Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1844-1858, September 14, 1858, Image 1

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£{*<$»' •' clcftraph lOSEPHCM;!! ■ prt TEU^^-HaerMlUr th I WO DOLLARS per snnuln. if paid * ni fpd ^ the oefbrd the expiral Sb.rt.|i««» rir- If •*«!» h « M.lPtr'r »r hi* Agent, Two Dollar* at v!n be required in every case. without ex. ;„v>>r .• wrgesnjid commissions. -9-Order*for the Tsueukaph to n**’ « II in; accompanied with Cash . .- Ttc Marriage Vow! ••For bo-icr f“ r WOTBB, for richer, for poore r, • s and health to love and to cherish, till ile» ( !* us do P art ’ a 'icording to God’s Holy [inliiirfiico I plight my troth.’’ . it not lightly—tis » holy thing, * \i enduring through lOTg distant years, , j ,v o’er thine abode is hovering— ' u hen thine eye is wet with bitterest tears. iv riii dhviui Angel’s pen on high, * r ,imu»t be questioned in Eternity. , )Vt m*v not provo all sunshine, there will come, j) r ; { hour* for all! O, will ye, when the night ...rro'v gathers thickly round your home, I ,u v i.s ve cid in time when cum and bright •.Vine,! the mre pstli ye trod untouched by care, v •'med the future like the present, fair I should fortune frown on your defenceless head, ‘ .should storm* o’ertake your bark on life’s dark »<•«, , »:. pi, r • tempests rend the snii so gaily spread When hope her syren strain sangjoyl’ully- Wi!l ve look up, through elonds your sty o'ercast, V ,1 'together, wo will bide the blast T” \ .... with its silvery locks, eomo stealing on And brings the tottering step, the furrowed cheek, pi’,, eve from whence each lustrous gleam hath gone. And the pnlo lips, with accents low and weak! W ill in th*-n think npon year life’s gay prime, v ,| ruiihag, hid Love Triumph over Time? s' I; it not lightly! V beware, beware, ■ i > no vein promise, no unmeaning word— . men and Angels list the faith ye swear, And by the High and Holy One 'tin heard : O. it.i n kneel humbly at His altar now, •J.,i pray for grace "to keep your marriage nnr Fashionable Intelligence for Sep tember. ■ paospwrrs ron thk rail. thadk. jCkw York, August 28.— The apathy recently inmiifi'.itvd in the dry goods department, anil in the importation of foreign fancy fabrics, has all at once . ,r.-d and given place to unusual activity. Tim receipts at the Custom House are said to have i„„u larger iluring the pastwe»k than for the same period iii many years, and a general hope is expressed i nit the niug suason will revive soniuthink of the oil riMiSdence, ftreat numbers of strangers are in town, mar- riianis and buyers from the South and West: and lbs r, in irk iblu coolness of tho weather, accepted „ an indication of nn early Fall, is bringing back asav of our oil izeus who would otherwise linger out v ptcmh'T in their summer retreats. A.- yet there is little appearance, excepting in the Urge wholesale establishments, of the busy notes of preparation which are everywhere joining forces so ,. to produce (be grand display known as the “Open i:,g iif llm Sunsou." The windows of the jobbing : s arc decorated-with pieces of pasteboard, to liiicb nr, attached squares of highly colored cash- i'■res, and dclsiues in broad stripes and wondrous ;.m j..^v t iTTB more court/ n'lutis A»r i’K)'trade ^nU securely boxed up, mid will only open to p , - one of tho fashionable damsels now trending the fitt light slop in the shady halls of Newport am SlTT.tCgil. The treasures of the millinery establishments als< a:,-!! • yet ready to be exposed to the vulgar gaze S ,vift lingers nr« dying rapidly over velvet and lac*:. ; img here a feather, there a dower; but the presid- , ig genius wilt expose nothing until “ Opening Hay, ami the uninitiated ate left to wild and fruit ]■■• conjecture. tllg XKlV STrt.KS IS HOSSET8. Wc, however, possess a magic key that opens eve ry iloor, and by virtue of this talisman we can ad mit our lady readersto a peep also behind the scenes. I; is now pretty weli decided that Foil and Winter b iam-ts will be larger ami more comiortable than they have been—coming farther npon the head and I retreating at the sides, thus returning somewhat lotto old collage shape. The curtains also are me Uu'iiically straight, without any curve to the centre, anti gat hi red at the top instead of being laid in plaits. An effort is still made to retain tho Marie - uc.t, with - its graceful drooping front, and curved retreating sides, but, though much admired by some, it 1, never been generally popular, requiring a mors cultivated taste than is possessed by the ailira's, in the composition of Fail and Winter lints, velvet is universally used, either as principal •-ns an accessory—sometimes in a combination of Ivo solid colors, or in highly colored plaids; those VM, however, arc gcitcrriny conBo.m »•> trimjmio? - straws and chips. A (dutiful style was composed of a net of drab till; citeuille over white satin, with a border and i.iehou (the point turuodjtowards the front) of scar- 1,t velvet dotted with black. It was ornamented with vary rich black lnco and scarlet ostriob feath ers. The face trimmings are very simple and be aming. In this case it consisted simply of a vei- tm b indean, edged with black iaoe, and finished with lace bow and ends which descended upon the niche el the sides. Another was of white satin, with p ain crown and bauds of dotted green velvet. From tho edge of the i .'omt baud a fall of rich black Chantilly lace eov- tr. I lie satin, the points just touching tho crown. Ih-i rnaments were dark green ostrich feathers, face trimming of green and crimson, and wide white mgs b rred niili green velvet. A very rich white uncut velvet was ornamented with crimson velvet, black lace and white ostrich feithi vs Instead of chip a white linen braid is now iH il. which is a perfect imitation of chip, and will clsci ns readily as straw, besides the advantage of o n becoming discolored by exposure to the air. To vs are very fashionable for Fall wear, and are crreint-ly beautiful, trimmed with velvet, black her,and feathers. A charming one was contrasted with Napoleon blue imperial velvet, black lace and •branch of long slemlur velvet leaves, from which -c -u(d most exquisite feather tassols. Another, designed especially for September, hail a mature at fine brown straw, and was ornamented witli a border and two bias bauds ol tartan plaid vcl v* t. The bunds were placet! over the top of the crown milt brought forward, forming points at the •iJ- ilian reverting back they extended over the r irtaiu, and 'terminated in rich tassels. The face tram:.ia- was a simple bandeau of plaid velvet, with l»«cJt Met- leaved and fancy pendant tassels—wide xhitf strings, edged with plaid velvet. A Ut of black velvet was very distingue, with (rout border of scarlet velvet, covered with rich clmrtilly Tlie ornaments were scarlet feath ers, uni n side ruche of mixed scarlet and black 'xnt. Very wide strings of white tuffettas bias, •ini bound on one aide with black velvet and on the other with scarlet. riljl-a fur children aro especially fanciful and pjc- Bonnets for little girls are of white satin, ■“ the Music SlttJt l form, which seam* especially a- «PIM to the round soft faeo. The drooping lront '■ (jU4tth>biy curved sides has the prettiest possi- ., . ' ’th ■*•■*■ ' • : v, and hi very rich qualities; few novelties are ex- Ttr'm 1 V’ materials, but the designs are I'h'rlT! 1 ' fan ‘‘ ilul “»<1 varied. Three tlonnc di orintt^ hno , st -tnlirely uisappeard, none of o-,. I eBt * , P* int0 recent importa- i 1 i : f* P 1 *®* these, two flounces, forming a u 0D j •‘■ktrt, or the double skirt proper, riclilv «t ornamented witli superb velvet designs. D0 ®riter how handsome, is no longer admitted into lull dress, and the bc-auti- 1 ? ed rr° beS< l f "” s *«sripaeS, tSSSi r \Xitf S ? J forl ‘ ft . v ami sixty dollars, can no*- be b( Ught for twenty-five and thirty. When the broad T.; .*t°. r r tr .T' ' arfc nOW useJ ' they extend round *?? ? 5„ J t0 the number of six or c-iglit, and if the on J 1 W d0U ' e ' must only be P lncc ' li on the upper . ismucli used for walking drcs3 this ’} e f, kir i s aI ''’ a y i ' ma<le double, the upper one two-tlurdr, the length of the lower, and trimmed with double bias rucltes of tlie silk, or a broad quilling a r.i./c. Hroad tsffettas, or velvet ribbon, also mav boused, of the same shade ns the silk, and some even admit fancy colors; bnt they are very inele- excentin^’ on thin materials, and only In pe culiar com binations. J 1 1 he Paris correspondent of a city paper says, that in consequencei ot plainribbons beingsomucli worn, thoy/mvjv/ribbon manufacturers of Evens and St. Mtenne have addressed a petition to the Empress, praying her to encourage their branch of the trade, which she promised to do as far as lay in her power, by using them profusely herself, and “she has been as good as her word.” Wc may, therefore, expect an effort to revive the old broended style for sashes, belts, bows, and ornaments of every description, greatly enhancing the cost of a toilette. For a full plain dress, very handsome silks, brocaded in solid colors* ana very fine designs, thickly sprinkled on the jjronnd, are very much in vogue, and aro not on ly a t%rays ladylike but very durable. Cashmers and delaines are imported in very strik- ing designs and colors. A novelty for robe dechan- Ore is of scarlet cashmere, the skirt covered with a magnificent shawl pattern, at least two-thirds its depth, leaving the plain scarlet surface where the flounces usually terminate. A narrow border of the same pattern accompanies it for the purpose of trim ining the waist jacket and sleeves. The jacket is of the “117” cut, and rounds off from the front of the body, which is bordered up to tho throat. Tlie sleeves are plain and flowing, and trimmed to match. Cashmere dresses como in all sorts of whimsical designs. One hasan underskirt of almond brown, spotted with green. The upper skirt is of forest green, with bias plaid bands placed lengthwise at also to find some means of making the amende honorable to our government for the narticipa- tion of President Mora in the declaration ap pended to the Belly contract, and for several outrages committed on American citizens by tlie Englishman Canty, commanding the Costa Iitcau forces on the San Juan river. The turn of these demands will come in due coarse. M ilh Mcsico diplomatic relations are virtu ally closed. Our Minister in that capital has been ordered to close the delegation and re- turn home, and Senor Robles, the Mexican Minister here, has been gone several weeks on a temporary visit to his government. A vessel of war has been ordered to visit the Pacific ports of Mexico, and others will be kept at band to present themselves before the Gulf ports, if the protection of our citizens should require it. It is not probable that re lations will be again opened with the govern ment of the priest party there, and redress for the outrages upon our citizens in Mexico can- pressed upon the Juarez government until it is in power. In the present position of affairs with Vcn- zucla, the government declines to receive a new Minister from that republic. Air. Eames In Bed with a Serpent. I might have slept some four or five hours, and a dreamless aud satisfying sleep it was, but certain it is—sciolists say what they will, and sceptics throw doubts by handsful ca tbc assertions of metaphysicians—that, before I awoke, and in my dreamless slumber, I had a visible perception of peril—a consciousness of the hovering presence of death! How to des cribe my feelings I know not; but as We have all read aud heard that, if the eyes of a watch er are steadily fixed. on the countenance of a sleeper for a certain length of time, the slumber will be sure to start up, awakened by the mysterious magnetism of a recoudite prin ciple of clairvoyance—so it was that, with shut eyes and drowsed up senses, an inward ability was conferred upon me to detect the living presence of danger near me—to see through sleep the formless shape of a mysterious hor ror crouching beside me; and, as if the peril that was my nightmare was of a nature to be quickened into fatal activity by any motion on my part, I felt in my very stupor the criti cal necessity of lying quite still, so that, when I at last awoke and felt that, as I lay, with M-M my face towards the roof, there was a thick, sent home a short time since a note he had re- heavy, cold, creeping thing on my chest, I ceivcd from the government of General Cas tro, which lie thought was a settlement of the claims of our citizens. On examination it was stirred not, nor uttered a word of panic. Danger and fear may occasionally dull the senses and paralyze the faculties, but they found to be nothing hut a few glittering gene- I more frequently sharpen both; and, ere I ralitics, professing a wish' to settle the claims could twice wink my eyes, I was broad awake and be upon good terms with the United States, and aware that, coiling itself in a circle of The successor of Mr. Eames, who sailed a few I twists, an enormous serpent was on my breast, days since for bis post, took out instructions When I tell you that the whole of my chest to inform the Venezuelan government that its and even the pit of my stomach were covered note was not at all satisfactory, and that this with the cold scaly proportions of the reptile, you will own that it must have been one of government wanted no more nonsense. Eames came very near botching the whole bu- I considerable size.- What my thoughts were siuess. _ —so much made up of abhorrence, dread and The expedition against Paraguay will be I speedy expectation, nay, assurance, of speedy fitted out in the most complete manner, and death that must follow any movement on my President Lopez will be brought at once to a part—I can never hope to tell in language regular intervals.* The body and sleeves aro also I sense of his impotenoy. He has presumed j sufficiently distinct and vivid to convey full of green, bordered with the bright plaid, forming I upon the forbearance of our goverument till force. It was evident tlmt the loathsome creat- P at *ence h~;««ed to be a virtue ; and the ure had at last settled itself to sleecp ; and I striking costume. Some we designed to imitate the example set m this matter, it is to be hoped, felt thankful that, attracted by my breath, it doable skirt, and others have two skirts, both of will have a beneficial influence upon the oth- [had not approached the upper part of my which open in front, a breadth being inserted of a er Spanish-American governments. throat. It became quite, still, and its weighty contrasting color. These, however, have too much 1 ”• • — -- - 1 - 1 - --- - - the effect of a morning wrapper, without the elegance of tho lace or embroidered under sk<rt. An exquisite morning robe, which formed part of a bridal troueteau, may he mentioned. It was of exacted . tins i.kirt open and rnnnd- ng off lrom the front. The body was high, plain on the 8lioaldera, and gathered into the waist, where it was confined by cord and tassels. From the throat There are questions with Pern aud Chile I pressure— its first clammy chillness becoming I which also require a settlement. They will gradually, so it seemed to me—of a burning be treated with the same spirit of firmness, I heat, and the odious, indescribable odor which and justice to the claims of our citizens will be exhaled from its body and pervaded the whole air, so overawed- me, that it was only by a •Mr. Buchanan is determined that the abuse I severe struggle that I preserved myself from of weakness that has so long characterized ‘1°™ l' acl ‘ side, and extending round the bottom of the conduct of all these governments towards the ikirf, wm a border of violet silk, plaided with In i -i t, , ° * lT . scarlet and black. Medallions of the plaid silk,sur- u ? k e brought to an end. He is dispos- rounded by a very narrow black blonde, were plan- °d to settle the pending questions in a concil- ed at a short distance from the border, commencing I iatory spirit; but he will not consent to the Sf. th “ . i ? terV j 1 ?, of . aix inches between. I triumph of that dilatory spirit through official the sleeves are wide and flowing, and trimmed to 11 u , . , , ,^ ° . , . correspond. Under skirts to wear with these robes I lum ^ u 8’ winch has so long been permitted in are extremely beautiful and elaborate. Instead of I our relations with the Spamsh-Amencau embroidery, lace is now the highest ton—a single | States, breadth for the front, however, only being used, en riched with five flounces, hpniton guipure being the most distinguished. Lace evening dresses are again coming in vogue. They are worn with white or colored silk slips be neath them. with Very broad sashes are universally worn youthful eveningj,toitettes. Dress trimmiugs are unusually attractive; rich tasseled fringes, velvet and jet medallion trimmings, the latter exquisitely wrought with the finest beads, silk trimmings spotted with chenille, and many oth ers equally rich a beautiful. Douglas and Sherwood, tho great skirt manufac turers,have just created a furore by a magnificent picnic, given to npwards of a thousand of their em ployees, and over a thousand invited guests. They are turning out now three thousand skirts a day, and liko*^Tirr^ishhtg / Vo^pi lUIr ' 1 ' r Thisdoes notlook The opera season is just commencing. With Madame Gassier under Alaretzek, and Madame Col son under Strakoscb, wo hope to have a season which will bo an indemnification for the last.—Cor respondence Charleston Mercury. Sauey and piquante. Wit) *'■ so unconscious as to be quite charming, “icy ;.re made >vUh full cap crowns, separated by Minis of velvet or chenille, so uarrow as to be al- ' fine obrdti; the colors are either blue, crimson "•' a mixed platU, and here and there little fancy taa- | •• -re Miqicnded. Soft ruches of lace and narrow rit,j au surround the tiny whiteness of the lace, and 1 is > .i.viencircle the crown. A delicate novelty imported Tor this purpose, made very full of crim- ’ '■ w bi*e. bine or mixed sewiog silk. .Another stylo for girls somewhat older, consistsof * a. * beaver of thu shape called the “Eautslrien- Hie crown is vfry low and encircled by a want band of chenille, with a single scarlet strand the centre. On tho sides it is laid lu flat “ors. sith ends trom which tassels are suspended. - rm > is rather narrow, and slightly drooping all u'-fi'I on the upper side, so that the curled - • •;. flop oVUxAhe edge, and plaoed three feathers ,~«l« and blnel*. •MlclicoH* little lint for a babv boy was of dark velvet,- with the “Highland" (raised] tip. It 5 oro- cutod with film white chenille, narrow : “ bl.mde, and one full white marabout feather, ■ "i mill a pearl buckle. • 'i‘V-naRBofno" shawl—over-garments. e-idedly the most stylLh.garment which haaap- I, ;..’.* v-s •auaon, Is the “Cherbourg” shawl, cotn- J, 1 * *>" material in small check called “him-: jJj! ': u cloth. It is all wool, very thick and warm, ‘ very light. The size ia immense, the lower ri, ’Hounded, and a deep double border laid on kmI'i • plsid velvet, edged with magnificent ■ uge. The same material is very fashion- op. into full and handsome circulars, u .a f< ; bound with plaid velvet, and, instead of a l , .‘l' l ''e a c.iliar attached with three points, each r*"* auuhed with handsome cbei.ille tassels. It Cult m , U P furejiildren in the form of rsglans i ,***. i aculor*. It gimg, which have been so laah- D ." ll,r sumincj travelling costume, are almost '•-■-shy woru tin. Fail They ure, however, so etfA, , V,r »romadenp in so cheap a form |five tx, ( , " ull * r s euch.l that they must lose caste in anouablfr world, ana indeed even now they are iy v worn by any lady of distinction. t-Ti “bawls are becoming nr.-.-it objects of ambi- *•>»! u ‘“a, 1 ! belles, and very properly so, as they £;,,j. **>’• t’islinguished, and wi'.i I; acre than a ffri c ' Lisnht so much in buyhig costly article* •r,.I'," n o that Now York ladies ill.pity their ex- !,; ,‘, hat in wasting small su-ns on useless 'but is absolutely worth ndthiiig, »nd with y *“®y experience a constant dissatisfaction, thj, £.‘*, <ae ' 1 ' arc lining their lace cloaks md man- colored silks, us a lighter gam. pt fo • i„ . L: '~Kre*3, violi t aud « intiry, are the i vo r “ *“• Lace ,;)os “ From thtf New York Herald, lutcrcstlngr From Washington. Our special Despatch from the Capital. Our Relations with Central and South Ameri can Republics—The Cass Yrisarriand Cass- Herran Treaties—Affairs in Mexico—The Expedition to Paraguay, etc., ete. Washington, Sept 5, 1858. The state of the relations between our gov ernment and those of nearly all the spanish- From the Providence Journal. When the baby died, we said, With a sudden secret dread, “Death be merciful, and pass— Leave the other; but alas! While we watched, he waited there— One foot on the golden stair. One hand beckoning at the gate, ’Till the home was desolate. Friends say, “It is better so, ’Clothed ii’ innocence to go’,— Say, to ease the parting pain, That “your loss is but their gain.,’ Ah, the parenti think of this! But remember more the kiss Left upon a broken toy, Will remind them how the boy And hia sister charmed the days With their pretty, winsome ways. Only Time can give relief To the weary, lonesome grief— God’s sweet minister of pain Then shall sing of loss and gain. A Warrior Queen Killed, in India. An Indian letter in the London Times an nounces the death of Ranee (Queen of Jhansi at the hands of the British before Gwalior. Though but twenty-three years of age, she is said to have resembled the great Russian Catherine in her administrative powers, and shrieking. As it was, a cold sweat burst from every pore, I could hear the beating of my heart; and I felt to my increased dismay, that the palsy of terror had begun to agitate my limbs. It will wake, though I, and then all is over. At that juncture something—it might have been a wall-lizard or a large beetle—fell from the ceiling upon my left arm, which lay stretch ed at my side. The snake, uncoiling its head, raised itself with a low hiss, and then for the first time, I saw it, saw the hood, the terrible crest, glitering in the moonshine. It was a Cobra de Capella! Shading my eyes to ex clude the dreadful spectacle, I lay almost fainting until it was quiet again. Had its fiery glance encountered mine, all would have over, bur, apparently, it was once more asleep, and presently I heard the Lascar moving a- bout undoing the fastening of the tent, and striking alight. A thought suddenly struck me, and with an impulse I could hardly ascribe to nothing to nothing short of desperation though _its — | Lascar!" “Sahib!” was the instantaneous response, and my heart beat quicker at the I success of my attempt. I lay still again, fdr the reptile evidently roused, made a movement, and its head, as I I suppose, fell upon my naked arm. Oh, God ! ' the agony of that moment, when suppressed tremor almost gave way to madness ! I de bated with myself whether I should again ! eudeavor to nttract the attention of the Kul- lassi, or remain perfectly quiet, or whether it would not be better than either to start up at once and shake the disgustful burthen from me. But the latter suggestion was at once [ abandoned because of the assurance I felt that Little by Little. “Little by little,” as the acorn said, As it slowly sank in its mossy bed, ••I am improving every day. Hidden deep in thoe.nth away.” Little by little each day it greiv; Little by little it sipped the dev.- ; Downward it sent out a threat-like root; ITp in the air sprang a tiny shoot; Day after day, and year alter year. Little by little the leaves appear; And tho slender branches spread far aud wide Till the mighty oak is the torest’s pride. Far down in the depths of the dark blue sea. An insect train work ceaselessly ; Grain by grain, they are building well. Each one alone in its little cell. Moment by moment, and day by day. Never stopping to work or play, Hock upon rock they are rearing high, Till the top looks out on the. sunny sky ; Tho gentle wind and the balmy air, Little by little bring verdure there; Till tho summer suubeams gladly smile, On the birds and flowers of the coral isle. “Little by little,” said a thoughtful boy, “Moment by moment I’ll well employ,’ Leaning a little every day. And not spending all my time In play. And still this rule in my hand shall dwell, Whatever I do, I’ll do it well. Little by little I’ll learn to know The treasured wisdom of long sgo; And one of these days, perhaps, we’ll see That the world will bo the better for me.” And do not you think that this simple pian, Made him a wise and a useful man 1 Pekin, as Seen by an American A correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer was at Pekin, the capital of China, a short time ago, and what he saw of it and how it impressed him, he thus describes : On arriving at the capita! of the Chinese Empire, we find a city containing about two millions of inhabitants. Such is the estimate, but doubtless the calculatiou is made in the usual spirit of Eastern exaggeration. Be this as it may, the walls are fourteen miles in cir cumference, twenty-eight feet high, twenty- four feet thick at the base, and twelve at the top. There are spacious towers all around, at seventy feet distance from each other, and at the "gates are barracks for the soldiers, nine stories in height. The metropolis is divided into two parts, one inhabited by the Tartars, and the other by the Chinese. In each there is a street four miles long and one hundred and twenty feet wide, aud the Emperor’s pal aces and gardens occupy two thirds of the Tartar city. And all this besides the suburbs, which are nearly as populous ns the city prop er. Pekin is strangely located as a national cap ital, it being in a northern corner, (lat. 40 deg.) and only sixty miles south of the famous Chi nese wall, and therefore much exposed to north ern and hostile neighbors. Yet its fortifica tions are strong, and until the vast machinery of modern artillery was invented, the brother of the snn and moon was perfectly secure in his palatial halls—the walls, bnstions and tow ers being impregnable in ancient times. If bravely-manned and defended, the Oriental po tentate, robed in imperial purple, might have exclaimed with Macbeth, “Ourcastle’sstrength will laugh the siege to scorn !” Although the country about Pekin is sandy and unproduc tive, yet provisions abound, being brought by canals from all the great rivers, and also with its commerce—the merchants being paid in money, as the capital is the chief recipient of the revenues of all China. It has ever been regarded as a very exc lusive place, the pres ence of no foreigner being permitted within its walls. But now, the “outside barbarians” RUSSELL'S PATENT FULre «&> 'Water Proof MASTIC HOOFING O 1ST O .A. 1ST V S. HAVING pnrcliascd the right to use anil sell the above ROOFING for several SOUTHERN STATES, we are now prepared to do ROOFING or SELL RIGHTS to use the same. This roofing ia adapted to new or old BUILDINGS, steep or flat roofs and can be put over Plank or did leaky shingles,Tin or Iron Roofs ; it costs about half the price and is much better than Tin—is not affected by heat or cold and is impervions to wa ter,- it is fire proof, and it is tlie best roofing ov er iqvented for STEAMBOAT DECKS, Road 0-six*s?i, Bridges, &c, &c. It is warranted to give entire satisfaction. For further information apply to FREEMAN & ROBERTS, or jaitI9 tf A. P. CHERRY Macon, Ga. Brandy and Win«;s. •’or Medical pur) -. end all - kticles in the line, aa be found strictly pure at tne Drug Store m MILIX HUNT»3o. Oppositeth- ■ a 1 Macon, Ga, jsno 22 LIGHT! IJI SPIRIT «3AS; t ND CAMPION... F.TTsale >v /A, may 18-^ ZLiLIN.’ 1 il'N£ DRWus'iTmK A. M I* JEW ALEX. HARD, 2AL?Toirs b-cildiijg. cherrys?., hacon, ga H as just v stack of received and D K . , Chemical... q, f-nials, Oil., !•/' Perfumery, • cincM, IMinrm Pii'Iiarnti Enatruui Dtr-Sti • tied icnilionl Arc. >h and My Drugs have been selected v. ith i once to their purity and quality; they ai may be fully relied on. UP Orders Fnitiifnlly J^tecntefi, gg’"' Physician*’ Prescriptions and Family Medi cines put up with neatness and accuracy, at all hours of the day or night. SPA large lot of Artificial Tcrili iustreceived feb 24-tf American republics is in a singularly uniform upon the death of the late ruler of Jhansi was it would prove fatal; impeded by the heavy but at the same time anomalous condition, called to the throne. The writer adds : coils of the creature, weak and nervous from With several of them diplomatic relations are entirely suspended, and those which arc still kept up arc so more from a spirit of forbear ance on the part of onr government than from any other reason. Any withdrawal among the acting Ministers would result in a suspension of relations with the State withdrawing its Minister. This is the case at this moment with New Granada, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Mexico, with all of whom amicable relations are maintained from a personal regard for their present rep resentatives at Washington and the antece dents of these gentlemen, nnd no new Minister would be admitted to fill their places in the present position of the pending questions. f . _ General Herran has presented the ratified gathered together in masses, stores laid in. Not lacking either spirit or ambition, she excitement, I could not escape its faugs. A- accepted the offer, and for a time ruled well, gain, therefore, I spoke with the hollow but PLANTERSATTEND Tlie Rock Island Paper Mills Co. COLUMBUS, GA., W ILL pay ONE CENT per pound for one liun dred thousand lbs. of Gin Motes, in quantities to suit sellers, gathered without dirt or whole seed, done up in bales and delivered to any of tho Rail Hoads within one hundred mites of Uolumbus, or from any greater distance; but the extra transporta tion beyond the hundred miles aforesaid, will be de ducted from the price. The sacks and ropes will bo returned to the owners, nnd delivered at tho same depot whence the .Motes aro shipped at the expense of the Company. Shippers should mark tho bales with their names so that there will be no difficulty in identifying tlie owners as the packages arrive at the Paper Mills Warehouse. Please tako railroad Receipts, and send the same to the Rock Island Paper Mills Co., Columbus Ga. sag 17 Ct. JOHN G. WINTER, Pres t. Lands for Sale. Andrew S. Garr aud others, j State of Flori vs. ' | da, Middle Cir- Lewis Curtis tc Nath’l.Thurston, )- cuit, in Leon co Trustees of the Apalachicola ) In Chancery. Land Company, and others. J P URSUANT to a Decree rendered in this cause the subscriber wiii sell by auction, at the places and times herein specified, all the Lands belonging to said Company embraced in “ The Forbes Pur chase,” and lying ic the counties of Leon, Wakulla, Gadsden and Liberty, viz : the landslying in the first two named counties will be sold at Tai.lahassee, on the seventh (7th) day of December, and those lying in the last two will bo sold at Quitter, on the four teenth (i4th) day of December next. These lands, comprising about a million of acres, extend from the St. Marks to the Apalachicola Riv ers ; they exhibit every variety ot timber indigenous to this Latitude, including, of course, live oak, cy press, cedar and juniper; the soil is adapted to the ■owth of grain, "cotton—hML* 1 *! But the spark had touched the train—Bengal distinct accents which arise from the throat was in a flame, and now or never was her time to regain that independence from the British yoke her ancestor had lost. We know what her first steps were—the blood of our fellow- creatures bears witness to them ; and though well meaning men have endeavored to show, and I sincerely hope with truth, that the atro cities attributed to her were greatly overrated, when the speaker is afraid to move a muscle, “ Kullassi, chiragh!” Lascar, a lanthorn! “ Latah own, SahibI am bringing it, sir. There was then a sound of clanking metal; light advancing, flashed across the roof of the veranda, and at the noise of coming steps, lo! one after one of its terrible coils un winding, the grizzly monster glided away Cass Herran treaty to the State Department, with the modifications inserted by the Con gress of New Granada. There is nothing par ticularly objectionable in these, except the unfriendly feeling which they evince towards this country. No definite action will be ta ken upon it by our government until the ap they still admit, reluctantly, that these poor from my body, and the last sounds which creatures were only cut to pieces. Henceforth, struck my sense of hearing were the “Yaillahi of course, it was war to the knife. She be-I samp!” Oh, God, a snake! of the Iascar; for came the very soul of the movement in those I had fainted away for the first time in my parts. He forts were strengthened, her men | life, gathered together in masses, stores laid in, and every preparation made for siege or fight. For herself, she dressed in male attire, for greater convenience in the saddle or the fight; was Tlie Deposits of the Mississippi ^ H A party of engineers have been making cx- Mmed to the teeth ; formed a smalTbut I periments on tho Mississippi, opposite Colum- devoted body guard of picked horsemen, at I bus, Ky., for the past six months* and having the head of which she appeared to be almost nearly concluded them at that point, are about ubiquitous. to make similar ones opposite Cape Girardeau. d, “ x, i sssTto.'Esffs: SksSSx i a *** •*>«** •»«» ^ .. . , a—1_tut I nn/i to rnucn Wfl« tlipmfhp vnip.p. of I Cairo Gazette, says • course that events may take in that republic and to rouse. M as there the voice of disaflec- and upon the Isthmus in tho meantime will tion heard ?—she, by her presence, turned it to have an important influence upon tho tone of a shout of joy. W as there danger on the ram- the message with which the President will send part wall, and men hung hack in fear■. there, it to the Senate for consideration. sword in hand, she led the way, and brayed General Jerez, the new Minister frem Ni- the fury of a fiery storm. Jhansi ovcrwhelm- ca-cua, leaves here for your city, where he will ed. she found her way with her body-guard probably await further instructions from his to Calpee. Here the same determined will government. He has not been received be- was seen, here the same spirit shown. Beaten, cause he could give no official explanation of but not conquered, she rapidly followed the cause u« wum b ,, q , I clever move of Tautia Topee on tho Gwalior, previous to which, frem the attack on Jhansi to the fall of Calpee, she had fought no less than six actions against oar forces, command ed by Sir Hugh Rose in person. As before at the singular course pursued by Ins govern ment in regard to the Cass-Yrisarri treaty, and the odious declaration appended to the The amount of sediment carried down the Mississippi is daily ascertained by the follow ing method : Four beer quarts of water are taken from four points of the river; the water is filtered through filtering papers which have been previously weighed, and the difference in weight gives the amount deposit. From the amount of sediment collected from a beer gallon of water thus obtained, it is easy to calculate tho amount which passes down the river in a day. Captain Phillibrown says that the sediment which passes Columbus in one day would be sufficient to form a dam across the river, provided the water could remain motionless. The last flood deposited from H - waks witli hoods, — “»Ulxd ia this n ay. and v. <m •NfS® or*, ornamented » •sof _ \ th Bel Velvet s th.- lining of th. ant American citizens in Granada; the violation of the correspondence of our present Minister in Nicaragua, nnd deceptions practised upon him ; the seizure of American property on the Transit route, and the evident disposition of the Nicaraguan government to ignore any dis tinction between peacefully disposed American citizens and the lillibusters An Organic Diincnlty. A parish in the west of Eugland, after much effort, lately purchased a selfacting organ, ‘warranted to play twenty tunes,’—and a larg er congregation than usual, met to inaugurate it. The first Psalm had been successfully brought to an end, when, after a short pause, A strong note of instructions lias been sent I t ij e 0I -g an chose to commence Psalm tune mnn- j:—ber two. I vain the officiating clergyman en deavored to stop it; in vain the church wardens left their own pews, to stifle the noise; still to General Lamar, which he is directed to read to tlie Secretary of State at Managua. It is supposed that the only way for Nicaragua to get out of her pending troubles with this gov ernment, is for President Martinez, to resign the Presidency, and for a new President there — — t 0 change the policy of that government ami was suspended, in the hope that the must „ive the necessary satisfaction. The amend-1 stranger might he content when the second pensate for the great 1 of the river counties have sustained. IIow lo Write for a Newspaper. The New York Observer says : “ When ymu write for a Newspaper, write all your words full as you wish them printed. This has been said a thousand times, bnt not one man in ten observes the rule.—All our best writers do ob serve it. In this paper we printed an article in which the writer abbreviated the word gov ernment into govt., and the printers made it the organ, as though uncontrollably pleased gout, so that the power of thegovenunent was . . .O ?. i * Ll. morln litf/V tho TIAWAF ftf thfl flAllL. Ilrtf 1 tilO lf»t« with its owu execution, kept on with a new air. What was to be done ? The menta to the Cass-Yrisarri treaty will proba bly have to be withdrawn, as they arc highly distasteful to the cabinet. Our government is determined to pursue the policy that the Isthmus routes of America shall be thrown open to the whole world, with safety to tlie transit, without the imposition of taxes of any kind. It will adhere to the principles so ably elucidated in the Herald ot | 1C j, r on ]y Half s the yiith ult. Senor Yrisarri will continue to represent Nicaragua here, and endeavor to briny these questions to an amicable solution. Senor Molina, the Costa Rican Minister, is closely watching the march of events with the other Spanish-American republics. , ‘"" tune was played out. Vain expectation! It commenced number three! and nothing re mained hut to carry tlie instrument into the churchyard, and there to cover it with the vestry carpet to choke its voice.—for on aud on it went, till the number of twenty had been played out—much to the edification of the less attentive part of the congregation, who could mothered melodies. made iato the power of the gout. Dot the let- service | ter i, and cross the letter l and try to spell cor rectly. If you cannot comply with these rules, after you have written your article, put it in the fire.”—This is all good instruction, as far as it goc3, but it does not go far enough. Do not only clot your i’s and cross your I's, hut write every word full and distinct, particular ly names of persons aud places, as there are no means of deriving any information on that subject from the context. Make your figures as well as words plain, when you have occasion to use any. Write only on one side of the pa- how can you Lrle draught !' Why dear me, Mr. Longshallow drink a quart of that hard cider at a sin said an old ladv. As soon as the man could breathe again, he re plied: “I bog pardon, mad irn, hut upon iny smilit He has I was so hard I eould'nt bite it If these rules were strictly observed, it would save the printer much trouble, and insure the insertion of many articles which are now rejec ted on account of the trouble they give to de- cypher them. together with the opening of Japan, may prove an important step towards the inauguration of Christianity among the millions who are nor benighted in the worse than Cimmerian dark ness of Pagan idolatry and superstition. A Decidedly Cool Meanest and a RATHER ICY REPLY. It will be recollected that the members of the Wisconsin Legislature and divers and sundry other persons have been charged with receiv ing from the La Crosse and Milwaukie Rail Road Company, a bribe, in the shape of the bonds of that Company. At a recent meeting of the officers of said Company circulars were ordered to be issued to the holders of these bonds, requesting them to return the same. A gentleman by the name of Woodle, who re ceived one of these circulars, replied to it as follows Janesville, July 16, 1858.—Sir:—Your kind favor of the 16th instant, informed me that a committee had been appointed byt he Board of Directors of the La Crosse and Milwaukie Rail Road Company for the purpose of calling in the bonds familarly known as tlie “corrup tion bonds,” has been received. You trust I will see the importance of immediately re turning to the Company tho bonds received by me. In reply, permit me to say that, by the aid of my optics, I have as yet been unable to see the importance of returning the said bonds to the Company, although I am not near-sighted, and have “looked.” I have, however, sir, to ask you will defer any further action on the subject until I shall have received Lord Ross’ telescope, for which I have sent a special messenger this morning, and through which, when received, I will take another observation. Hoping that you will be able to refund your floating debt, and pay your coupons, I remain yours in the “bond,” &c. ISAAC WOODLE. To Win. A. Guest, Chairman &c. A Dcsdcmiona among Hie Sioux. The Mankato Independent relates the follow ing incident—basis enough for a thrilling ro mance - One of the Sioux chiefs lately returned from Washington brought back with him an addition to hi3 household, in the shape of a white wife, a good looking, fashionably dressed young woman, about twenty years of age. From one of onr citizens, who went up to the agency on the same boat, we learn that she manifested considerable disappointment at the aspect of affairs on her arrival. The romance of the thing was pretty effectually ‘squashed’ by the appearance of the inmates and surroun dings of her new home. She declined all of fers of assistance from the officers of the boat, who were anxious to return her to civilized so ciety, protesting her ability and intention to attend to her own business, and advising them to do likewise. They left her in an eight by ten feet mud hovel, in company with a couple of Dacotah maidens, who also, we believe, had claims upon the affections of the chief in ques tion.” TERMS: “ One-third of tho purchase money to bo paid in cash, the balance in one and two years, in equal instalments, with eight per cent, interest from date of purchase; titles to be made by tho Receiver when all the purchase money is paid.” The sale will be positive and without reserve. JOHN BEARD, Receiver, Ac. Tallahassee, August 31—15t. S. BBAIffEED S VARIETY STORE. COTTON AVENUE. Opposite C. H. Freeman, and Ross, Coleman and Ross. /NKOCKERV’, glass ware, furnishing ARTICLES of all kinds, Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Tin Ware, ice. Furniture made to order, repaired, cleaned and repolisbed in the best manner. Mattrasses made to order, and repaired. Violins, Canes and Umbrellas, repaired and varnished. Orders thankfully received and executed with dispatch. N. B. Graffenbnrg Medicine for sale, warranted pure from the Company. Macon, Juno 22,1838. PREMIUM CANDIES. C IIAS. H. FREEMAN & CO., Manufacturers of Fine Candies of every description, would res pectfully inform the public that they aro now ready to fill all orders for goods in their iine. Their can dies took the premium at the last Fair of the State Agricultural Society and are warranted to he of the best quality. PARTIES furnished with every thing in the way of Plain and Ornamented Calces, and personal attrillion will bo given to tho prepara tion of the Table for such occasions, when required. S’’ All orders from the country, accompanied witli the CASH shall receive prompt attention, feb 9 HENRY HORNE’S Confectionnrv, Fruit Store, Culte mat I*as- try Itnlierv—Macon, Georgia, one door below the State Bank. M ANUFACTURER oftho hnost French Pastry and Ornamental Cakes, and Dealers in Fine Candies, Fruits, Preserves, Pickles, Warranted Im ported Wines aud Brandies, Cordials, Syrups, Nuts, Segars, Tobacco, Ac., Wholesale nnd Retail. Country Merchants supplied at tho lowest rates. Weddings and Parties furnished with all kinds of Confections and Pyramids, Cold Meats, Salads, &c., at reasonable terms. N. B.—Terms:—Positively Cash—no Credit given. jan 30—ly The chandelier at the new Opera House, London, is 18 feet long: diameter 18 feet 0 inches ; weight 6 tons. The top is formed of festoons of spaugles, surmounted by cut spires, below which arc other rows, forming a tent of at size and brilliancy. There are 40,000 spangles, varying in size from I th to Ii inches in bredtli. Level with the bottom of the tent s a rising containing-120 burners. Prismatic anterns surrounded the main band. Each prism is seemed by two brilliant cut spires aud rosettes, and are lighted by 460 burners The bottom is composed of 80,000 spangles, looped up to form deraperies in^hree distinct masses of festooned work ; in each is concealed a ring of jets, three containing nearly 200 lights, so that the chandelier is lighted by above 700 lights. It has been tested, and although the weight is not three tons, it has been proved to be capable of carrying three times that weight with perfect safety. Hill LI i DcbiSity of Sexual Organs. ■Whether caused by dissipation or otherwise, will receive not only prompt and efficient aid but a radi cal cure, from the use of Sisley’s Compound Fluid Extract of Buchu, a remedy whose action is exerted upon the Urinary and Uterine Organs. These are forms of Sexual Debility that are often times very serious, distressing and’intractable, and which can only be relieved by the exercise of no little care and caution, a judicious selection of reme dial agents and a perseverance iu their use. The above mentioned preparation, if regularly tiiken, conjoined with regular and moderate exercise in the open air, avoiding all habit, of a relaxing nature, and hist but not least, cold bathing, will not fail in bring ing about a cure no matter how stubborn or intract able tho case may he. As * reliable remedy i: stands very far in advance of all _-ther preparation-: tmd if taken properly will not fail to cure. Abundance of testimony of its remedial efficacy in this disease could be brought before the public eye, wns it proper to do so. The invalid may have every confidence in it, for it has been tested in a multitude of instances, and always with tho happiest results and too, in many ImUbcSI where its use was commenced with out the slightest particle of faith which of itself Is not unfrequently sufficient to cause failure. It is for sale by Druggists throughout the country. HARRAL, BIS LEY & KITCHEN, importers and Wholesale Druggists, 76 Barclay St., New York. JUST RECEIVED. f) C (\r\r\ Papers Garden Seeds. «O.UUU 3 bush. licniiicti} SSlue Clii**, A. A. MENARD. Drugget. feb24-tf ii -ctES Cherry Street ' BOER HAVE’S HOLLAND BITTERS. THE CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY roll DTSPEPSIA, Disease of the Kidneys, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, WErJ^n .aio iiqwe, And tho various affection ■ consequent upon a dis ordered STOMACH <»I5 LIVER, Q.UOH as Indigestion, Acidity Of tie- Stomach, O Colicky Pains, Heartburn. Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Costiveness,Blind.-me Blc ding Piles. In all Nervous, Rheumatic, nnd Neuralgic Affec tions, it has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure. This is a purely vegetable cotapoun i. prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the ' celebrated Holland Professor, Bvsrii ive. Because of its great success in most of the European states, its introduction into th-i United States was intended more especially for those of our fatherland scattered here and there over the face of this mighty country. Meeting with great suocess among them, I now offer it to the American publio, knowing that iis truly wonderful medicinal virtues must bo acknowledged. It is particularly recommended 10 those persons whose constitutions may have been impaired by the continuous use of ardent spirits, or other firms of dissipation. Generally instantaneous in effect, it finds its way directly to the seat of iilV, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, in fact, infusing new health aud vigor in the system. Notice.—Whoever expects to find this a beverage will be disappointed; but to the sick, wo k aud low *f will nrnvo o irmfofnl aromatic*. COYClial, The great popularity of this delightful Aroma has induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing.. Be not persuaded to buy anything else until you have given Boerhave’s Hol land Bitters a fair trial. One bottle will convince you how infinitely superior it is to all these imita tions. I3P Sold at Si per bottle, or six bottles for S3, by the sole proprietors, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR„ A; CO., Manufacturing Pharmaceutists and Chemist-;. Pitts burg, Pennsylvania. ' . Li?' Sold in Macon by E. L. STROHEt MC5R * CO., ZEILIN, HUNT * CO.. GEORGE PAYNE, and Druggists generally, throughout tho State, may "* 18 DELIGHTFU L TO THE EYE Anti :icccs.s:I>Ie to the Parses of the B^rlllioro. 2 & WATER! NEW STOCK OF SPfflfi A\D SUMMER GO JTJ8T RECEIVED. Bcras’e, Gingham, Cambric aud Margravine Sill Printed Jaconet; Swiss and Organdie MUSLINS, of every grade ;S Bordered Prints, Expan sion Skirls. French. Lace and Chan tilly Lace Domestic Goods of every description. Head. Dresses, Gloves, LKsiery, Cor sets and Articles for the Toilet. All of which being purchased Lite in the season, can be offered at tion on former PRICES. may 25 a gre it reduc- MOB.B LIGHT! UST RECEIVED, a Ini »f tIn- -' i test im prqvemeni in FLUID GAS LAMPS, dt-cidedlv i beat light yet invented. Call and see them, ai only to he ae;n to be appreciated. they * ;une 15 Ii. R. HUTCHINGS Next to Mrs. Dt -s:i -'s. BJEMOVAJL. ID. Vv ■yy’I LL remove INSHIP to E. ■)0I- to strong & Wood'.-, er, where he will be pre-mr®! I .rc -t*nd tnoot fashion;!Me St r offered in Maoon.fU-. sept 17th try's old stand, next n tlie 1st of 6c- •"■ exhibit one of of Clothing $100 ^Reward. rn WE NT Y DOLLARS REWARD will be paid L to any one v.ho will apprehend and confine in r ? iVi.i’v 1 ,! ! t!l " N:,le ’ '- ha;I n '4y get him. my boy, JOHN, v’lio ran a way trom m«? thy J3d of be- right, yellow complexion, h, about cember last, (not a mulatto,) 35 years < : about 5 feet 11 inc -rather slender In form. He 191 2W sep i to be loitering in the neigh borhaoilhf tlie i WEST’S PATENT GALVASIC CEMENT SSOOFSIVG. rn IIH subscriber having the right for the state of ,L Georgia, would call the •••j-nto-n of the public to the above ained Roofing, it being the only pat eut granted that socures the tie of Rubber and other elastic ingredients which will resist the changes of ocr edimatoauid will umti- the qualities of incombus tibility. durability and cheapness. This roofing will be warranted in every particular and is particularly adapted for covering old shingles and tin roots. OCt 13 W, J. McELllOY JUST RECEIVED. 71 LEG ANT Carved Rosewood PIANOS, H. C. timi of the late V. W. Itanb-3 in He EIGHTY DOLLARS in addition w evidenco sufficient to convict any on of harboring him. . Address me at New Agency, Ga. SAM' L LEGAL PO. H I N E S’ new Edition . for sale by the single c< nor. county.— 11 be pain for '' nee 2. * CROSSES, Coral NECKLACES, Ac. ALSO, another large lot of Silver Table FORKS, Silver Table end Tea SPOONS, Silver SOUP LA DLES, Ac , Warranted of Coin Standard, at low J. JOHNSTON A . O.