. .)« WII troSUW brill, nmlnr.lrn.d, nnd.r r* ix cugir o Porto 111 •ug»r ami Cuba Sugar# nnd povul’d do SU'i AK-’.’i’ Idol* lo pllliClli-olin 25 Idol * (Mir New "ii-,u 200 hid* A, II A; (!rhirlfli 6'l b xeaU-f'ii nr MOLASSES—20 lihda prim- Mu»covndo Molaarea f,0 Idda *» ry cli"ie— it-boilcd N O Molasses fib do N Y Midna*ea l.lQUOKS-lm hhl* It—t fled WhUkiy 20 do N E lliitil 21 d» lly.. ail*, tf’. do P.vtl Din So qr e.H-U- pm- nod Im'tlon Mal'a Win® 10 hide App - liniidy (very choice) ft do l»-n« b do 25 do cti Ire old MooongnlHda Whiskey tf(l qr casks Port M |„a 100 c.i»r* piM ami qt* Scheiihiui S-hnappa RKOAUS—Ion M Imlf Siutolah mid Aineilcmi S-gara TOBACCO •IftUboxe* vail-U* hritmU. quiililic* it ml sir.i-a in.itiuf.rtuied Tolmcco 21 c'iki a do do SUN OKIES I"i I'ox Stoii l Imlf Iiox-n Admuiuitiiii, Cmnlles 1-n do t’olgafe'. Funiilv. Pal-and 'ol Soap ftu do mnl Imlf box-* Stnu li •25 do Sp-rm 1 'mull-*, 4'a ami 0 * 0 riiM'i 4'a ami O’* Patent Sj-crin Camllca <>0 do lie,'* No* I. 2 mid 4 Lemon eyrup 10*1 keg* FU (lupout’s Quupowder 6U Imlf nml qr keg* do ft'Hl iMg* nsro led Ki/.-a Drop mid mi l lluck Shot 10,i HI poumla liar bead 60 hittoket* lleid—lrk «‘linuipagn-. pint* and qt* l(!0 h dr llaeon Sid-a mid Shoulders lift cn*k* Duhimoro Umiia I ft di* Lewi*'* do, (very cludce) lOO boxes and half do extra and common Candy 2» bbls No l f lit Lord GO keg* do do 60 bbls wMlo Wine and Cider Vinegar 76 do No* *2 mid It Mackerel Jo Imlf hid* Nos 1 and tf do 251 bu!e» (i mill v Cloth SOU coil* Kentucky Hopo 10 hale* Twlno 2ft bid* Me** Pork 20 lia’.r hid* Fulton Market Reel 25 casks pints Hlbtwrt'w Porter lo do .Ifltrej’s Pale Ala i 25 do Muir A Snna’ Pale Ale 60 rn*e» Allsop * Sntia’ English Ala 25 c.m,« extra choice Hyson nml Oolong Teas, put up expressly lor family mw 100 quarter and eighth cheats Hyson nnd Young Hyson Tea 6C0 half nnd quarter boxes Sardines 26 boxes pepper Hauco 60 case* ball gallon, qunrls aud pints Underwood'# Pickles, ■*«:. «ic. <wc. uug 20 DRY GOODS, A.t 'Wholesale. FOOTE & JAUDON. A RE NOW prepared to odor to the Tiade an onlircly new Stock of FALL AND WINTER Foreign aud Domestic Dry Goods, Solecied personally, with tlia rolo view lo the wauU of MerchtoUts, and bought under auch advantage# aa to ciiublo them to uffdr inducemoiit* unaurpuated by any hniiro III Ibc Southern Country. Their alnck eiuhracos, in variety, every nrllrle In (he line wamod by Merchant*. They Invite llm nttenUun of Merchants to an inspection of their Slock, which the* are *atl»ft,-d will prove worthy of their tr> uble. _ TERMS, ACCOMMODATING. The following ccmurLu a few of tho leading articles In their Una: • Mankrts—Tarlona styes. Kerseys do do. Llnaeva do do. Sail (nets do do. Caaalmers do do. Flannel*, white and red. Shirting Strip**, assorted qualities. . lied Tick, various qualities. Apron Checks, vmiou* qualities. Blue l'lahlt and Stripe*. . Dro wn Shirting* am; Wheeling*, large aseortment. Drown and bleached Drill* ai d Jean*. Prints—Fancy, Mon ruing aud Furniture. Oanalmrga-Flax and Cotton. fling hams—American, tcotch and KngUib. . Lamms—gasoitedqualities, Ulna Drills—axroi ted quallllcf Shirtings— Bleached, assorted. - l’antaloun Stuff*-# large variety. Drwwtt KMlo-HvLalneo, Mefluoe*, |t», For Rent. The STOKE in Waldburg’abuilding* In Jufferaon street. JLilL Alan, two STORKS In IWyan and Jeffeteon atTeeta. near the inaiket. Apply to July 10 MINIS h JOHNSTON. To Rent: M OFFICV.—TIio whole or a part of tlw Of!lce now ocriiplud by me. Al*n, Ilmian on (laitou atreet—a tine location Kent $.1511 per annum. AI*o, a largo cnttiiiiodhni* Tenoineul, w||h a’l uiudurli improv •meiita, in u pleawnt location. Apply *o In'vtffl — ; A. WILRUK. II* Hay at. fO RENT: t A Brick ll»u«e, next dm r Trout th« corner of State wnd Price etreeU—p oa »*l u given ou (Vr«t Of November. Apply to II. F. Wlllink. -r aopl 0 If OF. • BAVT. Agent. iisrsuRA.isrcE. UNITY FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, OF LONDON| Capital Ten Million* of Dollar*. DELAWARE MUTUAL INSURANCE COM’Y, OF PHILADELPHIA; Auelta over Soven Hundred Thousand Dollar*. NORTH AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, HF TUB CITY’UF NRW-YORK; Capital Two Hundred and Fifty Thou«nud Dollar*, with a large aurplua. MAS8ASOIT INSURANCE COMPANY, OF 8PB1N0K1ELH, MAbS.*, Capital One Hundred and >’ifty Thoutaud Dollars, with a surplus. Flro Risks taken In belmlf of tho above named InMl tutlon*, by JAB. MoHHimY, AGr’T, may ly 11*« Hay air—i. i* TO RENT: J Th» Tenemont In Goa ml Row, occupied by Jo*, flannhl, K*q.—po**e**h»u given 1st November next. Another T-n-ment lu the name How, oc- cuplnlhy tho llov. Wm. E|iping-i>o*irss on gp'en lin- med.atily. AI*o. tho -astorn Tenemont of Hmun nn Lot'o. 3c, Wn*hitMP«n W« d. Itruiuhton occupied l>y K It. Itntsion. Eiq. App y t*» lleuiv .I.Th. m«**i>n,«ri«» 2<1 f-*f AI KX A «MFT4. TO REM T. Th- Ofllcn and Store in llrjnn alri el, now orcil 1 L'jB copied by Harper it Cunghcy. App') - on tbu preim UlALlm* lino arptl TO RENT. t TIm Ftnrea, <>u Ray air—t, now occupied by Mox*r«. llolcoinbi, \ Oo.—puaaeaaluii given Ink Nutuiiibor. Apply lo *-pt 3 tf XV. WOODHRIDIK. TO RENT Attik Tha Store on Darn ml atreet, corner Congre*» Mllil *k present nct upied hy W. 0. Di.ksun aa u BillLgri'c-ry aliwo—pinun*‘i«n given 1 at November next. Apply lo ALEX. A. 8.META. »ug 13 lawtf HOUSE TO RENT. A two Ktnry nveal-n dwelling llnn*n. with seven hed r<e>ius, pi-asataly situated, tu Llbeity si reel— m6Hiiiis*,*.iiiu given iuiui-dlat-lv. Apply lo mig 33 tf WM KING A RON’S. TO RENT: "Kg* The Shed. <>n No. *2. n-.ley ward-snltahle '•IB f" *toio house or carpenter shop—r-nt low Ap- InSLpIv to EDWIN RATCLIFF, uug 13 t f ▼O RENT. S Very low”, IM Is^Noveniher/Iiml^cSlrtMlffll loiig-r If desire I, a go^d llrick House, l•l-a*nnt,l»iry aml cml. Apply to A. WILRUK. ■iv 3 Jll llwv «t FOR RENT: t TirnlMIlcca lu .loii-s's Iluiloiug. nun occupied by Kinnl<lln.t llrmitloy. the other hy Carl Bpping.— l'nsiH'SuloH glvun flr.t of Sc premli-r n-X». Apply lo augl R'tlflHAM. RAL'tWIN A < 0. TO RESIT i Tho de*lrnbl« Countlug-Hoiiin above mir own, Bji; now occupied hy MeeNts- Oariuouy fc Uhniuplon, tA'lL (a\m Ut Nuvembfct nvxt. June 1ft tf MINIS A JOHNSTON. „ TO RENT. , Iho Otll— and Sample Humn, vueond story ; No. 15. Apply to J. W. UAUT A UO. ILitc, jFfvr miU ytlardie INSIJIIA.^rCE, IN Till; V <tKWl.NO HARTFOXII) COMPANIK8 CONNECTICUT INSURANCE COMPANY. CHARTER OAK FIRE AND MARINE INS. CO. CITY FIRE N SURANCE COMPANY. MERCHANTS* INSURANCE COMPANY. CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Combined CiirIi Assets, $1,050,000. $10,000 llxi.D "X O.nk Risk. A, WILBUR. Agent, mu tfl III May street, Savannah, Gn. SELLN8 OFF AT COST, WITHOUT It MSB RYE I CLOSING SALE FOR THE SEASON. PfPI Would respectfully direct Ihn attention of the Ladle* of Savmiuah nml Iho public g-uurally, to their preseut stock <>f FANCY AND STAPLE Which ate ENTIRELY NEW. aud now Marked Down lo New York Cost, In order tn ninkn room for an extensive Fall Stork. ” CLOSE BUYERS In quostof Cheap Hoods, will find II lo their ndvmitngn lo EXAMINE UUIt STOCK AM) PRICKS bi fovo purchasing ehewhero. ONE PRICE ONLY. l’EPPKIUt MOLLOY, July 22 llroiiglilou itreel, cor. Whitnkor. IIV DOW 8 HA I)B8 AND TllIM- MIMJS— For nrdo at cost, hy July 2tf PKPl'KR A MOLLOY. Fine Segars! J U?T Received from Havana, direct, tho following hnimisor Fine HEHAR8, In which I would direct the attention of purchasers generally : UABARQAS, RIO IlONDOS, (CABANAS. C1UOLLAB. nog *21 M. MOLIN A. cor lhill nnd Qanirms *t*. Laighton & Underwood, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. lftl Pearl Street, rcr e -w ■ x e xi sc. < P.LA OUrON. OEO. W. I'NKERWOOD. Ri'fonncea.—Messrs Brlglcm fc Parsons, NY; ftlc**ra Cirhnrt, Brother & Co. N Y; 0 U tdarharl, E^q, N Y; J Unity William*. Esq. N Y flam ang30 CORN. F' OR Bale by dg 23 WM. KINO At SONS. B ACON AND LARD.—6u liluls prime Racon Bides; 20 do do doBlmuhlers; 20 lea rlmlou Sugar Cured Hams; 60 bbls prime Leaf Lard; 60 keg* do do do; lauding aud for sale by aept 16 BCHAN'TOV A JOHNSTON- B ACON—ID hhd*Prime Shoulder*; iu blids Prime Sides; lauding from Mourner and for fc,tn l,y • Sept 16 HUNTER , HAMMELL. B AC,UN—16 lihda prime Western Side* ; 6 hints Shoulder*, in senled casks, lauding per steamship ; Ih|o ol Georgia, nnd f/r aalu hy septlS SCRANTON ic NORRIS FIRE. MARINE & LIFE IN STJRAJSTC E. Ilomo lnnurnnco Compmi), ol Non York. (JantinentRl do. do. do. do. lUnhnnmPIro ifcMnriiie Inatmincu Co, of Ain. lnnurnnco Cnmpnny oftlio Volley ofVIrcinln. Hpringfiold Fire iY. Marine Inn. Co, of Mnaa. llumholdtFIre Inaurnnrc Co, of Now York. North Ainoricnn Fire Inaitrnnco Co, of Conn. Norwich Flro Inaurnnrc Cnmpuny, of Conn. Conaolldntcd Flro lnnurnnco Co, ofl'liiln. llownrd Flro As ill ur I iio Ins. Co, ofi'lilln. Girard do do do do do People’s Flro Inn. Compnuy, ol'Now York. Life Companies: Houthern.Hiunnl l.ifu Ina. Co, or 8. Carolina. .>1 ut uuI llenollt Life Ins. Co, of Now Jcmey. It Inks undertaken in thealmve Conipiinies. hy W. KINO k SONS, Agent*. Savannah, May 1. 185S may G Home InsurancTCompany, of N. Y. Cnsh Cnjiltnl and Siirpl us over 8800,0001 CH V* J. MARTIN, President. A. F. WlLLMAttTlI, Vico I’rusWout. J. M. SMITH, Hecretnry. W. KINO A SONS, Agents. may 0 NOTICE. ^ ^ In conaeqiienco of the qunrnntltin of all v«|. vela from LharloMnn.H.C., tho atraiuorOOU- IH)N will tint remme hor lilpi, as advertiro.1. Duo no- tlco will bn given when aim resumes. nugUft tr J. P. BROOKS, Ag’t. "NOTICE Mr. K. L. II AUK I4TF I* mydnly atllhorlxod 'attorney, during my al aince from Hie Stato 11 II. LINV1LI.K, Buvanaali, Ang. 7lli, 1858. if angO cLlltor. Uii «(.-• 1'J .nil. .dinlnlltrMtor. Tarmswuh. ang 31 1 UY JOHN M* JIONTMOLLIN. "KrW *. Two llltaly and IntelllkeAt BUek Qlrla, (orphan#,) anil* * b A f N r egr”!uan! , 4 J ) , y”*r# old, hi* wlfj), 3ft, and their 3 •"“.sivsssssLie ForSalu. Khama of $10 each, in Iho Union ConaoUdatad Mining Company of TennnsMW, ralabllahed itndorn apeclal law of l'enu»-*oo, williniit iwraoiial liability. Till# Company owns an ar*« or .1.216 acre* of Mining faind in Hiick Town. TenneO*ee,rom|>ofMi of iho follow- Itia Minest l*ibelli,T*nne*ee.Oal)awny,Mails,McCoy, lliiann Villa, Jnhnaoii, Beaver, East Taiineaseo, Chero kee. Mary's and Ooooe. Sample* >f Ore, and full daaerljvtiona of said Mine*. In pamphlet form, can he seen and of Bull ai reel I85S. The Ineiirtd /VirtW/wW in the Profit*. Conlinenlal Insurance Company, ofN.Y Cash Capital nnd Surplus over $7bC,0JU! niWWK T HOPE. President. H. II. LAMPORT, Becrotury. Prollts of inis Company nre divided annual class',Ti«k». ntTm-ding saftty tn the a••ure)l by i Is large means, and aiviiir hr ila division ->f pr-llts. First.annual division of proflis to Policy Holders, de- clnrwl Oil) July. 1857,83L{ per cent Tho next regular derlod for dividing to Policy-Holders, will occur in July. 1868. W. KINO A SONS, Agent#. Savannah, May 1,1858. mayfl THE QUAKER PITY INSURANCE COM’Yi ^ 4'iS Yi A I,ft U r NTH KF.T i*kciiiADbxiT*h:ia. Stnlement ol tho RiiNim sn and UoudlHon of the Qua ker Cl»y Ineurnncn Campnny, of Philadelphia, for eix months ending June.10,1858: I’apltal nml e'lirplus, January 1, lfiSS $277,070 87 Iuiercst received and accrued from January 1st lo July let 0.0W1 85 Premium* received for mnte time 11:1,074 17 Salvage an I Rr-Iusuraucu In sauio time 4 r*«7 24 LOANS. EXPENSES. &c. T« !/,*»** paid $tU,|f>l fit Dividends, He-Insuranees. Ilelurn Pi tuiiunis and Expense-, .11.894 44 $10-2,0 ;7 63 $9S,34U OS Rx'nnca rcninliung with Ilia Co July 1st, ...$301,281 35 ASSETS. Rond*, Mortgages, Flock*, Coiipcn Rond*, loan* ou I'olUleral aud Ca>l leMiis, Ac.,...$l8.1.7*,.1 50 Rill* lleceivalde., 00.011 78 Cush 011 hand and iu Bank, and due trom Agents 2’.910 CC, $3>4.‘2SI 3ft $tflk).W)0 Oil H. II. COQdFHALL, Secretary. .omoEUs: OEOUQE 11. HART, Pre-dent E 1*. HOFF, Vice-President. II* K. COQG3HALL. Secrelaiy and Treasurer. 8. H. liUl'LEU, Ass'tSec’y. WBtCTOBv: Foster B Verkins, I'harles U Ituluy, Andrew R Chambers , J I. Pf.ini-riiy, H R Cogg-hnll, Samuel Jones, M D, _ KW Hi Hey It. D. PIIll.I.IPS, Agent, ui HI lino 81 Buy itreet. Favanmih. Capital Stock AtU’st: George II Hat LI E P Ross, A OUatlell. Hon H M Ftill-r, Joseph Edwards, John 0 Dale, LIFE mSimABTCE. THE CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE CO., HAB.Tl’ORD, CONN. ’ With Assetts OVER HALF A MILLION DOLLARS l And being a Htock Company, with a Cash Capital of TtVO HUNDRED THOUSAND HOLLARS, lustre*on ihn Mutual Plan nt usual rates of oilier Companies, w ith a Noie for one half of t lie premium, and one half Cash, sharing Iho Dividend earned every year, of from 2ft tn 30 par cent. On tho Stock Plan at LOWER RATES than ANY OTHER CO in the Miutherii State*, and giving a lull Southern and Sea Permit.load Insured therein Till* Complin v have paid In Louse* to Widow* nnd Or- phnna during tho hut five years, over a quarter of a mil- tt«X nsl.L.VRS since the Aguicy was vatnllshed iu this city, and they nro still prepared lo Insure the Lives of nil healthy Person.-, utid tu pay nil Losios that u.ay occur. Osi- Do not put off until it Is too Into! This Oo. Ineii'e for irom $l,ono to S10.000, on a s'nglo Life, and tho Premium can bo paid yearly, half yearly, or quarterly, a* lli« person Induing wish. Lire iN-L'BANrr. is always right; ami this Compnuy always Bond. Nona better I DoNot Dela' 7- ! AARO.Y IVILUIIK, Agent For Charter Oak l.lfo lusurnucoCo, 111 Hay street, noxtdoor to Moriilnlng News Office. Jytf" FIRE INSURANCE. CHARTER-OAK INSURANCEC0„ OF HARTFORD, CONN. Ca*h Capital $300,000 Cash Capital aud Bnrphu 8350,COj All accurith'siuvcated' Losses promptly adjusted and paid. J. H 8PUACIUB 8ec’y. RALPH Oillltt. Prcs’L A. WILBUR. Agent, III Bay atreet. June 9 Next to Morning New* Office. jFfet Kunui'cintt. City Fire Insurance Company, OF HAOTFORD, CONN. Cash Capital 9350,000 Till*sound uod well managed Company, have recently Increased their CASH CAPITAL $100,000, making them now In ] ol it of Capital and Ability one of tho best Conipanl a lor Flro Insurance. The Custom of this Company ha* been, nt all time*, to pat Its losses promptly, and adjust t'-ein llherallv. 0. B. BOWERS, President. c 0. Wait*, Secretary. A. WILBUR. Agent JulylO Uny-fit., next to Newt Office, Savannah. B utter and chkk*k-iu k-gs choice (Joslien Hotter. 25 hose# Ceeso. Landing from tteamoliip Alabama, nnd (or sale by 16 SCRANTON Sc NORRIS. .aept 16 S'tTwNY IBAGGING—76 baloa heavy Gunny jt Bagging, lu sloro nnd fur vale hy aeptlft SCRANTON t N0RRI8. <RACKERS—60 packages Butter, Sugar, Hoda, > Boston and Fox Crackers; landing and fur sale by (opt 14 CLAOHQKN A CUNNINQIIAH. JILOT BREAD-16 Barrels Wilaou'a Pilot . Bread; landing and for a»le by *cHH CLAOHORN A OPNNINflTIAM. 4* ONION SETS* XD a general assortment of freab Garden Seed# { Just received by A. A.8OL0MON8 A 00. M AOSIRIL'tlD SAI-toON.- 25 kitu new No 1 Mackerel. 'JS .In ill) • Salmon. THE SOUTHERN MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., Continues to takb jtxhb mans In thocountltsof Scriven, Kffingliein, l hatham, Bryan Llbertv, McIntosh, and Olvnn And. also, INLAND NAVIGATION RISKS. CHAVS 8. HARDEE. Agont 99" Office at N. A. llardoo A Co.’* Cuuatlng Room, No. 110 Hay street. ly mar8 MARINE, INLAND AND FIRE ~ INSURANCE. QUAKER CITY (Vink Marine/INSURANCE CO., Of Philadelphia. ’ NEPTUNE (Fire nnd Marine) INSURANCE CO., Of Philadelphia. FULTON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New York. ■ Of Naw York. SAVANNAH, July 234. 1858. ito ^ The auhsarllwr l*cnn*taiitly purchndng No* grofc*, Milter singly or in families. If owner# prefer their negro** sold on commleil m, I will take them and become reiponalblo against their rasape, a* I consider inyj'tll and yard Iho anfuit. largest and must comfortaliluin tho City, If pot In the State. Liberal advances will bo nmdo. If roqulrod, on all Ne gro property placed In my hand* fur *alo. OF3TXOB1 on Bryan street, uppoitu ftiunumant square, first door east of Merchants' A Planters' Rank. Jytft—tf ___ tv. vvRiniiT. "NOTICE. Tho splendid steamer CITY OF NORFOLK , Cnpt. M.ll.Green, ha* been put in fine order, anti will run regularly from llnltlmuro tu Savannnh. leav ing 8avannnh Saturday, 20th Inst., and every other Saturday thereafter. jmiH is nnniiA'’. Baldwin a an. For Sale. An ollglhln Building Lot, In Oglothonie Tuan, fee simple, UO hy 1U5 feet. Alan, Lit In fee simple, nn Mill street, fill feet Miuare, with Impruvemnnt* theiuun.cundHtiiig of a new Dwell ing House, 22 by *21 fuel Which will bo suld a> a great bargain. June II Fur Sale. Several tracts uf Land, lu fbo vicinity of tha Main Trunk Bull Road. Juno 10 Fur ha.e. A black Woman, .13 years old, a good cook; a Hoy, 12 yea 1 void; a yellow Man. 20. good sawyer, jiluw hand nnd ri rrlagu driver: a black Man, 40, a good cookt a VVonmit.field hand, 22; a Man. 35. nml III* Wife.33,tho former a good plow Sand, tliu latwr a No. I washer and lr»ncr, hitli vorv truly: a blaek Girl. 12 year* old; a negro Man. 3d, Ilia Wife. 28, and their Soil. 8 jear* old; a Woman. 1'1, nnd Imr four children, Buy, 10. Girl. 7, Girl,4, nml Infant all varv likely. IniielO For Mile ifiapn cynlr# of barium rold a#if who!#, or In tbrvosspmia way II SAVANNAHU ON TOR -* HAVANA TLAWr JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY.' BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE Or GEORGIA, Much admired Odd and F.*en Number Scheme I No* than One t’rlxa to every Two Tickets t This Lottery drnwi the to and 15th of every non lb, III public at tlia Armory Hall, 8avaoiwh. U*, nndvr th# •up- rmtendeuce of Wiu. R. Symons and J. M. Premia*. Kvqrs. It has fewer number- than any other Lottery,and tha chanco* to draw Prices are better. 80m* of w»r draw- lugs have only 10,00*1 numbers, and noli# exceeding 30^ eclieintf, uddreas , W. 0. DAWSON A CO, Manager*, „ Macon, or Savannah,fla.' 8tre!ct° " S * r * nn * , '» 111 tbe °° rncr Ottj Laieand Bull Soveml Brick Building* (residences) beautifully situa ted; also. 19) Building l/its, within tiie cor|>urulelimit* ••f ihls idly, imin v uf them In the rentral part Juno 10 NOTICE. Insurance effected nt Yx per cent, premium, n Merchandise aud I'roduco by tl e New York nnd aviiunuh Propeller*, on npplicaiinn to mar8 BRIGHAM, BALDWIN A UO. NOTICE. During my nbwn *c from IhoSlato. Dr. F. II. ORMKIsuiy antlioiised agent for tho sulllo- roont of tho e»tat« of Sheldon II. Dnnnirg. Juno 17 tr HENRY D WEED. Adm'r DR. jr. L. LARGE, a, — Offers his Professional Services to tho cill- •-OSSr^vensor Sivaiinali aud vicini y. Sped,I at- tentlun given to all Surgical aud UIIIIOXIC Case*. Accoiumodations ulry and convenient fur patient* from abroad. AU* Olllco corner SjiiHi Broad nnd Abercorn atreels. July 1 tr DENT A L NOTICE: to -- The iiMd^rsigned, having engaged tho eer- vices or Dr. A. WILCOX, tu do his Artificial Work, H now prepared to Insert Teeth, from one loan entire set. in any manner del red. Plain Plate Teeth with ar IHcl*l gums; lllock Tenth: Dr. Alleu’sUontinu- Oils Gum Work: Dr. Rlaiidy's Chi-jp!ii*tlic Work, and Vulcanised Rubber Work. Dr. Wil-jox is acknowledged by tho Profession. Imlh imrih and smith, tn have no superior in tho innnnfacluru of Artificial Teeih. Every ilcco inserted guaranteed to give perfu t satisrnctloti. Being inyaelf n graduate of the UAltlinore College of Denial Surg'-ry, am enabled to neifurni nil oporallons upon the natural Teeth, In the best manner. Kllmr administered; also. Isical Ames, tlieula, nr benumbing tb« tooth and gum by the applies lion of Ico. ^odrral'e. Officoover W-1). Zoglmuni A Co.’s - — Wj^:: toi.e. t. gear Die Market. Fuvnti Music^Storo, StTJinlilWEBlijto^aGX^ON, D.D.8. Iy Maryland STATE LOTTERIES. R FUAKCE «. CO , ll.u.,.r. U, M.r,. mu Bchomes BU "'I** 1 ®®* the followingSpltL- FOR AUGUST, 1WBS. They caution uiircbusera of TlckoU to beware of «r- d Ming Tickets in Lottarie* where extraurdliinry Jar; 0 •viiplUld are offered for a small coat of Tickots—all such im swindles. The Maryland totterlrs have been in exUterce for Forty Year*. They are drawn by a 8lnte officer, and *•)on. If you dtawa Prlxs, you will get y„ur money. The whole country Is fljodod with Bogus Lot- tery cone, rns. Bownro ol them. 4fn* Order In Hie Maryland grata Tsrttrrleg. MAOXIMCXNT 9CHXMX: MARYLAND BTATjst juOTTERY, CLASH N, * Tu be drawn lu Daltliuorv. Saturday, Aug. 21. U6F. » W |- .'‘"J 101 * iu Package or 2d Tickets, * fel^tfOOO l Grand Prlxe of ...$40,tKk) I Prize ol lO.OCD mill, Ou. JnnlW notice: A LL Pei sons Indr brod to tn® rstalcnf T/'wls Turner, will male payment tn tlm undersigned, and thus,, having demand* ngalu-t tho mid estito, will present lliciii. duly attosted, within Iho llmo prescribed by law, to cither uf tho undo sloned. LEWIS T. TURNER, * ang‘‘ft Gw J. B. TURNER. rmIIIK Great want hitherto felt f -r a f EWING MA IL t HI IN 11 exprerely adapted lo all kinds of household heed la m>w mpplied by Wit eler & WilmnV Machine. Its euccers is unprecedented, and establldied beyond dispute. Tim do'ect* found In nearly all otlirrMarldnca. are en tirely avoided, and the ol Jectinu urged ugalnst Machine Sewing, (often with teasuti.)nro answeri-d by lies, Ma- chines tlirmsolven, iu a uiuuner to cjiivIuco aktp iclsni itself. Till* Machine I-capable ef doing nil work on the IInest material in lavdhs' use. There I* 110 lipping or ravel'ing of wink, nml the oliiclilng on Fllk. S vtln. Linen, CoILn ami Broad Ulnlli, Is perfect and lu aiiliilll. It* rapid Mild almost noiseless movement—It* certain ty. durability and prucMon of performance are onop- I pruacbfd. 1 F.imilie* who wi-li a ftrainslreisof their own, at their 1 own control, one li nt will Item, quilt, stitch, ami obey j o:tiers at once, can realize this benefit In the Family • Sewing Machine. They are in ipeiatioii and for sale, aud tho public m e invited In exnniiiu) them ntthe store of S. Wll.MOT,Pdvannnti, ang 17 if Agent fur the Manufacturers do of. I do of. I do of. f do of. I do of. I do or. I do of 1 do or. 1 do . r. I do of.. 1 do of.. . 10, m 5,057 6.000 5,000 (•,oco 2.000 2,000 2,1'tfO 2 000 2.000 2.000 I Prlxo t 1 do 1 do ol 2,000 1 do oL.. 2,000 20 Prizes or. ..1,200 80 do of OOO tfO do of..„..... 600 11.1 do of....,;.., 4<X> M do or. 100 06 do of 60 M do oL 30 4,158 do or.......,, 20 25,740 do of... ’ll.71 SEWING MACHINES. rain ERE la no question but tliero invention* nro JL creating a periect revolution in tho world of Hew •10,310 Prize* amounting o. .seo'i'i 000 rickets $.0—Halves $5—Quarters $2 60-EjLhtha $1 25. VCcrtiflcatouf Package of-0 Whale* cost $ltS 00 P° «!o 20 Halves do 70 CO Do do 20 Qoaitersdu S,9 6U 1)0 do Vtl KRlnha do ......... 19 70 „„„ HAVANA PLAN. TUTS io THE til.l) AlUDE UF DUAWINO. 'ilzos in utio Wheel and llcketaIn another. Every Prize U drawn out. Prim Paid tn Full. with, utany deduction. MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY* EXTRA CLASH 0, I’u ha drawn in Baltimore, Md., Fatiinlsy, Aug. ‘.’8,1858; : 20,165 Prizes!—40,000Numbers! Wo would rail particular attention to the following •plcudid scheme, a package of 16 wliolo tickets coatlur , inly $80—and ovory other ticket being warranted to Iraw Sin. determined by the number drawing tho • Capital Prize, whether mid nr even. mu oca: Adminicles. Oouglierty Comity I,ami) For Sale." I will sell a bargain in my PLANTATION Wa in said county. It coi aists of 2,100 nrrro, fuvO ■*■■1,100 acres lu cultivation, Ol the bnlwnce.-*"M there wro 5>.0 acre* r.f guml Oak nml Ilickuiy Laud, and Pine llamimark, and 600 acres of gun I Piuu Timber Land Tluro are I wo settlement*, with Dwelling Hnitso and Negro Cabins ou each. Tho tract, iheref,ro, ouuld bu divide,!. This place Is in n flue at-ite of cultivation, and ts only six miles south of Aihftny, the toiiminii of ihn 8culli- Western Rail Road. It Is woll watered; lying ou tho Coolavuhec creek. I will given long credit to a pip-rhusor, upon hi* pay ing ouu fourth of tho purchase mniiny. Being anxious to cnnceutm-c my planting Interest in Alabama,! wl I give a harufcln in this placti. Fur terms applv (<> J. D. RAUNAKI), IliiutMiflle, Ala July 26— nr tn D A. VA8G.N. All any, «a. WEEP, CORNWELL A: CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, Iron, Steel, Hunt nnd Nalls, SAVAPTWAII, C3rH OXlGrlA, aept 6 t' notice:; fiviis I* *" notify my friends and cnati-niera. that I JL have closed my Store on Bryan street, next door to ,»lr. A. Tlmuin-’f Aurtion House, teuipurarily, fur the purpose ef vi-illng tho N'nrihorn and l.nstcru markets, 10 purchase fresh supplies. 1 will return about tbo flr-t of September next, at which tiiiiu I will bu linppy to titoct with niyohl customers and the trade generally, a* 1 Untie to be able to offer tltctn inducement* seldom of r orrd in IliH market. Fair Dealing, Quick and Shot t I'reflts. being my motto. , " , " u V DAVID Julv H COTTON GOODS MoHofnrturcd hy the Montour Co., ut Sjinrtu, (J*1. OSN A Hl'RGS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, ami YARNS. A good supply of llm nbnvo Goods always ou hand, nnd fur sale at factory prices, Iiy ang 18-.58 ly L. tV. WEI.LS No. 74 Day *1. W. B. GILES & CO., PROPRIETORS OF THE "Vale Koyal STEAM SAW AND PLANING MILLS, «iriev nn r ,_ ... .1. ... ’ lug. Ilond'a Bong of the Shirt never will ha lo-atd In a Imttsehold int.i which GROVER A RAKER'S SBWINO been Introduced. No family should be | without one. —— Reason - why Ihn Glover A IbtKeff nblM for family sowing: 1st. It i- more simple and easily kept in order. 2d. It make* u scant which will nut 1 Ip or ravel, though svu^y other stiicli is cut. 3,1. It sows from two ordinary spool-, nod thus nil ■ troiildeof winding llirewd is nvohlud, while the suite tna 1 chine ran lie adapted at pleasure, by a mere change uf i spool, ttinil vnr etles r>f work i 4*1*. 1 he sam,'machine runs silk, linen thread nnd ; common spiHil cotton with equal f.ici-ity. fwlt. The tram Is a* elastic a* the must elastic fthrift. -o that it is free trout all liability to break in washing, • lr ning nr otherwise. ; Mi. The -lilcli made liv this Mnchhie is a* beautiful- 1 as any other made by baud nr machine. I 1 heae Mm bines nrat for sale at skiff’s Jfcwoly Store. I .bite i>6 if V. W. SKIFF. Ascot lu Havunnnh 1 Prlzoof. $-16,0)0 1 do of. 10,000 1 do of. 6,000 1 do 4 Appr*x to (200 4 do tn...— 100 10 100 Prizes of.. 20,00(1 do of. «f of ...... 2,000 .. 1,000 1 4 do of. ... 1,000 | 8 do of. _ff. ... 500 / ... 600 1 8 do . f. .. 4c0 ( 8 do of. .. 20U , of. 200 ( 8 do 10,000 .‘200,000 Nails, &c. 2 /k /k/k KKGH Cut Nall-, superior quality. • ’U'X Ft/ 600 tons hail Road Iron, 64 lbs. to tlm ynn, Erie pattern. 600 tons Attiei lcan Fnmfflry 1’Ig Don, For sale by JACOB ROVVK, 8 Ilroadwny, Now York nii*r 17 .Imo August Belmont, ^7 (i-mh ™ s 'iTo^e ft. P I-.-iies Leiiers of Credit', part* of tho world. available to travelers to all July 3 .... iv are.. ...SOU, Whole Tickets $10—Halves $0—Quarter* 12 60. A Malingers'Certificate of 1« Wholes where'persons wish lo pay tho risk only, will ho rent for iKO D° do 16 Halve* “ 40 Do do 16 Quarters “ .,,.20 d'« 16 K|»liili« “ jq Tlie Mansger* i.,i«n loseii c.,.|k, led flout the nnmer> ua complaints mnd« to them, ef iinflUthfulnoes on the •art <>r those wlm have been ktlending to the fltling of rders, to reMime the correrpoudnuce buiiusss and in heir own name. AS* Order Tickets from the Managers only. A Idreaa all letters lo InL un 1m.. It gitAVQK A rn.Palttmnre. Md. Royal Havana Lottery T it r, Wl Ordinary Drawing ot the Royal Havana tottery, conducted hy the Spanish Government, •mler the supervision of the Captain General of Cuba, vlll take plum at Unviuia, nn ^ TUESDAY, SEPT. 28,1868. H AVE on linml. fur role, nt all times, a large stocK of SHIPPING T1SIHER. Svarottcd Flooring, dressed, 1st ai d tfd quality d<>., WodheTl'oaTding,die.sed, 1st Mini 21 do. do. Ceiling do, rough, 1st nml 21 dressed, let nnd 2d - ■ rough, Island tfd Fencing Hoard* nnd Post, River Boards, Plank nnd Scantling. Roofing Hoards. Shingles and Plastering Lath*. Scantling, of all sizes and quality. Orders for Lumber by retail, or the cargo, or far Ship ping Timber, will bo promptly cxucittod, at reasonable rates. lOO tons English PARLOR ('GAL, now on hand, aug .1 tf 1858. FALL GOODS. 1858. HENRY LATIIR0P& CO., W OULD Invite the atlcnt'nn of Purchasers lo their stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, imw opening. We have received nnd upoued a select Inter FAN’/'Y DRESS GOODS. In— Gnl’d French Unmbrics, Eng. and A met lean Prints. Mourning Ginghams and Prints, Fancy Uus-inirr.-, Plain aud Printed Satinet-, —Also— Illcached nnd Brown Csuton Flannels, While nnd It"d do, Ladles’ aud Mieses'Steel Extension Skirt*. Bept8 WHEAT AND CORN. J. W. GAUT& Co., WISH TO BELL 500 BUSHELS WHITE WHEAT, 500 BUSHELS PRIME CORN, Deliverable In C. It. R. Dopot, this day. sep:ft K. 1). PHILLIPS, General Insurance ,iIgctU, Anil Notary Public, 81 DAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Mfc, Fire & Narine Insurance, KFVECTKD IK TUB KNICKERBOCKER LIFE IN8UUANCK COMPANY, f New York. FULTON FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of New '• ork. riTATE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of New I/a- . >n. QUAKER CITY INSURANCE INSURANCE COM* . ANY, of Philadelphia. NKPTUNK INSURANCE COMPANY, of Plilladolphla Apecjal attention given to 0TINQ AND EXTENDING PRO TESTS. ■opt 8 tf INSURANCE. '.'onnecticut Fire Insurance COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, COHN, EUTA BAGA SEED. 1 7IP.ESH llula Ragn, Flat Dutch, Red Top, Large Glob,- " nml Not folk TURNIP SEED. - *, warranted to bo the gnrwlh of 1868, Just icceivitl nnd for sale by July 7 VV. W. LINCOLN.Monument squire. LliA & PERRINS’ ' CELKDHATKI) WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE; PRONOUNCED BY Cua not sac lira x r. sue ONLY flood Sauce! Ami applicable to Every Variety OF DISH. $324,000. rEO NUMKRO 805 0RUINAJ 6OUTEO NUMKHO 005 ORUINAEIO. Cnpltnl Price 8100,000. »i>u. .ou, « ilzos of. 42,000 “ 600 400 prize of. $100,00(1 “ 60.000 “ 30,000 " 15,000 " 10,000 4 iipprnxImatiutiH to the (jsssasrafts EXTRACT or a totter from a Medienl Gentleinaii, At Madras, To HI* Brother, at Worcester. Mat, IBM. “Tell Lk\ ft PrnniNs that lheir SAUCE I* highly rateemeiliu In dia, and is. lu my opin ion. (ho mo-t palata- fl table n* well nn tha # must wholosttmo Siucx * that in made.” EXTENSIVE FRAUDS. The only Medal awarded by the Jury of the New York Exhibilou of F reign 8aiicei, wh* iditalned by LEA A PERRINS for their WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCK.— The world-wide fame of whlrh hiring led to numerous Forgeries; purchase,* are requested to see that the imiue* of I.rA A I’liuniNS* are upon iho Wrapper, Label, Stepper nnd Bottle. Lzr It PritiiiN* will proceed against nny one infring ing, either by manufacturing or vending Spurioti* Sauce, and linro instiuctcd their c.rre*|Hindonl* In various parts id Iho world to advise them of nay Infringements Solo Whohmlo Agents for Iho United 8late», John Iluucan & Sons, 105 Uroailivay, N. Y. A stock always In store. Also, order* received far dl- ect shipment from Kugliiml. ly uug 12-’68 MOO to$50.ti00: fl 4 of$4001)$30,000; 4of $400 to$16,000; 99" Whole Tickets$20, Halves $10, Quarters $5, Prizes cashed at slglit at five per cent discount. Rilis on nil rolvent Rauks taken at par. A drawing will bo forwarded as soon as the remit be comes known. Od" All orders for Schemes or Tickets to be addressed to DON KODB1GUK7., (enro of City Post,Charleston. 8. " »f— ant 17 U'or* Sale BY J. BRYAN & SON: S EVERAL Choice Dwelling*. Two brick Dwellings on Jouet-sl., nnd others in eligible Inralion*. City of Savannah 7 perceut lloude; Central Railroad Stock, nml Rank stuck*. Several Houses in pleuRant locations to Kcut, front $260 In JfiWt per annum. augIH Ross & Co., H AVE Just received n fresh-ttpply of PICKLED SIIAI), MACKINAC TROUT, .SALMON, PIG PORK, BEEF, BEEF TONGUES) auwi: ISmoked Meats. S OAP, die.—100 |ioxeaCrotu«i Family Simp 60 do do Pale do 60 do do No. 1 do 60 do Colgate's No. 1 do 60 do Slaiili 60 do Adamnnllno Candies, C'n 20 do MU* hell's Hydraulic Pro '• Candles; 60 boxes German Pipes; Mustard, Prppoi at" All-pirn For sale by * tig ‘24 CONNER AT, W KII8TKR & PALM T IRUORb —60 hhl* Tnmochlchi Rec’d hiskey JLi 30 do M Phelps’* GiQ 20 do N K Rum 10 do Domratlc Brandy 25 do P A II Gin. For *alo by aug 24 CONNER AT. WEBSTER A PALMES. T-iLOUR T* FLOUR l 1-150 rocks Knoxville JT Family Flour; 150 do ik> Hnlototi do; loo half s,cks Macon Extra do, J. W. OAUT It CO. s.tpt 4 1'HHJ 3JX VJBB. mVIGOBATOtt PRKPAItSD lit DR. 8ANP0RD, COMPOUNDED ENTIRELY FROM GUMS I A ONE OF THE DEBT Purgatives and Liver Medl. cine* now before the public, that acts as a Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual thau any other niedlcins known. It Is not only a Chthartic, hut a Z«r* remedy, acting first on the Liver to eject Its morbid matter, then on the stomach nnd bowels to carry off that matter,tlm* accomplishing two purposes effectually, without any of (ho mtlnfni feelings experienced lo tn*> operations of most Cathartic*. R strengthen* the sys tem at the xaiuo llmo that It pttrgo* It; and when taken dally In moderate doses, will strengthen and buitd U up with utitisuul rapidity. Tho Liver la one of), of the human body; nnd tions well, the powers ot oped. The itnmach is al- ou tho healthy action ol performnneo of Its func is at fault, the bowels art system Buffuis iu con sc- L Liver—having censed tn Jf Pi 0 (5 H ? dckb are I icnl*d,l/ rlcorn-H at’gistuf-U t tnefoodi™ Jtho principal regulator* Hi when It iierfocmt Its lutto- n the system are ftilly devel Qmost ontiroly dependent Uverpool Salt ami Orrol Coal. I ikAik SACKS Liverpool Salt, and 60 tons Orrel Coal, per ship Florida; fir sale sept 1 T. It. A J. O. MILLS. eases of that organ, one ol it his study, In a practice to find some ruin’dy whero many derangements to To prove that this rem- piraon troubled with in any of Irs forms, has conviction Is cortaln. These Gums renmve all the system, supplying In r.f bllo, liivlgorntlrg the digest well, purifying and hoallli to tho whole cause of tho disease—ef- Blllous nttaokaare better, prevented, thuLlverlnvIffi One doseaR'i eat 1 "' ich and prevent Only one do.-e taken bo-' .Vlghtmnre* Duly ono dose taken at; {vntly, and cures Cos*I On- dose taken afterJ pepsin. ;i 4*9* Ono dose of two I Sick Ilendaclie. One buttle taken for fe- the cause of tho disease, Only one dose fmmedl- ., lillu one dose often re l Cholera Morbus, A era., I 99- Only one bottle l*| 4yatciii the e/h-ctH of medl-' 49*One bottle taken for mlhiwncM or unnaturali One doro taken a short •Igor to the appetite, and! One dose often repeetodL . rhoea in Its worst forms. A Bowel complaints yield y the Liver fur the proper Hons; when the stomach at fault, and the whole 3 uttue of one orgrn-the 0 Its duty. Forth# die- the proprietors has made olmorethan twenty years, with to counteract the which It is liable, edv Is at last found, any Liver Complaint* but to try a bottle,and morbid or bad fflatterfoom their plaoe a healthy flow stomach, causing food to t he blood, giving tone machinery, removing tho ■acting a radical cure, cured, and, what Is hy tho occasional use ol tor. flrient to relieve toostom- from rising and souring, fore retiring! prevent night, loosens the bowels tlveness. each meal will core Dps* teespooufulls relieves male obstruction# retro?** and mokes a perfect care ately relieve# Cholic, pea ted is a sure cure foi 1 preveutatlva of Choi- aeedod to throw ontof iho cine attar a long sickness Jaundice removes all color from Ike skin. S. l &CU w Chronic Dlar Summer and #hl»'i Umosttotheflratdoae. it tacks canaee oy Worm) «nrer. op speedier remedy m dropsy, by exciUig the oommendlng thle medfetna and Ague, Chill Fsver^utd _ Pype. It opentaa with j are willing loteetlOr to Ita B EEF AND PORK.—V6 half bids Fulton Market Beef; 25ilo do do do Pig Pork; landing »l for sale hy HOLCOMBE 4* CO. Sept 14 R aisins and almond* -oohoxesandM half Imixm Malaga ltaUIn* to obis Marseille* Al- tnot\ds*. 10 do llatdshell do uradlns and for sale by Sept 14 ■ HOLOOMPII * UJ- VTl'KIl, UnBKKB A*DPOTATO»*. *) MlKtnt tioihou lluttrr! H) Inu-KlMUd ~ I >1 |*U Morc»r, .nd a« do «Mu foto- . One or two doses cm , 11 children ; there Is not n tho world, aa It Merer! 99" A few bottle#cures! ibaurbents. We takn pleasure In •a a pievciilive lor Fet HI Fevers of a Bilious -mainly, and thousauds!|i| vonderlul virtues. ’ |||/ ; All who us* It are giving thoir, uuanlmous toetlmouj ' K Water In the month with the Invigorates „d swallow bottt uV^tNyrOOftATOk <a flcleiiUflcMedical Discovery, and tadall ires, almost too great to believe. It cm agio, even the flrit dose R vlug benefit, ore than otie bottle (f required to core iver Complaint, from tbe worst Jauntiest Nowlorf wbousau Aoxsra» msm