The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, November 03, 1882, Image 5

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•f The True Citizen. WAYNESBORO, GA., FRIDAY, NOV. 8, 1882 Entered at the post office * 1 at Waynesboro, Ga., as second olass matter. COTTON STA TEMKNT. The fol!ow : ng is a sta'ement of the cotton received at this depot for the week ending Friday, November 3, 1882: To Savannah 905 bales. To Augusta 148 “ Total 1053 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF 1881-2, Oct. 1881 2,936 “ 1882 4,409 Prices to-day, Saturday, November 4 : Middling, 9i ; Low Middling, 8f ; Good Ordinary, 8; Ordinary, 7J. Market steady. DIED. Mr. Geo. E. Thomas died on Sunday morning. He leaves a devoted wife and two little children to mourn his death. —We are sorry to announce the death of Col. R. J. Boyd, editor of the News & Farmer, which occurred at his home in Louisvide, Ga., last Tuesday. Col. Boyd had many friends in Waynes boro. On last Sunday even'ng Mr. Ransom Lewis died in this place, at the ad vanced age of nearly 76 years. Mr. Lewis bad lived a long and a useful life, and is now gathered lo his fathers full of years and full of honors, and not a blemish mars the fair escutcheon of bis Eulogy could say no more. —8$e notice of tournament. -NEW GEORGIA SYRUP JUST RECEIVED AT 8. A. GRAY’8. FINE QUALITY. — See notice of application for local legislation. —Go to Hall’s Restaurant, for your meals, served in fir.-t-class style. —We are glad to learn that Oapt. A. M. Rodgers, after a serious illness, is recovering. —Give Ouivk Butter and Cotton Seed Oil atrial. For sale by S. A. Gray. Better than I.ARD AT HALF THE COST. —Mrs. Col. S. J. Bell sent us this morning one of the finest cucumbers we have seen this year, and we eat it for breakfast, and enjoyed it, too, despite the chills. —Mr. Robt. Palmer, of this county, has lost two grown daughters of hemorr hagie fever, one, Miss Lavinia Palmer, died in September, and the other, Mrs. Ebbie Hudson, dying Thursday night. —C. E. Scherer has the finest stock of oranRes, apples, and Malaga grapes in town, of which he makes a specialty, lie sells Malaga grapes for 35 cents per pound, or 3 pounds for one dollar, which would cost in any city 40 cents per pound. Go to Scherer and see for yourself. —The following is the number and classes of cases brought to the Novem ber term, 1882, of Burke Supoiior Court: Common Law suits, 23; Eq uity suits, 2; Divoree suits, 6, (1 white and 5 colored) Total 31. —The following uamed young ladies left on Monday to enter the Wes leyan Female College at Mac< n : Misess Lilia Ashton and Mamie How land. Waynesboro; Miss Cox, step daughter of Judge R. T. Jones, and Miss Lanier, daughter of Rev Dr. Lanier, of this comity ; and Miss Dan iel, daughter of J. 11. Daniel, Esq , of Millen. THE FAIR. While in Augusta a f w days ago, we learned that many of the merchan's of that city would place articles on ex bibition at our coming Fair. Savannah, too, will be well represented, fh the name of the Association we bid oil wcl come: Work on the grounds is being pi eased, and the Fair officers say they will be fully ready at the appointed time, the 6th of December. The follow ing liberal donations have been made ’ to the Fair Associa ion by the gent e- men named, for which the Association feels duly thankful: W. W. Gordon, Savannah, $100; Georgia Chemical Works, Augusta. $50. 'I he following let ter expY.n-itself, and reflects much oredit upon the donors : Savannah, Ga., Oct. 30, 1882. Maj W. A. Wilkins, Way e-- boro, Ga.—Dear Sir:—Yours of the 29th has been haded us by Mr. Mac kenzie, aud, we note with pleasure the ohjor't of your enterprise, to which we phdly subscribe ; and whenever your Treasurer ca’ls fo" b,you can pay him $200 for onr uecouut, notifying us of date of payment, and we will credit you here with same amount. Wishing you every success in the undertaking, and assur ng you of our hearty co-operation in the interest of anyihin: to promote the good and welfare of your county, are yours truly, Baldwin & Co. THE ACADEMY. The action of the Commissioner^ in electing Rev. C C. Spence as Principal of the ^0avnt sboio Academy meets the universal approval of our people. Our city possesses an ample number of chil dren to support the academy ; but with competent teachers, such ns are now to be placed in chorge, and the adop tion of a progressive sys era of education, the academy would at once control patronage sufficient from the county surrounding and adjoining counties to render Waynesboro one of the most important educational points in the State. A nd right here we must be al lowed to say, that it is the duty of ev ery parent and guardian concentrate their patronage upon the aoadeiny, so it may be enabled instantly to reach the highest point of usefulness. Mr Spence comes to us endorsed for char acter and capacity as an educator by the following distinguished gentlemen, whioh puts the grade of the school which we now have in prospect beyond a noradventure: Gov. Colquitt, Dr. Hay good, Compt. Gen. Wright, Prof. Stone, Prof. Calloway, Dr. Means, Judge llutohins and Hon. John F. Henderson. Besides the above strong endorsois of Mr. 8pence, we are permit ted to make publio the following letter from Rev. Dr. G. F. Pierce, whioh alone would have been sufficient: Monroe, Ga., Oct. 30, 1882. Maj. W. A. Wilkins—Dear Sir: My friend, Rev. Mr. Spence, I learn, applies for the sohool in Waynesboro. 1 beg to endorse bioa as a fit man, and * heartily recommend him to you. You will be pleased with him as a man, as a teiioher —as a preacher. I hope you wi 1 engage him, for I believe he will • l»o an acquisition to the community and the churoh. Youre truly, G. F. Pierce. —Go t*' Hsll « Restaurant where you can find the best 5 cent* cigar in town. —A horse belonging to Dr. Steiner was driven in town yesterday, (Friday] by a colored man, f om the Doctor s plantation, and just, between Evans it Thomas’ and W. McCatherns scores, he stopped, threw up his head, gazed at the engne at wo>k on the artesian well, feil to the ground and was dead in a few minutes. The question is what killed him 1 — We take the followin' from a Washington dispatch to the Atlanta Herald of he2dinst: “Thost S. B’anoh- ard has been commissioned postmaster at Waynesboro.” This announcement took our ent : re community by a sunrise, which has not been lessened by the statement of Mr. Grubbs, the present, incumbent, that he has not resigned and knows nothing about it. —We call attention to Dr. IJol- leyman’s new advertisement in to day's issue. I)r H'dlevman has a fuil line of drugs aud medicines for the s : ck. and for all diseases of this region he has the approved remedy. To the ladies be offers fine cologne, the most universally used perfume of the world. He also keeps on hand fine brands of oitrarsand tobacco. You a! I know Dr. Holleynmn. and know that when he advertises he means what he says; so read his adver tisement and call on him for what you need. —In auother column to-day will be found the advertisemeni of the old and long established furniture house of E G. Rogers, 549 Broad s reet. Mr Rogers invites our readers to call on him when they go to Augusta to buy furniture, and we can freely recommend Mr. R as a man at whose hands they will receive fair, horn st dealing. Mr. Rogers also keeps on hand a full line coffins, oasket*, etc., and we know of no place where you Can better suit yourself. Then remember the place, and give him a tiial. —-Dr. Polhill popped in on us a day or two ago, ami left a renewal of his stiver* tison.ent, which will be found in the usual place. And now, gentle reader, we advise you not to read that adver tisement, &nd ( caution you now hat be holds out every inducement to cause you to opend your money. But, if you will read his advertisement, we know of no oleverer gentleman or fairer deal- er with whom you can trade, if you are siok, he has the menicine to cure you ; if you love fine perfumes, he has them ; if your teeth are staiued, he has that whioh will whiten them; if your skin is tanned or frecked, his “bloom of youth” will mako it white and clear. Now you may read that advertisement. — We dropped into Mr. P. B. Hall’s restaurant last Saturday night, and were requested to take a seat. Not knowing what it all meant, we seated ourself to await future developments. A few minutes elapset}, when a couple of oyster stews, fixed up in Jim’s best style, were placed on the table before us and we and our business manager invited to test their qualities. Of course, we did ; and as each sucoooding oyster took its way * l to that bourne from whence no oyster return*,” it left a more lingering sens') of luxury upon the palate than the last. The meal over, we went into oouuuittee of the whole, and unanimously resolved that Hall fixed up the best oysters aud kept the nicest restuurant ever established in W aynesboro. T o p n Por COUGHS * COLDS. Coussens Honey of Tar, Tutt’a Expectorant., Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Boschee’s Cough Syrup, Bull’s Cough Syrup. Globe Flower Cough Syrup, Brown’s Trochee’s, McLean’s Cough and Lung Healing Globules, Syrup Squills, Svrup of Ipecac, etc., etc., at POLHILL’S. for THE LIVER. Ilerbine, Hill’s Hepatic Panacea, Herbarium Tonic, Simmon’s Liver Regulator, in bottles or packages, Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, Tutt’s Pil's’ Gilder’s Pills, McLeah’s Pills, Guion’s Pills, Brand ret h’* Pi'ls, Ayer’* Pill’s, etc., at POLHILL’S. Don’t forget to oon*ibt. v >ur interest and call at POLH 11.1/8. Q u a n t i TOILET ARTICLES. Stephanoti8 Cologne, Hoyt’s Co logne, Atwood’s Colognes, Lubina Extracts, all odors, Don*ina, for the teeth, Sofoiatious Tooth Powder, Sozodont, Oriental Tooth Paste, e'c. Magnolia Balm and Bloom of Youth for the complexion, Saunders Face Powder, Swan Down Powder, Lu- bios Powder, our own Powder. Sa tina Powder, etc., all at POLHILL’S The Sweet Mash and Crusher So- gar is pronounced by all the best se- gar in .town tor 5 cents at Polhills. Quinine, Morphine, CincoRiidia, Bhiue Mags, Salts, Sulphur, Sait Peter, <fcc., at bottom prices. jun23’82by. 3 J I J u iu O I $ o || JURY LISTS. GRAND JURY. J Z Brinson, W Wimberly, Robt Chandler, W O Crvines, W R Cox, J E Carswell, Thos Cates, R H Burton, J B Heath, S E Perkins, J F McEl- murray, James Brinson, R C Neelv, J W Rhodes, B F Bargeron, G A Green, G N Palmer. S A Gray, J T Reeves, Elias Bell. F M Allen. Hen-y W .Jones E A Carter, W F Walton, J R Rodgers .lames Atiaway, John W Reynolds, O G Tarver, Wm Chandler, E M Avrett, T J Button J J Boyd traverse' jury—1st week T A Tomlin, Nathan Smith, F F Jones, W A Mullen, J G Glisson, A 5 Redd, W W Cox, G W Godfee, G B Preskit*, R W Hillis, J F Bradshaw, James It Godbee, Abner Belcher, J M Godbee, li F Ellison, A G Hardwick, H H Hickman, J R Volaton. F M Cates R H Heath, I) J Dixon, W M Reynolds W T Atkinson. W It Lester. C D In man, J A Polhill, G O Buxton. R T Atkinson, Ed Fulcher, W R Chandler, Simeon Wimberly, G W Reeves, J W Carpenter, J W Cox, D J Smith. John Rogeis J E Murphey. R J Ellison, W T Moody, W.S Godbee. T H Jones, Dawson Buxton, A II Sconyers, T D Joiner, J B.Gregory, C H Hillis, Mar shall Perkins, G W Clarke traverse jury—2d week. N S Wal ace, W T Brinson, G B Roberson, T H Symes. A L Brown, B H Eye, Willis Armstrong, M E Green, B. W Hext. W J Hatcher, T J Tant, Wash Tiler, James Hillis, W J Cates, W B Avrett, II Y Joiner, Ja* Belcher, C W Hurst, J F B«xt »n, D B Dixon, H P Foster, Hany Jones, W R Allen, S L flllison. Id F Rogers, J G Green, M J Palmer, J A Lambert, L J Belt, W B Johnson, S C Wallace. L E Jones, R A Allen, B F Ellison, John Bargeron, T S Clark. ___ —Go to Hall’s Restaurant where oysters is served in every stvie. —On Tuesday evening Arshie Stokes colored, weighed up some cotton picked by Millie Bostick, colored,on Dr. Stai ner’s plantation, ami olaimed it as his #vork. On \V6dne.sday morning angry words passed between the doctor and Archie about the matter, the negro dur- ring the day making threats. < >n Wed nesday night the little store house, in which Dr. Steiner kept a few goods for sale to his hands, was fired and burned to the ground. Suspicion pointed strong ly to Archie and Freeman Cummings, colored, and the doctor came to town and procured warrants for their arrest. Constable J. A. Lawson weat out. to make the arrest, when Arohie Stokes gave leg bail, and was fired at by some one of the constable's par:y, and is sup posed to have been hit, but he made his eseupe. Freeman was brought to town, aud lodged in jail. —The Misses Branch, daughters of Rev. F. A. Branch, returned after a four months summer trip to North Georgia, on Tuesday night. S. SCHWARZ WEISS. Local Legislation. GEORGIA—Burks County. Notice U hereby given of an intention to apply for the passage ot a local or special bill at the pres ent session of the Legislature olsald State, to-wit: an act, to be entitled “An Act to repeal an act, entitled an aot to repeal an act, entitled an act t.o provide for the payment of certain Insolvent costs In the Augusta Judicial Circuit, approved February 15th, 1873, in so far as said act applies to the county of Burke, approved February 2ttth, 1877 " November 1st. 18®. nov3’8Ubt. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. We are authorized to announce the name of^G. A. Ward as a candidate for the office of Tax Collector at the ensuing ele’tion. sept. 22. J'OR CLERK OF BUPERlqR COURT. We are authorized to announce the name ofS. J. Bell'as a candidate for the office of Clerk of tho Superior Court at the ensuing election. Come nod See it! Not a whale, nor a mermaid, nor a wolly horse, a hap py man, mastodon, learned pig, hon est office-holder, sea-serpent, truth ful politician, fat woman, two-legged chicken, or anything of that sort, but one of the grandest displays of dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, caps, groceries, confectionery’s, etc., at S. Schwauzweiss’ ever before in Waynesboro. Come and seeit.--No reserved seats. Everybody invitet’, Bring a lunch and spend the day with us. for we are going to, make your visit a pleasant one. Bring the chil dren if they wish to come. We have ample room for all. Recognizing the fact that our ad vertising in The Citizen has done u« more good than any other paper we have ever used as an advertising medium, we now propose to tell the public through its columns what we have and how they will save mon ey by buying from us. S. ScHWARZWEISS. Look at these prices and see if I am not rightly acknowledged Leader of Low Prices: Calico, good quality, 5c.; i Yellow Homespun 6c., I Yel low Homespun 7c., 4 4 Yeliow Homespun 8c.; i Sea Island 5, 4 4 Sea Island 7, 8 and 9c.; the best 4-4 Bleaching at 10c. S. Schwarzwbiss. Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! Babies, Children’s, Misses’ Ladies’ B ys. Youths’ and Mfcn’s Shoes and Boots. The best and cheapest at the mamoth store ofS. Schwaraweisg. S. SCHWARZWEISS. Fair dealing helps trade more than fair weather, so,says Schwarzweis"' . C’othing! Cle thing ’ Clothes for big men. small men, tab men, young men, old men, for big boys, little' hoys, tall boys, smart boys, clothe* for everybody at Schwarzweiss’. Groceries! Groceries ! 1 The assortment of Canned Goods, Cra ers, Confectionery?, Sugar, Coffee* Rice, Grits, Meat, Meal, Flour, Rag ing and Ties, etc,, at S. Schwarz wtu*»’ to he found anywhere in town. Crockery { Glassware! We lv all kinds of Crockery, Tinws Woodenware GLssware. etc., y may want. If you don’t see wl you want ask for it. No trouble show goods. We hire clerks for tl business. S. Scbwarzweiss Schwarzweiss’ bar is the mogt mag' nificently fitted up bar in the State and when v«>u take a drink there you don’t feel like you were taking a dri* k ’round some corner. He keeps th< he?t of Wines, Liquors, Beers Ciders, Cigars, etc. septl,’82cm Ihe Old Established Furniture House • Of* IK GL Rogers, ■ 549 Broad Street, A.ugusta } Georgia,—■— — Has a large stock of Furniture, fine and medium r all latest styles aud bottom prices. « UNDERTAKING.—Full stock of wood and metallic cases constantly on hand. nov3’82am FOR SHERIFF. I announce niyselt as a oandidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff at the ensuing election for county officers, and respectfully solioit the support of the ( voters of Burke couuty. It eleoved I sha'l execute the duties of the office in ' the future that I hwe dune in the ;*aet. oct.18’82. B. Hauskler. FOR TAX RECEIVER. I announce myself a candidate for Recti \t>r Tux Returns for Burke county at the ensuing election fi r county officers ir> January next, and folieit the i-uppnrt • f the voters of county. W. S. Godbee. Oct.2U SuNpribe fi-r The Citizen.