Waycross headlight. (Waycross, Ga.) 1884-1???, May 26, 1886, Image 1

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tANIER Sl YOUMANS, Proprietors. and Justice. $LQ0 Per Annum, in VOL 3. WAYCROSS, ail Western fi. B, YU JHmp. Onh Pullman Palace Buffet Sleeping Jacksonville to change. . Double The Greatest Blood Purifier Of The Age! Cannon Ball. The' Lv. Jacksonville. “ Callahan “ Waycroas M Atlanta 225 pm • 8( 420 pm 10 Lv Waycrosa 10:1 Ar Sclilatturvillo 10 i Ar Hoboken 11 - 44 Nnkunta. 11 i “ LuUtnn r ll "Atkifisop 11, ALBANY,CtA.; August171885.'" Dr. Whitehead: Dear Sir—I had a bad case of blood poison, which for two years 'defied all treatment. One bottle of P. P. P. made a permanent cure. John Gaffney. I had the rheumatism for five ino'nthsj and I took one bottle of I)r. Whitehead’s P. P. P. and it cured me sound and well, and I hesitate not to recommend it to those who desite a most excellent blood purifier. Respectfully, J. E. Smith. Waycross, Ga., July 30, 1885. Lake Cmr, Fla., Jan; 2d, '86. P. P. P. Mf’g. Co., Waycross, Ga.— Gentlemen : I had rheumatism for over 0 yeurs, und last May was taken down and confine to my bed—my feet and legs were badly swollen and the color 01 u red apple and I was in a fearful condition. I heard of P. P.-P. (Prickly Ash, Polk Root and Potassium) ana ■ after seeing what the ingredients were —as the formula is on the bottle—I con cluded to try it, and--after taking three small bottles I .was aote to go down town and attend to mv business, and I must say that I feel like another man.— Am now taking the large size and to day 1 believe tlutt I will soon be as like ly as; any man of 01 years of age can ex pect to be. A. C. Lang. Milton, Fla., Jan 20, J 8C. This is to certify that I have been af flicted with Scrofula or Blood Poison for a number of years. The best physi cians of. Mobile said nothing could be done for me. I also took a large quan tity of S.S. S. but found no relief in any thing that I took. My limbs were a mass of Ulcers, aiul when I was sent Jo a physician at Mobile my entire body was a mass of sores. I had given up all hopes, and as a last resort tried P. P. P. (Prickly-Ash Poke-Root and Potassium) and after using four bottles (small size), Ar, Cincinnati 0 30 p.'m . fl 50 i •Cincinnati Southern train awk^fog rival of this train. For tickets, Sleeping Car. Restil tions, Time Cards and other correct formation apply to any agent of the vannab, Florida and Western Railrc Cincinnati Southern Railway, E Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia R road. The three roads forming shortest Through Car Route to the S'c and West. B. 11. HOPKINS. Fla. Pass. Agent, Jacksonville, Fli At old StamTN. E. Cor. Bay & Ilogan i LANIER&Y0UMANS, the celebrated Southern Cbill and Fever Remedy Waycross, Georgia. Lulaton 44 816 a m Naliunta .880am Hoboken 44 8 58 a in Schlattervillo 9 15 a m Waycross arrive 9 55 a in WEST BOUND. Waycross leave 10 25 a m Wares boro arrive 10 45 a m Millwood 44 1112 a m Red Bluff 44 1124 am Pearson 44 1141 am Kirkland 44 11 52 am Weatoni 44 12 00 noon 68 mile post 44 12 05 p m Gray’s mill 4 * “ Wfllacoochee Alapaha * Vance ville 4 Tifton 4 There being such a great demand for Fever remedicH in this country, I have been making a special study of the different remedies used in malarial troubles ever since I have l»ccn in the drug business. I de termined lust Fall upon putting up some preparation that would cure the majority of cases o£ Fever, Ague, Chills, etc., and that would take the place of a great number of Northern and Western Fever and Ague remedies, believing that one living in this section is capable of preparing something that is better for the peculiar class of fever and the debilitating condition of the system that prevails during the ~ ** j have far OX- NOTICE. GEORGIA, Charlton Couuty. Whereof H. J. Roddenberry, 'administrat or > i John Sheffield, represents tu the Court: o> his loc ution duly iiir- lpl entered on record, that he has fully adfninis- PIANOS. .1210 pm 1215 o m 12 30 pm 12 48 pm 120aiu 1 32 pm 144pm 214am 2 12 p m 2 38 a m 2 27pm 252am 2 37am 300 pm 259pm 340 pm 400 p m KETUBNING. Albany, leave 5 00am 10 46pm Willingham -540am Poulain 44 6 58 a m til 37 p m Sumner 44 0 08 am tll^pm* TyTy * “ 023am «201am -Tiftpn 44 049am 1226am Vanceville “ 7 01 am Alapaha “ 7 43am 120am Willacoochee 44 811 a m Grays Mill *t 8 14 a m 98 mile post 44 820 am Westonia . 44 .. 8 26 a m Kirkland 44 8 35 a in PeWKwa, ‘‘ 844am . 222am Red Bluff •* 9 04am Millwood 44 9 14 a in Woresboro 44 939am , Waycross arrive 959am 3 38 am - t Stops on signal. • - FidliPah* Palace, Sleeping and.Matin. To be closed out regard less of Cost. Onr Annual Closing Out Sale, Preparatory to inventory. Listen to the story. Stock taking is the .time fot Bargains. Then we clear out generally and start new. 200 Pianos and Organs too many on hana. Mast part with them. .... Some used a few months only; some a year or so; some five years; some teh years. All in prime order, and 'many of them Repolished, Renovated, Re strung and made as nice as new. - Each and all are real bargains, suoh os comes along but once a year. . SPOT CASH buys cheapest,but we. give Very Easy Terms, if needed. * Write for CLOSINGOUT sale circular and mention this advertisement.’ tered said estate. /This* is, thci fore, to cite oil.' persons concet- cd, heirs and creditors, to she cause, if any they cap, why tn administrator should not: be di chared from his admistration ai receive letters of dismission < the first, Mondnv iu Julv, 1880. \t\.G. GIBSON, ftir 7,-Am Ordinary. Summer months. _ r-eeded my expectations— Last Spring I began to manufacture JENNINGS’ FEVER TONIC. Since which time I have put up Gents, Ladies tnd sold several thousand bottles, und IT HAS NEVER FAILED TO CURE in a single, instance. Meeting with’this unprecedented success I feel perfectly safe in placing a and Children, in GEORGIA—Ware-County. X . V 'Will Ik* sold on the. first Tuesday June next, between the legal ‘hour* sale, for esail, the following property 1 wit: One-half acre of laud, iii the toi of Waycross, hounded as follows: ( the north by lands of estate Of Dan Lott, ofiithe east by land of Ay M. Hie embottom, on the south bv Pine atr* Valdosta, i & IF. Jl SMITH & CO’S. TvV- 1RG4IN8 favor oftfeflte! the sores have entirely disappeared] ed the formula of Jcnninj and harmless. " ’ I place before the public only a few of the great number of unsolic ited certificates received in regard to its cures. tickets at B. r-'-—. — W. stations and save extra fare collected on the Unlimited rates for tickets Waycross to Albany $3 35. Points west at same proportion. J. A. McDuffie, A. A. Gaddis, Gen Pass Agt. Y r ice-Prcs and Gcn’l Maa’r, F. W. ANGIgR, .., A&’t Gen’l Pass ‘Agt. V. L. Stanton, Agent, .* Waycross, Ga. it a wonderful W Down bale Reduce Stock. CHARLTON COUNT Y ’ U.'KKTUUJ WILD LAND TAX SALES FOR Jl 188C. GEORGIA—Charlton County. Under land by virtue of sundiy fifas against unretumed wild lands Respectfully. Ei.iza Todd. I Two years ago I had the worst ulcer on my leg I ever saw. It had eaten down to the hone, and my whole leg lielow my knee and mV foot were swolen and inflamed. The hone was swolen and painful, mid discharged a most offensive matter. My physician said I had necrosis of the bone, and my leg would have to come off At this stage I commenced to take P. P .1*. also to bathe my leg with hot cas- tile soapsuds. It begun to improve at once and healed rapidjy, and is to-dnv a sound and useful leg. I think P. P. P. is all a man could ask as a blood purifier, as I have known it to cure somo terri ble cases of syphilis in a remarka bly short time. Asa Ammons. Jacksonville, Fla.; Ju1v1, 1885 Waycross, Ga., Nov. 15,1885. Dr. W. H. Whitehead : Dear Sii?—At yo’ur request I will-state my case. Some years ago I contracted malaria in its most vi olent form while living at Newark, N. J. I consulted various physicians and took numberless preparations recommended as “sure cures,” but it stuck to me like a brother—or more like a mother-in-law. I finally ■ came South, and while here tried new remidics said to “always” cure malaria, but. it still stuck to me, and you know the broken-down condition I was in when I came to you. You put me to taking Paints, Oils, Brushes, Pure White Lead, And Colors, The knife put in deep. Times hard. Stock too large. A $20,000 stock to be retailed at wholesale prices. An actual fact, Sec these prices: Accordeons—Six Keys, 50c; 8 keys 05c 10 keys, 90c; 1 stop, $125; 1 Stop, Truin- Dcts and CI&sdm.$2 25. Banjos—Caif head, 4 screws $175:8 screws, $2 75; Nickel Rim, 12 screws, $3; Same, 24 screws, $5. Oiolins, with complete outfits—Bow, case, strings, rosin, instructor, $350, $5, $750, $10. Euphouias—Wilh 4 tunes, only $6 50. The latest automatic instrument. Orguinetto and Orgonini Music—50 feet- for $100 post paid. * Our selection. sued by Jathan J. Stoke* tor in audio* said county o and the Statorof Georgia, I Druggist, Jasper, Fla. Mrs. £ Highsmith. DEALER IN Glass, •Putty, Varnishes, uimars, LeuoB, uonme masses, music Boxes, OrguinetteSjOrganlna*, Tambo- rines, Drams, Cornets, Trimmings, etc., all reduced down, down. Terms CASH, with Order. No Cred it Money refunded- if goods does not suit. Handsome Illustrated Catalogue. (65 pages) free to all. MUSIC BIYSK SWAY. . Send ten cent* in postage stamps, and. Has Just opened a large assortment John F. Latin, Conductor Roadway Train, S. F. & \V. Railway. F. R. & N. Railway ShofsJ Ella ville, Fin. ] Mr. T. Elbert Jennings, Jasper, Fla.: Dead Sib—I can safely and cheerfully recommend Jennings’ Spt uiSiuirMs, Consisting in pul of.. . DRYGOODS, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes GEORGIA—-Clinch County. -N.dtico is hereby given tli adV’ertlSihg emenating froi Ordinary’s office o/-’ this ( will, hereafter declone in tli pieces oi vAn.al, music, inu suecisize. Also, Catalogue of onr 10-cent Standard Music. Better bargains from ns than any. Northern Music House can give. Order Trade a Specialty. Customers in all the Southern Statos. Letters promptly answered. Address — <r L UDDEN & BATES’ Southern Music House, Sav’h,' Ga. april . dosta CROSS 1886. Times instead of the Headmoiit: ■ . This A] M. S!' CORBITT, On dren out oftlie ei ceased. Apjirais that purpose havi port iu tuv office, notice is hcrcbv.j Sash Weights CORDS, Oobbiiis House, L Dupont. liEORGiA...... Mrs. P. B. Dobbins, Pro. . Rates. S5 *)0 per .lay; epecia rates to railroad employees, and to regular hoardcra by the month or week. . .The house is new and new ly ’urnisi cd and the table supplied with the best the market affords. nov 25-.lv edgo. 7 - '■ * Gent's Mil Ms, . YANKEE NOTIONS, ; BUGGY EAEUESS, HARDWARE, TINWARE,'CROCKEnY- ' health as I ever was—is ! tee. Asa-rcmody for down ' equal. prniscnr at iny oftieu a. in., on the firs' Mi next. ■ Given olfieial si 1SSG. ■ apr • *T' ' Yours, etc., T. P. Cottle. ertify that I bad the rhea- three years. I had two • treat me; also took eight ■ size) of S. 8. S., and spent this March 291 O. GIB.SON, Ordinary. ©crews, Lime, Plaster, Hair, Cement, . Etc., Etc. Fla.—Dear Sin: JIv wife had the fever for 12 months, and I could get nettling to euro her until re cently, when siie used a bottle of Jennings’ Fever Tonic,which cured her immediately. I hnvc URcd sev- Sernl bottles of Fever Ton ic on my Sfarm, and am highly pleased with fit—it never fail* to cure. S Respectfully, j S. S. Sharp. a WinTE Sprixo, Fla.J White Lead, Varnishes, Linseed Oil, Colorings, - - ETC., ETC. Also a full Line of Gold, and Gold plaited ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell & Co., iu»n»p» Adv.rti~na 10 Spruo. St., N.W York. Bond tOcto. for PwpMo* sited JEWELRY^ GOLD AND Sll ELGIN Dickey’s PMS W WATER UcliovcM nt puce. • Cures flametlEyeH in a fef. jmin or il’anger. The bes tiou in the world. -.Brice ask for it. Have no* otht dealers. Ditk'ey aj»ril 7-86. ' “ B weak and in- jours without t’Eye prepara- on I v 25 cents: r. ‘Sold by all & Amiersun, ristol, Tenn.