The Cherokee advance. (Canton, Ga.) 1880-19??, December 29, 1922, Image 1

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DEVOTED TO THE MATERIAL DEVELOPMENT OF CHEROKEE. THE BEST COUN TY IN NORTH GEORGIA. VOLUME XLVII CANTON, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29 1922 NUMBER 52 It. WDM MS MW (HOKUM m A. Et'.*'' j, . three sons, Gus and Frank of 'ci.dton and Mr. Roll Cog gins of Atlanta, two daughter, Mrs. R. T. Jones of Canton and Mrs. A W. Roberts of Ball Ground. — Mr. A. E Coggins a well known and beloved citizen of. Canton Jied ax hir home in this city Thursday • morning, December 28th. The sad 1 . nnouncement of his death has car ried an acute shock to hundreds of > • A, his devoted friends in Cherokee founty and throughout the State. f or the past forty-three yta"8 Mi'. Coggins hus spent his vigorous, mnn- hoed in our midst. The prime of his noble life devoted to Canton and ftoith Georgia's marts of trade, mor- 1 al uplift and educational advonce- ’ mer.t. In points of moral stamina ■*rd force of character his was an old chart, lie steered by the fixed stars, the cobles of all invisible fai'li grip ped him to the Rock of Ages. For four years he fought the fight of the Confederacy and fought it "obly amt bravely, returning to Can ton at the close of the war where he has fought the battles of life. His war the idea of service and not of self, his thoughts Was to give rather th-.n to get, he was too generous to be contentious and too broad to strop to a little thing. He was 81 of age and leaves a large fami ly. He was a devoted member of the Baptist church. The g°nial personality of this good man will be keenly missed by 'his Christian and Confederate comrades. He was loved not simply for his bright smile hnu generous sympathetic nature, Tiii. n And now he is gone. Peac? to his ashes. If the acorns his lips and bands have scattered could this day be brought together, he would sleep embowered in the lap of an imperial forest. As his vsilent form literally reasts beneath a pyramid of flowers in the city cemetery of Canton where he was laid to rest. The funer al services were held Friday in the Baptist church with Rev. W. H. moody officiating in the presence, of a large gathering of friends and re latives. He is survived by his widow, Mis. AVERY SCHOOL NEWS Santa Claus visited us Thursday P. M. bringing many present x There was a large crowd on hand to greet hun and enjoy the following pro gram. Song, Merry Christinas To You. • Story of the Christ Chiul—by Miso Darnell. Reading, Dressing Mary Ann— Anne Owens. Song. Upon The Housetop. Beading—M.isfc Vera Price. Reong, Hooly Night—Bill Manous Frnnk Smith. Dessie Land and Es- t< lie Doss. Reading, Visit from St. Nick — Drcsip Land. Rending, Christmas Everywhere Mildred Smith. M ; ss Nina Darnell, Vera Price and Beatrice Payne are spending the ’'olidays with their parents. Miss Mattie Payne spent Thursday right with her sister at Mrs. L. How ells home. NOTICE TO ADMINISTRATORS AND GUARDIANS Under act 1020, Page 79, Section 3992, all administrators nd guardi ans are required to file their Annual Returns with the ordinary on or be fore the regular term of the Court in January4n each year. JACOB MASSEY, Or i nary. \ . * GEORGIA CHEROKEE COUNTY* To The Superior, Court of 3a County: The petition of B. F. Cogg ns, b. Taylor, H. V A. Heard and B EIGHTH mailing of the stockholders of -tali'. Petitioners desire for said -'orpo o> - ' ovation under its by-laws, and I ration the right to elect officer ». the w ; ih all its stockholders present, a IGght of renewal when and as pro- >'< solution was passed by unanimous jvided by the laws of Georgia, and 'ote to seek authority to increase its Bobo ot Cherokee County, Georgit£jthat it have such other rights, p vvers *umtal stock to One Million Dollars T. F. HAWKINS DENTIST : r : Canton. Georgia Office Phone Residence Phone 12* 128 wfflDK REMEDY ■<( ) FOR THE RELIEF OF Coughs. Colds. Croup WHOOPING COUGH. HOARSENESS BRONCHITIS • -SOLO EVERYWHERE- To Our Friends And Patrons This it a incere message to you-—a wish that the Holidx/s of 'l f, 22 may he fer you and y> ^ chc happiest you have ever speni. with a N • • a car full to 0 ‘ owing wi*b r.b the 11.1 ny good V.ngs of life. And we would feel that something had been left undone were we to overlook this opportunit 7 of thanking you for the business you have so kindly turned our *ay during the past year. This business has bee n very,very much appreciated, and we trust that we may continue to serve you for a long time to come. Again wishing- you the Compliments of t,hv Season, and a Pros perous New Year, we remain. Sincerely yours, Tohnstons Drug Co. Canton, Ga. Phone 5 and W. H. Allen of Fulton x^oun Georgia, together with C. Cornell! Elbert County, Georgia respeetfull shews: FIRST That fchey desire for the*n r 'el« r.j thtir associates and successors, to incorporated and made a body poll under the name and style of H COGGINS REALTY AND TRL’^ COMPANY for a period of twonl yean, with the light to renew sa i barter at Jhe expiration of said SECOND The principal office of sai l Cp! panv shall be i n the Town of Ca.itdh Georgia and County aforesaid, tyi petitioners desire the right to cstaJS- 1 h branch offices within this State or elsewhere whenever the hr biers' of a majority of the stock may jin d< termine.- THIRD The object of said corporation G pecuniary gain to- itkelf and itf share ho'ders. __ FOURTH The business to be carried on >y j said corporation 's a general insur ance business, embracing fire \it«, rick and accident liability, to nado pTte glass, steam boiler, rod ail ether lines of insurance; to buy and sell real estate, to improve land, to sell real estate on. commission bails or under option, to rent M<)J rent renl estate, to bujr promissory notes or any nvileges and immunities ns nr? in- ent to like corporations or n?rm « sible up tier the laws of Georgia. WHEREFORE: Petitioners piny to he incorporated under the ram * and style aforesaid with the powers' piivilegrs and immnitids herein set foitb. and as are now or may hcic aver be allowed a corporation of l$! 000,000.00). FIFTH More tha n ten per cent of said Gne Million Dollars has been actu ally )>aid in to said corporation and ’> now employed and being used in tbr business of raid corporation. SIXTH fetitioner, by unanimous vote of similar character under the Inn of it- stockholders at the meeting al eve C< orgia. Petitioners pray further c.aired, hereby request a further tn,.( after this petition has been ad r-meudment of its charter granting vertised ns provided by law *!.•»; ‘h court grant this charter. Wood & Vandiviere, Attorney lor Petitioners, GEORGIA CHEROKEE COUNT Y. ttfUce of Clerk of Superior 0o\r Su’d County • I, Mack Sandow Clerk of the to it the privilege and permission to buy and hold stock in other corpora tions under such rules and regula tions as may be determined Uy the Dii actors hereof, and to issue 0 f and sell bonds erenUrg a i t nded indebtedness against ro* ration, petitioner her/ YOUNG SHERIFF MAKES 6REAIEST CAPTURE OE LIFE said I uperior Court of Cherokee Courty SU! ^ ?um and to such an amount as hereby certify that the foregoing is a «rue and correct copy of th.- ap plication for charter as the same ap- b' n'-:' of file in this office. " bis 27 day of December 1922 M \CK SANDOW, Clerk of Super ior Court. dence of indebtedness •tacks and .bonds and 'IWrfifil money on real estate, or to art as agents for others i n the borrowing or lending money on personal sscuri- ty or real estate ais security, either or both. FIFTH The capital stock of said coivoia- t : oii shall be Three Hundred Thous and Dollars ($300,000.00) w’th ti e privilege of increasing same to ihe rum of Five Hundred Thousand 1 )ol- lars ($500,000.00) by a mi' ii’il.y vote of the stockholders, sai 1 stock to be divided into shares of Oi e Hundred Dollars (100,00) each. Ten tier cent of the amount of capita 1 to 1 e employed hy them has been actu ally paid in. Petitioners desn the right to have the subscriptions to GEORGIA CHEROKEE COUNTY: To r i he Superior Court of County: The petition of the COGGINS MARBI.E COMPANY, a corporation irv.ily organized and existing under may be agreed upon by its ti'rV- boldtrs and to perform r.ueh other , duties and he given such oth -r pri- ilcger as is ordinarily granted to Hi b!ng corporations under the laws , of (his State. WHEREFORE: Petitioner prays that this its petition he filed i n the | i .Tice of the Superior Court of sold Said ecunty and after the same has been advertised as required by law, that the court by order grant this petiti- Alpharettu, (la., December 25.— M ; !to n county claims the second youngest sheriff In Georgia. Th : sec ond youngest sheriff claims to have made the greatest cupture of his ’if*.- lari Saturday night. sheriff Alford Smith, but recently past his majority, and Miss Maggie Wade, popular member of the farul- t-^of the Milton county High S bool were married at the grooms uncle. W. G. Jones, at Alpharetta. R v Mr. Middlebrooks, pastor of the Roswell Methodist church officiated, and the eei'cmony was witnessed hy a large J i: imher of relatives arid friends*, of ( the you g couple. After the wedding Sheriff and Mr- | Smith left for a honeymoon trip ti» various points, including Quitman, Ga., where they will visit Mrs. J. TY Wade mother of the bride. They will 1 rvi»'vn December 29, and wll be at home here. < vr and permit the stockholders to the stint of One Million Dollars and to further grunt to said corporation- t.1** ghtp, powers, and privileges uhnvn 'he 1-ws of the State of Georgia with ,P * reM * s! ‘ i<1 ca,,itnl stork 1 Hie> office and principal place (' bu.«.mess In bn id State and County re&pectful^ shows: F, » ST * of -Jedv UlIKb petitioner was duly incorporated un der the above name and style- hy the order of the Superior Court of sai.< GE0RGIA CHEROKEE COUNTY County, with an authorized capital Office of Clerk of the Superior | wood *K Vanitfvlefe, for Petitioner. BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS PLAN CONVENTION Georgia Baptist Sunday school wotkers are making their plans to go to Hot Springs on January t<3-18 for the annual convention of organ ized classes of the Southern Baptist, convention. The Canto n Sunday school orches tra is to be tty fiffidlah orchestra,of tty convefition. Tty/onraaliation oC ■wuxawmH iarart me*n nnd women in the Chnton Bep- li-t church and is regarded as on of the best orchestras in the south. :f to - it**, charter i n such matter of form and substance as a majority of its rtockholders may at any time dedre. SECOND Said petitioner organized under tlie terms of said charter so gr>r»ted b; said order of (he court, elected it* officers and passed by-laws and ssru capital stock paid in money or . , , . , .(Operated under said stock of Twenty Five Thousand Dol- Court of Said Countyf larf (25,000.00) with the privilege (, ]\fack Sandow, Clerk by a vote of a majority of the stack holders to increafL same to ‘ One tj., i„ i rp*. , t- ,, i;erchy certify that the forcgoh.g is Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,- 000.00) The original petition fo. a ; ru * t,0,Tt,<)t C0 PY " f 1h, ‘ said corporation gave them the right. < fo1 ' amendment to the cha: - to apply for and accept amendments | t«*r ns the same appears of file in this office. Thi 27 day of December 1922. MACK SANDOW, Clerk of Sc per il i Court. Don't fail to see, Over the V> rder the j witrt Bettie Compton and Tom Moore Superior Court of Cherokee County j Friday, Dec. 29, at Bonita Theatre. Matinee 8 P. M. and fi P. M. preperty to be taken at a fa': valu ation. SIXTH Petitioners desire the right to zui and'to be sued, to plead and t- 1 e impleaded, to have and use a com- v-o n -seal, to make all necessary by- ! vvs and regulations, and to <1 • all her things that may be nece-.-ssary f' the successful carrying on of ;id business, and to execute n t *s and bonds as evidence of lnd ,>l ' f ?>!- nesn incurred, or which mav h in curred, i n the conduct of the affairs charter from the nto aforesaid until the .late hnv i '.naffer set, out. THIRD | On the 18th day of May 1920 pe I titioner made application to this ; court for 411 amendment to tlx cl,;./ | lei. mentioned aforesaid, and on the Kith day of Juno 1920 an order vva (passed by this court allowing said 1 amendment, which was in substance as fellows. “It is ordered that t’ c capital stock of said corporation ■hall be increased from the sum of One Hundred Thousand Do'lar. of the corporation and to secure the | 00,000.00) to Two Hundred stme by mortgages security (bed. or Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) with <ther forms of lien under entire! tijtf r.^vilege of increasing the c-.pi- — v tal stock of said, corporation, by a SEVENTH They desire for said incorporate U:» power and r. Ph rity f.; apply for and accept amendments t;, its charter of either form or su.i-'t nee by a vote of the majority of if? stock outstanding at the time. They tlco ask or authority for said incor poration to wind up its affair. . li(Ui- datc and discontinue its business at any time it may determine to dr so by a vote of two thirds of its' ptc-ck cutstrnding at the time. majority vote of the stockhoulci to an amount not exceeding Five Hun dred Thousand Dollarlr ($500,00';.- 0"). FOURTH Petitioner hows that its business has increased and its profit.- there from are such that the stockh dders 'hereof desire to increase its capital slock and to that end o n the 2 r 'th day of December 1922, there was held in the office of said corpuration et Canton, Georgia a special call Our New Year Resolution We take this means of th.mkin g our friends and patrons for ih-: pleasant relations existing 1.etwee n .«.* during the past year. new year This is the time when we cnaKc resolutions ofr the which lies before us. The coming year is largely going to be just vhat you and 1 make of it. If eve v one will do their best to make the most of every opportunity pr e-ented, and all that is expected •f us and a 'little bit more, and at the same time trv o do a little omething to help the other fellow We will all be prosperous and happy. The above is embodied in our resolution for this year and at Ko same time we resolve to give our friends and customers the very best there is i n the banking servite On this basis wc banking business. Gi'u Coggins, President invite your a E Fields,' B F Coggins V-Pr *s N A Thomason, Cashier. Bank of Cherokee Canton, Ga