The Winder news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 1909-1921, December 23, 1909, Image 1

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VOL. XVII. RECITAL AT SCHOOL CHAPEL. Pupils of the Elocution Department Make Good Showing. ► , . Monday night, at the school au ditorium, the elocution class of ■ Winder’s public school, under the; direction of Mrs. E. J. Robeson, en-j scßrt-ained the patrons of the school | for more than two hours. All the numbers were good, while the read-; ings by Mrs. Robeson, the teacher, 'were fine, and called forth prolong ed appla'use and encore after encore. The program follows: Christmas Hymn —Pantomime, j A Christmas Legend —Carl Robe-! on. 9 Regarding Santa Claus —Bill Ilun nicutt. Santa Claus on the Train —Thel- ina Moore. *ulow Santa Claus Came Down the Chimney —Desma E 1 der. Mammy’s LiP Baby Boy —Mon- tine Robinson. The First Banjo —Hersehel Wil liams- A Misunderstanding —Lona Belle Brooks. y Reading (selected) —Mrs. E. J. Jtoßobeson. Who Is Santa Claus? (play) Montine Robinson, I)esma Elder, Carrie Dean Perry, Thelma Moore, Lourine Hood, Willie Mae Ever-son, Sybil Millsaps, Mabel Herrin, How ard Rogers. $ Where Are You Going? —Song. The Massacre of Zoreaster Rob 4bie Biasing,imo. The Innocent Drummer —Lillie Belle Robinson. Mrs. Tubbs on .Political Economy —lra Moore. Aux Italiens —Frances Robeson. Mr. and Mrs. Pepperman —Vella ■ Mae Sharpton. Our Railroads —Annette Qudlian. Christmas-Drill. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, * ' \ V -' . j J mister-*-Luster Brown, I). C. L. •Services —I)i\ine worship Tl:80 ■u.-j'n.i', altd-7:30 p. m. Subjects: A. M. —“The Mpn-. derfui Christ.” P. M. —"The Bock of Safety.” • Shiiday School -10:30 a. ni. The Mixed. QuaMette at the night' service will sing, “ Why Stand' \*e Here Idle?” The public is kindly invited to these services. , • *• J_____________—. * * *’ I : LOCATES AT HOSCHTON, • ' r_r ” r - . / It is with pleasure that The News announces the location of Dr <4 0 Q , Ralph Freeman at Hoschton, Ga. 'The doctor is a pleasing gentleman. He graduated from the Augusta Medical College,-apd niter graduat ing, took an interne course in the Ci£y hospital of Augusta.- We feel u aft we can commend the doctor to jolie good people of this section, for, as evidence that he is thoroughly ♦up-to-date, . one of. his first acts! after locating was to haiftt'U? a dol lar for The News twelve months. * ■ CARD # THANKS. I desire to extend my sincere .thanks and appreciation to the good people for their untiring kindness, who so willingly rendered their ser vices during the illness and death of (|;y dear husband. ♦Mrs. A. D- Chandler. @l)c Winder Iw. WINDER. JACKSON COUNTY. GEORGIA. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 23,1909 CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT At the Methodist Church. Friday Even ing. 7:30 O’Glock. The following is the program ba the exercises to he held at the Meth odist church Friday night: < )rehestra. Song —“Fling Wid, the Gates." Scripture Reading. Prayer. Song —“Sing Out Your Gladsome Carols ’ ’ Recitation —Mabel Herrin. Recitation —Will Ii unnicutt. Solo —“Waking Out of Silence’ ’ Louise Strange. Recitation —Thelma Moore. Sinig —Chorus —By Little Chil dren. Recitation —Montine Robinson. Orchestra. Christmas Tree.. Awarding of Presents. Any one who desires may put presents on the tree. ROBINSON-TLANIGAN. Sunday afternoon, at the resi dencc of Rev. S. P. Higgins, in Au burn, Ga., Miss Roxie Robinson and Mr. W. O. Flanigan, in the pres ence of a few friends, were united in marriage, Rev. Higgins perform ing the ceremony. Mrs. Flanigan is the'daughter of Mr. .1. A. Robinson, and a niece of Mr. W. T. Robinson, of this city. She was one of the successful con testants in the recent contest con ducted by The News, and is n young Christian woman of many noble traits of character and personal charms. Mr. Flanigan is a son of Mr. W. E. Flanigan, of Gwinnett county, and a nephew" of Messrs. P. A. and 11. P. Flanigan, of this city, and is a young man of sterling worth and business ability. V •' It is understood that Mr. and Mrs.'Flanigan will, • soon after the holidays, leave for Albany, Ga., where Mj;,. Flanigan will assist his father in managing the $1)0,0.00, farm recently purchased in that sec **# tion by Winder- . The News joins the.hos|..u| fneuds. of this yovmj* couple - wish that each wedded day may be'diap pier and brighter than the one that has gone. .. . MISS MATHEWS WILL ENTERTAIN! •x* Miss Tavia Mathew#* ttfll enter tain a number of her frh-ndo next Monday-evening, at her -honie on, Candler"' street. ' The- decorations r-r.i : .. . . throughout Jh,e . house, wiljtjdiy,. Xmas(Vikfl-s; with a prolusion of hollv and iViis’tlotOe. Jn fbi- dirting • *'•<' , # room,-.*vhere.p-fresliments . will' he | served Mt 10:30, the decorations will I<‘ of ferns' and narcissus. Used with the same Xmas decorations of red and given. In the center of the table will'■be a little Ninas tree. The punch, howl will he placsd in the front halT,• hanked with hghy. Thirty invitations will he issued. DR. BROUGHTON AT AUBURN • c * • \ A + Dr. Ten G. Broughton, of At | lapta, will deliver his fatuous lee- Iture,. “The Dunce," at the audi |t-onum,.-of Perry-Rainy Institute, I Auburn, ’••Ga.-,- Dee. -2, Dr. i Broughton is a forceful’speakyrfand ; this is one of his finest- lectures. Be- on hand ii.y-U wish to'enjoy an evening of pleasure and profit. MRS. WALLER COOPER ENTERTAINS On la*t Thursday afternoon Mrs. Walter Cooper was the charming hostess of the Young Matrons Club. The home was beautifully deco rated in ferns and bowls of narcis sus. Mrs. Cooper was assisted in m-ieving her guests by her sister, Mrs. Roy Jackson. Heart-dice was engaged in during the afternoon. Mrs. K. F. Saxon, making highest score, received a dainty little work apron. After the game a delicious salad course was served. Those present were Mesdames W. M. Holsenbcck, Claud Mayne, E.- F. Saxon, Homer Smith, Harry Milli kin, L. W. Hodges, Carl X’iblaek, Blakey Perry, John McDonald, Mae Potts, W. I). Johnson, Otis Jack son,Clyde Williamson,Mittie Smith, Roy Jackson and Walter Cooper. SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES. “The Heart of an Indian,” which comes to the Lyric Monday night, December 27th, has as its motive the obligation of a lodge member to care for the loved ones of his dead “brother.” It is a Western play without any “blood and thunder”; not a shot fired in the entire play. The company carries a genuine Sioux Indian, who plays the part of “Deerfoot.” Special scenery en livens this production. It is a reg ular dollar show, but for this date prices will lx* 2be, doc and o()o. Remember, this is a guaranteed attraction, featuring Miss Clara Belcher, the clever young actress who goes to Broadway next season. Mr. G. 11. (old Charlie) Adams, the best dramatic black-face com edian in the part of “Lige,” fur nishes most of the comedy, and lie is a crack-a-jack. Seats on sale now. Don’t forget tlie date, and select your seats at once. All lodge n:ciphers.should induce rron-mem bers to attend this great’. ’ four-act' play, as it is an object lesson in the. true meaning of fraternity. A dol lar show for.fifty cents. 1 MEW INSURANCE fIRNI. On January Ist, Mr. Luster liar- Avl-l; will enter sne general insur ance agency of Beu A. Jdhan, and the?‘firm will be .Julian & Harwell. Mr- Julian is prominently id< n tified until the insurance business,, in AVinder and surrounding .terri tory, having beep for years con jiecp and withome of the most suc cessful agencies in theGdty, and for the past year, .has, .been condhcti iVg an agency himself Mr. 'Harwell is well known--also, having been., until recently,’it iviftm her of the-linn of the Farmers Sup ply Cos., one of the leading grocery firms of Winder.. These popular - •’ ' * .< j, I "j young men will undoubtedly meet with success in the insurance held. Tile firm will write the gonertti lines' of insuranc—life, tire, accident, health, casualty, burglary insurance and surity bonds. They will also , make a specialty of collections. a COL. SMITH BUYS ’MOBILE. A 01. James M Smith, the multi millionare, -pf Hmithonia, Ga., this week purchased from the leading automobile dealers of Winder, Flanigan A Flanigan an F. M. F. 3 (J. f This firm has sold and deliv ered more than a dozen fine' auto mobiles in the last ten days' and have booked for future delivery as many more. WAGES DIES WEDNESDAY. Man Short by Chief Copland Passes Away at City Hall. Tom Wag< s, a farmer who lived in Ben Smith’s district, Gwinnett county, died at the city hall Wed nesday as the result of a pistol wound, the shot being iired by Chief of Police Copeland Saturday night at 1 1 :-(•'> o’clock. It is stated that Oscar Crow, who lives on Athens street, just opposite the city police station, sent word to the police that a burglar was in Ins house, and the chief, together with his men, went to capture the burg lar. Copeland was covering a win dow when W ages appeared with drawn knife, it is said, and the chief ordered him to throw up his hands. Instead, it is stated that Wages leaped through the window and advanced upon the chief, where upon Copeland fired. The hall entered the forehead and passed almost entiely through his head, coming our just above the ear. Medical assistance was quickly summoned. Wages was removed to the city pall and the physicians did all that medical skill suggested for the wounded man. The burglar message was unfor tunate, for to this message possibly the death of Wages is due. Had the police known the true facts, doubtless Wages would have been alive today. It seems that a woman by the name of Summon, who is separated from her husband, occupies a room at the Crow house, and it is said that W ages was a gu st of this wo man . It is claimed by the friends of Wages that when he entered this house he hail considerable money, j. hut a search of the premises re vealed his pocket hook empty. Wages leaves a wife and five - little, children, and it was a sad picture to see the little ones playing about the hall while their father was making a desperate light for life. This terrible tragedy is to he doplored, but under the circum stances it seems to us that no blame should attach to Chief Copeland fbr his part in it. Hhd Wages been at home with Jils ’frail little wife and innocent .’children instead of where he was tips. story would never have been written. Will WITH TLANIGANS TLANIGAN. > — 1 - 'Flanigan & Flanigan have secured the services of F. M. Witt,of Knox ville, Tenn.i as their mechanician. Mr. Whitt is a graguate of the Cniversity of Tennessee. He has been kept, busy every minute he | hAs been here and he is one of the lVst and highest priced mechanics in the automobile line in the state. J He spent several years in the larger! automobile factories in the north- MANY AUTOMOBILES SOLD. , - J Flanigan A Flanigan have sold | and delivered automobiles in the J last week to the following parties:, G. M. Kilgore, Digansville, Ga., j “Maxwell,” Dr. E. K. Harris, Bethlehem, Ga., “Maxwell,” John McDonald, of our city, “E M F,’’ E. M. Kitchens, Cornelia, Ga., “E M F,” also J. B. Swords, Blue Springs, Ga. They have taken orders for as many more for future delivery. LINEN SHOWER, Mrs. Walter Wood Entertains in Honor of Miss Whitehead. 1 1 A charming social event of the past week was the linen shower at which Mrs. Walter Wood entertain ed on Saturday afternoon foi Miss Reba Whitehead, whose marriage to Mr. J X. Yonderlieth occurred on Wednesday ('veiling, the 22d inst. The guests, on arriving, were served punch from a cozy nook in the reception hall by little Miss Louise Strange and Master Jamie Wood. The color scheme of red and green, suggestive of the holiday season, was tastefully carried out in hall and parlors. In the dining room the table was attractive with its elaborate cover of hand-made lace, from the corners red and white 1 ribbor.s were artistically caught in a large how beneath the electrobu r, from which hung a large red heart. Little Miss Mary Walter Wood, dressed as Cupid, shot an arrow that pierced the heart and showered the numerous and beautiful gifts, attesting the popularity of the lovely bride-to-be. Miss Arnold rendered a beautiful little poem, compli mentary to the bride. A most de lightful salad course was served, Mrs. Strange presented the bride’s plate and gaye an appropriate toast. At the conclusion, Mrs. Quarter man read a prophecy of a bright future for this popular young couple. The favors were red hearts, tied with green ribbon. Mrs. Wood received her guests in a becoming gown of black lace over silk. Miss Whitehead was (‘harm ing in a black velvet gown, made princess, and large picture hat, trimmed with plumes. Those present wen', Mesdames: W. 0. Berry, S. G. Potts, W. M. 110 l sen heck, 11. P. Stanton, Z. F. Stanton, R. H. Cannon, F. \V. Bondurant, T. A. Maynard, F. E. Durst, Clara Jones, Johnson, of McDonough, Baker, of Statesboro, Handy, of Bartlesville, Misses: Whitehead, Laima .Arnold, Anna Cook, King, Ada Hancock, Nora Wills, Emma Moon*, Johnnie Lou Smith, Kathleene Coker, Ora I zee Gamp, Ethel Jackson, (.’anthers, Lena Adi-rholt, Elberton. A CHURCH WEDDING. At (’> o’clock Wednesday after roon, at the MethodDt church, Miss Reba. Whitehead, third daughter of Mr. .). G. Whitehead, was married to Mr. J. X, Vonderleith, Rev. \\ . 'l'. Hunnicutt, officiating. Mr. Yonderfeith is a young man of sterling qualities and is connected with tie- Winder Lumber Company. Miss Lamia Arnold was brides maid and Mr. Guy Pledger acted as best man. Shortly after the ceremony the young couple left for Florida on a bridal tour. NO. 41