The correspondent. (Roberta, Ga.) 1892-190?, December 17, 1892, Image 1

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4 .KKhSPONDEN 1 " ISIXSmMi X ~'V COUNTY DIRECTORY. | lourt convenes, spring term, third I nday in March; fail term, third ndav in October. udge Superior Court—A. L. Mil¬ foil |, ci tor Genefal—W. H. Jr. pierk Superior Court—JJ. M. Bur tt. Ibrdinary—O. I’ax P. Wright. Collector—John M. Sanders, fax Receiver—R. H. Knight. Sheriff—John C. Culver house. Treasurer—M. F. Perry, bounty Surveyor — George W. h i te. Pcroner—T. J. Holloman, bounty Commissioners — W. J. mt, W. E. Champion and W. B. avis.' County School Commissioner—H. Sanders. CITY DIRECTORY. Mayor—A. .J. Daniellv. Aldermen—J. W. Mathews, M. II. arnes, J. A. Miller and J. W'-Mal ass. .Clerk—F. Danieliy. Treasurer—J. B. Wilson. K^arsnal—E. E. Dent. (TIMS OF LOCAL NEWS. 7 A THEREI) FOR THE COR RE¬ SPOND E NT’S REA DEES. ■ The Happening* of the Week Rut I in Short, Pointed Paragraphs— ■ What Ha h Happened and Is G6 ■ r mg to Happen—Points Political, ■ Personal and Social—Men and I Thhias* j Mr. D. S. Bazemore of Mac-cn ■ is out to see his old friends and I exchange friendly greetings with Bjthem all again. I We are glad to see Captain I H. *D. McCreary out again after I a long confinement with rheurna I fcism. I There is to be a party at 1 the I residence of Ool. Q. F. Wright in Pkxnoxville to-nvght. There it ill he a dance* at the f t ^Jartlev i|«idence- of Mr. J. O. Bond on Heights next Wednesday I night. | Mar’s .. Mr. George Mill Bollernan of La I is .visiting his sons I Nath and Ohurles. I “ANNIE COOPER’S FRIENDS”. I A new book py Mrs. O. B. How¬ ard. Rrice'BOc. For sale by Mr. Aaron Clark. Messrs J. T. and T. Cochran, of Robley, were in Roberta Tues .day. I Mr. Wade TL Mathews, of | I 'Clark’s Mill, wa.s in. Roberta Tuesday. | I Mr. J. L. W'iikes, assistant in the ordinary’s court, had applica [ tion made to him for a divorce bast Tuesday, and refused the ap- 1 pi leant, a man also made applica I Ation for marriage liqens which f was granted. Mr Wilkes has an eye single the welfare of the country. Celebrate Christmas , with » spirit inaccord with tiie sacred¬ ness attached to that period of our existence, and we will he happier and better off. That was a-grand sermon which Rev. Mon'crief delivered in Knox¬ ville Sunday. Mr. Blue, father of Mrs. Holl? ahd Miss-Lillie Blue, was down oi a short visit to the latter Tuesday Don’t the maw church loot pretty. Mr. John Kendrick was in Ec J)erta Friday. Mr. Sid Der.t was in Roberta F rid ay. /D-v- ' • SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17,1892. W. T. Bussey of Bussey Ga. was in Roberta on business this , week. Mr. Troupe Howard, of Clark’s Mill, was in Roberta yesterday. Lake Roberta is being filled up, It is an exeelient idqa. Messrs ,, O. r . T) P. Wngnt, . , , Holleman TX ,, and Jordan have been on a busi ness tour to Macon and Atlanta. Mr. J. Bond has moved into the Wilson house. • _ M. Richardson to dames went Atlanta Wednesday on business. While there lie met Crawford’s most excellent gentleman and representative. Hon. Shrill Harri¬ son. He was invited "up to a pominenfc seat among the legisla¬ tors and had the pleasure of ing some good speeches. lie did not speak himself, but unlike speaker Crisp, didn’t feel embar¬ rassed .because he had prepared no speech for the press and then didn’t expect to be invited speak. The legislators all have my hearty good will, I didn’t think I was slighted in the least. Crawford has a vigilant and faithful repre¬ sentative in the person of Hon. Shrill Harri on. Say, did it ever occur to you that there are some of the smartest and prettiest little girls in the Knoxville school than can be found any where in the state? They proved it last Friday night on the stage in Knoxville. -The young men and ladies in the ex¬ ercises of the evening acquitted themselves exceptionally well. Who claims the credit of their admirable exhibitition. The sing¬ ing was beautiful, the recitations, plays and operettas, and also .- the calesthentics exercise were super fine. There is a great benefit to accrue to any one by attending these exercises, and we don’t in¬ tend to miss any of them. John Lewfis and Jut Williams has a fine jot of cattle in town. John Champion, our brag farm¬ er, is nearly acne breaking land, preparing for next years crop. John is out! of the best farmers in the county. Charley Hartley will make the best crop around Roberta next year. Jim Wilson says he came into the world without anything and has worked hard and has done the best he could and he believes he will go out without anything. John Wilder and R. D. Smith have gone out on the river hunt mg. Eugene' Trammell has rented the Livery Stables for next year. Young ladies yoa must patronize him, for of course you are aware of his timidity in hunting up cus¬ tomers. M. B. Walker says a man is a frail, unconstiutionaT no count kind of a mixture. And I fully concur with him. Mrs.” A. J. Danieliy has the gentlest and fleetest pony in town. Dare you to deny it. Sam Wilson says he has knock¬ ed down with his fist, men, mules and elephants, but he failed fo down the Texas pony. Dr. Kin¬ ney says he don’t think Sam bur the pony, but his hand is in a bad fix. [W. Uncle Ira Jenn, mg and Mr. Green HoJleman paid us a pleas¬ ant call this morning. I mo Reward $100. The readers of this paper will be pIeil ^adeadVseasl\^t r selenee ie i?a8 one >31 been able to cure in its stages, cu^e^isi:he S onl^positive'care to the medical fraternity, Catarrh quires a constitutional ‘"treatment Half’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter thereby destroying the; foundation of the disease, and giving the pa tient Strength by building up the constitution a ndassisting nature <n doing its work, fhe propne.ors have so much faith iu its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred cure. Dollar^fo^cin> testimonials, Address. F- J- CHENEY & CD., Toledo, O. by druggist, 75c. g&WSold Sand Kitlgre 3fencs. We are having some gloomy weather and this does -not suit the •occasion for those who are having to move. People are quite hasty m mov¬ ing about thi« fall. Times are hard and depressing. They'prob ab!y have n good excuse. Our community is quiet and [in good circumstances with plenty of fresh pork on hand, spare ribs, •back bones, sausages and chit¬ ling-. Mr. Jeff Bowman killed a fine .hog a few days back which pro¬ duced him over seven galons oi lard: i don’t think we could find any better country than this is at present, as every body is about on an equality. If there is any bet¬ ter ji st take me on to it right now. Yes .carry me far,.take me where Hard times never come by, Where pan cakes and honey flow like tears And sausages always nigh. Where rabbits always come in stews Ami crackers and cheese are never out. Where wise men ear without the fobls And cooks can never pout. Oh take mo before I got the gout In a country far from t own, Where coons end p°s sums run about With gravy all dripping down. Where I by chance will not have to work, v As some do night and day, Where I can hove just what I want For t-ha same have nothing to paV. Yes take me now I don’t complain, . Where poveiy is never found. And lack with .pleasure always reigrn, Where money doth abound. Yes where the most pretty girls My eve has ever seen, Domestic girls with bangs and curls Hang down their forehead seam. Yes take me to where all the folks Have everything nice to ve:\r, Where people never change their coats And will never burst and tear. Where tables set and well replqplyh fid For all to have a full supply, Where cihJdren waitjso well content¬ ed And babies never cry. Then take me to a colledge school Where those who study rise, Where thus ’tis said a silent fool t ■ Is surely considered wise. So take me where ladies of sweet, temper grow And telltales never talk, And people less by visiure know Than by their daily walk. Where doctor’s bills are unknown And traveling peddlers never ov/e. Where joy is peace not bought wit' gold, But sincere love, forget me not. F. K. ' Atlanta is making elaborate preparation to give Vice Presi¬ dent elect 4dSai E. Stevenson o royal reception on the 21st. Adlai will no doubt/ highly pleased with his trip . .tete ii. The*Agusta News, in an article or the soldier's home says: “Georgians can now look the c ]^ soldiers in the face, for pro vision has been made all around, The wo :ntied veterans have been peusiouedi the widows of the dead sokVers have been rernern ua, now the he r-e of rep ^eseiitatives have voted to , maintain . . toe soldier’s , hr and , me, ; 3u; *] t hv generous frit nd.s and o naiecl <0 ul.0 St*\t0. inis houic Vt -:i] } >9 opened to old soldiers who are enfeebled by age or with out families to care for them, and the state will provide *15,000 a year for this patriotic purpose. Of course the senates will fol low the larger and populapbranch of the legislature, and the gov ernor will confirm the assembly’s 'action. This is a great tribute to the general assembly, and espec tally to Hon. Wiliam H. Fleming. who framed and fought for his bill. Augusta is boubly proud of Fleming for his victory, and con gratuiates the legislators on doing'their duty to the old diers-. Qcasral Esaminat.foa. Notice is hereby given that Swur day the 17th day of December next i the time appointed by the sta school commissioner for the eaami nation of applicants for teachers ]>• cense. X will conduct the examina tion only for teachers who aro dents oi this county or those who cx pect to tench in Crawford comity. H. F. Sandejis, V. 8. C. (■ raw fo rd co u a ty. * ' ihc 1< i-h. will also be settle meat day with teachsrs. o2 JJtasoJatton. By mutual consent the firm o, Wifeon & Math ewe has dis-olvod and J. W. Mathews rot ei from. *J. b>. Wilson will be sob proprietor and Continue ' msin a 1 r. VV: Ison 1 s. ■ urn c s a Hit)'.'! e 11 e;; ness of the firm, and nows an accounts due the same. J. B. Wilson, J. W. Mathews. POP SALE. I otter for sale or easy terms t’v !T!en K. A: water plantation raw ford County, live miles iron Roberta. Apply to B. K.'Ray, 10-1-Jni Macon, Ga. NOTICE. I win visit Crnloden the 18ih <) ! December to see all parties in tin- neigUborhood Slaving business t tvanyact with me. I will .,<» in Kao vide every Friday and Satunte; until tae books close, Decenber £0ri’ J. JI. ,\xnuns, Tax Collector. S’ijiaacial Report of Treasurer of Kober!, For l5io Year of 1S85J. Received-as folllows : By Liquor license $ 400. Oi ; Finds by arrest"etc. 50. 9: I Street finds 15. 00 Total 8 485.9 Disbursements as follows: For marshal’s services: To J. F. Deni, 3 months and 9 days. $ 67. 39 „ E. II. McGee, 2 months and 23- days, 58. 9t „ E. E. Dent 5 month’s services,’ 100. Ou To deputy marshals: J. F Dent, E. S. Rowaii J. Sharp, Dote Math A VOL. l'. NO. 20. W. A. Ford, .50 “• To Streets: T. F. Mathews for lumber, 1. 60 ^ Wilson, ,, „ 1. Go ■ ^ impounding Hol^man for stock Tent; of 2 00 l0 I . Oiavton Harvey for w*>rk on Public will. „ Wjjjgm Harvey, * _ handle p r . lb • Drs. Jone^^a Kinney, medical attention to prison ' or f L m od r iianiett , recordin ‘ S fo . GO y A. J. Daniel!y, serk vices as mayor, 4-1. 00 k l e ^ couneilrffen, j.‘ 18. 00 W. Malpass, 12 . 00 M. H. Carnes, 12 . 00 J. W. Mathews, 18. 00 h. Danieliy, Clerk, 22. 00 ,j, + j $ 884. 9g DIVORCES UNKNOWN. When a Quaker is Ones Married it is For Life. Divorces are actually unknbwu among the Quakers, auc^ this h. mice is accounted for by tliq| when traordinary precautions empioj two young persons desire be united in marriage. The n ties place their proposals of m riage in a written form, v/hiSUnr ro ferred to the society of which they are members, and is acted there;>x. n P° n ^ a Ir ‘‘preparation all meeting” the attendant city cumstances are in every respect in accordance with the views of those and p-resent, - then cue proposal is approved, is introduced at the "monthly meeting/'’ when it is again of passed upon, and a commit tee investigation habits into the char cetera, and circumstances of dihosa engaged "twain is appointed. committees always consist -J. two uicmbers of each se£ The cotnutiuYg after a most thorough •-.v-.innTirtuon and investigation, makes its report, gone rally at the his end non hily meeting.” X s the peel try a i u< ip ants, am > *ty to proceed in the accomplishment. of their marriage, a coiiunittea. of two oli each sex baingappointed by ; m coiumitoo to s.oe ifc orderly con dacted, and the marriage certifi delivered to the recorder. As rule/the impressive ceremonies .-wo generally conducted at the ti.0 bride, though occa -emeu; u\ the "meeting. Attiio nupiiui given ceremonies the certificate is yccoiving.their m iho couple., signatures, arid, after own is in turn signed by every person present, and frequently contains a Imu-b-vA names. Engagements or T.. ! bug Home rings are barely given . —a. Journa 1. : . % Eoyai Feet. Qaoon Victoria’s shoe is.that oh a gouty old lady, and, although - roomy and comfortable, is not pretty, while Empress Eugenie, once tlih leader of feminine fashion ' of the civilized world, has now dis¬ pensed with those high heels which she was wont to affect in the days of her reign at the Tuiieries. ' The Queen of Portugal, like hep mother, the Countess do Faria has feet that-jin point of size and ' shape are in keeping with their masculine ways and appearance For one would scarcely expect a woman who smokes such huge and strong cigars as the Countess Jo Paris to own a dainty and ele¬ gant foot. Princess May of Tock’s small foot is inherited from her hand¬ some father, the Duke of Tech, a good man formerly looks, renowned for Ins orals. though not for his . ix The feet of the Princess of Wales, as well as those of her daughters - and her sister, the Ozarins of Rusvir, are narrow and long, but lack the arched inssep necessary to endow them with elegance. . «T . Queen Marguer ;o 1 of Italy, whoso pet ho hoy is collecting ' • « ous v.v ■■ n of .•:-• :< *vs. has. Vm all vomer, e U -v and so|p