The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, December 08, 1882, Image 5

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nr # r ilie True Citizen. V s A YN EH BO HO. 6A., FRIDAY, DEC. 8, 18W thitcred at the post office at Waynesboro, G«. as second class matter. THE FAIR. FIRST EXPOSITION OF THE BURKE AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. A GRAND SUCCESS. BURKE AND AUGUSTA VIE WITH EACH OTHER IN H A N DSOM E DI3 PL A YS The Fair opened on Wednesday, and lias been progressingsine . The weath er, though very cold for this latitude, ia clear, and upon the whole favorable.— The rush of work upon our office has rendered it impossible for as to visit the grounds only one day, (Thursday) and then wo hod a chanco to make only cursory observations. We. therefore, had to depend upon private sources for information. We propose here to give as full a report as all the reliable infor mation we can obtaiu will admit. The ladies’ department is fairly full, but not crowded. Among the articles on display, We saw many fancy works of merit, but was totally unable to find any one who could tell us what they were, or who were the exhibitors. The ladies will for this reason excuse U3 for omitting special mention. Dr. W. B. Jones, of the Birds- ville Seed Farm, near Herndon, this county, had oa display a splendid ar- ray of both field and garden seeds. By request, Dr. Jones furnishes us with the following catalogue of his exhibit* comprising sixty one var.eties: We uo i ooue to that old aud reliable ftria, .James U. Bailie ft So**. They had on exhibition one of the mo**flp'*a- di i displays of carpets, curtains, Rets, rugs, foot rests, and, indeed, samples of everything which tends to make the in side home comfortable or •legant. Let our people mark these notes, and learu where to plaoe their patronac*. Onr home merchants hwve made a most creditable display. Among th* most prominent and ex onsive exhibit ors. we notice S. Schvrarewets**, 8. A (iray, W. A. Wilkin & Co., and Evans & Thomas. We must again my that we have been totellv unable t* obtain any account of these exhibit# after ap ply i*g to every known soarco af ia formation tut could net get it. The babv show was a eonaplete suc cess There was a tiue array of lit is fo ks ou hand and we must be allowed to say that Burke county atm beat tha world on handsome babios The firs', prise was awarded ho little T. W. Nee ly. over one ye&> old, so# of Mr. R» C- Neely, aud the second pries* to Mitw Hat ie Milledge, under oue year old, daughter of ( apt. R. H. Milledge.— The prizes were delivered by Prof J. S. Rodgers in a neat little address in his own happy and inimitable style. One of the finest, if not the very b r st display on the ground, was that of tine poultry. We have not time to day to name the parties who contributed to this interesting feattre of the show.— YV e can only say that it showed some of the finest specimens of lewis we over saw. Messrs. Neely and Iiensoithad on exhibition some very fine varieties of game fowls, which are said to be of the purest blood, The exhibition of stock was meager. With the exception of a few h:gs aud cows, (which were fine) we saw none.— There was a better display of horses, mostly thoroughbreds—runners and trotters. Heggie Bros., of Augusta, hud a very fine span of carriage horses and a good saddle horse on exhibition. There were several fine trotters on tb# grounds, conspicuous among which wertt Mr. B Haeseler’s sorrel mare and Dr. T o p I u Quant i t f Far G0U3BS A 00 LBS. fJi'UWHOIt* li mey «*f Tar, Tutt’s Ex,»eot"rjin*, Avor’e Cherry Pectoral, B'vs (" on hi Svrup, Bull’s Cough S> r»n*. ‘ rlnhe Flower Cough Syrup, Brown -* Tr*>(di-< *s, McLean’s Cough and Lung Holding Globules, Syrup Squids Svnip of Ipecac, etc., etc., at POLHILl/H. far TBS LXY1B. Herhine, Hill’s Hepatic Panacea, Herbarium Tonic, Simmon’* Liver Remlr-t'r, in bottles or packages, \V -truer’s Sd'e Kidney and Liver Cure, Tint's Pili-* Gihler’s Pill*, McLean’s Pills, Guion’a Pil'e, Brandretb’s Pills, Ayer’s, Pill's. etc., at POLHILL’S. &T Don’t f*r;et to con*u : t your interest »i.d call at POLHILL’S TOILET ARTICLES- Rtepb-motifi (Vogue, HrvPs C>- logte, Atwood’* Cologne*. f dating Extract*, nil odors, Douti#*, far the teeth. S"fwuitioun Tooth Powder, Sozodont Oriental Tooth Paste, eta Magnolia Balm and Bloom of Youth for the complexion, Saunders Face Powder, Swan Down Powder, Lu~ bins Powder, our own Powder, Sa tina Powder, etc., all at POLHILLV The Sweet Mash and Crusher Se- gar i* pronounced by all the *e~- gar iu town for 5 cent# at PalhiJI*. Quinine. Morphine. Cinconadia, Bluue Mesa, S*Hp, Sulphur, Salt Peter, 4?c„ at. h"t(ora prices ju«23’82by a d i 4 u ai o ) | e n —Scherer ban the purest imported Sordines to be found ia Waynesboro. lUXIIMJJHU 1 ! WJ JIXJHHWKlgWaW S. SCHWARZ WEISS. S. SCHWAPxZWETS?. —Miss Emma Ratcliff, of Macon, is visiting Miss Julia Hall, of this city. 4 varieties of eorn 5 varielies » sweet potatoes, 6 varieties sorghum, 3 ! Polhill’s chestnut mare J varieties okr-, va; ie’ies of varieties of artechokes 7 varie ies Irish po atoes, I'ease. 1 varie’y ol cotton ^her oug) 1 variety of tomato, 2 v rieties of pep pers, ‘2 varieties watermelons varie ties canteloupes 1 varie y of oats, 1 va riety of rice, 1 variety of rye, 2 vari°ties co lurds, 1 variety of et/g plant, 1 va i ol v mustard 2 varieties radish 1 va riety ucern, 1 variety of clove ,1 va i- e!y of pearl meal, 1 variety pea grits. I vari ty of chufas 6 varie ies turnip*, I. variety of oyster plant, 2 varieties of beets and 1 one vane y of curro s.— "We noticed that the products of a 1 ihe ! uew^na er reporter sAeds named which the lateneg. of tin I ecu d uot gr it season allowed to be joeserved were! very fine. Tbe doctor doe* not claim to be an originator of new varieties of seeds, but to procure fine seeds. and keep them pure. He also thinU s that seeds from acclimatised plants produce the bes^^nd most perfect fruito of garden produc e. In the stock and poultry, the doc Kta - 2 pairs Reikshire h gs, 2 Essex hogs, 4 pairs Trives poultry, Jr brobs£ turkeys, and 1 pair of pbery ducks. The t ootor de |s much credit for kis ; dvanced £tnent. saw several other exhibits of lib lea and seeds, but could find ie ia eharge, and nobody whe loould give ui any informal i. n about ■them. Oar report tntul. therefore, lack [information whieh we would like to [give. George R. Lombard A < o., the great foundry men and machine men of jrgix, in care of Mr. W. P. Philips, their master mechanic, had % Splendid display. We noticed, 1 three roller iron-frame cane mill, and 2 roller wood en mill which must become common to our planters. We bad intended to give a lull catalagugue < f this firm’s display’s, bat both time and space forbid, we will -ndoavor in the near future to give our renders a short history of this deserving firm. Prominent among the exhibitors from Augusta, was the Georgia Chemical \t orka, consisting of handsome jars of samples of their well known brands of fertilizer's, to-wit: Mastodon, Potaps.- co. Low’s Georgia Formula, Dissolved Bone Phosphate, Potash and Acid Pboa- 1 hate, and chemicals used in their uian- i.faotnrcs. The exhibit was complete, and 1. • iu our '.ersoual knowledge of this firm, wo can fully endorse their exhib its. All these exhibi ts were in charge y! Mr. C. iVI. J’eok, who has proven house f to be an able representative of this great firm. Th roe, Deveney ft Co. Inal on dint lay a lino assortment of plantation and garden implements, consisting of harrows, corn shelters, oombinetiou hoe, rake and nitohfork, and, indeed, every th i»g in the way of improved garden and pi iiiation losls. Th<s« exhibitions m ost work a revolution is tbe use of iiW^igaieatfc. r fhe races were auiuteresting part of the show but we can give no report of them. The tou nament on Friday evening, was 'he event of ihe occaa on Mr. Lindsey June* wa» declared first knight, and had the honor of crowning the queen ()ury*ung friend Joe Thomas was second kuight. The tournament ha 1 was a grand success, where the la dies were fai , and the knights gellaat. We are fully aware that our report is meager autl ansati-factory ; but af er applying at all kuowu source* t* a for iaformatio*, we —Wc learn that Mr. John Jones happened to a very painful accident Friday morning by a colison of the horses in a running race at the Fair grounds. f -*Coacoanuts and a fine lot of delicious fruits Just received at Scherers. Also fresh vegetables. —Col. R. L. Gentry, representing that old reliable journal, the Savannah News, called upon us to-day. Ho is a good representative of a good papei.— What more need be said Far Weather. Fair De<*<ln£- Don’t fail to wek to spy thf Wsaderisl 91 a si cal Stick ft Dancing; Fiddler, For Sale by 8. SCHWAP.ZWEI8F. Come to the Fair, —Os Friday sight, from some cause aukuown, fire esssped snderneath the hearth, of Mr. M. B. Grsy’e dwelling, setting a sill on fire, which burned all sight, earning the hearth to fall in early flfctsrday morning, when it was extingui bed. —The attention of the ladies of Waynesboro are called to the fine and fresh lot of VhIh};* Grapes at Scherers for 35 cents a pound or 3 pounds for a dollar. A fresh supply just received. MARH1KD. On Weduesday evening, at the resi dence r.f the bride’s mother, Mr. C. F* Shewmake aud Miss A. ('ora Anderson, both f t i* city, Rev, F. A. Branch officia ing. W* tend r our eongra 1 il lation* to eur voung friend upon the winning of ao fair a priae, and bid him nurture with tender care tLe beautiful flower he ha* transplsted ft hi its pa rent home. Beauiiful is the- ordinance of marriage, sanctified by the Creator, aud happy may the live* of our young friends be, and when the end *h 11 come may their sun set with the mellow glow of s summer’s evemug.—Charleston pa pers please copy. On Sunday morning, at the residence of the bride’s father, Dr. W. H. Bax ley, near Heplusi Richmond county, by Rev. F. A. Branch, Mr. M. B. Gray, of Waynesboro asd Mis* Laura Baxley It is with pleasure that we grasp the hands of the young people, and sincere ly do we wish them all the happiness that falls to the lot of wedded lovo.— We bid the fair youug bride a welcome to our city, and hope that oo cloud may rise to dim the bright sky of her mar ried life, and when, hand in hand, they walk down the way of life, may their pathway be strewn with flowers. SCHnnULR. The following is itsohululn of tho arrival aud departure ol the pass tailor train at this depot: AKtiivAt, mr pahhknueii. Arrive at Wayimshoro from Augusta ...It :03 a. ru. " Milieu.... 3:31 p. in. at Augusta 4:40p. m. AKDIVAL KlUtlT I'ASSK.VOIIU. Arrive at Waynesboro from Ausustu. .13:41 a m. " Alilton.... H:f>9 u. in. at Augusta rt:lOa. m. AUI’.IVAL VltiUT VUKItJHT A V!> acpomokation train Arrive at Wayucsboro from Augusta . 0:31 p. m. " Milieu,... 5:10 u. ui. at Augusta 7:30 u. m. —Compliments of Mr. aud Mrs. M. B. Gray. Dec. 5tk, 1882. Accompanying the above eard were several generous slice of delicious wed ding eake, for wkisL our yousg ftiesds bay* osr thanks. Let as again say that we wish eur young fricuds a long and happy life THE WATXESBORO JEWELRY HOUSE- —One of the most enterorieing firm# in our town is I’eal ft Attaway These ventlemen are determined that Way nesboro shall have one of the beet and cheapest jewelry stores in Georgia, and have lately added one of the largest stocks of watches, clocks and jewelry ever seen in this city. Also, guns, pis tols, caps, cartridges, shot and powder. With a new and handsome stock on hantf? and improved tools, this house is prepared to execute all work neatly, cheaply, and in good style. For energy, pluck and vim we commend this firm to the citizens of old Burke as among the best and cheapest jewelry houses w# know of. nov!0T2tf. Aid buy your Clothing, Drv Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Gro ceries, Tinware, Crockery, a*->d Li quors of S. Schwarzweiss. His stock is complete in every particular. FAIR WARNING If vou fail to give 8. Schwarzweiss’ store a call before purchasing else where while visiting the Fair, vou will sorely regret it, as he is selling off his stock of goods at a bargain. I a in selling Goods, Fresh, Clean Goods. I h«ve no old shoddy *t *ck for you, and I am knocking the fi**t- tom clean out on prices, and “d n’t you forget it” while visiting the Fair. ' Will Sell for one week Only —When you cro to Augusta, go to Wm. Mullierin ft Co’s, to buy your shoes. tf. A large new arrival < f standard beet quality Prints at 6} cents per yard at. 8. Schwarzweiss’. POOR COPY S Schwa??,weiss has just veeaiverf anew lot of Christmas Geede, suck as: Toilet Sets, handeowic Work. B*>x *», Hand Satchel*, Opera G law* Wrring Paper in elegaut h©xe» at all (.rices, Toys, both cheap and eoetH. M u ideal Instrument* of ail fcUdfV The grandest afall--#. dfypjnt and handsome Musical Box. Hee the latest wonder a Muaiatf Sfeicfc at 8* Schwarz weiss.’ I insist that you sail aud examine my stock aud hear u»y priee# a#d become your own jttdgs*. I oiaml to be selling goods cheaper than you can buy them elsewhere, asd I will reduce my priee* duriag tbo Bair, «*» as all will have a change to have their wants supplied during that week. My ru’e ia to serve you politely, quick and cheap. 8. ScHWAJt^wrwss. Petition for Inc moration. -—Misaos Mat tin Blume and Lou Boilstou, of Blaokvillo, S. C., and Miss Sue Baxley, ef Hephzibuh, Ga., aro vim ting Mr. aud Mr*. H. B. Gray. STATE OPUBORGIA—Codvvt o* Buhkk To the Superior 1'ourt;*f Haiil roiinty. The petition of William A. WllkliiH, Simeon A Oray. Th urns MoEhmirray, Jamee ii. Miu>-, W. H. thnlbce, W. E. June*, A. G. White- head uml S. J. Hell, all of Halil eouuty, bIiowh that they, together with hu* Ii person.-* ai< now, or aiitv be hereafter associated willithna, desireto be Incorporated for the time of twenty > eat s, with theritfhtof renewal aocordltn? to law , under the nameof"The Agrioultufal Association of llurko.” That their place of doing Uusiiit'HS is and will be, in and near Waynesboro,In the county of Hurko, said State. The object oil heir Association, and the particular kind of bulmas* they propose to carry on ts th* having of Bfalrs, Hxpohitians or ICntertainmSnts at such ftiues us they may de sire. ano ohat'Kln* for sdiuission to the same for the purpose of profit, end otuMuravinir H«rt- eultural, mechanical and industrial pursei's, the raisin? of ia proved stock, th* development o* speed iu man and beast* aud the isstnietiou mid entortalnmont of tho while, at which times pre miums svl.l be offer* and |eiid. The capital stock of said AssoeiaMm to he ten thousand dol lars, of which sum tiiPe thousand dollars iuoasli 1 In. That they in'ay have officers, pass by-laws, not lav.-s of this .State and the at all the (lowers common t forth la tha Coda ol tteor- )d upon them and t licit- sue- ,. they pray that after this, oen duly UUd, recorded and rrrrs •? q ,7 P ii PLEASANT! SAFE! POSITIVE! hits been actually t>< power to elect the inconsistent with t/ Unitai States, am to oorporatlous, u «la, may be oottfi oousora, '.Vharef* their petition, has c '' , ’”?i'GONORRHOIGLEETtoo.“ e " w :v.h: teiiwaavsti i: / j .-a of Aieibaf uUU .Au---■ ..OI.I- ^ *,U- , ,.ioaptirTOt,.’< tho iaVb.*M»«f nf * . ,, , . * po-. t... .1 t.s I ...Vi;* .l.uA.u. , » ,1.1 - ■■ 'i f •■«.’ . ioo>.i..'ji<i«a»- -sl.t,', ,1 otVuli, V * vUu.:. y.-'i ^o*t '..- lr* v.o i,i i ’ . - l|io ecu ■!.. t(‘ • .*<1-.. -*144*1 1 1 >f ,*l.t uiij.-ir’d. v,; A, , ; >vl c_.»' s Ci-I... by .oWa I.i’iij.;,. . i • ■ 0.’ a i 'VKo. it l" • *- \ •« •".< r„ blj •r . . • -s ii--. ht G-J'i. .VU»> i.lid f'«V i t,., It"*:. A*•. . v - . ',V'-' v 't ui . .tjipl-. b».. .1 ■ or - . . .ii 1 t’. . t:«.i ,»0 fl.-u > i.'K b V ■ v> • • -1 t. .-i)ir.J> « • o'M ' tm-W* •n .. . • ... If -.1 *.». C . . „ 4 c>:, ... .1 — . . w i •* '-•* ■■-•<> up ■< til • • It or. i- .* 0 ■ 1 do A {.h'lMAiif i*ie.h> . : Wl*- psblleherl ss reiiulrod by luw, that said Court ‘ It tUget Also Prevents Contagion No loss of Time or cliaiisre of Diet Overwhelming salos. unmis takable ern es ami unbounded satisfaction An Agent wanted u> every city anti town In South Kent by express on receipt of price. Address BONKOCINE CO , •oft Agent# ecutnarc 'State# ATLANTA. Qa <■■■ V.c j i AV. f. • | " v -8 ■■ ♦.-1 »5:t J ii [j ' & it" may pass an order dedarluK their application sweated, and incorporating petitioners accurd- InxtoKtatuewi such cases tnude and providrd, anil petitioners will ever pray. &e. ” W PALMHH, ARLINGTON HOUSE ARBER SHOP. WILLIAMS 1* BltOWN, Paoe’s. H. B* .. Petitioners Attorney. Filed is »*MWb*r 7th. 1M2. a. J- bkll. atm. n. c. A trim extract tVom the mlnates or tuifce Su perior Itiiit, Dvimbtr 7th, 188S. —-■» 4D»hl.L, Clerk (f. C. D. 0. Wc bcj? leave to Inform tho citizens of Iturke aud the public Ronerally, that we have now formed u co-partnership, and comblued our two tarber shops. We thank the 1 ublio for past putrouuire and ask a continuance of the same Hair Cutting, Hair Dresaina, stiart nest artistic style. trlnv, etc., done rl \gmmi■****•**■*- :v> - * A.CT C'tRj^-CT.V’y O ;T(£J-(,..i' t* <u ; t t;>.-1/t.-.jj .). V IlfWii i/.Mr. .'f;. «*• t •1 .h, Hit, ■ .w<vpikfn, 1* * !l M/ii, . lutsd I'Ll htW i' tN-. t* i-i'-i. .),. n. ', ■’ .-■'tni.K\JLi' r-ejMi.'Titi ,u i.toi.i.e* »< 11I>. ;, o.,i-t i ii#(.i totidj m.- I-Vdta-.i V»*e. W : * • ’>• ‘ iJktViv V- - F ’■ t 4 % il