The sunny South. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1875-1907, May 11, 1907, Image 1

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•WlOn. VOLUME XLV~ NUMBER NINE. Atlanta, Ga.. Week Ending May 11, 1907. IsA The Sunny South, which merges into UNCLE REMUS’S MAGAZINE, really con tinues in this better form and will not be lost save as the sparkling stream is lost in the shining river. It goes on increased for greater deeds and larger influence, mingling its • j V % . > • - ■- . g * • g •* • • g -. 9 . ' g identity in the brilliant success that is to be. SUNNY SOUTH PUBLISHING CO., Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen: Please find enclosed $1.00 for UNCLE REMUS’S MAGAZINE a year, and forward me a Certificate showing I am a Charter Subs^ribjzr. y . w : Name >, i&'t.Z^;Lr: : State c T 5 , i i /• - $