Newnan herald & advertiser. (Newnan, Ga.) 1909-1915, February 19, 1909, Image 1

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i NEWNAN HERALD & ADVERTISER VOL. XLIV. NEWNAN, GA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1909. NO. 21. ♦O 4>4> = C"C* = — 4 44 44 = 44 = 44 — 44 4* HEADQUARTERS FOR LOW PRICES On Groceries and Farm Supplies. We anticipated the market, and bought very heavily before the advance. We have now in stock— 400 barrels Flour at miller’s cost. 4,000 lbs. Tobacco at factory prices. 750 gallons pure Georgia Ribbon Cane Syrup. 1,000 gallons New Orleans Syrup, from the lowest to the highest grades. 3,0Q0 lbs. best Compound Lard, bought before the rise. We can do you good on this lot. Just Arrived. One car-load Texas Rust-proof Oats, one car-load 80-Day Burt Oats. Our stock of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes is complete. All farmers wanting supplies for their farms and tenants, either for cash or on time, will find it to their advantage to see before placing their ac counts for the new year T. G. Farmer & Sons Co. You are always welcome at our store. 4* 44 — 44 4*4* 4»4» 44 44 44 4*4* WAVAWAV WWVWVV'VW, ALFACORN For the past two years there has been general complaint in February and March about stock not eating. We have at last succeeded in finding a feed that will stop this talk. We offer the best-balanced feed on the market—ALFACORN. You may ask, what is Alfacorn? It is not a medicated stock food, but pure Alfalfa Meal, choice Corn and Wheat products. Al facorn is a green feed the year round, and an ideal mule and horse feed. It is the best dairy feed on the market. Alfacorn is the feed to use if your stock are sick. It is the best and cheapest feed if they are well. It is the best feed for brood mares. Alfacorn is a boon to the city horse, that long-suffering and patient animal who is tortured day after dav and year after year by the lack of what nature intendeed —A GREEN FEED. We have just received six hundred sacks of Alfacorn, and want you to give it a trial. H. C. Arnall Mdse. Co. PROMPT DELIVERY TELEPHONE 58 'VVVVVVVVVVVV Vr‘/,*,V/,‘,VA, HIS MOTHER AND DICKY. She’s a woman with a mission: ’tis her ambition to reform the world’s condition, you will please to understand. She’s a model of propriety, a leader in society, and has a ffreat variety of remedies at hand. Each a sovereign specific, with a title scientific, for the cure of things morbific that vex the people sore: For the swift alleviation of the evils of the na tion is her foreordained vocation on this sub lunary shore. And while thus she’s up and coming, always hur rying and humming—this reformer of re nown — Her neglected little Dicky, ragged, dirty, tough and tricky, with his fingers soiled and sticky, is the terror of the town. TOLD THE TRUTH FOR A DAY. 4 44 44 Resolution of n Man Who Would Be Square With Himself. This man made one New Year’s reso lution. He resolved that he would tell only the truth in small matters as well as in large. His idea was that he wanted to be square with himself. On New Year’s morning he went out for a little walk in his neighborhood. The first man he met was an acquaint ance who appeared to be quite proud of a somewhat ornate pair of newly ac quired tan shoes. “Swell kicks, eh?” said the acquaint ance to the man who had resolved to tell the truth. “Like ’em?” “Nope,” promptly replied the man who wanted to be square with himself. “I do not like them.” “Oh,you don’t, hey?” huffily inquired the acquaintance with the new tan shoes. "What’s the matter with ’em?” “Well,” replied the man who was de termined to tell the truth, “I think the shoes are too much embellished, as it were. Moreover, they are too striking a color and rather too youthful in gen eral effect for a man of ypur age.” “B’jinks, that’s a hot one to get right after breakfast,” said the acquaintance, decidedly miffed, and he picked up his feet in the new shoes and beat it down the street. The next person met up with by the resolver who was desirous of being square with himself was a middle-aged woman friend of his wife’s. As soon as the usual holiday greetings had been gone through with, she began at once about her idolized daughter. “Ethel,” she said, “is at the top of her class at the high school again, and everybody’s predicting such wonderful things for her. Oh, no; she will not become a bluestocking. I shall guard against that, but it is comforting to know that the darling is so extraordi narily clever. Have you ever met a more clever girl of her age than Ethel?” The resolver hated to do it, hut; “Yes,” he replied, “I have met quite a large number of young women whom I consider brighter and more clever than Miss Ethel. I do not say this in dis paragement of your daughter, please understand. I merely express my opinion in reply to your question.” Whereupon, of course, the mother of the remarkable Ethel took on an um- braged exterior that caused her to look like a hen with one chicken that sees a hawk circling only a short dis tance above the meadow. She went her way without even nodding goodbye. A little further down the street the (ruth-teller came upon an old and rath er fussy male friend. This old and fus sy friend a few days before had written ts a newspaper a half-column letter upon the alleged inefficiency of the street-cleaning service of his town. Naturally enough, he imagined that half the population must be excitedly buzzing about the brilliance, depth and research of that letter to the newspa per. “Er—d’je see that little thing in the ” naming the paper, “signed with m.v name, about the outrageous ineffi ciency of our street-cleaning service?” proudly inquired the old friend after the usual exchange of greetings. “Yes,” replied the resolver, “I read it.” “Did, eh?” said the old friend, ob viously pleased and Hushed up over his achievement. “Well, how d’je find it -O. K.?” “I cannot say that I did,” replied the truth-teller. “Wha-wha-what! You didn’t like it?” stammered the old friend, acutely chagrined, as thfe expression of his countenance clearly denoted. “No,” replied the resolver, “I did not care much for it.” “Er—would you be good enough to inform ms,” stiffly and somewhat flab- bergastedly inquired the old friend, “what you found in connection with that published letter of mine—a letter which all of my friends have mentioned to me in terms of approval if not of high praise—would you mind stating, sir, what you found in that letter that was objectionable?” “Oh, nothing at all objectionable,” replied the resolver. “Nothing like that at all.” “Then, sir, what ailed the letter?” “Well, since you press me upon that point, I found the letter dull, uninter esting, rather over-written as to the facts, a bit pompous and generally me diocre.” HON. JOS. M. BROWN, who is Newnan’s guest to-day. The old friend’s face became purple, and his mouth twitched as the resolver moved on his way, deeming it unwise and perhaps unkind to prolong the col loquy. Further along, the resolver came upon a rather over enthusiastic and garrulous little elderly lady just as the latter was emerging from a photograph gallery. “Why, how-de-do?” exclaimed the garrulous little woman friend. “I’ve just been getting my niece’s photo graphs. Here, I simply must show you one of them,” and she fished a packet of photographs out of her reti cule and exhibited one of them to the resolver. The photograph represented a young person with a somewhat snubbv nose and more or less invisible eyebrows and the peevish expression of countenance which many of the young persons of the present day imagine to be Gibsonish and fetching and chic. “Now, isn’t Emily, my niece, the most splendidly bee-yu-tiful creature in the whole wide world?” rapturously inquired the garrulous little elderly woman, holding up the photograph. He tried to duck the question by re maining silent as he examined the pic ture, but she wouldn’t stand for that silence. “Isn’t she,” persisted the elderly woman friend, "the most noble looking, the most triumphantly bee-yu-tiful girl you ever saw in all your born days?” and she looked squarely at the man who meart to tell nothing but the truth. “Well, no, I couldn’t go so far as to say that,” he replied, cornered. “Real ly. I could not in truthfulness go so far as that. ” “How?” snapped the garrulous wo man friend. “You don’t consider my niece, Emily, pretty?” "I did not sav that, I believe,” said the resolver. ”[ said that I did not consider her the most triumphantly beautiful girl that I ever saw in all my j born days.” “Well, you certainly are becoming peevish and intolerable as you grow older, and ’deed I should hate to be your wife. How I do pity the poor woman!” snapped the little okl wo man, chucking the photographs into her reticule. She went her way, mutteiing to her self, and her eyes agleatn with wrath. On his way home the resolver caught a seat on a surface car alongside a j neighbor of his who pays great atten tion to national politics. “Well, they can knock Teddy all they want to,” said this neighbor when ho got into the swing of his favorite topic, “but he’s the only incorruptible man in public life to-day. Am I right?” The resolver tried to duck that one, too, by remaining silent. “Say. look a-here, don’t you agree with me about Roosevelt?” inquired the neighbor with the politics bug, pressingly. “No,” then replied the resolver, “I do rot agree with you.” “Oh-ho, you don’t, hey?” testily in quired the neighbor. “Well, what causes you to disagree with me?” “There are many reasons why I dis agree with you,” replied the resolver. “For one thing. I never was a great admirer of Mr. Roosevelt. For anoth er, I know that there are a great many incorruptible men in American public life besides Mr. Roosevelt.” “Huh, and I thought all the time that you believed in honesty in poli tics. ” sniffed the neighbor. “I do,” replied the truth-teller. “Well, you’ve got a danged queer way of showing it, that's all I’ve got to say,” said the neighbor gruffly. The truth-teller is still standing by his one New Year’s resolution, but he is losing lots of friends, and no predic tion can he ventured as to how long he will last. Church Membership. New York Tribune. The growth of the Christian churches of the United States in the year 1008 was not so rapid as in any one of the preceding five years, according to sta tistics of all the religious bodies just compiled by Dr. H. K. Carroll, of New York. In the report are included only church members in the United States. In all Christian churches in this coun try—Protestant and Catholic —- there are now 34,288,543 members. Of this total 12,094,656 are credited to the Ro man Catholic church. In all the churches 720,047 communicants were added in 1908, far less than was the gain in 1907, which was reported as 1,- 241,286, but more than half of that to tal was credited to the Roman Catholic Church, whereas for 1908 the Roman Catholic increase is only 298,843. This leaves the total Protestant gains for the two years, respectively, 571,434 in 1907, and 421,804 in 1908. Compared with the results of the Government cen sus of 1890. the new figures show that in the eighteen years the number of communicants has grown from 20,- 618,307 to 84,282,643, an increase at the rate of 66 per cent. The number of ministers has grown from 111,036 to 166,725, an increase of 49 per cent. In 1880 there were 142,639 churches; now there are 218,049. Religious bodies having more than 25,000 communicants each, in order according to size, are: Roman Catholic 12,049,656 Methodist Episcopal 8,112,448 Baptist (South) 2,054.301 Baptist (colored) 1,864,877 1,749,899 1,278,259 1.274,725 1,187,356 884.553 858,323 721.553 672,049 683,106 147,118 350,000 289,328 Methodist (South) Presbyterian (North) Disciples of Christ Baptist (North) Protestant Episcopal African Methodist Congregationalist. Lutheran Synod Conference.. African Methodist (Zion) Lutheran General Council.... Latter-Day Saints (Mormon) Reformed (German) Lutheran General Synod 280,978 United Brethren 279,846 Presbyterian (South) 269,733 “ A few of the denominational bodies show decreases in membership as com pared with last year. The largest de crease is that of the Presbyterian church, North, for which 33,816 fewer communicants is reported than a year ago. The falling off is statistical rather than actual, however, for it is caused bv a readjustment of the num bers added from the Cumberland Pres byterian church. Notwithstanding the tendency of ex isting denominations to unite and fed erate their efforts, there are continual ly being added new denominations to the total in the United States. The Government census of 1890 reported 143 denominations. The present statistics show 155, an increase of 12. Six of these were reported for the first time this year. Three of them were created by division in the Disciples of Christ, the Church of the New Jerusalem, and the Christian Science Church. There is also a new Holiness body, a new one in the Methodist family, and a negro Christian body. Gossips Discuss Georgia Governor ship. Atlanta. Feb. 13.—Although it is more than four months before Gover nor-elect Jos. M. Brown will be inaugu rated, political gossips are already dis cussing posssible candidates for 1910. A few days ago the name of Hon. G. Gunby Jordan, the well-known cotton manufacturer of Columbus, was “prom inently mentioned” in connection with the Governorship in papers all over the State. Some of them published two- column pictures of Mr. Jordan, and people began to ask “What’s all this about G. Gunby Jordan running for Governor?” The trouble was taken to run the matter down, and it was found that it occurred something like this : It seems that the suggestion was made in the Columbus newspapers that Mr. Jor dan become a candidate, this being in espouse to a strong sentiment on the subject- a sentiment by no means lo cal. Nothing that was said or intima ted by Mr. Jordan authorized this friendly boom, but it simply originated among those who knew him best by reason of their knowledge of his fitness for the office. As a matter of fact, Mr. Jordan was in New York at the time, and in blissful ignorance of the fact that his name and the Governorship were being linked, until the Georgia papers reached him. It is stated au thoritatively that lie will not be a can didate. Almost as well founded, it ap pears, are the efforts to read into the race for Governor two years hence At torney-General John C. Hart and Com missioner of Agriculture T. G. Hudson. A couple of county papers in widely separated sections of the State com mented on the possible candidacies of these two well-known officials. An At lanta paper published the clippings simultaneously. The day following Mr. Hudson was called up by telephone. “That you, Tom?” asked Judge Hart, who was on the other end. “Hello, Judge; what can I do for you?” asked the Commissioner. “Just wanted to assure you that I will not oppose you in your race for Governor,” the Attorney-General re plied. “Well, you can have a free field so far as l am concerned,” the Commis sioner of Agriculture responded. Both made positive statements that there was absolutely no ground for connecting them with the race in any manner whatever. They are not can didates, they stated, anil their ambi tion does not run in that direction. "Why,” said Commissioner Hudson, “to tell you the truth, I like politics too well, and when a man gets through being Governor he has to quit being a politician, for he is out of it after that. I think for the present 1 would prefer to stay where I am.” Judge Hart expressed appreciation of the kindly expressions of his friends, but said he positively had no intentions or ambitions in that direction. The truth is, if there is any opposi tion tq Governor-elect Brown two years from now, it will come from the ar dent following ol Gov. Hoke Smith. Some of the friends of the latter confi dently believe that it is his purpose to oppose Mr. Brown two years hence, while others indulge the belief that Gov. Smith is going out after the U. S. Senatorship against Bacon. It is well- known that the Senatorship is his ulti mate political ambition. It is generally believed that Gov. Smith will return to the practice of law following the conclusion of his term. It has also been stated that he will go on the lecture platform. It is the G wernor’s purpose to deliver a lec ture at a number of points dealing with the South and its attitude during the war, hut it is said he does not contem plate taking the lecture platform in the sense usually understood. He has been in great demand as a lecturer and speaker, and there is no question that he will be frequently called upon iri that capacity. There is no doubt that Governor- elect Brown is entrenching himself strongly in the good graces of the peo ple, and while echoes of a stubborn op position to him are still heard now and thf-n, it is unquestioned that he is even stronger with the people as a whole than at the time of the primary which resulted in his election. If things go well, therefore, he will be a candidate difficult to defeat. His friends now consider that only the re turn of financial troubles, or some un fortunate error which they do not ex pect him to make, could defeat him for re-election. Many Women Praise This Remedy. If you have pains in the back. Uri nary, Bladder or Kidney trouble, and want a certain, pleasant herb cure for woman’s ills, try Morther Gray’s Aus- tralian-Leaf. It is a safe and never- failing regulator. At druggists or by mail 50c. Sample package FREE. Ad dress. The Mother Gray Co., LeRoy, N. Y. ’Tis a laudable ambition that aims at being better than your neighbor.