The Home journal. (Perry, GA.) 1877-1889, April 10, 1879, Image 3

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The‘fib'j&^ourit. TilURSDlX EP TOWN EJECTION NOTICE. n boa been suggested that in the ap proaching i)flnni.<:ipal ( election, tickets be printed with the names of each candi date tbereon, and abo at the bbttotn of tbo ticket the words, -“Preference for Marshal.” ’ Eacfoyoter. will fill ont ibe blank so as to obtain. the wishes of tbe tax payers of the -town, when the elected aldermen are expected to res pect the choice of the people! " ,v':. w. *:tmf We want necerto hear any more of that horrify eter business. 'if. ■ . — ■ • CoWa JPob Sale.—-Ten or. twelver good Milch Cows with young, calves, for sale cheap. . Apply to R R/Napieror J. O. WardlaW. Apt 10-4t L. M. Napier. LIBRARY NOTICE. Election of the Library Hall to-morrow evening. The temporary board of managers will meet at the hall this evening at 8 o’clock to transact important business. Persons-having charge or posses sion of the books of the Houston Liter ary Association and all who have books or other articles for use or , ornament to contribute will please bring them at ouce to tho Hall. ' . A. S; Giles, President. More Youths. Fine Suits for Boys and A. B. Schilling & Co. Married.—At the residence of tbe brides father, Mr. Daniel Smith, near Drayton in Dooly County, on the 3rd instant, by Rev. T. Lewis, Mr. Hugh L. Callioun, formerly of Houston Coun ty, to Miss Laiifa Smith. We tender onr friend our congratulations, and wish tbe happy conple a long life of joy mid prosperity. —How afe _ —One of oirc mdrefian' sold 1,600 bnshels of corn. —The fruit crop in Houston‘was noV injured by tbe late Arctic wave. —A hare was chased across the public square and Saturdays » ,,, tarn out and make a mil lion or so brick this snmmer when we have nothing else to do. -Mr. J. W. Clark sends ns some fine, T kj ^ j^ghts- of the specimejtBVbA &&& fc&rit&s Vmm? Iris; nnti Ross Hill place. Some of them are as large as hen eggs. i -v-ffheywara: dogp£gfatETOritfe>qpSbti ^akfl’-niotoa&^&Siatij^jSar&Worsliip- [Z.. ^ a. C3 — a J .. — 3 *l I I n 1 ili « L'/ii.t- TTn Haw f .ArlrwA lie square Saturday evening, and it may interest onr readers to know that the big dog was madeio.let blow! in his ear. ' - ‘ ; ■'■*- -■ —Mr. Wm. Means has onr thanks for several curiosities found while excava ting his mill race at Spoonville, among them a spjlendid specimen of _ pine or elm bark and a genuine clam solidly petrified. —An alarm 7 .-areosei^-ouS citi zens Saturday night. It was a servant’s house of Capt. H. L. Deptlard, and liad caught in the roof or ceiling near the chimney. It was soon extinguished, bat at first every one thought that the fatal hour for the bnsiness portion of Rerry! Keep. well, insured, ■ —The cold weather of Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last week was quite a surprise to our people, and many fine farly gardens lost their ten der vegetables. Nearly all that had been freshly worked or* holered with straw proved a total loss, and, these in low, moist situations "were the ’ worst' Personal.—Mr. Dudley Hughes and lady were in Perry on a visit this week. We had a call yesterday frdm* Rev. Mr. Reeves,-traveling agent of that splended religious paper tbe Atlanta He Christian Index caid Baptist, highly pleased witKour town. . , Mr. T. J. Cater 1 returned froth New York day before yesterday, being called homo siuldf nly by a telegram announc ing tbe serious illness of- Mrs. - Cater. We are glad to state that he found her much better, ■ Mr. E. T. Byington will, begin in a few days the publication of a new pa per in Port .Valley. ‘It Will-be' a -Semi- wecltlyand will be called the. Recorder. We wish the' clever ‘proprietor, and bis enterprise great success. uluI Peruvian Guano.— A few^hAspfGen uine Peruvian Guano-for'sale for 500 lbs of cbttbn per ton 1 2t. T. .M. Butner. Warning to ' Employees.—Essex Brown, colored, having hired to me for tbe jear 1879, and Laving left my sers vice without cause, this is to notify all persons harboring or - giving : him em ployment that they will be prosecuted to tbe extent'of the law. 2t. Patrick Smith. <> Keeps Best, Partly Made Shirts, also Shirts made to order at A. B.Schilltng & eo. A Large and fine Stock" of Ready Made clothing'and'" genis Furnishing Goods at A: B. -Schilling & co. sufferers. There'was, ice, in> Berry. d>ne- eighth of an inch thick, and every body had io get out their: winter bed clothing.,,, . —"We have many amateur fruit grow ers in this vicinity who take great pride in their young orchards. A horticnltn- pleasnre and be a source of many valu able conferences, and disseminate much nsefriLinformnlioh. QjSt’sifiiave onJTSb If you will join, hand in your name, and let’s organize at once-and. , t go, to Jit to, all interested. As it relieves our people from a burdensome and unjust tax, it will also greatly tend to increase work. We suggest the Craf meeting rCt the Court House on Saturday, the. 19th r _tizen and distinguished _asbir~dTecf trfrhis home in Fort Valley on Monday, evening last at two o’clock. He has been a great sufferer from pa ralysis and other ailments for the, pt$A two or three years. In early life Dr. Austin became a member of the Mystic Tiq, anddieriopk- a greatrinterest in Ma- onry tqithe erid.of his days. He im proved himself welTXn the principles and work of that ancient and honored order, and advanced through alt the grand encampments of the Knights Red Cross, until he attained the thirty-second degree, within one de gree of the very capstone of Masonic anr X- P. C. Smith, Clerk, in - !3!ie-Tcu#hr- the year, end ing April~1879. HA/* i/1 A V A3&TB HI Id smT/collec£eDfoTdafe "o riSrSate Mercha£&, ’ ~ ... $673 45 57 00 41250 24 SO fnl Master of the Fort Valley Dodge, , and High Priest of the Chapter at tiiat was named in his henor; was also at one time Deputy Grand Master of the Grand lodge of Georgia. He was not only an anthori- ity in Masonic History and literature, bat also in all the skill and handiwork of the cpift. A-nr4 ,. Dr, Austin a fine phyaciaa, and when his health permitted did a large lucrative practice. He was a faithful me ribeiTof the Methodist church, and a very-charitable man. His remains were interred with Ma sonic honors by his lodge, assisted by a delegation from tbe lodge at Perry, on Tuesday evening. Able and affecting- eulogies were pronounced by Dr. W. I. a large and one of the largest funeral processions we aver saw followed hu remains to their last resting-place- . Greepe and Dr. B. L. Ross to a I audience at tlie Methodist cliurch, TOBESOFKEE BRIDGE FREE. •The toll, gate at'Tobesofkee turnpike has no longer ai y terrors to the people, .'and the ■bridgi s are now as free as the air we breatoe. Tbe first payment of £2,500 was made by Bibb county on the second day ot April, and the old gate was swung open, and may now bang there and rot upon its useless hinges. We must congratnlate the ral society would gt eatly add to their .people of Macon, as well U3 the citizens of Houston and Crawford counties on the achievement of this much desired abject;’ and we bejieye tfie ; .tigemng of. the obstruction will be of mutual bene - inst., —It is estimated that hver fifteen hundred tons of guano lmve been pnr- ! ch.ase,<ISy the jdauterSiobr Houston - this season. We hear of several planters who are using tfropa : ‘twenty : to' • iliirty tons each, but generally onr farmers have onljrtiV&rtigkff*two WrraMraraJ and will follow the sensible plan _of using it alarge profit on tlj^ kBarfctrfliagmngs^ri to tbink that about iT-JchinmiSsioners’ Court j of krnMre. -Houston-county met in chambers this ril .71hj.lS79. . .. ,,, ' -3v • M.» Davisj - J-.- ‘W.'W imb er- l Toa5t$n>tfiised in Hdnstoiit fcetAiljr) must sffT & —The Eddies Aid Society of the Bap tist Church will. give a,strawbei^ry^festi val at‘the court lroiise ,‘on t|^. .night. of /bVlidcofid of May. To'the noble and .persistent work, of these ladi ;s Perry is-- indebted for the ne^ ebnreti, that. 4® A pride to every citizen of the -communiT one-eighth of the .ly-s W.'Mi Gordon-apd S..-G Broyynj pre- : re - orts until the buildings is A fine lot of cloth nnd cassimero on b»Dd, clothes Made to order at short notice arid low prices at A. B Schilling & co. Perky Wood Yard.—Wood in nriy quantity for sale at short notice. Ap ply to 2t. Geo. H. White. Insure your property against Fire and Lightning, with 2t. Geo. H. White, Good Thresh and Separator for Sale or exchange for grain. Terms reasona ble. Apply to W. L. Roberts, 2L Perry, Ga. The Latest Musical Wonder.—The Orguinette; representing Organ and Organist, Music and Musician. Not a toy, bnt the most marvelous musical instrument of the age. Plays from one to a thousand tunes. No limit to either kind or qnality. Plays Hymn Tunes, Popular Songs, Polkas, Waltzes, Reels, Quadrilles and Hobspites with perfect accuracy.- A mere child plat/ it Constructed on the prin ciple of a cabinet organ and plays au tomatically from tnnes on perforated Paper. In handsome ease, 2 ft. long, 1 ft- wide, 1 ft high. Price including Your Tunes, only §10. Extra tones 25 cents each. Guaranteed to give wore satisfaction for-the money than Send for descriptive circulars, ss. ' Ludden & Bates, Savannah, Gai Ad- 1 Chew Jackson’s Best Sweet Navy Tobacco. —Dec. 4th ly * , Tex the Home Journal Four months for 50 cents! — ' ,; ..... DENTAL NOTICE * Teeth extracted without^hiri! ‘Bean- ^fajkttificial teeth inserted, Abscessed Solites, Macon, Ga.—Dealers in rill kinds of Dental Goods. xliiir e: properly enclosed and^the grounds put in; proper shape and duly ., ornamented. ‘I n this 1 nrfible we. m'teud ed tri, speak i d £ ly of. U»e/eoming4esriyal^jn^“#fe^ttf^ say that ' tjie’. dailies oft :tlief different churches of ;, Pririy if(;:.riqbtlod,jlfl ^ore credit than they receive. j/The-Method- ist Churchhas'been^aiifl4oi^ely ;;pgint- pleasaut to notice that when these la dies give entertainrijeuts'forthese laud able purposes.onr citizens give them a liberal patroria^e ' Vrithout regard to sectarion connections. . --The regular annual election for Mayor grid Alderman of Perry will take place Saturday. Only, one ticket is in the field—the present Mayor and sever- al Alderman ^lavib'j* declined: tq‘ enter the race for re-eledfjon, i The choice for Marshal,has been suggested to be left to a voie^of the people. ' Perry . has been greatly improved ^during the last few years by, tire judicioris work of - its Gitj Councils, and^.th.e present board has added some very-important pieces, .the filling of ,the,iioIe near Mr. Jones, and the' embankment 1 on : the Macon rpad -whefe the old bridge Used ’ to be, besides other, street work. But we will have occasion to speak of this matter again. - the trade of Macoif. The Bibb county commissioners have done a good work, arid v,e are glad to commend their en terprise ap.d pluck in this matter. We {rresrime they will give the road across the causeway. some much needed at tention at an early day. ; ' COM NFRS’ COURT. sidinf r Minutes- of last meeting* read and confirmed. It is ordered that the Glerk notify the commissioners of roads of the ; up per and lower 11th districts to meet at “Old Wilna,” on Saturday- the 19th inst., to divide the working of the dis trict line road in said two districts, and apportion the same equally and fairly between both, districts. 'ercharidiseT and Personal Property. Collected on street tax. “ * “ liquor “ “ “ fines. “ “boardinghouses and 1 other special tax. 85 00 AND PLENTY; THE SCARBOROUGH. HOU^ hasrccpntlv'becir Jrt&nH*e«t- t»refj«i' ingnew; 6fe«ir *udi cwnJtort- farmsaed ^^eJ^thfimKkelaf- Ry-amt. CR. pd. Treas. as per §1,252 75 vouchers 1 to 17 §1,252 75 J.DI .Martin, Treasurer, In acconnt with Town of Petty fro in'April 15th, 1877, to April 9th, 1879. DR. To cash received from P. 0. Smith $1,252 75 To cash received from C.H, Moore, Mayor, 6 00 To cash received from John Smith, Marshal, 2 00 $1,259 75 By pd. debts old conncil; § 96 18 “ am’t pd for street work 350 671 “ “ ,! : mule board 135 50 “ “ lumber 38 63 “ “ ,r John Smith Mar shal, srlary. 93 16 Am’t, pd. C. H. Moore, May or; salary 100 00 Am’t, pd P. C. Smith, Clerk, salary-• 35 00 Am’t pd J .D. Martin, Troas. salary, 35 00 Am’t pd. W. L. Roberts, Marshal, salary 250 60 Am’t pd. on accounts. 101 32 “ “foreart 25 00 Cash to bal. 3 69 §1,259 75* The following is the amount of Real Estate, Personal Property and Mer chandise as appeais-on the tax books of the Town of Perry. This does not in clude the tax on liquor and other li censes. Real Estate §117,850 00 Personal Property, $11,652 00, Merchandise, §28,820 00. BUILDINGS AND LUMBER FOR SALE. Tbe buildings, lumber, etc., belOns- g to the Houston County Fair Associ ation of 1877 will be sold, to the highest uiddtM- for cash, before the court house door in Perry on trie 2nd Saturday in April 1879, for the pnrpose of ‘ paying (ho outstanding debts of said concern. This does not include any property of the Houston Fair Association of 1878. By thc.Exccufive Committee, tds. ki. W. Ha vis, Pres’t. 4 -jurists. A hack xrill meet and convey passengers snd boggage-ib and fromtlifi Hotel gratis. B. F. & W. J.\BOO% Proprietors. THE GETNUINE SR C. MeLANE’S Celebrated American WORM SPECIFIC stiTf SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. fJIHEcountenance is pale and leaden- -•- colored, with occasional flushes, of colored, with occasional flushes, of a circumscribed spot on one or. both cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pm -pils dilate; an azure, semicircle runs along the lower eye-lid; the nose is ir ritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds} a swelling of the upper lip ; occasional headache, with humming or tlirobbing of the ears; ah unusual secretion of. saliva; slimy Or furred tongue; breath very foul, particularly in the morning; appetite variable, sometimes voracious, with a gnawing sensation of the stom ach, at others, entirely gone; -fleeting pains in the stomach; occasional iiausea arid vomiting; violent pains throughout the abdomen; bowels ir- regular, at .times costive.; stools slimy; not unfrequently tinged with blood; belly swollen and hard; urine turbid; respiration occasionally difficult, and accompanied by hiccough ; . cough sometimes dry and convulsive; uneasy and disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth; temper variable, but gener ally irritable, &c. Whenever the above symptoms are found to exist, DR. C. McLANE’S VERMIFUGE will certainly effect a cure. IT DOES NOT CONTAIN MERCURY in any form: it is an innocent prepara tion, not capable of doing-the slightest injury to the most tc/idcr infant. The genuine Dr. McLane’s Ver mifuge bears the .signatures of C. Mc- Lane , arid ; Fleming Bros.’ i 6n- the. v/rapper. - LIVER PILLS PERRY*.MUNICIPALi ELECTION. Council Qe ambers, j - JP^rry, Ga.,' Mafcii 27,1879.- J , Ordered that J. W. Wimberly be ap- pointed’tO ftee ancTborifer with the au thorities of Dooly county in relation to bh.ilding a bridgri across Hog Crawl creek on the countVline road, near the plaritritipn.Of,S.P. Salter, and report at ‘tB.0'iaexfineeuplg.'t £ ■ - ‘ - -~ It :is the court that the amounts heretofore paicl'for keeping up Fac tory, $50; Honser & Son, §20; Lathrop & Co , §20; G. M. Feagiu, §20; D. W. Bnffj§20i'‘ i !n ♦*»«* » '••• 1 -j . On motion adjourned to the 1st Mori- day in May-next.. E. Jackson, C'erk. ‘ The reason : why Miller Gordon didn’t shoot off onr gnn is simply this: ,We had an advertisirig'due bill on the Remington Fire Arms Co., for a breech- loading shot gun for §li 50, to be good on paying $11 in . cash for a §22 50 gun; Before'showing the' due Lit! in New York Mr. Gordon in onr behalf, priced.- the gun, arid they effored to sell to him at wholesale ;j fjor §13 50, thus they only expected to pay §2 -50 in trade" tqr a §1150 advertisement. Mr. Gipr- tdon&tf ; plajnierm^^WajiaYfr dealt:,with several of those Yankee concerns who in goods, x k niTffi, oavannan, ua; ^ have almost inianaMy,found them Wholesale Southern Agentsi siririMers. We idea- until re-4 cently that the Remington concern would do so low ri trick. The ^ ice thi :t out of them to pay for the goods and _ ^ek'|hg 'ridyertisi::g for nothing.' LWe< haye‘> been giving them considerable space in om* waste' basket for several years, bat occasionally an apparently an ^ ncern will get away with ns.— We want only cash advertising iri the future. well known and reliable grocers proiisipii deuleis Coleman ^ Newsom, of Macon will shortly open a warehonso in connection- with their present busi ness, -and planters can make - arranger- merits with them to get provisions on rime on. the most favorable: terms. These gentlemen have built trp ail en- viuble repritatiori, rind they'sustain: iti. Mr:' G. W. WriglvJbj'walbfie thfeifFegh- er, and Mr, Nicholas Marshbrirne, Jr. 4 of Houston, wiU be always found at the store, and glad to see and wait on his friends; We commend this house to onr readers. Read their card and give them a call. The citizens of the town of Perry are hereby notified that'' the ' election for. Mayor and Aldermen of said town for the ensueing year will be held at the Court Honse on the second Saturday, (12th day,/ of April, 1879.- The polls will be open during the usual hoars. By order t.f the Council. C. H. Moore, Mayor. P. C. Smith, Clerk. Mason & Hamlin Organs. Endors- ed'by over 100,000 delighted purcha sers.—Not lowest priced, poorest arid dearest. But highest priced, best and cbeapes f . "Cost but little more than in ferior organs. Give five times the sat isfaction. Last twice as: long. Victors at all world’s exhibitions. Acknowl- edged bcsi by all disinterested and com petent musicians. Solid facts, indispu table, sack as no other organ maker iri the world can substantiate. Glorious news for purchasers. Grand inlrodnc- tion sale. Ne w styles. . New prices. 6 stops, Elegant Case, §80; Superb Mir ror Top Case, 10 stops, only §100- 15 days trial. Freight paid both. ways if organ don’t suit. Rented Until paid for. Delivered anywhere in the South for §4 extra. For ’ full. particulars ad dress Ludden & Bates, Savannah, Ga., Managers wholesale Sontherri Depot.— Price's at factory. Mar 20-4t. MUNICIPAL TICKET. •:' For Mayor, - G. W. KILLEN. ForAldenrien, ix. d. Day, ' F. S. GATED, P. C,. SMITH, J. G- DAVIS, F. A. JOBSON, I B. SCHILLING. Mar 27-tde. C. D. Anderson & Son.—This popu ? Lir'warehonse firm has removed fronk •Poplar Street, Macon, to the larger and,iuore ■ commodioMij war<^ipa5(|.-; on F°«th Street lateiyo^npfod by Mr. B«j where she L. Willingham. They will be pleased have their friendsAo .^give 4h«cfnffir qnartocs. - P. We call especial attention to the no tice of the new serial commence in wjrouDnaBarea giriHi'xa at the very head of the weekly, ii.teraiy The theory of freezing ont yellow fe ver germs on shipboard has been fully ancr unexpectedly tested. The United States steamer Plymouth left Boston on the 15ih ultimo for a cririsie to the.West Indies, She came from the West Indits nriin witli yellow fever onboard. are not recommended .as a remedy “for all the ills that flesh is heir to,” but in affections of the liver; and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia and Sick Headache, or diseases of that character, they stand without a rival. AGUE -A N D FEVER. M No better pathartic can be usedpreparatory to, or after taking Quinine. As a simple purgative they are unequaled. BEWARE OF ilSSITATIONS. - ,, The genuine are never srigar coated. "' Each box has a red'wax seal on the fid with the impression"Dr.'McI.ane’s Liver Pills. Each .wrapper hears the signatures, of C. Mc'I.Ane and Ki-fe^riNO Bros. ' ' . Insist upon'having the genuine Dr. C. Me-; Lane’s Livar Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh; 1’a., the market being full of imitations of the name McLane, spelled differently but same pronunciation. Is the fruitful Bonrce of jnanr-disesses,.promt- OYSfesiA, SICK-HEApACHE, COSTIVENEBS, ' PVSENTPiY, BILIOUS FEVER, AGUE AND. FEVER, " JAUNDICE, PILES, RHEUMATISM, KlDKEt COM PLAINT, COLIC, ETC. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loss of Appetite and ITausea, the bowels are costive, but sometimes alternate with looseness, Pain in the Head, accompanied with aDuIl sensation in ths bask part,Pam in the right side and under the shoulder- blade, fullness after eating, with a diain- eiination to exertion of body or mind, Irri- tability of temper, Low spirits, Loss ot memory,with a feeling oi having neglected some duty, General weariness; Dizziness, Muttering at the Heart. Dots before the eyes, Yellow Sirin, Headache generally over the right eye, Hegtlesariesa at night with fitful dreams, highly colored tfxine. IF THESE WAEHIKGS ABE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. £ TifTT^ » 81 "ZSTfJ -D*r - 3 u W; folfl H-W03 hxu Wjdqrei .u]iw arJ tst j ■PKniiL'F, witb a complete ^tock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, DRY GOODS, SHOES AND HATS, Which" lie proposes to sell as cheap as" any other honse in Perry for Cash. All persons wanting goods on Time must make giood papers—such as I can use* :: . . • containing : . Sixty-Four CoLUltNS. ted iii filled nit with select i The Latest News, obtained at vast expense, from eVurir quarter of the globe, and: much that id interesting to. FARMERS, JIECHANICS, PROFEiD SIGNAL MEN and every class in the c'ommnnit|*. thO tone of the paper, while strictly and sternly democratic, _ •- isyet-Moraly- Gouser?atiye.andu Decof* OOri. J -" ^ ■‘i \•- -* •-■>. ,w..u m —»gl!! Thq WEEKLY TELEGRAPH cir lates large]y_in Georgia, Florida, Ala- I will also at all times m season , nTU i * keep FRESH BEEF, MUTTON, trad bam *’ lc f s ^ KIDS; as I expect to keep np‘ a regular J number of copies even Uio.s. meat market, arid ask all the people to patronize and encourage mo to do so. J. W. MANN. FURNITURE_FRE!€HT FREE j^n entirely new and elegant stock op- titizeri in Middle, Southern and South* western GeOreia. fust received and for sale at Fo prices. . BUY AT HOME. and are read on the Rnropi *a conti* aent. * .. • : •. re.——•. ■ It is offiphaticftliy ." • fo THE PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE I and suouklbe in the household oPevery western Georgia. NOW is THE TIME TO J TERMS, only §2 per annnm; ^asb f bee of; postage-. ’ itffl’dtfe Address,.with the money/. - GLISBY, JONES & BEERS, Editors and Publishprs. . ' MAGON; GA, A Hearse call be flirnished f 6 order at any time on short notice. I can be. found in tbe day time at my store, next to the hotel; at night at my residence adjoining Dr. Hans. Furniture Order. and repaired at short notice. Burial Clothes, ready made, for ladies, gentlemen and children. BARRETS UNRIVALLED SPRING BEDS. G-ISO X£Gr3F2 Ifo-VTrjfo, PERRY, GEOBCilA.. j^/^Y KTJRSERY STOCK is Very large and fine this VJL season, and if you wish, to plant acclimated rees and such varieties as are best adapted to home id market uses, yon can procure tktm at tho t il - wing e ctraordmary low prices: fhice iiisTi APPLES. Single Trees Per 'Hundred-.... PEACHES. Siagle.Traos. Por Hundred . S 15. 12 00. PEAKS. Standard Tw,.years old.... . ......50 cents caob. On*' “ .30 tents each. Dwarf Two Years Old...., ...ill.... .-tOc^nta each. One “ '. 25cents eadh. 4 Lecount or Chinese Sand Pear $100 each. Pomegranates and Grapes. 2S cents Plums, Q'linces; Mulberries and Figs.... 25 cents Kira wherries.—PerHundred, 1;00 “ “ rheusan'd............ .8.00 Special Rates Given for Large Ordera, Descriptive Catalogue sent free on application. Address GEORGiA—HorsxoS CoifNf-f: 1 A. ,T. Todd ana R.-M; Kiiffc AaminUUttbrs of John King of said comity deceased, »h/rvo ap* ir dismiasion from their trust 1 *■ lil, niis i8 tlicrefora "to cite ali persons concerned i appear at the Hay Term .1879^0/ the Court of Oiv dinary of said connty. and show ouiso if tally they liave why said application should not bp gyantdcl W itness uiy otileial signature'this Jan- 16,1375 3m, • A. S’. GILES,-OgdinOry' GEORGIA—Houston County:a E. II. Wimberly, radministrator, df A.H. Wim herly, of said. county, ileeearcd; has ap^ plied for dismiamoii'from his trust: 7--} This is there ore to pit® all persons cpncprncd ta ’erm ISWof the Court of Ordi- appear at the April Term nary of said comity aid Show have why said application shot Witness -lhj ■ oOieial signs tore A. 8.QILES,Ordinary, 3m BOOKW ALTER ENGINE. TM : s N 7r*ft« • -Compact, substantial, econom ical and easily manages. GnUr* ' autced to work well and give fid! power Claimed. The,engine and Boiler complete, including ’governor.' pump, etc/ (and box ing) at the lpw price of 3 Horse Power,' - ‘.$216 00 iii - -i!MS0C 6« «' ' - * ' : 31500 JAME3LEFFEL & CO:, Spring field, Ohio. "... HW HARNESS SHOP J.F;HUmKhRE^ -.l'r ?o tlo/.-n -ill nhflrw li j;ah<l Perryj * » - '-t GcWgla- in'Perry nextilior'to the stor« i., I rcspectfnlly solicit a liberal H AVlNfa locatwl in Pei of Moore A Er •hare of the public patronage. I keep on hand SADDLES, ' ' ' ''' " fo: A I»r> ca SAMUEL II. IUIiHPff, Willow Lake tJniserv, ’ Marshallville, Ga. Or T. O. SKELLIE, Fort Valley, Ga. ' brYdLes, or make them to'order. XL Neatly and promptly done. PRICES IrOW- B'E(>W ; »,SHOTJ;'E Immediately opposite Passenger Depot, are especially adapted to such . cases, a single dose affects such a change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. * nnglily famtgated and frozen, and i port she; remained until start- ^~ -1 r present .ernise./ When she miles ;^| 5outhsast_ of 'the Bermndas two eases of long’ broke' oaVon.: li'er, • showing that anc .. , . . L1 . JM derson isaniostexcellept,basin ess mair and^on the 2d of April anchored at Nod- of the most;geiiial, clever. gen- a^awptn^ftrevard Sound, where she tlemeni We .eyeDmet : \ ay/aits orders from the gcryernmerit. tore compounded from anbatunccis that are free from any properties that can injure tbe most delicate organization. They Search, Cleanse, Purify, and luvifforase the entire System. By relierinit the cn- gorged IJrcr, they cleanse the blood from poisonous humors, and thus impart health aad vitality to the body, causing the bowels to art nr.t::rp.I!y, vritheut which no one can fsei well. E.JE. BROWN, PROPRlEiaR J, Ilf II a- H A Noted Divine says: Dr. TUTT:—Dear Sir; For ten jean I h*ro beea a martjt to DjBptsjwia, Constipation and Plica. Last, Spxinjr yonr Pills were recommended to me ; I need them ( bat with little f dth). I am now a well man, ‘ ~ r “ * “ ' rfrct,r»ynUrrto.*ls, : Their first effect is to Increase the Apprtile, and cause the body to Take on Flesh, thus the BTstczu is nonrlxhed, and by their Tonic Ac tion on the Digestive Orpins, liegidar Stools are produced. 1 DRi J, F, HAYWOOD, OF KEW YOHK, SAYS*- “Few diseases exist that cannot bo renered by re- Biasing the liver to its norms! functions, and for thispnrposano remedy has fTerhecg irrrented that haa as happj an c-aect as TDTPS PILLS.” - SOLD EVERYWHERE, PRICE 25 CENTS. Office 35 Tlarray Street,- New - York. tST Dr. TUTT’S MANUAL of Talnabln Infor- 7 Trill bemniled/rtw Ko. 200—Yront View. aedt el rjqo zso.h- iii^vK -tin <i\v i seer So. ICO—Baeic View. j-_ . - •» • . . Vi, : i ■; ■ill x'(jlrroig "l -Tfo re.? P. ufi :-! xidkt<