Waycross headlight. (Waycross, Ga.) 1884-1???, January 13, 1886, Image 2

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r; ¥ WAYCR03S HEADLIGHT. WEDXESI)AV,” JAN.13. 1880 R :• The LircesT Town nrcufdtinu. The Urfffnt Comrijr Clrrnlntion. The largest Amend Clrmtatlm. Thm HEADLIGHT visit* more Horn*, find I* bX niorr IVoplp than any other faper piihll«lird In this Her! Ion. Official Organ of Chariton. Official Organ of Ware. ». K. I.AKIK1*. JAMES M. FIIKKM.IN. Editors. The Brunswick am] Western railroad will soon commence the building of nt\v machine shops at Brunswick. A bill to pension disabled Confederate marines and wid ows lms been introduced in the Virginia Legislature. “Well Wisher,” writing to th Valdosta Times, from Ilomer- ville, gives a glowing description of Christmas at the Crum House. Over the Sontfi. Louisville, Kentucky, bad twcutv-two murders in 1885. A store in Mobile was burglar ised of 45,000 cigars on Saturday - evening last. Over 20,000 LeConte pear trees have been sold in the vi cinity of Montgomery, Ala., j this year. | At Lynchburg. Vn., on the 4th. 'an old colored woman named Kas- ter Coles, ninety-odd years of age was burned to death. James Brigmnn.ofFlat Creek, near Asheville, S. C. killed a bear which weighed 300 pounds net, on Craggy mountain. fence is now building around the cnpitol grounds at Montgomery. Ala., and flowers are planted within the enclosure. There was one death only among tl.e whites of New Berne during the month of December, and only thirty-eight during the year. A m-w industry has sprung up at New Orleans. Heads of large fish are dried, mounted and sold for table and mantle ornaments. The silver dollar is just now attracting the country’s atten tion. Win n the county tackles | Vi* The Montgomery Advertiser calls attention to the fact that there is a standing reward of ... , , n i $5,000 for the arrest of fugitive tho nickle and copper you 11, Treilsurcr Viilcellt . bear from w.tUcn. j Tuskegee, Ala., had an oM. , . #r '* * 'fashioned tournament, of the Gen. Ikobcrt H. Anderson, of j knight and lance variety, on the Georgia, is going to have his po- j 1st inst., in which Mr. Willie Auer- Jiticnl disabilities relieved.— | croinbic took first prize. He’s right about that; we’d j The rush of negroes immigra- have Any thiny relieved that dis- l ' n ” ^ r " ,n t ^ ie Goldsboro section of English peas are in bloom in Aincrcus gardens. The last bar room in Clark county has been closed. Burke county lms a negro named Green Howel who is turning white in spots. The stalls in the meat market at Columbus were rented Monday for an aggregate of $1,327. The handsome residences of R. B. Leppard in Savannah was sold on Tuesday at SherilEs sale for $14, 000. The city council of LaGrange arc having all the China trees in the city limits dug up by the roots. Mr. J. U. Winn, of Wilcox county, made two thousand pounds of toed cotton on one acre of land. The county commissioners of Sumter county have resolved nut to issue liquor license during 18SG. A fleet of thirteen vessels was seen at Cook Bros, and U ppard & Co,*s wharves, Brunswick, one day last week. The bar-rooms in Lexington sold out every drop of whisky they had on hand before prohibi tion went into ofi'ect. The work on the Macon and Dub lin railroad, under the supervis ion of Engineer Jraig, is progress ing rapidly. Fifteen miles have been graded. The bronze artilleryman, nine feet high, cast for the top of the now armory of the Chatham Artill ery in Savannah is on its way to that city. It cost $575. Legal Ad vert (sing, * The Ordinary of Clinch conn- ty gives notice that the legal printing of his office will hereaf ter be done in this paper. THE 1.IUHTSEY JlTSTEBY. statesinents la Exoneration of Mr*.« Llthlier. Homerville, Ga., December 30.—[Special.] In the reports published some time ago con cerning the mysterious death of Jacob S. Lightsey it was intima ted that his domestic relations were unhappy. People in a po sition to know the exact facts de ny that such was the case and assert that Mrs. Lightsey hurt herself at all times in a «ifely manner. She was formerly a school teacher in Savannah, Ga., where she was well-knowu and highly respected. 1886.--18B6. WILLIAMS BEOS., VALDOSTA, GEORGIA, -» Calls especial attention to their new and beautiful rblcd us. Miss Lila Ifolzendorf, former ly of this place, was mutried on the 3rd of January to Mr. E. 11. Bertie, of Brunswick. The bride has many friends here who wish her a life of happiness. According to an old custom, cows were to have kneeled down on the night of January 5, but iis the railroad and sun-time didn't agree, the auimals were confused, and that part of the programme was postponed. Two families that left Sumter North Carolina, to the Georgia tur- j county a few weeks ago for Texas, pontine districts still continues, have written to friends in Amcri- Krom one to three car loads leave tens for money to return with Col. John C. Nichols, Blackshear, informs us that received u Christmas present from Mrs. Nichols iu the shape of u 13-pound girl buhy. _.\Vitli- iu the past three years this is the third. c ry day. Advices from the ugar-growing pa principal ishes of Lou isiana, says the sugar crop of 1885 has been harvested, and it is larger by 10 per cent, than that of 1884. The Carolina negroes shipping Arkansas are suf.bring from the LI. A woman died the other day of pneumonia contracted while waiting at the depot at Char lotte for the train. J. II. Ra il, the telephone left Orlando, Fla., im lunds which be taking with 1 longed to the company, Was ap prehended at Albany. Ga., and returned to Orlando by the officers of the law. lie is now awaiting his trial, and will probably have to pay the* penalty of his crime. "Mr. Bob Graham was in town Saturday and telegraphed to Balti more for a detective to ferret out ~ . } the mischievous miscreant who u iloy B Bryan, of Nashville, j let off the cannon cracker under They want to get back to old Gcor- Solieitor-Cencral DuBignon, of Savannah, has been selected to as sist the United States Attorney in prosecuting Thomas Johnson, of Montgomery county, moonshiner, when the trial comes up on the 20th. The commission, ofT. S. Ful ler, at Blackshear as a United States commissioner, has been re voked by order of Judge Speer, on the ground that he is not a useful officer. Judge Pilshury, of the County :»urt of Sumter, lias ordered the arrest of all organ grinders, bag pipe blowers, and tramps of all descriptions as vagrants. Jle has just sent Jacob Ferraro, a tramp to the «chaingang foe twelve months. Tenu., is on trial in tho crimi nal court for sending indecent letters through the mail. Sonn months ago wo received a letter that should have put its author on trial in a c rim mil court. his unsuspecting mule, on the foresaid Christmas eve, and wot the hoy or man when he over- ..ikes him.—Charlotte Observer. The county Intellij_ Driver, and wl idlest man in Lafayette ysthe Live Oak Florida is named Georg hen -in good health and fat, weighs but ty five pounds. He is sixty-fi fage, and is. the father of inch of whom ght He has twice, and hi: Charles "William?, colored, convicted of outragiug Mrs. Eliza J. Keen, in Cambridge, I five hearty sons, Md., was hanged last Fridav,— J v: ^ double his v U . .. . . * 1 been married e got away from this frozen vom ^. at is on » v aWlt _ globe iu time to spend “the coldj year old. spell” in a warmer dime. j serious accident occurred on . " ! the Blue Springs, Orange City 1\o learn that our friend, J.land Atlantic railway, at Blue M. Maud, has secured employ-1 '’pHngs Landing, Fla., last week. inent on the Dawson Jourmil,! In . ™><« « fnnton c ’ schooner at the wait with a lo on© of our most valued ox- jeomotivo, the engineer hacked too changes. Wo hope the engage-ihir and the scaffolding gave way. Blent may be mutually protita- T J ,C filing timbers seriously, not fatally, injured Mr. ble and permanent. The portrait of the sub-editor of th© Jesup Sentinel is display ed at the head of his locals over the head of “pick-ups.” Wo think, from his looks, that lit would “pick-up” anything he could get his hands on, even a grain of porn/ Special grapovino from Port- Jam], Me., says a man was ur* rested there recently for carry ing concealed weapons, and when tho prosecuting attorney was exhibiting tho weapon to tho jury it turned out to be an . , . , . . . , ho attacking parties, and infernal macniue, loaded wjlb j p rescott escaped. He had Fraud Smith, chief engineer of the road,and several others. Halted on the Highway. Mr. J«‘?se Prescott, one of the first citizens of Echols county, rode out to a turpentine farm near Statenville last week ami was overtaken on the road by darkness, on his return home. While riding along quietly parties unrecognized by him rushed out of the hushes hv the l oad side and attempted to seize his horse by the bridle, hut the horse was frightened and they missed their hold. Mr. Proscott was alone and unarmed, and a stiver© rap with the whip added to tho fright of tho startled an inn! aid lie plunged away and almost over ho attacking parties, and Mr. con- For failing to produce the in formation docket before the grand jury, Mayor Lester and Clcek Rebnrer, of Savannah, wi 1 ! answer foi; contempt of court at the Ma r ch tenn. The docket was wanted as evidence against prr- ties charged with keeping open tippling house on Sunday. In Augusta, Tuesday, Gilbert King a negro detective, endoavor- ed to arrest Arthur Moore, who was charged with having robbed j negro preacher of a small sum of money and a suit of clothes While on the way to the court house Kirg knocked the doteetiv down, took his club away from him and was beating him up pretty badly when a policeman arrived upon the scene and took him in At Halcyon dale, Bullock coun ty, Tuesday, a son of Thomas A. Hagir.s, was accdcntly shot and boost instantly killed by his older brother. The one killed was about ten years old and the other twelve. They took their father’s uii and went shooting without his knowledge and by some careless ness the gun went off. Almost its entire contents lodged in the un fortunate boy’s body. Palatka’s fisheries have grown more and more year by year until they have now become )>©r- manent and profitable. The choicest white shad here caught in large numV err and shipped to markets North, were they bring good prices. The local market is also always well supplied. Some idea may lie had of the extent of this industry here by a view from our wharves of the numberless lights which glimmer on the siver from the fish boats, the occupants of which arc busily engaged in hauling in nets. The ma‘h who has been prom enading the streets for the past few days with his hands in his pockets asking people, “Is it cold enougji for you?” is better this morning. Dr. Carswell his jaw-bone is broken, four of his frontteeth have been fish ed up from his stomach and he can see a little out of one eye. We had no idea we had such power in our left arm, but then, liis cheek was enough to call for powerful strokes. Please take warning. The Valdosta Times says, “It looks like a cyclone had struck Stump's advertisement in the W..YCROSS Headlight. You’ve got it wrong, friend Charles; the advertisement has gotten into a cyclone that will carry it before the people. The advertisement is one of the most attractive in the State. Special Tax is due on and af ter the 15th, of January, and those interested, intending to do business within the corporate limits of the town are earnestly requested to come forward and attend the same. II. P. Brewer, Clerk City Council. January J3, 1886. A man who was said to lie drunk and lying with an arm on one of tho rails of the Mem phis and Charleston railroad, near Hillsboro, Ala., had the arm cut oft* by a passing train going west one day last week. Mr. C. J. Jenkins will open school in this [dace next Mon day, the 18th inst. Mr. Jen kins is two well known to the public and comment is unncces- sarv. half a pipt of whisky. These; siderahle money on his person *‘»*P.ajK>iis” bmk like pistols, are' 5,n< * ,t ,? supposed that parties who Ainmiiir) *t. A i,;.* i . .keow he had it waylaid him with flamed ui tho hip-poeket and tho in t* nlion of robbing him! \\ lieu the owner meets a maul It had not been over ten days who needs‘shooting/ be thrusts'since a similar attempt had tho imizzle into the viafim'*! ,M “ en mn<,a u i v ' n Hr. Tt. M. month mill squirt* a gill u f r «l-d^ <K ' k,,e ‘ ,rt * of VnlJ " s,a - f< ” ifrom tho same place. Somo- * * *• I" '■hs-Uiiule -vith a brace of pistol* and a case before us the lawyer tJhlnVpi^i .louMu.lwrrclle.l gun, nn <I know the thing was loacluJ, mid, a hoop (hat will stand fire, Oirclossly getting a Unger on the to meet up with these trigger while tho muzzle w»s V *W ,,, ‘ 8 - j 1 •*» j f pointing to tho npei) ninuth of’ hC,r i tho Sleeping foreman of the jure, I , itwentoir, sending q fata! ioadj \ V e havejuel received * lot of down hi t roat, whuib oanscij a j new watches, which wo am offering retirement pfthe juryanda vor* j low down. Come and sec us. Of *i,ot guilty.* j LaxieR (S: Yorsiu?*, W- ■^r Lost. One bunch of keys. Finder will be liberally rewarded by re turning same to C. C. HARPER. T@ Frmtera. We are offering THE MIhLEX BEACON for sale at ti bargain—-n deed auvli a bargain has seldom been put upon the rnatket. Milien i?»a live railroad town ot bet* 800 and 1.000 inhabitants, located at th* juncMon or the Savannah & Augusta R. U aith tin* main bn the Central. It has unlimited pros- pevitv, and is surrounded by a I; and pepn'ons territory of fertile iai ds. Taken altogether, it is c of the best stands for h p*>pt*r in i .State. The paper has been cstulr lisiied t-vo months, d >es not owe t dollar and lias paid froni the initial minder, and is now offered for salt only because the proprietors have more business than they can prop arly manage. Addrress SULLIVAN BROS., Waynesboro, Gs. The Lightsey Myi-tery, In unother column will be found a telegram copied from the Atlanta Constitution, of Dee. 31st, ’So in which a denial is made to the charges written by a correspondent from Homer, viile about the death of Jacob Lightsey of this place sometime last year. The correspondent also made the statement that Mrs. Lightsey’* father had com mitted suicide some years previ ous, but such is not the case. Sir. Robert Kugent died of con gestive fever and was hurried in Laurel Grove Ccmelery, in Sa vannah, September 3rd, ’SI and was mmred to Waycross in Marcl/^^^ •, Awtlc* 4o Debtors and Creditors. AH persons having demands against the estate of Kiias D. Wal dron, late ot Ware county, deceas ed, aie herein* notified to render in their demands to the undersigned, according u. law; and all | eisons indebted to laid estate are required to make immediate payment. This January 6:b. CORA L. WALDRON, Administratrix estate Elias D. Wal dron, deceased. jn 13 prs fee 3 75. & 5 , NOTICE GDOBGIA^rCIlnch County. Notjir b hereby given that nfler thirty day». from the date or this notice all legal advertisements emi- nstihg from the Ordinary’s offiue of Cli.ieh county will be published in the W ay on .fcs IIeadugiit instead of the Valdosta Times, as recoin menn- do by the Grand jury ot the'county. M. 8. CORBITT, kvliieh they are offering: t.» deliver, free of bright at any railroad dcj.ot on n»eei|.t Of Ten Dollar*• Cash, •■>".1 iiXTtciI MJNlHLr HAYMiNVS -f K1VK D.ll.L \ KS eacll. iueluiling b.K.k and stool. We also oiler tl»e New Estey Piano, j" installments of $5U CASH, and from *j «10 to 15 per mouth. Repairing and Tuning Organs and Pianos made a apeciatyanl work guar.iuleed -ir no o’rnrg •. Oar b*r ns are reasonable, and all we sk is a fair and impartial trial, and we will prove that wc mean business Write us for spc^tfl prices of om‘ different styles of organs and pianos. sept!) Gin e s o g / H. L. BOONE, Valdosta, Georgia. Dealer m Hardware, Stoves, Stojve Fixtures, Mechanical Tools and Farmers’ Utensils, 1’orn-shoilers, Wliecl-baijrows, dhmc Mills and Nyrup Pans. -All kinds of PLOWS- always on Hand. Breech-loading Shot-guns ahd Rifles, Ammunition, etc., a large ami Aveil selectetLstuck/ Manufacturers of all kinds ot Tinware. Iron, Steel, Steam Fixtures and MILL SUPPLIES, Belting, etc. Our Stock is the largest in Southwest Georgia, and we defy competition. Buyers can always have their orders filled. Send to me for what you want. ^ septO-Gm-a 8 o g C. C. VARNEME, DEALER IM 4 eialties. of Millinery A Dress Goods ; n Southwest Georgia, from which oa.i select goods. Give i v trial and l will satisfied. sopl&-12m isogl FOLKS & 1886.--J1 is" ian 1st, I3|S. Onl j C. C. . atit Parker's Prick UuiihlM Wayemss.- < veep on hand a full stea k i,f Dif«-'- Druggists Sundries, Snaps. O'ls, Ci-ara, Tubaecu, Snufi, I’aient M.edicmes, 4c. A Full Lino o{ Fresh Garden mkm General Mercbkndi^fe, ValCusta, Benroa. One of the largest stocks in my line has recently been opened, and ire bargains ci»u be obtained. \ ' *) Millinery and Fancy Dress Goods and Custom-made Shoes ( Spe- Orders from the country solioited, and I will make it to the interest of to buy from me in preference to sending : farther! away from borne for goods which 1 sell at reason ale figures.^ 1 * ffiRVHRSaof the ]oett alocka l^eeds all Sad# water f mayl M